Drawing lesson in the middle senior group. Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group. Drawing "It's Raining"

Goals: Continue to introduce children to oral folk art, consolidate children's knowledge about Russian folk tales.
  • consolidate knowledge about the fairy-tale genre, features of the image, its purpose;
  • develop imagination, fantasy, creative independence, the ability to translate your idea into a drawing;
  • learn to convey in drawing images of fairy-tale characters with their characteristic features;
  • learn to choose material for an image, build a composition from individual drawings for an episode from a fairy tale.

Materials: white paper, gouache, watercolor, brushes, wax crayons, illustrations for Russian folk tales.
Didactic games: “Find out by profile”, “Match heroes from fairy tales”.
1. Organizational stage.
Educator: At the beginning of the lesson, I want to read you a poem by V.A. Glass
There are many different fairy tales in the world
Sad and funny
But we cannot live in the world without them.
Anything can happen in a fairy tale
Our fairy tales are ahead
A fairy tale will knock on the door -
The guest will say: “Come in.”
Today we will go on an unusual journey, to the land of fairy tales. A long time ago, people did not yet know how to read or write, but they were already telling fairy tales. And how they loved to listen to them, and not only small children, but also adults. They will gather in the evening for gatherings: logs are crackling in the stove, the hut is crowded, everyone is busy, some are spinning yarn, some are knitting, some are embroidering, and some are just listening to a fairy tale. The fairy tale has survived to this day, because it was told from generation to generation, passed on from mouth to mouth. Your grandmothers told the story to your moms and dads, your moms told you, and you tell it to your children. This is how a fairy tale came to us from ancient times. What fairy tales do you know? Answers: “Kolobok”, “Teremok”, “Three Bears”, “Geese-Swans”, etc. What kind of fairy tales are these? (Russian folk) Why are they called that? Answers: (Created and written by the people).
Conducted didactic games“Find out by profile”, “Match heroes to fairy tales”.
- Well done!
- Guys, do you have any favorite fairy tales? Answers. These are the heroes of these fairy tales that we will draw with you. Selected fairy tale characters (illustrations) are placed on a flannelgraph.
2. Practical part.
Look carefully at the heroes of fairy tales and you will see how different they are. The art of portraiture is very ancient. When painting a portrait, artists try to convey the character and inner world of the hero. Fairy-tale heroes can be cunning and gullible, good and evil. But we are all artists in our own way. Let's draw illustrations for our favorite fairy tales. We must try to convey in the portrait the character of the hero, his characteristic features, and moods. Don't forget about your hairstyle, jewelry, and hats. All the little things are important. They also talk about the character of the hero. You have to work very carefully and carefully.
What do you think is the ending of the fairy tale? Answers (Always happy, good conquers evil). Right! Well, now let's get to work.
3. Independent work.
Children draw.
4. Summing up.
After the lesson, the teacher hangs all the drawings in a visible place - the children look at them and tell what fairy-tale character they drew, discuss the characters’ characters, what they are like.

Lesson notes on unconventional drawing in senior group

GCD theme: “Trees in forest"

Target: develop creative abilities through learning non-traditional types of drawing.


  • continue to introduce children to new types of drawing
  • develop interest in creative activities
  • cultivate accuracy in work.

Equipment: Album, watercolors, cocktail straws, glasses for straws, paper napkins.

GCD move:

Listening to a song from the film "Dunno from Our Yard"

Educator:-Where are wizards found?
In your fantasies!
Who do wizards hang out with?
And with those who believe in them!

Educator:- Guys, you listened to a wonderful song about wizards. Do you believe in magic?

(children's answers)

INcaregiver:- Today you and I will also be wizards, and an ordinary cocktail stick will help us with this. I suggest you draw on paper with a magic wand, and not just draw, but blow out the drawing. But first I want to invite you to travel to a forest where very beautiful trees grow.

Educator: Hello forest, dense forest

Full of fairy tales and wonders

What are you making noise about in the leaves?...

Open everything, don’t hide it.

You see we are ours.

Educator:- Guys, what is a forest? (a lot of trees)

Educator:- What trees grow in the forest? (children's answers)

Guessing riddles.

What kind of girl is this?
Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,
She doesn’t sew anything herself,
And in needles all year round.

Children: Elka

Russian beauty
Standing in a clearing
In a green blouse

In a white sundress.

Children: Birch.

What kind of tree is this?

There is no wind, but the leaf is trembling.

Children: Aspen.

Yellow and red clothes,
Each leaf is like a palm.
In autumn it is brightest.

Did you guess it? This…

Children: Maple.

He will stand up in the forest like a knight,
He will give you acorns on time.

Both the forester and the lumberjack

We are familiar with him. This…

Children: Oak.

A game "What is missing"

IN the teacher shows pictures of trees, the children name them, then the children close their eyes, the teacher removes one picture and asks the question: "What is missing?" The game is repeated several times.

Exercise “Show and name the parts of a tree” .

IN The teacher shows the roots, trunk, branches, crown, leaves in the picture, then each child independently shows parts of the tree in the picture.

Physical education minute:

Trees have grown in the field.

It's good to grow in freedom! (Stretching - arms to the sides.)

Everyone is trying

Reaching towards the sky, towards the sun. (Stretching - arms up.)

A cheerful wind blew

The branches began to sway immediately, (Children wave their hands.)

Even thick trunks

They bent down to the ground. (Bends forward.)

Right, left, back and forth -

This is how the wind bends the trees. (Tilts left and right, forward and backward.)

He turns them, he turns them.

When will there be a rest? (Rotation of the body.)

(Children perform the movements, repeating after the teacher.)

Educator:- Today we will draw trees not quite in the usual way. We will draw trees using our magic tube wand. First we will take the paint and make a blot where the tree trunk will begin. Then we begin to inflate the blot with a straw, without touching either the paint or the paper. The leaf can be rotated to create a trunk. Next, draw the crown of the tree using a napkin. We take a napkin, crumple it and, dipping it in paint, draw the crown of a tree.

Educator:- What needs to be done to make the drawing beautiful?

Children:- You need to try and complete the drawing carefully.

Independent activity of children.

INThe teacher explains, shows, conducts individual work.

Educator:- So our drawings are ready, bright, elegant!

If one of the children did not have time to finish the drawing, they finish the drawing. At the end of the lesson - an exhibition of the resulting works.

Drawing in the senior group, depending on the kindergarten curriculum, can follow a standard or non-standard path. That is, traditionally a child learns to draw with pencils (simple, wax), paints

And in creative circles, children use different techniques (spraying, blotography with threads and tubes, drawing with soap bubbles, pokes, fingers, palms, candles, leaves, “wet” drawing, airbrushing, scratching, monotype, imprint) and mix materials (for example, crayons with watercolor). Nowadays many modern teachers state kindergartens are trying to diversify their classes

Preliminary work on visual activities

Drawing in the senior group is aimed at consolidating and detailing previously acquired knowledge. Children can draw the shapes of geometric figures (circle, cylinder, triangle, square, rectangle) and convey them through images of vegetables, animals, people, birds. In senior preschool age it is necessary to more detail the transmitted image, focusing on its features.

For example, a child freely depicts his family. Then you need to suggest that dad is taller than mom, who is taller than the children, and their youngest is a preschooler. In addition, you need to help with the proportions of the body: the torso is divided into two parts, the elbows should end where the “belt” is. The face should also be harmonious and correct.

In order for children to better understand the signs, proportions, and properties of the objects depicted, the teacher works every day to develop their perception of the world around them. Without this, not a single drawing can be done (senior group). Kindergarten provides required material for classes, and teachers and parents should broaden the horizons of children.

Visual skills of a senior preschooler

Teachers, together with the children, study weather phenomena on the street, examine objects, and in a group consolidate the acquired knowledge through modeling, appliqué, cutting out shapes and figures, and tracing patterns. As soon as the children remember all the signs, they try to draw themselves.

Then an analysis of the errors in the resulting drawings is carried out. Based on this, one or another drawing technique is selected. For example, you need to circle the dots, numbers, or complete a symmetrically depicted picture in the cells. Children must learn to arrange all objects harmoniously in space and convey realistic images on a sheet of paper.

In addition, drawing in the older group should develop a sense of color and aesthetic taste. Various techniques help with this. For example, children make from splashes, convey through leaf prints, brush marks. They can draw with soap bubbles (mix shampoo with paints), a candle, and then paint over the background with watercolors. All this contributes to the development of creative abilities, imagination, and broadening the horizons of older preschoolers.

Drawing vegetables

It is easier for a child to master drawing vegetables. In the older group, the lesson is arranged in increasing complexity:

  • children learn shape and appearance vegetables in pictures, visual aids, real objects (feel, pronounce);
  • preschoolers draw a geometric shape;
  • correct the appearance of the vegetable;
  • outline the main lines, bulges and other small elements with a pencil;
  • color with paints, pencils, felt-tip pens, markers.

For example, a cucumber resembles an oval shape. Next, one end of the oval is lengthened and narrowed. Then, at the other end, draw the tail of the vegetable, mark “pimples” and groove lines on the body. The cucumber is then colored, showing the dark and light shades of the peel.

Or take, for example, carrots. A triangle is drawn. Then one side of it is rounded, the boundaries of the vegetable are made smoother. Next are the leaves and roots. Then the carrots are painted.

