Also name your birthday. What are the names of holiday events? Two birthday appearance versions to choose from

And I want some cake with compote

For each of us under 15, our birthday was the most important holiday of the year. We counted the days until this great day, hoped to receive the coveted gift, dreamed of how many guests would come, and at the end of the evening the lights would go out and mom would come in with a cake with candles on it. And the main thing is to take more air into your lungs in order to blow off all the lights at once, then your wish will come true. Sometimes this deflation was even more important than the wish itself, because after a couple of weeks we had difficulty remembering what exactly we had wished for.

Of course, things didn't always go smoothly. But childhood birthdays always had an advantage that smoothed out all the rough edges - you became a year older. And even if your birthday was not celebrated at all, because your parents were on a business trip or you managed to get chickenpox, this advantage always remained with you.

But over time, this very advantage loses its value. And for some it becomes a disadvantage. Each of us has such a period of time after our birthday when we don’t even remember how old we are. We stand over a form with basic questions about ourselves, and looking at one point we try to figure out: “So how old am I?”

But let's analyze what we are celebrating in general. The day of our appearance into this world is very important date if only because we can live and enjoy life. In fact, we didn’t do anything outstanding that day; rather, on the contrary, we gained the opportunity to somehow realize ourselves, learn something new, make someone happy simply by our presence, help someone discover their talents. On this day, we had the opportunity to watch our favorite French comedies wrapped in a blanket, drive our favorite car at high speed, braid our beloved daughter’s hair, or cook our legendary borscht. If not for this day, how would you drink a mango smoothie while lying under a palm tree in mid-February or take a photo for Instagram in a new hat? So your birthday is more of an opportunity to pay tribute to life, for the fact that it still does not fade away in you.

More and more more people They realize the pointlessness of loud celebrations on their birthday, just as 10-15 years ago many realized that a wedding on credit for 200 people is rather a symbol of provincialism and vulgarity. Therefore, you can choose for yourself a new format for celebrating this day, which will not only evoke joyful emotions in you, but will also help you and your environment reach a new level of relationships, and in general, spend this day in a truly unusual way. The recipe for such a celebration is very simple: about a month before your birthday, you find a person, organization or family that needs help. This could be the Galapagos tortoise rescue society, the families of a soldier who died in the ATO, a lonely grandmother who has lived next door to you for many years, girls who save homeless kittens, it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that you know and trust these people. And then you notify all your friends and acquaintances that this year, instead of a birthday, you want to support such comrades, so I ask you to give me money, which, in addition to the birthday budget, will be used to purchase food or medicine, it depends depending on your individual scenario.

Such a birthday has a lot of advantages, in addition to its noble side:

- You don't need to gather all your friends in one place and at one time, which is a real problem these days;

— You can easily unite people from different companies in one holiday project, and you won’t have to worry about the fact that your friends from the circle of Baudelaire and wine connoisseurs will accidentally offend the feelings of your friends from the Church of the Prophet of the Seventh Day;

— You don’t need to keep in mind the gastronomic preferences of all your friends. After all, organizing a snack for Orthodox Jews, Hare Krishnas and vegans, as well as for people with lactose intolerance and potato allergies can sometimes be a whole headache. And every year it becomes more and more difficult and expensive to please everyone.

Close people who will not join you on your birthday will be able to congratulate you because you live in different countries Oh;

— A gift of $10-20 will no longer seem inferior both to you and to the giver. As a result, even those who do not know you very well or childhood friends with whom you have lost contact, but are interested in the idea, will be able to support you and your new birthday project.

Everyone has their own views on certain events or traditions, but this does not mean that we are tied to this like shackles. Just because you do something differently or think differently, those who really love you will not stop loving you, your parents will not abandon you, and true friends, even if they think that you are eccentric, will not turn away from you. However, on your birthday, you will have the opportunity to thank life for being so kind to you, and also make the lives of others a little easier. After all, our future is built on the curses and blessings of other people.

In February 2016, two friends from Dnepr decided to choose exactly this option for celebrating their birthday. They made a post on their pages on social networks, and spent all the congratulatory envelopes and money transfers on purchasing essential products for refugee families who found themselves without a penny of money, housing and friends or acquaintances. As a result, thanks to the birthday of TWO people, the lives of THIRTEEN people became a little easier for at least one month.

How will you celebrate your birthday?

