What is the difference between a correspondent bank and an intermediary bank? Commercial banks as financial intermediaries and their activities as an intermediary and not at a banking organization

The first bank was created as a commercial organization that served the trade and market infrastructure. At that time, it seemed enough to simply open a bank account through which all market transactions were carried out.

But as supply and demand increased, banks also began to develop and became a full-fledged component of the modern economy as intermediaries.

What is a financial intermediary in simple words?

They allow suppliers and consumers to cooperate without unnecessary risks. There are several classifications of intermediary activities of banks: deposit and non-deposit.

Signs of banks as financial intermediaries:

  1. they have the ability to issue their own debt instruments, which include bills and bonds, certificates of deposit and acceptances. This is their distinguishing feature compared to brokers who do not have the right to issue their debt obligations;
  2. Each bank forms its obligations by receiving fixed amounts (deposits) from citizens, which are placed in bank accounts. Such obligations are characterized by an increased degree of risk, because the money must be returned and the deposit paid in full in any case;
  3. they receive payment for their help. The commission of an intermediary bank is the fee that it receives for opening and servicing various types of current accounts. Its size in each organization is determined individually;
  4. banks in the course of their activities have the opportunity to attract borrowed funds, and usually the amount of their own capital is no more than 10% of the balance sheet. This feature makes them too susceptible to negative processes occurring in the economy.

Functions of modern banks

The brokerage (intermediary) function in this case is one of the main ones. In other words, banks simply bring lenders and borrowers together because they have complementary needs.

For lenders, this is an opportunity to slightly increase their wealth, and for borrowers, to receive a certain amount of capital. Such cooperation allows both the borrower and the lender to avoid risks. After all, the responsible person for a particular case will be the bank.

In the process of providing intermediary services, banks have the right to additionally certify their clients (for example, assign them a credit rating), advise borrowers and lenders, and act as intermediaries in turnover valuable papers on the market and much more.

For each transaction, the intermediary receives a profit in the form of commissions.

A banking organization must be able not only to act as an intermediary, but must know how to properly transform assets. This means that when cooperating with two parties, the bank simply changes the financial requirements of the transaction in its favor.

In other words, deposit programs provide lower interest rates than the loan funds that will be issued to the borrower as part of the lending program.

This is called high-quality transformation of assets, which brings considerable profit to the intermediary.

This system is successfully in demand, because if there were no banks or other credit organizations, the borrower would have to independently seek financing for their projects.

This is not only inconvenient, but also exposes the parties to additional financial risks. This can be catastrophically unacceptable for both sides.

One of the functions of banking organizations is also the issue of means of payment, which ensures the functioning of payment system. Thanks to it, many consider banks to be the basis of such financial intermediation, but the introduction modern technologies allows you to reduce the number of participating banks to a minimum.

Automation of the process of processing non-cash payments allows you to instantly complete transactions with a minimum number of intermediaries.

There are these types of intermediary banks:

  1. universal.
  2. special.

Banks of the second category are specialized only in a specific direction. In some countries, banking organizations are prohibited from providing a wide range of financial services. In such situations, there is usually more than enough profit from one area of ​​financial services and the need for others simply disappears.

Intermediation of banks in foreign exchange transactions

One of the additional intermediation services is the execution of foreign exchange transactions in the domestic and foreign currency markets. According to the Law “On Currency Regulation and Currency Control,” there are several types of currency transactions:

  1. operations that are associated with the transfer of ownership rights to currency values. This also applies to transactions in which currency is used as a means of payment;
  2. receiving and sending currency outside the Russian Federation;
  3. making international transfers;
  4. conducting settlement transactions between residents and non-residents of Russia.

There is also a division of foreign exchange transactions into current and those related to capital movements.

The bank has the right to carry out transactions for the purchase and sale of currency only if it has a license to do so. It can apply only to the domestic market or cover both foreign and domestic markets.

Intermediary banks in foreign exchange transactions must have an extended license to carry out foreign exchange transactions in the domestic market. But to buy and sell currency on the foreign market, you must have a general license.

Otherwise, the activity of an intermediary bank in the foreign exchange market and beyond will depend on its size, number of branches and reputation.