As soon as the senior group has mastered drawing vegetables, children move on to drawing still lifes. First, this is drawing linear visual objects, then vegetables on a plate or other utensils. The most difficult level is depicting objects from memory. To do this, before the lesson, the features of the appearance of the vegetable/vegetables are discussed, after which the children begin to complete the task (immediately using paints).

Drawing animals

Older preschoolers already know how to portray animals, but more often they are fabulous, animated (in dresses and suits, walk on two legs, eat with their paws). The teacher’s task is to achieve a realistic transfer of the image. For this purpose, visual activity takes place in parallel with applications, modeling, reading, and getting to know the outside world.

To begin with, children study the structural features of the body, then try to find common properties with already familiar shapes (for example, a round head, an oval body, triangular ears). In addition to the similarities, attention is focused on existing discrepancies, the tilt of objects, and their spatial position.

Let's look at drawing animals in the older group using the example of a hedgehog, a sheep and a puppy. To draw a hedgehog in a clearing, you need to do the following:

  • find the center of the sheet where the animal will be located;
  • draw an oval (body);
  • on one edge outline a nose in the shape of a carrot;
  • draw a round eye, nose, oval legs, mouth, needles with sticks;
  • outline the grass, the sun, the clouds;
  • Then you paint with paints, taking into account color transitions.

Image of a sheep, puppy

  • draw a circle (torso);
  • determine the tilt of the head;
  • outline an oval (head);
  • outline the body in a zigzag, creating curls;
  • draw eyes on the head;
  • outline four legs with sticks;
  • draw the “feet” of the paws, the nose with dots, the pupils of the eyes, the ears;
  • decorate.

The most difficult stage is considered to be detailed drawing in the senior group. Here :

  • draw an oval body, a round head, taking into account the tilt;
  • draw a circle (muzzle) in the middle, mark the neck, paws with rectangular strokes and ovals (feet) with lines;
  • Schematically determine the symmetry of the muzzle, outlining the position of the eyes, nose, and draw the ears;
  • draw eyes, mouth;
  • instead of circles on the paws, draw fingers, add a tail;
  • erase the extra lines, mark the direction of the fur.

Such complex classes are carried out with children individually, in drawing classes.

Drawing "Mushrooms" in the senior group

Children often depict mushrooms with a vertical and horizontal oval. They especially like to decorate the fly agaric. It can be depicted with a convex oval or triangular cap. To draw a fly agaric with an oval hat, you need to determine its location on the sheet of paper and mark an ellipsoidal oval with a vertical stick. Next, draw the leg of the fly agaric.

Divide the ellipse diagonally: draw circles on top of the hat, and below, on the leg, a white collar. This way you can draw large and small mushrooms in the clearing. To get a triangular hat, make the top of the fly agaric into a mound. Under the hat, draw an oval outline of the inner layers. For such a “curly” mushroom, draw a thickened leg at the bottom. This is a simple drawing.

Mushrooms in the older group can be depicted more naturally. To do this, do the following:

More often than not, mushrooms grow in the rain. How to draw it realistically, without “sticks”, we will consider further.

Drawing "It's Raining"

The older group is already identifying the characteristics of rain (mushroom, blind, torrential, autumn, summer). The teacher just needs to focus on the fact that the drops are depicted in one direction. First, children draw clouds with raindrops, then they depict people with an umbrella; at the last stage, preschoolers depict rain “on the other side of the window.”

What to pay attention to when depicting rain clouds.

  • If the clouds are nearby, then depict the rain as elongated drops of different sizes, but in the same direction. The drops start from the middle of the cloud, and not from the edge. The bottom and top of the clouds are darker in color than the foreground.
  • If the clouds are far away, then shade the background under them with a pencil, forming a continuous shower stream. Then use strokes to identify individual raindrops.

This is a simple drawing (“It’s Raining”). The older group is quite capable of depicting “natural” weather phenomena. The following rules will help with this.

  1. You always depict rain on a dark background, regardless of whether you draw with paints, pencils, pastels, or oils.
  2. Draw the rain lines parallel to each other.
  3. You convey bright drops through the pressure of an eraser, a candle, different colors or a special bristled fan brush.

If you need to depict rain as a natural phenomenon, then draw a landscape, and after some time apply drops of light paint on top of it with continuous inclined strokes. If you make drops with an eraser, first draw directions with the wide side, and then with a sharp corner, using strong pressure, create a highlight of the drops.

You depict people in the pouring rain in a similar way. But attention is paid not only to the direction of the rain, the shape of the drops, but also to puddles and the force of the splashes. This is taught to preschoolers in individual drawing lessons.

Drawing autumn

October is the month of autumn competitions. The teacher needs to consolidate the weather properties with the children through drawing (“Autumn”). The older group compares all the autumn months, finds similarities and differences, and remembers color transitions. The simplest task is when children depict a lonely tree. To do this, first determine its location and mark the trunk and branches with a “slingshot”.

Then small ticks are also schematically applied on the branches. Using paint, the thickness of the trunk and branches is “increased”. On top of the branches, foliage is depicted in different colors (red, orange, yellow). Now all that remains is to draw the lawn, sky, clouds, sun and shadow from the tree.

Autumn can be depicted by drawing leaf fall. Here children consolidate their knowledge about trees. The easiest option is to depict autumn with prints (this method is most preferred by the older group).

Drawing: theme "Autumn"

  • Collect different leaves from trees.
  • Distribute them on a sheet of paper.
  • Next, take a piece of paper and generously coat it on the reverse side with red, yellow, or orange paint (especially carefully coat the veins).
  • Place the leaf with the painted reverse side on the album sheet and press with your palm.
  • Do this work with other sheets, choosing a different color.
  • Now the leaves are no longer needed. You draw the prints with a brush and paints. Please note that the veins of the leaf act as the trunk and branches of the tree.

You can draw tree trunks with branches, and put leaf dots with your fingers. Preschoolers of any age also enjoy this. For the competition, many children, showing their imagination, draw an image of autumn with a woman’s face and leaves instead of hair. This consolidates knowledge about the proportions of the human face, leaves, trees and the color scheme of autumn.

Drawing birds

Drawing a bird in the older group follows the same plan as the lesson on depicting animals. First, all details are compared with geometric shapes, attention is focused on movement, head tilt, and location on the landscape sheet. Here is an example (drawing a peacock):

  • draw an oval body;
  • a round head on top;
  • the neck goes from the head along an oval;
  • draw triangular wings on the body;
  • add paws with three fingers to the oval;
  • on the head you draw round eyes and a triangular beak;
  • from one wing to the other, outline a loose tail, similar to daisy petals;
  • color it

Drawing in the older group allows you to depict birds from different sides, in action. This is what the profile of a rooster looks like. You start working from the head. Draw a circle, mark the eye, a triangular beak with a transverse line, an oval beard and a comb of three petals.

From the head, draw a neck with a collar similar to the shape of a flared skirt. From it you continue the concave body, which together with the neck resembles a crescent. Next, draw a tail of eight feathers: the first long, raised up, four feathers starting from the end of the body, the last short, extending to a third of the body and hanging down.

On the body, a wing is drawn with a line, legs with four fingers and spurs. On the wing, sharp horizontal arcs indicate feathers, and vertical lines indicate long feathers. The claws are drawn on the fingers in small arcs.

How to write a summary of visual arts

The drawing notes in the senior group are written according to the following plan.

  • Topic of the lesson. Usually taken from the program.
  • Target. Three to five tasks for this lesson are prescribed, which involve acquiring new knowledge and consolidating existing skills.
  • Material. The instrumentation is indicated, right down to the last brush. What techniques will be used, what equipment will be needed.
  • Progress of the lesson. The theoretical part begins with preliminary work on the topic. So, a fairy-tale character may come to visit, who needs to be drawn or who needs help to portray something. With the help of poems, stories, looking at paintings, and visual material, the necessary properties of the object that needs to be drawn are revealed. Then, in practice, children complete the task, and at the end of the lesson, conclusions are drawn about the knowledge gained.

Nowadays in kindergartens classes are called “direct educational activities"(NOD). Drawing in the older group did not change its essence. Didactic games, game techniques, and various techniques are also used to make children want to draw the desired object or phenomenon.

Summary of a drawing lesson using non-traditional image techniques in the senior group. Educational objectives: > Learn to convey the image of cats using a stencil; > Draw with all the bristles, the end of the brush, and a poke; > Draw characteristic features: ears, mustaches, stripes, fluffy tail, claws; > Learn to color images according to the colors of animals; ^* Learn to make an animal out of geometric shapes. Correctional tasks: > Develop individuality, creative activity, imaginative and spatial thinking; > Develop coordination of movements; ^ Develop creative imagination. Educational objectives: ^ Foster love for animals; > evoke a desire to convey the expressiveness of the image in the drawing; > Foster accuracy and independence; ^ Cultivate an emotionally positive attitude towards work.



Almetyevsk special (correctional) boarding school

for children with musculoskeletal disorders

the city of Almetyevsk and Almetyevsky district



Software tasks:

Educational objectives:

  1. Learn to convey the image of cats using a stencil;
  2. Draw with all the bristles, the end of the brush, and a poke;
  3. Draw characteristic features: ears, mustache, stripes, fluffy tail, claws;
  4. Learn to color images according to the colors of animals; ^* Learn to make an animal out of geometric shapes.

Corrective tasks:

> Develop individuality, creativity, imaginative and
spatial thinking;

> Develop coordination of movements;
^ Develop creative imagination.

