Creating rush demand for products. See pages where the term rush demand is mentioned. How are things going with this in Russia?

Since childhood, Jack London's story about the gold rush has stuck in my memory. Remember, a stern man took a ransom in gold for his runaway wife, and poured it into an ice hole, and someone saw a gold mine...

How does rush demand arise in the market? Scroll through the sources on the Internet, and you will find out the theory: it is stimulated by some event (a factory burned down, a mine ran out, a revolution happened) or a shortage.

Recently I also poured gold into an ice hole, in the sense of pooping on someone. Not on purpose! I swear that's what happened. However, it’s better in order. I'm a knowledge worker, but instead of a hobby, I've been building something all my life. Yes, with my hands, worn out with a keyboard and a mouse, I lay concrete, foam blocks, bricks - I do everything that is needed for construction. He built dachas, gas stations, tire shops... and then, towards retirement, he ended up building his own house. For three years, little by little it grew, and since this spring I have been roofing every weekend. I don’t have time to do much, but things are moving.
Since winter I haven’t been able to resolve the issue of how to install an exit to the roof. At first I didn’t want to do it at all. It seemed that I would cover the house well, and I wouldn’t climb onto the roof for twenty years. Then common sense took over. I won’t do twenty, but maybe later in my eighties I’ll need it. And what? I really decided to make a dormer window, but my neighbor talked me out of it.
- Why do you need these hemorrhoids with extra holes and valleys? Buy a ready-made sunroof window! – he advised.

I started searching. I found a brochure in the store and tried to order it there, but the manager turned out to be slow. A work week has passed since the order, I arrive on Saturday, but there is no window. There is nothing to do, I turned to the online store. In one, in another, in a third... nowhere can they really answer my questions, but they offer what is more expensive. I'm tired of saying the same thing over and over again. He put the request-order in writing and posted it on the World Wide Web. A round order, so to speak. Remember, earlier power engineers did rolling blackouts, but I performed a rolling connection to solve my problem.

No. I got excited, I'm getting better. I didn’t throw it into the entire web, but only into that part of the network that was “dot ru”.

The network is hidden. Only a day later the first answer came. It’s also an insinuating question: “Dear, maybe you’ll take a dormer window? They are available, but there are no attic ones. They must be ordered."
Yeah. Why do I need an attic for 15 thousand if I want to buy it for half the price? I strictly advise you to order what I need, and not offer what you have. I'm waiting for other signals.
And he waited. They started calling from different places, inquiring, and clarifying the parameters. And time goes by! I found the addresses of real stores, since virtual ones cannot sell a real window. The two ended up next to each other, literally across the road. Had arrived. In the first, the girl looked up from the computer. All attention! He looks at you faithfully, like a friend. Or like a dog. However, it's the same thing.
- You offer hatch windows for access from an unheated attic to the roof! - I tell her firmly.
- We? – Her eyes widen in fear. I shouldn’t have rounded, they’re already big. But why should I care about the size of her eyes if I came outside the window. Besides for a little.
The girl takes the booklet and begins to diligently search for the product. Well-groomed paws quickly flipped through the pages. The rimmed eyes stumbled upon a familiar word. Plump lips said without flinching:
- Here! I can offer you a window for 23 thousand...
“Expensive,” I cut off my attempt to empty my pocket. You can’t take us with your paws, eyes, and sponges. Age and experience! We pranced away and got out of the habit. And you don’t have to eat through the eyes of the client. – I ask for a hatch-window, not a window.
- Are there such things? – the interlocutor is amazed.
- There are. And there is. Look at page 16. Above! Below!! – I pointed my thin finger like a navigator at the desired picture.
- Oh! True, there are. I’ll look at the price now... - I looked and lowered my requests. - Twelve thousand. Will you order?
“I will, if the delivery time suits me,” I decide not to press on. Autumn is coming, it’s raining, and a piece of my roof is looking up at the sky with a hole.
The fingers ignored the regular phone and danced on the mobile phone.
“You’ll get it next week,” she made me happy.
- Where to get it?
- Here.
“I’ll come tomorrow with the money, we’ll place the order,” I reassure the girl and leave.

