How to set yourself up for good dreams. How to order the sleep you need. How to induce good dreams What to do to have a good dream

10 tips to get a good night's sleep.
Reduce caffeine. Simply put, caffeine can keep you from falling asleep. It may stay in the body longer than you think - the effects of caffeine can last up to eight hours. So if you drink a cup of coffee a day there is nothing wrong with it, but still give up this habit at night, caffeine can cause poor sleep - Cutting out caffeine from your diet at least four to six hours before bed will help you fall asleep easier!

Avoid drinking alcohol as a sleeping pill. Alcohol may initially help you sleep, but it also causes sleep disturbances, leaving you less sleep! Drinking an alcoholic drink before bed increases the likelihood that you will wake up during the night.

Rest before bed. Stress not only makes you unhappy, it ruins your sleep. Develop some kind of ritual before bed to break the connection between all the stresses of the day and the upcoming sleep. These rituals can take about 10 minutes.

Some people find it helpful to systematically make a list of all the stresses of the day, as well as a plan for dealing with them, this can act as "closure" to the day. Hence, a period of relaxation, perhaps reading something light, meditation, aromatherapy, light stretching, or taking a hot bath can also help you sleep better.

Exercise at the right time for you. Regular physical exercise can help you get a good night's sleep. The timing and intensity of exercise appears to play a key role in its effect on sleep. But if you're the kind of person who becomes more alert under stress, it may be better to avoid exercising in the evening, but regular exercise in the morning can even help relieve insomnia.

Keep your bedroom quiet, dark, and comfortable. For many people, even the slightest noise or light can disturb sleep, like the purring of a cat or the light from a laptop or TV. Use earplugs, blinds or curtains, and an electric blanket or air conditioner as best you can to create ideal sleeping conditions. And do not use overhead light; if you need to get up at night, use a small night light. The ideal room temperature for sleeping is between 18-22 degrees Celsius (68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit). Temperatures higher or lower can disrupt sleep.

Eat and sleep peacefully. Try not to go to bed hungry, but avoid heavy meals before bed. Some foods may help, though. Foods that may promote sleep include tuna, halibut, pumpkin, artichokes, avocados, almonds, eggs, Chinese cabbage, peaches, nuts, apricots, oats, asparagus, potatoes, buckwheat, and bananas.

Also, try not to drink liquids after 8 pm. This can save you from having to get up to go to the toilet at night.

Limiting nicotine. The presence of smoke before bedtime puts a stimulant in the blood; the effects of nicotine are similar to caffeine. Nicotine can wake you up at night. Should be avoided especially before bedtime and if you wake up in the middle of the night.

Avoid watching TV, eating and discussing emotional problems in bed.

Dreams can have a significant impact on life. They reflect our hopes and fears about the future, and in dreams we also return to the past. If you want to learn how to lucid dream (that is, control what happens in your sleep and understand that it is all a dream) or want to learn how to have more pleasant dreams, there are certain things you should do during the day and before bed. In this article we will tell you how to control your dreams.


How to have pleasant dreams

    Go to bed earlier. A 2011 study for Sleep and Biological Rhythms found that students who studied late had less pleasant dreams than those who went to bed earlier. If you want to have good dreams, try going to bed at least an hour earlier to see if this affects the nature of your dreams.

    Watch your diet. Nightmares can be caused by many things, including what you eat at night, alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco. If you often have bad dreams, try cutting down on these substances and don't eat 2-3 hours before bed. This will allow your body to digest the food before you go to bed, and you will feel much calmer.

    • If you're serious about learning how to dream better dreams, you might want to stop drinking coffee at lunchtime. You may decide that you lack energy, but otherwise you will have a harder time falling asleep at night.
    • It may seem that a glass of wine before bed will help you fall asleep, but it won't - your sleep will be restless. If a person sleeps restlessly, controlling dreams becomes more difficult.
    • Also avoid sugar before bed. It causes overstimulation and interferes with sleep.
  1. Fight stress. Often bad dreams are a reflection of the stress and anxiety that a person experiences during the day. Try not to think about problems while lying in bed. The best thing to do is relax and remember something pleasant. The more often you strive for peace, the more pleasant your dreams will be.

    Make bedtime more relaxing. It is important to relax before lying down. For example, you can drink Herb tea, read a book, and then your dreams are less likely to frighten you or cause you anxiety. Find something that will help you fall asleep easier and stick with it. Try to get rid of all bad thoughts before falling asleep.

    Place roses in the bedroom. A study was conducted in which women were asked to sleep in the same room with roses for 30 nights. It turned out that they had more pleasant dreams than usual. It is believed that the smell of flowers evokes positive emotions, and this affects dreams.

    • You can use rose-scented oils, body milk or scented candles. Remember to blow out the candles before going to bed, otherwise there is a risk of fire.


    Claire Heston is an independent clinical social worker in Ohio. She received a master's degree in social work from Virginia Commonwealth University in 1983.

    Clinical Social Worker

    Essential oils are calming and have a beneficial effect on dreams. Claire Heston, an independent clinical social worker, says: “The choice of oil depends on the individual. Lavender oil is definitely worth a try. You can buy several bottles and try each of them to see what suits you best. Or you can search for the necessary information on the Internet or ask for advice from a consultant at a cosmetics store.”

    Preparing for controlled dreaming during the day

    1. Get enough sleep. A person dreams during the REM sleep phase. If you don't get enough sleep or wake up frequently during the night, your sleep cycles will become disrupted. You should regularly sleep 7-9 hours a night and go to bed at the same time so your body and mind know what to expect.

      Pay attention to your dreams. It is believed that learning to remember dreams is the first step to controlling them. Before you go to bed, remind yourself that you want to wake up remembering everything you saw. This way you will tune your subconscious mind to analyze your dreams more carefully. There are several ways to remember dreams:

      Check whether you are sleeping, while you sleep and during the day. Such tests are necessary in order to distinguish between the real and the fictional world, and they can be carried out in a dream or in reality. Sleep checking will help you control your dreams because your body will understand that it is asleep. Below are a few ways to check if you are sleeping:

      Look for signs that you are dreaming. Once you've gotten into the habit of writing down your dreams, start looking for signs in your dreams that you're dreaming. This could be a recurring image (such as an island you've never been to) or an event (such as losing all your teeth or being unable to move). Try to find patterns that indicate to you that this is a dream, and write them down. All these things will help you understand that everything is happening in a dream because you will recognize some signs.