Incredible facts

In our country it is customary that the week begins on Monday, but in some countries the week starts on Sunday.

There are also some inconsistencies in names- for example, why is Wednesday (i.e. the "average day of the week") actually the third and not the fourth?

To answer these and other questions regarding the days of the week, you need to start with the question: why are there 7 days in a week, and why it is called a week.

Why are there 7 days in a week?

For modern man a seven-day week is commonplace. But where did these seven days in the week come from?

According to historians, in human history, a week has not always had seven days. There were options 3 days, 5 days, 8 days("eight days" in Ancient Rome) weeks, as well as ancient 9 day cycle among the Celts and orientation for 14 nights, which was present among the ancient Germans.

It will be interesting to note that the ancient Egyptian Thoth calendar was based on a 10-day cycle. And here seven days was popular in Ancient Babylon (about 2 thousand years BC).

In Ancient Babylon, the seven-day cycle was associated with the phases of the moon. She was seen in the sky for about 28 days: 7 days the Moon increases to the first quarter; she needs the same amount before the full moon.

The 7-day cycle was also used by the ancient Jews. The notes of the Jewish historian Josephus, dating back to the 1st century AD, include the following words associated with the seven days: “There is not a single city, Greek or barbarian, and not a single people to which our custom of abstaining from work would not extend on the seventh day."

Jews and Christians adopted the 7-day cycle because... The Old Testament indicated a 7-day weekly cycle established by God (the process of creating the world in 7 days):

first day - creation of light

second day - creation of firmament and water

third day - creation of land and plants

fourth day - creation of celestial bodies

fifth day - creation of birds and fish

the sixth day is the creation of reptiles, animals and humans.

the seventh day is dedicated to rest.

From an astronomical point of view, the motivation for the 7-day challenge is quite simple. All calendar calculations of ancient peoples based on lunar phases.

Their observation was the most convenient and simple method For calculations and characteristics of time periods.

It is worth noting that in the ancient Roman calendar, the names of all 7 days of the week are associated with the names of luminaries that can be seen with the naked eye, namely: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn.

These names can be found in the modern calendar thanks to Rome, which spread them throughout Western Europe.

And yet the calendar has always been used as ideological weapons. Despite the cosmic rhythms, Chinese and Japanese emperors, for example, introduced their own calendars in order to once again assert their power.

They tried several times in Europechange 7 day cycle, but there was no violation of the sequence of days.

Why is a week called a week?

It doesn’t matter at all (from a theoretical point of view) from which day the week is counted, since it is a cycle. You just need to divide the days into working days and weekends.

The word “week” is familiar to us, and we don’t even try to think about where this word came from.

Before the adoption of Christianity, it was customary to call the week a day off, and this day was the first of the week. But then the “day off” was made a day, which completes the weekly cycle.

The word week comes from ancient times, where there was an expression "ne d'lati", which meant "do nothing", in other words, "day off" or as we now call “Sunday”.
Since we had to rest after work, and not before it, Sunday became the final day of the week.

Today, according to regulations International organization standardization, the week starts on Monday.

It is worth noting that before the term "week" was used, these same seven days were called "week"(in Bulgarian the week is still called “week”). The last day of the week was considered a period when no one does anything, and since a week is a period from Sunday to Sunday (from “not doing” to “not doing”), the word “week” came into use.

Why are the days of the week called that?

Why is Monday called that?

According to one version, in Slavic languages ​​Monday means the day “after the week”, because "week", as previously said, is an ancient word designating the current Sunday.

In Europe, Monday was considered a lunar day, i.e. during the day, patroness which was the Moon.

In English - Monday (Moon day=lunar day)

In Latin - Dies Lunae

In French - Lundi

In Spanish - el Lunes

In Italian - Lunedi

Why is Tuesday called that?

In Slavic languages, Tuesday means the “second” day after Sunday.

In Latin - Dies Martis

In French - Mardi

In Spanish - el Martes

In Italian - Martedi

You can guess that in some European languages, the name of Tuesday comes from the god Mars.

But in European languages ​​from the Germanic group, the emphasis was placed on the ancient Greek god Tiu (Tiu, Ziu), which is an analogue of Mars (Finnish - Tiistai, English - Tuesday, German - Dienstag).

Why is the environment called that?

Among the Slavs, “Wednesday” or “Sereda” means the middle of the week, just as in German Mittwoch, and in Finnish Keskeviikko. Previously, it was believed that the week began on Sunday, so Wednesday was its middle.

