Pavel Stanislavovich Zenkovich Department of Public Projects. Putin's staff members are moving to the Kremlin. Presidential Administration for Domestic Policy

(2) Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Education and Science Russian Federation, Former Head of the Presidential Office of Public Projects



1999 - Moscow State Institute international relations(University) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.


Russia and Spain are preparing an agreement on the recognition of diplomas and academic degrees

On January 16, as part of the annual Gaidar Forum, Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation P.S. took part in the expert discussion “Russia-Spain: New Opportunities”. Zenkovich.

The State Secretary - Deputy Minister noted the need further development relations between countries in the field of education.

“In the near future we may sign an agreement (with Spain) on the recognition of diplomas and academic degrees,” said Pavel Stanislavovich.

The Ministry of Education and Science has prepared a place for the eighth deputy minister

There can now be eight Deputy Ministers of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. According to the government decree, the maximum number of people allowed in this position has been increased by one. The corresponding document dated January 22 was published on the official legal information portal.

The document notes that “the implementation of this resolution” must be carried out “within the budgetary allocations” provided for the Ministry of Education and Science “for leadership and management in the field of established functions, as well as within the established number of employees of the central apparatus of the ministry.” That is, no additional money was allocated for the salary of the eighth deputy, Olga Vasilyeva.

The Chairman of the Synodal Department of Religious Education and Catechesis held a meeting with the leaders of the diocesan OROiK

On January 26, 2018, in the White Hall of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, as part of the Christmas readings, a working meeting was held between the Chairman of the Synodal Department of Religious Education and Catechesis, Metropolitan of Rostov and Novocherkassk Mercury, with the heads of diocesan educational departments.

Opening the meeting, Metropolitan Mercury addressed those gathered. In particular, he noted: “Working meetings of specialists from the Synodal and diocesan departments of religious education at the Christmas readings have already become traditional, and in this I see a good sign of the consistency and coherence of our joint efforts. We are talking about meetings of like-minded people united by one goal: to make Orthodox education an integral part of public life Russia at various levels. There are several important points that we must consider in this work. But the main thing, without which all our efforts risk being in vain, is professionalism and responsibility in the service to which we are called.”

The Kremlin will instill in Russians love for the Motherland with kindergarten
The Presidential Administration for Public Projects, headed by “Dmitry Peskov’s man” Pavel Zenkovich, will develop a state program for the patriotic education of citizens.

Putin will personally resolve the national issue

Putin's staff members are moving to the Kremlin

Deputy director of the government's press service and information department, Pavel Zenkovich, is moving to work in the Kremlin's department of the president's internal policy, United Russia, a government official and a person close to the presidential administration reported. According to them, he will take the position of deputy head of the department, which may become vacant in the near future after Ivan Demidov leaves for the government.
Read further: politics/news/1532260/ shtabisty

Pavel Zenkovich will supervise the media in the presidential administration

From Monday, March 12, Pavel Zenkovich will supervise the media in the presidential administration. During election campaign Vladimir Putin, he served as deputy chief of staff of the prime minister. In the government, Zenkovich worked with the prime minister’s press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, and is considered his man. The latest reshuffle weakens the influence of the people of Vladislav Surkov, the predecessor of the first deputy head of the Kremlin administration, Vyacheslav Volodin.

Pavel Zenkovich will be responsible for interaction with the media and civil society in the Kremlin

Pavel Zenkovich leaves the government for the Kremlin

Deputy Director of the Government Press Service and Information Department Pavel Zenkovich goes to work in the Kremlin Department of Presidential Internal Policy. Vedomosti was informed about this by a party member " United Russia", a government official and source close to the presidential administration.

Pavel Zenkovich became Kremlin media curator

The first deputy head of the Kremlin administration, Vyacheslav Volodin, is making personnel changes. The people of his predecessor Vladislav Surkov are leaving the presidential administration; yesterday Ivan Demidov submitted his resignation from the post of deputy head of the Department for domestic policy(UVP) AP. According to RBC Daily, the famous showman will go to the government, to his former boss.