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  • Relationships and differences between money, credit and finance.
  • Monetary system: concept and characteristics of its individual elements. Modern monetary system in Russia.
  • Inflation: essence, types, methods of reduction, specifics of inflation processes in Russia.
  • Money supply: concept and composition of monetary aggregates. The monetary base and its importance in monetary regulation.
  • Finance: concept, history of formation and functions performed.
  • 8. Financial system: concept, structure and characteristics of its individual components.
  • 9. Population income, characteristics of individual types. Dynamics of the level of income of the population and the factors that determine them.
  • 10. Consumer expenditures of the population, the dependence of their dynamics and structure on individual factors.
  • 11. Company finance: concept, place and role in the country’s financial system.
  • 12. Public finance: concept, essence, composition and role in the economy.
  • 13. Budget system of the Russian Federation: concept, structure and characteristics of individual levels.
  • 14. Pension Fund of the Russian Federation: formation and use of fund funds
  • 15. The system of compulsory health insurance in the Russian Federation: structure of funds, participants and their functions, processes of formation and use of funds.
  • 16. Public debt: concept, structure, criteria for assessing the safe level. Assessment of the current state of the Russian public debt.
  • 17. Tax: the concept and principles of taxation in the historical period and at the present stage. The role of taxes in regulating the economy.
  • 19. Tax system and its structure. Current trends and prospects for the development of the Russian tax system.
  • 20. Direct taxes: their characteristics, advantages, disadvantages and role in generating income at individual levels of the budget system of the Russian Federation.
  • 21. Indirect taxes: their characteristics, advantages, disadvantages and role in generating income at individual levels of the budget system of the Russian Federation.
  • 22. Credit market, its functions and its role in a market economy.
  • 23. Bank of Russia: status, goals of activity and assessment of functions performed.
  • 24. Types of monetary policy and their characteristics. Features of monetary policy in Russia at the present stage.
  • 25.Banks as financial intermediaries and characteristics of their activities in modern Russia.
  • 26. Currency: concept and classification of types. Factors determining the position of the national currency in the international market.
  • 27. Securities market, classification of types and their characteristics.
  • 28. Indicators of the state of the securities market and their assessment.
  • 29. Price: concept and functions performed. Price as a tool of a market economy.
  • 30. Insurance: concept, main tasks. Insurance industries.
  • 25.Banks as financial intermediaries and characteristics of their activities in modern Russia.

    Federal Law “On Banks and Banking Activities” “A bank is a credit organization that has the exclusive right to carry out the following banking operations in aggregate: attracting funds from individuals and legal entities into deposits, placing these funds on its own behalf and at its own expense on repayment terms, payment, urgency, opening and maintaining bank accounts of individuals and legal entities.”

    Banks as financial intermediaries, accepting cash deposits from different subjects of economic relations, issue them to other subjects for different periods. The former can return the money on demand or without notice; the latter usually need the money for a long period. The bank acts as an intermediary, accepting deposits, paying interest on them and issuing loans, charging higher interest rates to borrowers.

    In market conditions, a commercial bank is not only one of the types of commercial enterprises, but also plays an important role as a financial intermediary in the following areas:

    1. in the field of redistribution of temporarily free funds of legal entities and individuals on the basis of urgency, payment and repayment;

    2. when making payments between business entities, when the responsibility of banks for the timely and complete execution of payment orders of their clients is especially important;

    3. when performing transactions with securities, when the bank acts as an investment broker, investment consultant, investment company or fund.

    26. Currency: concept and classification of types. Factors determining the position of the national currency in the international market.

    Currency is the monetary unit of a specific country. The same term denotes cash foreign countries in the form of coins and banknotes, as well as credit and means of payment in foreign currency. Also used to denote international units of account issued by international financial organizations (SDR, euro). Classification of species:

    By affiliation: National currency - a monetary unit issued by the state itself, is considered the main currency of the country, the national bank is obliged to maintain its exchange rate in relation to the currencies of other countries. Foreign - any other currency, with the exception of the national one, issued by banks of other countries.

    Collective – used in a number of countries, for example, the euro.

    On circulation and conversion. Convertible - a currency with maximum liquidity accepted by almost all foreign banks, such monetary unit can be sold or bought in any country.