Educational tasks:

^ Foster a love for animals;

  1. evoke a desire to convey the expressiveness of the image in the drawing;
  2. Foster accuracy and independence;

^ Cultivate an emotionally positive attitude towards work.


  1. white sheet of paper,
  2. stencil (template),
  3. simple pencil,
  4. gouache,
  5. jar of water,
  6. brush,
  7. napkin,
  8. poke,
  9. a set of geometric shapes for each child,
  10. illustrations,
  11. samples.

Preliminary work.

1 Looking at paintings and illustrations in books

  1. Reading a work.
  2. Games with cat toys, playing with them.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Introductory conversation.

What types of animals are there? (Wild and domestic)
-Why are they called that?

Name your pets. -What benefits do they bring to people?

2. Guessing riddles.

What animal is mentioned in the following riddles?

I can wash myself clean

Not with water, but with a tongue.

Meow! How often do I dream

Saucer with warm milk!


He arched his back,


Who it? Stretched out sweetly -

That's all the charging.


The muzzle is mustachioed,

Striped fur coat,

Washing frequently

But I don’t know about water.


Even on an iron roof

He walks quietly, quieter than a mouse.

Will go hunting at night

And how during the day she sees everything.

Often sleeps, and after sleep

She washes herself.


All furry

The mustachioed one herself,

Sleeps during the day

And he tells fairy tales

And at night he wanders,

He goes hunting.


Well done! You guessed all the riddles correctly. Look at the pictures and answer the following questions: -Where does the cat live?

  1. What does she like?
  2. What is the cat's body covered with?
  3. What color is a cat's fur?

What body parts does a cat consist of? (torso, legs, head, tail, ears)

  1. How many paws does a cat have? (four)
  2. How many ears does a cat have? (two)
  3. How does a cat wash itself?

What are the names of a kitten's mom and dad? (cat Kitty)

Guys, the cat Murka also came to our group. She was so sad. It turns out she has no friends at all. Do you think we can help her? How? Right. We'll draw friends for her. And Murka will see how we do it.

3. Gymnastics for the eyes.

  1. - to the left,
  2. - to the right,
  3. - up,
  4. - down.

And now we look in circles,

To see the world better.

By training the eye muscle.

We'll see better soon,

Check it out now!

Now let's press a little

Points near your eyes (near your nose)

Let's give them a lot of strength

To strengthen it a thousand times!

4. Making a cat figure from geometric shapes.

  1. Guys, there are geometric shapes on trays in front of you. I suggest you make a cat figure out of them. Look, what shapes do you see? (rectangles, square, triangles).
  2. How can this be done? Think about it. -Well done! Done correctly.

5. Physical education minute.

Get up quickly, smile, reach higher, higher

Come on, straighten your shoulders, raise them, lower them,

Turned left, right,

Hands touched with knees,

They sat down and stood up, they sat down and stood up,

And they ran on the spot.

6. Drawing a cat based on Marshak’s work “Mustachioed and Striped.”
- Guys, today we will draw a cat using a stencil. For this

you need to outline it with a simple pencil and then paint it with paints. Think: what color will your cat be, how to show off its fluffy fur, claws, eyes. Your magic brush and paints will help you with this. With a poke we can get eyes and claws of the same size. Using a stiff brush we get fluffy fur. Let's get to work.

7. “Come up with a nickname”

Well done guys, we did it all. The cats turned out great. Each of them has its own character, its own appearance. Looking at them, I want to give them a nickname. What would you call them? If a cat loves to play - Toy,

If it scratches - Scratchy, If the cat is red - Ryzhik, If it is striped - Tiger Cub.

8. Playing with the drawing, analyzing and evaluating the work. Murka the cat is also happy that she now has so many beautiful, kind, cheerful friends. She is very grateful to you and says “Thank you” - meow-meow-meow. And she also gives you portraits like these as souvenirs.


Educator: Sharipzyanova P.P.



Our dear graduates! You have a special event today. Today the last call will tell you that your childhood is over and your adult life begins. Let there be a lot of happiness, smiles, joy. And just a little bit of tears and disappointments. Let each of you find yourself in a good, necessary business, so that you can fearlessly look into the future.

Graduates of the 4th grade - the heroes of the occasion - are invited to the stage.

1st graduate:

Time, unfortunately, is fleeting

Nine years flew by year after year

And childhood left us forever

In memory, leaving a good mark.

2nd graduate:

Nine years from timid first-graders

We grew and gained strength,

And nine years older today

Those who taught us good became.

3rd graduate:

Everyone has one time in their life

There is your first, your memorable class

Both the first textbook and the first lesson

And the first loud school bell.

Who opened the door for us to the land of knowledge and discoveries

Our first teacher.

Presenter: The floor is given to the first teacher: Full name.

They give flowers. Song: "CHILDHOOD"

Graduates of the 9th correctional class take the stage

1st graduate We will love our school forever,

Wherever fate takes you is cool.

Tell me guys, can I forget?

A home of kindness, warmth, and comfort?

Presenter: Today we are leaving school.

The school teaches and educates.

School is teachers and students.

  1. Both programs and textbooks.
  2. School is absolutely everything.
  3. These are classroom and school events.
  4. Changes and lessons.
  5. And the director.


2nd graduate:

Our unspent cup of feelings

And the living breath of spring,

And our love and gratitude


3rd graduate:

We address it to the director.

We bow to the head teachers,

Who among us is not in love with you?

You are sincere and kind

And yet so smart.

Know that he will not forget you

Our ninth grade.


The floor is given to the head teacher, full name.

1st graduate:

All those who were next to us,

He taught us, raised us, treated us, loved us. Guided our minds for an hour,

Ninth grade

Thank you from the bottom of my heart

Says thank you to everyone.

  1. We wish you out of a thousand stars
  2. One of the brightest
  3. We wish you out of a thousand tears
  4. One of the sweetest
  5. We wish you one of the happiest out of a thousand meetings
  6. We wish you one joy
  7. But the longest one.
  8. Presenter: The floor is given to parents of 9th grade.

We extend our sincere words of gratitude and love to
to our kind teachers

2nd graduate : Friends! We talk very often

The words that a genius once wrote: “Teacher! Before your name

Let me humbly kneel!”

I bow to you for your hard work - the work of a teacher!


Children give flowers to teachers.

Presenter: And now the future ones want to congratulate our graduatesfirst graders. Today they say goodbye to kindergarten.
Look at the kids, you were the same 9 years ago.
1 child: You have already become big,

And once many times

We only dreamed of becoming big,

How we dream now.

2nd child: We understand perfectly

Your difficulties now: Spring is in full swing outside, But you have exams.

3rd child:

Within these walls you have managed to learn a lot. We wish you to answer all exams with “5”.

Graduate: Thank you for warm words.

Presenter: 1 . Here it is again, a dear, cozy hall

I gathered all my friends for the holiday.

And here we gathered for the last time,

To take you guys to school.

Leaving here a piece of childhood,

You are leaving for first grade.

We'll be next door to you

And we will remember you.

4th child: You accepted us as kids,

Kindergarten, our home,

We've become big now

And we say goodbye to you.

5th child: Here the walls have become family,

And cribs and toys,

Teachers and nannies,

And my friends and girlfriends.

6th child: We gathered for the graduation celebration with the whole family.

Moms and dads are watching now

And they try to understand:

Our worries are over

Or are they starting?

7th child: Every day we learned something

8th child: Adults were taught to help in the garden, sing songs, sculpt and dance.

We enjoyed going for walks

And we loved to play together.

9 child : Why are we so cheerful? Why is everyone so happy? We're going to school!

ALL: Goodbye, kindergarten!


The children take their seats. Music sounds, the Princess runs into the hall, and the Teacher hurriedly follows her.

Princess: But I’m telling you, I don’t want to study!

Teacher: Your Majesty, this is simply necessary! If you don'tstudy, you will not be able to read and sign anyroyal document! Princess: Why do I need this? After all, I have you, Know-It-All Akademievich!

Teacher: Yes, but I'm already old, you might say. It's time for me to retire

Your Majesty!

Princess: No pensions! You are still healthy, strong and have your whole lifeahead! Come on, arms to the sides, up, forward, reach with your righthand to the tip of the nose.(The teacher does it).So good! Nowstep march! Great! You will serve for another fifty years!

Teacher: (tired) But, Your Majesty...

Princess : No “Buts”! You will serve with me until... until I

I will become as smart as you!
Teacher: Yes, but how can you become like that if you don’t want to?


Princess: Come up with something, you graduated from three academies!

Teacher: I can’t think of anything anymore. I'll go and call the scientist

advice. Maybe we can decide together. Eh, I wish I could retire soon!

Princess : Go, go, think, while I do something useful!

(plays with toys) Ottomans with toys near the central wall. Presenter : Guys, do you understand anything? I'm nothing! Now I find out that

This is what the princess does at our holiday. Dear princess,

Please explain what you are doing here?

Princess : What?! Who dares to address me like that?

Presenter: Excuse me, but I don't know how to address you.

Princess: Well, they say that I’m stupid and don’t want to study! Darling, yes you are

You don't know basic things! Royalty is called

"Your Majesty." It's clear?

Presenter: I see, now I'll know. So, Your Majesty, what are youare you doing at our holiday?

Princess : What, you have a holiday, but I don’t know anything about it? Why not

Did you notify me?

Presenter: We didn't think you'd want to celebrate the holiday with us,

dedicated to our graduates who are going to school.

