Runic becoming to attract money and wealth. A fast-acting runic bet to receive a large sum of money and its features. How do quick runic bets for money work?

Runes are signs that are used to carry out various magical rituals. Our ancestors used these signs to attract good luck, protect and strengthen relationships. But in our time, as before, runes are popular for attracting money.

Special money runes will help you attract financial well-being

Money runes have helped many people achieve success in life. After all, they are also a good assistant in business. And if it develops, then there will always be money.

Where can I get such runes?

Runes can most often be found in the form of an amulet; they are sold in many stalls and from some magicians. But the amulet that you make with your own hands will be more powerful and fast-acting. It can be done in a variety of ways.

To make a fast-acting rune amulet, you can use any materials. The main requirement for them is that they be natural. One rune or an entire formula can be applied to the prepared material. Most often, signs are applied like this:

  • cut with a knife;
  • engrave;
  • paint with essential oil;
  • painted using regular paint.

Often runes are applied to the body in the form of a tattoo. And you can also find such symbols on clothes or on banknotes. Many even purchase wallets with a symbol that brings money.

The runic formula for attracting money can be depicted anywhere.

If you want to apply it to your body, then make sure that this symbol is intended specifically to improve your financial condition.

Rune symbolizing good profit

Attracting money and prosperity is symbolized by a rune such as Fehu. It affects financial well-being and human energy. It can be used as an independent sign, or as a bet on money. Wealth is the main interpretation of the sign.

When a person uses Feha, it is filled with desires that the person wants to turn into reality. It can easily be used to receive a large amount. But it is worth remembering that everything is not so easy and this will require some effort.

Only those who are actively pursuing it can get quick money. For such people, the sign has a special influence. The main purpose of this symbol is to receive and properly use energy by a person.

How to work with Fehu

Great luck in money matters awaits those who depict the Fehu rune on the banknote. This can be done with paint, pencil or marker. It is advisable to use a large bill for this. At the moment of applying the symbol, you need to focus as much as possible on what you want.

Try to visualize in your thoughts what you want to achieve. Imagine the amount you dream of. You should not take this ritual lightly, because then nothing will definitely go wrong. The rune of money allows you to achieve any goals.

What runes are used to create formulas

There are a lot of different signs that are used to attract money. But there are those combinations that have a special impact. Money formulas are more powerful than using one sign. Therefore, before creating an amulet, you need to familiarize yourself in detail with the runes associated with financial success. The main ones are Yer, Otal and Dagaz.


This rune is a symbol of fertility and reward. Its use guarantees 100% results. Achieving what you want with the help of this sign will be easy and simple.

Rune "Yer" - a symbol of reward and fertility

The Yer rune guides a person in a positive direction, which allows him to realize all his plans. With its help, people become more decisive and easily cope with even the most unattainable goals.


Otal is a symbol of material assets that can be purchased for currency. This sign has powerful energy directed in the right direction. The influence of this symbol is simply impossible not to notice.

Otal is also used in cases where support from outsiders is needed. With its help you can achieve any goals in life.


Dagaz symbolizes prosperity and success. She is filled only with positive energy. With its help you can overcome absolutely any financial difficulties.

Using such a sign in an amulet allows you to ensure that good luck is always nearby. Dagaz is a very powerful symbol for which there are no obstacles. If desired, it can be used in other areas.

The Dagaz rune is a powerful symbol for which there are no obstacles

From these runes you can make a good cash flow. It will allow you not only to exaggerate profits, but also to develop your business. This formula is often used by businessmen, both beginners and more experienced ones.

Runic formulas for attracting money are used by experienced magicians and ordinary people. They provide an opportunity to stabilize and improve your financial situation.

Known formulas for attracting money

If the symbols are used and combined correctly, you can easily achieve the desired result. You can use runes for financial prosperity and other life goals. In general, a formula is a combination of several signs that improve each other’s action.

Runic becoming allows you to improve financial condition. To do this, you can use a combination of symbols or one of them. You can apply runes to any natural material, but you should always carry them with you.