The normal male approach is to promise one and marry the other. I expect to find a place where it’s cheaper and faster. In the second store I was greeted like family. And they listened carefully. Like a pulmonologist, the breathing of a hopeless patient. But they didn’t console me.
- Three weeks. Not faster.
“I’ll make the usual exit,” I say. I refuse to conclude a supply agreement, but insinuatingly ask, “Why is it taking so long?”
- It's the season, you know. And the plant says that in recent days there has been a rush of demand for this particular product.

The next day I find a dozen offers in my mailbox. The period ranges from “we’ll deliver now” to “in two to three weeks.” I bought it for six thousand eight hundred rubles...
This is how rush demand is created.


I once read a story by a guy who wrote a “future bestseller.” Nobody wanted to take the book for sale - it was an unknown author. Then he involved his friends: they began to run around bookstores and ask for his book, excitedly telling the sellers how hard they are looking for it - it’s in great demand everywhere!

And it happened: after a couple of days, all the local stores went crazy, offering their services to this author, they made him a special booklet, and put it in the most prominent place. So an unknown person, thanks to an artificially created hype, became fashionable and in demand)))

Yes, the Internet is a great thing)))

Especially when it comes to online shopping.

Specific examples:

Example 1.

Firstly, there are many Groupon-like sites that sell one service at a deep discount on one day. Long before these resources, discount sales sites were popular on the Internet. software. On one day, one program was exhibited, sold at a 50-80% discount.

All of these projects take advantage of rush demand to some extent. But at the same time, it would be wrong to consider that they are completely built on hype and limitation. The main component of such projects is. The restrictions that create excitement are a minor (though important) part of these projects.

Example 2

Sale of women's underwear.

Edition12 company long time was engaged in the sale of women's underwear in Germany. At one point, the founders decided to expand their field of activity by mastering the Internet. But not simple, but by launching something truly unusual.

Ultimately, it was decided to sell designer underwear - one set per month until the end of the month or the number of items available in stock. The cost of one set was 190 euros, which is quite a lot even for Europe.

The company's website featured a selection of lingerie, and Edition12 selected stunning images to entice women and showcase the sexiness of its products.

If we talk about the shopping process, the kit could only be ordered online. No phone calls, offline stores. Only the company website, which was intensively promoted. And, naturally, word of mouth spread around this idea.

Obviously, if Edition12 were an ordinary online store, then no one would be talking about it, despite the very interesting models of designer items. But the business model, which was based on selling just one set per month in a limited edition, turned out to be interesting and attracted visitors.

Can this be used in Russia?

I suppose so. However, you don’t necessarily need to sell underwear. In our country, various kinds of luxury goods are popular even during crises. Many people always want to stand out by having something special that is not available to everyone. This is exactly what you can play on by selling a limited edition of a product for a limited period, building an entire business on such an idea.

Example 3.

T-shirts for geeks.

Every day there is a new T-shirt in this store. Unique T-shirt. It contains a funny image dedicated to some movie, TV series, computer game or a comic book. At the same time, the image is played up by “folk” designers.

Each T-shirt can only be purchased on the day of sale. Within 24 hours of admission. The next day the sale of another T-shirt begins. It is impossible to buy them from the “archive”. Therefore, you cannot postpone your order.

There are a huge number of stores with T-shirts for geeks. So why exactly has TeeFury become so popular? There are several reasons.

1) Limitation and uniqueness

You can only buy a specific T-shirt model within 24 hours. This is exclusive. At the same time, TeeFury approaches each T-shirt with extreme care. Not only in terms of images, but also the quality of the matter itself.

2) Community

3) Appreciative audience

Geeks. They spread word of mouth at the speed of light. If a T-shirt dedicated to the series “Game of Thrones” comes out, then its fans quickly begin to share a link to this T-shirt on Twitter, Facebook and blogs. And the rest don't have time to think. T-shirt is available for a limited time. So we need to decide right now. And buy if you don’t want to end up with your nose.

How are things going with this in Russia?

