Medvedev Dmitry Anatolyevich Chairman. Merits and failures. Dmitry Medvedev's attitude to religion and the national issue

It has long been noted that the children and grandchildren of our patriotic sovereign rulers study and live in the West.
Parents send their children to live in the West, buy property there, send money there and even have dual citizenship...
All this happens for a simple reason - they despise Russia, its people, and they have long given up on the country they rule.
The list of children of the Russian government living in the West almost permanently is long and I will cite only a few of them.
I will briefly list the names of some of the members of our government and the location of their families.
1. Family of President V. Putin
Very little is known about the president’s family, taking into account closed image family life. Was married and divorced.
In the early 90s, Putin returned to Leningrad and sent his daughters back to Germany to study at the prestigious German gymnasium “Peterschule”.
In the mid-90s they returned to Russia and in 1996 moved to Moscow.
But even here the daughters did not abandon the German path. Their “German School of Moscow” is still located in the “embassy town” on Vernadsky Avenue, surrounded by a fence with video cameras, with “Achtung!” inscriptions everywhere.
In the early 2000s, both of Putin’s daughters were officially registered as students at St. Petersburg State University, but no one saw them there.
It is known that the youngest daughter Ekaterina lives permanently in Germany, in the city of Munich.
In 2013, the wedding of Katerina Putina and Yoon Joon Won (Korean) took place in one of the hotels in Morocco in 2013 and was grandiose in scope.
The eldest, Maria, lives in Holland, in the town of Voorshooten, not far from The Hague, and lives not alone, but with a 33-year-old Dutchman, Jorrit Faassen.
The specific area of ​​residence of the couple is also known - KrimwijkHeet. Maria Putina lives in an elite house, where she occupies a penthouse on the top floor.
Putin’s daughters often visit Italy at the invitation of Silvio Berlusconi, with whom Putin is family friends.
2.Family of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev
Medvedev is married to a Jewish woman, Svetlana Linnik, who is the cousin of E. Vasilyeva - involved in the "oboronservis" case.
Vasilyeva herself is the daughter of one of the criminal authorities of St. Petersburg - Vasilyeva. President Dmitry Medvedev awarded her the Order of Honor in January 2012.
Medvedev has a son, Ilya Medvedev. He is currently studying in Russia, but in a public interview he said that he will continue his studies at the University of Massachusetts in the USA
3.Family of Foreign Minister S. Lavrov
The only daughter of Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Ekaterina, lives and studies in the United States.
He is currently graduating from Columbia University in New York and plans to live in the United States permanently.
4. Family of the State Duma Vice-Speaker S. Zheleznyak
Three daughters of Vice-Speaker of the State Duma Sergei Zheleznyak are studying abroad.
Ekaterina is in an elite Swiss school (tuition costs 2.4 million rubles per year from 6th to 12th grade), Anastasia is in London, at the university (tuition fees per year are about 630 thousand rubles).
The youngest, Lisa, also currently lives in London.
It is interesting that the “patriot-sailor” Zheleznyak declared an income of 3.5 million rubles and at the same time pays 11 million a year for the education of his children at Western universities...
5.Family of Vice Speaker of the State Duma A. Zhukov
The son, Pyotr Zhukov, studied in London and even went to prison there; Zhukov Jr. took part in a drunken brawl and received 14 months in prison.
6. Family of Vice Speaker of the State Duma Sergei Andenko
The daughter studies and lives in Germany.
7.Family of Deputy Prime Minister D. Kozak
The eldest son of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak, Alexey, has been living abroad for at least six years and is engaged in the construction business.
He is a co-owner of several foreign companies: Red, McBright and Yuna. At the same time, he also works for the state-owned VTB Group.
Alexey Kozak's younger brother, Alexander, works at Credit Suisse.
This year, German and US authorities accused the Swiss bank of helping high-profile clients evade taxes. An investigation is underway.
8. Family of State Duma deputy A. Remezkov from the faction “ United Russia»
Remezkov’s eldest son, Stepan, recently graduated from Valley Forge Military College in Pennsylvania (a year of study costs 1 million 295 761 rubles).
The son of a deputy studied under the program for officers of the US Army (!!!).
Styopa then entered the private Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York.
The deputy’s middle son, Nikolai, has been studying in the UK since 2008. private school Malvern College.
And the youngest daughter lives in Vienna, where she practices gymnastics. Masha Remezkova represented the Austrian team (!!!) at children's competitions in Ljubljana.
9. Family of deputy V. Fetisov
Daughter Anastasia grew up and studied in the USA. Nastya never learned to write or read Russian.
