When will the meeting of 20 countries take place? Big Twenty. What is important to know about the G20. Which countries are in the G20

In 2018, the meeting of G20 leaders will take place in the capital of Argentina, Buenos Aires. The exact dates of the event have not yet been specified. We only know that it will be a few days at the end of May or beginning of June 2018. The main topic of the thirteenth summit, held this year, will be the problem of employment during the period of global development of digital technologies.

G20 summit in 2018 when, where it will be held: the procedure for holding the meeting of the G20 countries this year

The future G20 summit will be the thirteenth since the establishment of the organization. For the first time, the meeting of G20 leaders will be held in South America, more precisely in the capital of Argentina, Buenos Aires. In addition, the venues for the summit in the next two years have already been determined: in 2019, the choice fell on Japan, and in 2020, on Saudi Arabia. At the next meeting, the delegations of these countries will work together. This is necessary to ensure continuity and consistency in the discussion of world issues.

The exact dates of the forum have not yet been determined. It is only known that the meetings are planned to be held over several days in late May - early June 2018.

The annual meeting of world leaders discusses global problems humanity. This year the main topic will be employment in the context of large-scale development of digital technologies. The technological revolution significantly affects the structure of the economy. The use of digital technologies led to the fact that last year one and a half million specialists at various levels lost their jobs.

G20 summit in 2018 when, where it will be held: history of the G20 organization

The G20 is an organization created in 1999 to strengthen and develop the Earth's economy. The main objectives of the G20 were strengthening economic stability in the world, development social sphere, participation in the reconciliation of national conflicts, providing food to distressed countries, preserving the ecology of the planet.

The states that have become members of the G20 represent all the continents of the Earth, their economy accounts for 85% of world GDP, and their population accounts for 2/3 of the number of people in the whole world. In addition, important international organizations are constantly invited to participate in the summit.

In 2008, during the global financial crisis, the meeting of the leaders of the G20 countries played a significant role in stabilizing the economic situation, thanks to the anti-crisis measures developed at the forum. Since then, the G20 forums have become an annual event.

On December 1, the Russian leader will meet with American President Donald Trump in Buenos Aires. The Kremlin representative stressed that the time and place of negotiations have already been determined.

During the conversation, issues of bilateral relations, disarmament, and ensuring stability in the world will be discussed. Politics will be affected by the incident in the Kerch Strait, as well as the Syrian conflict. Ushakov noted that this meeting is equally important for Russia and the United States “from the point of view further development general situation in the world."

The presidential aide commented that the meeting will be held in a tete-a-tete format and its nature, content, and duration will depend on the leaders themselves. On the Russian side, it is expected that this conversation will be a continuation of the conversation in Helsinki.

As part of a bilateral meeting between Vladimir Putin and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, a discussion is expected to create a new mechanism for negotiating a peace treaty between Russia and Japan.

Ushakov recalled that at a recent meeting in Singapore, the leaders of the two countries “agreed to speed up the negotiation process on a peace treaty based on the joint declaration of 1956,” TASS reports.

The presidential aide stressed that Russia is ready to continue negotiations on this topic. This requires "an appropriate atmosphere of trust and cooperation." Also during the conversation, strengthening trade and economic cooperation will be an important topic.

As part of the meeting between the Russian President and French President Emmanuel Macron on the sidelines of the G20 summit, the situation in Ukraine and the Middle East, as well as the US withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), will be discussed.

Ushakov commented that it is planned to consider the issue of coordinating actions to preserve the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on the Iranian nuclear program and ensuring European security.

Also on December 1, Putin will have a bilateral meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. During the conversation, the leaders of Russia and Germany will discuss the situation in Syria and Ukraine.

There will be a meeting with Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman. During the meeting, it is planned to discuss the situation in Yemen.

Ushakov recalled that the Russian side calls for an early end to the bloodshed and the resumption of inter-Yemen dialogue under the auspices of the UN.

Before the opening of the summit, there will be a meeting of the leaders of the BRICS countries, a group consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, and then an informal summit in the RIC format.

According to the presidential aide, at the BRICS meeting, Putin intends to draw attention to the need to unite the efforts of the world community in the fight against terrorism and in solving regional crises.

