Nauru form of government. Nauru is an island that died from its own greed. Office hours

The island of Nauru was most likely colonized by Polynesians and Micronesians approximately 3,000 years ago. The first settlers on the island of Nauru were the inhabitants of the Bismarck Islands.

The island of Nauru was discovered for Europeans on November 8, 1798 by British captain John Fearn during his voyage to China from New Zealand. The discoverer then gave the island the name “Pleasant” ( English version– Pleasant Island), which was used on English-language maps for the next century.

At the time of the discovery of the island by Europeans, the aboriginal population of Nauru actually lived under a primitive communal system, engaged in fishing and cultivating coconut palms and pandanus trees.

In the middle of the 19th century, the first Europeans appeared on Nauru, who brought both incurable diseases and internecine conflicts to the island, which significantly reduced the number of the aboriginal population.

On April 16, 1888, Germany announced the annexation of the island of Nauru and its inclusion in the Marshall Islands Protectorate, which was then under the control of the Jaluit Company.

At the beginning of the 20th century, large deposits of phosphorites were discovered on Nauru. In 1906, the Australian company Pacific Phosphate Company began developing these resources, having previously received permission from the German authorities.

After the outbreak of the First World War in Europe, on August 17, 1914, Australian troops captured the island of Nauru, ahead of the Japanese.

Following the First World War in 1923, the League of Nations mandate placed the island of Nauru under the joint administration of Australia, New Zealand and Great Britain, but administrative control still remained with Australia. The countries that received a mandate for Nauru established a joint corporation, the British Phosphate Company, which was engaged in the extraction and sale of phosphate rocks until the outbreak of World War II.

At the beginning of December 1940, two German auxiliary cruisers "Orion" and "Komet", passing with the help of Soviet icebreakers along the Northern Sea Route, attacked Allied merchant ships near the island of Nauru, most of which were sunk. On December 27, 1940, the cruiser Comet, returning to Nauru, destroyed the island's port facilities and stacks of mined phosphorites.

On August 25, 1942, Japan captured Nauru, but the island was liberated only on September 13, 1945 after the Japanese surrender in World War II. During the occupation of the island by Japan, more than 1,200 local residents were taken to the Chuuk Islands (Truk at that time), where many of them died, and the rest returned to their homeland only in early 1946.

After the end of World War II, Australia, New Zealand and Great Britain continued to administer Nauru, while continuing phosphate mining.

In the early 50s of the last century, a movement for the national independence of the island was formed on the island.

Currently, the Republic of Nauru is a developing state that builds its economy on phosphate rock mining and tourism.

Origin and geography of the island

By origin, Nauru is a coral island. Many experts in a number of printed sources call Nauru a raised atoll. According to scientists, the formation of the island began in the Pliocene, when corals formed a reef on the skeleton of an eroded volcanic cone and began to initially form the outline of the island. Nauru originally had an internal lagoon, traces of which can be seen in the central part of the island, which was eventually filled with coral sand and mud.

The island of Nauru has an almost regular round shape, somewhat elongated from southwest to northeast, with a length of 6 and a width of 4 kilometers. The coastline is quite straight and forms only one small Anibar Bay on the eastern side of the island. Length coastline is approximately 18 kilometers. The island's topography consists of a narrow coastal plain approximately 150-300 meters wide, which surrounds a limestone plateau, the height of which reaches 30 meters closer to the central part. Previously, the plateau was covered with a thick layer of phosphorites. The highest point on the island of Nauru is an unnamed hill 65 meters high, located on the border of Buada and Aiwo districts. In the central part of the island there is a small dry lake called Buada. The island is bordered by a narrow coral reef, the width of which ranges from 120 to 300 meters. During low tides, coral reefs rise above the surface of the water with their peaks. There are currently 16 channels dug into the reef, which allow small ships to get closer to the island's shore. At a distance of about 1 kilometer from the coast, the ocean depth exceeds 1000 meters due to a sharp cliff.


Experts classify the climate on the island of Nauru as equatorial monsoon, which means that it is almost always hot and humid. Given the proximity of the equator, there are no temperature fluctuations depending on the time of year. The average annual temperature is approximately +28 °C, with daytime temperatures from +27 °C to +35 °C and night temperatures from +22 °C to +28 °C. Sometimes daily temperatures on the island reach +39-41 °C, then the island generally becomes uncomfortable, especially for visiting tourists. Precipitation on Nauru falls in the form of heavy tropical rains, and their average annual amount is approximately 2000-2500 millimeters. The island's rainy season runs from early November to mid-February, when the western monsoon blows. Between March and the end of October, winds blowing from the northeast dominate here. Sometimes tropical cyclones hit Nauru, which from time to time bring, in addition to downpours, also destructive winds.


Currently, more than 10 thousand people live on the island of Nauru. Ethnically, almost all of them are considered Nauruans (Naurians), the percentage of Fijians, Europeans, Chinese and Tunguruans is relatively small. The official languages ​​on the island are English and Nauruan, which belongs to the Micronesian language group.

Administratively, the island of Nauru is divided into 14 districts. But there are no cities on the island, just as there is no official capital of the Republic of Nauru.

The currency in circulation on the island of Nauru is the Australian dollar (AUD, code 36), divided into 100 cents.

Flora and fauna

Due to Nauru's remoteness from the continents, as well as uncontrolled mining of phosphorites, the island's flora and fauna are quite poor. Only 60 species of vascular herbaceous, shrub and woody plants grow here, among which there are no endemic species. Coconut palms, ficus, pandanus, bay trees and other tree species grow almost everywhere on the island. The highest density of vegetation is observed closer to the coastal areas in a strip of approximately 200-300 meters from the shore and near Lake Buada. In the central regions of Nauru, hibiscus, cherry, almond and mango trees are common.

The fauna of Nauru is even poorer than the flora. All species of mammals now living on the island were previously introduced by people, and these are cats, dogs, pigs and rats. Of the reptiles on Nauru, lizards are common. There are only six species of birds nesting on the island (terns, waders, frigatebirds, petrels, pigeons, as well as the island’s endemic warblers (Acrocephalus rehsei)).

In the coastal waters of the island there are several species of sharks, sea urchins, mollusks, crabs, as well as a large number of marine poisonous animals.


You can arrive to the island of Nauru either by sea or by air. Since 1982, on an island off the coast in Yaren district, an international airport has been operating, receiving flights from the Solomon and Marshall Islands, Australia and New Zealand, as well as from the Republic of Kiribati. The island can be reached by sea mainly on small yachts and ships due to the danger of the coral reefs surrounding the island. Tourists arriving on Nauru are accommodated either in the only hotel on the island, the Menen Hotel, or in numerous private bungalows located along the coast. Tourists go to Nauru primarily for a beach holiday. Tourist infrastructure is almost completely absent here, which attracts extreme sports enthusiasts. Most of the beaches on the island are located in its southern and southwestern parts. Tourists here have two relatively large beaches with stunning white and pink coral sands, washed by clear azure coastal ocean water.