10. Family of the head of Russian Railways V. Yakunin
The children and grandchildren of the “main patriot of Russia,” the head of Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin, live outside the country - in England and Switzerland.
The son of the head of Russian Railways, A. Yakunin, studied and long years lived in London, currently works in Russia as an investor in a British company.
Since 2009, Yakunin Jr. has headed and co-owned the UK-registered investment company Venture Investments & Yield Management (VIYM), which is involved in development projects in St. Petersburg.
Andrey Yakunin is the owner of the Moscow Marriott Courtyard hotel, built on the territory adjacent to the Paveletsky railway station.
At the moment, he permanently lives in his house in London, purchased in 2007 for 4.5 million pounds (225 million rubles) and registered in a Panamanian offshore.
Yakunin’s other son, Victor, lives in Switzerland, where he also owns luxury real estate.
The grandchildren of the head of Russian Railways also study at prestigious educational institutions these countries.
11. Family of P. Astakhov
The eldest son of Children's Rights Commissioner Pavel Astakhov, Anton, studied at Oxford and the New York School of Economics.
A youngest child and was actually born in Cannes, in a rented villa.
12. Family of State Duma deputy from the “SR” faction E. Mizulina
The main fighter for traditional Orthodox values ​​has a son, Nikolai.
First, Nikolai studied at Oxford, received a diploma and moved to live permanently in tolerant Belgium, where same-sex marriage is allowed.
Today he works in Belgium at a large international law firm, Mayer Brown.
It’s not clear how Elena Mizulina, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children, left her own son in such gay danger?!...
Probably she cared about the people, but forgot about her son...
13. N. Valuev, State Duma deputy from the United Russia faction
In the summer, his wife lives in his Spanish house, and his children and parents live almost permanently.
They also live alternately in Germany.
14. Family of A. Yakunin, State Duma deputy from the faction from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation
The head of the Solnechnogorsk region, a member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Alexander Yakunin, spoke about his family in election leaflets:
"My daughter is studying at school, my wife is a successful economist, my son is a student at the Institute of Physical Education. Like, we like to get together for tea..."
The booklets, however, do not indicate where the Yakunin family lives. Meanwhile, on social networks, the official’s wife, Julia, named Nice as her place of residence.
Son Mikhail writes that he lives in Ontario. The daughter lives with her mother and uses English as her primary language.
By the way, Nizhny Novgorod mayor Oleg Sorokin also found a villa on the Cote d'Azur. More precisely, his wife
15. Family of A. Vorontsov, member of the State Duma of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.
The daughter of communist Vorontsov, Anna, lives in Italy. She moved there from Germany, where she also studied.
Currently studying at the University of Milan.
Vorontsov himself, foaming at the mouth, denounces the West, and in the meantime pays hundreds of thousands of euros for his daughter’s education in Milan
16. Family of Elena Rakhova, State Duma deputy from the United Russia faction
United Russia member Elena Rakhova, who became famous for calling Leningraders who lived less than 120 days under the siege “not before the siege,” has a daughter who lives in the United States.
Polina Rakhova graduated from the faculty international relations St. Petersburg State University, then went to New York.
17. Family of B. Gryzlov, member of the Security Council.
The daughter of ex-speaker of the State Duma, one of the founders of the United Russia party, and now member of the Security Council Boris Gryzlov, Evgenia lives in Tallinn
And I even recently received Estonian citizenship.
18. Family of A. Fursenko.
Former Minister of Education Andrei Fursenko, who pushed the Unified State Exam system into the country, for a long time hid from the public that his children also studied abroad.
Today his son Alexander lives permanently in the USA
19. Family of V. Nikonov (grandson of Molotov), ​​president of the Politika Foundation
Son Alexey is a US citizen.
Where did this gentleman show up? That's right, in the Anti-Magnitsky Act, in defense of the law banning the adoption of children by American citizens.
This is only the shortest list; in fact, the number of children and grandchildren living in the West amounts to thousands, if not tens of thousands.
The list contains the most odious “patriots” and “enemies of the West” who keep their families in the “den of the enemy.”
Their children study, live and work in the West; they no longer have anything in common with Russia. This is the path their parents chose for them.
Their parents are the president, prime minister, his deputies, ministers, deputies, etc.~
They despise Russia and its people, they see the future of their children and their own in the West, where they have everything to meet old age.
With such a hypocritical government, Russia has no future.

Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev - third President of Russia, famous politician, statesman, and faithful husband and a good father. Being an excellent student at school and a diligent law student, he always confidently walked towards his goal. Biography of Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev - this is the way successful person to the main dream of my whole life.


Anatoly Afanasyevich Medvedev, the father of the politician, was a professor and taught at the Institute of Technology. Yulia Veniaminovna (before Shaposhnikov’s marriage) - a philologist, like her husband, was a teacher at the Alexander Herzen Pedagogical Institute.

The paternal line originates in the Kursk province, the mother - in Belgorod region. The parents met when Yulia Veniaminovna came to enroll in graduate school, and Anatoly Afanasyevich was already engaged in teaching practice. He worked until he was seventy and gave his life to science. But in 2004 he had a heart attack and died. The politician's mother still lives not far from her son. Dmitry Anatolyevich says that his father lived enough happy life, because he achieved great success in his career and was very proud of his son.

Relatives, friends and acquaintances are convinced that a book entitled “Medvedev. Biography” will soon be published. Dmitry Anatolyevich, whose parents are certainly proud of their only son, left wonderful impressions of himself at school, college and those organizations in which he had already worked and proven himself.

Childhood politics

The biography of Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev begins on September 14, 1965 in the city of Leningrad. The boy had no siblings. At school, the teachers were very pleased with Dima’s behavior and performance; they said that he practically did not hang out with the guys and was completely passionate about his studies.

During his university years, he did not lose interest in studying; the dean and teachers remember him as one of the most diligent students at the faculty.

The biography of Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister of Russia, is the embodiment of hard work and determination. Having received a law degree (department of civil law) from Leningrad University, he entered graduate school and was already engaged in teaching practice.

Besides scientific activity the future politician was interested in music, photography and weightlifting. During his student years, Medvedev even won university competitions in this sport.

Scientific activity

The biography of Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev from 1988-1990 is marked by teaching civil and Roman law at Leningrad State University (later St. Petersburg State University). At this time, he acted as the author of four chapters of a textbook on civil law, which was published under the editorship of A. Sergeev and Yu. Tolstoy.

He stopped teaching in 1999, when he finally moved to live in Moscow.

Beginning of a political career

Back in Leningrad, Medvedev was an adviser and consultant on foreign policy, worked closely with the Chairman of the Leningrad City Council Anatoly Sobchak from 1990 to 1995. Later, in Smolny, he developed and executed transactions, agreements and various investment projects. Even then Medvedev was connected with Putin.

Having completed an internship on issues local government in Sweden, moved to Moscow. Immediately upon his arrival in 1999, Medvedev was appointed to the post of Deputy Chief of Staff of the Government Russian Federation Dmitry Kozak. A few months later, Dmitry Anatolyevich became deputy head of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation and headed the election headquarters of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

In 2000, he was appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors of the open joint-stock company Gazprom; during his presidency, he resigned from his position due to current legislation.

In 2000-2003, he was Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, and since 2003 he has already become its head.

Presidential Candidate

January 2007 was marked by the fact that Dmitry Medvedev was named the main potential candidate for the post of head of state. According to preliminary data from the Yuri Levada analytical center, he would have received 33% of the votes in the first round and 54% in the second.

But in May of the same year, Medvedev’s ratings decreased slightly. Now, according to the poll, the championship goes to another contender for the post of President - Sergei Ivanov. Dmitry Anatolyevich would have received only 18% in the first round, and in the second, 55% of the electorate would have voted for Ivanov.

December 10, 2007 was an outstanding day. Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, whose biography has gone down in history, nominated his candidacy for the post of head of state from the United Russia party. He was supported by such political forces as “A Just Russia” and “Civil Power”. The next day, December 11, Dmitry Medvedev made an official statement and address to the current President Vladimir Putin. He asked the head of state to officially approve his candidacy. It was his consent that was important to Medvedev; this speech was broadcast on central television channels.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin approved the candidacy, and with his permission, the official nomination took place on December 17. On this day, during a secret vote, Medvedev was given preference by 478 party delegates, while only one person was against. On December 20, this decision was already reported to the Central election commission RF.

In January 2008, Dmitry Anatolyevich did not participate in the election debates. His rating did not suffer from this; he was again in the lead in all indicators.

Medvedev's candidacy as head of state was supported by official religious organizations, including the Russian Orthodox Church.