The global economic agenda will also be discussed. Putin will speak out in defense of the multilateral trading system with the leading role of the WTO, and will emphasize the need to continue reform of the IMF and global financial architecture.

Within the framework of a trilateral informal meeting between Russia, India and China, it is expected to discuss issues of forming and strengthening an architecture of equal and indivisible security, as well as building relations in the Asia-Pacific region.

Ushakov noted that Russia, India and China largely share the same points of view on issues of international politics and global economic development.

The annual release of employees from work for a certain time, during which they can have a good rest and make sure that the employer can easily do without them the rest of the time, is called vacation.

For most Russians, vacation in 2020 lasts 28 calendar days. However, there are categories of workers who rest longer: disabled people (30 days), “youth” under 18 years of age (31 days), teachers (42/56 days), employees of chemical weapons production (49/56 days).

When is it profitable to go on vacation in 2020:

When determining the most profitable month of 2020 for a vacation, you first need to decide what benefit you are looking for: monetary (material), temporary or for convenience and comfort.

When planning a vacation, you need to choose exactly the option that is most important to you, because... It is quite difficult to profit from several of them at the same time.

Let's look at each option in order.

When is it profitable to take a financial vacation in 2020:

When drawing up vacation schedules for the 20th year, most Russians try to take into account the material component, namely plan vacations for the months with the largest number of working days. In this case, in addition to vacation pay, you can also count on a certain amount of wages.

The most profitable months of 2020 for annual paid leave are July and December. They contain 23 working days.

In some constituent entities of the Russian Federation there are “local” non-working days, which, if they coincide with annual paid leave, extend it. Regional dates should also be taken into account when choosing a vacation period for the next year.

When is it profitable to take a vacation in 2020 by duration:

If the financial component is not important, and the goal is to relax longer, then you should plan your vacation closely or overlapping with public holidays - official non-working days in 2020.

For example, you will be able to rest the longest if you go on vacation immediately after the end of the New Year holidays - for 28 days from January 9, 2020 to February 5, 2020. In this case, the total rest will last 36 days.

If winter holidays do not appeal to you, then your vacation can be combined with the May holidays, or Russia Day (celebrated on June 12), or other long holiday periods.

Here it should be taken into account that if it coincides with a vacation, it can only be extended by non-working holidays. Postponed days off will not be extended.

What dates should you plan your 2020 vacation for the most comfortable holiday:

If a comfortable stay is important to you, even with some monetary or time losses, then here you need to focus solely on your own preferences.

If you are crazy about winter sports, ski slopes or fishing through a hole in the ice, then you should go on vacation in the “snowy” January and February 2020.

The period from April to September 2020 is suitable for gardeners and gardeners.

It is better to go to the sea during the “velvet season” - in August 2020.

To restore your health in a sanatorium, we recommend taking a closer look at the “unpopular” months for traveling there - February and March. Usually at this time, to attract vacationers, sanatoriums organize promotions with huge discounts.

Well, in general, the most favorite period of time for relaxation for most Russians is the warm season (mid-June 2020 - mid-September 2020), when you can easily organize your own pastime on the banks of rivers and lakes, in the country, in forests, parks and squares .

The Group of Twenty (G20) is the leading forum of the world's largest economies, committed to developing global policies to address today's most pressing challenges.

The G20 consists of 19 countries and the European Union. 19 countries - Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, France, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Türkiye, United Kingdom and United States.

G20: history

The G20 was born out of a meeting of G7 finance ministers and central bank governors in 1999, which identified the need for greater participation and broader representation in order to have a stronger influence on global decisions. financial problems. The G7 invited leading markets - both developed and emerging - to form a new ministerial forum: the G20.

In 2008, amid the global financial crisis, the world saw the need for a new consensus at the highest political level. Since then, G20 summits have been attended by heads of state or government, and the G20 has played an important role in steering the course to counter economic shocks and stabilize the global economy. Since then, his agenda has expanded to include additional issues affecting financial markets, trade and development.

G20 Summit: Global Impact

Collectively, G20 members represent every inhabited continent, 85 percent of world output, two-thirds of the world's population, and 75 percent of international trade.