Nauru is located on the mainland of Oceania and the occupied territory of Nauru is 21. The population of Nauru is 14,000 people. The capital of Nauru is located in a city that does not have an official capital. The form of government of Nauru is a Republic. In Nauru they speak: Nauruan, English. Nauru has no land borders.
The Republic of Nauru is a dwarf state on a coral island whose outline closely resembles an inverted plate. From the sea side, the lowland is bordered by a narrow beach of white coral sand, and its inner part is separated by a rampart of coral limestone, which rises 40-50 m above ocean level, which is an extraordinary sight.
Nauru is the smallest independent state on earth and the only republic in the world that does not have an official capital; its government is located in the Yare?n district. The Constitution, adopted on January 29, 1968, established a republican form of government with a Westminster parliamentary system and certain features of a presidential form of government.
Nauru is known for its fully independent judiciary. The judicial system consists of the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, District Courts and Family Courts, and the Land Committee resolves land disputes. Some issues are decided by the highest court - the Supreme Court of Australia.
The official languages ​​are Nauruan, that is, Micronesian, and English, since the Republic of Nauru was owned by Great Britain, Australia, and New Zealand.
Interestingly, the written language created just 100 years ago included only 17 letters, but the influence of other languages ​​over time expanded the alphabet to 28 letters.
Mostly Christians live on the island, about a third of the population are followers catholic church and a very small number of other beliefs. The activities of some denominations are limited by the government, for example, Jehovah's Witnesses, the Modern Church of Jesus Christ (Mormons), which are represented mainly by foreigners.
Agriculture and the fishing industry are developing in the country. On the coastal strip of the island, pineapples, bananas, mangoes, papaya, coconut palms, breadfruit and mostly all this goes to local markets. The country has only two fishing vessels, which deliver fish mainly to the domestic market, with a small portion of tuna sent to Japan and Australia. There are no rivers on the island. The development of aquaculture is confirmed by the creation of artificial reservoirs where hanos fish are bred for the island's domestic market.
The roads are about 40 km long and Railway(3.9 km) serve as a link between the phosphate rock mines and the International Airport, a port on the southwest coast. There are air and sea connections. There is no public transport in the country, so the population moves around the island in personal vehicles.
There are no regular print media on Nauru, newspapers are published from time to time, and government radio and television operate. The telecommunications system is well developed; the entire island is covered by cellular communications. Since 1998, the Internet has appeared in the country; several Internet cafes provide visitors with Internet access for a reasonable fee; here you can also process digital photos and scan documents.
Tourism in the republic is poorly developed, since the island is environmentally polluted after many years of phosphorite mining, and there are few people who want to admire the level, which resembles a “lunar landscape.” But someone, perhaps, on the contrary, would like to get more closely acquainted with the unique, unique in many respects, Pacific miracle island of Nauru.

Republic of Nauru- a dwarf state on the coral island of the same name in the western Pacific Ocean with an area of ​​21.3 km² and a population of 14 thousand people. Independence was declared in 1968.

The island of Nauru is located 42 km south of the equator. The nearest island of Banaba is located 306 km to the east and belongs to the Republic of Kiribati. Nauru is the smallest independent republic on Earth, the smallest island state, the smallest state outside Europe and the only republic in the world without an official capital.

The state is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. On September 14, 1999, the Republic of Nauru was admitted to the UN. Nauru is a member of the South Pacific Commission and the Pacific Islands Forum. Diplomatic relations between Nauru and the USSR were established on December 30, 1987. Currently, the Russian Ambassador to the Commonwealth of Australia is also the Ambassador to the Republic of Nauru.


The origin of the word "Nauru" is unknown. As now, the Nauruans in the distant past called the island "Naoero". The German professor Paul Hambruch, who visited the island in 1909-1910, gave the following explanation of the etymology of this word: according to him, "Naoero" is a contraction of the phrase "a-nuau-a-a-ororo" (in the modern spelling "A nuaw ea arourõ") , which translates from the Nauruan language as “I am going to the seashore.” However, the German Catholic missionary Alois Kaiser, who lived on the island of Nauru for more than 30 years and intensively studied the Nauruan language, did not recognize this interpretation, since in the local language the word “seashore”, used with a verb of motion, must be followed by the demonstrative word “rodu”, which translates as "down". The Nauruans themselves understand the word “sea shore” as the deepest, lowest place of the island. It is used in relation to both land and sea. The very fact that Hambruch does not take into account the word “rodu” in explaining the etymology of the word “Naoero” suggests that his assumptions are unfounded.

The island has other names: English colonists until 1888 called Nauru “Pleasant Island”. The Germans called it "Nawodo" or "Onawero". The spelling of "Nauru" was later changed to "Naoero" to help Europeans pronounce the country's name correctly.

Physiographic characteristics

The island of Nauru lies in the western Pacific Ocean approximately 42 km from the equator. The nearest island of Banaba (Ochen) is located 306 km east of Nauru and belongs to the Republic of Kiribati. The area of ​​the exclusive economic coastal zone (EEZ) is 308 thousand 480 km², of which 570 km² is in territorial waters.

The island of Nauru is a raised coral atoll located at the top of a volcanic cone. The island has an oval shape, the coast is concave on the east - Anibar Bay is located there. The island's area is 21.3 km², length - 5.6 km, width - 4 km. The length of the coastline is about 19 km. The highest point - 65 m (according to various sources 61-71 m) - is located on the border of Aivo and Buada districts. At a distance of approximately 1 km from the coast, the depth of the ocean reaches more than 1000 m. This is due to the fact that in this place there is a steep cliff that reaches the ocean floor.

The surface of the island is a narrow coastal plain 100-300 m wide, surrounding a limestone plateau, the height of which in the central part of Nauru reaches 30 m. The plateau was previously covered with a thick layer of phosphorites (Nauruita), presumably formed from the excrement of seabirds. The island is fringed by a narrow reef (about 120-300 m wide), exposed at low tide and dotted with reef peaks. There are 16 channels dug into the reef, allowing small boats to approach the island's shore directly.


The most impressive part of Nauru is the interior of the island, where there are huge limestone battlements and pyramids left over from phosphate rock mining. The height of these structures in some places exceeds 10 meters, and the quarry itself is a huge labyrinth with many basins and depressions and resembles a “lunar landscape.” In order to facilitate the delivery of produced phosphorites to the port of the island, a narrow-gauge railway was specially built. In the area of ​​limestone blocks there is practically no soil cover, so all rainwater does not linger on the surface, but seeps through the rock.

Geographers, geomorphologists and geologists carefully studied the topography, soil and geological structure of the island and, from the data obtained, reconstructed in detail the geological history of Nauru. Nauru Atoll has existed since ancient times. The fringing reef of Tertiary period corals is still preserved. According to geological studies, in the Paleogene the surface of the bottom of the modern lagoon of the island was 60 m lower modern level The world's oceans (that is, almost the entire island was flooded with water). During the Miocene and Neogene era, the atoll was significantly elevated: the bottom of the modern lagoon was 10 m above the current level of the World Ocean. Presumably at the same time, the island of Nauru was subjected to severe erosion, as a result of which changes in the karst topography occurred. Subsequently, the central part of the island was under water, resulting in a shallow lagoon in the center of the atoll. In numerous depressions and hollow spaces between the reef limestone, sediments of various sediments rich in phosphorus accumulated. The flooding of the island lasted for a fairly long period, so during this time the sediments in the lagoon underwent significant changes: the existing phosphorus compounds became enriched.

This was followed by a long period of uplift of the Nauru landmass. The surface of the lagoon was free of water, and plants began to appear on the atoll. Currently, the interior of Nauru rises 20-30 m above the ocean surface. Only one depression remains on the island, Buada Lagoon, which is completely isolated from ocean waters.

Lifeless “lunar landscape” in the area of ​​exhausted phosphorite quarries. Limestone blocks up to 15 m high, not overgrown with grass, are clearly visible.

There are two controversial points in the picture of geological processes on the island of Nauru presented above. Firstly, the described process of formation of local relief is questioned. In addition to the hypothesis that the terrain was karstified and the reef limestone dissolved in the water, there is another point of view. On the coast and in the rocky shallows, especially in the eastern part of the island, there are a large number of small stone columns preserved, which over a very long period were subject to erosion from the side sea ​​waves. One can imagine how strongly the shallow water areas were exposed to the ocean during the uplift of the island. This space was not protected; in any case, wide passages were formed in the rounded reef. Further uplift of the surface of Nauru only meant that erosion continued, with rainwater smoothing out the stone columns and battlements.

Secondly, the process of formation of phosphorites remains controversial. In the quarries where the so-called Nauruite was mined, it is clear that the layer of phosphorus deposits has a very complex structure: numerous fragments of varying heights are typical. Consequently, the original accumulation of phosphorites, which are usually formed from the dead mass of plankton, was subjected to repeated changes under the influence of erosion and changes in occurrence.

In a complex and long history The islands were no doubt subject to periods of strong typhoons when debris was washed away. Similar disastrous changes can still be observed on many Pacific atolls. In any set of circumstances, it is obvious that a thin layer of soil was constantly being washed away on Nauru, while the nodules of phosphorites through which rainwater seeped did not disappear. Gradually, hollow landforms, primarily depressions and crevices of blocks of reef limestone, were filled with gravel and debris.

There is another version of the origin of the phosphorite deposit on the island: in the process of weathering of rocks, depressions and sharp cones were formed on the surface, which served as an ideal place for nesting birds. Gradually, the island became covered with seabird excrement. The resulting guano gradually turned into calcium phosphate. The phosphate content in the island's rock exceeds 90%.


