Production of cinder blocks as a profitable business of your own. Business plan for the production of cinder blocks Cinder block business

Every day more and more new technologies appear on the construction market. Also, in modern construction markets, many various materials for building houses. For the most part, people focus on more affordable technological processes necessary for construction purposes. Affordable building materials are also popular. And a material such as cinder block plays this role. It turns out that this construction material is just the most cost-effective building material.
It is worth saying that houses built from cinder blocks have excellent sound and heat insulation. Based on this, an organization for the production of cinder blocks can become a profitable business, since the purchasing power for this product is quite large. Therefore, in this publication we will talk about what benefits the production of cinder blocks as a business can bring. But before we talk in detail about such a business, it must be said that a big advantage in running this business is the absence of mandatory certification.

Cinder block production technology

The production of cinder blocks is a special business. It should be noted that this technological process consists of three stages.
STAGE 1. The production of this building material must begin with the production of a semi-dry mixture of concrete, which will include water, screenings and cement. This manufacturing process allows you to use cement economically, so you won’t need to add a lot of water to it. You can also add a plasticizing additive to such a composition (approximately 6 grams per block), which will allow you to provide:

  • The rapid process of gaining strength in blocks.
  • Increased quality indicators of the finished block (due to this, fewer cracks form on the product).
  • Improving the quality of cinder blocks is their better resistance to low temperatures and good water resistance.

Thanks to the use of this process, the productivity of manufactured products increases. In order to obtain a sufficiently rigid mixture, it is necessary to use a concrete mixer for these purposes. Without her help, the work will not be easy. If the production has a small volume of products, then it is quite possible to do without a concrete mixer.

STAGE 2. At this stage, the newly prepared mixture is placed in special vibropress molds (their size is 400*200*190). The forms used are either empty or solid. In the process of vibration and the application of force pressure, a rigid solution becomes more dense in its structure. After the process is completed, the matrix begins to rise, and a manufactured wall block is formed on the pallet. The duration of this work ranges from 15 to 80 minutes. It all depends on what kind of clamp the machine creates (either regular or reinforced). The manufactured block must be strong. It should not lose its shape, and after drying it should not crumble. These qualities are acquired through the process of mixing a rigid mixture, so it is necessary to strictly observe all proportions of the components used. In this case, the solution should not be very liquid and not dry.

3 STEP. The third stage is the last in the production of blocks. At this stage, the finished product begins to harden. This process can last from 40 to 90 hours. Manufactured products acquire rigidity and strength for their further storage. This procedure can be shortened in time if special additives (such as relaxol or fleuron) are used during mixing. With the help of mechanisms for lifting loads intended for storing and steaming finished products, multi-tiered racks can be used. This action increases the strength of the finished product and significantly reduces the hardening process. And most importantly, the area where the production of products takes place will be used more efficiently. The process of final hardening of the blocks will take approximately 25-30 days, when they are in a room with a temperature of 20 degrees. If the humidity in a given storage location is high, it will make it possible to avoid drying out of the finished product.

ADDITIONAL STAGE. This stage is not the main one in the process of making cinder blocks due to the fact that during construction a regular block is used with its further finishing, but if possible, you can easily calculate your costs for finishing materials in order to find out exactly for yourself how much it will cost to produce blocks in color.

Maybe you should pay attention to reading the article on the site:

Production of cinder blocks: business project

Business idea for cinder block production- this is an excellent business that every businessman will like. But for this business to be profitable, it must be approached with great responsibility. It must be said that such a business is difficult to imagine without quality equipment. Therefore, you should list the necessary equipment that must be purchased to be able to produce cinder blocks in a small factory.

So, for your small production you will need:

  • Concrete mixer – 6500 rub.
  • Vibrating machine – 95,000 rub.
  • Construction wheelbarrow – 1900 rub.
  • Shovel - 600 rub.

The total cost of the necessary equipment will be 104,000 rubles. The vibrating machine in this case is equipped big amount functions. It can be used to produce tiles for sidewalks and curbs. Having such equipment, you can start producing these products at any time and not spend additional money. But you can also buy a mobile vibration installation for the production of cinder blocks only. The cost of such an installation is 50,000 rubles.

Monthly costs for initial materials will be 34,000 rubles. In order to produce cinder blocks at home you should buy:

  • Cement in the amount of 12 bags - 33,000 rubles.
  • Elimination - 12 cubic meters - 2900 rubles.