Princess : School again! I don't want to hear anything about her! All they know, everyone keeps repeating: study, study! As if without learning it is impossible to know everything. If only Vseznay Akademievich would come up with such a magical drink that, as soon as you drink it, your mind immediately improves. Or, better yet, ate candy - and don’t more books read.

Presenter: Unfortunately, this does not happen. Guys, let's tell the princess,

what do we do in kindergarten

1 child: We get up early and early

In the morning we go to kindergarten, so that we can grow up faster, so that we can know everything in the world.

2 child : Let's make friends with paint and a brush, Let's draw a garden and leaves, And a birch tree, and grass, A wolf, a hare and a fox!

3 child:

We add two plus two in our minds, and read the words syllable by syllable.

4th child:

We know how to do everything ourselves, help mom in the kitchen, get dressed, wash hands, be very polite.

Princess: What else can you do?

Presenter: Our children can do a lot: sing, dance, and read poetry. And now we will tell you what we learned in kindergarten.



1 child: I will study at school,

I promise not to be lazy

Because when I grow up

I want to become a scientist.

And study the computer

Be friends with mathematics, master geography,

To see the whole world. Geometry and Russian, Biology, French

You need to study at school

To be the smartest!

Princess : Is it really possible to learn all this?

Presenter: Can. Our children also learned to dance during a music lesson.

2nd child: Today is a good day for us,

Everyone around is having fun.

They dance, clap their hands,

Well, we are not far behind!


Presenter: These are our children

Everyone wants to know the world.

Let's wish them good luck

So that all problems are solved!

Princess : Tasks? What are tasks? And why do they need to be addressed? Presenter: Well, for example:

You have two apples in your pocket...

Princess : Not true. I don't have any apples!

Presenter : Yes, the problem says that you have two apples in your pocket.

Someone took one apple from you. How much is left? Princess: Two!

Presenter: Why?

Princess: But I won’t give Nect an apple! Even if he fights and screams!
Presenter: Think, princess, what if Someone did take one thing from you?

apple? How much is left?

Princess: Not a single one!

Presenter: Why?

Princess: And I managed to eat them!

Presenter: No, princess, you don’t know how to solve problems!

Princess : Just think, what is the use of them? You smart guys can do it yourself



Princess: Oh, I didn’t know that learning was so interesting! Guys, what about you?will you take me to school with you?

Presenter: Let's take it.

Princess : Well, I all ran to get ready. We need to get more dolls

Jewelry and sweets...

Presenter: Wait, wait, Your Majesty, how can you go to school and take so many unnecessary things with you! So you won't learn anything, right guys?

Princess : Then what should I take with me?

1 child : I turned 7 years old this year,

Now I'm big, I'm going to study.

They bought me a beautiful, shiny briefcase,

Just like dad’s, completely real.

I will try, I will study,

I am very pleased that I am a student.


Presenter: Well, princess, did you understand what you need to take with you to school? Princess : I realized what I need to take with me to school. I understood what school is!

School, children, this is something!

And it’s not nonsense at all.

How can I learn?

I will always be smart!

I'll go pack my things

and I’ll put on a clean dress,

And I’ll braid my hair. ( Screams)

Mothers, nannies, pack your briefcase, I'm going to school!(Runs away).

Presenter : Yes, guys, it will be difficult for someone who is used to nannies at school. But, in my opinion, in our kindergarten all the children are independent and skillful. Kindergarten taught them a lot.

Presenter : The moment of farewell comes,

But let's not be sad, friends. The Kindergarten will forever remain in our lives, like a family!

1 child: Well, that's all, the hour we've been waiting for has come. We gathered for the last time in our cozy hall.

2nd child:

We will not stop loving our good kindergarten, And yet we say goodbye, After all, we have become big.

3rd child:

Our kindergarten, goodbye! We're off to first grade! Although the parting is sad,

Don't worry about us!

4 child : We are no longer children,

It's time for us to go to school.

And today goodbye

We say thank you: To the cooks, doctors and nannies, to our teachers!

5th child: Thanks to everyone who taught us,

Who fed us and who treated us,

And to those who simply loved us...

ALL: Bow to you and thank you!

6th child: And at this farewell hour

Our song is for you!


Presenter: Good luck, good luck, children, good luck, good luck! Let clear sunshine flow for you from every book you read. Many good things await you ahead, We wish you all a good journey!

Presenter: The floor is given to the director, full name.

Presentation of gifts, certificates of completion of kindergarten.
Presenter: 1 The floor is given to parents.

Presenter: 2. All words have been said. It's time for the last call. Right

last call is provided by F.I.

The graduate gives the last call.
Presenter: 1. Don't be sad, graduate, smile goodbye,

Remember these days, remember

Wish your wishes come true,

Wish us all a new meeting

Presenter: 2 . The last bell has rung. Congratulations to everyone on

ending school year! And now the students will congratulate their


Almetyevsk special (correctional) boarding school of the VI type


"We love and know fairy tales

A. S. Pushkin ".


QUIZ “We love and know the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin"


Dear Guys! Dear guests and employees! Today we have gathered for the evening of the greatest Russian poet A.S.


At the end of this quiz we will find out the expert on Pushkin's fairy tales and
winning team. And the jury will help me with this


So, friends, let's start the program.

We have a large supply of ideas!

For whom? Aee z£s: We, we know, ll = ll6lte ilrls

Songs, riddles and dances.

But there is nothing more interesting

How. wllll wollMle ellell

A fairy tale is often filled with various miracles: either a young princess falls asleep in eternal sleep after swallowing a piece of a poisoned apple, or the craftsman Balda teaches the devils a lesson, etc. All this is very interesting! Now we will remember your favorite

Let's invite fairy tale heroes to visit us. So, let's open the door to the wonderful world of fairy tales and see who is coming to us.


(Warm-up for spectators)

Participants in fairy-tale costumes enter to the music. The presenter introduces them. Spectators name the heroes and the tales from which they are



(Warm-up for teams) For each correct answer, the participant receives a gift - a “goldfish”

In your drawings that you prepared for the holiday, there are many heroes from a variety of Pushkin’s fairy tales. Come on, find out who they are.

(In 30 seconds, team members must find 2 heroes from the same fairy tale in the illustrations laid out on the tables.)


An illustration for a fairy tale is shown. You need to say the full name of the fairy tale. If participants read the poems for this illustration,

olmolda ledrhaet doshollkl, llue point,


Like:/dd lddlodd od ooks. ollddd kgsd.k ooldkdoddle" "mirror? doSddlo/ll r ierjKx.::ibu.e! Skazgi

"L f.", L^

#l on sweeter than all in the world, more rosy and whiter than all!”

- code kol-do ];:e;tshok, l"schd to sddde?

(“Kiri-ku-ku Reign lying on your side”)

- While paying Balda, the priest offered his forehead. What

krllocardvld Balda with llorddol?

^"Zfe Pop, you should be chasing something cheap")

What is kodvola ddodod saddles ode?

(“If only oh dddd dddd, - For the king's father I would give birth to a hero»)

What did she say? gold fish when the old man caught her!

(“Old man, let me go to sea,

kr:;0.9.y oh yourself ddadde olok I'll buy you whatever you want."

- How does The Tale of Tsar Saltan begin?



1with these words the old man addresses zc ■ ]what?

have mercy, madam roar!")

With these words begins “The Tale of the Ryoak and the Fish”


LJTlfl >

kyodi words

f«iiF /714Ш £&2Л, LDO),)SHWO DUST -

El mustache pour ayom9chsh1")

LJ.rt-JUJBfll 1



H£ ^....is-JIl

. /G."b"L L flJ.

■ibC- Z-L"LS

Prince Guidon Salpitovich and about the beautiful Swan Princess,"

Ш*±и± _-;

L v4T:-T" T G "

ugh their children ddd in the form of crashes


g with j

[tried to draw the beautiful king

\izki silt

G/f .KP1MYA P Ya/.

2. There is an object in the box thatspeaks to humans
voice. What is this? From what fairy tale?

(Mirror. “The Tale of the Dead Princess”)

3. In the box there is an object that sings the song “In whether in the garden

vegetable garden, o>

(Belka “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”

4 In mptszhe:tshmt oh, what did you bite dd^ggchsh whereg+oto,(Fish. “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”)

5. In the box there is something that can wrinkle the sea, but damn it

beeoBOKOo::.. oomo coooot

(Rope “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda”)

  1. In the box there is an object in which there were two birds with one stone(Balda's bag from the fairy tale of the same name)
  2. Here is the one who guarded the king's border


(first team)

The audience guesses the name of the fairy tale and names the characters.

Shoovmte yuoo gooooo otey. oooooooo


recording of a musical excerpt from “The Tale of the Tsar”


Say the name of the work and what a “miracle” it is


The captain must use pantomime to depict the content of an excerpt from a fairy tale proposed by the presenter. Team must guess three times what it is about and from which fairy tale

Reading a poem


(vedrad zedadda)

CONTEST “Find out who the telegrams are coming from”

  1. I can’t come to you, I’m very busy, because I want to wrinkle the sea with a rope and make a damned tribe
  2. The wind makes a cheerful noise, the ship runs happily past Buyan Island.