      • As you begin to recognize the signs, you will be able to tell yourself in your dreams that you are dreaming.
    2. Play video games. According to one psychologist, video games allow people to learn to act in a parallel reality and see themselves from the outside. It is these qualities that are needed in a dream. Research conducted by this psychologist suggests that people who play video games are more likely than others to have controlled dreams and control what happens in them.

      • Avoid playing very active games before bed as this may trigger nightmares. Put the games aside at least an hour before going to bed.
    3. Eat foods high in melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone found in plants, microbes and animals. It is a powerful antioxidant that can also affect REM sleep and make dreams more vivid. Melatonin is also thought to help people fall asleep faster. If you want to have colorful dreams, sleep deeply, and be able to control your dreams, you should eat the following foods rich in melatonin:

      • cherry;
      • Hercules;
      • almond;
      • sunflower seeds;
      • flax seed;
      • radish;
      • tomatoes;
      • bananas;
      • white mustard;
      • black mustard.
    4. During the day, ask yourself if you are sleeping. While sitting in class or reading email, ask yourself the question: “Am I dreaming?” If you do this regularly, it will become a habit and you will do it even in your sleep. This will allow you to understand that you are dreaming and control your dreams, choosing the development of events that you need.

      • Questions like these will also increase your concentration and observation skills, which will help you manage your dreams.

    Getting ready before going to bed

    1. Meditate before you go to bed. The ability to control dreams requires focus and the ability to distract yourself from thoughts that connect you with everyday life. While lying in bed and trying to fall asleep, banish all unnecessary thoughts and concentrate on the fact that you are falling asleep and preparing to enter another state.

      • Meditation will allow you to get rid of all the negative emotions that prevent you from sleeping peacefully.
    2. Imagine a dream that you want to control. Before you go to bed, think about what kind of dream you want to have. "Draw" a bright picture and include as many details as possible: places, sounds, smells. Take yourself to this place and try to move there.

      • Pay attention to the sensations when breathing and walking. Although you won't be asleep yet, you should tell yourself that you are now in a dream. Continue visualizing what you want until you fall asleep.
      • For maximum effect, choose the ideal location.
    3. Leave the things you want to see in your dreams on your bedside table. Put a photo there, a symbol of something, or even a blank sheet of paper. A thing that will reflect what you strive to see in a dream will help you transport yourself into a dream. If you want to see a certain person, put his photo next to you. If you are an artist and you can’t come up with a subject for a painting, leave a blank canvas near your bed.

      • This technique will allow you to see what you want in your dreams, because the picture will be imprinted in your mind before you fall asleep.
    4. Prepare yourself to manage your dreams before you go to bed. As you lie in bed and get ready to fall asleep, tell yourself something simple: “Today in my dream I want to understand that I am dreaming.” Repeat this several times and expect it to come true. This will help you prepare for the process.

      Sleep in complete darkness. If you want to control your dreams, sleep in the dark. This will allow your body to maintain high levels of melatonin, which will result in you sleeping more soundly and remembering your dreams better. Ideal conditions are when the room is so dark that you cannot see the difference when you open and close your eyes. Turn off the lights, curtain the windows tightly, and get rid of any light sources.

      Use the MILD technique. Stephen LaBerge of Stanford University, founder of the Institute of Lucid Dreaming, developed a technique called MILD (Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams). mnemonic induction of lucid dreams), which is considered one of the most effective ways entering a state of lucid dreaming. Here's what you need to do:

      • When you go to bed, tell yourself that you will remember your dreams;
      • think that you will try to understand that you are dreaming and remember what you saw;
      • imagine what you want to do in your sleep (for example, fly or dance);
      • repeat the previous two steps until you fall asleep;
      • Use this technique until you learn to control your dreams.
    5. Get rid of nightmares. It's quite difficult, but you have to try to imagine a different ending to the nightmare. If you often dream of a scary person who ends up in your home, imagine that you managed to drive him away or that he left on his own. Whatever the nightmare, find a way to emerge victorious from the situation so that the nightmare melts.

      • If you think about it often, write down your intentions and even say them out loud, you will be able to program your mind to achieve your goal.

    Dream management

    1. As soon as you realize that you are dreaming, gradually begin to manage your sleep. When you are sure that you are asleep, try to act calmly - this will increase your chances of not waking up at the same moment. Stay calm, drift into the world of dreams and start mastering the little things little by little so that you can eventually move on to more complex things.

      • You can try to change the scene or simply move in space. You can touch objects and make things appear or disappear.
    2. Start managing your sleep. When you feel that you have learned how to change the course of your sleep, try doing a variety of things in your sleep. Take off, try to see different people, completely change the scene, imagine places from your childhood, or even travel back in time. As you learn to control events in your dreams, you will see what you want to see much more often.

      • After you wake up, write down the dream. Note the moment you realized you were lucid dreaming and record all the actions you could and could not perform. If there is something you can never do in your dreams (for example, flying), think about what is stopping you.
    3. Remind yourself from time to time that you are dreaming. When you realize that everything is happening in a dream, do not forget to repeat that you are dreaming. If you don't do this, you may forget where you really are, so you will no longer have the ability to control what is happening. Reminding yourself to sleep can help you manage the situation better.

      Fly. If you want to learn how to lucid dream, practice flying in your sleep. You probably won't succeed at first, but you can work at it. Tell yourself that you are about to fly, and this will prepare your mind for this action. You can walk in a circle, wave your arms, jump. When you begin to succeed, you will be able to hover above the ground, and then fly.

