Original buildings and structures. The most bizarre, strange buildings in the world. Guggenheim Museum Bilbao

Unusual architecture of houses - what is it, a departure from generally accepted standards or creative self-expression of their designers, striving to distinguish their creations from the gray mass of ordinary buildings?

Dancing House in Prague

This amazing building is located in the very center of Prague on the embankment of the Vltava River, in the area of ​​Reslova Street. The exact address of the Dancing House: Rasinovo nabrezi, 80.
The history of the building is quite interesting. The house that previously stood on the site of the Dancing House was destroyed in January 1945 during an American air raid. For half a century the place was vacant until Czech President Vaclav Havel intervened. The fact is that the house next to the destroyed one was built by the grandfather of the Czech president and before nationalization was the property of the Havel family. Now it is difficult to say whether this circumstance or another was the reason for the start of construction, but be that as it may, the Czech president decided to build another house on the site of the vacant lot, designed by a Czech architect with Croatian roots, Vlado Miluni?. However, Insurance Company, redeemed land plot, demanded that some famous Western architect take part in the project. The choice fell on the famous Canadian-American deconstructivist architect, Pritzker Prize winner, Frank Gehry. The construction of the “drunken house” took place from 1994 to 1996, under the personal supervision of Vaclav Havel. The main architectural idea of ​​the building was an analogy with the famous dance duet of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, known as “Ginger and Fred”. Even a quick glance at the building is enough to see this architectural design. One of the two cylindrical parts, the one that expands at the top, symbolizes a male figure (Fred), and the second part of the building visually resembles a female figure with a thin waist and a fluttering skirt (Ginger). In my opinion, the implementation of the idea was fully successful. However, the conceptual name “Ginger and Fred” did not catch on, and this amazing structure in everyday life began to be called simply “dancing” or “drunk”. Currently, the building is a business center housing the offices of several international companies. There is a French restaurant on the roof with an amazing view of Prague. When you look at this building for the first time, especially in photographs, you get an absolute feeling of the fragility of the structure. However, this was the first time I saw “Dancing House” live, and not in photos. During our trip to the Czech Republic, we observed this house for some time from afar, from various angles, and one fine day we purposefully went to take a closer look. It must be said that up close the feeling of fragility completely disappears. But the views of the building become even more exotic. You can see for yourself. It would be interesting to visit inside the “Drunken House” and look at the layout of the premises and the views from the windows. They say they are simply great! I hope I will be able to do this on my next trips, because the Czech Republic is worth going there several times!

Floating Castle in Ukraine
But there is really no structure or support for this. The flying castle literally hangs in the air.
It would seem that the laws of gravity are a common thing for everyone, and no matter how you twist them, be kind enough to follow them, otherwise the building will collapse. But there are people who sneeze at all these forces of gravity and build houses that onlookers look at and say, “How come they don’t fall?!” Let's take a look. This mysterious levitating farmhouse, standing on a single support, belongs in a science fiction film. It is believed that this is an old bunker for excess mineral fertilizers, but we believe that alien architects clearly had a hand (paw? tentacle?) in its design.

Upside Down House (Syzmbark, Poland)

An unusual work by artist and architect Daniel Czapiewski was built in the village of Szymbark, Poland. The main unusual thing about the design is that it completely imitates an inverted house, right down to the “grass” and “ground” under (that is, above) the stone foundation. At the same time, the house is quite stable and fully adapted for living. Construction of the upside down house took 114 days. Local builders were very surprised by the strange project, but they completed it without errors. Now the house has become one of the most popular attractions in Poland; not only ordinary tourists, but also architects come here to learn from a talented colleague.