To improve your financial situation, you can use a combination of the Otal, Fehu and Yer runes. This formula is universal and is used not only to improve your financial situation, but also for life in general. It is advisable to depict them in red. To these three signs you can also add the Soulo rune. It is a symbol of victory and willpower, and this plays a very important role in achieving what you want.

Runes used for business include Berkana, Otal and Fehu. They allow you to attract customers and increase the company's income. And also with their help you can find good and loyal employees who will help improve the financial position of the organization.

"Berkana", "Otal" and "Fehu" - runes that help you find good employee to the company


Runic formulas allow you to create a plan according to which all events will develop. It's like a computer program, only everything is directed not into some machine, but into the universe.

If a person truly believes that what he wants will come true, then it will be so. After all, runes without faith do not work the same way as prayers. Therefore, believe that your financial situation will improve very quickly.

There is a belief among some categories of citizens that there is a rune of money, but no one wants to talk about it to the general public, they keep it a secret for themselves. People are sure that all they have to do is stand on this magic stone, and immediately all material issues will be resolved, and need will remain a thing of the past. Let's figure out whether runes can affect money, and whether it's as easy to do as some citizens think.

Background of the issue

No matter how disgusting it may be for the above-mentioned citizens to read this, they will have to figure out why they work. We will try to make the explanation simple and clear. The rune of money, however, exists. Cool, right? But there is also bad news: you need to choose it for yourself. The thing is that runes are by no means Every stone is associated with a certain force working in the universe that influences a person. They also say that runes are a projection of what is in each personality, the concentration of a certain aspect of it. Stones work only in harmony with the spirit, meaning the creative component of man. In themselves, these signs are only “toys”, capable, perhaps, of entertaining a person with information. In order for the rune of money (wealth) to really influence your events, it must be selected in accordance with the situation, activated and maintained in this state. The stone is enlivened by the energy of the magician. It doesn't work any other way. There is a common belief that runes can take revenge on the owner for an indecent attitude, they say they begin to interfere with fate on their own. Pure nonsense. They can only be directed (activated) by a strong magician. The stones do not work independently, they only describe information, like books.

Runes on and good luck

To change circumstances or your entire destiny, you need to choose the right direction of action. This means that you first need to recognize your own problems. Why isn't money coming to you? The principle of the universe is the same for everyone: everyone is given what they need. If you don't have enough for food and shelter, then there is a problem in your mind. Runes, no matter what extraordinary properties they have, do not attract banknotes; they correct distortions in the worldview. Moreover, they do this together with the magician, so to speak, in tandem. It is believed that the rune of money is Fehu. But this stone can only be used by those who do not have plugs in their financial channels. It does not eliminate them, it only helps to move towards favorable circumstances. To make it clear, let's consider a regular lottery. If you have traffic jams in the money channel, this does not prevent you from buying a ticket. But you won't be able to win. The Fehu rune will push you to the lottery seller, but it is not able to organize a win. It gives chances for profit, and how you use them depends on what has accumulated in the aura.

Rune Fehu

What to do?

So far we have not found out anything irreparable. Stav, as a rule, consists of several runes. It is necessary to include Fehu, but also one or more runes that will eliminate money jams. Below we will look at an example. But before using rune magic, a lot of preparatory work needs to be done. Sit down and take an honest look at yourself. Let us repeat the question: “What prevents you from receiving money? What obstacles fence you off from wealth? Don't say it's difficult. If you can’t cope on your own, ask your loved ones; from the outside, as it is believed, you know better. Our little vices and sins are the same, and their consequences are not original. Answer yourself these questions:

  • Am I jealous of anyone?
  • Do other people's successes irritate you?
  • Does poverty and people who have sunk to the bottom evoke contempt?
  • Do I have attacks of jealousy?

The list can be continued indefinitely, but the answers to these questions will provide enough for analysis.

How to correct the situation?