      • When you fly, do not doubt yourself and that it is possible. If you are full of doubts, you cannot truly fly. If you feel yourself descending, push off the ground and take off again.
    4. Imagine a certain object. You might want to hold it in your hands or play with it. If you want to evoke his image in your dreams, you need to get creative. For example, you want to see a very tasty pie. Then you should imagine that you are in the kitchen or in a restaurant so that someone can bring the pie. If you think hard about the cake, it may appear, but if you imagine natural conditions, the appearance of the cake will be more predictable.

People who are constantly tormented by nightmares often wonder how to make them have good dreams. Experts believe that for this it is necessary to follow the rules of a healthy night's rest and try to get rid of depressing thoughts from your head. If you have unresolved problems, the first thing you should do is get rid of them. Let’s look at how to tune in to the right wave and how to have good dreams using the example of several simple recommendations that won’t be difficult to follow.

Scientists have long proven that the human body functions better if night rest begins no later than 22.00. The circadian rhythms that animals follow also apply to humans. Every day at a certain time there is a decrease in activity, a feeling of drowsiness appears, and body temperature decreases. It is necessary to catch these signs and immediately go to bed in order to quickly and soundly fall asleep. Most often this happens between 21.00 and 22.00.

If the moment is missed, the body again receives a charge of vigor, and the person has difficulty falling asleep. This ultimately leads to disturbing and restless dreams. Go to bed earlier and set a regular bedtime for yourself. It is not necessary to follow it strictly, because different days you may get tired a little earlier or a little later. But don't delay your night's rest. It is best if it starts between 21.00 and 21.30.

It is useful not only to fall asleep at the same time, but also to wake up. In this case, it will be much easier to leave at night. Once you establish the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness, the body will know what to expect, and the subconscious mind will no longer be disturbed by the symptoms of insomnia.

A good quality rest will allow you to have good dreams. Studies have shown that people who go to bed late are more likely to see disturbing stories.

Follow the rules of nutrition

A heavy dinner will prevent you from having good dreams. Heavy foods take a long time to digest, so the body will try to help digest it. At this moment, do not count on pleasant dreams.

During dinner, you should follow some rules that will make falling asleep easy and night visions interesting.

  1. Remember that your last meal should occur no later than 3 to 4 hours before bedtime. If you go to bed early, then plan dinner for 18.00.
  2. Avoid heavy fatty foods. No sausage sandwiches or fried meat for dinner. Prefer light vegetable salad with olive oil dressing, kefir or steamed meat and fish. Be careful with fruits - they cause fermentation.
  3. Avoid coffee in the afternoon. Watch your green tea intake as it contains significant amounts of caffeine.
  4. Don't use alcoholic drinks and quit smoking. Bad habits often cause nightmares.

To experience good sleep, eat foods that contain melatonin, the so-called sleep hormone. They will improve your night's rest and relieve disturbing visions. The following foods are rich in melatonin:

  • cherry;
  • oatmeal;
  • almonds;
  • black seeds;
  • flax-seed;
  • radish;
  • bananas;
  • tomatoes.

Eliminate stressful situations

Scientists have concluded that stress and depression provoke nightmares. Therefore, you need to get rid of what worries you, and bad dreams will stop haunting you. You should avoid stressful situations during the day and try not to think about problems in the evening.

It has been proven that proper physical fatigue helps a person think less about his fears. Exercise, but avoid excessive activity right before bed, otherwise you risk overstimulating your body.

To relax and get rid of negative thoughts from your head, you should take a relaxing bath or warm shower. You can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to your bath. The smell of lavender will have a calming effect on the nervous system. It is useful to listen to quiet relaxing music.

In some cases, it can be difficult to avoid stressful situations, for example, if you have a job where emergency situations constantly occur and you have to act at a frantic pace. If the option of changing your position to a calmer one is not suitable, try to get rid of thoughts about work from your head a few hours before going to bed. To do this, you should come up with a distracting activity. If you like to read, take an interesting book. You can try drawing or find another hobby that is not related to your work activity.

Make bedtime more relaxing

The key to pleasant dreams is a quiet time before a night's rest. It is necessary to gradually reduce activity so that in bed you instantly relax and fall asleep. Avoid the following activities an hour or two before bedtime:

  • do not watch TV, do not turn on the computer;
  • do not play sports;
  • don't drink a lot of water.

Enter your own ritual before a night's rest by planning out the time. You can start with a leisurely half-hour walk in the park. Then take a warm, relaxing bath with essential oils. Turn on calm music. Read a book (choose the paper version, do not use e-books). Meditation helps you get in the mood for proper rest. After this, feel free to go to bed, throwing extraneous thoughts out of your head. Interesting vivid dreams are guaranteed.

It is important that the room in which you sleep is not too stuffy. Ventilate the bedroom for 20 to 30 minutes daily. If there is no severe frost outside, you can open the window a little and leave it overnight. Control humidity levels. For normal functioning of the body it must be within 40 – 60%. If the air is too dry, you should buy a humidifier.

Darken the room in advance, and turn off all light sources at night, creating complete darkness and silence. Choose an orthopedic mattress for the bed and high-quality bed linen.

Use pleasant scents

Scientists have proven the benefits of certain scents. So, an experiment was conducted in which several dozen women participated. They slept in a room where they placed vases of roses. It turned out that the smell of flowers helped the participants in the experiment to have more pleasant and colorful dreams. Scientists have concluded that the scent of roses should be used by those who suffer from nightmares. It can be used in the form of essential oil, scented candles, and cosmetic milk.

The effect of the scent of lavender has been proven. The aroma also helps to relax, disturbing dreams go away and are replaced by pleasant, light dreams. Before resting at night, it is helpful to take a bath with a few drops of lavender essential oil. Also use the following plant scents to improve sleep:

  • ylang-ylang;
  • sandalwood;
  • Melissa;
  • mint.

Having pleasant, vivid dreams is quite achievable. You just need to follow the rules for going to bed at night. If there are no serious symptoms of sleep disturbance, nightmares will stop tormenting you after a week or two of following the recommendations. If you want to not only see good dreams, but also plan to learn how to manage them, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the practice of lucid dreams.

Good restful sleep is important for health. Also in the sleepy good mood, and he's ready for a productive day. But it often happens that when a person wakes up, he feels overwhelmed. Although he slept for the required 8 hours. And at the same time, the body did not rest, there were not even dreams. This article discusses how to make a dream happen, what preparation and attitude are needed.