The climate on Nauru is equatorial monsoon, hot and humid. The average temperature is about +27.5 °C. During the day it usually fluctuates between +26 °C and +35 °C, and at night between +22 °C and +28 °C. Daytime temperatures can reach +38–41 °C. The average annual precipitation is 2060 mm. Dry years occur, and in some years up to 4500 mm of precipitation falls. Such significant fluctuations are explained by the El Niño phenomenon. The rainy season lasts from November to February, when the western monsoons (cyclone season) predominate. From March to October, north-easterly winds prevail. About 30 million m³ of water falls on the island annually with almost complete absence of surface runoff.

The government of Nauru is concerned about the problem of global warming, since if the level of the World Ocean rises, the island is threatened with flooding. Therefore, the republic is trying to attract the attention of the world community, primarily through the UN.

Hydrology and soils

There are no rivers on the island of Nauru. In the southwestern part of the island there is a small, slightly brackish lake, Buada, which is fed by rainwater. Its level is 5 meters higher than the level of the ocean surrounding Nauru.

One of the problems of the island is the shortage of fresh water. Against the backdrop of an increase in the country's population, it becomes more acute every year. There is only one desalination plant on the island, which runs on electricity generated by Nauru's only power plant. However, due to very high cost electricity, the desalination plant often stops working. During the rains, the population collects water in special containers and later uses it for domestic needs, for watering gardens and for livestock. During periods of drought, water is brought by ship from Australia.

In Yaren County there is a small underground lake, Mokua Vel, associated with the Mokua cave system. Near the coast, on the border of the Iyuv and Anabar districts, there is a cluster of small lagoons, surrounded on all sides by land.

The soil layer on the coast of Nauru is very thin, only 25 centimeters, and consists more of coral fragments and gravel than sand. The central plateau mainly consists of thin soils on top of limestone blocks, consisting of organic matter and sand or dolomite with minor phosphate content. The layer of arable soil is about 10–30 cm deep and lies on top of reddish-yellow subsoil, the depth of which varies from 25 to 75 cm.

Flora and fauna

Due to the very small size of the island, its isolation from the continental landmass and large archipelagos, Nauru has only 60 species of native vascular plants, none of which are endemic. Severe post-World War II destruction, coconut monoculture and phosphate mining led to the destruction of vegetation cover across much of Nauru, which has now been restored to 63% of the area.

Coconut palms, pandanus, ficus, laurel and other deciduous trees grow everywhere on the island. Various types of shrub formations are also common. The densest vegetation is confined to the coastal strip of the island, about 150-300 m wide, and to the environs of Lake Buada. Hibiscus is found in the interior of Nauru, as well as plantings of cherry, almond and mango trees.

The lowlands of the island are covered with dense vegetation, consisting mainly of low-growing plants, while the higher elevations are dominated by woody plants.

The fauna of Nauru is poor. All mammals were introduced by humans: Polynesian rats, cats, dogs and pigs, as well as chickens. Reptiles are represented by lizards. The avifauna is more diverse - only 6 species (waders, terns, petrels, frigatebirds, pigeons). There is only one species of songbird on Nauru - the warbler (lat. Acrocephalus rehsei), endemic to the island. Lots of insects and other invertebrates. There are a variety of sharks in the waters around the island, sea ​​urchins, shellfish, crabs and many poisonous sea animals.

Administrative divisions of Nauru

The territory of Nauru is divided into 14 administrative districts, which are combined into 8 electoral districts.


According to a July 2007 estimate, the population of the Republic of Nauru was 13,528 people, including 6,763 men and 6,765 women. Population density - 629 people. per km².

In 1968, at the time of the declaration of independence, the population was 3 thousand people.

The birth rate on Nauru is estimated at 24.47 per 1000 inhabitants, the death rate is 6.65 per 1000, natural increase population - 1.781%. Infant mortality in 2007 was estimated at 9.6 per 1,000 births.

The share of children under 14 years old in 2007 was 36.4%, adults from 15 to 64 years old - 61.6%, over 64 years old - 2%. Average duration The life expectancy for men in 2007 was 60 years, for women - 67 years.

There is no official capital or cities on the island. The presidential residence is located in Meneng District, while government offices and parliament are located in Yaren District. The entire population of the island lives along the coast, as well as around Lake Buada.

Ethnic composition

About 58% of the population of Nauru is the indigenous people of the republic - the Nauruans. Of the total population of Nauru, people from other Pacific islands (mainly Tuvaluans and Tungaruans) make up 26%, Chinese - 8%, Europeans - 8%. The proportion of foreign citizens in the country's population is high.

Based on their language, Nauruans are usually classified as a Micronesian group of peoples, but not only Micronesians, but also Polynesians and Melanesians took part in the formation of this ethnic group.


Nauruans speak a Micronesian language, Nauruan. Until 1968, the Republic of Nauru was a joint possession of Australia, Great Britain and New Zealand, so English language, along with Nauruan, is a state language.

The writing of the Nauruan language was created about 100 years ago based on the Latin alphabet and included 17 letters. Subsequently, due to the significant influence of other languages, most notably German, Tok Pisin and Kiribati, the alphabet expanded to 28 letters. A significant contribution to the study of this Micronesian language was made by the Catholic missionary Alois Kaiser, who wrote a textbook on the Nauruan language, as well as the American (originally from Germany) Protestant missionary Philip Delaporte.

Religious composition

Today Nauru is predominantly inhabited by Christians. The majority of Nauruans (57%) are members of Protestant churches, including 44% of the Nauru Congregational Church, which has chapels in the districts of Meneng, Buada, Anabar and Nibok, as well as a main church in the district of Aiwo. The remaining 13% are evangelicals.

About 24% of Nauru's residents are followers of the Catholic Church, which has its own chapel in the Yaren district, as well as a school in the Ewa district (Kaiser College). About 5% of residents profess Buddhism and Taoism, 2% are Baha'is. A small group of Nauruans adhere to traditional beliefs that include the worship of the goddess Eijebong and the island spirit Buitani.

The government restricts the activities of some denominations, such as the Modern Church of Jesus Christ (Mormons) and Jehovah's Witnesses (adherents are mainly among foreigners working for the Nauru Phosphate Corporation). When a Jehovah's Witness missionary from the Marshall Islands visited Nauru in 1979, he was deported.

In 1995, some restrictions were lifted. For example, citizens of Nauru received the right to preach from house to house.

Political structure

Nauru is an independent republic. The Constitution, adopted on January 29, 1968 (amended on May 17, 1968), establishes a republican form of government with a Westminster parliamentary system and some features of a presidential form of government.


The highest legislative body is the unicameral parliament, consisting of 18 deputies. The procedure for electing members of parliament is determined by the Constitution of Nauru. National elections; Only a citizen of Nauru who has reached 20 years of age can become a deputy. Upon taking office, members of Parliament take an oath. The term of office of members of parliament is 3 years. Before the expiration of the term, the powers can be terminated in the event of the dissolution of parliament by the speaker after consultation with the president of the country.

At their first meeting, members of parliament elect the speaker of parliament and his deputy, after which they proceed to elect the president of the country from among their members.

Executive branch

The head of state and government of Nauru is the president. The procedure for electing the President is determined by the Constitution of Nauru. Only a member of parliament can be elected president. The election takes place at a parliamentary meeting immediately after the parliamentary elections. A presidential candidate is considered elected if he receives a simple majority of votes. The term of office of the president is 3 years, and one person cannot hold the position of president and member of parliament at the same time. Before the expiration of the term, powers may be terminated in the event of resignation, the persistent inability of the president to perform his duties for health reasons, or removal from office (impeachment). At least half of all members of parliament must vote for the removal of the president. After the impeachment of the president, they are appointed presidential elections. If within seven days after parliament makes a decision to remove the president from office, the president is not elected, parliament is automatically dissolved.

The President appoints a Cabinet of Ministers from within Parliament, consisting of no more than 6 and no less than 5 ministers (including the President). The Cabinet of Ministers is an executive body that is collectively responsible to the country's parliament. In accordance with the procedure established by law, the President introduces state of emergency, decides on pardon issues, appoints judges of the Supreme Court of Nauru, resident magistrates of district courts (with the consent of the chief judge).