Forest Spiral in Darmstadt

An unusual house with the intriguing name “Waldspirale (Forest Spiral)” was built in Darmstadt, Germany between 1998 and 2000. The creation belongs to the hand of the famous Austrian architect and artist, well known for his revolutionary, colorful architecture. The architect's designs very often borrow their shapes from nature - for example, an onion-shaped dome. This building with 105 apartments, as if “wrapped” around the courtyard, among other things, has a comfortable restaurant with a cozy cocktail bar

Basket house in the USA

This is perhaps the strangest administrative building in the world. Basket and wickerwork company Longaberger built its headquarters in a replica of its actual product, a wicker basket. The building took 180 thousand square meters, two years of construction, and cost 30 million dollars. Experts have repeatedly dissuaded company owner Dave Longberger from changing the layout of the building, but apparently he did right choice, - thanks to this idea, his company became known throughout the world.

Piano shaped building. Huainan city, China.

This "musical" house is located in the Chinese city of Huainan. A huge violin serves as the entrance to the building and there is an escalator in it to ascend to the “grand piano”. The structure is made of transparent and black glass. The building was built primarily as a landmark to distinguish the city from many other inconspicuous Chinese cities. The building itself houses an exhibition complex, which displays plans for streets and districts of the city.

Central Library in Kansas (Kansas City Public Library). State of Missouri, USA.
Probably, if all libraries were built in such a design, then they would not have a shortage of readers. By building the Central Library in the form of a book stand, the city authorities of Kansas City in the USA not only beautified the business center of the city, but also supported the reading spirit of the citizens. The building's façade is designed to resemble the spines of Kansas's most influential and popular books.

Stone House. Guemaraes, Portugal.

Great Mosque of Djenn? Djenné, Mali, Africa
The Djenne Cathedral Mosque is the largest adobe building in the world and is considered by most architects to be the greatest achievement of the Sudanese-Saheil style of architecture, although with certain Islamic influences. The mosque is located in the city of Djenne, Mali on the floodplain of the Bani River. The first mosque was built in the 13th century, but this mosque has been under construction since 1907. It is one of the most famous landmarks in Africa. Along with the "Old Towns of Djenne". The mosque is listed World Heritage UNESCO in 1988.

The Neverwas Haul. Berkeley, California, USA

This steampunk-style mobile home looks like it came out of a fairy tale or fantasy stories by Jules Verne. And those who watched the cartoon “Howl’s Moving Castle” will certainly appreciate this wonderful house. This three-story house was created by a group of 12 steampunk fans, giving it the name Neverwas Haul. It took four months of painstaking work to bring the unusual home to life, but it is still very far from completion. To begin with, the creators want to equip their brainchild with a proper steam engine instead of the diesel engine that is currently used.
Also within the framework of the project, it is planned to construct a number of devices for processing waste into fuel for the engine, a camera obscura, which will be installed in the tower, as well as a stage in the Victorian style to demonstrate new products “from the forefront” of the steampunk movement with the help of a magic lantern and various performances. However, out of everything planned at the moment, only the distillation boiler is ready.

Some buildings in the world look as if they were designed in a drunken delirium or under the influence of drugs. Other buildings impress with their brevity and the seeming absence of unnecessary details in the exterior. It’s difficult to call other structures buildings – they are, rather, entire works of art. For your consideration, a list of the most unusual buildings in the world.

Skyscraper Capital Gate, Abu Dhabi, UAE

One of the tallest buildings in the city, the so-called Leaning Tower, was included in the Book of Records as “the building with the greatest slope in the world.” The skyscraper tilts by as much as 18 degrees, which is four times more than the angle of the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa.

World Seed Vault, Svalbard, Norway

Not even that impressive appearance buildings, as much as its purpose. With special doors, airlocks and motion sensors, this building was designed to store millions of varieties of seeds from various crops that might be needed in the event of any major global disaster.

Forest Spiral Building, Darmstadt, Germany

This building looks like a cake made of several multi-colored layers. Moreover, all the windows in the house are different shapes and they are located in a chaotic order. The 12-story building, designed by the well-known Austrian architect Friedensreich Hundertwasser, has 105 apartments, a courtyard, a small artificial pond and a children's playground.