In Latin - Dies Mercuri

In French - le Mercredi

In Spanish - el Miercoles

In Italian - Mercoledi

In the name you can see the name of the god-planet Mercury.

If you delve into other languages, you will find that the English word Wednesday comes from the god Woden (Woden, Wotan). It is “hidden” in the Swedish Onstag, the Dutch Woenstag and the Danish Onsdag.This god was represented as a tall, thin old man, dressed in a black cloak. He became famous for creating the runic alphabet - this is what connects him with Mercury, the patron god of written and oral speech.

Why is Thursday called that?

In Slavic languages, the name of this day most likely simply means a number, i.e. fourth day. This word comes from the common Slavic word “chetvertk”. Most likely, over time, the “t” dropped out, and the “k” sound became more sonorous, since it follows the sonorant “r” sound.

In Latin - Dies Jovis

In French - Jeudi

In Spanish - Jueves

In Italian - Giovedi

In European languages Thursday came from the warlike Jupiter.

The counterpart of Jupiter in the Germanic languages ​​was Thor, son of Oden, from which came the English Thursday, the Finnish Torstai, the Swedish Torsdag, the German Donnerstag, and the Danish Torsdag.

Why is Friday called that?

Obviously, in Slavic languages, the meaning lies in the number five, i.e. Friday = the fifth day after Sunday.

In French - Vendredi

In Spanish - Viernes

In Italian - Venerdi

It is logical to assume that the name of this day in some European languages ​​comes from the Roman goddess Venus.

Her analogue in German-Scandinavian myths is the goddess of love and war Freya (Frigg, Freira) - from her they originated English language Friday, in Swedish Fredag, in German Freitag.

Why is Saturday called that?

The word "Saturday" came to us from the Old Church Slavonic language. It was previously taken from Greek language(Sabbaton), and it came to Greek from the Hebrew language (sabbath, i.e. “seventh day”, when work is not welcomed). It will be interesting to note that in Spain "el Sabado", in Italy "Sabato", in France "Samedi" this word has the same roots. In Hebrew, "Shabbat" means "peace, rest."

In Latin - Saturni

In English - Saturday

In these names you can notice Saturn.

In Finnish "Lauantai", Swedish "Lördag", Danish "Loverdag" most likely have roots in the Old German Laugardagr, which means "day of ablution".

Why is Sunday called that?

In many languages, including Latin, English and German, the name of the last day of the week comes from the Sun - "Sun", "Son".

But in Russian (Sunday), Spanish (Domingo), French (Dimanche) and Italian (Domenica) Christian themes lurk. Domingo, Dimanche and Domenica can be translated as "Day of the Lord."

Previously in Russian this day was called “Week” (i.e., do not do, rest). But since the word “week” implied a specific day, what could the seven-day cycle be called? As mentioned earlier, the word “week” existed in Slavic languages. “Sunday” is a derivative of “resurrection” - the day on which, according to the scriptures, Jesus was resurrected.

First, it must be suitable. For example, what comes to mind when you hear the title “Don’t Be Afraid to Share Kindness”? Most likely, an event for disabled people or other categories of citizens in need of support and attention. In fact, this is the name of a regional exhibition of arts and crafts held in one of the territories of our region. The name itself is good, but not suitable for the exhibition. More appropriate would be “City of Masters”, “Golden Hands of Masters”, “Man-Made Miracles”, “Chime of Talents”. If the exhibition is dedicated to a certain type of arts and crafts, this can also be emphasized in the title, for example, “Forge of Happiness” (exhibition of forged products), “Songs of the Potter’s Wheel” (exhibition of clay products), “Poem about the Tree” (artistic wood carvings) ), “White Fairy Tale” (lace making).
If we are preparing a professional holiday, we can make sure that the profession is guessed in the name:

– for Medical Worker’s Day – “Emergency religious aid”, “Recipe for a good mood”
– for Builder’s Day: “Foundation of Happiness”, “Home Hearths”
– for Motorist Day: “Wheel of Fortune”, “Roads We Choose”
– for Railwayman’s Day: “Lucky Ticket”, “Friendship Train”, “All the Way on the Tracks”, etc.