G20 policy development is expanding with the participation of key international organizations, who are regularly invited to G20 summits.

Argentina's 2018 G20 Presidency

Technological change is extraordinary in its scale and speed. The advent of new technologies has led to the development of new forms of work that are rapidly changing production processes worldwide. This offers enormous opportunities for achieving equitable and sustainable development. However, it also addresses issues that put pressure on employment, welfare and education programs.

Policy responses must ensure that the introduction of technological change does not lead to social disintegration or reaction. Providing these responses in a coordinated manner will also help prevent excessive technology development gaps in different countries and increase inequality between them.

The annual G20 agenda includes more than 50 meetings of ministers, foreign ministers, central bank governors and world leaders. Each year's agenda cycle culminates at the Leaders' Summit, attended by heads of state or government, where they issue a joint declaration of the policies shaped by the G20 meetings during the year. For example, at the 2017 G20 Hamburg summit, world leaders agreed to limit protectionism and take responsibility for a binding system of rules in international trade.

At the 2016 G20 Hangzhou summit, leaders agreed to expand the G20's role to establish greater cooperation on tax avoidance and promote international cooperation to facilitate cross-border investment.

G20 summit: where and when

G20 work is usually divided into two tracks. The finance track includes all meetings with G20 finance ministers and central bank governors and their deputies. Convenes several times throughout the year, and focuses on financial and economic issues such as monetary, fiscal and exchange rate policy, infrastructure investment, financial regulation and international taxation.

The Foreign Ministers Track focuses on broader issues such as political participation, anti-corruption, development, trade, energy and climate change, gender equality and others. Each G20 country is represented at these meetings by its respective minister, as well as a designated emissary.

Each year, a new country takes over the G20 presidency (Argentina in 2018) and works hand in hand with the previous chair (in this case Germany) and the next one (Japan). This is necessary to ensure consistency and continuity of the group's agenda.

The G20 summit will take place on March 19-20, 2018. An event of significant importance for the cryptocurrency world. The main topic will be: “International regulation of cryptocurrencies.”

We, crypto enthusiasts, know that Bitcoin was created decentralized, and subordination of the technology to one person or another (state) is impossible. So what are they going to discuss?

Let's meet the participants. It includes the following states that are significant for cryptocurrency: USA, China, EU countries.

As you can see, there is global movement. What will happen on it? Only Trump knows 😀 Okay, jokes aside. I put forward a version: they will decide how to make money on crypto, and who will be allowed to do so. In short: dividing the pie.

Obviously, the easiest option to make money is to play on the course, the official one is the development of state. infrastructure, laws and taxation. Actually, the second option is what the media will tell us.

Game on course

I would like to recall the situation on February 6, when, after a hearing in the US Senate on the issue of regulation of cryptocurrencies, the rate, starting from $6,000, sharply went up. Then, having understood the situation, it was possible to conclude: the market was manipulated by the United States. They acted as an insider because they knew in advance the outcome of the Senate hearing.

If we take this fact into account, the thought of restarting such a working tool suggests itself. Now the G20 Summit will take the role of the US Senate.

Remember how, before that fall, we traders were under pressure from the news background. news came out almost daily. The main leader then was Bloomberg, who is moving the price down even now. Forecasting a fall all the way to $2800. Is this an accident? Did any of their predictions come true?

Insiders are buying millions of dollars worth of Bitcoin! Where can you get such a volume without moving the rate up? That's right, panic sale. He was then, he will be now. At least now we are seeing a rapid move from $11,700. When will it unfold? I assume during or after the summit, when a positive fundamental background will act as fuel. For example: the G20’s acceptance of Bitcoin as a means of payment, tax regulations.


Think for yourself, will the G20 tighten measures to restrict trade and exchange of cryptocurrency after some states began to accept taxes in crypto, Germany officially recognized Bitcoin as a means of payment, and China is seriously thinking about creating a national exchange? Maybe everything will be limited to banal theses about the need to form legislative framework and education of the population?

Personally, logic tells me that the summit will serve as fuel for growth, contrary to all expectations.

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