Thanks to the use of this equipment, more than 550 pieces of finished products can be produced in just one day.
If we talk about personnel for such a business, then at first it will be possible to get by with two employees. One worker will perform the function of making the mortar using a concrete mixer, delivering it to the machine, and the other will produce blocks. As the number of employees increases, productivity will also increase. Each new employee will increase the production of cinder blocks by 350 pieces in just one shift.

Moreover, it will be necessary to purchase or rent premises for production purposes that have a construction site and storage space for finished products. For these purposes you can use a garage or land plot. Rent of the site for a month is 12,000 rubles, for a year - 144,000 rubles.

Now let’s try to determine the cost of one cinder block
The approximate weight of one finished cinder block is 19 kg. One of the most popular methods of producing blocks is to use 5 parts of screenings, and one part of water and cement. We add all the parts together, we get 7. And we divide 19 kg by 7 and we get 2.85 - this is the resulting weight of one part.

  • The cost of 1 kg of screenings will be 0.30 rubles.
  • The cost of 1 kg of cement is 5 rubles.
  • The cost of 1 m3 of water will be 25 rubles, and one liter will be 0.25 rubles.

Now let’s calculate the consumption of the material used per unit. manufactured product:

  • We multiply 5 parts of elimination by 2.85 and 0.30. We get 0.85 rubles.
  • Cement – ​​1 multiplied by 2.85. we get 17.10 rubles.
  • Water consumption will be: 0.25 multiplied by 2.85. We get 0.74 rubles.
  • Electricity consumption: 9 hours multiplied by 2.6 kilowatts per hour and 0.5 kW. We get 11.7./ 600. We get 0.01 rubles.
  • Staff salary is 1 ruble.

Thus, the cost of 1 finished cinder block will be around 27 rubles. And the average price of this product on the market is 40-42 rubles.

The monthly salary for 2 employees will be 30,000 rubles.
Now let’s calculate the amount of annual earnings if all products are sold.

  • Volume of finished cinder blocks: 600 * 23 working days = 13,800 pieces per month * 12 months = 165,600 pieces * 40 = 6,624,000 rubles.
  • Annual earnings will be: 6,624,000 minus cost of 3,777,840 rubles. It turns out 2,846,160 rubles.
  • Expenses for capital and working expenses – RUB 980,200.
  • Total annual profit before single tax = 1,865,960 rubles. Net annual earnings minus the single income tax of 15% will be = 1,586,066 rubles.

You'll probably agree that making cinder blocks as a business is a good business. Moreover, reviews from businessmen about this matter can be seen only positive.

Sales of finished products

The main factor influencing the sale of cinder blocks is its low cost and the availability of the necessary components. Based on this, the price of this material will be significantly lower than the cost of brick or foam concrete. In any case, at the beginning of your activity you will need to learn how to find options for selling your products using various methods. You should advertise your products. For this purpose, we recommend making leaflets and posting them in places where construction is planned. It is also worth using the Internet by placing your ad on popular advertising sites.

There are a lot of similar incendiary descriptions on the Internet, such as:


"In 2004, the MSD production company began producing and selling equipment for the production of cinder blocks and other wall stones produced by vibration pressing. The main equipment necessary for the production of cinder blocks is a vibrating machine with a matrix and a clamp. The author of the website developed and the simplest version of a vibrating machine has been introduced into production, the price of which (today we have 170 USD) allows almost any beginning entrepreneur with a small start-up capital to start a cinder block production business... A cinder block production business can be organized if there is a smooth asphalt, concrete or even clay area from 100 square meters. With equipment costing up to 200 USD, you can produce up to 500 blocks per shift! Usually, the profit from one cinder block is at least 0.1 USD, therefore the equipment can pay for itself in just a few days!


"How to make money out of thin air"

