Last news. Fundamental research Problems of educational space in military universities of the Russian Federation

2. The federal law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "About education in the Russian Federation" (2013), publishing house "Normatika", Novosibirsk.

3. Yadov, V.A. (1979), Self-control and forecasting of social behavior of the personality, Science, Leningrad.

Contact Information: [email protected]

The article was received by the editor on October 26, 2014.


Lyudmila Nikolaevna Berezhnova, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Maxim Mikhailovich Gupalov, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, St. Petersburg Military Institute internal troops Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

(SPVI VV Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation)


The article reveals the objective reasons for the need for self-education during the period of obtaining vocational education. Attention is focused on the concept of the educational environment as a specific form of pedagogical practice aimed at organizing conditions that support human development and providing opportunities for solving important educational problems. The conditions for self-education of cadets in the educational environment of a military university contribute to the implementation of the function of pedagogical support.

Key words: self-education, educational environment of a military university, system analysis, negative factors for self-education.

DOI: 10.5930/issn.1994-4683.2014.10.116.p181-185



Lyudmila Nikolaevna Berezhnova, the doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, Maxim Mikhailovich Gupalov, the candidate of pedagogical sciences, St. Petersburg Military Institute of Russian Interior Forces of Ministry of Internal Affairs

The article reveals the objective reasons for the necessity in self-education during the professional education. It focuses on the concept of the educational environment as a specific form of the pedagogical practices aimed at the organization of the conditions, supporting the human development, and providing the opportunities for solving the important educational tasks. The conditions of self-education of students in the educational environment of the military institution contribute to the implementation of the function of pedagogical support.

Keywords: self-education, educational environment of the military institution, systems analysis, negative factors for self-education.

Autonomous education is becoming a new direction in the individualization of education. Autonomous education is a real opportunity for students of any age to significantly reduce the learning time without compromising the quality of knowledge, and also continue it at any time if necessary to acquire new knowledge. This new trend is characterized by an increasing degree of independence of students and an increasing importance of self-education.

The need for self-education is dictated by objective reasons:

The actualization of the problem of human education is due to political, sociocultural and demographic changes in the world, which aggravate the central problem - the problem of the demand for new knowledge for human survival and active life;

In conditions of a sharp increase in the flow of information and expanding contacts between people, additional, deeper subject and general background knowledge is required in order to navigate well in a rapidly changing world and respond appropriately to changes;

Society requires highly qualified, competent specialists with constantly updated knowledge who can withstand fierce competition.

The immeasurably increased volume of knowledge contributes to changes in the entire technological base of various fields of activity, the beginning of a new stage in the history of world civilization - the development of the information society. An information society is a society in which easy and free access to information is provided throughout the world, where the main subject of labor of most people is information and knowledge, and the tool of labor is information and communication technologies. Due to the fact that the main activity of members of the information society is working with information, self-education in it acquires the status of a leading activity.

One of the most important features of the information society is the establishment new form social relations, the essence of which is the need for people to “think together and act together.” This new phenomenon is called “Collective Intelligence”, which is understood as a system that unites people through information connections, thanks to which general knowledge becomes available to them, and models and technologies of self-education have characteristic features.

In the information society, self-education models acquire the status of autonomous education (externship, distance learning), in which training, interactive, information-communication and information-computer technologies of self-education predominate. However, their content is far from specific pedagogical goals. What these technologies have to do with education is that they are used only to the extent that they ensure the achievement of pedagogical goals, but not as an end in themselves. Regardless of the scope of application, these are technologies for collecting, processing, storing, distributing, displaying and using information. Pedagogical technologies of autonomous learning using information and communication technologies with special methods of their application and support of the individual trajectory of student achievements are important for the education system.

Independent work and self-education are applicable in any educational environment and within any educational institution. Independent acquisition of knowledge can be addressed at any level of education and regardless of the age category of students. This position allows us to search for a solution to the problem of self-education of cadets in the educational environment of a military university. The educational environment of a military university has a qualitative difference from other environments and represents “... a complex of socio-pedagogical circumstances, conditions, personnel, logistics, educational and methodological support, the presence of rules, traditions, value systems, corporate norms, the state of moral psychological climate, relationships that have a direct or indirect impact on the development of the cadet’s personality, on his entry into the military corporate culture as a result of solving problems of life, education and self-education.”

In our works, the concept of the educational environment is clarified, taking into account the fact that the educational environment has relative boundaries (educational institution, district, region, etc.). We proceeded from the fact that the educational environment is a functional and spatial association of subjects educational activities with their inner world and immediate environment significant people, material and natural conditions, between which organizational connections are established. Educational environment is a specific form of teaching practice aimed at

organization of conditions that support human development, in which he is provided with opportunities to resolve important tasks of his life (for example, self-realization in specific activities) and educational tasks that allow a Person to understand the World and himself in the World. Certain conditions implement the modern social function of education - the function of pedagogical support for human development. Strategies for interdisciplinarity in the educational environment of a military university are considered by the conditions of self-education of cadets.

The general approach to solving the problem of self-education of military university cadets can be presented as a repeating cycle of system analysis (decomposition, analysis and synthesis) (Figure 1). In the course of implementing decisions and plans, an assessment is made of the degree to which the problem of practice has been resolved and an analysis of new opportunities in the educational environment is carried out. With this presentation of the cycle, it becomes obvious: the educational environment and a systematic analysis of its functioning in a military university is a means of solving the problem of self-education of cadets.

Assessing problem resolution - practices

Fig.1. Repeating cycle of system analysis of the educational environment of a military university

The main contradiction indicates that the existing training system at a military university does not meet modern requirements necessary to ensure the conditions for the design and inclusion of cadets in this activity, and to increase the level of general humanitarian training of future officers. Working with projects should occupy a special place in the educational environment of a military university, allowing the cadet to acquire deeper knowledge that is not achieved with traditional teaching methods. This will become possible because the cadet will make his own choice and take the initiative. It should be considered important to study the factors that limit the development of independent work skills and the possibility of self-education of cadets at a military university. At the St. Petersburg Military Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, three significant factors were identified that interfere with the independent educational activities of cadets (Table 1).

To reduce the influence of the factor “Personal and social characteristics of the educational environment,” differentiated and individual approaches are needed in working with cadets when designing conditions for self-education.

To eliminate the factor “Limitation of cadets’ ability to plan independent work,” it is necessary to intensify pedagogical support in the educational environment of a military university.

The factor “Lack of technological forms of promoting the self-education of cadets” indicates a separate problem of practice that should be paid special attention to: the conditions of the educational environment of a military university should assume the presence of various sources of obtaining information for self-education.

Table 1

Characteristics of negative factors for self-education of cadets

in the educational environment of a military university

Factors Signs revealing factors

1. Personal and social characteristics of the educational environment Inability and embarrassment to demonstrate one’s knowledge. Lack of interest on the part of the teacher in working with the student. Difficulties in social interaction. Uncertainty of life plans.