With geeks? Not good. However, they do not always have to be the main audience. We are talking about people who have some kind of passion.

Conclusion: Find an audience with your passion and create a rush of demand.

Source I do not know this information. If you know the author of the article or are one yourself, please contact me through the "Contacts" page.

Hype is one of those factors that can help create a successful business. Especially when it comes to online shopping. And you don’t have to look far for examples. You can just look at the popular startups of recent times. Many of them used hype as their basis. But my story is not about them.

Common examples

Although, perhaps, we’ll start with them...

Firstly, there are many Groupon-like sites that sell one service at a deep discount on one day. And also similar sites where only one product is sold at a big discount in one day. Long before these resources, discount sites selling software were popular on the Internet. On one day, one program was exhibited, sold at a 50-80% discount.

All of these projects take advantage of rush demand to some extent. But at the same time, it cannot be said that they are completely built on hype and limitation. The main component of such projects is a big discount. The restrictions that create excitement are a minor (though important) part of these projects.

I want to tell you about a business where rush demand dominated (until the company in question was either sold or closed for unclear reasons). I'll tell you about selling women's underwear through rush demand.

How it was?

Edition12 company for a long time was engaged in the sale of women's underwear in Germany. At one point, the founders decided to expand their field of activity by mastering the Internet. But not by simply opening an online store, but by launching something truly non-standard.

As a result, it was decided to sell designer underwear - one set once a month until the end of the month or the number of items available in stock. The cost of one set was 190 euros, which is quite a lot even for Europe.

A set of underwear was presented on the company’s website, which was demonstrated by a fashion model (the curious thing is that every month a new model tried on a new set). Edition12 selected stunning images to entice women and show off the sexiness of their products.

Each set of underwear was made by German designer Jutta Teschner. If we talk about the shopping process, the kit could only be ordered online. No phone calls, offline stores. Only the company website, which was actively promoted. And, of course, word spread around the idea.

Obviously, if Edition12 were a simple online store, then no one would be talking about it, despite the very interesting models of designer items. But the business model, which was based on selling one set per month in a limited edition, turned out to be interesting and attracted visitors.

By the way, since we touched on the topic of women’s underwear, pay attention to the trilogy of articles ““.

Can this be used in Russia?

I believe so. And you don’t necessarily need to sell underwear. In our country, various types of luxury goods are confidently popular even during crises. This means that many people always want to stand out by having something special that is not available to everyone. This is exactly what you can play on by selling a limited edition of a product for a limited period, building an entire business on such an idea.

Of course, such a business is unlikely to ever experience a boom like the one that affected Groupon. After all, it's niche. But this is not a minus, but rather even a plus. Considering today's competition and the fact that you need to do niche projects, then this is one of those models that can be used by choosing the right product.


By the way, if you have projects similar to Edition12 in mind, then share them in the comments!

628 Supply and demand 34, 62, 72, 77, 87, 100, 107,

A company - like a person - must have an internal communications mechanism to coordinate its actions, or nervous system. All businesses are based on several elements: customers, products and services, income, expenses, competitors, delivery of products or services to consumers, and, finally, company personnel. The company must execute and coordinate business processes in each of these areas, which is especially important for activities that span multiple divisions. Before guaranteeing delivery of a large order to a customer, the sales team must be able to quickly determine whether the company has enough inventory or can obtain it quickly. To quickly realign production priorities, manufacturing departments need to know which products are driving demand. Business managers at all levels of the company need to be aware of both of these processes, and more.

By general rule, an increase in prices slows down the circulation of goods, a decrease in prices speeds it up. Periods of rush demand, when, despite rising prices, demand grows and absorbs any supply of goods (as was the case after the crisis of August 17, 1998), are exceptional. They are generated not only by economic, but also by political reasons.

Waiting for the rush of demand Pushing aside competitors

This reflects the results of an overzealous advertising campaign carried out by the manufacturer, possibly even using false arguments. As a result, rush demand arises. Its absolute value is defined as the difference between these two values

It is quite clear that the more attractive the combination of price and technical and economic indicators of replacement products looks, the more problematic it becomes to squeeze out the maximum industry average profit. Today, US sugar producers are learning this truth as they face the large-scale penetration of high fructose corn syrup into the commercial market. Substitutes not only limit profits during periods of normal business activity, but also cut into the high profits that the industry could receive during periods of economic boom and excessive demand.