So, let's start to figure it out:
Low-rise construction is an eternal topic that dominates the minds of most of the population of our country, and in the light of recent trends: active development private sector, dacha development, cottage villages, etc. all this takes on unprecedented significance. One of the main questions is what to build from and where to get the material? The material is cheap, easily accessible, durable, resistant to atmospheric influences with good thermal insulation and attractive in appearance; it turns out that with all the wealth of choice and variety of proposed building materials, there is simply no alternative to a homemade building block!
1. Cheapness - blocks are made from almost any available “free” raw material that serves as a filler.
2. Accessibility - in order to start making blocks yourself, you need: a vibrating machine from the Stroytekhnik company, a concrete mixer or any container for mixing components, a more or less flat area and one or two people with arms and legs and an unshakable desire to work.
3. Strength - building blocks made from crushed stone or gravel have enormous strength and are suitable for multi-story construction using concrete floors.
4. Durability - entire blocks of garage cooperatives built in Soviet period made from the notorious “cinder block” to this day stand indestructibly in the service of car enthusiasts.
5. Aesthetics and thermal insulation properties - the use of natural or artificial porous materials, for example, extruded polystyrene foam or wood chips in combination with coloring pigments, gives the block unusually high thermal insulation properties comparable to the best more expensive analogues and attractive appearance– worthy to decorate the facade of any building,
Indeed, independent production of a building block is available to almost everyone, at various levels, be it one-time production for private needs, production for “eternal” construction or commercial production. The main component of this process is the presence of a vibrating machine. Having determined your needs and agreed with your own capabilities, you need to contact the Stroytekhnik company for professional assistance in selecting and purchasing the necessary equipment and technology. Experienced specialists will offer you the most rational solution, based on the specific requirements and conditions put forward by the customer.
The filler material can be almost anything that is available to the manufacturer. If you have a thermal power plant or firehouse of some enterprise or institution near you that runs on solid fuel - great - you are provided with excellent and most importantly free raw materials - furnace slag. You live in the city and everything is available to you! – great, you are not limited in choice! we select the primary requirement: strength - crushed stone, granite sifting; thermal insulation and lightness - expanded clay and expanded polystyrene. Your destiny is the forest side - wonderful! Woodworking waste: sawdust, wood chips will serve as excellent raw materials for a building block, giving it excellent thermal insulation properties and an unusual appearance. You have none of this, and all around you there is a bare steppe, no tree, no stone, and only a herd of animals sadly wandering in the distance - simply amazing! All you need is a vibrating machine from the Stroytekhnik company and the rest lies under your feet. Sand, clay, a little water and plant waste, straw, crushed sedge, reed stems, etc. plus a drop of manure from the notorious animals “roaming in the distance” and you are the owner of adobe blocks - a building material of the ancient past and bright future, unsurpassed in its environmental and consumer properties, ease of production and disposal!
The binding material, again, can be the most accessible one, be it Portland cement, lime, various liquid adhesives, gypsum, clay, etc.
And where is the money out of thin air, as the title suggests, you ask? The answer to this question lies in the design of the block itself, produced using the equipment of the Stroytekhnik company. The geometric external dimensions of the resulting block are consistent with those generally accepted in construction and are: length 390mm, width 190mm, height 190mm. The internal structure contains the whole “secret”. Design of machines of the Stroytekhnik company; makes it possible to obtain a building block with blind holes and the thickness of the outer contour and inter-cavity partitions optimized for a specific filler, with an ideal combination of strength and material consumption. Thus, when receiving a block with a volume of 0.014 m3 (39 cm x 19 cm x 19 cm), you spend only 0.009 - 0.011 m3 of the original material, and the rest is air - the best heat insulator enclosed in the intra-block space and serving either as a source of savings or added value."


I am grateful to this type of business for only one thing, it gave me the opportunity to think, reflect, dream and believe in myself and my idea, and I also learned how to weld))) - nothing more.
So, I came up with the idea of ​​opening my own business (cinder block) at the beginning of 2007, took a partner into my “sect of romantics” and decided that it was worth the candle.
Everything went like clockwork, in 2 months we slowly made our own installation based on photographs from the Internet (we spent 1000 UAH on metal and electrodes, a new one in stores was about 5000 UAH), started making test copies, experimented with the components of the concrete mass....
And when it came to production, they began to calculate possible earnings. It turned out that even if you did it yourself, the profits were so meager that it would be easier to get a job somewhere else.
If anyone really needs an installation, I’ll sell it with pleasure, I’ll show you and tell you for $100.


Most of all I like the phrase - How to make money out of thin air))))))) I can’t yell.
I worked myself, I saw how others work, believe me, it’s not so simple to earn miserable pennies, people shovel tons a day, I’ll tell you why.

About 110 cinder blocks can be made from one cube of concrete (including voids)
total 4.54 cubic meters. concrete per shift (the estimated weight of the entire mass will be 9-12 tons, and you need to transfer it at least twice - into the mixer and from the mixer into the molds, and maybe transfer the finished blocks to drying, where and how)
Imagine how much sand, crushed stone, cement you need to first throw into a concrete mixer, and then pour the concrete into the matrix...
In fact, for some, 20 tons will seem like nonsense if you throw all this not to one person, but to two or three. But how much will you earn then???