    Partially convertible currency - accepted as a means of payment in banks in a number of countries, its exchange for another monetary unit is sometimes associated with some difficulties.

    Non-convertible - circulating only within the country of the issuer - which issued it for circulation, is ignored by other countries as a means of payment.

    By scope: price currency, payment currency, check currency, bills of exchange, securities currency.

    There is also an international currency - the one with the help of which most international payments are made, and which serves as the basis of the reserve currency (a national currency generally recognized in the world, which is accumulated by the central banks of other countries in foreign exchange reserves).

    7 main currencies that are fully convertible and most often used in international payments ($US, Euro, Swiss Franc, Pound Sterling, Japanese Yen, Canadian $, Australian $).

    The value of the national currency on the world market is determined by the country’s export potential. The fall in the exchange rate of the national currency leads to a decrease in the prices of national goods on the world market, expressed in foreign currencies, which contributes to the growth of exports, which as a result becomes more competitive. At the same time, prices for foreign goods expressed in national currency become higher, as a result of which their imports decrease. As a result of the depreciation of the national currency, national assets and securities denominated in it become cheaper and become more attractive to foreign investors, which leads to an increase in capital inflows from abroad. An increase in the national currency exchange rate causes the opposite effect.

    Correspondent and intermediary banks act as third-party banks that coordinate with beneficiary banks to facilitate international fund transfers and settlement of transactions. The differences between them are incompatible; Depending on where you are from, correspondent banks are different from intermediary banks, or they may be a type of intermediary bank indistinguishable from intermediary banks.

    Role of third party banks

    Wire transfers - an electronic method of sending money to another person or organization - are very common transactions with all banks, but international wire transfers are more expensive and more difficult to complete.

    In some parts of the world, such as Australia or EU member states, banks that handle international transfers are called intermediary banks. No distinction is made between intermediaries and correspondent banks.

    Transactions in foreign currency

    In other parts of the world, such as the United States, there is sometimes a distinction between specific roles for intermediary and correspondent banks.

    The most commonly cited difference between the two is that correspondent banks process transactions involving more than one currency. For example, if the transferring party deals in US dollars and the receiving party is located in France, there is a correspondent bank covering all transactions from dollars to euros.

    In France there is another relevant bank that deals with receiving foreign currency for the recipient. In most cases (though not always), correspondent banks are located in a country where the two currencies are domestic.

    Intermediary banks route cash for foreign transactions, but these transactions do not involve multiple currencies. Most of these cases involve the establishment of a bank that is too small to handle foreign transfers, so the assistance of an intermediary bank is enlisted.

    At any moment in a market economy, there are market entities that do not have sufficient funds to pay planned expenses. At the same time, there are always firms, individuals and government organizations that currently have more money than their current needs. The former act as the demand for borrowed capital, its consumers or borrowers, the latter – as suppliers of monetary resources or lenders. The same subjects in different time can be both lenders and borrowers. Redistribution of financial resources between lenders and borrowers in economic system dealt with by special financial institutions called financial intermediaries.

    A financial intermediary is an institution that communicates between lenders and borrowers, borrowing funds from lenders and providing them to borrowers. The volume of funds accumulated and used by financial intermediaries significantly exceeds their volumes passing through other sectors of the economy. There are financial intermediaries between the financial institutions themselves. Thus, a number of financial institutions - leasing, factoring companies, financial houses - most receive their funds as loans from other financial institutions.

    At first glance, it may seem that direct interaction between borrowers and lenders is more profitable from a financial point of view. However, in developed economies this is not the case. Let's consider the benefits and advantages of financial intermediation from the point of view of lenders and borrowers.

    From the point of view of creditors, the advantages of financial intermediation are expressed, firstly, in the fact that with their help a reduction in credit risk is achieved. In conditions of incompleteness and imperfection of information characteristic of modern market economy, credit risk is high, i.e. the risk of non-repayment of principal and interest on the loan. Intermediaries diversify risk by distributing investments by type of financial instrument, over time, between different lenders, which leads to a reduction in the overall level of credit risk (risk transformation).

    Secondly, financial intermediaries make it easier for other economic entities to find reliable borrowers. The intermediary develops a system for checking the solvency of borrowers and organizes a system for distributing its services. This also ultimately reduces credit risk and lending costs.