In May of the same year, Medvedev assumed the post of President.

Medvedev Dmitry Anatolyevich: biography, family

Dmitry Anatolyevich Linnik knew his future wife Svetlana from school. In 1989, a wedding ceremony took place, and on August 3, 1996, their son Ilya was born.

The boy already appeared on the big screen in 2007 and 2008. in the film magazine "Yeralash". By the way, Ilya’s love for cinema comes from his father. Dmitry Anatolyevich, holding the post of President of the Russian Federation, starred in the full-length film “Yolki” produced in 2010.

In 2012, Ilya Medvedev entered the International Law Faculty of MGIMO. The lists indicate that the guy entered on a general basis and did not have any benefits.

The Medvedev family has favorite pets: fluffy cat Dorofey of the Neva Masquerade breed and four dogs. Among them are two English setters Daniel and Jolie, a shepherd dog and a golden retriever named Aldu. By the way, setters have repeatedly won prizes at various exhibitions.

Biography of the wife of Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev

Svetlana Vladimirovna Medvedeva (Linnik before her marriage) was born into the family of military sailor Vladimir Alekseevich and economist Larisa Ivanovna on March 15, 1965. Place of birth is the city of Kronstadt, but the girl went to school in Leningrad.

Svetlana met her future husband in first grade: she was in 1-B, and he was in 1-B. When they were only 14 years old, they started dating.

The girl led an active extracurricular life, participated in amateur competitions, various productions and performances, and was a member of the KVN team.

The wife of Dmitry Medvedev, whose biography is closely intertwined with the life of her husband, received a diploma from the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute. While still studying statistics, accounting And economic analysis, Svetlana Vladimirovna started working. She currently lives in Moscow and organizes various events in St. Petersburg.

In 2007, Svetlana Medvedeva headed the Board of Trustees of the Spiritual and Moral Culture of the Younger Generation of the Russian Federation.

In December 2008, she headed the Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives.

Religion in the life of Dmitry Medvedev

According to the politician himself, he was baptized at the age of 23. This was his own decision and, as he himself says, “the beginning of a new life.”

Dmitry Anatolyevich is convinced that religious figures must be present in the army environment. In addition, he advocated the development of a simplified mechanism for granting Russian citizenship to active ministers of the church.

Facts from life

The biography of Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev is full of interesting facts. Among them:

  • Medvedev is the youngest President of the Russian state;
  • in online communities he has the nickname “Bear”;
  • there was a treadmill in the politician’s office (Medvedev lost weight to improve his image);
  • Medvedev graduated from the same university as Kerensky, Lenin, Gorbachev and Putin;
  • in 2000, he received the title of State Advisor of the Russian Federation, first class;
  • in 2001, as the author of a textbook on law, he was a laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of education;
  • Dmitry Anatolyevich is a Doctor of Law;
  • in the vastness of the World Wide Web, there were various disputes surrounding such a person as Dmitry Medvedev: the biography and real name of the politician were questioned, but this did not reach a large scale, and therefore was quickly forgotten;
  • in 2007 he was awarded the “Symbol of Science” medal.

Character traits

Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, whose biography has already gone down in history, continues to serve in public office.

His subordinates, partners, friends and relatives characterize him as a charming, efficient, diligent and careful person. Medvedev himself is convinced that he is able to understand any issue. He maintains the image of a liberal. Before the presidential elections, during his reign and even after, Dmitry Anatolyevich pays great attention to his appearance.

The most open and public President of Russia is, undoubtedly, Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev. The biography, family and hobbies of a politician are not kept secret, but, on the contrary, are available information for any Internet user and social networks.

Chairman of the Government

In May 2012, Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev was appointed Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation. Vladimir Putin submitted his candidacy for consideration to the Duma, and deputies supported him with a majority of votes. And on May 26 of the same year he was elected chairman of the ruling United Russia party.

Life on the World Wide Web

A frequent user of social networks is politician Dmitry Medvedev. Biography: nationality - Russian; personal life - married, has a son; hobby - photography. These and other facts have never been hidden from the public and the press. The Prime Minister of the Russian Federation has an account on Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Twitter, Instagram, and he also maintains a personal blog. Medvedev became the first Russian President to communicate with the people through his own video blog.

On the LiveJournal website there is a community for Dmitry Medvedev, which broadcasts videos from his page. Comments are open, and all videos are available for discussion by any user.

In addition, Medvedev has three websites. They publish not only political information, but also socially important information.