CALCULATIONS for 1 cubic meter (approximate, make more accurate ones yourself):
Cement - 150-250 kg (depending on the brand and expected strength) ~ 160 UAH.
Sand - 300-400kg ~ 50 UAH
Screening - 1200-1300 kg ~ 150 UAH (you can save money by using slag, but the quality deteriorates significantly, since the slag has smooth edges, in a word, the concrete structure is fragile. The slag itself costs 11 UAH/ton, but delivery to Kharkov with Zmievskaya TPP will cost you a tidy sum, I think 500 -800 UAH)
Water - about 100 liters, depending on the moisture content of the ingredients.
Electricity - .....
Total without salary = 310-330 UAH/cube (+water,+light)
Salary workers per day (let's say 3 people) = 300 UAH.
4.54 cubic meters*330 UAH+300 UAH = 1800 UAH (500 pcs)

TOTAL cost of 1 piece: 1800:500 = 3.6 UAH
Profitability will be 15-30%. It seems to me that these are small things for production...

ZY you will be very lucky if you have the necessary space and workers who are ready to “die” in this production

The market price of cinder blocks in Kharkov in 2009 was 4-4.5 UAH.
Well, it seems like nothing, of course, to receive 1 UAH/per piece, but I doubt that you can produce that much on ordinary cheap machines (such as "LENNER", etc., etc. for 1-4 molds). Wherever I have seen, but 2 people do not make such a volume more than 100-150 pieces per day.... perhaps you have a better selected workforce.
I imagine it is possible to make money on a cinder block if you have an automatic installation (thousands for 10,000-20,000 USD), but we are not considering the FACTORY option.
The recipe is actually different for everyone, but if you make 1:10 cement:filler, then it is unlikely to reach the consumer, but most likely will crumble in your hands during loading (depending, of course, on the drying technology). What I mean is that you won’t be able to save a lot of money.
“With equipment costing up to $200, you can produce up to 500 blocks per shift” - I’ll buy you a case of beer, okay, two, I want to see for myself how to make 500 units on such a machine - I DON’T BELIEVE IT!
“equipment can pay for itself in just a few days” - I wonder why not in a few hours??? Likewise - I DON’T BELIEVE!

P.S. if you still stick to your guns, calculate everything again and make sure that you will still make money from it (God forbid - not a hernia or other sore :))))) GOOD LUCK!

The development of technology has not bypassed the production of building materials. IN last years When constructing walls or cladding buildings, they began to use familiar materials (concrete, brick, etc.), but with various additives. One such hybrid product is cinder blocks. Therefore, this article will discuss some issues related to compiling business plan for the production of cinder blocks with calculations.

Such blocks have a wide range of applications. They are used in the construction of residential buildings, administrative buildings, shopping complexes, etc. The demand for slag concrete blocks is due to their relatively low cost along with high performance qualities. But creating a new business (in particular, making cinder blocks) is sometimes not easy. To facilitate this process, you need to start by planning future activities.

Key features of a business plan for the production of cinder blocks with calculations

Planning a new business

When deciding to launch a new enterprise, you should carefully analyze all aspects of the matter. Before we move on to actual production, we first need to do some development. business plan For cinder block sales companies.

It is important to assess the presence of competitors in the regional market. Manufacturers of cinder blocks and manufacturers of other building materials will be competitors. An analysis of consumer preferences and construction volumes should also be carried out.

In the business plan, any evaluative conclusions should be accompanied by appropriate calculations . All collected information must be structured into sections.



Main activities within the production of cinder blocks

Within the framework of the project under consideration, the main activity will be the production of cinder blocks, which are made by introducing certain substances into the cement mortar. These can be completely different additives - sawdust, sand, gypsum, crushed stone, expanded clay, ash or scrap brick. The filling of cinder blocks depends on the purpose of use of the final product, climatic features using blocks, etc.

Simplified all processes within the framework of the considered business plan for cinder block production will look like this:

  • Purchase of raw materials;
  • Block production;
  • Sales of products.

This technological solution (the use of additives) makes the final product stronger and lighter than conventional concrete blocks. And the use of recycled materials in the composition reduces the cost of production.

1 – Summary

1.1. The essence of the project

1.2. The volume of investments to launch the production of cinder blocks

1.3. Work results

2 – Concept

2.1. Project concept

2.2. Description/Properties/Characteristics

2.3. Goals for 5 years

3 – Market

3.1. Market size

3.2. Market dynamics

4 – Staff

4.1. Staffing table

4.2. Processes

4.3. Wage

5 – Financial plan

5.1. Investment plan

5.2. Financing plan

5.3. Sales plan for cinder block production development

5.4. Spending Plan

5.5. Tax payment plan

5.6. Reports

5.7. Investor income

6 – Analysis

6.1. Investment analysis

6.2. The financial analysis

6.3. Risks of cinder block production

7 – Conclusions

The business plan for the production of cinder blocks is provided in MS Word format - it already contains all the tables, graphs, diagrams and descriptions. You can use them "as is" because it is already ready to use. Or you can adjust any section to suit you.