Judicial branch

The judiciary in Nauru is completely independent. The republic operates under common law - a legal system in which judicial precedent is recognized as the source of law. Under common law and the Adopted Laws Act 1971, part of the Nauruan traditions, practices and institutions constitute the legal system of Nauru.

The Nauruan judicial system includes the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeal, the District Courts and the Family Courts. According to the Nauru Lands Committee Ordinance, the country has a land committee that resolves land disputes and has the right to appeal to the Supreme Court of Nauru.

Article 48 of the Nauru Constitution establishes the Supreme Court of Nauru, consisting of a Chief Justice and a panel of judges. The Chief Justice, like other Supreme Court judges, is appointed by the President of Nauru. Only citizens of the Republic of Nauru who have worked as barristers or solicitors in the country for at least 5 years and whose age does not exceed 65 years become judges of the Supreme Court of Nauru.

In many matters, the highest court is the Supreme Court of Australia.

Electoral districts

The territory of the Republic of Nauru is divided into 8 electoral districts. Electoral district Administrative districts that make up the electoral district

All citizens of Nauru over 20 years of age have voting rights. Participation in voting is compulsory: if you do not show up at the polling station on voting day, a fine will be imposed.

Political parties

There are 3 political parties in Nauru (Democratic Party, Naoero Amo and Center Party). But, as a rule, the majority of local parliament deputies are not members of political parties, being independent.

Armed forces and police

The Republic of Nauru does not have any national armed forces. According to an informal agreement, the security of the island is carried out by Australia. However, the republic has 3,000 Nauruans of military age at its disposal. Of these, less than 2,000 are fit for military service due to health reasons.

Internal security is provided by a small number of national police forces. The most common offenses in Nauru are violations of the speed limit, violation of the inviolability of private property, public order and bicycle theft.

Foreign policy and international relations

The Republic of Nauru has special status in the Commonwealth of Nations, of which it became a member in 1968 after gaining independence. From May 1999 to January 2006, Nauru was a full member of this organization. On September 14, 1999, it became the 187th member of the United Nations. This state is also a member of the Pacific Islands Forum, the Asian Development Bank (52nd member since September 1991) and others international organizations.

The Republic of Nauru maintains diplomatic relations with many countries of the world, including Russia. Its main partners are Australia, Great Britain, India, New Zealand, USA, Thailand, Taiwan, Philippines, South Korea and Japan.

On December 15-16, 2009, the Republic of Nauru became the fourth country in the world to recognize the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, after Russia, Nicaragua and Venezuela.

Relations with China and Taiwan

On July 21, 2002, the Republic of Nauru broke off diplomatic relations with Taiwan, established back in 1980, and established relations with the PRC. The Nauruan president at that time, Rene Harris, signed an agreement with China in Hong Kong, according to which the country recognized only one government of China - the government of the People's Republic of China. China also committed to provide financial assistance to Nauru in the amount of $60 million, as well as help pay off the $77 million debt to General Electric.

Taiwan's reaction followed immediately: the government of the republic, not recognized by most countries of the world, accused the PRC of dollar diplomacy and did not rule out the possibility of demanding that the government of Nauru pay a debt of $12.1 million, which was used for the construction of a hotel in Menenga.

On 9 May 2005, a meeting was held in Majuro between Nauruan President Ludwig Scotti and Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian. Soon after, on May 14, diplomatic relations between Nauru and Taiwan were officially resumed, which complicated relations with the PRC. However, diplomatic relations with China were not interrupted, and the PRC still has its representative office on the island. Taiwan provides significant assistance to Nauru in agriculture, fishing, and tourism.

Relations with Australia

Nauru maintains close relations with Australia, which plays a key role in trade and investment. Australia is represented in the Republic of Nauru by a Consul General, a Vice Consul and two representatives from the Australian Department of Immigration. The Republic of Nauru, in turn, is represented by the Consul General in Melbourne.

In August 1993, the two governments signed the Compact of Settlement, which ended Nauru's lawsuit against Australia in the International Court of Justice over the rehabilitation of land where phosphate rock mining took place before Nauru's independence. As a result, Australia paid Nauru 57 million Australian dollars and promised to provide another 50 million over 20 years.

Nauru also cooperates with Australia in combating smuggling in the region; Australia's immigration center is located in the Republic of Nauru.

Relations with EU countries

In August 1995, Nauru, like Kiribati, broke off diplomatic relations with France after it tested atomic weapons off the atolls of Moruroa and Fangataufa in French Polynesia. However, on December 15, 1997, diplomatic relations with France were restored after the French government announced that it would cease testing atomic weapons in the region. The President of Nauru, Kinza Clodumar, appreciated France's significant assistance to the small nations of the central and southern Pacific.

In general, Nauru maintains friendly relations with the European Union. European countries mainly help this Pacific nation in the energy sector.


Nauru was settled by Micronesians and Polynesians about 3,000 years ago. According to one version, the first settlers arrived on Nauru from the Bismarck Islands and represented the Proto-Oceanic ethnic group, even before its breakup into Melanesians, Micronesians and Polynesians. Traditionally, islanders considered their origins through their mother's side. Before the arrival of Europeans, the population of the island of Nauru consisted of 12 tribes, which is reflected in the twelve-pointed star on the modern flag and coat of arms of the Republic of Nauru. Nauru was the first among Europeans to discover Nauru on November 8, 1798, when sailing from New Zealand to China, English captain John Fearn gave the island the name “Pleasant Island,” which was actively used for 90 years. At that time, the decomposition of the primitive communal system was observed on Nauru. The main crops were coconut and pandanus. The Nauruans fished on the reef, from canoes and with the help of specially trained frigate birds (lat. Fregata minor). They also managed to acclimatize the chanos fish (Latin: Chanos chanos) in Lake Buada, providing themselves with an additional source of food. Fishing was done exclusively by men.

In the 19th century, the first Europeans began to settle on the island. These were escaped convicts, deserters from whaling ships approaching the island, and later individual traders. Foreigners (Europeans) brought venereal diseases to the island, they made Nauruans drunk, and instigated internecine wars, which became incomparably bloodier due to the use of firearms.

Nauru Island annexed by Germany in 1888

On April 16, 1888, the island of Nauru was annexed by Germany and included in the Marshall Islands protectorate. The population of the island was taxed. But for some time the island continued to live its secluded life. The situation changed after large deposits of phosphorites were discovered here. In 1906, the Australian Pacific Phosphate Company received permission to develop them. This left a deep imprint on the entire further history Nauru.

On August 17, 1914, the island of Nauru was captured by Australian troops during the First World War. A small military detachment was transported on a ship belonging to the Pacific Phosphate Company. The Australians were not much ahead of the Japanese, who also received orders to occupy the island, rich in phosphorites. The Australians had several goals. Firstly, it was important to disrupt the German Etappendienst system by capturing a transmitting station on the island, which was part of a network of radio stations providing communication with German ships and vessels. Secondly, the government of the Commonwealth of Australia was wary of Japan's actions, quite rightly suspecting the latter of expansionism. Following the war in 1923, Nauru received the status of a mandate territory of the League of Nations and was placed under the joint administration of Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand, but administrative control was carried out by Australia. These countries bought from a private company all its rights to phosphorite deposits and created a joint company, British Phosphate Commission, to develop phosphorite deposits and sell them. Intensive mining of phosphorites continued until the Second World War, but only meager compensation was paid to the indigenous people.

In early December 1940, the German auxiliary cruisers Komet and Orion sank one Norwegian and several British merchant ships near Nauru. Some of them were waiting off the coast of the island for loading phosphorites. The smoke of the burning phosphorite carrier Triadica was visible from the coast of Nauru. The island's radio station received alarm signals sent by the ship "Komata". The information received was transmitted by radiogram to the headquarters of the Australian Navy. The wreckage of sunken ships washed up on the shores of Nauru. Almost all of the captured crew members and passengers were landed by the Germans on December 21 on Emirau Island in the Bismarck Archipelago. Some of them were able to quickly reach the city of Kavienga (English) and inform the Australians about the impending attack on the island of Nauru, but Australia did not have warships in the area to prevent the raid. On December 27, 1940, the cruiser Komet returned to Nauru to bombard port facilities. Standing abeam the island, "Komet" raised the war flag of the Kriegsmarine and sent a radio signal with the order to clear the piers and oil storage facility. However, the crowd of curious people did not disperse; only a warning shot dispersed the islanders. After the shelling, only ruins remained on the site of the port. The resulting fire destroyed a large stack of phosphorites already purchased by the Japanese.