Dmitry Medvedev, short biography which is outlined on his VKontakte page, is a frequent visitor to social networking sites.

He also treats his Internet nickname “Dimon” or “Bear” with understanding and even slight irony. Moreover, he allows his friends and classmates to address him this way.

Hobbies of the third President

The personality of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation is very versatile. Dmitry Medvedev is fond of hard rock, his favorite band is Deep Purple. Together with their son, they also love the work of Linkin Park.

During his university years, he was seriously involved in weightlifting, now he prefers swimming and yoga.

He is often spotted at the stadium during the games of St. Petersburg Zenit; Medvedev has been a fan of his all his life.

Dmitry Anatolyevich actively uses Apple technology; he is one of the first to have new Apple products.

Another interesting hobby of the third President of the Russian Federation is photography. In 2010, while serving as head of state, he took part in a photography exhibition called “The World through the Eyes of Russians.”

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation since May 2012, Chairman of the United Russia party. Third President of the Russian Federation (from May 2008 to May 2012). Before that - First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation (2005-2008), Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Gazprom (2000-2001, 2002-2008), former manager Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, curator of the implementation council national projects. Acting State Counselor of the Russian Federation, first class, member of the presidium of the Coordination Council of the Russian Union of Lawyers. Candidate of Legal Sciences, Honorary Doctor of Law, Faculty of Law, St. Petersburg State University.

Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev was born on September 14, 1965 in Leningrad. In 1987 he graduated from the Faculty of Law of Leningrad State University, and in 1990 - graduate school. Simultaneously with his postgraduate studies, he worked as an assistant at the Department of Civil Law at Leningrad State University. In 1990 he defended his Ph.D. thesis.

In June 1990, Medvedev joined the group of assistants to Lensoviet Chairman Anatoly Sobchak (another Sobchak assistant at that time was Vladimir Putin). In 1991-1996, Medvedev was a legal expert of the Committee on External Relations of the St. Petersburg City Hall headed by Putin. In March 1994, Medvedev became an adviser to Putin, who took the post of first deputy mayor of the city.

In 1990-1999, Medvedev taught at the Faculty of Law of Leningrad State University (later St. Petersburg State University) and was an associate professor in the department of civil law. He also engaged in private legal practice. In 1990 he became one of the co-founders of the state small enterprise "Uran". In 1994, Medvedev, together with former classmates Anton Ivanov and Ilya Eliseev, founded the Balfort Consulting Firm CJSC. According to a number of online media, in the 90s, Medvedev also worked for some time in the Rus insurance company of Vladislav Reznik (in the future - Chairman of the Duma Committee on Credit Institutions and Financial Markets).

In 1993, Medvedev began working as director of legal affairs at the forestry joint venture Ilim Pulp Enterprise (IPE), and in the same year he co-founded the Finzell company. In 1996, the IPE joint venture turned into a closed joint-stock company, 40 percent of which was founded by Finzell, and 20 percent of the IPE shares passed into the hands of Medvedev. In 1998, Medvedev joined the board of directors of OJSC Bratsk Timber Industry Complex, but in the fall of 1999 he resigned from the management of IPE and from the founders of Fincell. According to a number of publications, this happened at a time when a review of the legality of a number of IPE privatization projects began.

In the fall of 1999, Medvedev, on the recommendation of Putin, who became Prime Minister, was appointed deputy chief of staff of the government headed by Dmitry Kozak. On December 31, 1999, Medvedev, by decree of Putin (who became acting president), was appointed deputy to Alexander Voloshin, head of the presidential administration, and in January 2000, he was released from his previous position in the government. In February-March 2000, Medvedev headed the election headquarters of Putin, who was running for president of the Russian Federation. In June 2000, Medvedev was appointed first deputy head of the presidential administration by decree of President Putin.

Also in June 2000, Medvedev became chairman of the board of directors of OAO Gazprom, and in April 2001 he headed the working group on liberalizing the company's stock market. In June of the same year, he ceded his post as chairman of the board of directors of Gazprom to Rem Vyakhirev, who had shortly before lost his post as chairman of the board of the gas concern (Alexey Miller became the head of Gazprom). In June 2002, after Vyakhirev left, Medvedev was again elected chairman of the board of directors of OAO Gazprom.

On October 30, 2003, Medvedev was appointed head of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation instead of Voloshin, who resigned. On November 13, 2003, he joined the Security Council of the Russian Federation, and in April 2004 received the status of a permanent member of the Russian Security Council.