Zddde, eeeddte about grandfather edeeedt (Kddaeddvetsaddpd


she will be here later(Young princess)

- I will come with gifts, since I have woven one for the whole world

pdddddd a (You give the widow: hell)

It’s a pity I can’t come: “Woe is me! Both our falcons were caught in the net! Woe! My death has come" (King Dodon)

- “The cook is angry in the kitchen,
The weaver is crying at the loom,

And vdleedl "grandfather

I y cv,td;. pevS :-- ^ved„„x (O ■■: "possess 1 eesdrkedd)


- How many vdeeddde yeadede ate beedlaode, daooodve Didon?

(“A year or two passes peacefully,

2 years)

- Who did Prince Elisha turn to with a request for help?

(Our sunshine is our light,.. Me okay, month, eee circle... Wind, wind! You are powerful,)

TO kome obdaelasd dadd Daee>v e eledood ddddeddd?


"■:= ; " - " ;, C

for seven he has everything

Xgo w; ate an old demon soeeBloleeess with Would Will eat hetrostle? (L..., .:

[is the portrait described to her?

How did the stepmother die?

treated the princess/oogatyrei

- What is the mirror's answer to the evil stepmother at the end of the fairy tale?

(“You are beautiful, no doubt, But the princess is still it's nicer, anyway blush and whiter")


(tdedad ydmadda)


Each team is given a large sheet With images of various animals. It is necessary to find from them those about whom are spoken in

k^dg-add / Sgddadd dedd = edddeegzsi pzbed*. schmar)

Reading by heart favorite passages from fairy tales

Summing up dgogev d message zhshrd

Pagdazhredde dd:dozdddd&duy:^vvdshch!; V; veazdddd dddzok(w ddasgngnede -g zdddeded)

Pesdd d ^dvdsded



“A line in nature - a line in graphics -

line in music" (integrated lesson)

Sharipzyanova R.R.


Material and equipment

1. The branches are different in line, color, texture, mood

  1. A smooth maple branch writhing in a wave
  2. Prickly with sharp points sticking out in different sides thorned branch of hawthorn (rose hips)
  3. An elegant larch twig strewn with cones like beads
  4. Uneven thick, knotty poplar twig with sharp sticky buds
  5. The most modest, thin, straight stretching birch twig with tiny buds pressed tightly to the body

2.Shadow theater

3.Musical series

"A line in nature - a line in graphics - a line in music."

P 1. Introduce children into the artistic space into a situation of contact with “world experience” and correlation of their own experience with it.

  1. To develop the ability to “see in the unreal both fictitious and real.
  1. Help to master the language various types arts

4. Develop feeling, imagination, associative thinking and, based on this, creative activity.

  1. formation of the sensory apparatus (hearing, vision, touch, smell)
  2. formation of ideas about sound, line, shape, space and their properties based on natural material.
  1. Formation of an attitude towards sound and line as playing material.
  1. Develop the ability to build associative analogies between images of reality and sound, plastic,

* artistic images, verbally express your feelings and experiences.

During the classes: . G

  1. Class organization. Checking students' readiness for the lesson.
  2. Lesson topic message
  1. We become familiar with the line long before we pick up a pencil and try to draw. First lines little man- this is a trace from a finger that smeared the porridge on the table, a carefully laid out chain of bones left over from the compote.
  2. And when for the first time in his life a pencil gets caught in his fist, the child walks with it along the wall, leaving an endless curve behind him, and his delight knows no bounds.

What is a line? (Children's answers)

Conclusion: Line is the main thing visual medium. Using lines. convey the location of an object in space, the shape of the object.

3. Work on perception.

  1. I suggest you consider these branches. Look, they are all different in mood, line, texture and color.
  2. This one is a smooth maple branch wriggling in a wave.
  3. This one is a prickly hawthorn (rose hip) branch with sharp thorns sticking out in different directions.

This elegant branch strewn with cones like beads

This one is an uneven, thick, knotty twig with sharp sticky buds

“- This one is the most modest, thin, straight stretching birch twig, with tiny buds pressed tightly to the body. To better understand the character of each branch, a little game will help us. v Imagine that the twig is the hand of some creature. Now shake hands with him. What can you tell about the character of the twig from this “handshake”? (a twig for each child). Try to come up with names for our branches. (“Bead”, “Thorn”, “Wave”, “Spot”, “Dragon”, “Dragon”.) And for each branch, from the invented names we choose the most suitable and most liked by everyone.

  1. Guys, it turns out that our branches know how to play transformers (the lights go out and the Shadow Screen mysteriously flashes). One by one, the branches go into the darkness. And suddenly mysterious linear pictures appear on the screen.
  2. What is this? (Children's answers) T "" -

* Yes, this thin straight line has turned into a horizon line. Line
the horizon is imaginary horizontal line at eye level (varies
angle of the twig and a new picture appears on the screen)"l^t^ri^-

h " - What is this? What do you think? (Children's answers)" ~~~*

  1. This thin straight tree has turned into a hill, into a pillar (the branch changes)
  2. This is a different image. What does it look like? (Children's answers)

* This Thorn turned into a thorny bird. And now she's confused

web of the evil prince. And now - a tree.G

And so one branch gives way to another, becoming behind the screen, then a dragon,

sometimes like a snake, sometimes like a sea.

4. Question-and-answer conversation on listening to music.

- Guys, it turns out that our branches have a voice, each with its own - very similar to the character of its owner. The twigs want you, after listening to their voices, to guess - where is whose? We will listen carefully to several melodic lines.

- Our eyes learn to listen along with our ears. Now they are our main assistants.

Melody No. 1.

(Children's answers)

-This is Straight.


-It is thin, light and stretches upward.



l ±1

jn I J w=i


-This is a Dragon. The melody is thick, heavy, the line is like a snag. -Well done! And now not just a melodic line will sound, but more of it.■ musical fragments in which you need to find it

Fragment from two preludes by Dmitry Shostakovich. No. 1 Prelude Theme in G major

First, children listen to the theme of the Prelude in G major. Andante ide

This is a Wave, it rises and falls, smooth, slow, big.

No. 2 fragment of the beginning of the Prelude in D minor

A fragment of the beginning of the Prelude in D minor sounds.


- She has a prickly, uncooperative character. Allegreto

" f^rwSCH* 1st if

in music and graphic line characters.

5. Game “Sculptor and Sculpture”

-Would you like to turn into a sculptor who can sculpt anything?



-Who can become clay? Who is the sculptor?

A sculptor is a person who makes sculptures.

(Children choose the role of “sculptor” and “sculpture”)

- Guys, don’t forget that the sculptor is polite and gives orders very carefully, and
clay - soft and obedient allows you to sculpt yourself.

Children complete the task and demonstrate their work.

  1. The knees and elbows stick out sharply, the nose is turned up, the fingers are spread out like a thorn branch.
  2. fists like larch cones, on tiptoe, a birch branch stretched out like a string."

Well done! The sculptors and your sculptures coped with the task. 7. Practical work

- And now we will try and try to draw our branches with
nature. Let's leave our impressions on a piece of paper. Our branches were
a black shadow on a glowing screen, and now we will do the opposite. Let's take
white gouache and a black sheet of paper.

  1. Look at the branch, move the brush along the branch and remember the movements of the line. Let's get to work.
  2. And now we begin to draw portraits of our magic branches. Independent work of children.

- Guys, what did you do? (Children's answers)

8. Lesson summary." ^.

We met today and learned about the relationship between phenomena in

the surrounding world and in art. There were sculptors and painters,

listened with our eyes and saw with our ears. Your impressions of these wonderful

We conveyed works of art in drawings. Well done! Consider

drawings. Determine which of the works most fully reflect the similarities with

in kind. (Children's answers).


BOARDING SCHOOL for children with musculoskeletal disorders in the city of Almetyevsk and Almetyevsky district

tjtnkpb iyumijjumim


a shish g shrp^ishshsh rshnnt*

Sharipzyanova P.P.


- formation of social and moral qualities (ability to work in a team, take

assume the responsibility of a leader and submit in an environment of comradely cooperation,

be friendly, be able to rejoice and empathize).

An important concern for families and schools should be the disclosure of individual

inclinations, inclinations, and abilities of the child. Therefore, the child must be provided

a wider choice of activities is possible (sewing, designing, music, etc.).

It is important that free time was filled with things that were interesting to each of them.

The family should take care of the child’s spiritual life, expand his horizons, create a feeling of completeness, richness of the joy of being. WITH early childhood the child needs to discover the joy of being a spectator, a listener, a reader.1 In correctional classes, much attention is paid to introducing the child to| reading.

\ It is necessary that the efforts of the school be supported in the family.When working with families, the teacher sets the following goals:

  1. pedagogical education of parents;
  2. improving their pedagogical culture;
  3. purposefully strives to arouse parents’ interest in their own child;
  4. help in forming the right approach to it.

Touching a very delicate area family relations, the teacher places the main emphasis on individual work with parents, j

They also use various shapes frontal work. One of these forms is parent meetings. At parent-teacher conferences, pre-announced and prepared messages from teachers are possible.

At parent-teacher conferences, pre-announced and prepared messages from teachers are possible. The subject of messages should take into account the wishes of parents and meet their problems. The message should be scientific in content, but accessible and simple in presentation.

Another type of frontal work with parents can be the analysis of difficult educational situations. The teacher selects a number of such situations from literature or life in advance and asks parents to comment, express their opinions, and offer their own way out of the situation. You can suggest working in a group.

Method of group discussion by parents of educational situations. In addition to its immediate purpose - stimulating their pedagogical creativity - it also has the additional effect of allowing parents to get to know each other better.