2. Limitation of cadets’ ability to plan independent work. Lack of time for independent work. Heavy workload with job responsibilities.

3. Lack of technological forms of promoting self-education of cadets. Limited opportunities for access to various sources of information.

The indicated ways to eliminate the reasons that interfere with the independent educational activities of cadets (or reduce their influence) determined the next step towards improving individual work in the circles of the military scientific society of cadets. Step-by-step pedagogical support for cadets’ self-education was developed in the logic of cadets’ project and research work (Table 2).

table 2

Pedagogical support for self-education of cadets_

Stages of cadet activity Forms of support

Statement of the problem, choice of topic Lesson with leaders of scientific circles

Promoting ways to work on the project. Planning activities for project implementation. Discussion and selection of possible forms of product presentation Lesson with heads of scientific circles

Product preparation Collection of information Extracurricular independent work of cadets

Structuring the collected information Lesson with heads of scientific circles

Work on creating a final product from the collected information. Independent work of cadets

Product design. Preparing a presentation Lesson with heads of scientific circles

Presentation. Self-assessment and self-analysis Conference, discussion

Reflection on self-education methods, acquired self-education skills Discussion with project organizers

Throughout the work on the projects, teachers advised the cadets. Project development classes were based on a combination of group and individual work. According to the results of a survey conducted among cadets who participated in testing pedagogical means of including them in project activities, everyone believes that this work has great practical value for them and helps them in acquiring self-education skills. In essence, reducing the influence of factors limiting the self-education of cadets lies in the implementation by teachers of the functions of assistance and support in the educational environment of a military university.


1. Berezhnova, L.N. Multiethnic educational environment: monograph / L.N. Berezhnova; Ross. state ped. University named after A.I. Herzen. - St. Petersburg. : Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen, 2003. - 203 p.

2. Berezhnova, L.N. Strategies of interdisciplinarity in a military university as a condition for self-education of cadets / L.N. Berezhnova, M.M. Gupalov, V.Yu. Novozhilov // Bulletin of St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. - 2012. - T. 4. - No. 56. - P. 173-178.

3. Mezhuev, A.V. Formation of readiness for life in the educational environment of a military university of junior students: abstract of thesis. dis. ...cand. ped. Sciences: 13.00.08 / Mezhuev Alexander Vladimirovich. - Astrakhan, 2008. - 22 p.

4. Human education in a multicultural society: interdisciplinary research: monograph / edited by. ed. prof. L.N. Berezhnova; Ross. state ped. University named after A.I. Herzen. - St. Petersburg. : Publishing house of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen, 2008. - 451 p.

1. Berezhnova, L.N. (2003), Multiethnic educational environment: monograph, publishing house of Herzen University, St. Petersburg.

2. Berezhnova, L.N., Gupalov M.M., Novozhilov, V.Yu. (2012), "Strategy of interdisciplinary in military higher education institution as a condition of self-education of cadets", Bulletin of the Ministry of Internal Affairs St. Petersburg university of Russia, Vol. 4, No. 56, pp. 173-178.

3. Mezhuyev, A.V. (2008), Formation of readiness for activity in the educational circle of the military of higher education institution of cadets of junior courses, dissertation, Astrakhan.

4. Ed. Berezhnova L.N. (2008), Education of the person in multicultural society: interdisciplinary research: monograph, publishing house of Herzen University, St. Petersburg.

Contact Information: [email protected]

The article was received by the editor on October 28, 2014.


Antonina Nikolaevna Brazhnikova, candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor,

Bryansk State University named after academician I.G. Petrovsky (BSU named after I.G. Petrovsky)


As a result of theoretical and empirical research, it is shown that, as the highest authority in the psychological organization of human life and activity, it has complex and multifaceted content, and the educational motivation of students, as an obligatory component of educational and professional activity, carries a certain moral content. The factor structure of the relationship between morality and educational motivation of students has been established, the dominant factor of which is “morality”.

Key words: morality, moral and psychological relations of the individual, values, educational motivation, students.

DOI: 10.5930/issn.1994-4683.2014.10.116.p185-191


Antonina Nikolaevna Brazhnikova, the candidate of psychological science, senior lecturer,

Bryansk State University

As a result of the theoretical and empirical research it has been shown that as the highest instance of the psychological organization of life and human activity has complex and multi-faceted content and learning motivation of the students as a compulsory component of teaching and professional activity carries certain moral content. The factor structure of correlation of morality and learning motivation of the students has been established, the dominant factor of it is "morality."

Keywords: morality, moral and psychological relationship of personality, values, learning motivation, students.

Moral crisis modern society, accompanied by global socio-economic and political upheavals, the consequence of which is

Abstract: this article contains an analysis of the education of future officers of the Armed Forces Russian Federation in the context of the progress of the innovative potential of military universities. A definition is given to the concept of “pedagogical culture of the future officer” and the evolution of military education in historical retrospect. The important role of moral education in military universities in the conditions of the existence of young people in a society of universal consumption and information-value aggression directed against Russia is also revealed. This article lists methods of education in the format of a model for the development of the pedagogical culture of a future officer from the perspective of an environmental approach to military education.

Key words: military pedagogy, information-value aggression, moral values, moral education, morality, educational environment, pedagogical methods, professional training, environmental approach.

Abstract: this article contents of an analysis of the education of future officers of Russian armed forces in the conditions of progress of military universities" innovation potential. The author revealed the term "pedagogical culture of the future officer" and the evolution of military education in the historical retrospective. Disclosed the important role of moral education in high schools of Military departments in the period of the general society of common consumption and information and the value of aggression against Russia. The article presents the methods of education in the format of the model of development of pedagogical culture of future officer positions with the environmental approach to education

Keywords: morals, moral education, vocational training, moral values, pedagogical methods, environmental approach, educational environment, information and value aggression, military pedagogy.

In the modern situation, in particular, during the period of modernization and improvement of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military pedagogical science is being transferred to a qualitatively new level. In connection with the progress of innovations in military affairs, great hopes are also placed on the innovative model of education: the conservative style of behavior of commanders, which relies exclusively on command and administrative methods of working with personnel, is being replaced by a completely new style that sufficiently meets modern trends development of both military-technical equipment and socio-cultural aspects of the environment.