    Thirdly, financial intermediaries provide solutions to liquidity problems of economic agents. Financial institutions allow them to maintain the required level of liquidity for their clients, which determines the ability to fully and timely fulfill their obligations to counterparties.

    From the point of view of borrowers, the advantages of financial intermediaries are determined, first of all, by solving the problem of finding lenders willing to provide loans on acceptable terms. Financial intermediaries organize the collection of data about them and develop methods for attracting free funds.

    In addition, in the absence of a financial intermediary, the rate for borrowed funds for the borrower under the same economic conditions is most often higher than in the presence of one. This paradox is explained by the fact that financial intermediaries reduce credit risk for primary creditors (depositors, money owners) and can set lower rates for raising funds, which naturally affects the establishment of interest rate placement at a relatively lower level than with direct lending.

    The next advantage is that financial intermediaries help coordinate the timing of placement and attraction of financial resources. The problem of timing arises due to the fact that the borrower usually needs money for longer periods than lenders are willing to offer. Financial intermediaries perform term transformation by filling the gap between the lender's liquidity and the borrower's preference for long-term loans. Solving this problem is made easier by the fact that not all clients demand their money at the same time, and the receipt of funds by the financial intermediary is also distributed over time.

    Finally, financial institutions satisfy the demand of borrowers for large loans by aggregating a significant number of small amounts from many clients (transformation of the size of monetary amounts).

    Financial intermediaries are investment funds and companies, pension funds, Insurance companies, credit organizations and other financial institutions.

    The main role in financial intermediation is played by credit organizations, which, using a variety of instruments, attract temporarily free funds of economic agents. And then they provide them on credit terms for the use of other economic entities.

    A credit organization is a legal entity that, in order to make a profit as the main goal of its activities, on the basis of a special permit (license), has the right to carry out banking operations provided for by law. It is formed on the basis of any form of ownership as an economic society.

    Activities that include banking are in many countries regulated by law (credit system law or banking law) that makes it possible to accurately determine whether an enterprise is a credit institution or not.

    Classic banking operations are:

    · attracting funds from individuals and legal entities into deposits;

    · placing these funds on your own behalf and at your own expense on the terms of repayment, payment and urgency;

    · implementation of non-cash payment and collection operations (girship operations).

    Before starting their activities, credit institutions must obtain special permission to carry out banking operations (license, certificate). A banking license usually depends on the presence of certain prerequisites established by national laws. These prerequisites are: a certain (minimum) equity capital, the presence of a business plan; personal and business suitability of persons designated as bank managers, in the presence of an internal control system.

    Banking license is issued by government agency The entity that exercises control over banks is usually the Central Bank of the country.

    Credit organizations include banks and non-bank credit organizations.

    Bank- a credit organization that has the exclusive right In total carry out banking operations.

    Credit organizations that have the right to carry out separate banking transactions are called non-bank credit organizations. The range of banking operations is established by national banking legislation.

    Currently, there are three types of non-bank credit institutions operating in Russia:

    · settlement non-bank credit organizations;

    · non-bank credit collection organizations;

    · non-bank depository and credit organizations.

    The Bank of Russia has established a list of acceptable transactions that each type of organization can perform.

    Settlement non-bank credit organizations may have different functional purposes: servicing legal entities, including credit institutions, in the interbank, foreign exchange, and securities markets; making payments using plastic cards; cash services for legal entities, transactions for the purchase and sale of foreign currency in non-cash form, as well as other transactions provided for by their charters.

    Non-bank credit collection organizations on the basis of a license issued by the Bank of Russia, has the right to only collect funds, bills of exchange, payment and settlement documents. Currently in Russian Federation There are two non-bank credit collection organizations operating.

    Non-bank depository and credit organizations on the basis of a license from the Bank of Russia, they have the right to attract funds from legal entities into deposits (for a certain period), place them on their own behalf and at their own expense, buy and sell foreign currency in non-cash form, issue bank guarantees, as well as carry out other transactions not classified by law as banking operations, including: issuing guarantees for third parties, acquiring rights of claim from third parties, carrying out trust management of funds and other property of clients, conducting leasing operations, etc.

    Non-bank credit organizations forbidden provide services to individuals.