Torre Galatea, Figueres, Spain

The first thing you'll notice as you approach the building are the giant eggs on the roof. This is how the Salvador Dali Theater-Museum welcomes guests. By the way, Dali himself lived in the tower of the building until his death in 1989. It is interesting that the artist bequeathed to bury him in such a way that people could walk around the grave, so Dali’s body is walled up in the floor of one of the halls of this very museum.

Basket House, Ohio, USA

The unusual building looks like a giant picnic basket. In fact, this 7-story building is the office of The Longaberger Company, which, as you might guess, sells handmade baskets.

Cube House, Rotterdam, Netherlands

Almost four dozen structures, similar to an abstract cubic forest, were installed in the heart of a modern city according to a certain idea. The three residential floors are designed in the form of a bright yellow cube, erected on a pedestal-pylon of the administrative floor.

Hang Nga Guest House, Da Lat, Vietnam

This fantastic place is like the scenery for a fairy tale about Alice and her wonders. The house belongs to the daughter of the ex-president of Vietnam, who was impressed by the works of the great Gaudi. From the outside, the building looks like a fairy-tale castle with vaguely shaped windows, but inside there are mysterious rooms, huge giraffes and spiders and unexpected turns. No wonder the house was called “Crazy House”.

Stone house, Guimaraes, Portugal

The stone house, similar to the home of the Flintstones, was built in 1974 between four large boulders on the outskirts of a small town.

Boot House, Pennsylvania, USA

The owner of the house once owned a thriving shoe company, but the 73-year-old man, devoted to his business, could not retire without ordering such an unusual house from the architects. The 12-meter-long and 8-meter-high house plays on the shoe theme throughout, even in the shape of the mailbox and dog kennel.

Hole House, Texas, USA

From the outside, this house looks as if the city had recently experienced an earthquake or explosion. In fact, in 2005, two houses on this site were slated for demolition, but thanks to the efforts of local activists, the houses were turned into an interesting art project with a funnel that sucks visitors inside and “spits it out” in the courtyard. Unfortunately, this house no longer exists at the moment, but it remains in the memory of many as one of the most unusual buildings in the country.

Skyscraper Grand Lisboa, Macau, China

The 47-story skyscraper is the tallest building in Macau. The building was built in 2008 in the postmodern style, and its shape resembles a huge pineapple. Inside there is a 650-room hotel, casino, shops, restaurants and bars.

Lotus Temple, New Delhi, India

One of the youngest and most unusual temples in India was opened in 1986. In its shape, the 34-meter Bahai temple resembles a closed lotus flower on the blue waters of a lake.

Container City, London, UK

This is not one building, but a whole complex of unusual structures located in Pop Brixton - a quarter consisting entirely of containers. Buildings made from large shipping containers are used for offices, cafes, community centers and lounges. Naturally, all buildings are with the most modern technologies, electricity, Wi-Fi, high-quality lighting and glazed windows.

Attack of the House, Vienna, Austria

The brainchild of the famous Austrian artist Erwin Wurm - an ordinary family house with a roof, which crashed into the gray facade of the huge building of the Museum of Modern Art in Vienna.

Air Force Academy Chapel, Colorado, USA

The unusual chapel on a high hill was built in the 60s of the last century. Its structure consists of 17 steel spiers, each 46 meters high. Thanks to them, the building looks strict and even a little alarming. However, the uniqueness of the chapel is that it serves as a home for three religions at once - Catholic, Protestant and Jewish faiths coexist peacefully here.

A person sometimes creates beautiful and unusual things, the sight of which can be enjoyed by grateful descendants, marveling at the skill and imagination of outstanding masters. Architects, in this context, give us fewer masterpieces than painters, sculptors or musicians, but this is understandable, because an architect needs not only to come up with something out of the ordinary, but also to realize his plan, which is many times more difficult than for the same artist . And yet, there are truly incredible buildings in the world, which will be discussed in this article.

There are dozens of amazing buildings scattered around the world, and today we will look at only a part of them.