The realities of the modern world force us to turn again to the concept of “pedagogical culture of the future officer.” The problem of the peculiarities of the development of the pedagogical culture of the future officer has always worried researchers. Initially, the transfer of experience and education were predominantly spontaneous, but military pedagogical thought was already formalized in chronicles, state acts and even works of art, such as “The Dawns Here Are Quiet,” for example. Educational themes were explored in such historically important works as “Code on Service” (1556), “Boyar Judgment on Village and Guard Service” (1571), “ War book"(1607), "Charter of military, cannon and other matters relating to military service" (1621), "Teaching and cunning of the military formation of infantry people" (1674) and others.1 The basis of education in historical retrospect These works consisted of individuals. Everyone is familiar with such names as Potemkin G.A., Rumyantsev P.A., Kutuzov M.I., Suvorov A.V., Peter I and others. In addition, Russian military affairs and military pedagogical science were actively developing already in the times of Alexander Nevsky and Dmitry Donskoy. For example, Suvorov wrote in his book “The Science of Victory” that “they don’t take cities by standing; they fight with skill, not numbers; consent comes from skill.” He largely managed to recreate the gestalt of the military-pedagogical picture of the Russian army, based on the strength of moral spirit, high morality, and the importance of psychological training of personnel. Progressive views on the education of soldiers were also developed in the works of V.A. Kornilova, P.S. Nakhimova, S.O. Makarova, M.I. Dragomirova, M.D. Skobeleva. The appearance of the Red Army in 1918 required new approaches to the education of military personnel. At their base stood such notable figures as M.V. Frunze, M.I. Kalinin, G.F. Giers, S.S. Kamenev, K.E. Voroshilov, M.N. Tukhachevsky, F.E. Dzerzhinsky, L.D. Trotsky and others. Speaking about the more modern period of the formation of pedagogical military science, this is P.D. Korchemny, L.G. Laptev, V.G. Mikhailovsky,2 A.V. Barabanshchikov, V.P. Davydov, N.F. Fedenko - they considered pedagogy through the psychological characteristics of the future officer.3 Among other things, it is worth noting such authors as S.S. Mutsynov,4 O.Yu. Efremov,5 Yu.F. Zuev,6 A.E. Oinoshev. Today, in scientific and military circles, the understanding of the role of educating the future officer as an integral personality, ready to independently educate himself into a citizen and future professional, not only in the field of military art, but also in terms of working with personnel is becoming increasingly significant (A.S. Brychkov, A. Vladimirov, V. Volodin, etc.). The originality of this educational environment has been widely researched and studied in the works of Artyukhina I.A., Belyaev D.B., Vyunova N.A., Kosogorova L.V., Panova V.I., Rubtsova V.V., Skatkin M.M. ., Yasvina V.A. and others. However, it is worth noting that the specifics of the educational environment of a military university, as well as a significant part of the features of this phenomenon, have been practically not studied in scientific papers and papers.

1 Nizhalovsky A.V. Lecture on public and state training. Topic No. 7: “Historical and pedagogical analysis of domestic experience in training personnel in the army and navy.” Moscow, 2010.

As a key definition of the educational environment, we can use a concept denoting it as a complex of socio-pedagogical circumstances.7 This very complex includes both the educational and methodological part, technical support, staff teaching staff, and the presence of traditions, foundations, rules, and value systems , moral and psychological climate and the like.

Speaking about the educational environment of a university, it is worth highlighting its two main components: material and intangible.8 The first is responsible for the educational and material basis of a military university, for the equipment and the degree of provision of military specialists. The intangible component means the presence of the necessary educational environment and the proper psychological component of interaction between cadets and the military institution. Among other things, informal education can also be included in the non-material sphere, for example, various events, meetings with the military, etc. However, the fundamental element of the educational environment is still spiritual and moral education, including their self-education.

Given certain patterns of educational work, a number of principles should be put forward that constitute the basis for the officer-teacher as an educator:

The educational environment is, first of all, a collective environment;

The subjective nature of the relationship with the cadet, based on legal norms and laws;

Systematic and specific educational measures;

Continuity and consistency of educational measures.

The former traditions of military pedagogy remain especially significant to this day, since it was they who laid the foundation for morality and education of the fighting spirit of personnel. The experience of all past years gives us the opportunity to develop these traditions and use them in modern realities. Military pedagogy faces the unresolved problem of liberalism’s global doubt about commitment to these traditional values, so it requires taking into account the complex specifics of the current moment. The values ​​of a society of general consumption, which Marcuse described,9 need to be skillfully and competently contrasted with military and pedagogical ones, which have their own specifics. These values ​​are propagated mainly by transnational organizations and are propagated as meaningful, progressive and liberal. In this concept, national sovereignties act as archaeological consciousness and have only purely museum significance for a global consumer society. The purpose of disseminating such values ​​is the “destruction” of competitors in the struggle for power in the whole world, as well as information propaganda and suppression of the individual characteristics of all those who disagree with a unipolar world. In this case, a unipolar world should be understood as a universal “rich” capital and, accordingly, a poor province. The replicated values ​​of the consumer society, including in the Russian consciousness, extremely easily influence young people through the widespread informatization of society and the lack of levels of filtering for obtaining information. Every officer works or should work with a similar youth consciousness when recruiting the rank and file who are annually called up for military service.

2 Military psychology and pedagogy. Tutorial under. ed. P.D. Korchemny, L.G. Lapteva, V.G. Mikhailovsky. M.: Publishing house "Perfection", 1998.

3 Barabanshchikov A.V., Davydov V.P.,. Fedenko N.F. Fundamentals of military psychology and pedagogy: Textbook. M.: Education, 1988.

4 Mutsynov S.S. Team and discipline: Questions and answers. M.: Voenizdat, 1989.

5 Efremov O.Yu.. Military pedagogy. 2008.

6 Zuev Yu.F.. Military pedagogy. 2010.

7 Mezhuev A.V. Formation of readiness for life in the educational environment of a military university among junior cadets: abstract of thesis. dis. Ph.D. ped. Sci. Astrakhan, 2008. P. 22.

8 Korovin V.M. The system of professional development of officers in military universities: monograph. Voronezh: VSU, 2002. pp. 99–120.

An analysis of scientific literature shows that modern reality contains many contradictions. One of them is the focus of modern psychological pedagogy on humanization and an individual approach as opposed to a conservative approach. This contradiction arises due to the fact that the armed forces require a mature, intellectual, mentally stable personality of an officer. The declared nature of training within the educational environment and the lack of attention to the individual and personal characteristics of each cadet also causes controversy. Modern world and technology require a military specialist with the proper level of training, but the insufficient level of research into pedagogical military science turns out to be a stumbling block. In the struggle against the values ​​of an established society, all national and traditional values, including sovereignty, are put under formally humanistic, but in fact – under liberalist-globalist doubt. To the same extent, the sacred scriptures (Torah or Old Testament, New Testament and the Koran) and the altruistic values ​​of the Enlightenment. Values ​​are treated as totalitarian in the world and Russian public consciousness.10 To simplify, “postmodernism” should be understood as distrust of meta-narratives.”11 This term and its derivatives (“metanarrative,” “metanarrative,” “metahistory,” “metadiscourse”) postmodernists designated all those “explanatory systems” that create bourgeois society and serve as a means of self-justification for it: religion, history, science, psychology, art, culture. Thus, this knowledge enslaves the individual, creating a certain ideology. Researchers are now faced with such tasks as, first of all, developing effective protection self-identity of potential defenders of Russia. In addition, there is an urgent need for timely counteraction to information-value aggression against Russia precisely by pedagogical means, since technotronic as well as hybrid wars can be fought, oddly enough, with the help of pedagogical means. Moreover, it is necessary to develop effective counteraction to modern attempts to completely erase the history of the entire world civilization and its achievements.12 The above circumstances are significant prerequisites for studying the problem of the pedagogical culture of the future officer of the RF Armed Forces as the most important component of his professionalism in modern conditions in the context of all kinds of challenges of the 21st century.