In March 2004, against the backdrop of the change from the government of Mikhail Kasyanov to the cabinet of Mikhail Fradkov, Medvedev was again appointed chief of staff of the president, while he had only two deputies left - Igor Sechin and Vladislav Surkov, the rest of the former deputies began to be called assistants to the president. On October 21, 2005, Medvedev received the position of curator of the council for the implementation of national projects (President Putin retained the general leadership of the new body). The new appointment was supposed to raise Medvedev’s political rating, since national projects at that time were one of the most popular initiatives of the authorities. On November 14, 2005, Medvedev was appointed First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and relieved of his post as head of the presidential administration. In May 2006, Medvedev headed the commission for the development of television and radio broadcasting.

In July 2006, Medvedev entered into a public debate with Surkov and fellow Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov, criticizing in an interview given to Expert magazine the concept of "sovereign democracy" actively promoted by Surkov and aimed at strengthening Ivanov's position as a successor Putin. In October 2006, according to the results of a survey conducted by the Levada Center, Medvedev received the votes of 30 percent of respondents ready to take part in the presidential elections in 2008.

On September 12, 2007, Medvedev became acting first deputy prime minister due to the fact that Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov asked President Putin to resign his entire cabinet. The prime minister justified his request by the desire to give the president freedom of personnel decisions on the eve of parliamentary and presidential elections. Putin accepted the resignation, asking the prime minister and other ministers to temporarily perform their duties.

On September 14, 2007, Viktor Zubkov was officially approved as Prime Minister, and on September 24 he became known new line-up government: Medvedev remained in it as first deputy prime minister.

On December 10, 2007, the leaders of United Russia, A Just Russia, the Agrarian Party and the Party Civil force"nominated First Deputy Prime Minister Medvedev for the post of President of Russia. The current President Putin supported this decision. After this, Medvedev announced that if he wins, he intends to appoint Putin as Prime Minister. Putin agreed. On January 20, 2008, Medvedev was officially registered as a candidate for presidents of Russia.

On March 2, 2008, presidential elections were held in Russia. Medvedev won a landslide victory, gaining more than 70 percent of the votes. Russian voters. On May 7 of the same year, he took office as President of Russia.

In August 2008, relations in South Ossetia, the zone where Russian peacekeepers are present, worsened. Medvedev called the entry of Georgian troops into the territory of the unrecognized republic and the shelling of its capital, Tskhinvali, an act of aggression against peacekeepers and civilians. On August 9, he announced the start of an operation “to force peace” - on the same day, Russian tanks and armored personnel carriers entered South Ossetia, and the Russian Air Force carried out airstrikes on military targets on Georgian territory. A settlement plan in the zone of the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict, developed during negotiations between President Medvedev and French President Nicolas Sarkozy, was signed in the same month. The press subsequently referred to the military conflict on the territory of South Ossetia as the “five-day war.” On August 26, Medvedev officially announced that he had signed decrees recognizing the independence of South Ossetia and the independence of Abkhazia by the Russian Federation.

On November 5, 2008, during his first address to the Federal Assembly, Medvedev proposed holding a nationwide referendum on changing the Russian Constitution, increasing the presidential term by two years, State Duma- for one year, as well as change the principle of formation of the Federation Council, expand its powers and oblige the government to report to parliament. These amendments were adopted by both houses of parliament, and the president approved them on December 30, 2008.

In September 2011, Medvedev refused to participate in presidential elections 2012 and headed the federal list of the United Russia party in the elections to the State Duma of the sixth convocation. After the elections, he refused his deputy mandate.

On March 4, 2012, Putin won the presidential elections, gaining 63.60 percent of the votes in the first round. On May 7, 2012, Medvedev ceded the post of President of Russia to him, and Putin submitted Medvedev’s candidacy to the State Duma for approval for the post of Prime Minister. The next day, May 8, the State Duma voted to appoint Medvedev to the post of Prime Minister. On May 26, 2012, Medvedev was elected chairman of the United Russia party.

Medvedev is an active state councilor of the Russian Federation, 1st class, a member of the presidium of the coordinating council of the Russian Union of Lawyers. Since 2005 - Honorary Doctor of Law, Faculty of Law, St. Petersburg State University. In 2001, as part of a team of authors, he received the Government of the Russian Federation Prize in the field of education for the creation of a three-volume textbook “Civil Law for law schools", subsequently republished several times. Medvedev is known among specialists for his works in the field of transport law, legal personality legal entities and legal regulation of credit and settlement relations.