Let us recall that Surkov was appointed Deputy Prime Minister. In his new position, he is responsible for the implementation of priority national projects and state policy in the field of modernization of education, healthcare, social security, affordable and comfortable housing.
link: 2012/03/12/pavel_zenkovich_kremlevskij_kurator_smi/

Pavel Zenkovich will become the new media curator in the Kremlin

The first deputy head of the Kremlin administration, Vyacheslav Volodin, is making personnel changes. On March 11, Ivan Demidov submitted his resignation from the post of deputy head of the Department of Internal Policy (DVP) of the AP. The famous showman is leaving for the government, to join his former boss Vladislav Surkov, RBC Daily reports. Let us recall that Surkov was appointed Deputy Prime Minister. In his new position, he is responsible for the implementation of priority national projects and state policy in the field of modernization of education, healthcare, social security, affordable and comfortable housing.

Personnel changes continue in the presidential administration. As Gazeta.Ru learned, the head of the public projects department, Pavel Zenkovich, will soon leave his position and go to work at the Ministry of Education as Secretary of State - Deputy Minister. One of the first to publish this information was the telegram channel “Davydov.Index”. It was confirmed to Gazeta.Ru by two sources close to the Kremlin and one source familiar with the situation.

Switched places

Press secretary of the Minister of Education Andrei Yemelyanov told Gazeta.Ru that the transfer of the Kremlin official to the ministry should take place in the coming days. “We expect that he, as a man from Old Square, will strengthen the ministry in matters of contact with authorities,” said Emelyanov, clarifying that by authorities he means the presidential administration, the State Duma, the Federation Council and all other departments with which he constantly I have to contact the Ministry of Education.

Education Minister Olga Vasilyeva worked under Zenkovich in the public projects department as his deputy before being appointed to her current position last August. Now they have actually changed places.

Pavel Zenkovich began his labor activity at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the early 2000s, and in 2004 he moved to the press service of the presidential administration. Since 2007, he was an assistant to First Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov, and in 2008 he became deputy director of the presidential press service and information department.

Zenkovich held a responsible post during Vladimir Putin's presidential campaign in 2012, then he was deputy head of candidate Putin's election headquarters, and the headquarters was headed by Stanislav Govorukhin.

Immediately after the elections, the Kremlin official became deputy head of the internal policy department of the presidential administration. However, within a few months he headed the created department of public projects.

The department was involved in youth policy, worked closely with the All-Russian Popular Front and others public organizations.

Various sources of Gazeta.Ru began to talk about his possible resignation immediately after joining the administration of President Sergei Kiriyenko.

At the same time, until recently, Zenkovich continued to perform his duties, attended ONF events, attended the All-Russian Civil Forum organized by the Committee of Civil Initiatives of Alexei Kudrin, and other events within his area of ​​responsibility.

A source familiar with the situation, as well as two sources close to the Kremlin, are tipping the current deputy head of the internal policy department responsible for information work, Sergei Novikov, as Zenkovich’s successor as head of the department. However, according to Gazeta.Ru, there is no final decision yet. One of the sources close to the Kremlin said that the reshuffle may also be related to the upcoming reform within the administration.

"The desire to minimize conflicts"

Political consultant Leonid Davydov notes that Zenkovich has influential patrons, and the fact that his resignation took so long confirms this. “However, apparently, Sergei Kiriyenko’s desire to bring his own (person - Gazeta.Ru) into the department prevailed, although it would be more logical to attach him to the internal policy department,” the expert notes. According to him, the appointment of Sergei Novikov to this position will also be a very profitable move from the point of view of the “hardware struggle.”

“Firstly, I would even say that this is closer to Novikov. Secondly, it will be easier for Kiriyenko to promote another one of his people to the vacancy of deputy head of the department responsible for the information sector,” Davydov emphasized.

“Zenkovich is a man from the old team. I think that's the whole reason. In addition, there is clearly a desire on the part of the new internal political bloc of the Kremlin to reformat work with public organizations,” says Nikolai Mironov, director of the Center for Economic and Political Reforms.

The expert points out that the authorities are now beginning to interact in many areas with new platforms and experts who previously received less attention. As an example, he cites Kudrin’s Committee of Civil Initiatives, as well as the decision of the head of the Central Election Commission Ella Pamfilova to create expert management with opposition but well-known specialist in the field of electoral law Andrei Buzin.

“This desire is explained by the desire to minimize conflicts. After all, they are often generated by the impression of a number of opposition experts that they were simply “not invited to the party.” Apparently, that's what it's for new chapter management,” Mironov suggests with a bit of humor.

By the way, Sergey Novikov, in addition to his work at Rosatom, has experience as a director of theatrical productions. Until recently, Dargomyzhsky’s concert opera “Rusalka”, staged by him, was staged at the Moscow Tchaikovsky Concert Hall.