Having identified the main problem, select a rune to eliminate it. For example, you are a little envious, that is, you are internally ready to take away from another what is not due. This quality is stopped by the runes Isa and Inguz. The first helps to stop an unfavorable scenario, the second symbolizes the eternity of life. It allows you to come to terms with the idea that the whole world and you are one whole. There is no need to take anything away from anyone. It's even more interesting with jealousy. This feeling does not relate to money. But it is precisely this that creates the biggest traffic jams in the financial channels of the aura. It is stopped by the formation of Perth and Nautiz. The first helps to overcome negativity in the past, the second gives strength. That is, by working with internal problems, you create favorable conditions for enrichment.

How to work with runes

There are many nuances in magic. Runes must have a connection with nature. It is on her powers that their work is based. They are written on natural materials. All these newfangled plastic toys carry nothing but information. There is no point in activating them. It is better to take a piece of suitable wood and draw signs on it. By the way, the material also helps the work of the stav. For example, for wealth, they choose a tree of noble species that has not been processed. That is, you shouldn’t break off the armrests from a chair or sofa, they won’t fit. You'll have to go into the forest and cut a branch from a living tree. But first ask for help. For people who have a lot of negativity in their souls, it is better to use ordinary aspen. It will absorb into itself what is harmful to a person. Runes are drawn with ink or paints. And activation is a special ritual. It is carried out in several ways. We will look at the two most common ones.

how to activate

Becoming is advisable to do on the waxing moon. Trace your chosen runes onto a piece of wood. Light candles and place them around you, for example on the table. Turn off all electrical appliances. They create extra fields that interfere with interaction with runes. And it’s even better to carry out the ritual away from the bustle of the city, in the forest. Look at the runes and imagine how they emit energy. Absorb it into yourself. There are no conspiracies; they are used in black rituals. It is necessary to reflect on the forces that you are launching in order to tune in to the same wavelength with them. This must be done not just once, but at least seven days in a row. You can do more, believe me, it won’t be superfluous. You should feel the activated forces. You need to achieve the feeling that they and you are one, then it will work accurately.

Another activation method

There is a simpler method that allows you to organize the activities of runes. It is believed that becoming should be drawn in blood. It is not necessary to draw all the signs with your own fabrics. You can drip some blood from your finger onto it. This simple ritual allows you to “absorb” the energy of the runes into the aura. But keep in mind that it will only work if the meaning of the signs and their essence are clear to you. It won't work on its own. We have already mentioned that the rune for attracting money and good luck is not a magic wand, but a lot of joint work.

Stav example

In general, rune formulas for money are a subject for individual creativity. Experts can only recommend certain strategies that help most people. They do not always work smoothly and fail. It all depends on what problems a person has accumulated. You can achieve greater effectiveness of runes through independent analysis of your personal situation. Usually the following staves are recommended: Soul, Yera and Fehu. The first - attracts power, helps to strengthen life position. The second one works for results; we have already talked about the third one. Activated becoming encourages confident, active activity. It is recommended for people who want to earn wealth.

Quick help

If it is necessary to solve some temporary problem, then they act differently. The rune for quick money is our Fehu. But it’s not enough to activate her, you need to make friends with her. The rune is drawn on the left hand. Don't wash it off until it works. The sign should be applied to the pulse area on the wrist. Meditate on it as often as possible. With the right approach, the effect appears after three days. One drawback: it is recommended to work with Fehu on the waxing moon; in the opposite phase it slows down. For family people more suitable She attracts prosperity to the family. If you need to quickly get some money, then meditate on Odal, drawn by the eldest in the family on a piece of oak. You can additionally apply a rune to the pulse of all relatives.


You probably already understand that there is nothing complicated in rune magic. It really works, since it is based on the eternal forces that acted in the universe even before the birth of man. The rune of money is not just one stone, but a combination. It should be selected individually, which is what specialists do. And if you yourself try to approach the solution of the problem creatively, you will definitely surpass them in terms of betting efficiency. But don’t forget, lying on the couch with the awareness of a complete understanding of the essence of the runes will not bring money. Magic creates the conditions for obtaining them, and how to dispose of them is up to the person to decide. It’s difficult for someone else to even reach out for a stack of bills. Are you not one of those people?