Burj Al Arab Hotel in Dubai

The real name of this hotel, which means “Arab Tower” in translation, is known to few people, but the Parus Hotel is familiar to almost every travel lover. The architect is Tom Wright from Atkins Middle East. The height of the hotel is 320 meters, and its appearance resembles a huge white sail, which is where the building’s nickname came from. The hotel positions itself as a seven-star hotel, although it is internationally classified as a five-star deluxe hotel. Room rates range from $1,000 to $28,000 per night. All rooms in the hotel are two-story, and the smallest room has an area of ​​168 square meters. m.

Crooked house in Sopot

The small seaside resort of Sopot, located in the Gdansk Voivodeship (Poland), has one attraction that has already become famous throughout the world, attracting crowds of tourists to the town. We are talking about the so-called Crooked House, built according to the design of architects Shotinsky and Zalevsky. Despite its original appearance, Crooked House is part of shopping center, which, however, does not detract from its unusualness.

dancing House

Another building with irregular geometric shapes is the Dancing House, located in the capital of the Czech Republic. Deconstructivism is the style in which this unusual building, which is actually an office center, is made. The two towers of this house are an architectural metaphor for a dancing couple, with one tower being normal and the other being destructive. Two architects worked on the project: Croatian Vlado Milunic and Canadian Frank Gehry.
Cube houses

Cube houses

Apparently inspired by what was allowed in Holland, the architect Piet Blom built Cube Houses or Cube Houses in Rotterdam and Helmond in 1984. The houses are residential and very comfortable.

House Mila

One of the main attractions of Barcelona is Casa Mila, designed and built by the outstanding Spanish architect Antoni Gaudi in 1910, commissioned by the Mila family. This house was the last private commission of Gaudi, who devoted the rest of his life to the Sagrada Familia Cathedral. Elevators, an underground garage, an innovative ventilation system, an open plan - this house is a unique manifestation of architectural genius, decorating the capital of Catalonia with its appearance to this day.

Temple of Truth

Wooden Buddhist Temple of Truth, located in Pattaya (Thailand). Construction of the temple began back in 1981, initiated by Thai businessman Leka Viriyapana, and is planned to be completed by 2025. The construction uses ancient Thai construction and wood carving technologies, and every square centimeter of the temple is carved sculptures and wood ornaments depicting a mix of religious and mythological scenes from Southeast Asia and China.
Great Mosque in Djenne

Great Mosque in Djenne

This mosque is the largest clay building in the world. It is located in the city of Djenne (Mali), in the floodplain of the Bani River. Despite its appearance, the building is a little over a hundred years old, its construction was completed in 1907. This is the greatest achievement of the Sudanese-Sahelian architectural style.

Guggenheim Museum Bilbao

The Museum of Modern Art, a branch of the Solomon Guggenheim Museum of Modern Art, opened in 1997. This building was designed by architect Frank Gehry. It is located on the banks of the Nervion River in Bilbao (Spain). The museum is built in the style of deconstructivism.

Museum of Contemporary Art in Nitroya

The museum in Nitroya is the famous architectural creation of Oscar Niemeyer in the modernist style. The museum building is a sixteen-meter-tall concrete smooth cylindrical structure on a thin leg with a glass belt, reminiscent of a UFO.

These are not all the buildings that I would like to show you, especially considering that each of them deserves a separate article. But everything has its time, dear friends.

“This is a crazy, crazy world,” you will say when you see these strange and even shocking houses. The unusual buildings from all over the world collected in this publication are surprising because they are also buildings! Houses, hotels, museums, libraries, offices, apartments - all this takes place inside these unusual structures. The thing is that these buildings were designed by talented architects with limitless and sometimes crazy imagination, whose goal was to create, among millions of houses, one that would stand out not only across the country, but throughout the world.

House-grand piano with violin.Piano shaped building.Huainan city,China.
This "musical" house is located in the Chinese city of Huainan. A huge violin serves as the entrance to the building and there is an escalator in it to ascend to the “grand piano”. The structure is made of transparent and black glass. The building was built primarily as a landmark to distinguish the city from many other inconspicuous Chinese cities. The building itself houses an exhibition complex, which displays plans for streets and districts of the city.