    Only banks have the full ability to carry out financial intermediation in full.

    Banks are financial and credit institutions that accumulate available funds, provide them for temporary use, act as intermediaries in mutual payments and settlements between enterprises, institutions and individuals, regulating monetary circulation in the country, including the issue (issue) of money. That is, banks play a special role in the functioning of not only financial market, but also in the markets of goods and resources, since only banks act as financial intermediaries both in the redistribution of funds and in making payments between various subjects of a market economy.

    Banking activities has certain peculiarities , which allow us to clarify the essence, functions and purpose (role) of banks in the economy.

    1. The bank operates in the sphere of exchange, not in the sphere of production. Indirectly, of course, production is also affected, since the bank serves various production needs (accumulation of production materials, acquisition of new machinery and equipment), but the process itself reflects the activity of economic entities in the redistribution (exchange) of created material goods.

    The bank is an intermediary between commodity producers, more of a seller than a manufacturer.

    The bank employs special personnel - mainly employees, not workers: people engaged in non-physical labor; and monetary transactions, processing of numbers, information, economic analysis, organization of accounting, settlements between enterprises.

    2. Bank-it is, in a certain sense, a trading institution. The motives of trade (commerce) predominate in his activities. Not being the owner of funds that reflect the movement of material flows, the bank “buys” them and “sells” them to other economic entities at a different, higher price.

    The similarity between banking and trade is not accidental. The bank actually “buys” resources, “sells” them, functions in the sphere of redistribution, and facilitates the exchange of goods. It has its own “sellers”, storage facilities, a special “inventory”, its activities largely depend on turnover.

    A merchant, in turn, is similar to a bank in the sense that it can provide some banking services. For example, a large trading enterprise, like a bank, can issue significant amounts of cash loans. Trading can work to a greater extent not on its own, but on borrowed capital.

    This is where the similarities between banking and trading basically end. The fundamental difference between a bank and a trading enterprise lies in the basis of the bank. The basis of a bank is understood as its main quality - credit business, something that, in a host of other activities, has historically been assigned to the bank as a fundamental activity on a scale that required special organization.

    Under these conditions, the bank appears to us not as a trading enterprise, but as a specific enterprise, as follows:

    · in trade, ownership of goods passes from the seller to the buyer; this does not happen with a loan (the loaned value passes to the borrower only for temporary possession);

    · in a trade transaction, what is sold is what belongs to the owner; with a loan, this is not always the case (for example, a bank basically transfers what does not belong to it; it “trades” other people’s money);

    · in trade, the seller receives the price of the product from the buyer; with a loan, the lender receives not only the amount of the loan provided, but also an increase in the form of loan interest.

    2. Bank-this is a commercial enterprise. Operations of both issuing and commercial banks are carried out on a fee basis. For loans provided, they receive a loan interest, for settlement, cash and other operations performed on behalf of their clients - a certain commission.

    3. The bank's activities are entrepreneurial in nature. Thanks to the bank, the idle capital of some economic entities begins to “work” for others. Thanks to the energy of capital redistribution between economic entities, industries, territories and countries, banks strengthen the productive movement of material, labor and monetary resources and facilitate the implementation of various economic projects.

    4. Working in the exchange sphere, The bank acts as a productive institution that regulates money circulation in cash and non-cash forms.

    Based on the essence of the bank, it can be defined as a monetary institution that regulates payment turnover in cash and non-cash forms.

    6. Bank is an intermediary organization, financial intermediary.

    7. Bank-it is not only a commercial enterprise, but also a public institution. The bank helps to comply with public interests, works to meet public needs, while banking activities are not political, but economic in nature.

    For example, an issuing bank (central bank), although it carries out some operations on a fee basis, making a profit is not the driving motive of its activities.

    The activities of a commercial bank are no exception, which aims to make a profit by making money on the difference between the resources it “purchases” and the resources placed on a repayable basis. It is important not to forget that the profit that the bank strives for is not main goal his activities. Profit is one of the goals, but does not determine all commercial activities of the bank. According to modern enterprise theory, of incomparably greater importance for a bank is its competitive position in the market and its reputation as a steadily developing economic entity.