The third phase is characterized by record corporate earnings and the highest economic performance. The general public, having by this time forgotten about past losses, again feels quite confident in the market and is convinced that it will reach unprecedented heights. Now she is buying everything, creating a rush of demand. It was during this period that that same group of investors - active buyers initial stage rise - begins to liquidate positions, expecting a market reversal.

Like a rocket that needs a push to overcome gravity and enter orbit, prices continued to move in the same direction under the influence of the “push”; the law of “market gravity” ceased to apply for a while. Experience shows that such market situations are extreme. For example, in this case, an excessively overbought market does not at all indicate an increased risk for buying or favorable conditions for selling. On the contrary, it indicates an extremely favorable buying opportunity due to the incredibly rapid nature of price increases. The rush to buy in this situation is not associated with the formation of a price peak. As a rule, in such cases, the balance of supply and demand is so sharply disrupted by a sudden wave of demand that it takes quite a long time for the rush to dissipate. I have long noticed that various states of imbalance in markets have very similar manifestations.

And now let’s reason rationally about what can affect the company’s stock price. Well, as it seems to you, we think you will agree that the discovery of a new rich deposit by geologists of “43” will lead to a rush of demand for shares of “43” on the stock exchange. Or, for example, the construction of a pipeline connecting Chukotka and Alaska is also a positive event, as a result of which shares are likely to increase in price. And for another example, almost incredible

In order to get ahead of the inevitable, expected rise in prices, owners of hot money strive to get rid of them as quickly as possible. As a result, a rush of demand unfolds; first of all, those goods that can serve as a means of preserving savings (real estate, objects of art, precious metals) are bought up. People act under the pressure of inflationary psychosis, and this spurs price increases, and inflation begins to feed itself.

First half of the 70s. XX century brought new cataclysms to the development of the modern market economy. An oil crisis broke out, engulfing almost the entire modern capitalist world. Unlike cyclical ones, this crisis was accompanied by an unusual increase in world prices for oil and petroleum products, excessive demand for them, and a lagging supply from demand in the consumer liquid fuel market.

Methods for implementing the CP are providing a given price with a mass supply of goods, large-scale market conquest, waiting for rush demand, skimming the cream with a short-term increase in prices for new types of products.

Prices of rush demand are set by the company at a high level, and rush demand, being, as a rule, the result of the action of the firm itself, when it achieves a shortage of goods in the market or a market expectation of a shortage, stimulates an increase in demand and then inflates prices.

In addition to the main direct losses, expressed in massive delays in client payments and a significant reduction in liquidity, the banking system suffered losses due to the forced liquidation of assets to satisfy the rush demand for cash, the rise in the dollar exchange rate during the execution of fixed-term contracts with non-residents, and the lack of income from government securities , a sharp decrease in the possibilities of using government securities as collateral, and the winding down of credit lines from Western banks.

In Fig. Figures 5 and 6 show two main types of demand curves. In the first case (Fig. 5), the slightest increase in price causes a sharp drop in demand. The consumer is sensitive to price changes. But with rush demand, as well as in the market for essential goods (Fig. 6), even a significant increase in price causes only a slight decrease in demand.

Excessive demand that appears due to consumer uncertainty in the future stability of the market and prices. To a large extent, the rush to demand is facilitated by the spread of rumors that prices will soon rise, or other similar messages in their impact, for example about monetary reform. Prices are rising due to the intensification of speculative purchasing of goods based on these rumors.

A situation is also possible when an increase in the price of a product contributes to the creation of rush demand for it and an increase, rather than a reduction in consumption.