Basket house. Longaberger Basket Building. Newark, USA
This is perhaps the strangest administrative building in the world. Basket and wickerwork company Longaberger built its headquarters in a replica of its actual product, a wicker basket. The building took 180 thousand square meters, two years of construction, and cost 30 million dollars. Experts have repeatedly dissuaded company owner Dave Longberger from changing the layout of the building, but apparently he made the right choice - thanks to this idea, his company became known throughout the world.

Upside Down House. Wonder works. Pigen Forge, USA
This is the main attraction in the provincial town of Pigeon Forge. The legend of its creation is interesting. On one of the outer islands in Bermuda Triangle, in a top-secret laboratory, under the leadership of Professor Wonder, a process for creating artificial tornadoes and using the resulting energy was developed. During this experiment, something went wrong and the force of a tornado hit the laboratory itself. This created a swirling vortex that was strong enough to tear down the laboratory along with its foundation. She was carried thousands of miles and landed upside down in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.

Kansas Central Library. Kansas City Public Library. State of Missouri, USA.
Do you think the library is a boring place? Check out the Kansas Central Library! Probably, if all libraries were built in such a design, then they would not have a shortage of readers. By building the Central Library in the form of a shelf of books, the city authorities of Kansas City in the USA not only beautified the business center of the city, but also supported the reading spirit of the citizens. The building's façade is designed to resemble the spines of Kansas's most influential and popular books.

The Crooked House. Sopot, Poland.
Transfer from Polish language sounds differently: “Crooked”, “Humpbacked” or even “Dancing”. It was built by Polish architect Szotynscy Zaleski in 2004 in Sopot. The architect was inspired by illustrations to fairy tales by artist Jan Marcin Szancer. There is an unusual house on the main street of the city of Sopot, Monte Cassino. There is a shopping center in the house.

Upside down house. Szymbark, Poland
An unusual work by artist and architect Daniel Czapiewski was built in the village of Szymbark, Poland. The main unusual thing about the design is that it completely imitates an inverted house, right down to the “grass” and “ground” under (that is, above) the stone foundation. At the same time, the house is quite stable and fully adapted for living. Construction of the upside down house took 114 days. Local builders were very surprised by the strange project, but they completed it without errors. Now the house has become one of the most popular attractions in Poland; not only ordinary tourists, but also architects come here to learn from a talented colleague.

Dancing House.Prague Dancing House. Prague, Czech Republic.
This amazing building is located in the very center of Prague on the embankment of the Vltava River. The house that previously stood on the site of the Dancing House was destroyed in January 1945 during an American air raid. For half a century the place was vacant until Czech President Vaclav Havel intervened. Construction of the “drunken house” took place from 1994 to 1996. The main architectural idea of ​​the building was an analogy with the famous dance duet of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, known as “Ginger and Fred”. One of the two cylindrical parts, the one that expands at the top, symbolizes a male figure (Fred), and the second part of the building visually resembles a female figure with a thin waist and a fluttering skirt (Ginger).

Mobile home of Sheikh Hamad. Abu Dhabi. UAE
Member royal family Abu Dhabi in the UAE, Sheikh Hamad designed a house to move through the desert. Sheikh is famous for his passion for motorhomes. There is a huge 21-foot Willys Jeep in the rich man's garage. Built a mobile home for traveling through the desert in the form globe and fits four floors of living space, 6 bathrooms and 4 bedrooms. Height – 12m. The size of the ball is one millionth the size of the Earth. This got him into the Guinness Book of Records.

Attacked house. House Attack. Vienna, Austria.
And this house, which “unsuccessfully fell” on the Vienna Museum of Modern Art, is uninhabited. This is a work of art by Austria's most important sculptor of the present time, Erwin Wurm. This work is Erwin’s protest against the dominance in modern architecture of “standard houses, faceless like shoeboxes!”