It is wrong to start working on an event with a name. First you need to decide on a topic and idea, then it will be much easier to come up with a name. Let me give you an example. While working on the script for a competitive game program for a zonal educational and practical event dedicated to organizing summer leisure activities for children, I first focused on the name. Nothing interesting came to mind. But when the idea came to dedicate the event to introducing children to the culture of different countries: with games, proverbs and sayings, symbols, the name “Around the World in One Summer” was quite simply born.

Secondly, it’s good if the name is figurative. Usually a person perceives an image most easily, so you can try to create a “picture” in your imagination using words. For example, in our country there is a festival called “Maypole”, a poetry festival “Daisy Rus'”, and a children’s and youth creativity competition “Snowdrop”.

Thirdly, you can create a symbolic name: here a dictionary of symbols will provide an invaluable service. For example, from it we learn that:

the spark symbolizes the soul;
labyrinth - mystery, enigma;
ray – creative energy;
crane - longevity, wisdom, honor;
dolphin - salvation, speed, power of the sea;
mountain – spiritual height, ascent, aspiration;
bridge - unification;
dawn - hope and youth;
candle - a lonely human soul;
lyre – poetic inspiration.

So, using the last symbol, you can choose a name for a poetry competition, for example, “Golden Lyre”.

Fourth, the name can be intriguing. In this case, it should be suitable for the event, but not “reveal all the cards.” An example is the name of the program “Day of Open Suitcases”, which opens the Moscow festival “Planet of Clowns”. And it is called that because the artists present their favorite numbers to the viewer, “pulling” them from the hidden corners of the soul, as if from suitcases.

Fifthly, it’s good if the title contains a play on words. As an example, I will give the names of events carried out by KDU employees Rostov region:
1. “Bitter Fruits” sweet life"(here we see a contrast) conversation with a narcologist, Semikarakorsky district.
2. “STAR-START” (consonance) fun starts for children, Shakhty.
3. “Growing up without smoking” (rhyme) theme evening, Tagan-rog.
Try playing with words, for example, replacing boring adjectives with nouns. So, if we are talking about an exhibition of lace-making masters, let it be called not “Fairytale Lace”, but “Lace Tale”; if it’s about an exhibition of pottery, then it’s not “Wonderful Clay”, but “Miracles of the Potter’s Wheel”; about the exhibition of embroiderers - not “Magic Threads”, but “Magic at the Tip of the Needle”.
It is important, in addition to the general name, to try to rename the form of the event itself so that it also arouses interest. Moreover, its content may not change. Remember how in Gerald Bezhanov’s film “The Most Charming and Attractive” the main character bakes a “Tea” cake, but comes up with a romantic name for it “Maestro”. Try to do the same and instead of the boring “competitive game programs” and “quizzes” call the events a fabulous cruise “Flying Ship” or a travel game “Around the World in One Summer”. Agree, this sounds more interesting.

Where can I find a name for an event?

1. Since the name consists of words, it is useful to seek help from masters of words - poets, writers, journalists. Often a line from a poem can be used as a title. For example, for the holiday dedicated to March 8 - “And the ice melts, and the heart melts”, for St. Valentine’s Day - “I am defeated, love, by your power.” Let me give as an example an excerpt from Vsevolod Rozhdestvensky’s poem “Wooden Bear”:

Who is this unknown carver?
Master of dreams and knives,
Invested in silent things
That joy that is forever fresh?
The line “Craftsman of dreams and knives” could well become the title for an exhibition of woodcarving masters (but it would be better suited plural- “craftsmen”). However, the poetic line must be understandable. For example, in the report of one of the mobile club establishments in the Rostov region, I came across a concert program called “They whistle like bullets at a temple.” I still don’t know who these mysterious whistlers are. In addition, a line from a song, like the title of a movie, can also be a suitable name for your event. For example, a line from the song “Where does childhood go” would be a good name for school graduates. The title of Mark Zakharov’s film “An Ordinary Miracle” is suitable for a festival of creativity for people with disabilities. Isn't it a miracle when a blind person draws? beautiful pictures, and the deaf person dances to the music? The name of the famous series “Streets of Broken Lights” is suitable for a talk show with the participation of teenagers.

You will find many ideas in prose: fairy tales, novels, stories. Useful to remember literary heroes or literary images such as Scarlet Sails, Blue Bird, Scarlet Flower, Tsvetik-Semitsvetik, Lukomorye. Myths provide great scope for finding a suitable name: ancient Greek, myths of the ancient Slavs. For example, international competition vocalists "Golden Or-fey" got its name from the hero of the myth of Ancient Greece. Orpheus was a great singer, the son of the river god Eager and the muse of song Calliope.