The military environment obviously has its own characteristics, so it would be advisable to use an environmental approach pedagogical activity cadets. For this approach, one of the distinctive features is the implementation of training in so-called “extreme” conditions.13 The specificity lies in the fact that special knowledge, skills and abilities must have a reference to extreme situations associated with danger and with training not only the physical aspects of the future military, but also psychological.

9 Marcuse G. One-dimensional man. Study of the ideology of the Developed Industrial Society. M., 1994. P. 368.

11 Lyotard J.F. "Postmodern Destiny." Moscow, 1979, P.7.

12 Fukuyama F. The End of History and the Last Man. M: LLC Publishing House AST, 2004.

13 Evstifeev A.V. Historical aspects of the implementation of the environmental approach in pedagogical science // Bulletin of the Military University. 2010. No. 3 (23). pp. 31–34.

The object of the study is the pedagogical base of the future officer of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation as a mandatory component of his education and professionalism in the context of information-value aggressions of the 21st century directed against Russia and its culture.

Subject of research: prospects for progress teacher training a future officer of the RF Armed Forces for its application to the information and value challenges and aggressions of the 21st century and the education of subordinates from among the personnel in the conditions of training military personnel at a military educational institution.

The purpose of the study is to identify prospects for the development and standardization of the pedagogical culture of the future officer of the RF Armed Forces in order to be ready to confront the information and value challenges and aggressions of the 21st century from the standpoint of an environmental approach to education in the cultural and educational environment of a modern military university.

Research tasks

· To foresight the process of educating the pedagogical culture of future officers of the RF Armed Forces in the context of the information and value challenges of the 21st century and aggression against Russia, its cultural sovereignty, traditional identity and moral and value orientations of its military personnel.

· To analyze the identity of the modern pedagogical culture of officers of the RF Armed Forces with the current formal pedagogical practices of the mental and value transformation of the traditional identity of the world and Russian society.

· To identify the prospects and possibilities of an environmental approach to the development of the pedagogical culture of a future officer of the RF Armed Forces in the conditions of the cultural and educational environment of a modern military university, adequate to the current period of development of the global cultural and educational environment, its information and value challenges and all kinds of aggression against Russia, its cultural sovereignty, traditional identity and moral and value orientations of military personnel.

· To build a theoretical model that corresponds to the modern era of pedagogical culture of the future officer of the RF Armed Forces in the cultural and educational environment of a military university from the standpoint of an environmental approach to education.

Methodological basis of the study

1) The theory of environmental approach to education (E.P. Belozertsev, Yu.S. Manuilov, V.V. Makarov, V.V. Sorokovykh, I.B. Stoyanovskaya, G.G. Sheek, I. Sulima and many other);

2) Civilizational approach to world history N.Ya. Danilevsky, his works and the works of his followers (O. Spengler, A. Toynbee, I.A. Ilyin, S. Huntington, I.B. Orlova, A.S. Panarin, V.V. Kozhinov);

3) Cultural-historical theory of L.S. Vygotsky and his work;

4) Environmental intentions in the works of L.I. Novikova and her students;

5) Modern politics and geopolitics;

6) Military pedagogy (Efremov O.Yu., Zuev Yu.F., Volodin V.);

7) Pedagogical intentions Russian military leaders and generals (Potemkin G.A., Rumyantsev P.A., Kutuzov M.I., Suvorov A.V., Peter I);

8) Classics of world and Russian military pedagogy (Grigoriev A.A., Kiselev V., Vorobyov I., Kostousov N.S., Kudryavtsev A.N., Pismensky A.);

9) Russian traditions of upbringing and education of pre-revolutionary officers (I.I. Betskoy P.F., Kapterev, A.F. Lazursky, N.I. Pirogov, K.D. Ushinsky, L.N. Tolstoy, P.F. Lesgaft ), Soviet (A.G. Kalashnikov, N.V. Krupenina, V.N. Shulgin) and post-Soviet periods (Yu.S. Manuilov, Yu.V. Gromyko, V.A. Yasvin. Yu.S. Pesotsky) ;

10) Traditional and innovative paradigms for instilling military pedagogical culture among future officers.

An important feature of the environmental approach, corresponding to the goals and objectives of the study, is the fact that it obliges us to take into account counteraction to most aggressive intentions in the educational process and its organization.

The educational ability of the environment began to be taken into account already in primitive society. The main specific feature was the possibility of accumulating experience about the environment and its transfer. There was a gradual transition from adaptation to use environment for your own purposes.

In Antiquity, the Greeks called the human personality a microcosm: enough attention was paid to the mutual existence of man and the surrounding world. The main principle of educational institutions (Lyceum, Academy, School of Epicurus, portico) was the principle of harmony: a combination of nature and man-made objects. In ancient times, very successful attempts were made for the first time to substantiate the role of the environment in the development of personality, which, however, were not accepted by modern science.

During the Christian Middle Ages the world man was built on minimalism in Everyday life and, on the other hand, on the greatness of the temples. This opposition was supposed to cultivate obedience, humility and discipline in a person. In monastery schools, the environment was based on strict rules, regulation and punishment: the student was practically depersonalized.

English materialists and French educators were engaged in environmental research and education: in the 19th century, much more attention was paid to this sociocultural phenomenon. In the 20th century, the ideology of education in the USSR was developed by the leaders of the People's Commissariat of Education, who paid more attention to the organization of the surrounding reality. Particular attention was devoted to the concept of “environment” after the resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks “On pedological perversions in the system of People’s Commissars of Education” dated June 4, 1936. The ideology of the Stalin period was focused primarily on authoritarianism and clear standards in education.14 During the “ "Thaw" created the right atmosphere for the emergence of innovative ideas. Researchers began to pay attention to the environment from the point of view of the public masses. Many concepts and typologies began to emerge. Already in the 2000s, there was a natural transition to a person-oriented approach. Yu.S. Manuilov notes the increasing importance of the environment and the individual. He interprets the environmental approach as the relationship of a person to the environment and the environment to a person.15 Regardless of what is a large number of environmental approach research, on modern stage this phenomenon requires clarification and clarification, not to mention research into the internal environment of military universities. At all stages historical development thoughts and environment were considered as the most important factor in the development of personality, without which adequate development of the individual in the team cannot take place.