Runes are ancient symbols that are used both for fortune telling and as powerful amulets.

Each rune has a special meaning and can influence the fate of a particular person and attract wealth. Among the available runes, there are formulas that are used to attract money.

A certain type of runes is known, which has been used so far to attract profit; when combined, they form a money frog.

For example, Runa Odal is capable of giving prosperity to the family and attracting stability, attracting wealth.

Fehu is also known - the rune of money and private property. It helps in carrying out purchase and sale transactions, helps preserve property and attract money. Yera is a productive rune. Used to achieve goals, including attracting wealth. And Soul is a rune for money, power, authority and respect. Represents a symbol of victory.

There are also runes that are used to change the course of affairs and improve the situation at work or in business. They are often used by businessmen whose material development has stopped at a certain point, not wanting to increase. Such signs are called symbols rapid growth and bring to the very top of Olympus those who turn to them for help.

The most famous of them:

  • Dagaz is the rune of health and prosperity. Gives you vitality, energy and makes you work real miracles in your work.
  • Evaz - movement and change. Helps get any business off the ground.
  • Vunyo is the rune of material wealth and happiness. Helps you enjoy success and see prospects for development.

For the formula to work, draw the most suitable rune on your wallet. This will help activate the attraction of money. In general, draw the rune of wealth wherever you please - the main thing is to mentally imagine the result you want to achieve. You must also completely trust their power. Many magicians who use runes believe that they must be worn on themselves.

Some people try to draw formulas on an inconspicuous part of their body. It is believed that only by feeling the energetic connection can you enlist their support. And many even strive to draw a whole list of runes in order to attract everything to themselves at once.

Golden crosses for making money

There are a huge number of bets to attract wealth or preserve it. We will tell you about several of them, considered the most famous.

The Money Protection formula is a runic stave that directs power to protect money from negativity, envious attacks and all sorts of other misfortunes. It looks a bit like the eight-pointed Star of David. As a result, any mental attacks on your money are blocked in the labyrinth. At the same time, you can determine for yourself that a similar act of attack on money was committed by feeling some discomfort.

It is interesting that the energy of the aggressor in such a case completely flows into the energy of opportunity for the owner of such a position. It can be used in a store or any other commercial premises.

The result will be stunning - the rune egregor helps to significantly reduce the number of dissatisfied customers, increase the number of new customers and, accordingly, profits. In this case, reservations are used.

Formula The first golden cross - becoming a rune to improve well-being, finding new ways to earn money, quick money. Usually applied to gold or gold-colored foil. Her egregor helps change her internal attitude towards money and methods of earning income in general.

The second golden cross is another runic cross to increase the level of material wealth. It allows you to find new quick sources of income easily and without financial costs. Egregor helps to change the external course of circumstances in order to gain more income. People who use it have noticed a significant increase in income since working with this symbol. If the first cross can be compared to a separate luxurious flower, then the second is your personal flower garden.

There are many more runic staves that allow you to improve your material well-being. However, the formulas will not work if you do nothing to gain wealth. Continue to lead your normal life using this symbol.

He acts only as an assistant, and lazy people will only waste time using him, even using slander, drawing an entire runic script.

Also remember the power of visualization and faith. If you doubt the power of stav and magic in general, it is better to forget about this method altogether. Playing with higher powers is fraught with many consequences. negative consequences. Also think - maybe you shouldn’t draw entire flower beds from runes, but use only one?

Our life turns out to be much more complicated than humanity still thinks. Many pundits have long forgotten the strength of their skepticism, trying to know the unknown. It’s surprising that even doctors of science can sometimes see runic symbols on the cufflinks of white shirts. And what can we say about successful businessmen?! Here is someone who constantly tries to follow the advice of magic and use the power of runes by creating conspiracies.

So, there is nothing strange in this, to turn to the help of Higher powers to find your own good.

Hello! Runes for attracting money can help improve your financial situation. You need to take them very seriously, not abuse them, but want a real amount that a person can survive.

How do runes work?