Older people, or due to daytime incidents or lifestyle changes, have problems sleeping. Unfortunately, not everyone knows what needs to be done to have a dream. And for this you need to follow several simple rules. Let's look at them.

Maintain a proper daily routine. It’s not for nothing that from childhood we are taught to go to bed before 10 pm and get up at 7 am. This is how the body gets used to the regime. And at the right time, full sleep will come. Moreover, this rule must be observed on weekends. Many people notice that, having gotten up all week at 7 am, on a day off on their own without an alarm clock, they wake up at the same time. You shouldn’t close your eyes again with the words: “Today is a day off, you need to sleep off the week.” This will only add to the headache. But not cheerfulness. And on Sunday then the question will not arise about what to do to make you have a dream.


It is much easier and better to fall asleep in a ventilated room. If it is winter time, then it is better to ventilate the bedroom half an hour before bedtime. Well, if it’s summer and it’s warm outside, then you can leave the window open at night. Here one circumstance needs to be taken into account, namely, if a person lives in an industrial area or next to a car park, etc. It is clear that you should not expect fresh air from the street. There will only be noise until 12 at night and the flow of exhaust and polluted air. Then the open window can be replaced by an air purifier.

You can't eat at night

The most optimal thing is a light dinner three to four hours before bedtime. The stomach must have time to digest all the food before resting at night. Otherwise, it will work at night, although not at full capacity. The body will not rest completely. And the remains of undigested food can cause gastrointestinal diseases. It is not recommended to drink invigorating drinks before bed, or eat chocolate (it also invigorates). Otherwise, sleep disturbance or even insomnia is guaranteed.

Bedding must be properly selected. This is: a mattress that is neither hard nor soft. The ideal option is a medium-hard mattress. You will also need a comfortable, small pillow so that your neck can rest during the night. Bed linen should be pleasant to the body, and pajamas should not hinder night movements.

Preparation for sleep

After 8 pm, remove all active and mental activities. The body must prepare for sleep in advance. And increased excitability simply will not allow you to fall asleep easily and quickly. If there was mental work, then the brain will not have time to relax in time and will scroll through the information received. This will delay sleep.


Introduce the same daily activities an hour or half an hour before bedtime. You can read a magazine, listen to music (only calm music), or just chat with your family. Over time, the body will perceive these actions as preparation for sleep and tune in to rest.

Bedroom for sleeping

The bedroom should be intended only for sleep and intimacy. TV, laptop, computer - this is all unnecessary for the bedroom. It must only be used for its intended purpose. Then the body, already on a subconscious level, will prepare for sleep only when entering the bedroom.

Don't go to bed during the day! If you really want to, you can take a nap for no more than half an hour. If you are not sure that you will be able to wake up in 30 minutes, then it is better to save sleep for the evening.

Wake up correctly

If the awakening process was completed correctly, then in the evening there will be no problems with how to make a dream happen. Waking up should not be abrupt; for example, many people, upon hearing the alarm clock, immediately jump out of bed. And you need to lie down for about three minutes, stretch (by the way, stretching is a kind of gymnastics, very useful for the body), you can, at this time, set yourself up positively for the coming day.

What to do to have a dream?

If you have trouble falling asleep psychological character, then the person is very emotional and before going to bed processes all the information for the day (this includes incidents at work, data from the news, and so on). This can also happen to a student. Since he does the main preparation for his studies in the evening. Problems with falling asleep can also occur in people whose work involves a lot of mental stress. Insomnia is a common occurrence in such people. And so that there are no problems with how to make you have a dream, you need to add a few additional rules:

  • Relaxing music before bed, watching a calm video about nature is a must.
  • Useful in any weather. Walking, not jogging. Walking calmly is helpful. If there is a forest park area nearby, you can walk there.
  • It would be nice to have a relaxing massage in the evenings. You can also learn relaxing poses. Allow your body to completely relax and relieve tension. For example, this activity: simultaneously tense all your muscles for 4-5 seconds, and then completely relax. To be more convincing, you can do this on your hand, tense it, and then relax it. Relaxation will be 100%. The same thing happens with the body.
  • Taking baths with relaxing herbs.
  • Fill the bedroom with pleasant aromas (these are mint, rose, lavender, cedar, and basil oils). Or replace it with a grass pad.
  • Drink soothing teas or warm milk with a little honey before bed.
  • No unnecessary information before bed, for example, stop watching the evening news.

Sleeping positions

The positions in which a person falls asleep also play an important role in sleep. Therefore, if you are interested in how to make yourself dream, you need to know good positions for a night's rest. Although there is no ideal one. But they can be arranged in order of decreasing utility.

  • The best position is on your back. In this position, all muscles are relaxed. Even the facial muscles, which means that unnecessary facial wrinkles will not appear. Although this position is not suitable for pregnant women, starting from the second trimester, and for older people (since they most often have spinal diseases).
  • The side sleeping position is the most comfortable. There is no load on the spine. If you lie on your back, you often snore. If you turn on your side, snoring stops or decreases. It is also comfortable for pregnant women (and this is the only sleeping position when the belly is no longer small). But again there is a load on internal organs. If you sleep on the left side, there is a load on the heart, on the right, there will be a load on the liver.
  • The most harmful position for sleeping is on your stomach. All internal organs suffer here, the muscles are tense, and wrinkles appear earlier. The only plus is the complete absence of snoring.

Also, various devices have now appeared to improve sleeping positions. Moreover, these are not only mattresses, but also special pillows.

Time to sleep

Time spent sleeping is also important. There is no consensus yet on how much sleep a person needs. But if we take the arithmetic average, then 7 hours is enough. Desirable time to fall asleep is 22 hours. There is a whole science of what time, what dreams prevail. Based on it, the optimal time for falling asleep and waking up is calculated.