For example: if you need to change the name of the project or the region where the business is located, this can be easily done in the “Project Concept” section.

Financial calculations are provided in MS Excel format - the parameters are highlighted in the financial model - this means that you can change any parameter, and the model will automatically calculate everything: it will build all the tables, graphs and diagrams.

For example: if you need to increase your sales plan, then just change the sales volume for a given product (service) - the model will recalculate everything automatically, and immediately all the tables and diagrams will be ready: monthly sales plan, sales structure, sales dynamics - all this will be ready .

A special feature of the financial model is that all formulas, parameters and variables are available for change, which means that any specialist who knows how to work in MS Excel can adjust the model to suit themselves.


Reviews from our clients

Feedback on the business plan for the production of paving slabs

The purpose of planning was, on the one hand, to attract funding, and on the other hand, we also wanted to have a clear picture of how we would develop. In the end, I liked the plan. In the business plan for a workshop for the production of paving slabs, I liked the financial model, I liked that it was easy to use, easy to adjust to your needs, and there were no questions about it in the bank either. At the moment, a loan of 19 million has been received. rubles Thank you! This result was obtained, including with your help. Good luck!

Maksimov K.O., Nizhny Novgorod,

Feedback on the business plan for developing a sand quarry for sand extraction

To expand production, we needed to attract investors. More precisely, we had “our own” investor, but in order to work with him we needed a business plan. Representatives of the company site provided us with invaluable assistance in drawing up this document, as a result of which the investor was satisfied with the quality of the business plan. We received investments worth 40 million rubles for the purchase of new equipment.

Egor Valerievich, Kostroma, General Director

Feedback on a business plan for a concrete plant

We were satisfied with the business plan for the concrete plant. All formulas are easy to use and very simple, all explanations are clear, and any changes can be made to the finished model. In fact, this is the first business plan that has proven to be easy to use and clear to understand.

M. L. Ivanova, Financial Director, World of Construction JSC

Drawing up a business plan for the production of cinder blocks with calculations

Cinder block market analysis

The relatively stable economic situation has caused positive dynamics in the development of the construction industry, which has led to demand for building materials. The production of concrete blocks with various additives is one of the fastest growing industries in the construction market.

When compiling business plan for release cinder blocks It will be necessary to estimate the share of demand for cinder blocks in the total sales of building materials. Therefore, not only direct but also indirect competitors are subject to assessment. It is necessary to monitor the prospects for demand for similar materials - aerated concrete and foam concrete blocks.

Speaking about the competitive advantages of cinder blocks compared to others building materials, let us note such characteristics as:

  • Versatility of use;
  • Good thermal conductivity;
  • Good sound insulation;
  • Lower price compared to other building materials.

Expanded clay blocks also have similar characteristics. Their production can also become very profitable. This business will help you evaluate all the prospects. It reflects the main features of this business and calculations of the financial model.

Enterprise registration

The first step in creating a business is its registration. You will need to choose a legal form - register as an individual entrepreneur or as a limited liability company.

IN business plan manufacturing enterprises cinder blocks You will also need to take into account the costs associated with providing all documents to the tax office, state extra-budgetary funds, opening bank accounts, and obtaining other permits.

Planning the production of cinder blocks

A number of sections of the business plan will need to be devoted to choosing a location for production, listing the characteristics of equipment and personnel requirements. It is better to locate production areas outside the city or in an industrial zone. This way you can save on rent and not cause inconvenience to others (production may be accompanied by noise, dust, etc.). The main criterion will be the availability of sufficient space to accommodate:

  • Workshop (possibly several workshops);
  • Raw materials warehouse;
  • Finished goods warehouse;
  • Garage;
  • Administrative premises;
  • Utility rooms.

IN business plan for each specific production cinder blocks it is necessary to provide the characteristics and cost of the equipment used, which will vary depending on the production program. Let's present some approximate categories of equipment:

  • Dispensers;
  • Concrete mixer;
  • Forms;
  • Foam generator;
  • Compressor, etc.

When planning production, it is necessary to draw up staffing table indicating all categories of personnel, their job responsibilities and remuneration.