Runes are symbols that came to us from ancient times. They contain powerful energy that helps you get into a real money whirlwind and get what you want. There are known Celtic runes that express the forces of nature using pictograms. The most ancient ones were found in the oldest caves.

The magic of runes is endowed with quite a lot of power, so it, like any magic, must be taken very seriously. Depending on the goal you are striving for, you need to use combinations of runes.

The first symbol for attracting money is called FEKHU.

Fehu is the rune of wealth. What power does she have?

  • Attracts situations that help increase income.
  • Provides an opportunity to increase existing capital.
  • Revitalizes cash flows so that the Universe itself will provide many opportunities to get rich and achieve success.
  • Makes cash flow stable.
  • Fills you with energy that can be directed toward achieving your financial plan goals.

In order for Fehu to begin to bear fruit, the rune is applied to the body in the form of a tattoo, and a talisman is made with the image of Fehu, which is always carried with them.

The main meaning of fehu is wealth, depending on the energy and individual abilities of a person. It will help those individuals who are ready to take legal action to achieve material well-being.

There are other powerful and effective signs to attract good luck.


Yer - symbolizes the harvest, a reward for labor and effort that in the past did not produce any results. Be sure that everything you put effort into will certainly be fulfilled in the best possible way. The symbol will only help if you work hard and don’t wait idly by.


Otal is a powerful symbol that makes it possible to receive help from strong patrons and influential people. Perhaps they will help you make good money and support you in difficult times.


Dagaz – its meaning: welfare, prosperity. A very positive and bright symbol, promising a breakthrough in important matters, making a transition to a favorable outcome of events.

How to increase the power of runes

Each rune individually has great power. But the right combination has even greater power. In this case, the properties of the runes complement each other and increase the effectiveness of actions.

In addition, the combination helps to get rid of obstacles to achieving well-being, attracts new opportunities, and raises a person to a new level of development.

Runic formulas can be compiled individually, taking into account personal situations. If you don’t know how to compose them, then use ready-made runograms:

  • the first symbol will indicate the goal you are striving for;
  • the latter – certifies the desired result;
  • in the center there are runes (one or several), meaning the resources necessary to achieve the desired result.

The most powerful runogram for money and luck: Fehu-Fehu-Fehu.

Such a union triples the power of the sign, turning into a kind of financial magnet.

This formula (becoming) is also capable of powerfully initiating a new stage of development in all areas of life.

Otal Fehu Yer.

The runogram makes it possible to increase profits or acquire property.

  • Otal is a sign of ownership, and in alliance with Fehu - making a profit.
  • Fehu is a symbol of property, property, material wealth.
  • Yer is the rune of receiving rewards. It will help if the desired result can really be achieved.

Fehu-Otal-Berkana-Soulo- a combination for a stable cash flow, increasing financial status.

  • Fehu – wealth, property, property.
  • Otal - in the runogram with Fehu - influx of money.
  • Berkana - used to implement plans, to protect material wealth.
  • Soulo is a symbol of willpower, victory, success.

Runes that attract money can be applied to bank card, deposit agreement, put in your wallet, and must have a clear intention to have a constant increase in the funds on the card, in your bank account or in your wallet.

Runes for businessmen

To make your business thrive, use the following formula:


  • Berkana - the embodiment of conceived plans, an abundance of fruits, financial protection.
  • Otal - in combination with Fehu - benefiting from cash flow.
  • Fehu - the rune contributes to business prosperity, an increase in the number of clients, and a noticeable increase in monetary profits.

Important! Runic signs are symbolic representations of natural forces, so treat them with great respect.

How to use the Creator's gift

How to activate runes? By using symbols together with the power of your mind, you can create a “program”, just like a computer program is made. With your program you “transmit” the course of their movement to the Higher Powers.

Mentally concentrate on your monetary desire, in all details, imagine it very clearly.
Imagine the runes in water, so they are charged to attract money. Then drink this water slowly.

You can draw a combination of runes or one rune on large bill, which you will need to carry with you and not waste. It will attract funds to its owner.