Montreal Biosphere.Montreal Biosphère. Canada
The Biosphere Museum of the Environment in Montreal, dedicated to environment And water resources. Located in Parc Jean-Drapeau on St. Helena Island in the middle of the St. Lawrence River. The museum is housed in the former American pavilion at the World's Fair, Expo 67, which was created by American engineer and architect Richard Buckminster Fuller and features one of the most famous geodesic domes that brought Fuller worldwide fame.

House-banknote. Kaunas, Lithuania
The project itself, according to which the banknote house was built in Lithuania, belongs to the young architect Rimas Adomaitis. In an instant, the famous specialist explains that this building should in no way symbolize the almighty power of money and universal admiration for it. Initially, the banknote house in Lithuania was conceived in this form in order to make this office center very respectable and prestigious. The facade of the building consists of 450 thousand pieces of glass of various colors. The builders had to manually assemble all these pieces so that the banknote house in Lithuania would eventually have such an unusual appearance. Due to the fact that the façade of the building is completely glass, there is no need to create windows in itself. The glass itself, produced in Europe, is coated with a special compound that does not allow it to deteriorate due to adverse weather conditions. On the facade of the building there is a 1000 lita banknote from 1926.

Forest Spiral. Darmstadt, Germany
An unusual house with the intriguing name “Forest Spiral” was built between 1998 and 2000. This building with 105 apartments, as if “wrapped” around the courtyard, among other things, has a comfortable restaurant with a cozy cocktail bar.

House with a glass in Moscow
A merchant Filatov lived in Moscow and he began to drink so much that he almost went bankrupt. Then he came to his senses, stopped drinking, and his affairs improved. And with the funds that appeared, in 1907-1909 he built an apartment building on Ostozhenka. The Art Nouveau house for the merchant Filatov is decorated with a corner turret with a roof in the shape of an inverted glass. So the merchant decided to show all of Moscow that he was done, and finally knocked over the glass. This glass is more than 3 meters in height.

Crazy House. Crazy House. Da Lat, Vietnam
This incredible building- a hotel in Dalat, the author's hotel of Mrs. Dang Nga - the daughter of the ex-president of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. At one time, this Vietnamese lady studied architecture in Moscow. The building does not comply with any of the generally accepted concepts of house building and looks like a fairy-tale castle, with a huge belly of a giraffe or a spider. The house is open to tourists.

Cybertexture Egg. Mumbai, India.
This highly intelligent business center was created in Mumbai in 2010. Designers from James Law Cybertecture International under the leadership of James Law are accustomed to surprising with their masterpieces. But the egg-shaped house amazes not only the inexperienced viewer, but also specialists. The scientific bureau is engaged in projects of architecture of the 22nd century and works not so much on the form as on the internal content of buildings. As a result, the new home is a cyber-architecture, which includes all the latest developments that fill human life with the highest comfort. Sensors built throughout monitor the state of human health and can measure it at any time. arterial pressure and body temperature. The very shape of the building, shaped like an egg, protects employees from direct sun rays and also saves space. At the top of the egg, where the roof should be, there is a garden, which, in addition to the traditional one, has another task - to remove excess heat from the surface of the glass walls.

Stone house or Troll house.Stone house. Guimaraes, Portugal
A very colorful structure that looks entirely carved from stone. However, in fact, the Portuguese “Troll House” is simply “inscribed” between two huge boulders, and the outer walls are made of small stone of the same composition and color, so the structure fully justifies its name - Stone House. Even the roof of the building is a monolithic stone slab covered with tiles. The Stone House was built by Victor Rodriguez in 1973. The pool is carved directly into one boulder.

Lotus Temple. New Delhi, India
The Temple is a Baha'i House of Worship and is open to everyone, regardless of religion. There is not a single fresco or image inside the temple; visitors are greeted only by snow-white walls and only the inscription on the ceiling Arabic- “God is above all,” so that every believer can turn to his own deity. Construction of the Lotus Temple took place from 1978 to December 1986. The project was led by an Iranian-Canadian architect, Fariborza Sahba.