It is much more difficult for the working population to maintain a daily routine for a good night's rest. Since there are shift schedules. It is in such cases that interruptions in sleep occur. But here too you can find a way out. Which one then? What needs to be done to have a dream? You can simply follow the additional rules written above. There is also one exercise that works for falling asleep quickly - lie on your back, close your eyes and roll them back for at least a minute, but no more than three minutes. This method works because this is what the body looks like during deep sleep. Therefore, the brain simply perceives that the body is sleeping. Then you quickly fall asleep.

A little about dreams

When a person sleeps, he dreams. It happens that you have good dreams and don’t want to wake up. And sometimes there are only nightmares all night. And a fair question arises: “How to make sure you have a good dream?” First, before going to bed, you need to completely relax and give up any thoughts, no negative information. You can watch a positive cartoon from childhood or just count sheep. The room should be dark and quiet. No extraneous noise from the next room. Of course, fresh air, preferably no higher than 25 degrees. If you create such conditions before falling asleep, you will definitely not have nightmares.

How can you make sure you have the dream you want? First you need to decide what topic you want to dream about. Then you need to completely relax and recharge with positive emotions (taking a bath, drawing, knitting, and so on). The next stage will be a complete presentation of the desired dream, without describing the plot and details, but only the general picture. If you want to have a dream about the sea, then you need to remember the smell of the sea wind. If you want to see your loved one, you can remember his voice, hugs, smell. Transfer the desired dream onto paper. It is believed that the brain remembers what is written better. There is no need to describe the entire dream, but only its components. For example, a dream about the sea. We write: beach, salty sea, sun, everything associated with the sea. After this, you can go to bed, but do not fall asleep right away. You need to imagine your desired dream again. After which you can gradually plunge into the world of dreams.


What needs to be done to have a prophetic dream. Here you need to follow the same instructions as for good sleep. For example, I would like to see in a dream how an important meeting will take place tomorrow. You also need to concentrate on it and relax. Imagine how the meeting might go, but without going into details. Write down what you need on paper. And then you can calmly get ready for bed. We advise you to write down your prophetic dreams in the morning. Therefore, you need to prepare a piece of paper and a pen in advance.


Now you know what to do to have a prophetic dream. If you follow all the rules, and not just once, but day after day, then in a month you can put your sleep in order. You need to do everything gradually and not rush things. First, we stabilize the process of falling asleep itself. And only then we learn to order interesting dreams.

Do you often suffer from insomnia? If this phenomenon is quite rare for you, then there is no particular cause for concern. If this problem is systematic, you should not self-medicate, go see a doctor. If it comes “rarely but accurately”, causing a lot of problems, get rid of insomnia you can (and should) do it yourself. Let's try to figure out what the causes of insomnia are and how to purchase a subscription for unhindered nightly entry into the kingdom of Morpheus.

The cause of insomnia is anxious thoughts.

Probably everyone has encountered a situation where, despite the desire to fall asleep, it was not possible. We have already counted a thousand elephants, twenty thousand sheep, a hundred thousand cats, and His Majesty Dream still does not deign to pay a visit to your room. It is often difficult to fall asleep because of thoughts that you need to get a good night's sleep, since tomorrow will be a very difficult day, full of important events. And here's the reason! When thoughts haunt you, the brain works in increased activity mode and prevents you from falling asleep. Surprisingly, the way out of this situation is very simple, because in order to fall asleep, you need to get anxious thoughts out of your head. It’s not for nothing that there is a saying “the morning is wiser than the evening!” Try to think of any circumstances in which you fell asleep easily. For some it is a time of relaxation at a resort, for others it is a serene childhood. The brain will adjust to a calmer mode, insomnia will go away unnoticed, and in the morning you won’t even remember when and how you fell asleep.

Insomnia and food.

Brain activity can make itself felt even if nothing is bothering you. What could have happened cause of insomnia in this case? It is quite possible that the reason is the strong cup of coffee, tea, or other tonic drink you drank at night. Of course, some types of tea, on the contrary, have a calming effect. If you are not sure exactly how coffee or tea affects you, it is better to replace traditional evening tea drinking with another drink. Mineral water or natural juice will be an excellent substitute and help in the fight against insomnia. If you don’t have mineral water and juice in the refrigerator, drink a glass of plain water - it certainly won’t cause insomnia. Also, the stomach may be the cause of insomnia. Or, more precisely, what you loaded into it before going to bed. No one is recommended to overeat before going to bed. Especially fatty foods, as they will take a long time to digest and will keep you awake for a certain period of time. But going to bed hungry is not an option. This is especially true for our wonderful girls who are lovers of diets. Don't abuse your own body. An apple or banana eaten before bed will be beneficial and help you fall asleep faster.

Discomfort and insomnia.

Often people experience insomnia because they do not feel comfortable in bed. It happens that the situation in the bedroom makes it difficult to fall asleep. Make sure the room is warm or slightly cool. All light sources must be turned off. External light should also not penetrate into the room - to do this, close the curtains tightly. TV, contrary to popular belief, also does not help, but, on the contrary, interferes with falling asleep.

Sometimes it happens that an old mattress prevents you from sleeping. Or it's time to choose a new pillow. A comfortable bed is also a strong factor in the fight against insomnia.

Sleeping pills in the fight against insomnia.

Sometimes, the causes of insomnia are not so obvious. In such cases, sleeping pills will serve as a universal remedy. But this method of getting rid of insomnia is far from flawless. Weight side effects, difficult awakening, addiction. Therefore, it is worth leaving sleeping pills for the most extreme cases. Moreover, there are a huge number folk recipes, saving from insomnia. True, not always and not every home has the necessary ingredients to prepare the desired recipe. Therefore, we will focus on ways to sleep, which absolutely everyone can resort to.

How to set yourself up for sleep.

If you can’t sleep, do some monotonous, sedentary activity. Read a book that does not strain your nervous system, take up knitting or embroidery. Just don't read from a computer monitor. Continuous eye strain, of course, causes fatigue, but the light from the monitor will create an illusion for the brain sunny day, and will not allow you to fall asleep.

Many people know that a glass of unboiled warm milk with a spoon of honey before bed will help you fall asleep. If you don’t have milk on hand, you can get by with green tea, or even plain water. Sometimes (or rather rarely), you can get rid of insomnia with a bottle of light beer or a glass of red wine. Alcohol will help you relax and you will fall asleep faster.

