November 30 is a lunar day. Waxing Moon - phase of the moon on this day

Fourth phase of the moon - last period lunar cycle. This is a time of summing up and preparing for the new lunar month. These days, activity decreases, physical strength and vitality disappear.

Affairs. The fourth phase is the right time to complete all previously started tasks, evaluate the work done, and make plans. It is better to start new projects already during the waxing moon. At this time it is good to get rid of everything unnecessary. It is not recommended to sign contracts - the deals will not be successful. Not worth investing cash due to the high risk of failure. You can do charity work. It is not advisable to meet new people. These days you may experience sudden mood swings. It is necessary to avoid temptations, be tolerant of the behavior of family and friends, and not provoke quarrels. You can do simple household chores: washing, cleaning. This is a great time for relaxation, quiet rest and spiritual practice.

Haircut and hair care. Haircut on the waning moon has a beneficial effect on hair health: it strengthens the roots and prevents hair loss. These days it is good to cut your bangs, as well as for those who rarely change their hairstyles - hair will grow back slowly. This favorable time for painting in an unusual color - the paint will not last long.

Beauty, self-care. Fourth phase - a suitable period for carrying out skincare procedures: masks, peelings. They will give a good effect.

Health. It is advisable to reduce physical activity to avoid overwork. Stressful situations should be avoided.

Nutrition. You are allowed to eat any food - dial excess weight It's hard these days.

A good and successful lunar day. It is associated with the beginning of everything new. This also applies to our ancestors and family. On this day, secret knowledge may come to you, cosmic channels of information may open. The day when a person’s karmic and ancestral memory becomes more acute, memories from past lives come. Day of spiritual independence. On the 10th lunar day, it is worth doing charity, making donations, and bringing goodness to people. Any troubles that happen on this day will be short-lived.. On the 10th lunar day, it is best to light a brown candle as a symbol of your belonging to the energy of your family and clan. Also, a brown candle helps with meditations related to karma and memories of past lives. And if you fumigate your apartment with Frankincense, you will not only perfectly cleanse the energy of the house, but also attract the help of your ancestors. It is best to wear jewelry with amber or sardonyx - they will help to avoid overexertion, which is contraindicated on the 10th lunar day.

A positive and energetically strong lunar day, one of better days the entire calendar. You may become aware of your own strength, especially on the physical level. Don’t let doubts and complexes overcome you from within, otherwise you will never clearly build your life, harmonize your relationships and attract money and success. Therefore, the main thing is to fully realize your potential during the 11th lunar day and act confidently, assertively, without fear of anything or anyone. Today it is recommended to carry out cleansing procedures, both on the spiritual and physical levels. Go to the bathhouse or sauna, the water will wash away all the negativity, treat yourself to spa treatments and massages, relax, meditate.. The day is perfect for working with a red candle, it will charge you with energy and give you self-confidence. And also, by fumigating the room with orange incense, you will not only retain a positive charge of energy, but also bring a feeling of celebration into your life. It is recommended to put carnelian or hematite in a velvet bag and carry it with you; these stones are combined with the active energy of the 11th day and help in realizing your strength.

Waxing Moon in Cancer

What to wear? Harmonious colors - bright white, light blue.

Aromaday- water lily.

Talismans- chrysoprase and emerald. Metal - silver.

What are we eating?

It is very useful to eat dishes made from liver and tripe. Be sure to add greens and sour milk with bran to them. Mint tea with honey - best drink today. When cooking, it is better to give preference to what you and your family are used to; you should not experiment in the kitchen.

Appetite during the passage of the Moon in the sign of Cancer is usually excellent, and relationships at home largely depend on how much it can be satisfied. During the days of the waxing Moon, it is very important to saturate the liver and gall bladder with restorative substances: fresh cabbage juice, mint infusion with honey and waterfowl liver pate. For the benefit of your health, don’t get carried away with alcohol today.

beauty and health

Water procedures are useful. Wipe your skin with cabbage juice mixed with a little honey. After 15 minutes, wash with cool water. Do not cut or wash your hair.

The body requires dry heat, which can be provided by products made from natural wool and down. The chest, lungs and lymph nodes especially need this.

Intimate scenario

The Moon in Cancer suggests emotional sex. Sensuality, affection, tenderness from your partner - that’s what will be important to you. Emotions will erupt like a volcano. Have you been embarrassed to scream with passion before? During the Cancerian emotional Moon, you will forget about your modesty or complexes (if you have any), giving your partner voluptuous sighs, exclamations and cries.

What to do at home?

You can replant plants that reproduce by division. all year round, soak the seeds. Houseplants and seedlings should be watered, sprayed and fertilized. You should not use pesticides for spraying and plant something that grows tall.