Within the cultural and educational environment of a military university, the following methods of education are appropriate and can be implemented in the form of a model for the development of the pedagogical culture of a future officer from the standpoint of an environmental approach to education:

1. Initially, important influence can be exerted on cadets through formal methods. Here we are dealing with the educational and methodological part, which will combine both theory and practice. Theoretical work should cover both general education subjects and special ones, for example, military translation, military art, tactics, etc. Subsequently, it is necessary to develop special manuals for general education compulsory subjects, but with the inclusion of military topics. However, here we are not talking about complete immersion only in military topics (military literature, problems in mathematics and physics exclusively on a military topic), but about having, among other things, specially designed educational materials in which there would be an in-depth study of general education items. Practical formal education includes both internal and external activities: internal activities include sports and military training, public events, study and management of military transport; External ones include joint exercises of military universities and official command events.

2. The informal method of education includes internal and external activities, such as watching films, going to the theater, inviting military personnel and various famous personalities to the university. An important stage in organizing education should be self-development: additional clubs, master classes, sections, trips to the library and computer class.

A solution to this problem could be to supplement the existing curriculum with subjects and practical exercises that introduce future military personnel to the peculiarities of the modern ethical context, as well as teaching them techniques for criticizing the global situation in the world in order to use them when working with personnel. One of the results of these studies should be the birth of an anti-globalist ideology, which will simultaneously become the ideology of Russian civilizational identity, the cultural and educational environment, and the ideology of military pedagogical training of officers. Thus, a theoretical model will be built for developing a pedagogical culture among future officers of the Russian army in the conditions of training at a military university. Modern analogues of political information will also find a place in this model. Soviet period, and a fairly clearly structured system of values ​​- the moral code of Russian officers, alternative in content to the code of the builder of communism and the values ​​of mass culture, but similar in pedagogical orientation and technological effectiveness.

14 Lakin I.E. Reader on the history of pedagogy in Moscow: graduate School, 1971. 608 p.

15 Manuilov Yu.S. Environmental approach to education: dis. Dr. ped. Sci. M., 1997. P.34.

Thus, the prospects for the progress of the pedagogical culture of the future officer of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were identified, corresponding to his modern professional military and pedagogical tasks in the context of information and value challenges and aggressions of the 21st century against the Russian Federation and its cultural identity from the standpoint of an environmental approach to education in the conditions of cultural- educational environment of a military university. A comprehensive review was carried out, as well as an analysis of historical approaches to education, in general, and to the development of the pedagogical culture of future officers, in particular. Analysis of the features of the environmental approach to education, firstly, as the most necessary in modern pedagogy, and secondly, as more consistent with both the goals of the study and the environmental nature of the education process in military educational institutions. The work identifies valuable options and possibilities of an environmental approach to education for the education and development of a pedagogical culture of the future officer that is adequate to the current period and its challenges.


2. Barabanshchikov A.V., Davydov V.P. Fedenko N.F. Fundamentals of military psychology and pedagogy: Textbook. M.: Education, 1988.

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11. Kostousov N.S. The Bologna process in Russia: through the past to the future or from the present to the past // Journal “Bulletin of the Academy of Military Sciences”. 2007. No. 2 (19).

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16. Morozov A.A. Social prerequisites for gender transformation in the modern Russian army // Scientific collection, Tyumen. 2009.

17. Mutsynov S.S. Team and discipline: Questions and answers. M.: Voenizdat, 1989.

18. Pismensky A. What should military engineering education be like? // Army collection. 2012. No. 2 (213).

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Yunatskevich P.I., Director of the Scientific Consortium of High Humanitarian and Social Technologies

Problems of higher military school

Officer training is one of the most important tasks in strengthening Russia's defense capabilities. The Russian officer occupies a special place in the construction of a new army, the education and training of personnel, and in achieving victory over enemies.

A Russian officer must combine patriotism with deep competence, broad outlook, discipline with initiative and a creative approach to business. At the same time, at any site, an officer must take into account socio-economic and educational aspects, be sensitive to people, their needs and requests, and serve as an example in work and everyday life. It is extremely important that these qualities are inherent in graduates of military universities.

Today, the system of training officers in military educational institutions is experiencing certain difficulties in its development.

The army and navy are no longer receiving the latest equipment. The resources of engineering systems and weapons have long been exhausted. We are talking about extending the operational life of weapons and military equipment. The educational and material base for officer training requires serious investment. The educational and cultural level of conscript youth leaves much to be desired. IN Lately The number of “pedagogically neglected”, “neurotic” young people is increasing. The number of deviant behavior among cadets and students is growing.

One of the most important problems in the socio-economic development of military education in St. Petersburg remains the payment of military personnel and members of their families.

About 30% of two-parent families of officers with two workers and two children are below the poverty line, and even among two-parent families of officers with one child under 16 years of age, the share of the poor is about 20%. A significant part of the workers of the military-industrial complex also fell into the ranks of the poor. More than a third of workers in this sector consistently have wages below the subsistence level.

Considering the existence of a fairly high proportion of officers with incomes below the subsistence level, the transition of the activities of military educational institutions to work in the conditions of the educational services market and competition can lead to a drop in the prestige of military service.

Deterioration in the quality of professional training of officers

The volume of government funding for military education for last years decreased. The availability of paid educational services for military personnel and members of their families has decreased significantly. Dismissed military personnel who find themselves in the least affluent groups of the population find themselves in a difficult situation.

The unfavorable state of military education is manifested in the outflow (dismissal) of officer personnel, a decrease in scientific and pedagogical activity in military universities, and a decrease in the number of publications.

Among the reasons that negatively affect the state of military education is a decrease in the quality of life of military personnel:

Low level of wages and pensions;

Deterioration of living conditions, work, rest, environmental conditions, quality and structure of nutrition, etc.;

Excessive stress loads;

Decrease in the general level of culture, including sanitary and hygienic standards, which contributes to the spread of bad habits and unhealthy lifestyles;

Low level of economic training of military personnel transferred to the reserve, ensuring effective activity in market conditions, etc.

The existing military education system currently cannot ensure the provision of high-quality educational services to cadets and students of the city, as well as the provision of full benefits for teaching staff provided for by current legislation.

The system of remuneration for the activities of the teaching staff of military universities does not stimulate the effective provision of educational services, as a result of which the military personnel receive a less competitive and narrow (specialized) military education.

The insufficient development of social and humanitarian technologies in the military education system leads to irrational use of funds in universities.

At present, a system for promoting service in the armed forces has not fully developed, which determines 50% of the military-professional orientation of conscript youth and does not require the involvement of significant financial resources.

This requires a change in the existing military education system. High-quality and multifaceted officer training and increasing the competitiveness of a military university diploma will raise the prestige of military education.