Let's fight insomnia with a walk!

Often the cause of insomnia is that a person is unable to relax after a hard day. This problem is especially relevant for office workers. In addition to the fact that their work stimulates brain activity, the lack of physical activity aggravates the situation. All this together leads to constant problems with sleep. For this reason, physical activity highly recommended. It is advisable to get up at least several times a day and go to the store or cafe for something. It’s not bad to have a promenade every evening after work. Why not walk, for example, from work home (if, of course, work is not too far away).

Water procedures in the fight against insomnia.

Of course, it will be absolutely wonderful to swim in the pool before going to bed, but not everyone has such an opportunity. Taking a hot bath two to three hours before bed can help relieve muscle tension. If you feel, even if not severe, pain in your legs, neck or lower back, a relaxing massage will help. And if the pain is severe (for example, toothache), take a painkiller tablet and consult a doctor for help in the morning.

As you can see, there can be quite a few causes of insomnia. Sleeping pills are definitely not a panacea for all ills. Sometimes the reason lies deep in a person’s mental or physical health. In such cases, you should contact qualified specialists. Everyone knows that it is easier to prevent a disease than to fight it. Same with insomnia. You need to get rid of the reasons for its appearance. Lead a healthy lifestyle, don’t get nervous over trifles, learn to go to bed at the same time every day, don’t overeat before bed, listen to your body. Follow these rules and sleep well. Sweet dreams!

Manage your sleep and change its content according to at will– this is not a myth, this is a reality that can be learned. However, this is not easy to learn. Before you start learning this skill, you need to prepare for this training.

To change your sleep, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, otherwise attempts to change your sleep can harm a person’s health and psyche. And most importantly: you should not abuse this skill; you can change your sleep only as a last resort.

You need to master several techniques to learn how to control your sleep.

Before going to bed, you need to set yourself up to have a dream with a certain content. When falling asleep, you need to repeat to yourself: “Today I want to see...” and clearly, in all details, draw in your head an image of what you want to see.

Wanting to understand how to set up a dream, it is very difficult to learn the following: during sleep, you need to realize that everything that happens is not reality, but only a dream. However, many people are familiar with this state when they clearly understand that they are currently sleeping.

But in these cases we are talking about unconscious understanding, and to control dreams, a conscious understanding of what is happening is necessary. Learning this, as already mentioned, is very difficult, but constant and persistent training will do the trick. And the question of how to change your sleep will not be so pressing.

When a person masters the ability to “sleep consciously,” we can talk about some change in power. Thus, the person will no longer be in power, he will be freed from his power, and moreover, sleep will be in his complete power.

Now you only need to wish that the content of the dream corresponds to the desire, and in the dream the person will enjoy the images he sees. There is a desire to see new apartment? Or the desire to see your future children? Or the desire to cook food for yourself and get enough? You need to wish this at night, and all your wishes will come true!

Psychologists have long known that our subconscious reflects real life like a mirror. The subconscious is a storehouse of our inner experiences, our feelings, our knowledge.

Therefore, often in order to deal with problems real life, in a relationship with a man, we simply need to turn to our subconscious.

And if there are questions in life that have no answers, try to program yourself to the dream you want. This will help you discover the secrets of your own personality.

How to make it so that I dreamed about what you want?

Firstly, before you fall asleep, try to rest, not think about anything unnecessary, and relax as much as possible. It is recommended not to perform strenuous exercise, and also not to overload yourself with food. A bath before bed or a favorite calming activity, be it knitting or reading, will perfectly relieve tension.

Secondly, clearly define for yourself what kind of dream you want to see. It doesn't have to be a plot dream.

After all, we never have logical dreams; they are always just fragments of some moments, some impressions.

Then identify a specific problem that you hope to solve. In a dream, perhaps the solution will come by itself.

If, for example, you want to go on a trip somewhere or see your favorite guy or man, then just imagine it.

One way or another, the dream will reflect those moments that concern you in the present.

Increasing the chances of remembering a dream

Thirdly, now that you have decided what you want to see in your dream, replay these moments a couple of times in your imagination. For rooting, you can even write them down in a notepad or on a piece of paper.

Fourth, try to program yourself to remember your dream. Prepare paper and pencil in advance so that in the morning you can immediately write down the dream you had at night.

So serious and purposeful action By memorizing, you significantly increase the chances that your dreams will actually help you solve your problem.

Fifth, set yourself up to wake up immediately after you see the right sleep. Since we usually see about four to five dreams throughout the night, in the morning we forget the content of almost all of them, except the last one. Therefore, try to program yourself to wake up immediately after the desired sleep.

How to quickly move from reality to dream and vice versa?

The next step is to learn how to smoothly transition from dream to reality and vice versa. That is, do not fall asleep immediately as soon as you lie down in bed, and do not get up immediately after waking up.

Allow yourself to lie in bed for a while and finally wake up.

After all, it is the borderline states between sleep and reality that help us get information from our subconscious.

So, when you fall asleep, imagine the dream you want to have. Fantasize, imagine everything before the smallest details, turn to your imagination. Only then will you smoothly move from real reality to the world of dreams.

What to do after waking up?

When you wake up, remember everything that you dreamed about. Scroll through your mind about everything that is still left from the dream. And only then, after making sure that you are completely awake, get up and write down the key points for you, everything that comes to mind.

“What needs to be done to make us dream what we want?” - you asked. Just follow the above technique for a certain period of time, experts say.

Indeed, by setting yourself up for a certain dream every day, you can achieve excellent results, you will be able to cope with the problems of real life and find answers to all the questions that worry you so much.

The question may seem trivial at first glance, but could you personally answer it? During healthy sleep, the brain gets rid of all the negativity and unnecessary information that has been accumulated during the day. If your sleep is disturbed, your brain will not be able to relax, and in the morning, even if you have slept the required number of hours, you will be haunted by a feeling of fatigue and weakness. Some people escape from disturbing dreams with the help of sleeping pills. But this is a dubious solution, since the body gets used to these drugs, and the symptoms only get worse. After some time, the sleeping pill may stop working altogether. So the medicinal method is a last resort.