Conferences can also be practiced with parents. The theme of the conference could be a book dedicated to the problems family life or raising children, a chapter from this book.

You can involve parents in preparing and holding holidays and joyful events in the life of the class. Joint preparation of holidays contributes to better mutual recognition of the teacher and parents, understanding each other, and combining their efforts in the interests of children.

In conclusion, it is important to emphasize that in his educational work with the family, the teacher will achieve his goals if his own attitude towards children is for parents the model to which they want to get closer.

Any joint venture with children and parents should show how to build communication with a child. How to resolve conflict situations without humiliating children, how to unobtrusively model and build relationships between children, so that everyone learns to correlate their actions with others, passed good school camaraderie and mutual assistance.

parents from school begins with an unfriendly look from a teacher or indifference from the administration.

Let us remind you that

The main goal of consultations is to achieve a deeper, objective understanding by parents of the child’s problems, his personality as a whole, determining their educational strategy in communicating with him and ways of interacting with other participants in the educational process.

Consulting can be of two types:

  1. Methodical- everything related to development educational program, individual educational route of the student, ways of additional education.
  2. Psychological -everything related to the individual characteristics of the child and his education.

However, regardless of the type, there are certain principles of counseling:

  1. Creation of trusting relationships;
  2. Mutual respect;
  3. Interest of consultants;
  4. Competence;
  5. Formation in parents of an attitude towards solving problems independently;
  6. Good organization of consultation.

It is necessary to create such an atmosphere in the school so that any parent who finds himself there at any time is greeted kindly and tolerantly. Cooperation between teachers and families begins at the entrance to the educational institution.

The most common causes of conflict or dissatisfaction among parents have a mainly psychological basis.

Parents are put off by the arrogance and authoritarianism of teachers, because many of the fathers and mothers are quite accomplished people professionally. Parents are dissatisfied with the waste of time when, having come for consultation, parents are forced to listen to reproaches addressed to the child, both their own, and lectures.

When providing support to a family, coordinating the actions of parents and teachers may also be important. Any joint activity begins with short-term contacts.

The implementation of the social function of correctional and developmental education dictates the need for special attention to the position of the child in the family, to building partnerships with it in order to raise a full-fledged, socially adapted citizen. The family needs help in overcoming those deficiencies in the development of children that complicate the process of their learning and socialization. At the same time, the help of the school as a professionally trained subject of education presupposes knowledge of the patterns of family life and the associated features of raising children.

Correcting children's developmental deficiencies involves combining the efforts of school and family. When developing a general strategy of action in relation to specific children, parents and teachers trust each other and try to adjust, first of all, the conditions of upbringing, which is the main prerequisite for restoring the lost harmony of the child’s development.

Teachers and parents are partners in the education of students. In their union they are guided general program development of children, while relying on strengths family and school education. Partnership relations presuppose equality of parties, mutual goodwill and respect.

The educational side provides:

  1. the formation of full-fledged motivation for learning, which is based on an interest in knowledge in cognitive activity;
  2. enriching children's horizons and the development of their speech;
  3. development of general activity skills (voluntariness of self-control, internal action plan);

Target:discussion of the tasks of educational work of the class, planning of educational work, determining ways of close cooperation between family and school, consideration of current pedagogical problems.10. Parental readings.

- An interesting form of working with parents, whichgivesopportunity for parents
listen to lectures by teachers, study literature on the problem and participate in it

P. Parents' evenings - 2-3 times a year without the presence of children.

  1. This is a holiday of communication with the parents of your child's friend;
  2. This is a celebration of the memories of infancy and childhood of your own child;
  3. This is a search for answers to questions.

12. Parental trainings.

- An active form of work with parents who want to change their attitude towards
behavior and interaction with own child, make it open and

Both parents must participate in parent trainings and be conducted with a group12-15 person, for the training to be effective it must include 5-8 lessons. Conducted by a psychologist.

13. Parent rings.

  1. discussion form (form) of communication between parents;
  2. formation of a parent team;

Prepared in the form of answers to questions on pedagogical problems, the questions are chosen by parents.

Both traditional and non-traditional methods, forms of interaction between the teacher and parents set a common goal - to make happy the growing individual entering the modern

cultural life.

Note to teachers and parents.If:

  1. the child is constantly criticized, he learns to hate;
  2. the child is ridiculed and becomes withdrawn;
  1. the child is praised, he learns to be noble; " - the child is supported, he learns to value himself;
  1. the child grows up in reproaches, he learns to live with a feeling of guilt;
  2. the child grows up in tolerance, he learns to understand others;
  3. the child grows in honesty, he learns to be fair;
  4. the child grows up in safety, he learns to believe in people;
  5. the child lives in hostility, he learns to be aggressive;

- the child grows into understanding and friendliness, he learns to find love in this world.
Parent education is the first step towards building future parent associations,

communities of children and parents based on their joint activities.

Parent counseling and family support.

- Individual family support, by which we mean the organization of psychological, pedagogical, methodological and material support for children and their parents.

Throughout the entire period of study, the family goes through a number of difficulties that they cannot always solve on their own. The task of the school teaching staff is to develop a common position on issues of family support and create an environment so that parents who need help from the school can receive it in a variety of ways.

I would like to draw attention to a more common option - when the teaching staff themselves act as consultants, because quite often rejection

Forms of psychological and pedagogical education.

1. University of Pedagogical Knowledge.

- Helps equip parents with the basics of pedagogical culture, introduce
current issues in raising children.

2. Lecture.

- Reveals in detail the essence of a particular educational problem. The main thing in the lecture
- analysis of phenomena and situations.

3. Conference.

- Provides for the expansion and deepening of knowledge about raising children.

4. Parent conferences (school-wide, classroom).

- They are of great importance in the educational work of the school.
Parent conferences should discuss pressing problems of society, actively
of which children will become members.

Problems of conflicts between fathers and children; ways out of them, drugs, sexual

education in the family - these are the topics of parent conferences.

Parent conferences should be prepared very carefully with the participation of:

- psychologist;

- social teacher.

Parents themselves are active participants in the conferences. They prepare an analysis of the problem from the perspective of their own experience. Distinctive feature conference is that it makes certain decisions or schedules activities on the stated problem.

5. Workshop.

- Form of development in parents of pedagogical skills in raising children
effective expansion of emerging pedagogical situations, training
pedagogical thinking among parents.

6. Open lessons, classes.

- The goal is to familiarize parents with new programs in the subject, methods
teaching, teacher requirements.

7. Individual thematic consultations.

- Sharing information that provides real insight into school performance and behavior
child, his problems;

Individual consultation should be informational in nature and contribute to the creation of good contact between parents and teacher.

The teacher should give parents the opportunity to tell him everything they would like to introduce the teacher to in an informal setting, find out important information for your professional work with a child.

  1. Features of the child's health;
  2. His hobbies, interests;
  3. Preferences in communication in the family;
  4. Behavioral reactions;
  5. Character traits;
  6. Motivation for learning;
  7. Moral values ​​of the family.

8. Visiting family.

- Individual work teacher with parents, acquaintance with living conditions.

9. Parent meeting.

- Form of analysis, comprehension based on data from pedagogical science of experience

a) School-wide parent meetings - 2 times a year.

Target:familiarization with the legal documents about the school, main directions, objectives, results of work;

b) Classroom parent meetings - 4 times a year.

Functions and tasks of interaction between school and parents.

  1. Information
  2. Educational and developmental
  3. Formative
  4. Security and health
  5. Controlling
  6. HouseholdInteraction tasks:
  1. Formation of an active pedagogical position of parents;
  2. Arming parents with pedagogical knowledge and skills;
  3. Active participation of parents in raising children.

Cooperation between school and family at any stage begins with studying the conditions of the microclimate of family education, the individual characteristics of children and parents.

Contents, forms and methods of working with parents.The content of the school’s work with parents is as follows:

1. Increasing the psychological and pedagogical knowledge of parents

  1. Lectures;
  2. Seminars;
  3. Individual consultations;
  4. Workshops.

2. Involving parents in the educational process

  1. Parent meetings;
  2. Joint creative activities;
  3. Assistance in decorating the material and technical base.

3. Parental participation in school management

  1. School Councils;
  2. Parent committees.

Forms and methods of working with parents should be aimed at improving the pedagogical culture of parents, strengthening the interaction between school and family, and strengthening its educational potential.

Working methods:

  1. Observation;
  2. Conversation;
  3. Testing;
  4. Questionnaire;Forms of work:

I. Traditional

  1. Parent meetings;
  2. Class-wide and school-wide conferences;
  3. Individual teacher consultations;
  4. Home visits. II. Non-traditional
  5. Parent trainings;
  6. Discussions;
  7. Psychological warm-ups;
  8. Round tables;
  9. Oral journals;
  10. Workshops;
  11. Parents' evenings;
  12. Parent readings;
  13. Parent rings.

A significant place in the system of work of the class teacher with parents of students is given to psychological and pedagogical education.

The age-related need to resolve the numerous problems of families raising children with developmental disabilities determines the relevance of developing specific measures to provide these families with psychological assistance.

One of the areas of this type of specialized assistance is psychological study families.

Families raising children with developmental disabilities can act as an additional source of destructive influence, contributing to the formation of secondary disorders in the mental sphere of the child. Unfavorable micro-social conditions of family upbringing. Negatively affect the character and pace of development of the child.