    Banking activity is the activity of a monetary institution in the field economic relations. Not only the development of the country’s economy, but also the social atmosphere in society depends on the results of banks’ activities. General economic and banking crises lead to significant losses, bankruptcy of enterprises and credit institutions, depreciation or loss of savings and deposits of citizens and, as a consequence, to the emergence of tension in public relations and a decrease in the image of the bank as a socio-economic institution. That is why the activities of banks have a noticeable social connotation.

    7. Bank How a specific enterprise produces a product that is significantly different from the product of the sphere of material production; it produces not just a product, but a product of a special kind in the form of money, means of payment. Money is a reproductive category. Cash and non-cash money, issued by the bank as the only monopolist in the total mass of subjects of reproduction, serves both the sphere of production and the sphere of distribution, exchange and consumption. In addition to this product, banks provide various types of services, mainly of a monetary nature.

    The bank's main product is in the service sector, in contrast to industrial enterprise is not the production of things, consumer goods, but the provision of credit. The specificity of a bank loan is that it is provided not as a certain amount of money, but as capital, i.e. The borrowed funds must not only circulate in the borrower’s household, but also return to their starting point with an increase in the form of loan interest as part of the newly created value.

    7. If a bank operates mainly on other people's money, accumulated on the basis of repayment, then the enterprise operates primarily on its own resources.

    8. A bank differs from an industrial enterprise in the nature of its issuance. It not only issues shares and other securities, but also carries out operations for recording and storing securities of other issuers.

    A credit broker is an intermediary between a bank or other credit institution and a borrower. A broker works for a fee and assists in obtaining a loan/loan on terms favorable to the client. In times of crisis and tougher requirements for potential borrowers, banks are more loyal to clients referred by partner brokers. Borrowers themselves understand this, which is why the market for intermediary services continues to grow. Choosing a suitable and honest broker in such a variety is quite difficult. We have made a selection of brokerage companies in Moscow that enjoy the greatest trust among clients.

    Trusted credit brokers in Moscow:

    MBK is a brokerage company that provides assistance in obtaining loans to legal and individuals. The main activity of the organization is to advise borrowers and select the optimal loan products:

    • Cash loans
    • Refinancing
    • Credit cards
    • Car loans
    • Secured loans
    • Mortgage
    • Checking your credit history

    The specificity of the organization’s work lies in the “rebranding” of the client. That is, the broker fully checks the client (KI, documents, work experience, credit load, employing organization, etc.) If any problems are identified, the broker advises and suggests what needs to be improved and what needs to be corrected so that 100 % get a loan.

    If we talk about the reward, it varies from 1-3% and depends on the complexity of the task. The commission is paid upon receipt of cash by the client.

    Broker Credit Laboratory.

    Credit Laboratory is the oldest credit broker on the Moscow market. Thanks to our own automated system customer verification, Credit Laboratory specialists can assess the chances of receiving a loan online or by phone. If you are planning to get a loan urgently, you should contact this place, since this particular credit broker offers a unique lending program: Cash loan from 1,000,000 rubles at 21% per annum in rubles on the day of application. The second line of business is mortgage brokerage, thanks to discounts on bank rates, they offer primary mortgages at 8% and secondary mortgages at 10% per annum in rubles without proof of income and with a bad credit history.

    Credit broker Moscow Lending Center

    Moscow lending center – credit broker! Assistance in obtaining a loan in Moscow and major Russian cities

    In the brokerage services market since 2016. Provides professional assistance in choosing credit products. To do this, first of all, she provides high-quality consultations for her clients. Never, under any circumstances, requires advance payment from its clients. Operates strictly according to the law. We are ready to help anyone who asks. Main areas: express lending to individuals, collateral and mortgage. Commission after completed work!

    • Express loan using your passport in 1 hour
    • Loan secured by real estate in 1 day
    • Urgent redemption on the same day
    • Mortgage in 7 days in Moscow and Moscow
    • Loan for legal entities within 3 days
    • Car loans on the same day

    First credit broker

    1st Credit Broker has been providing professional lending services for over 10 years. Throughout the entire period of activity, he demonstrates stability and a high level of professionalism. Our motto is constant development. We never stand still and find a way out of any difficult situation, which is why we are reliable partners.