In fact, more than a third of the world's population suffers from various sleep disorders. Naturally, insomnia affects their performance, and the productivity of daily life decreases. Without healthy sleep, human health suffers, especially during stressful periods. Even if you experience insomnia from time to time, this is already a warning sign. It is possible that periodic insomnia will develop into daily insomnia.

A person suffers from lack of sleep much more severely than from hunger. Few people can withstand more than two days without sleep: a person begins to fall asleep involuntarily, even during the working day there are short dreams that are invisible to others, coordination and memory are impaired, well-being and vision deteriorate.

An adult needs 7-8 hours of sleep to get enough sleep. But the amount of sleep needed may vary from person to person. Try to determine how many hours you personally need to sleep in order to feel good and energetic in the morning. But do not forget that attempts to “sleep it off” can lead to the opposite effect: you are guaranteed to feel unwell for the whole day. In general, you need to get out of bed on time.

Rules for healthy sleep

1. You should not eat immediately before bed. It's better to do this 2 hours before bedtime.
This is especially true for fatty, heavy foods. The reason is that a full stomach will not promote healthy sleep and can cause insomnia or nightmares.

2. Go to bed no later than 22-23 hours. Exactly this favorable time going to bed, when the body is relaxed, you feel tired and you can easily fall asleep. But, in general, when choosing the time when you are going to go to bed, you need to be guided by these numbers: an adult gets full sleep in 7-8 hours, normal sleep, which will restore all basic functions, lasts 5-6 hours. The most beneficial time for sleep is between eleven o'clock in the evening and five o'clock in the morning. If you really can’t go to bed at this time, remember that you need to sleep between two and four o’clock in the morning in any case. It is not advisable to sleep during the day, especially before sunset.

3. It is better to sleep with your head to the north or east. Feng Shui has nothing to do with it. It's more a matter of necessity correct orientation bodies from the point of view of coordination of electromagnetic fields. But this point can still be argued.

4. It is better to sleep on a flat, hard surface. On soft mattresses, the body sags, the spine is deformed, and blood circulation to the brain and various organs is disrupted. In addition, sleeping on soft beds can lead to pinched nerve endings. If it is not possible to purchase a hard bed, simply cover yours with a board made of boards or plywood. You can put a thin mattress on top. The pillow should also not be too fluffy and voluminous, let it be
small, dense and flat. Such a pillow will support the cervical spine and will not interfere with cerebral circulation. But you shouldn’t give up your pillow completely, especially if you have asthma or cardiovascular disease.

5. The less clothing you wear while sleeping, the better. Let the body breathe, let nothing constrain or squeeze it. If the room is cold, it is better to cover yourself with another blanket rather than wear warm pajamas.

6. Sleeping on your side is the best. During the night, a person turns over from one side to the other automatically several times so that the internal organs do not experience discomfort. Also, sleeping on your side is good for your back and reduces the likelihood of snoring. If you wish, you can sleep on your back. But not on the stomach, this is the worst option.

7. Try to close windows at night to avoid drafts. Or open the window but close the door. Drafts are the cause of colds, especially at night: a sleeping person throws off the blanket when he gets hot, and then a draft awaits him. Another option is to ventilate the room before going to bed. As a last resort, sleep in socks. In general, the best temperature for sleeping is +18-20 degrees.

8. Remove ticking clocks from the bedroom Digital Watch unfold it so that you don’t constantly see their dial, otherwise you will involuntarily follow the countdown and earn insomnia.

9. Human sleep consists of cycles, each of which consists of phases of “rapid” and “slow” sleep. They come in different depths. In healthy people, the sleep cycle approaches 60 minutes, but it can vary from 60 to 90 minutes. But by morning the cycles stretch out, the proportion of “rapid” sleep increases (this is the period when we see dreams). To get enough sleep, you need to sleep through 4 such biocycles. But you can sleep for 6 cycles. It is important to plan your sleep so that waking up is not
It happened in the middle of the cycle, otherwise the person will feel overwhelmed all day. The ideal (although not always feasible) option is to wake up not by an alarm clock, but by an internal need. If you have to wake up to an alarm clock, calculate your sleep cycles. The most extreme option is to sleep through 2 biocycles, but it is better not to experiment like this often.

10. If you like to sleep, there is one rule for you: don’t lie in bed! As soon as you wake up (on your own, and not from external factors), do not roll over, even if there is still time before the alarm clock. Stretch, throw off the blanket and stand up. Because if you go to sleep again, even if you feel alert, it will be difficult for you to wake up a second time. You will be lethargic and exhausted until the evening, you will want to sleep during the day.

11. Before going to bed, try to relax, free yourself from the experiences and emotions that you experienced during the day. Get ready for good, healthy sleep and recuperation. Before going to bed, analyze your thoughts, words, actions during the day, and throw unfinished business out of your head until the next morning. And don't worry about what awaits you the next day. All the same, experiences are meaningless until the moment comes when everything is decided.

12. You can try to fall asleep listening to quiet, pleasant music. There are many collections of relaxing music on the Internet, you can choose any one that suits you. You can play recordings at night with the sounds of nature, sea surf, rustling leaves.

13. Avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine before bed. In general, the less of these substances you consume during the day, the better. For example, alcohol, although it makes you sleepy at first, after a few hours, on the contrary, it helps to awaken the body. Caffeine is present not only in coffee, but also in tea, chocolate, Coca-Cola and some painkillers. Before going to bed, you should drink a soothing decoction of herbs, for example, chamomile, mint, hops, valerian, lemon balm. A glass of warm milk with a tablespoon of honey helps.

14. Before going to bed, it is very useful to take a warm shower, or even better, a warm bath. You can add flavored sea salt to it, essential oils, herbal infusions. The water should be warm or comfortably hot. But it’s better to postpone a cool shower until the morning to cheer up before the work day.

15. If possible, take a walk in the park or alley before going to bed and get some fresh air. This will help you fall asleep quickly.