Prospects for the development of military education

We bring to your attention the concept of comprehensive (integrative) professional training of an officer, developed at the Institute of Military Humanitarian Technologies of the International Academy of Social Technologies, into the educational practice of military educational institutions of Russia. security forces and departments of Russia - a system of training and education of contract military personnel.

The implementation of the concept makes it possible to achieve 15-25% savings in budget funds allocated for military education as a result of optimization of the educational process.

Relevance of the concept of comprehensive (integrative) training of officers of law enforcement agencies and departments of Russia

The relevance of the concept of comprehensive (integrative) training of officers of law enforcement agencies and departments of Russia is due to the following factors:

An increase in the number of junior and senior officers being dismissed from the armed forces.

Lack of comprehensive (integrative) training for junior officers in the field of unit management and organization of educational work for personnel.

Deterioration in the moral and psychological training of officers, which is manifested in an increase in the number of psychosomatic disorders in 90% of cases of diseases encountered in therapeutic, psychiatric and neurological military hospitals, as well as in 60-80% of participants in wars and local conflicts, liquidators of the consequences of mass casualties of natural disasters.

Problems of complex (integrative) professional training are presented in engineering, technical and command military universities in Russia. The average cost of training a specialist (engineer, commander) is significant, which requires organizing the provision of effective comprehensive professional training in order to optimize financial costs.

Officers live below the subsistence level in Russia. According to economic studies, the social status of an officer is equal to the lower middle. Military service for many officers ceases to act as the main activity. Professional military personnel are forced to look for additional income for years without finding a solution to their problems. At the same time, the servicemen themselves, their family and the army as a whole suffer, taking into account the fact that their mental and physical performance in the interests of service is reduced by an average of 60-70%.

Applicants' motivation for studying at a military university is often presented in the form of a desire to acquire a free public education. At the same time, 20-30% of graduates are thinking about extending their service.

In modern conditions of reforming the military education system, the trend towards comprehensive training is becoming leading.

Officers with highly specialized training are, in fact, a social problem that requires a special approach to its solution. In market conditions and competition among private and public educational institutions, the question of conquering one’s segment—training a professional defender of the fatherland, a comprehensive specialist capable of ensuring a decent standard of living—is acute.

It is obvious that the comprehensive training of an officer in modern conditions should be carried out by specialists with integrative training in the field of military sciences, medicine, psychiatry, psychology, pedagogy, economics, law, technology information war etc.

Basic concepts of the concept

Integrative professional training of an officer is a new direction in the educational activities of military educational institutions from the position of a systematic approach to training and education, military professional activities. Comprehensive training is professional training and education that involves the cadet, the student, in the process of military service, ensuring the survivability (survival) of officer cadres in conditions of a shortage of government funding for the army. “Officer” is a person with comprehensive training.

The object of integrative professional training is the process of formation and development of professional behavior that integrates the most socially effective technologies of interaction and influence (technologies of the VI technological order).

Subject – patterns and conditions of comprehensive professional training.

Principles of integrative training:

1. Systems approach to the training and education of Russian officers.

2.Comprehensive training and education in effective economic, socio-psychological, military-professional behavior, determination of the current direction of professional training, hierarchy of areas of training and education, development of high humanitarian and social technologies.

3. Development of dynamic tactics of training and education based on the organization of military discourses of students and the military scientific expert community and practitioners of lethal and non-lethal humane confrontation and information warfare.

4. Training and education of officers based on mass ethical assessment of the activities of military personnel and military groups.

5. Social and technological support for military affairs.

6. The use of information technology in training and education - virtual training, diagnosis and correction.

7. Comprehensive training of officers in the field of military affairs, military and humanitarian technologies.

8. Optimization of financial and time costs for training and education of a complex specialist capable of influencing an object using both lethal and non-lethal, humane instruments.

9. Comprehensive retraining of officers in the field of social design and nonlinear logic.

Sources (theories) for the development of the concept of integrative medicine:

- “Sun Tzu” - a treatise on the foundations of military science of old China;

Views of Peter I (teach officers everything necessary for service and peaceful affairs);

Training system for soldiers and officers A.V. Suvorova, S.O. Makarova, M.I. Kutuzova, F.F. Ushakova, P.A. Rumyantseva;

-concept of energy management of human masses V.A. Chigireva.

List of main stages in the implementation of the concept of integrative officer training

System creation military humanitarian and technological training of officers:

Stage I- creation of comprehensive training faculties in military educational institutions;

Starting from the first stage of implementation of the concept, development of standards and training and education algorithms for effective service, as well as training and retraining teaching staff (creation of specialists in comprehensive training from military, medical, psychological, pedagogical, legal and economic fields);

Stage II- reorientation of military universities towards comprehensive military-technological training of personnel;

Stage III– creation of civilian faculties in social engineering, high humanitarian and social technologies at military universities;

IY stage- creation of dissertation councils in military universities on military-humanitarian technologies. Creation of educational, methodological and research units for the problems of comprehensive training and retraining of military personnel in the technologies of the subsequent dual-use technological structure.

Expected final results of implementation of the concept

Reducing the number of junior officers being transferred to the reserve.

Increasing the competitiveness of military universities in the context of the consequences of the demographic decline.

Cost reduction for training military personnel by 40-50%. Rationale reduction and reorganization of military universities, by eliminating repetitive, duplicated specialties.

Improving quality of life graduates and increasing their length of service.

Training of dual-purpose specialists providing lethal and non-lethal influence on a given object.

Military professional activities of officers becomes comprehensive and effective.

Integrative training concept becomes a theoretical justification for the reorganization measures of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

Directions and specialties of comprehensive training of officer personnel in Russia

Military-humanitarian technologies;

Information warfare;

Social design.

Comprehensive training of an officer will create objective conditions for the formation of a new image of a military specialist, capable of performing any tasks and ready for self-education and self-development in his chosen field. This is a serious condition for ensuring the attractiveness of military education for young people, which will ensure the influx of its most progressive part into service in the armed forces. Naturally, such preparation will affect the very nature of military service, filling it with new content and development prospects.

Virtual training in the military education system

Virtual training is a concept that we first introduced into psychological and pedagogical practice in 1999. This is a virtual technology for practical and theoretical training of a student, listener in disciplines of a direction, specialty, specialization of professional training according to higher professional education programs of an educational institution, based on the use of electronic virtual effects, databases, virtual classes and libraries of educational literature, the activities of virtual trainers (teachers producing training through psychotronic influences on the trainee through information networks). This is a promising technology of not only training, but also practical education of the 21st century.

One of the principles of the new direction in the development of military science - “integrative training of military personnel” is the use of high humanitarian and social technologies that ensure the assembly and disassembly of a social subject.