    Specializes in providing assistance in obtaining a loan of any type. With us you don’t have to worry about the purity of the transaction. Each loan application is secured by an agreement; there are no prepayments or hidden fees. Is an official credit broker, provides assistance in obtaining a loan in Moscow and the Moscow region for individuals, for various purposes in a short time

    We will select the optimal loan product for you:

    • cash loan from 9.9% per annum
    • mortgage lending from 9% per annum
    • refinancing
    • loan against real estate encumbrances
    • credit history check

    Finance Credit

    Finance Credit is an “experienced” brokerage company in this market, offering individuals and legal entities assistance in obtaining loans on favorable terms (mortgages, express loans, consumer lending without certificates and confirmation, car loans, refinancing, collateral loans). The broker rather assists in obtaining a loan, negotiating more favorable conditions, rather than conducting the entire transaction from A to Z.

    For its services, the company charges a fee upon receipt of money by the client; the minimum cost of services starts at 7% of the loan amount and depends on the complexity.

    Royal Finances

    Royal Finance (Royal Finans) - provides consulting services, assistance in selecting a more profitable loan and paperwork. This broker does not have a specific specialization and specialists are ready to help with any type of loan, from an express loan based on one document to a mortgage.

    The broker's website has an interesting scoring test that determines the credit rating of a potential borrower with detailed explanations. The company also provides consulting services to bank debtors, assumes the authority of the borrower’s representative in communicating with collectors and the SB of the bank, even in court, if necessary. A kind of anti-collection agency and broker rolled into one. The remuneration is paid by the client only after receiving the loan.

    MSK Credit

    MSK Credit is a brokerage company that provides consulting services, selection of profitable loan programs, assistance in preparing documents and submitting them to the bank. Individuals and legal entities who want to get a consumer loan, a mortgage, a cash loan without certificates, a secured loan, a car loan, or refinancing can get help from MSK Credit.

    Distinctive feature This broker is to help borrowers with damaged credit cards, the unemployed, and people in difficult situations in obtaining money. The site has an interesting online questionnaire, by filling out which you can find out the likelihood of loan approval for each client.

    Capital lending center

    The Capital Lending Center is a relatively new broker on the market, offering its clients assistance in obtaining a loan in the amount of 100 thousand to 50 million rubles. SCS provides assistance in obtaining cash loans, loans for business development, secured loans, and mortgages. Cooperates with large regional banks and highly specialized Moscow financial institutions (Alfa-Bank, BZhF, Uralsib, ITB, RosEvroBank, etc.)

    The broker's assistance consists of selecting several programs that meet the client's conditions and his CI, personal data; correct filling of documents, consultations at different stages, transfer of documents to the bank.

    The broker's remuneration varies depending on the complexity of the task and starts from 1.5% of the loan amount, but not less than 10,000 rubles.


    Proffinans - financial group, providing consulting services and assistance in obtaining loans of various types:

    1. Commercial, residential mortgage
    2. Business loans
    3. Tender lending, bank guarantees without collateral
    4. Consumer loans, car loans, pawn loans, collateral loans, etc.

    In addition, Proffinance provides assistance with leasing, factoring, repurchase of distressed assets, real estate services, appraisal and insurance, etc.

    Premium Finance

    Premium Finance, one of the oldest players in the intermediary services market, offers potential borrowers assistance in obtaining the following loan products:

    • Large consumer loan up to 3 million rubles.
    • Loan for small businesses without collateral and loans for medium-large businesses with collateral
    • Overdraft, factoring

    The list is not long, but it is sufficient to meet the needs of its borrowers. The company does not work with clients who have a bad credit history, debt-ridden borrowers, or the unemployed. The specifics of the work include the complete management of the transaction, from selecting the optimal loan to the borrower receiving cash. Payment upon approval of the application.

    Credit Promotion Service (CCS)

    SSK is the largest federal broker in Russia with offices in Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk, Omsk and Krasnoyarsk. The broker provides not only consulting and intermediary services, but also accompanies the entire process of applying for a loan (selection of options, recommendations for improving the status of the borrower, contacting the bank, filling out papers, collecting documents, transferring them to the bank).

    Help through the SSC can be obtained if you need to apply for a consumer loan, express loan or cash loan, or a card with a limit. The company also provides credit history checking services.

    Credit center

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