At the initial stage, the following specialists will have to be found:

  • Manager;
  • Technologist;
  • General workers;
  • Loaders;
  • Drivers;
  • Other auxiliary workers (as necessary).

Investment planning for cinder block production

Investment planning is the most important and responsible part of any business plan. At the same time, it is quite difficult to give exact figures for investments in launching the production of cinder blocks. This is due to the fact that the calculation results depend on technological solutions and the production program of a particular enterprise. But there is a sample on our website business plan for the production and sale of cinder blocks. The calculation methodology presented in this business plan will allow you to calculate all the necessary indicators depending on the characteristics of your project.

  • Equipment - xxx r.
  • Premises (rent) - xxx rub.
  • Working capital - xxx rub.
  • Marketing - xxx r.
  • Unforeseen expenses (10%) - xxx rub.

ABOUT The total investment amount will be in the range of 50 - 150 million rubles. The range of investments is quite large, since the final figures are influenced by many factors, including primarily the scale of activity and the concept of business development.

Operating expenses in a cinder block production business plan

In addition to investment investments, a significant part of the costs is associated with operating costs. Their approximate structure for a cinder block manufacturing company is as follows:

  • Rent – ​​xxx rub.
  • Salary – xxx rub.
  • Raw materials – xxx r.
  • Utility payments – xxx rub.
  • Depreciation – xxx rub.
  • Taxes – xxx r.
  • Other expenses (10%) – xxx rub.
  • Total operating expenses for the month - xxx rub.

Total expenses will consist of investment and operating expenses. We have listed only the main areas of investment, while when business planning a specific enterprise, you will have to write down a large list of expense items.

Income in the project business plan

The company's income will also have different meaning depending on the specifics of a particular business. For example, the amount of income is influenced by: the method of selling products (wholesale or retail), the volume of construction in the region (determines demand and scale of production), unit costs, etc. We only note that the peak sales of cinder blocks occur in the spring and summer months, when construction is actively underway.

Sales of products are possible through various distribution channels - retail sales from the enterprise’s warehouse, concluding contracts with construction companies, supplies to construction markets, etc.

Income items in cinder block manufacturing companies can be generated by receiving income from the sale of the following assortment items:

  • solid cinder blocks;
  • hollow cinder blocks;
  • decorative facings;
  • foundation cinder blocks.

Thus, based on the assortment categories and their cost, the planned revenue is calculated, which for the xxx period should amount to xxx thousand rubles. This value is calculated based on the average prices for cinder blocks in Russia, which for the period xxx amounted to xxx rubles.

The payback for such a project is expected to take approximately 3 to 5 years. indicators. Each of the parameters of the financial model can be changed manually.

Traffic report Money- the most important document of any business plan. Contains comprehensive information about the company's operating, investment and financial inflows and outflows, and also allows you to evaluate the overall picture of the company's performance.

Why do you need professional development of a business plan for the production of cinder blocks?

Starting a business in the construction industry involves large investments and requires careful market analysis. Drawing up a business plan is necessary not only for your own assessment of the feasibility of the project, but also for presenting your idea to an investor or bank. To save your time and effort, we suggest you download a ready-made sample business plan for the production of cinder blocks. The financial model presented in this sample will allow you to calculate all investment indicators for your project. A clear structure of all the necessary sections will help you present your business idea to an investor or bank. You can also order the development of an individual turnkey business plan, taking into account the specifics of your business, by clicking on the link below.

The organization of an enterprise for the production of cinder blocks is characterized by profitability and a high level of profit. But in order to avoid possible risks, you must first engage in business planning.

The intensive construction observed in recent years has led to a high demand for inexpensive materials, such as cinder blocks with good technical characteristics.

They compare favorably with many analogues with the ability to organize your own small enterprise for their production.

Analyzing the quality indicators of the material, the following key positive parameters can be identified:

  • strength;
  • thermal insulation properties;
  • frost resistance;
  • the ability to create reliable protection from external noise;
  • high speed of laying due to fairly large dimensions (one block is equivalent to 6-7 bricks);
  • simple construction technology;
  • durability (≈100 years);
  • lightness of the blocks (one square meter of cinder block wall is almost one and a half times lighter than brickwork of similar area), which reduces the pressure on the foundation structure.

Experts consider the most significant drawback to be the unpresentable appearance of planes made of blocks that cannot be decorated, which can easily be eliminated by choosing a noble exterior finish and providing all the necessary insulation measures.