On August 25, 1942, the island of Nauru was captured by Japan and was liberated only on September 13, 1945. During the Japanese occupation, 1,200 Nauruans were deported to the Chuuk Islands (then called Truk) in the Caroline Islands, where 463 of them died. In January 1946, the surviving Nauruans returned to their homeland.

Since 1947, Nauru has become a UN trust territory, continuing to be jointly administered by Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand. In the mid-1970s, up to 2 million tonnes of phosphate rocks were mined and exported annually, valued at A$24 million. In 1927, a popularly elected Council of Chiefs was created, which was vested with only limited advisory powers. In the 1940s and 1950s, an independence movement took shape on the island. In 1951, the Council of Chiefs was transformed into the Nauru Local Government Council, an advisory body to the colonial administration. By 1966, it was possible to achieve the creation of local Legislative and Executive Councils, which ensured internal self-government on Nauru. Independence was declared on January 31, 1968.

In the late 1960s and early 1970s, proposals were made to create a single state on the territory of Micronesia and part of the islands of Polynesia, which was to include Nauru. However, these plans were not destined to come true, and the Trust Territory itself split into four states - the Marshall Islands, Palau, the Northern Mariana Islands and the Federated States of Micronesia.

Current situation and economy

The Republic of Nauru, which had an abundance of phosphorites, was one of the richest countries in the world in terms of per capita income - 13 thousand US dollars. The gross national product in 1986 was 20 thousand US dollars per capita. The island's economy then largely depended on the influx of labor from outside, mainly from the neighboring island states of Kiribati and Tuvalu. At that time, the value of phosphate rock exports was four times the amount of imports, and the main foreign trade partners were Australia, New Zealand, Japan and the UK. Anticipating the closure of the only source of foreign exchange earnings soon, the government invested a significant portion of export earnings in real estate abroad and special accumulation funds. However, when the mineral reserves were almost exhausted, it turned out that the state did not care enough about the future of the country.

Mining of phosphorites had a devastating impact on the relief and vegetation of the plateau in the central part of the island. By 1989, about 75% of the area was under active development, and about 90% of the forest covering the plateau was destroyed (only 200 hectares of vegetation remained). No land reclamation measures were taken, and by the end of the 20th century, up to 80% of the land had turned into wasteland, reminiscent of a “lunar landscape.”

In 1989, the Republic of Nauru brought a case to the international court over Australia's actions during its administration of the island - and in particular regarding the serious environmental consequences as a result of the development of phosphorites. Australia was forced to pay compensation. The depletion of mines also led to political instability, with the country changing government 17 times between 1989 and 2003.

In the 1990s, the island of Nauru became an offshore zone. Several hundred banks were registered there, and in 1998 they received $70 billion in deposits from Russia. Under pressure from the FATF (Intergovernmental Commission against Money Laundering) and under the threat of sanctions from the United States, the Republic of Nauru was forced in 2001 to limit and in 2003 to ban the activities of offshore banks and take measures against money laundering.

The Republic of Nauru was engaged in the sale of passports to foreign citizens (the so-called “investor passports”), but in last years abandoned this practice.

At the beginning of 2003, an acute political crisis broke out on Nauru. There were two contenders for the role of president: Rene Harris and Bernard Doviyogo. As clashes broke out, the presidential residence burned down and telephone communications were cut off. For several weeks, communication with the outside world was only possible when a ship with a satellite phone entered the port.

A significant portion of the country's income in recent years has come from Australian aid. Keeping refugees on its territory seeking to reach Australia is an important income for the country, sponsored by Australia.


On the coastal strip of the island, bananas, pineapples, papaya, mangoes, breadfruit, and coconut palms are grown, which are mainly sold to the local market.


Nauru's fishing industry is still in its infancy, with only two small fishing vessels in the country, mainly catching fish for the domestic market. Some of the tuna caught is exported to Australia and Japan, but incomes are still very low: in 2001, for example, only about 600 kg of tuna were exported per week. In 2000, the first fish market appeared on Nauru, which also provided part of the country's population with work.

IN Lately A significant source of replenishment of the local budget was income from the issuance of licenses for the right to fish in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Thus, in 2000, income amounted to about 8.5 million Australian dollars. The main partners in this area are fishing companies from China, South Korea, Taiwan, USA, South Korea and Japan.

Aquaculture is also developing on Nauru: Hanos fish are bred in small artificial reservoirs on the island, mainly going to the domestic market.


In the 1980s, phosphorite mining decreased significantly (from 1.67 million tons in 1985-1986 to 162 thousand tons in 2001-2002) and was completely stopped in 2003. But thanks to investments from the Australian phosphate mining company Incitex Pivot, the mining infrastructure was restored, and phosphate rock exports resumed in September 2006. Presumably, the primary reserves of this rock will last until 2009-2010.

Food, fuel, machinery and equipment, construction materials, and consumer goods are imported into the country.


The length of roads on Nauru is about 40 km. The length of paved roads is 29 km, of which 17 km are located along the coast. A 12-kilometer unpaved road stretches from the phosphorite mining area to the coast. Nauru International Airport is located in the south of the island. The national airline of Nauru is Aue Airlines, which operates only one Boeing 737 aircraft.

Nauru has a 3.9 km railway linking the phosphate rock mining area in the center of the island with a port on the southwest coast. There is no public transport and most families use private vehicles. There is sea communication.


The first postage stamps were issued on Nauru in 1916. They were UK stamps overprinted with NAURU.

Nauru's only radio station is owned by the government and mainly broadcasts programs from Radio Australia and the BBC. There is also a government television station on the island, Nauru TV.

There is no regular print media on Nauru. The newspaper Nauru Bulletin (in English and Nauruan) and The Visionary (a newspaper owned by the opposition party Naoero Amo) are published from time to time. The Central Star News and Nauru Chronicle newspapers are published every two weeks.

Since September 1998, the Internet has appeared on Nauru, it is provided by the company CenpacNet. Subscribed users make up, according to rough estimates, only half of the total Internet audience on Nauru. Back in May 2001, CenpacNet launched several modern Internet cafes under its own brand. They provide users with Internet access for $5 per hour. In addition, the cafe can scan documents and process digital photos.

The island's telecommunications system is quite well developed. Many public telephones have direct access to the international IDD system, however, due to the fact that the service is provided through the networks of Australian companies, outgoing international calls are made through operators. Lately, there have been regular communications outages as foreign companies serving this market refuse to provide their services without paying for them in advance. cellular The AMPS standard covers almost the entire island. Local networks are not compatible with the GSM standard, therefore, if you need to maintain constant communication, it is recommended to rent local phones from the offices of cellular operators.


Tourism on the island is limited due to environmental pollution left after the mining of phosphorites. Russian citizens require a visa to visit Nauru. A visa can be obtained by contacting the Nauru Customs and Immigration Department directly or the Consulate General of the Republic of Nauru in Melbourne, Australia. A short-term visitor visa is issued to persons arriving in Nauru for the purpose of tourism, visiting friends or relatives. A visitor visa holder may not work, take part in religious or educational projects, or engage in any profit-making activity without the express permission of the Nauru Customs and Immigration Department. The visa fee for a short-term visitor visa is AUD 100. The fee is paid upon arrival in the country in cash. All passengers leaving the country are subject to an airport tax of AUD 25, payable directly at the airport. Children under the age of 12, crew members, transit passengers and persons with special written permission from the Ministry of Justice of Nauru are exempt from paying the fee.

Monetary system and finance

At the beginning of the 21st century, the government of Nauru faced many financial problems, primarily due to a decrease in phosphate rock exports. As a result, in 2002 the country failed to repay debts to some creditors on time. The government continues to rely on the resources of the Bank of Nauru, with the help of which it is trying to solve the problems of the budget deficit and royalty payments.