The above determines the need for a comprehensive integrated study of the problems of families with children with developmental disabilities, including an analysis of the characteristics of the family atmosphere, the personal characteristics of children and their parents.

As part of the new direction -psychological assistance to the family - in the medical system

social and psychological-pedagogical support for children with developmental disabilities, the family is considered as a rehabilitation structure with the potential to create the most favorable conditions for the development and upbringing of the child.

Particular attention is paid positive influence loved ones not only in a special institution, but also at home.

The intrafamily atmosphere is considered as correctional, which, through its harmonious influence, develops the child, forms in him positive moral qualities, a good attitude towards the world.Target:Identification of the reasons that impede the adequate development of a child with disabilities and disrupt the harmonious intrasystemic life activity.Tasks:-Determining the degree of compliance of the conditions in which the child grows and is brought up

at home, the requirements of his age development. -Identification of intra-family factors, both facilitating and hindering

harmonious development of the child in the family. - Determination of inadequate parenting models and destructive forms of communication in the family. Studying the characteristics of interpersonal contacts within the family makes it possible to prevent the deterioration of the micro-social situation in which the child grows and develops.Methods:Observation.

When assessing the quality of family relationships during the observation process, the following parameters of their cognitive, communicative-behavioral, emotional-volitional and personal spheres are taken into account:

  1. The child’s desire for contact with adult family members or the absence of such a need;
  2. The child’s desire for contact with peers and family members or the absence of such a need;
  3. The nature of interaction with loved ones (goodwill, initiative or negativism);
  4. Predominant form of contact (verbal, tactile, visual);
  5. Situations causing communication difficulties in a child;
  6. Features and nature of behavioral manifestations;
  7. Features of eye and facial expression (aggression, fear, joy);
  8. Features of the prevailing emotional background;
  9. The nature and content of the statement;

- The presence of experiences due to the defect and the form of its manifestation.
When monitoring parents, the following parameters are taken into account:

  1. The desire to establish interaction with a specialist to resolve the child’s problems;
  2. The desire to expand your horizons, to gain pedagogical implications on issues of raising a child;
  3. The desire to establish adequate contacts with the child and other loved ones or the absence of such a need;
  4. Features of communicative behavior in interaction with a child and other persons;
  5. The use of facial expressions, gestures, excursions, walks, games in communication with the child;
  6. Choosing the preferred form of contact with the child.

When studying families raising children with developmental disabilities, the emotional and personal characteristics of children with developmental disabilities, as well as the individual psychological characteristics of their parents, are assessed using the observation method. Based on observed personal reactions, tone of conversation, voice vibration and other qualities that are most significant in everyday communication, data on characterological changes in personality and behavioral reactions obtained through the use of formalized techniques are confirmed.Conversation.

Conversation as a diagnostic method can be used in the study of children and adults. It can have several stages: l.Bo the introductory part of the conversation, through the use of professional skills and techniques by the teacher with a child or adult, a trusting relationship is established, and the problems that concern them are identified; 2.The main part of the conversation discusses the problems they stated; 3. The ultimate goal of the conversation involves a change or tendency to change the value orientations of parents in relation to the child. The conversation process should be aimed at, when discussing topics that are especially significant for the parent, to form in his mind a position of acceptance of the child’s problems and the need for their resolution.

Conversation: conducted with the child is aimed at identifying the level of development of his knowledge and skills, characteristics of the cognitive and emotional-personal spheres, including interpersonal connections and social contacts.Experiment.

To study the characteristics of the child’s relationship with parents and other subjects outside world A variety of formalized and projective techniques are used.

The choice of diagnostic tools depends on the goals set in the study, on the specified characteristics of the test itself, and the age capabilities of the children. In the process of analytical data processing, it is important to establish: - Preferences, interests, social circles of a child with developmental disabilities; -The presence of formalism in parent-child relationships with the child or their absence;

-The fullness or insufficiency of the emotionally warm relationship between parents and child.

The psychological report includes recommendations from a specialist to overcome existing problems in the family, separately for the child and separately for the parents.

More often, attendance at psychocorrectional classes is offered and their form is determined (group or individual).

The speech therapist, defectologist, and teacher who carry out correctional work with the child are also familiar with the data from studying the problems of the family of a child with developmental disabilities.

The information is used by specialists in order to establish cooperation between the institution and the child’s family to neutralize the parents’ personal experiences and to correct mental disorders and personal characteristics of the child and the creation of a favorable family environment for his optimal development.

"Red Book"

Compiled by: teacher of ASHI type VI

Sharipzyanova P.P.

  1. Recovering species.
  2. Extinct species.

Do you know animals that are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan?

He will introduce us to some animals from the Red Book (which they know in detail). creative Group. Presentation. The drawings were scanned from the Red Book. We look carefully, listen and remember.

Teacher:Thanks to the guys for the informative story about the Red Book.

1.Why do we need to know about the Red Book?

2.Have you paid attention to the limiting factors that affect the number of species? Please list.

Well done everyone. Thank you.

Did you know that the Red Book was established by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and natural resources(IUCN) in 1966. It is stored in the Swiss city of Morges.


In 1948, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) established a permanent commission on endangered species of plants and animals. The collection of information for the Red Book was started by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources in 1949.

At the suggestion of the English zoologist Peter Scott, the International Red Book was created, the publication of which began in 1966. In 1966, the first volumes of the “Red Book of Facts” were published.

The Red Book of the USSR was published in 1974.

RED BOOK- the name of the lists of rare and endangered species of plants and animals.

Red Book Russian Federation(KKRF) is the main state document established to identify rare and endangered wild animals, wild plants and mushrooms, as well as some subspecies and local populations. It is necessary for organizing research and monitoring the condition of these animals and plants and their habitats, for the development and implementation of special measures for their protection, restoration and scientifically based use.

The legal basis for the formation and maintenance of the KKRF and the red books of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of the Natural Environment” dated December 19, 1991 and the Federal Law “On Animal World” dated May 5, 1995.In the Red Book in 1983. the following were included: mammals - 94 species and subspecies, birds - 80, amphibians- 9, reptiles- 37, fish - 9, insects - 219, crustaceans - 2, mollusks -19, worms -11.

TeacherBased on the Red Book of the Russian Federation, the first edition of the Red Book of the Republic of Tatarstan was created in 1995. The second was published in 2006.

Demonstration of the Red Book. Guys, who has the Red Book at home?

Have you noticed that in the Red Book there is a division of pages.

  1. Endangered species.
  2. Conservation species.
  3. Rare species.
  4. Uncertain species.

Oral journalGoals:

  1. Summarize students' knowledge about the Red Book of the Republic of Tatarstan.
  2. Deepen students' knowledge about the Red Book of the Republic of Tatarstan.
  3. To develop in children the skills of an inquisitive attitude towards surrounding nature, as well as a feeling of love and caring attitude towards her.


  1. computer,
  2. multimedia projector,

- presentation"Red Book of the Republic of Tatarstan". Animals section.

  1. tables “Rare and endangered species”,
  2. Red Book of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Preparation. 1. A group of students is given a creative task at home: Prepare a message: 1. The Red Book. 2. By sections of the Red Book. About animals.

  1. Each group leads a tour through “their” sections.
  2. When summing up the results, the quality of the excursions conducted by each group is assessed.

Org. moment.

Teacher.Good afternoon, guys, Fauna is one of the main components and important component natural environment. We don’t think about how many animals surround us? What animals will we not see if we don't protect them? To find out, we planned to create a “live” newspaper based on the pages of the Red Book of the Republic of Tatarstan. Why did the book get the name red?

This book is correctly called so because the color red is a danger signal.

What do you know about the Red Book?

Almetyevsk boarding school of the VI type



Conducted by teacher Sharipzyanova P.P.



One of the areas of my work in the classroom is environmental education. I present to your attention one of cool hours this series entitled “The Earth Asks People for Protection”, dedicated to World Animal Day.

The topic of protecting nature is relevant to everyone today. For children of early adolescence, it is interesting not only for its factual material, but also for its rich emotional content.

Targettoday's class hour:

  1. educational:formation of a holistic perception of the world in students;
  2. educational:encouraging them to have a sensitive, caring attitude towards living nature, instilling love for their native land;
  3. developing:development of creative abilities of schoolchildren, ability to work in groups, development of memory, attention, associative and logical thinking, extension vocabulary and outlook.

Equipment.Multimedia projector, magnetic board, folder for filling, album sheets, handouts, posters, glue, felt-tip pens.

View- intellectual and educational class hour.

Form is a collective creative endeavor with elements of design. Filling out the album can be continued throughout the year in accordance with environmental dates. This form makes it possible to intensify the cognitive activity of pupils and direct children’s efforts to find solutions to global and local problems. In addition, this form activates life position, encourages action to protect animals. The use of local material not only deepens knowledge about the native land, its language, nature, but also forms positive moral values.

Hello guys! My name is Anna Andreevna, I will give you a class lesson today.

We will start with the letter that arrived at your address.

Letter from a polar bear

Dbear cub, son of a polar bear. I live in the Arctic, at the North Pole. My relatives are big and strong bears, but there are very few of us left. We are suffering from hunger because there are no fish left in the ocean that we eat because you people have polluted the water. My mother is seriously ill from hunger. Because of the bad water, her fur began to fall out in clumps. They say that the ice will soon melt and we will have nowhere to live.

Help us people!