Scope of use of cinder blocks, their types

The classification of blocks is based on several parameters, depending on which their specific types are distinguished.

By structure

  • full-bodied, the most durable varieties;
  • hollow, lightweight options.

Solid blocks perform excellently in structures subject to severe loads (columns, base and zero cycles, load-bearing walls).

The use of the hollow version depends on the quantity internal cavities, affecting strength. Its lowest indicator is observed at a voidness of 40%. Due to its excellent heat-insulating ability, such material often plays the role of insulation or is used in the construction of structures on a reliable metal frame.

At 30% the number of voids is observed optimal ratio strength and heat-protective qualities, which determines the demand for this type in construction. Material with rectangular chambers is stronger than analogues with oval or round voids.

By purpose

  • wall block (full): length – 390, width – 190, height – 188 mm. Can be full-bodied (weighing 25-28 kg) and hollow (18-23 kg);
  • hollow wall semi-block with dimensions 390-120-188 mm and 390-90-188 mm, weighing 10-13 kg.

Necessary premises and equipment for production

You can start your own production at the beginning of your activity in your own adapted premises with an area of ≥ 50 sq. m. It is often necessary to rent suitable buildings. Priority requirements for covered buildings:

  • flat floor (concrete screed);
  • permanently functioning water source;
  • thoughtful placement of lighting fixtures;
  • good ventilation;
  • heating system in cold weather.

If production is planned outdoors, then a canopy is provided and the floor is leveled.

The required kit for a beginning entrepreneur includes the following equipment:

  • a wheelbarrow with a specialized shape for moving the solution;
  • cinder block machine (vibrating press);
  • concrete mixer.

Necessary raw materials and supplies

In terms of structure, a cinder block is a stone artificially created through the process of vibration pressing. The basic basis is standard cement, water and various fillers, which ultimately determine the quality indicators of the finished product and affect the cost.

  • The heaviest fractions give solid blocks high density, strength, and resistance to low temperatures:
    • pebbles;
    • brick waste;
    • sand;
    • granite screening;
    • crushed stone;
    • broken glass, concrete.
  • The following additives lighten the finished blocks, causing high thermal conductivity:
    • slag;
    • expanded clay;
    • perlite
  • Inclusion in structural formula shavings or sawdust enhances the environmental component of building blocks, positively affecting their thermal stability.

Technological process

If all installations are available, the production cycle consists of several operations:

  1. Mixing components in a concrete mixer (cement, fillers, water). Plasticizers are not a mandatory additive, but to enhance water resistance and level out the appearance of cracks during drying, they can be added to the mixture at the rate of five grams per block.
  2. Transporting the finished mass to the press by wheelbarrow.
  3. Putting the mixture into the matrix of a vibropress for compaction under pressure with simultaneous vibration. The process takes 10-90 seconds depending on the machine model. The entrepreneur can use forms either solid or with internal partitions for voids.
  4. Extending the block using the control panel.
  5. Hardening process (duration at natural ventilation is 36-96 hours).
  6. Final drying (at temperatures ≥ 18° C will require 20-27 days).

The production process is clearly presented in the following video:

Product sales channels

For quick and well-organized implementation at the stage of planning your own business, it is advisable to collect information about the structures being built in the manufacturing sector that do not require heating (workshops, agricultural complexes, warehouses, garages), where cinder blocks are the dominant building material.

In the private sector there is also a constant high demand for cheap, easy-to-install blocks when constructing ancillary buildings.

Often residential buildings are built from it, followed by insulation and facade cladding. In this case, it is advisable to establish contact directly with small construction companies to supply their products.

In order to find one-time clients, you should constantly advertise the advantages and areas of use of the issued blocks. For a broad presentation, it is necessary to use all known advertising communications: advertisements in newspapers, on the Internet, on stationary information stands, distribution of leaflets, booklets. The most profitable option is to have your own freight transport, which allows you to mobilely deliver small quantities of products even to other localities.

Total costs

Based on a productivity of ≈450 products per shift, you can purchase equipment at the following price (hereinafter all prices are indicated in rubles):

  • vibration press of the Condor 1 brand - 245,000;
  • concrete mixer with a volume of 250 l - 15,000;
  • wheelbarrow – 1800;
  • shovel – 500;
  • racks – 0.5 40 (pieces) = 20,000.

In total, the equipment will require an amount of 282,300 rubles.

The second cost item is raw materials. Its cost is determined based on one block of standard dimensions:

  • cement – ​​2.4 2.3 (kg) = 5.52;
  • sand – 0.22 11 (kg) = 2.42;
  • crushed stone - 0.24 13 (kg) = 3.12.