Journalists are masters at coming up with catchy headlines. Therefore, when reading articles on various cultural events, pay attention to the headlines and write down the most beautiful and interesting ones. They may be useful to you in the future. Here are examples of article headlines from different issues of the regional newspaper “Don Culture”: “See the world with your heart” (an article about a festival of creativity for disabled children), “Fantasy Parade” (about an exhibition of arts and crafts), “A new dawn of an old friendship” (about holiday national cultures), “From heart to heart” (about the international festival folk art) etc.

2. The next source is quotes and statements of prominent personalities: writers, politicians, teachers, philosophers, etc. Quotes are usually long, so you need to select keywords from them for the title. For example, from the statement by P. Beranger “A mother’s heart is an inexhaustible source of miracles,” the name for the holiday dedicated to Mother’s Day can be obtained - “An inexhaustible source of miracles.” And from the saying of Pliny the Elder “Home is where your heart is” - the name of the event dedicated to the family - “Where your heart is”.

3. Ordinary people can help in finding names explanatory dictionaries. We are not able to keep all the words in memory; many of them are forgotten due to the fact that they are used infrequently (confession, heaven, etc.). In addition to the usual dictionary, the symbol dictionary mentioned above will be useful when working on the name. It can be purchased in a bookstore and can also be found on the Internet at There is also a Dictionary of beautiful Russian words on the Internet ( These words can be used in different ways - in everyday speech, in greeting card, in the title of the event. Moreover, with the help of this Dictionary you can compose poems as all the words are given with suitable rhymes.

4. If you urgently need to come up with a name, and only have a telephone directory at hand, I suggest you use helper words. Unfortunately, they won’t produce an original name, but it’s still better than nothing. So, to one of the words below you simply substitute a hero, an object or some concept (from your event).

 Visiting (we substitute the hero depending on the theme of the event - “Visiting Santa Claus”, Lesovichok, Cinderella, etc.)
 Holiday (Russian scarf, childhood, sun, friends, books).
 Adventure ( sunbeams, snowman, etc.)
 In the kingdom (flora and fauna, fantasy, spring, love)
 ABC (health, soldier, parents)
 Travel (on an airplane, to the country of childhood, etc.)
 Golden (aya, oh) (“Golden Thread” - a competition for fashion designers, “Golden Pen” - for poets, writers, journalists)
 Music, melody (summer, love, soul, heart, nature)
 Fairytale(s) (forests, seas, winter tale)

5. If you have a lot of time, try using the association method.
For example, you come up with names for the holiday of March 8th. What do you associate it with? Write down everything that comes to mind.

warmth bouquet beauty heart care music

perfection feelings tenderness

When your imagination is exhausted, try to make up a name from the written words.

For example:

1. A bouquet of the most tender feelings
2. If spring lives in the heart
3. Oh, women, your name is perfection!

The more associative chains you create, the greater the choice of words for the name. During this work, you can ask various questions: “What do women like,” “What are their main qualities,” etc. Write down the answers.

Useful tips

1. Avoid cliched names such as
o “Mom, dad, I am a sports family”
o “Bread is the head of everything”
o “There is no translation for the Cossack family”
o “My years are my wealth”
o “All ages are submissive to love”
o “Say no to drugs”
o "In healthy body– healthy mind”, etc.
These names themselves are good, but they are used so often that they have lost their novelty.

2. It is better if the name does not begin with prepositions. For example, in our region concert programs were held: “And there is one victory for all”, “And good mood", "And why count the years."

3. The title should be short. There is no need to come up with something too long, for example, an evening honoring teachers, which took place in one of the districts of our region and was called “Teacher, before your name, let me humbly kneel.”

4. The name should contain some idea; avoid names that don’t say anything, for example, “In My Russia” (Constitution Day). This begs the question: “What exactly does my Russia have?”

5. Don’t forget to separate references in titles with commas. This is the problem of many club specialists: “Walk, Cossack”, “Hello, dear little farm.”

6. You should not use the well-known truths “Sport is health”, “Drunkenness is poison!”

7. Do not focus on a negative word in the title, for example, “Narcotic dope.” In the title, good should triumph over evil - “I choose life.”