You can apply it to your body using special, monetary essential oils: orange, cinnamon, patchouli.

The more you imagine the fulfillment of your desires, the faster they will come true. Runes help almost all business, hard-working people with bright thoughts and good intentions.

How to make runes for money:

  • Burn the symbols onto a piece of wood or leather.
  • Make an engraving on the stone.
  • Use a red or green pencil to draw on a thick piece of paper. Carry it with you at all times. Place it in your wallet in a place where such a talisman will be hidden from prying eyes.

Don’t do bad things, don’t let negative energy into your life so that the Higher powers don’t turn away from you. Don’t forget to thank even for a small share of the proceeds to your wallet or deposit. When the result is achieved and after thanksgiving, the piece of paper must be burned, otherwise the reverse course of events will begin. There is no need to destroy the talisman.

How to open a money channel

Often a situation arises when money is needed right now. Quick money can come to you if you plan the program correctly.

The main money Rune, as we have already said, is considered to be the Feu or Fehu Rune, and its assistant is the Otal symbol.

When you have a difficult financial situation, you can add the Nautiz sign, which is considered the Rune of need, to the runic formula. The only caveat: Rune Nautiz is added to the formulas only in cases of fierce competition, in a hopeless financial situation close to zero.

A talisman of three Feu will help improve financial flows.

In the Rune there is a cycle from one energy to another. From material to human capabilities and back. The rune will not work if you wait for a miracle with folded hands.

To get a job with the opportunity for career growth and salary increases:

  • Uruz + Teyvaz + Feu + Vunyo.
  • Uruz and Teyvaz are career, success, victory.
  • Feu – salary growth.
  • Vunyo – joy from the result.

To be promoted with an increase in salary.

  • Uruz + Kano + Feu + Dzhera + Vunyo

Strengthening action for career growth.

  • Kano + Feu + Teyvaz + Dzhera + Vunyo.
  1. Kano – realization of hidden potential.
  2. Jera + Vunyo is the key to a salary increase.

Income multiplication.

  • Berkana + Feu + Djera + Vuyo

A salary increase in the position where you work.

  • Berkana + Feu + Jera

Profit from the implementation of plans.

  • Feu + Kano + Gebo + Soulu

Increased cash flow, property. Attracting profit.

  • Otal + Feu + Jera

Protection of property and funds.

  • Feu + Algiz

Prosperity, upward mobility.

  • Feu + Inguz + Algiz

To increase funds.

  • Feu + Raido + Inguz + Dzhera + Soulu + Algiz.
  1. Feu – cash flow.
  2. Raido - for the wallet.
  3. Inguz – fertility.
  4. Jera - profit.
  5. Soulu is energy for growth.
  6. Algiz – protection from negativity.

Stability of cash income.

  • Feu + Otal + Berkana + Soulu

Attracting clients.

  • Berkana + Otal + Feu

Attracting success to your career and business.

  • Feu + Uruz + Otal + Dagaz

Prosperity in different areas of life.

  • Dagaz + Ansuz + Dagaz + Otal

Raising money from the sale of real estate: apartment, car, cottage, garage.

  • Otal + Feu.

The rune below applies to the return of money from the debtor. If the debtor has a difficult financial situation, then forgive him this debt, just forget and don’t remember. This will have a positive impact on your health and success.

Reservation for runic combination

After choosing a formula, you need to create a clause. A stipulation is drawing up a setup for what you put into a combination.

Rules for everyone:

  • Clearly define the goal, what exactly you want from this position, write it down in detail on paper. If there are several goals, then write them all down. Write it down before you make a reservation.
  • Choose one main goal.
  • Drawing up the clause itself. Remember, he should not harm the World or people. At the end of the slander, add the words: “in a good way.”
  • Choose a model of mutual assistance, mutual exchange of service to the World. You can't demand, you have to interact.
  • Example: “to attract into my life the opportunity to get an interesting, well-paid job in a good way.”

To protect yourself from negative impact, I must add: let the formula operate without harm to my financial situation (health, happiness).