Burj Al Arab Hotel. "Arab Tower". Dubai, UAE
The tallest hotel in the world - 56 floors, 321 m, built in the sea, 280 m from the shore on an artificial island with which a bridge connects it. The building has an unusual architecture, in the form of a mast with a sail, lined with double glass coated with Teflon. The Burj Al Arab is visible from almost anywhere in the city and is rightfully considered the symbol of Dubai.

Cube houses. Kubuswoning. Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Cube Houses or Cube Houses are a series of houses built in Rotterdam and Helmond according to the innovative design of the architect Piet Blom in 1984. Blom's radical solution was that he turned the parallelepiped of the house by 45 degrees and placed it at an angle on a hexagonal pylon. Some residents offer tours of their extraordinary homes. The walls and windows are inclined at an angle of 54.7 degrees in relation to the floor. The total area of ​​the apartment is about 100 square meters, but about a quarter of the space is unusable due to the walls, which are at an angle.

Walt Disney Concert Hall. Walt Disney Concert Hall. Los Angeles, California, USA.
This grand hall is the fruit of the efforts of the famous Frank Henry. It took 16 years to build - 1987-2003.

Upside down house. Matsumoto, Japan
In the Japanese city of Matsumoto, a house was built at an angle of 135 degrees. The roof of this upside-down house is bright pink, and the interior also has upside-down interiors. For example, in the interior the signs are upside down. There is a coffee shop inside the building, but the coffee is served in cups and is not spilled on guests.

Atomium. Brussels, Belgium
Built for the 1958 World's Fair, this model of the iron molecule, enlarged 165 billion times, is one of the attractions of Brussels. If you take the elevator to a height of 122 meters, you will have a panoramic view of Brussels.

Project "Eden". Eden project. Great Britain
This is a botanical garden located in Cornwall, Great Britain. It includes a greenhouse consisting of several unusual geodesic domes, with a total area of ​​22 thousand square meters. Under the “bumpy” domes of the greenhouse there is a unique collection of plants from all over the planet. Geodesic domes are assembled from several hundred hexagons, very similar to honeycombs, and several pentagons that connect the structure into a complete structure. The architect of the project was Nicholas Grimshaw, the idea belonged to Tim Smith, construction lasted three years, and the opening of the project took place in 2001.

Skyscraper "Cucumber". Gherkin building. London. England
Tower, 40 floors high. Construction of the building took place during 2001-2004, the project was designed by the famous architect Norman Foster. Construction costs exceeded $400 million. "Cucumber" became a decoration financial center capital of England, it houses the headquarters of Swiss Re, several restaurants, and the ground floors are open to all visitors. The height of the “Cucumber” is 180 meters; “green” technologies were used during construction, thanks to which the building consumes 2 times less electricity than conventional skyscrapers.

An ideal palace. Le Palais Ideal. Hauterives, France
The Ideal Palace amazes travelers not only with its mixture of unusual styles from the Middle East, Algeria, China and notable imitation of Antoni Gaudi, but also with its history. The building was built by an ordinary French postman who had no special education. Ferdinand Chevale built his Ideal Palace for 33 years - from 1879 to 1912, using individual stones collected by him in the area where he lived. All the walls of the palace are decorated with inscriptions - sayings of Christ, Buddha, all kinds of figures, baskets, limestone carvings, rising into the air various decorations, the building looks especially impressive at night.

Concert hall Tenerife Auditorium. Canary Islands, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
The developer of another unusual project was Santiago Calatrava. Construction of the building began in 1997 and was completed in 2003; the unusual concert hall cost investors 72.3 million euros. The main highlight of the unusual building, which fit perfectly into the coastal landscape, was the “wing” rising above the main building and lined with ceramics. Thanks to this “decoration”, the concert hall looks like a giant sailboat, shell or spaceship. The building has two halls - for 1.6 thousand and 400 seats, it is possible to regulate the acoustics of the rooms for performances of opera singers, shops and cafes are located in the hall, and From the open terraces you can admire the sea.