Pavel Zenkovich was born on June 19, 1978. His mother is Alla Leonidovna Zenkovich, a former teacher at the Diplomatic Academy and an employee of the Directorate for Services to the Diplomatic Corps of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In 1984-1992, she was married to Cuban diplomat Juan Aldama and worked in the diplomatic missions of the Republic of Cuba. Currently - senior lecturer of the department Spanish and executive director of the Iberoamerican Center of Moscow state institute international relations of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In 1999, Pavel received a diploma from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. After graduating from university, he worked in various positions at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. From 2004 to 2006, he was an employee of the press service of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. In 2006, he worked on the organizing committee of the G8 summit in St. Petersburg. Since 2007 in the Government of the Russian Federation.

From 2007 to 2008, Pavel Stanislavovich was assistant to the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Sergei Ivanov. In 2008, he took the post of Deputy Director of the Department of Press Service and Information of the Government of the Russian Federation. During the 2012 presidential campaign, he was deputy to Stanislav Govorukhin, head of the campaign headquarters of candidate for the post of head of state, Vladimir Putin.

In 2012, Zenkovich returned to work in the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. From March to October 2012, he was Deputy Head of the Russian Presidential Administration for Domestic Policy, responsible for information policy and work with religious and public organizations. From June 5 to October 27, 2012, he was the executive secretary of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Interethnic Relations.

From October 20, 2012 to January 31, 2013, Pavel Stanislavovich Head of the Russian Presidential Administration for Public Projects, which was established on October 20, 2012 by decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin, “In order to strengthen the spiritual and moral foundations Russian society, improving state policy in the field of patriotic education.” In May 2014, he joined the board of trustees of the Federal Fund for Social and Economic Support of Russian Cinematography.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 31, 2017, he was relieved of his post as head of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation for Public Projects. On February 6, 2017, by order of the Government of the Russian Federation, Pavel Stanislavovich was appointed Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

He is an Actual State Councilor, 1st class. Awarded the Order Friendship, medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st degree. Marked with a Certificate of Honor and Gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation, Gratitude from the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Even holidays have anniversaries. For example, this year May Day is 130 years old. May 1 was named World Workers' Day in 1889 at the Congress of the Second International in Paris. So Labor Day was officially recognized on state level. This was preceded long years the struggle of ordinary workers for their rights, and not always this struggle was only verbal... About the difficult history of May Day - in the article by Sergei Rykov.

In the city, we are surrounded everywhere by residential high-rise buildings, office buildings, churches, stadiums and sports grounds, schools, kindergartens and universities. Almost always we easily guess the purpose of a building, but sometimes we are mistaken because we do not fully understand the intention of the architect who created the unusual urban object. About why it is important to study architecture - in the material of the absolute winner All-Russian competition"Russian Teacher of the Year" - 2013 Andrey Sidenko.

“I remember my first teacher Antonina Vladimirovna Bogdanova. In a dark suit with a white blouse, a gray bun, a stern, lean face. This is 1951-1954. Primary School. And I remember the great moment of her life, in the midst of the “doctors’ case,” she approaches the back of the classroom, where a huge poster hangs - something like a May Day demonstration, with a crowd of beaming people in national costumes, with flags and banners. He comes up with a pointer and says: “The USSR is a multinational country. Look, Russians, Ukrainians, Georgians, Armenians, Tatars, Jews... In our great country, all people are equal, there are no good or bad nationalities”... I remember this feat very well teachers. A real feat," - from exclusive interview writer Lyudmila Ulitskaya.

Born on June 19, 1978 in Moscow. Graduated from MGIMO (1999), then worked in the structures of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Ministry or department: Ministry of Education

Job title: State Secretary - Deputy Minister

Age: 40

Place of birth: Moscow

Income for 2017: RUB 6,320,780.


In 2004, he moved to work in the press service and information department of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation. In 2006, he was a member of the organizing committee of the G8 summit in St. Petersburg. In 2007-2008 - assistant to the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Sergei Ivanov. Since 2008 - Deputy Director of the Department of Press Service and Information of the Government of the Russian Federation. During the 2012 presidential campaign, he worked as deputy head of Vladimir Putin's campaign headquarters. Since March 2012 - Deputy Head of the Department of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation for Domestic Policy. Since October of the same year - head of the AP department for public projects. In February 2017, he was appointed Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. On August 28, 2018, he went to work at the Ministry of Education.

Awarded the Order of Friendship, medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st degree. Actual State Councilor, 1st class. Married, has three children.

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