By special order for the Military Space Forces, the Strategic Missile Forces of the Russian Federation, the Leningrad Naval Base, the author developed automated methods for diagnosing and correcting the psychophysiological state “Pedagogical Diary” (1998), “Automated workplace psychologist" (1998), "Automated workplace for a military suicidologist" (1999), "My doctor" (2000), "My psychologist" (2001), "Virtual clinic" (2001), "Virtual business training" (2001) for psychophysiological diagnostics and correction of neuroses; psychosis; psychosomatic diseases: somatized depression, headache, dizziness, neuralgia, cardialgia, heart rhythm disorders, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, vascular dystonia, pseudorheumatism, shortness of breath, functional organ disorders abdominal cavity, dysuria, potency, sexual disorders, dermatological hypochondria, suicidal conditions, drug addiction, substance abuse, alcoholism.

It should be noted that the use automated system“Virtual training” is shown in practical training not only for representatives of law enforcement agencies and departments of the Russian Federation, but also for representatives of other specialties.


As our work experience shows, only an integrated approach to training and education of interested specialists (commanders and superiors, representatives of a wide range of specialties, with the key role of a commander trained in dual-use technologies), will effectively solve the military-professional tasks of building and developing the Russian Army .

Solving the problems of comprehensive training of specialists, in the spirit of the developed methodology, will, in our opinion, allow us to raise the prestige of Russian military education to a qualitatively new level.

UDC 37 s
BBK 74.58

The article examines the main problems of higher military education in Russia, analyzes the impact of military reform on military education and determines the prospects for its development.

Keywords: military reform, Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, higher military education.

The military education system is an integral component of the military organization and the state as a whole. It largely determines how well the Russian Armed Forces are staffed with officers. The state of their professional level and quality of training significantly influence the combat readiness of the Armed Forces.

The functioning of the system of officer training, recruitment, and legal regulation of military service for this category of military personnel is significantly influenced by the changes taking place in society over the last fifteen years, caused by the collapse of the Union, the reduction in the number of the Armed Forces in connection with this, the transition of the country's economy to market relations and other events.

Higher military education has certain problems. They are complex, intersectoral in nature and caused by a number of reasons. For example, such as: imperfect current legislation, a significant reduction in the status of an officer, a reduction in the costs of maintaining military universities, the lack of proper coordination in the management of military education at the interdepartmental level, etc.

The result is a decline in the quality of officer training, which is largely due to changes in the socio-economic sphere of the entire state and the army in particular. Over the past decade, as a result of a reduction in federal budget spending on defense, military universities have been allocated no more than 30-50% of current needs. There was practically no funding for the development of informatization of universities, and the modernization of the educational and material base stopped.

Another no less acute problem is the growing shortage of officers in the troops, especially in primary positions. Military educational institutions are not able to compensate for the annual loss of officers.

The discrepancy between the production of military education and the modern requirements of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the needs of the individual has led to talk about modernization and reform of the military education system.

Increasing the efficiency of the military education system is attributed Military doctrine Russian Federation among the main directions of development of the military organization of the state. Based on this, reforming military education is considered one of the most important areas of military reform being carried out in the country.

At the same time, military reform is a certain moment or stage of military development, which is associated with radical changes in external conditions for the army, most often geopolitical and internal political; with the interests of not only military personnel, but also the entire society. .

As part of the ongoing military reform, military education is also undergoing a certain modernization. By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 27, 2002, the Federal Program “Reforming the Military Education System in the Russian Federation for the Period until 2010” was approved, the main goal of which is to optimize the structure and content of training military specialists to perform upcoming job duties. It is proposed to solve the following problems: creating organizational, legal and economic conditions to fully satisfy the needs of the Armed Forces and other troops for officers with the rational use of federal budget funds allocated for their training.

In October-December 2007, the author conducted a sociological survey of the teaching staff of universities training officers for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. 25 universities of the Volga-Ural, Moscow, and Far Eastern military districts took part in the survey. Sample size - 385 respondents, including 30% teachers, 6.3% associate professors, 2.5% professors, 11.6% cycle heads, 5.6% heads of educational units, 35.6% heads of departments, 35.6% heads of departments and their deputies are 3.8%. Of all respondents, 39.2% are candidates of science, 4.6% are doctors of science. In addition, employees of the headquarters of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dealing with military education issues acted as experts.

The purpose of the survey is to study the current reform of military education, so to speak, from the inside, through the eyes of the teaching staff.

Our state does not have a unified national security strategy. The Armed Forces have lost their leading positions in ensuring national security, and pacifist ideas about the absence of a military threat to our country have taken hold in the public consciousness. If no one needs it, then it cannot be prestigious. A certain percentage of graduates of military universities prefer service in state security agencies and law enforcement agencies, not only due to higher monetary allowances and the presence of informal opportunities, but also due to the higher social significance of these types of militarized service compared to service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The existing regulatory framework governing the functioning of the military education system has not been developed, as 44% of respondents think. Experts also note the insufficient development of the regulatory framework (opinion of 100% of respondents).

In general, during the period of the ongoing reform, the flow of funds to educational institutions training officers actually increased compared to the period before 2003 (50% of respondents). Compared to the underfunding in the 90s, there is a clear increase in funding, but it does not ensure real satisfaction of the needs of universities, such as updating the material and technical base, purchasing new simulators, acquiring new manuals and manuals.

Funds allocated for military education are used cash still not effective (55% of respondents). Expert opinion was divided: 50% believe that the efficiency of using funds has not changed, and 50% found it difficult to answer. Table 1 shows the state of the material and technical base and the provision of universities with teaching aids.

Providing universities with modern equipment, literature and weapons is an expensive process and cannot be solved overnight, but continuing to train military specialists on an outdated material base, while new equipment has entered the army, is not only ineffective, nor interesting for trainees , but simply, to put it mildly, not far-sighted.

The Russian education system has overcome economic difficulties with insufficient funding mainly thanks to the introduction of paid educational services to the population. The military education system could also solve some of its problems if it found alternative sources of funding. Certain shifts in this direction are taking place. Thus, 53% of respondents answered that their university provides paid educational services to the population. But the share of extra-budgetary revenues is not significant in comparison with state appropriations and cannot cover the costs of technical re-equipment of universities, the purchase of benefits and other things. This source receipts of material resources must be used to solve problems associated with motivating teaching activities and stimulating scientific and methodological work. The possibility of independent earnings of military universities must be formalized in the form of a regulatory legal act, which indicates exactly what types of paid activities a military university can engage in, so that this activity does not contradict modern legislation and issues of national security. In addition, this type of activity will spur the qualitative development of teaching methods, including the use of information technology.

The problem of training dual-use specialists in military universities has become urgent. Nowadays, military universities issue a diploma that indicates both a military specialty and a civilian one. If the civilian and military profiles coincide, no special problems arise (32.5%). In some cases, there are not enough hours for civilian subjects (opinion of 21.8% of respondents). But in some cases, the training of specialists comes with a shortage of hours for military special subjects, as 49.6% of respondents answered. Thus, it turns out that the military education system recognizes the fact that its graduates will not be associated with the army all their lives, and trains within its walls specialists for civilian industries to the detriment of its own interests.