The currency of Nauru is the Australian dollar. The inflation rate on the island is quite high - 4% in 2001 (this is mainly due to an increase in oil prices on the world market and the costs of its transportation). In 2000, the budget deficit was A$10 million, or about 18% of the country's GDP. Government debt increased - in 2000 it amounted to 280 million Australian dollars.

There is no sales tax in Nauru, but a number of goods are subject to customs duties, the rules for which vary from time to time. Tobacco products and alcohol are not subject to taxes.

Store opening hours: Monday to Friday - from 09:00 to 17:00, on Saturdays - from 09:00 to 13:00, but many private shops operate according to their own schedule.


Very little information has been preserved about the early culture of the island of Nauru: due to the strong influence of the West, many customs and traditions have already been forgotten by local residents. The lack of writing among the ancient Nauruans only complicates the study of the cultural wealth of the country.

The early culture of the Nauruans was based on the culture of the 12 tribes that inhabited the island. There was no common leader on Nauru, and each tribe had its own history. Traditionally, tribes were divided into clans, and each person in it belonged to certain classes: Temonibe (Naur. Temonibe), Emo (Naur. Emo), Amenengame (Naur. Amenengame) and Engama (Naur. Engame). The two poor classes were called Itsio and Itiora. The main factor in determining whether a person belonged to a particular class was the origin of the mother. A privileged position was occupied by the Temnibe, who were allowed to engage in fishing and even owned certain areas on the sea.

Most of settlements were at that time on the seashore, and only a few were located near Lake Buada. The islanders lived in small “estates” consisting of two or three houses. Most of them united into villages. There were a total of 168 villages on Nauru, grouped into 14 regions, which currently form the island's 14 administrative districts.

Each family on Nauru owned a plot, and some owned fish ponds near Lake Buada. The land was passed down by inheritance.


The national sport on Nauru is Australian football. There is also a national football team, but it is still not recognized by either FIFA or the Oceania Football Confederation due to the lack of professional players and large stadiums in the country. The color of the players' uniform is blue with a yellow transverse stripe. The first game of the national team with a team from another country took place on October 2, 1994. In it, the Nauruan team beat the Solomon Islands team with a score of 2:1. This was a huge victory as Solomon Islands were considered the clear favorites (they won the Melanesian Cup that year). There are several sports grounds and stadiums on the island: Linkbelt Oval (located in the Iwo district, but it is significantly outdated and does not meet international standards), Meneng Stadium (built in 2006 and seats 3,500 people) and Denig Stadium.

Weightlifting, softball, basketball and tennis are very popular. The country's government pays the greatest attention to weightlifting: it is in this discipline that Nauru has achieved the greatest success. Following weightlifter Marcus Stephen's sensational victory at the 1990 Commonwealth Games on Nauru, the Nauru National Olympic Committee was established. In 1992, Marcus became the first Nauruan to take part in Olympic Games which took place in Barcelona. Nauru officially joined the Olympic movement in 1996. The first official athletes from Nauru were Marcus Stephen, Gerard Garabwan and Quincy Detenamo.


As a result of an effective government program to address health problems, with the main goals of improving the water supply of the population and carrying out constant sanitary and preventive measures, outbreaks of infectious diseases on the island have been avoided in recent years. However, non-contagious diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and cancer, and respiratory diseases have become the leading causes of death. The population of Nauru suffers greatly from obesity. In 2003, the prevalence of diabetes among Nauru's adult population (30.2%) was the highest in the world.

One of the main problems in Nauruan healthcare is the problem of personnel, so the country's government is trying to attract as many specialists as possible into this field. Medical care on the island is free. In July 1999, Nauru General Hospital and National Phosphate Corporation Hospital were merged to form the Republic of Nauru Hospital, which employs only five doctors. People with serious illnesses are mostly sent to Australia for treatment.

In 1995–1996, health care expenditures amounted to AUD 8.9 million, or 8.9% of the country's total budget. Most professional doctors are expatriates.


Education in Nauru is compulsory for children from 6 to 15 years of age (grades 1–10). The educational system also includes 2 levels for young children: preschool (English Pre-school) and preparatory level (English Preparatory School).

Primary education is provided during the first 6 years of schooling, that is, for children aged 6 to 11 years. The first two years of study take place in primary school Yaren Primary School, the third and fourth at Aiwo Primary School, and from the fifth at Nauru College. At the end of primary school, exams are taken to obtain the Nauru Primary Certificate.

The next step is high school(grades 7-10 are compulsory and grades 11-12 are optional). After grade 10, exams are taken to obtain the Nauru Junior Certificate. If you continue your studies, at the end of the 12th grade you take exams to receive a Certificate of Secondary Complete Education (English: Pacific Senior School Certificate).

Residents of the island receive higher education abroad, mainly in Australia. Nauru also has a branch of the University of the South Pacific, which offers correspondence courses.

Education in Nauru is free.

Nauru is famous in the world mainly due to three of its features. It is the smallest island state on our planet, the smallest independent republic and the smallest state outside Europe.
To this exclusivity of Nauru is usually added that there is no official capital in this state at all. This is true. Symbolically, this role is played by the Yaren district, where government offices are located, but the Aiwo (Aiue) district looks more respectable, there are two hotels, a small boulevard, Chinatown, piers and a canal leading to them: in other places it is difficult to approach the shore because of the ring coral reefs. And there are canals dug in them - narrow ones for fishing boats.


Despite its more than modest size, Nauru has a very significant history in terms of time. This cone-shaped, volcanic, coral-covered atoll is believed to have been inhabited by the “peoples of the sea” about 3,000 years ago. As most ethnologists believe, they were newcomers from the Bismarck Islands, children of the single ethnic group of Oceania in ancient times, before the separation of the ethnic groups of Melanesians, Micronesians and Polynesians within it. The island was discovered for Europe in 1798 by the Englishman John Fearn, who named it Pleasant: this is how the island was called for almost 90 years. The origin of the name Nauru is unclear. Some linguists derive it from the phrase “I’m going to the shore” in the Nauran language, others consider this version to be unlikely. In the 19th century White people began to settle on the island, mostly escaped convicts and sailors who had left the whaling ships without permission. Their dashing morals and customs contributed to the emergence of drunkenness, theft and sexually transmitted diseases on Nauru. Then small traders came, not to say very cultured people either. Fights and shootings have become commonplace on Nauru.
Finally, in 1888, the island was annexed by the Germans, who included it in the protectorate. Missionaries from Germany converted the aborigines to Christianity, and there they finished restoring order on the island, effectively handing over the reins of government to the Australians. And in 1914, during the First World War, they completely captured the island. In 1923, it acquired the status of a mandate territory of the League of Nations, while Australia received all administrative rights, although formally it managed everything here on an equal basis with Great Britain and New Zealand. During World War II, from August 25, 1942 to September 13, 1945, Nauru was occupied by Japan. In 1947, the previous order, now under a UN mandate, was restored. Little by little, a movement for independence began to take shape on the island, and in 1968 the desired goal was achieved. At the same time, the Republic of Nauru became a member of the British Commonwealth of Nations, and later other international organizations.
Nauruans live mainly along the coastline in a strip 100-300 m wide and around Lake Buada. The water in it is a little brackish: the lake comes from a lagoon inside a coral reef, but there are no rivers on the island, the only source of fresh water is rain, and therefore it is considered very good to live near this lake, especially since it also contains hanos fish. The natural world of Nauru cannot be called rich and diverse, but it is also scarce; it is the way geographical and climatic conditions, far from favorable for atolls in general, as well as aliens from the continent. The dominant tree here is the coconut palm. Pandanus and several types of ficus and shrubs also grow. The soil is covered different types creeping vascular plants. Near Lake Buada there are cherry, almond and mango groves, and hibiscus. Mammals are represented by cats, dogs, pigs and rodents brought by white settlers, from whom the islanders also received chickens. There are six species of birds on Nara. Reptiles are represented only by lizards.
The coral island of Nauru, on which the miniature state of the same name is located, is located in the western Pacific Ocean, approximately 42 km south of the equator line, and belongs to Oceania. The closest island, Banaba (Ogien), owned by the state, is located 288 km to the east. To Australia - 4505 km to the northeast, to New Guinea - 1500 km to the west.
About four-fifths of the island's area is occupied by the Topside Plateau, 40 to 60 m above sea level, which for some time became a cornucopia for Nauru's economy and a curse for its nature.
Once upon a time this plateau was completely covered with trees and bushes. At the beginning of the 20th century. A German-British consortium began mining phosphates here. It was a highly profitable business, and no one thought that nature would suffer - neither the Nauruans themselves nor the entrepreneurs: it seemed to them that the “golden age” that had come would never end. GDP per capita in Nauru in 1986 was $20 thousand. In the late 1980s, when market prices for phosphates fell sharply, a recession occurred. Currently, there are several years of phosphate reserves left. At the quarry sites, limestone pits deformed by erosion gape, and petrified cliffs and spoil heaps are piled above them. Language cliches like “lunar landscape” sound like sarcasm here. Clouds of white dust rise from the pits and settle on the palm trees. Yet about 65% of the soil cover has been restored thanks to the resilience of vascular plants. The period of financial prosperity also had unexpected social consequences for Nauru. The people who worked in the quarries were mainly Chinese, immigrants from Tuvalu and Kiribati, and Nauruans forgot how to work, local officials complain, which is why no new jobs are being created. This, of course, is disingenuous: officials simply do not know what to do with these problems, and besides, the island’s residents have not yet run out of money reserves made during the “fat” years. Perhaps only fishermen are working at full capacity. Some things are grown on small plantations. The main part of food, clean fresh water, fuel, building materials and even land is imported mainly from Australia.
When mines began to close on Nauru, the government, consisting of four people, each responsible for several areas, launched a well-known scheme that works in other small states of Oceania: offshore and no control over financial transactions. This project put Nauru on the “black list” of many international credit organizations, on suspicion of facilitating money laundering by various mafias, which is not without reason. Yet financial services are still available and in demand on Nauru. Although the offshore office is located in... a small hut, about 200 banks from different countries. Income is also generated by the sale of Nauruan citizenship, the issue of stamps and commemorative coins.
As for tourism on Nauru, to be honest, only extreme sports enthusiasts who are ready for everyday hardships come here. Beaches on Nauru nominally exist, but you won’t be able to sit comfortably on their uneven surface, strewn with sharp fragments of coral and sea urchins, they are not equipped with amenities, and besides, close to the shore you can get into a strong current, and the depth here begins abruptly and close to the edge of the shore. The only exception is, perhaps, the Anibare beach, and then with reservations. It's the same story with golf courses. They exist, but most of them resemble abandoned wastelands. And hotel pools are a relative concept; they don’t always have water, simply because there isn’t enough of it. However, divers who collect various places in the registry of their personal exploits where they can hunt exotic fish, admire the underwater life of the ocean, coral reefs and sunken ships, visit the island quite regularly. They are satisfied with the adventure: 100 m from the shore the depth exceeds 1000 m. An additional adrenaline rush is guaranteed: sharks, sea snakes and poisonous sea creatures unceremoniously rule here. You have to constantly be on alert, and dive under water only in a special wetsuit with a high degree of protection.