Stav template:

  • runic formula.
  • does this and that.
  • activated this way and deactivated this way.
  • without harm to something.

Stav example:

“Let, with its power and the power of the Gods, this runic becoming constantly attract good luck and success into my life always and in everything, as well as at all levels and in all areas of my life.”

“Bet, with your strength, protects me from all kinds of scandals with anyone around me, people familiar to me and strangers to me, from all kinds of problems with the authorities and authoritative bodies, from lawsuits with anyone, from all kinds of fines, financial losses and losses, from dismissal from work, from obstacles, blocks and obstacles of any nature, origin and nature.”

Amulet against bad luck

If you notice that whatever you do does not give a positive result, money does not come, any profit melts like snow. Perhaps you have been damaged by a thief. How to determine it? Your finances disappear for unknown reasons, your sleep is disturbed, your nerves are shaken, your loved one begins to irritate you.

Most likely, your luck, health, and vitality are being taken away from you by stealing - a negative impact on your energy. Goal: take away your health, money, luck, love.

There are several ways to cause such damage:

  • With the help of runes.
  • Throwing luggage into the house. Any item that draws out positive energy can become a treasure.
  • Impact through photos.
  • More often, financial well-being is taken away through linings; through photos or runes, everything else is taken.

How to remove the guard

To get rid of stealth damage, you should follow these steps.

  1. Carry out a general cleaning of the apartment. Rinse front door on both sides to get rid of negative energy, take out the trash, wipe the dust, take things apart.
  2. At the energy level: fumigate the room with wormwood.
  3. Wipe all surfaces with warm salted water.
  4. Clear your field. At the end of the day, run a bath, add 8-10 drops to the water essential oil wormwood, pour a handful of sea salt with the words:

“The salt of the earth, and fresh water, and sea water, and earth herbs, and underwater plants, washes away all the pain, all the illness, all the troubles from me, dissolves it in itself, returns it to the offenders! My goodness is returned to me, all the evil done to my enemies is returned to me, dirty water My misfortunes come to their heads - blessings and good luck flow to me like a river. Truly!

Lie in the bath with some charmed water, imagining how all the failures and troubles dissolve. then stand in the shower and read the plot again.

You will soon notice that the energy has cleared and what was stolen has begun to return.

Dear friends, the topic about runes is very useful, but you should handle them very carefully, since they are associated with the elements. And the elements are the elements!

Runes have powerful energy. With the correct use of magical combinations consisting of several symbols responsible for financial well-being, they can significantly increase material wealth, activate cash flows and bring success in the business sphere. And self-made amulets with runic signs applied to them will help to attract wealth and good luck into life.

Leading runes that allow you to improve your financial situation, successfully invest cash who help in business and solving financial issues are:

  1. Fehu - main rune vital energy, attracting wealth and success. It helps to increase income and profit, preserve and increase existing capital, especially with regard to valuable papers and other movable property, and stabilization of financial flows. Its powerful energy creates a lot of opportunities for attracting monetary assets.
  2. Yer is a sign symbolizing payment for all actions committed in the past. This also applies to those efforts that were once made to improve one’s financial situation, but did not bring the desired result. It will help you get a decent salary for your work and effectively use your skills and abilities in your work. In addition, Yer brings good luck.
  3. Dagaz is a symbol that helps improve well-being and achieve prosperity and well-being in all areas of life, including material ones. Responsible for the prospects of the started business and contributes to business development and victory over competitors.
  4. Otal is a rune responsible for material wealth. It helps to successfully invest money in real estate and attract influential patrons who will provide financial support.
  5. Soulu is a sign that allows you to attract good luck into life and achieve your goals. Makes the impossible quite real, gives a positive attitude and improves tone.
  6. Vunyo is a rune that helps to achieve optimal results with minimal effort.

Runic formulas

Runes for attracting money, good luck and happiness are most effective when they are not used separately from each other, but when special ones are made up of them runic formulas of several interacting symbols - runograms. In them, each sign is capable of strengthening positive influence another, so they become carriers of powerful energy that helps attract financial well-being.

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