What feelings and thoughts arose when you listened to this letter?Sample answers from children:

  1. animals have nowhere to live;
  2. they have nothing to eat;
  3. pollution of land, water and air poses a threat to life;
  4. warming threatens everyone.

What a sad letter! How many problems does the little bear cub have! Lyuli are used to feeling like kings of nature. And this gave rise to many problems. I'll start, and you continue. For example, ozone holes threaten everyone living on earth. And what else?

Children call:

  1. pollution of the world's oceans, rivers, lakes;
  2. deforestation;
  3. air pollution;
  4. lack of drinking water;
  5. the disappearance of plant and animal species from the face of the Earth.

Do you see how much important issues stands before humanity. They are also called global because they affect everyone. Problems need to be resolved. Today, together with you, we will try to outline ways to solve some problems. “The land asks people for protection” - this line from a poem by Sergei Ostrovsky perfectly reflects our theme.

I invite you to start filling out an unusual album with me.(Show the album)

The first page is named the same as our class hour. On the second page there is a calendar of environmental dates: March 22 - World Water Day; 1 April - International bird day; April 22 - International EARTH Day; June 5th - World Conservation Day environment; October 4 is World Animal Day. Which of these holidays was celebrated recently?(The 4th of October)Do you know how and why this holiday was born?(history of the holiday):celebration solution world day animals was adopted in 1931 international conference supporters of the animal protection movement, held in Florence. October 4 was not chosen by chance. This is the day of the angel and the day of the death of the monk Francis of Assisi. He founded the order that bears his name and is considered the protector and patron of animals.

In many countries, events are held on this day to protect domestic animals. Remember the words of Saint-Exupery: “We are responsible for those we have tamed.” They should have the right to a good life.

Some pages of the album are still empty, we will fill them together here and now. But I want to draw your attention to the color of the pages: black, red, green, white. This is no coincidence. What do you associate the color black with?


- a sign of trouble, misfortune, death.

What can we put on these pages?Children:

- disappeared animals.

The next pages are red. Why red?Children:

- red is the color of blood, danger. It attracts attention, makes
be wary.

That's right, everyone knows about the red traffic light. What will we put on these pages:Children:

  1. animals at risk. We have green pages. Why green?Children:
  2. green is the color of hope.

But there are also many blank pages in the album. What color they get depends on us.

Let's get to work. I have prepared interesting material, you can use it to design the pages. 2 people will work on each page. You need to arrange the material on the page in a logical sequence. Who wants to do the decoration? We'll see what you come up with in a few minutes.(We distribute tasks to four microgroups).

While the guys are working, we will discuss the contents of the remaining pages. Remember that we still have to respond to the polar bear.

Let's discuss what people need to do so that black and red pages no longer appear?


  1. protect nature, create nature reserves, fight poachers;
  2. build treatment facilities;
  3. become vegetarians;
  4. cancel the fur fashion;
  5. do not throw garbage into rivers and lakes;
  6. help homeless animals...

Guys, what appeals could we make to the residents of our city and government officials?Children:

  1. don't litter;
  2. do not abandon pets;
  3. feed the birds in winter;

And in the Komi language it looks like this:

Vidzdy eop-eal Sto-miyan ozyrlun!

Pembsyas - miyan medbur yortyas!

Wai otsalam gorttdm pemdsyasli!

Miyan servants - sdstdm sondd!How will it sound in Komi? Who can read and translate?

Guys, the calls are excellent, it would be nice to write them down and illustrate them. I was told that you are very talented children, who will take on the drawings? Remember that we are designing album pages. Time to get back to the color pages(children come out and defend their work).

Teacher:When we talk about little brothers, we mean all animals - wild and domestic. We do not divide them into ours and strangers. For a long time It was believed that protection was needed primarily not for domestic pets, but for wild ones. However, it is not. You've probably noticed how many stray dogs and cats there are in our city. They also need our help and protection.

Everyone knows the town of Verkhniy Chov near Syktyvkar. This summer, a group of kind, caring people decided to create a shelter for stray dogs there. They fenced the area with a wooden fence, built enclosures and accepted the first residents - wounded and sick dogs. Now there are more than 150 animals there. Such a number of animals requiring care is difficult to feed and maintain. Dogs need food, medicine, dressings, beds, and feeding bowls. But first of all, they need our attention and participation. The kids in my sixth grade have already gone to this nursery and took these pictures. Look at these dogs, what do those eyes say? Guys, how can you help them?


  1. convince parents to help;
  2. collect food and medicine, utensils, rags;
  3. help in cleaning enclosures;
  4. adopt a puppy;
  5. become voluntary nursery assistants (volunteers). Have you heard the word “volunteer”. This is what they call voluntary

assistants who work for free.

Guys, do you remember that the polar bear cub is waiting for our answer? What should we write to him? Now everyone will have the opportunity to write an answer.Children write a letter.

How scary it is - the dying of a race,

All of them, every single one, When devastated nature is no longer able to do anything. And the leprosy of desolation will creep in, And the threads of water will dry up, And the birds will die out. And the plants will fall. And the beast will not escape its misfortune. And no matter how much self-interest you seek here, No matter what excuse you have, the Earth requires protection, protection, She asks people for salvation.

In order to protect the Earth, you don't have to be poor or rich, high or short, you don't even have to be a very scientist. You just need to listen to the voice of your heart.

Remember our conversation. I give you these bookmarks as a good memory.

Drawing lesson notes

in the senior group

Theme: "Butterfly"

Prepared by the teacher:

Grigoryan A. A.

Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group

Theme: "Butterfly"

Pr.sod.: continue to introduce children tounconventionaldrawing techniques. Learn to create a drawing using the monotype technique.Develop the ability to independently choose the color scheme of paints that matches the joyful summer mood. Develop color perception, improve fine motor skills of fingers and hands. Arouse a positive response to the results of your creativity.

Material and equipment:

For the teacher:illustrations of butterflies, a sheet of landscape paper folded in half, gouache, brushes, a jar of water, a palette, a rag.

For children: cut out outline of a butterfly, gouache, brushes, jars of water, palettes, rags.

Organization of children and methods of conducting classes

There are pictures on the easel. On the tables in front of the children there are carved outlines of butterflies and brushes on stands.

1. Introductory conversation.

Teacher. Moved by the flower

All four petals.

I wanted to rip it off

He took off and flew away.

Children. Butterfly.

Teacher. Right. Guys, how did you guess that this was a riddle about a butterfly?

Children. She has four wings, she sat on a flower and then flew away.

Teacher. Right.

Look how many beautiful butterflies have flown to us.

The teacher shows the children illustrations depicting different types butterflies.

Children look at the pictures.

Guys, there are a lot of poems about the butterfly. Now I will read one of them to you.


I'm at the yellow butterfly

Quietly he asked:

Butterfly tell me

Who painted you?

Maybe it's a buttercup?

Maybe dandelion?

Maybe yellow paint

That neighbor boy?

Or is it the sun after the winter boredom?

Who painted you?

Butterfly, tell me!

The butterfly whispered

Dressed in gold:

Colored me all over

Summer, summer, summer!

A. Pavlova

Teacher. Butterflies want to see how we can draw. In this picture there are red butterflies, in this one they are yellow. They are all cheerful and beautiful. Now look at the tables: butterflies have flown onto them too. But they are a little sad - they forgot to paint them.

2. Setting a goal:

You and I will now turn into artists and help our butterflies become beautiful.

3. Consideration of 2 variable samples by color.

Teacher. A butterfly, guys, is an insect. She, like other insects, has six legs and wings. How many wings does a butterfly have?

Children. Four.

Teacher: correct. Two on one side and two on the other. What shape are they: different or the same?

Children. The same.

Teacher: how are the wings painted?

Children: the pattern is the same on one side and the other.

Teacher. Well done. You are very attentive. The opposite wings of a butterfly are called symmetrical, that is, having the same shape and pattern. What do butterflies eat?

Children. Nectar of flowers.

Teacher. Right. For this she has a long proboscis.

The teacher suggests drawing a butterfly in an unusual way– subject monotype.

4. Partial display:

  1. Fold a sheet of paper in half to create a fold line.
  2. On the right half of the sheet, draw half a butterfly.
  3. Press the left side to the right and smooth it out thoroughly.

Let's open the sheet... What happened?

Part II

5. Individual work with children:

Additional examination of samples;




The teacher invites the children to show the outline of the wings in the air with a gesture (the upper one is large, the lower one is smaller).

The teacher reminds you that you need to paint with liquid paints. Draw a silhouette and paint over the background, quickly cover and make a print. While the silhouette dries, show the children the different designs of butterfly wings.

The whole butterfly turned out to be painted! Yes, you are wizards! What beautiful and joyful butterflies! Let's put them on the table and let them dry. And we'll play.

III final part.

At the end of the lesson, all children's work is hung on the board or laid out on the table.

The teacher draws attention to the unusualness of the drawings. Asks to repeat the name of the method of depicting butterflies. Recognizes children who have made additions to their work.

Outdoor game "Butterflies".

Using a counting rhyme, the driver is selected. He sits on a chair with a net (cap).

Children-butterflies run out into the center of the free space of the group - “into the clearing”, and fly.

I wanted to touch you with my hands

To the most beautiful flower.

And he, waving his petals,

He took off and flew under the clouds!

The presenter goes out to catch butterflies, they fly away from him.

Well done! How well you played! Take your butterflies and let them decorate our group.

Quiet music plays, the teacher hangs up drawings.

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