general information

State in Oceania.

Form of government: parliamentary republic.

Administrative division: 14 districts.

Administrative center: Yaren (Denigomodu) district.

Languages: English, Nauran.
Ethnic composition: Nauru people - 73.4%, other Polynesians - 10%, Chinese - 8%, Europeans - 8%.

Religions: Christianity (60.5% - Protestantism of various denominations, about 35.2% - Catholicism), about 5% of residents profess Buddhism and Taoism, 2% - Bahai. A small group of Nauruans adhere to traditional beliefs, worshiping the goddess Eijebong and the island spirit Buitani.

Currency unit: Australian dollar.

Lake: Buada.

Nearest airport: Nauru (international), with flights to Brisbane (Australia) once a week.


Area: 21.3 km2.

Population: 10,084 people. (2011).
Population density: 473.4 people/km 2 .
Exclusive Economic Coastal Zone (EEZ) area: 308,480 km 2, of which 570 km 2 are in territorial waters.

Highest point: Command Ridge (Janor), according to various sources - from 61 to 71 m.
Coastline length: 18 km.

Climate and weather

Equatorial monsoon.

Average annual temperature: about +27.5°C.
Average annual precipitation: 2060 mm, in particularly rainy years, which occur periodically, up to 4500 mm.

Rainy season: November to February.


In the recent past there has been intensive mining of phosphates.

Agriculture: growing coconuts, yams, sweet potatoes, bananas, pineapples, papaya, mango.
Service sector: financial services, charter of sea vessels, trade in fishing licenses in the Exclusive Economic Zone, tourism.


■ Retractable consoles (cantilevers, as they are called here) at berths for loading phosphates onto ships.
■ The ruins of the former presidential palace, burned to the ground in 2001, offer impressive views of the ocean.
■ Complex of the House of Parliament, administration offices and police department.
■ Arts and Crafts Center at the National Tourism Office (small collection of ancient stone tools, utensils and decorative items by local craftsmen, a selection of historical photographs).
■ Command Ridge Hill - "Command Height" - where there was a Japanese military post in the 1940s. The remains of a bunker and guns, a view of the entire island and the ocean.
■ Caves and a small underground lake Mokua-Bel.

Curious facts

■ In Nauranian myths, unlike the myths of other peoples of Oceania, there is no mention of the resettlement of people from somewhere far away; on the contrary, the story is cultivated that they all originated from two stones on the island.
■ Aivo berths are considered to be extremely deep-sea. The anchor here needs to be dropped to a depth of about 45 m.
■ Pre-colonial traditional Nauran society consisted of 12 tribes. There was no supreme leader. The German reference book Colonial Lexicon reports that all the people of Nauru were divided into six categories. The first four had privileges, in particular they could own land (with different degrees of this right - from maximum to minimum), another two had no such right at all. In other words, this society was essentially class-based. A person’s belonging to one class or another depended on the status of the mother. Daughters born before the birth of the first boy in the family, and this boy himself, inherited maternal status. Children born after the first son, regardless of their gender, were assigned to a lower class stratum of society.
■ The most obese people in the world are citizens of Nauru. In terms of BMI (body mass index), its average value here is 34-35, while the optimal BMI is considered to be 18.5-24.9. About 90% of the island's inhabitants have overweight, and more than a third are sick diabetes mellitus. Let these facts serve as a lesson to all fast food lovers: Nauruans adore it, preferring it to all other types of food.
■ In December 2009, the Republic of Nauru recognized the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, following Russia, Nicaragua and Venezuela. Later they were joined by the Republics of Vanuatu and Tuvalu, but then they withdrew their decisions from international organizations.
■ Using proceeds from the sale of phosphates to Nauru, a 53-story office skyscraper in Melbourne was purchased, but was already sold in 2004 to pay off part of government debts.
■ Nauru hosts camps for illegal refugees from Asian countries, most of them from Indonesia, Myanmar and Sri Lanka. These are very poor people who can only pay for a trip across the ocean on some rusty “trough.” Even if such ships do not sink, the Australian Coast Guard does not allow them into the country’s territorial waters. The unfortunate wanderers settle either in Nauru or in Papua New Guinea, with which Australia has corresponding agreements, and under them one of the refugees could theoretically be granted the right to enter Australia. Currently, about 800 people live in camps in Nauru, dreaming of legal migrant status. Their fate is unclear, and from time to time they rebel, demanding immediate dispatch to a bright future. The authorities of Nauru have no right and are not able to guarantee them this and continue to play the unseemly role of an overseer. For a fee from Australia, of course.

This state is known for being “the very best”: the smallest island state; the smallest independent republic on Earth; the smallest state outside Europe and the only republic in the world without an official capital.

True, some sources call the capital of the republic Yaren, but in reality there is no official capital in Nauru.

The state is located on the island of Nauru. Its area is only 21.3 km², and its population is about 13 thousand people.
The independence of the Republic of Nauru was proclaimed in 1968. A republican form of government was established with a Westminster parliamentary system and features of a presidential form of government.
Head of State and Government Nauru has a president elected for 3 years. The unicameral parliament consists of 18 deputies.
There are no national armed forces. The security of the island is carried out by Australia.

State symbols of Nauru

Flag– a panel with an aspect ratio of 1:2 with a horizontal yellow line on a blue background running in the middle, and a large white 12-pointed star under the line in the left corner. The star represents the country's location relative to the equator (yellow stripe). The 12 points of the star symbolize the 12 tribes of Nauru. Blue color stands for the Pacific Ocean.
The flag was adopted on January 31, 1968.