According to media reports, Medvedev's Kremlin nickname is Vizier. In 2007-2008, information appeared in the press that due to Medvedev’s short stature, he was also called the Nano-President. Medvedev is married and has a son, Ilya, born in 1995.

Often famous personalities hide information about their children and relatives. Presidents and heads of government are no exception. The press knows little about such individuals and their personal lives. Unlike Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Medvedev sometimes shares information about his son Ilya with journalists. This will be discussed in this article.

Ilya Dmitrievich Medvedev: biography

The son of the current Head of Government was born in Northern capital 08/03/1995 It is known that Ilya Medvedev was raised by his mother, who left her job and became a housewife. All yours free time Mom dedicated it to Ilya. According to her son, she always raised him strictly and constantly monitored his hobbies and academic performance.

Ilya Medvedev graduated from school well. In one of his interviews, the father admitted that things were easier for the boy, unlike the humanitarian ones. Despite this, Medvedev's son, Ilya, speaks several languages. The boy knows English, Italian and French. At the end of the 2010 school year, Ilya passed the GIA.

Now the young man is studying at MGIMO. He entered the budget department of the Faculty of International Law in 2012, scoring 359 points. The maximum high value was set to 400.


Ilya Medvedev is interested in many things. The main hobbies of the young man are:

  • saber fencing;
  • football;
  • computer;
  • anime;
  • tricks.

Ilya Medvedev also lists his hobbies as participating in television programs. The young man loves music very much. He enjoys listening to "The Time Machine", "Spleen", "The Beatles" and "Linkin Park". Ex-president admitted to journalists that it was his son who infected him with love for the group “Linkin Park”; their songs became his most favorite. However, the similarities in musical preferences are limited to this. According to his father, Ilya is a follower, and Dmitry Anatolyevich himself listens to Deep Purple. But, despite this, in 2009, the difference in tastes did not prevent the boy from playing on stage with the members of this group.

Ilya Dmitrievich Medvedev understands how important his father’s work is, and therefore it is not possible to see him often. As he admitted to journalists from the magazine “Secrets of the Stars,” they spend only 15-20 minutes together. On weekends there is a little more time for communication. But my son had to play football with the guards. Ilya’s favorite day was May 9, because then dad could be seen on TV at the parade and chat on Skype. The son also said that, according to tradition, he and his father celebrate the New Year together.

Public life

Ilya Medvedev, the son of Dmitry Medvedev, sometimes appears in public with his father. The former president sometimes gave interviews to journalists, where he talked about his son’s successes, his achievements and hobbies.

Ilya began acting in various television programs at the age of 12. The boy's first experience was the series "Jumble". He tried himself as an actor in the series “Hero” and “Take Me Down.” And now they can be seen on television. However, the fact that the president’s son played one of the main roles in Yeralash became known relatively recently. According to Ilya and the directors, no one knew who he was. The boy passed the auditions under general conditions.

In 2008, when Ilya Dmitrievich Medvedev was still a teenager accompanying his father, the Japanese Prime Minister gave the boy a toy. It was the blue robot cat Daraemon. As it turned out, Taro Aso inquired in advance what the president’s son was interested in. At that time, Ilya just liked Japanese cartoon characters.


The safety of the children of top officials of the state is a very serious matter. They were always guarded by several bodyguards. Ilya also has his own security. However, during classes at the Moscow state institute international relations, a VIP student must appear without security. According to the dean of the faculty, security within the walls of MGIMO is not uncommon. However, security guards are not allowed into lecture halls. They meet and escort their clients at the door. Dean Skvortsov said that sometimes situations with personal bodyguards reach the point of absurdity. For example, when Gorbachev’s granddaughters had to undergo a medical examination, and the security wanted to go with them. According to Skvortsov, it took a lot of time to dissuade them.

The security of the top officials of the state and they must be ensured by employees of the Federal Security Service. Ilya Medvedev is one of these people.


There are always a lot of rumors and conversations around famous people. Medvedev's son Ilya is no exception. Not long ago, an article appeared in the media saying that it was not without reason that he ended up at MGIMO. Some bloggers criticized the actions admissions committee. They were sure that Ilya entered the budget “through connections.” However, Medvedev Jr. scored the necessary plus, he had a significant benefit - victory in the Olympics.