The implementation of reforms in China has led to the fact that for its residents, the days have passed when a Chinese city dweller received four meters of blue cotton fabric for summer clothes on cards, and next year another half a meter for patches. People forgot about rationing and shortages. But this abundance suddenly turned into a negative side for the economy... This is deflation - a steady decline in retail prices caused by a fall in consumer demand. It seems that the development of free competition has made it possible to achieve the cherished goal; retail prices are not rising, but declining. However, what until then seemed like a blessing turned out to be a disaster for economic development. The country's production potential operates smoothly. But selling goods is becoming difficult. This is especially obvious in the example of household electrical appliances. Every family has managed to acquire an electric rice cooker, washing machine, refrigerator, TV. But the rush demand associated with the electrification of everyday life could not last forever. In 1998, China overtook Japan to become the world's number one producer of color televisions. 26 million of them were produced, but 10 million (more than 38%) of them were not sold. 50 million VCRs were produced, but only 15 million found consumers.

— 1. Correlative in meaning. with noun: the excitement associated with it. 2. Inherent and characteristic of excitement.
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

Demand M.— 1. decomposition Action by value verb: ask (1a1-3.5). 2. Requirement for smb. goods on the part of the buyer or on labor on the part of the employer. // Need, need for something.........
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

rush demand— - avalanche-like growth
Economic dictionary

Desirable Demand— demand, from the manufacturer’s point of view, ensuring the planned
level of sales and the required level of profitability of production and trade.
Economic dictionary

Dependent Demand- demand for a certain type of product, depending on
needs for products of a “higher level”, in relation to which this is a component
part. For example,........
Economic dictionary

Selective Demand- increased
demand for individual
goods of a certain type with a much lower demand for others
goods of the same product group.
Economic dictionary

Excess Demand- demand significantly exceeds
proposal leading to
shortage of goods and
rising prices.
Economic dictionary

Investment Demand- desired or planned replenishment of companies by companies
Economic dictionary

Demand— demand, m. 1. Action according to verb. ask in 1, 2 and 3 digits. - ask (colloquial). Trying is not torture, demand is not a problem. Proverb. You didn’t miss answering the demand. Nekrasov. They embarrassed me........
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Final Demand- demand
goods and
services representing
final product of production.
Economic dictionary

Raid, Demand— Banking: a situation where a large number of depositors simultaneously want to withdraw their deposits. If the demand is large enough it could cause bankruptcy........
Economic dictionary

Negative Demand- minimal demand or lack of significant market demand for this product; negative attitude of buyers towards this product.
Economic dictionary

Independent Demand- demand for a product that is of independent value and is not included in integral part in a set, set.
Economic dictionary

Irrational Demand- demand
goods harmful to humans and their health.
Economic dictionary

Unregulated Demand- demand that is poorly controllable, dependent on the season, fashion, and subject to random factors.
Economic dictionary

Inelastic Demand- a market situation in which the quantity of demand for a product reacts weakly to changes in the price of the product.
Economic dictionary

Nominal Aggregate Demand- general
goods and services measured in current
prices; equal to real demand multiplied by
rising prices.
Economic dictionary

Operational Demand for Money — -
need in
money necessary for the movement of goods. This type
demand for
money depends on: the price level for
goods; quantity produced........
Economic dictionary

Negative Demand- negative
demand, lack of demand.
Economic dictionary

Falling Demand- declining
goods and
Economic dictionary

Primary Demand— See Primary demand
Economic dictionary

Solvent Demand (effective Demand) — -
goods subject to
the price I'm willing to pay
buyer and which provides
profit that justifies
production costs.
Economic dictionary

Effective demand- demand
goods and
services provided in cash their buyers.
Economic dictionary

Full Demand- demand
goods, fully ensuring the sale of all of them
Economic dictionary

Potential Demand- demand determined by purchasing power, the number of potential consumers and their level
Economic dictionary

Supply And Demand— (supply and demand) economic categories of commodity economy, market mechanism. Demand acts as the need for goods presented on the market, and supply acts as........
Economic dictionary

Derived Demand— demand for production resources (factors of production), determined by the demand for goods in the production of which these resources are used.
Economic dictionary

Selective Demand- selective
demand individual species goods with low demand for others
Economic dictionary

Perfectly Inelastic Demand- - a situation in which the demand curve is strictly vertical.
Economic dictionary

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