Coat of arms– is a three-part shield. At the top, on a golden wicker field, there is a symbol that was once the alchemical symbol of phosphorus (until recently, the basis of the island's economy was phosphorites). The woven background symbolizes the people of Nauru. In the lower right silver field is a frigate bird sitting on a pole above the ocean waves. In the lower left field there is a branch of calophyllum flowers on a blue field. The shield is surrounded by ropes of palm leaves and frigate feathers. The 12-pointed star above the shield is taken from the flag. The ribbon at the top bears the name of the country in the local language. The ribbon below bears the country's national motto: “God's Will First.”
The coat of arms was created in 1968.

Geography and geology of the island of Nauru

The island of Nauru is a raised coral atoll. A narrow coastal plain 100-300 m wide surrounds a limestone plateau, the height of which in the central part of Nauru reaches 30 m. The plateau was previously covered with a thick layer of phosphorites, presumably formed from the excrement of seabirds.
The island is surrounded by a reef about 120-300 m wide. At low tide, the reef studded with peaks is exposed. There are 16 canals dug in it, which allow small boats to approach the shore of the island.
Phosphorite mining was carried out here, and a narrow-gauge railway was built to deliver the produced phosphorites to the port. And at the site of development there were huge pyramids and limestone battlements.

There is a shortage of fresh water on the island, because... There are no rivers here. In the southwest of the island there is a small brackish Lake Buada which is fed by rainwater. Its level is 5 m higher than the level of the ocean surrounding Nauru. Currently, the lake is not connected to the ocean. There is fertile land around the lake, where agriculture is developed.

But the amount of water in this lake does not satisfy the population’s need for drinking water, so during periods of drought it is imported from Australia.
There is only one desalination plant on the island, the energy for which is generated by the only power plant in Nauru. But the cost of electricity is very high, so the desalination plant operates irregularly. Rainwater is collected here for irrigation and technical needs.

Flora and fauna

The island was heavily damaged during World War II and by phosphate rock mining, which led to the destruction of vegetation across much of Nauru. This problem is currently being solved: vegetation cover has been restored on 63% of the territory. In 1989, the Republic of Nauru filed a claim in international court over Australia's management of the island, particularly the severe environmental consequences of phosphate rock mining. Australia paid compensation to Nauru.
Coconut palms, pandanus, laurel, ficus and other deciduous trees grow here. Shrubs are also common. Hibiscus, cherry, almond and mango trees are found in the interior of Nauru.

The fauna is quite poor: small rats, cats, dogs and pigs, chickens - they were all brought here.
Of the reptiles - lizards. 6 species of birds: waders, terns, pigeons, petrels, frigatebirds. And only one species of songbird lives here - the warbler.

The coastal waters are home to sharks, sea urchins, shellfish, crabs and some poisonous marine animals.

Administrative division– despite the fact that the territory of the state is very small, it is divided into 14 administrative districts.


It mainly lives along the coast and around Lake Buada. There are no cities on the island, only residential areas. The presidential residence is located in the Meneng district, while government offices and parliament are located in the Yaren district.

Indigenous people (Nauruans) make up 58%. There are about 8% Europeans here.
Official languages– English and Nauruan. Writing has been based on the Latin alphabet for 100 years.
Religion– Christianity. 57% are Protestants, about 33% are Catholics, 5% profess Buddhism and Taoism.
Some adhere to traditional beliefs (worship of the goddess Eijebong and the island spirit Buitani).

Economy of Nauru

During the mining of phosphate rocks, Nauru was a very rich republic (1970-1980). But this had a devastating effect on the topography and vegetation of the plateau in the central part of the island. By the end of the 20th century. 80% of the land has become desert.
In the 1990s, it was an offshore zone, and in 2003 there was a severe economic crisis, which ended in political clashes, as a result of which the presidential residence burned down and telephone communications were cut off.
In recent years, Australia has provided significant assistance to the country.

In the coastal zone, papaya, bananas, pineapples, mangoes, coconut palms, and breadfruit are grown.
Fisheries mainly target the domestic market, except for tuna, which is exported to Japan and Australia. Fish are bred in small artificial reservoirs hanos(mainly for the domestic market).
Food, fuel, machinery and equipment, construction materials, and consumer goods are imported into the country.
Currency- Australian dollar.


Australian Football - National sport game. Also popular are weightlifting, softball (sports team game with a ball, similar to baseball), basketball and tennis. Nauru officially joined the Olympic movement in 1996.


Education on Nauru is free and compulsory for children from 6 to 15 years of age (grades 1-10). Preschool And preparatory education – for young children.
Elementary education– for children aged 6 to 11 years. The first 2 years are studied at the Yaren District Primary School, the 3rd and 4th years at the Aiwo District Primary School, and from the 5th year at Nauru College. Examinations are taken to obtain the Certificate of Primary Education.

high school: Grades 7-10 are compulsory and grades 11-12 optional. To obtain a Certificate of Secondary Education, students take exams. If the studies are continued, at the end of the 12th grade exams are taken to obtain a Certificate of Secondary Complete Education.
Higher education can be obtained overseas, mainly in Australia. There is a branch of the University of the South Pacific in Nauru where you can study by correspondence.

History of Nauru

About 3,000 years ago, Nauru was inhabited presumably by Micronesians and Polynesians. Origin was taken into account on the maternal side. Before the arrival of Europeans, the population of the island of Nauru consisted of 12 tribes, this is reflected in the 12-pointed star on the modern flag and coat of arms of the Republic of Nauru.
The island of Nauru was discovered on November 8, 1798 by an English captain John Fearn, sailing to China from New Zealand.
In the 19th century The first Europeans began to settle on the island: escaped convicts, deserters from whaling ships, traders. This did not have the best effect on the atmosphere of the island: hitherto unknown diseases, internecine wars, and alcohol consumption began.
In 1888 Nauru was annexed ( annexation- the official annexation by a state of all or part of the territory of another state unilaterally) by Germany and included in the Marshall Islands protectorate under the control of the Jaluit Company. But at first it wasn’t really felt - the island lived its old life. But when large deposits of phosphorites were discovered here, the situation changed. In 1906, an Australian company began their development, which complicated the entire subsequent history of the island.
During the First World War, the island was captured by Australian troops. But at the same time, the Japanese also tried to capture the island, but the Australians were ahead of them.

Following the war in 1923, Nauru received the status of a mandate territory of the League of Nations and was placed under the joint control of Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand, but under the administrative control of Australia. These countries created a joint company, British Phosphate Commission, to mine phosphate rocks and sell them. Phosphorite mining continued before World War II, but the indigenous people received virtually nothing from it other than minor compensation.

At the beginning of December 1940, a clash began between the countries that owned the company: a Norwegian and several British ships were sunk by German cruisers, phosphorite burned, and port facilities were bombed. All that was left of it were ruins. The fire destroyed the phosphorites already purchased by the Japanese.

During 1942-1945. Nauru was captured by Japan. During this period, 1,200 Nauruans were deported to the Chuuk Islands, only half of them subsequently returned to their homeland.
Since 1947, Nauru has been a UN trust territory, while continuing to be jointly administered by Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand, and administered by Australia. Until the 1970s, up to 2 million tons of phosphorites were mined and exported.
But already in 1940-1950. The independence movement began on the island. By 1966, local Legislative and Executive Councils were created, which ensured internal self-government. And on January 31, 1968, independence was declared.

Sights of Nauru

Yaren city

The city's attractions include two museums of Japanese weapons and numerous bunkers and caponiers(a vaulted room covered with earth, located inside the fortress moat and armed with cannons for firing at the enemy in the event of an assault), preserved from the Second World War, and the small underground lake Mokua Vel.

The island is surrounded on all sides by sunken planes and ships. There is an international airport in the city.


Located in the Anibare area best beach Nauru with excellent conditions for relaxation by the sea. And although the ocean currents near the shores of the bay are quite strong, this is one of the best resort areas of Nauru. Nearby reefs and two channels create good conditions for diving and snorkeling - here, as in other places off the coast of Nauri, there are several sunken ships from the Second World War.

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