A very big competition. In the budget department it is seventeen people per place. To enter the Faculty of International Law, it was necessary to pass one more additional test. Ilya scored 95 points out of 100. This was not the best result, which put him only in seventieth place on the list of future students of the budget department. However, there were seventy-seven such places in total. So Ilya Medvedev, his son, became a student in the budget department legally.

Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev– talented political figure, one of the leading leaders of Russia, third president, Chairman of the Government, born 10/14/1965.


Dmitry Medvedev is a native Leningrader, born into an intelligent family. His mother was a philology teacher, and after completing teaching career– a tour guide. Father is a professor, taught at a technological institute. Medvedev's more distant ancestors on both lines were peasants.

After the war, my paternal grandfather worked along the party line and rose to the rank of first secretary of the district committee, and my grandmother devoted herself to raising children.

In the family of his parents, Medvedev was the only child who was given a lot of attention and tried to invest the most in him. best qualities. He did well at school. He liked the process of studying and acquiring new knowledge. Teachers remembered him as a diligent, well-mannered and exemplary boy. There was practically no time left for yard games with peers.

After graduating from school, Medvedev decided to enroll in Faculty of Law LSU. In those days there was a huge competition, and after school only a few people were accepted from those who had not served in the army. But Medvedev, who finished school with excellence, managed to enroll on the first try. There he continued to study diligently; teachers warmly remember the still diligent student.

During his student years, Dmitry developed new interesting hobbies. Then he became seriously interested in photography. Having started shooting with the simplest camera, he carried this passion throughout his life.

Even when he was already president, he took part in all-Russian photo competitions. His second significant hobby was sports. While at the university, he began weightlifting and even won student competitions.

Carier start

After graduating from university, Medvedev remained at his native institution for a teaching job. And three years later I entered graduate school. At the university he taught civil and Roman law, and also co-authored a textbook on civil law. Defended his Ph.D. dissertation.

His teaching had to be completed in 1999, when he received an invitation from Putin to a position in the Russian presidential administration.

While teaching at Leningrad State University, Medvedev managed to simultaneously work in Sobchak’s administration as his adviser, and then as an expert of the committee on external relations in the St. Petersburg mayor’s office, under the direct supervision of Putin.

In the committee, Medvedev was mainly involved in economic relations and investment projects. And although many considered Medvedev to be imperious and categorical, the Putin-Medvedev tandem was already working clearly and harmoniously.

Since 1993, Medvedev became the founder of the closed joint-stock company Finzell, and then a co-founder and organizer of several large investment projects.

There are also rumors that for about 5 years in the 90s he served as head of the legal department of one of the large insurance companies, which scandalously assured its existence on the Russian market. Medvedev stopped working at the mayor's office after Anatoly Sobchak resigned from the post of mayor of St. Petersburg.

Conquest of Moscow

Medvedev moved to Moscow at the end of 1999, and after Putin assumed the duties of acting President of Russia transferred to him by Boris Yeltsin, Medvedev took Putin's former position - first deputy head of the Presidential Administration. By the way, in the 2000 elections it was Medvedev who headed the headquarters of Putin’s election campaign.

In 2000, he held the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gazprom, which he held until his presidency in May 2008. Political career Medvedev's position in Moscow is developing rapidly, and already in November 2003 he became the head of the presidential administration and a member of the Security Council.

Presidential elections

In 2006, Medvedev decides to participate in the election campaign for the post of President of the Russian Federation. By the way, his candidacy is supported by Vladimir Putin himself, who speaks of Medvedev as a decent person and a talented politician. And although the United Russia party nominates Medvedev as a candidate, a number of leading Russian parties support his candidacy.

This alignment of political forces made Medvedev's victory in the elections almost inevitable. And in May 2008, he officially became the third president of Russia.

Medvedev successfully worked in this post full term, again in close cooperation with Vladimir Putin, who at that time served as Prime Minister. After his election, Medvedev relinquishes his powers as head of Gazprom and completely devotes himself to the interests of Russia.

First of all, he devotes his efforts to the development of housing construction and lending, paying special attention to veterans and war participants. In addition, the most favored nation regime is created for the development higher education in Russia.

During Medvedev's presidency, the global financial crisis of 2008 occurred, which affected the entire global economy. Together with Putin, Medvedev developed and implemented a number of emergency measures to overcome crisis situation and straightening out the country's economy.

Thoughtful actions led to the fact that already in 2009 the economic situation in Russia stabilized and indicators began to grow again.

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