The average price of raw materials will be 11.06 for one cinder block.

The following expense item (per unit of production):

  • wages – 3.02;
  • insurance contributions (30%) – 0.9;
  • electricity – 0.17;
  • advertising – 0.86;
  • transportation costs – 0.6;
  • others – 1.0.

The average amount will be 6.55. Accordingly, the cost of one block will be equal to:

  • 11,06 + 6,55 = 17.61 rubles.

Profit calculation

The average selling price of one block is 26 rubles. Profit, defined as the difference between the unit price and cost:

  • 26 – 17,61 = 8,39

Profit tax (15%):

  • 8,39 0,15 = 1,26

Net profit:

  • 8,39 – 1,26 = 7,13

Profitability (an objective parameter of economic efficiency), determined by the ratio of the profit received to the initial cost:

  • (7,13 / 17,61) 100% = 40.5% (high).

The return on capital costs is calculated by dividing the amount invested in the purchase of capital equipment by the net profit received within one month (we take into account 23 working days for single-shift work with a productivity of 450 units per shift):

  • 282,300 / (7.13,450 (pieces) 23 working days) = 3.8 months subject to the timely sale of the entire standard volume of cinder blocks produced.

Such a quick deadline will allow you to count on receiving net benefits in almost four months, which can be invested in expanding production.

The production of cinder blocks today is very profitable. All buildings constructed from them have high sound and heat insulation. It is important that the production of cinder blocks and the use of equipment necessary for this do not require certification. The profitability of this production is 40-50%.

The following components are used in the production of blocks: cement, filler, slag, sand and water. The mixture of these components goes through the process of mixing, molding and storing. The approximate weight of one cinder block is 20 kg. Their advantage is that their cost is low, which means that people will be more willing to buy them than brick or foam concrete.

Instructions on how to open and what you need to do it

The production of cinder blocks as a business is very profitable because the entry threshold is much lower than in other production areas. An aspiring entrepreneur must understand all the nuances of business development and its design.

Stage 1 – registration and preparation of documents

In order to register a business, you need:

  • contact the registration department;
  • draw up constituent documents;
  • write an order approving a specific person as a director;
  • register with the tax authorities, the Pension Fund and statistical authorities.

Stage 2 – search for premises

A very important point is the selection of premises. It should be well heated and ventilated.

The workshop for the production of cinder blocks must be closed on all sides and with a roof. The floor is level so that cinder blocks can be stacked in rows. The area of ​​the rented building must be at least 110 square meters. m. The best location would be near a cement plant or sand quarry.

Stage 3 – purchase and installation of necessary equipment

Necessary equipment for the production of cinder blocks:

  • concrete mixer (from RUR 60,000);
  • vibrating machine (from RUR 40,000);
  • a wheelbarrow for transporting the finished mixture to the molding machine (from RUR 3,000);
  • shovels (from RUR 1,000);
  • cement (from 200 rubles/bag);
  • slag (from 200 rubles).

Using a concrete mixer, all components (cement, water and fillers) are mixed. The prepared mixture is poured into the molding machine and the machine is turned on for 30 seconds. Once the cinder blocks have formed, they can be placed on a flat surface in pallets.

Stage 4 – selection of employees

At the initial stage, several specialists will be needed. One will mix building components, a second will mold cinder blocks, and a third employee will stock and keep records.

While production develops, an incoming accountant will be required who will submit reports to all government agencies. The entrepreneur himself must engage in advertising and networking.

Stage 5 – promotion and advertising

  • attend specialized construction exhibitions;
  • organize promotional events in in social networks;
  • place an ad on television;
  • establish relationships with construction companies and hardware stores;
  • print booklets for corporate clients.

Financial plan

Financial planning consists of the following initial cost items:

  • purchase of equipment (RUB 105 thousand);
  • purchase of construction components (30 thousand rubles);
  • salary for 5 employees per month (50 thousand rubles);
  • payment for water supply, electricity per month (20 thousand rubles);
  • advertising budget per month (10 thousand rubles);
  • rent of premises per month (40 thousand rubles).

Total: 260,000 rubles.

Possible risks

You should not use blast furnace slag as a base, as it is not environmentally friendly and not frost-resistant. There is a risk that a block made of such material will not last long.

It is worth considering that competition in this area is high. It is necessary to acquire connections in advance to make it easier to establish a sales policy later.

Video “Business plan for the production of cinder blocks”

This video talks about how to open a cinder block production plant from scratch.

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