29 lunar day

On the 29th lunar day, you should not engage in vigorous activity or start new things. It is recommended to devote time to routine, simple tasks. It is advisable not to plan a serious conversation with your boss during this period, or change your place of work. This is a favorable time for simple chores around the house. It's a bad time for money transactions. Not a good day for any communication or travel. The best thing for 29 lunar days is solitude and reflection.

Waning Moon (4th phase)

The fourth phase of the Moon is a time of gradual decline in strength. At the end of the lunar cycle, there is little energy left for productive activity. You need to spend them only on the most important and important things. At this time, it is not recommended to start new responsible activities. It is better to devote yourself to summing up the work done and making plans. This is an unfavorable period for investing. You need to beware of quarrels, stop conflicts and show tolerance towards loved ones. It is not recommended to make new acquaintances.

Moon in Aquarius

The Moon in Aquarius is a favorable period for new beginnings. It is advisable to postpone current routine affairs for a couple of days. It is recommended to devote yourself to active activities; you should not sit at home. Is not best time to communicate with superiors and move to a new place of work. It's a good time for household chores. Any risky undertaking can be a successful start to a new direction in work or personal life. This favorable days for communication in the company. Not the best time to meet new people. You can plan travel and active recreation on these days.


Saturday is an unfavorable period for new beginnings. I am good at monotonous routine work. The day is suitable for independent activities. This is not the best time to communicate with your superiors or change jobs. A suitable day of the week for household chores, shopping, and self-development.

The lunar calendar for February 25, 2017 informs about lunar day, phase of the Moon, position of the Moon in relation to the zodiac constellations on that day. It indicates the time of moonrise and sunset, the degree of its visibility. He contains lunar horoscope as of February 25, taking into account the influence lunar day, phases of the Moon, position of the Moon in the Zodiac sign and day of the week.

November 30, 2017 - 12th lunar day until 15:06 Moscow time, symbol of the day - Heart, then - 13th lunar day, symbol of the day - Wheel, Ouroboros. Moon in the sign of Aries. Moon period without course from 21:37 to 23:38 Moscow time.

The first half of the day passes under the influence of the twelfth lunar day. The symbol of this is the Holy Grail, which personifies the cosmic center, the source of life, unity with God.

During this period, there is no need to show haste and assertiveness, everything should go naturally, in its own way.

Think about the merits of other people, about their best human qualities, thank people for their good attitude towards yourself. Remember that a quarrel started on the twelfth lunar day may drag on.

From 15:06 Moscow time the thirteenth lunar day comes into force - an active day, a day of energetic action, a breakthrough into the unknown, the unknown. Events aimed at discovering something new are excellent. This is a period of renewal and transition to a new, qualitative level of perception. The energy used up over the previous 12 days is replaced with new energy. In other words, energy recharging occurs.

If you have correctly and accurately followed the lunar rhythms from the very beginning of the lunar day, you will receive additional strength to implement your plans and projects.

It is not recommended to start and finish things in the first half of the day. If possible, it is better to postpone making important decisions. It is not advisable to work with documents or sign important papers.

In the afternoon, wisdom will emerge in order to overcome negative emotions and strengthen spiritually. You should deal with other people's problems only when a person really needs help. Don't just rush to help. Perhaps fate gave someone a chance to decide everything for themselves. You can advise, but you cannot decide or do anything for others.

On this day, talents are discovered and masterpieces are created in the world of art. Not deprived of a creative touch and scientific research. Moreover, the day is very generous not only for new information, but also on old experience. It’s good to start a new learning cycle on this day. This is the day of accumulating information, making round talismans, spinning threads, organizing contacts, studying, seeking advice, correcting the past, and working on oneself.

The dream images of this lunar day, if interpreted correctly, show a person the path by following which he can finally escape from problems, as they say, stop stepping on the same rake. The dream symbols of this period carry the key to deep subconscious processes associated with the ability to be open to new things.

And the boy who plays the bagpipes
And the girl who weaves her own wreath,
And two crossed paths in the forest,
And in the far field there is a distant light, -

I see everything. I remember everything
I cherish it lovingly and meekly in my heart.
There's only one thing I never know
And I can’t even remember anymore.

I'm not asking for wisdom or strength.
Oh, just let me warm myself by the fire!
I'm cold... Winged or wingless,
The cheerful god will not visit me.

Anna Akhmatova

Thursday is Jupiter's day. The timing of Jupiter is considered most favorable for all worldly and spiritual affairs that do not involve coercion or anger. You can begin training, have a favorable wedding, hire workers, schedule a meeting with a teacher or influential person, enter into an alliance or contract, start a festival, hold a meeting and approve plans, trade, engage in children or charity, build (especially from wood), plant or collect , move and hit the road.

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