8. Many club specialists, in order to adapt to the younger generation, use in the name of the event English words. Thus, in one of the cities of our region, a dance competition is held for participants in summer recreation sites called “STAR TEEN” (translated from English as Star Teenager (in general, the word “teen” means the age from 13 to 19 years). One of the priority areas in our work - patriotic. So why should we turn to the words of another country? How then do we differ from teenagers in their admiration for everything Western? Can you imagine that a dance competition is being held in America with a Russian name? Be smart? - you can come up with a good modern name using the great Russian mighty language. For example, “Star Youth”, “New Millennium”, “Dancing Summer”, “Dancing Olympus”, “Star of the Dance Floor”, “Dance Express”, “Dance Fireworks” and etc.

Examples of successful and unsuccessful names

1. Examples of successful interesting names

“The Eighth Wonder of the World” - a festive program dedicated to March 8;
“Autumn Waltz” – competition of musical and artistic creativity;
“Talisman of Good Luck” – a competition of children’s and youth creativity;
“Land of the Singing Nightingale” – regional festival children's creativity;
“We all come from childhood” is a holiday dedicated to international day child protection;
“Sunny Clown” – an evening of humor.

Among the events held by club specialists in the Rostov region, I came across the following good names:
"Toughie" - competitive program for boys (PKU 2 Remontnensky district);
“Cat House” - fire safety event (PKU 2 Remontnensky district);
“Crystal Slipper” - regional review-competition of choreographic groups (Zimovnikovsky district);
“The Little Prince”, “Bird of Happiness” children's creativity competitions (Taganrog);
“Star Rain” talent festival (Millerovsky district).

2.Examples of unsuccessful names
(according to reports of the State House of Culture, Regional Department of Culture of the Rostov region)

I will not indicate which territory this belongs to
or another unfortunate name, its representatives will recognize themselves and, I hope, correct their mistake.

“Beer or Pepsi” – a themed disco. To be honest, both are harmful to health (I remember the Russian radio joke “Russia chooses both of two evils”).

“Lesson with a short topic - life” - a meeting of generations. Human life cannot be a short topic.

“Forward, needle” – meeting at home. The imagination of a city dweller pictures a den of drug addicts.

“Play by yourself” is an entertainment program. It sounds unkind with the subtext “Leave me alone”...

Show program “Life passed me by.” No comments needed.

Evenings and meetings of veterans at the “It’s not evening yet” club. I thought for a long time, maybe there is some hidden meaning here: an evening called “It’s not evening yet”...

“Drop the cigarette!” It sounds like an order and evokes negative emotions.

“Festival of Little Mischief-makers” – theatrical education lessons. The form is interesting, but the phrase “little dirty tricks” evokes hostility.

“You have become the main one in my destiny” - the image of the beloved is immediately imagined, but in fact this is the name of the scenario for the grand opening of the road.
However, a health lesson called “Girls’ Smoke Break” “breaks all records”...

Regional House Methodist
folk art
M. Yu. Gichenko

Post Views: 96,497

If you want to organize a party or event, you should definitely come up with a unique name that will interest all your friends. In this article we will try to figure out how best to name the holiday.

Choosing an original title

To find the perfect name for your holiday, there are a few things to consider:

  • Time of the event. If your holiday begins at lunchtime, then the name may contain the word “lunch”, for example, “Lunch of Angels” or “Starting at Lunch.” The month of the event (“December Races”) and the time of year (“Winter’s Tale”) may also be important.
  • Event idea. Also important in choosing a name is the main idea of ​​the holiday. If you are celebrating a birthday or Halloween, then the name should be appropriate: “Katya’s Party” (the name may be different) or “Night of Fears”, “Christmas Lights”, etc.
  • Holiday color. IN Lately It has become popular to hold “colored” parties, that is, all guests must wear things of a certain color: “Pink Dreams”, “White Party” or “Orange Party”.
  • Total number of guests. If you are planning to organize an event with big amount guests, then the name may contain the words: big, big. For example, the party might be called "Friends' Big Day."

In addition, the choice of name may depend on the imagination of the organizer, so it may not even be related to what will happen at the event. The name can be any word you like, for example, Black or Happy party.

If you take into account all the points described above, you can choose a suitable name: Pink night Party (that is, everyone should be in pink) or Girls day in blue.

Inappropriate names

You should not call the holiday with incomprehensible words. Also unacceptable are words of an offensive nature or words with a political bias.

Additional information can be found in the article, as well as in other articles in the section.

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