Why can't I sleep at night?

Unfortunately, various sleep disorders are very common among people. Sleep disturbances often occur with cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and infectious diseases. The quality of sleep is affected by shift work, frequent business trips with time zone changes, stress, and depression. Moreover, sleep disorders do not depend on age; they can manifest themselves in a child, a teenager, or a mature person, both single and married. But the problem is that a person, even knowing that he has problems with sleep, does not seek medical help and relies “at random” that everything will return to normal by itself.

What is insomnia

Insomnia healthy person may be caused by nervous overexcitation or action
neurotropic medications. Depending on the cause of insomnia, the method of its treatment is determined. Sometimes insomnia can be a consequence of mental or physical illness.

There are four types of insomnia:

Difficulty falling asleep. This is when a person cannot fall asleep for a long time, tosses and turns in bed half the night and even resorts to sleeping pills to correct the situation.

Intermittent sleep. A person often wakes up in the middle of the night, often such awakenings are associated with causeless anxiety and unreasonable fears.

Waking up too early. This type of insomnia often develops in older people. There are no problems with falling asleep, but waking up early morning, without the ability to fall asleep again, it’s very exhausting.

Bad dream. This is when, after a sleep that seems to be full at first glance, there is no feeling of rest, but instead one feels weak and exhausted.

It is important to treat insomnia before it becomes chronic, lasting several nights in a row. This is a serious disorder that disrupts the natural sleep cycle.

Common signs that can be used to determine whether a person has insomnia are:

Trouble falling asleep

Sleep problems occur at least three times a week for at least a month

Concern about insomnia and its consequences

Severe illness or impairment of social and occupational functioning that is associated with sleep disturbances

Consequences of insomnia:

Pressure surges

Exacerbation of chronic diseases - mood changes

Depressive states

Attention disorder

Impaired concentration and performance

Daytime sleepiness

Unreasonable feelings of anxiety or disappointment

Caffeine addiction

Alcohol abuse

How to deal with insomnia

1. If you can’t sleep, get out of bed, read, do something until You won’t feel tired or drowsy again. Trying to fall asleep without desire is stupid, it won’t work anyway. The body itself will tell you when “the time has come.”

2. Don’t worry too much about insomnia. Excessive worry will only make the situation worse. Don't be afraid to get little sleep and don't be nervous if you can't sleep. Get enough sleep the next day.

3. Do some physical exercise before bed, but not with heavy loads. And you can’t go straight to bed after them. You can take a walk on fresh air. Do some hardening. Which normalizes work nervous system.

4. Follow the rules of healthy sleep (some of them are written above)

5. Try not to sleep during the day, no matter how much you want to. It’s better to take a walk, do something, hold out until the evening, and fatigue will allow you to fall asleep peacefully.

6. Do not drink coffee or other caffeinated drinks in the evening.

7. You can’t have a big dinner before going to bed. If you really want to. Drink a mug of green tea with honey or a glass of kefir.

8. Wake up with positive emotions, set yourself up for a favorable day ahead.

9. Don't lie in bed for a long time after you wake up.

10. When you wake up, do some exercises to finally wake up.

11. Do not take prescribed medications immediately before bed (except sedatives).

12. Sleep in spacious, comfortable clothes made from natural fabrics, without elastic bands, buttons or zippers. Or sleep without clothes at all, if the situation allows.

13. Ensure that you are quiet and free of irritating odors. Too dry indoor air or stuffiness can also cause sleep disturbances.

14. Try to block all possible sources of light, close curtains and blinds tightly, try to refuse a night light if you used one. In a dark room, the body will relax faster.

15. Go to bed at the same time, develop your own schedule for waking up and going to bed.

16. Make sure your insomnia is not the cause psychological problems, depression or some kind of physical illness. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor for qualified help.

We hope that, thanks to our tips, you will never have problems sleeping. We wish you healthy sleep and vigorous awakenings!

  1. 1 Create a good sleeping environment.
    In the bedroom, the level of noise and light should be minimal. In addition, the room should be cool. The environment around you while you sleep should provide quality rest. You can also use additional sleep aids, such as blackout curtains, eye covers, earplugs, etc. White noise", humidifiers, fans, etc.
  2. 2 Sleep on a quality mattress and pillows.
    You need good mattress, which will provide the right support for your body throughout the night and will be spacious enough for you to lie down and roll over comfortably. If you often wake up with back or neck pain, you need a new mattress and pillows that will alleviate this problem.
  3. 3 Stick to a sleep schedule.
    Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. This way, your “internal clock” will be adjusted to regular sleep.
  4. 4 Create calming rituals before bed.
    Calming activities will help set you up for a good night's sleep. About an hour before bed, take a bath, read a book, listen to calm music, or do relaxation exercises. Avoid stressful or stimulating activities.
  5. 5 Regulate your sleep-wake cycles naturally.
    Melatonin is a hormone that controls your daily rhythms, and its production is dependent on sunlight. To keep you alert during the day and sleepy at night, your home or workplace during the day they should be well lit. This stimulates the production of melatonin and in the evening you will want to sleep
  6. 6 Go to bed when you're really tired.
    If you can't fall asleep within 20 minutes, get out of bed and do something calm, like reading or listening to music, until you feel tired. Avoid glowing screens (computers, TVs, phones) as their light stimulates brain activity.
  7. 7 Sleep during the day.
    If you need to nap, take a short nap during the day. You should not take a nap in the evening, as this may cause problems falling asleep at night.
  8. 8 Be physically active.
    Exercise can help you fall asleep faster and sleep better. However, exercising before bed makes it difficult to fall asleep as it stimulates the body and makes you more alert. You should not exercise at least three hours before bedtime. It's best to train during the day, as this will help you sleep better at night.
  9. 9 Eat in moderation.
    Don't eat a lot at night. Eat dinner a few hours before bed and avoid foods that can make your stomach feel heavy.
  10. 10 Avoid drinking alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine before bed.

    Many people think that alcohol helps them fall asleep. Alcohol will indeed help you fall asleep faster, but it will significantly reduce the quality of your sleep and increase the likelihood of waking up at night.

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