Music Center. Experience music project. Seattle, USA

The house “you’ve never been to.” The Never Was Haul. Berkeley, California, USA

A house with a crack. Ontario, Canada

Modern Art Museum. Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art. Nice, France

National Theatre. National Theatre. Beijing, China

Sand and clay Mosque of Djenné. Mali, West Africa

Big pineapple. Hotel-Casino Grand Lisboa. Macau, China

Museum of Art. Graz Art Museum. Graz, Austria

Zucchini on a side. Kyiv, Ukraine

House of fashion and shopping. Fashion Show Mall. Las Vegas, USA

Quarry house. Barcelona, ​​Spain.

Cactus house. Cactus House. Rotterdam, Netherlands

Nautilus. Nautilus house. Mexico City

Panorama house. Edificio mirador. Madrid, Spain

Boot house. Pennsylvania, USA

Houseboat. House Boats. Kerala, India.

UFO house. The Ufo House. Sanzi, Taiwan

Gateway to Europe or Torres KIO office. Torres KIO. Madrid, Spain.

Apartments. Wozoko Apartments. Amsterdam, Holland

Torre Galatea Figueres. The Torre Galatea Figueras. Spain.

Esplanade Theaters Hotel. Singapore

Department for problems of production and supply of natural gas. Gas Natural headquarters. Barcelona, ​​Spain.

Modern Art Museum. Niteroi, Brazil

Slim residential complex. London

Temple of Truth. Pattaya, Thailand
Made entirely of wood.

House-garden in Belgium

Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health in Las Vegas

Twisted house in Indianapolis, USA

(39 Votes)

What does the house look like? Several floors, a roof, windows, a standard rectangular silhouette... Not everyone thinks the same way, and houses of the most unusual shapes are springing up all over the world.

Shell House, Mexico City

The Nautilus house was built in 2006 and has become a family nest. It is completely earthquake resistant and environmentally friendly. True, you can never understand whether you are still inside or have already come out.

Dancing House, Prague

The building, symbolizing a dancing couple, is an office building and one of the landmarks of the Czech capital. It is often called "Ginger and Fred" after the most famous choreographic duo.

Dancing House, photo Pedro Szekely

Hang Nga Hotel, Da Lat

The hotel, which does not have a single straight wall or a single window of the correct shape, is often called a “madhouse”, and it looks like a set for a movie. Despite this, there are always people who want to stay here, willing to pay a lot for the strange appearance of the building.

Hang Nga Hotel

The architect who erected this 12-story residential building in Germany considered straight lines to be a tool of the devil. Perhaps that is why his creation is twisted in a spiral around the courtyard, and a real forest grows on its roof.

Forest spiral, photo by Scott Maurer

The residential building, built at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries by one man who was a postman and had no idea about architecture, is the pride of the French town. There are Hindu deities, biblical characters, towers, and fountains on the building, so you can look at it for hours.

It is no coincidence that the Dali Museum is considered one of the strangest buildings in the world, because it was designed by the great artist himself. Bright walls, eggs on the roof, a glass dome and incredible interiors distinguish the building from all museums in the world.

Dali Museum, photo Shezre

In Kansas City, the number of people wanting to go to the library is much greater than in all other cities. This is no coincidence, because it looks like a collection of giant books stretched along the street.

Basket House, Newark

The office of the construction company Longaberger is located in a very unusual building that looks like a seven-story basket. The construction took thirty million dollars and a huge amount of nerves, since almost the entire city tried to dissuade the company owner from this project.

The world's largest building-sculpture, listed in the Guinness Book of Records, is located in China and depicts three star elders. They symbolize the basics of Feng Shui: happiness, longevity and prosperity.

Hotel Tianzi, photo moco-choco

Cube houses, Rotterdam

A whole complex of cubic houses in Rotterdam invariably attracts tourists. Each building consists of three levels and although it looks strange from the outside, inside people live comfortably.

Cube houses, photo Luc B

Of course, people’s imagination is not limited to this, and in the world there are tree houses, snail houses, houses built underground and even under water according to unique designs. So, when going to an unfamiliar city, look around carefully, maybe you will come across an equally unique building.

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