That is, it is rarely possible to actually train a dual-use specialist without compromising the military or civilian component. This means that if the training profiles do not match, the period of study should increase, which is not reflected in practice. And the duration of training cannot be unlimited, besides, the costs of training when the profiles do not match increase significantly, so in many universities the assignment of a civilian specialty occurs formally. This was done in a purely bureaucratic way, i.e. The Ministry of Defense obtained recognition of the all-Russian standard from the Ministry of Education and Science.

It turns out that the military education system recognizes the fact that its graduates will not be associated with the army all their lives, and trains within its walls specialists for civilian industries to the detriment of its own interests.

The main reason for the drain of personnel from the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, according to respondents, is weak social guarantees (89%) and lack of approval from society (50%). Currently, the main thing for military personnel is material well-being (69%) and solving housing problems (50%). The weak social protection of all categories of military personnel by the state (59%) causes concern among the teaching staff.

The significant weakening of the influence of cultural values ​​and the insufficient material component in the motivation of an officer’s service make the results of the military education system and public administration in this branch of education generally insufficiently effective.

Summing up the current reform of the military education system, it can be argued that a significant part of military university graduates and officers still do not want to connect their fate with the army for life. There is a flow of personnel into those areas of activity where they not only pay better, but also have respect from society (FSB, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc.). That is, graduates of military universities are in demand in other ministries and departments, so it is inappropriate to talk about the complete failure of the military education system.

At the same time, a number of serious problems can be traced. The technical re-equipment of universities that train officers leaves much to be desired. The problem of using educational information technologies in the educational process is clearly highlighted.

The main problem lies in the absence of a clear policy for the development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the definition of the place and significance of the military education system in it.

In addition, the reason for the shortage of officer positions is the remaining low social and material level of all categories of military personnel. The teaching staff of universities who train officer cadres are also concerned about their social and financial situation. The most qualified personnel continue to be “washed out” from the military education system. Government measures aimed at consolidating and motivating the scientific and educational activities of teaching staff are clearly not enough.


  1. Gridnev D.A. State management of military education reform // Social problems of modern Russian society: regional aspect: Materials of the All-Russian conference “XVII Ural sociological readings” / Under the general. ed. Yu.R. Vishnevsky, G.E. Zborovsky, V.T. Shapko. T. II. Ekaterinburg, 2008.
  2. Evdokimov K.V., Berkin D.V. On the issue of improving the military education system in Russia // Innovations in education. 2004. No. 4.
  3. Lazukin V.F., Botnev A.K. On the issue of multi-level training of military specialists // Military Thought. 2007. No. 7.
  4. Sherpaev V.I. Military policy modern Russia. - Ekaterinburg: Ural Publishing House. University, 2007.


  1. Gridnev D.A. Public management of the military education reform // Social problems of the contemporary Russian society: regional aspect. Materials of the All-Russia conference “XVIIth Ural readings on sociology” / Edited by U.R. Vishnevsky, G.E. Zborovsky,
    V.T. Shapko. V. II. Ekaterinburg, 2008.
  2. Yevdokimov K.V., Berkin D.V. On improving the system of military education in Russia // Innovations in education. 2004. No. 4.
  3. Lazukin V.F., Botnev A.K. On multi-level training of military experts // Military thought. 2007. No. 7.

The development of the higher military education: problems and perspectives

The article considers the main problems of the higher military education in Russia, the effect of the military reform on military education is analyzed and its development perspectives are defined.

Key words: 1

In modern Russia, when regions become subjects of self-development and their political and economic independence increases, the question of the role of regional education in the development of reform processes in the education system in the country becomes more relevant. This is relevant for general education boarding schools with initial flight training, which are a potential strategic resource for military aviation universities. The function entrusted to them of replenishing military aviation universities with high-quality trained students increasingly requires strategically thought-out decisions. In our opinion, all general education boarding schools with initial flight training should function in an established unified educational field. Such a field should be included in the unified educational space of the military aviation university that its students will give preference to upon admission.

The educational space of a military university, in our understanding, is a set of conditions that ensure the functioning of secondary educational institutions with specialized training, higher military aviation universities of flight or technical profile and educational processes in general. This understanding of specific educational space based on a set of characteristics, educational processes included in it and their functional connections. The regional educational field of general education boarding schools with initial flight training should cover elements of the regional space of a military aviation university. It is under such conditions that full-fledged educational activities school pupils. Communications will be maintained with the customer (the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation) for the training of military specialists and teachers of these schools. And also with students applying to enter the educational field of their chosen higher military educational institution in the role of its applicants. Therefore, a regional educational field should be formed both for boarding schools and for a military university. A the necessary conditions can be divided into essential and additional. The set of essential ones is the same for all educational spaces, and additional ones characterize and deepen the content of its types. The essential components of the educational space are:

  • scope of request and application of educational results;
  • posted information about the content of education;
  • teaching staff and the quality of their training;
  • contingent of students receiving educational content;
  • educational regional territory and educational equipment;
  • normative educational, methodological and scientific base;
  • prestige of a particular educational institution.

A holistic view of the formed educational field can be obtained if the following is organized:

  • studying the real educational capabilities of boarding schools, the degree of their readiness for learning and the training of their students, their health status, the development of cognitive interests, the formation of professionally oriented motivation for further education in military universities;
  • performance qualification requirements and the implementation of additional professional education programs with an emphasis on the flight technical component;
  • studying the quality of knowledge in mathematics, physics and the Russian language; data on the quality of knowledge in these basic academic subjects makes it possible to assess the degree of development of students’ general scientific knowledge and skills and assess their capabilities when passing entrance exams;
  • establishing didactic reasons for poor performance; the result should be the formation of typological groups of students with further focus on a specific military university;
  • identifying the degree of satisfaction of students educational process, which will be a kind of indicator allowing one to judge the effectiveness of the educational process and possible ways its improvement;
  • studying the nature of internal communications, determining the style of relationships between students, pupils and teachers, etc., which will characterize the psychological and pedagogical climate and reveal its influence on the effectiveness of the educational process;
  • state and analysis of how the basic functions of interpersonal communication are implemented in educational activities;
  • consideration of the rationality of the boarding school’s operating mode, determining the degree of professional thinking of the management staff and the level of their management of the educational process;
  • the state and analysis of didactic tools used by teachers with the compilation of characteristics of their pedagogical skills;
  • analysis of flight training and other types of special training for students, their independent flight time on training aircraft and the number of parachute jumps performed.

It is on these and other conditions that the success of students’ admission to a military university and their further education there will depend.

Therefore, it is necessary to develop a concept for the strategic development of a military university. Why determine the principles and objectives of organizing the activities of educational systems of boarding schools and military universities, consider a set of effective forms and methods of preparing students for admission to a military university, identify socio-pedagogical conditions and possibilities for using the potential of a military university in order to form a strategic reserve.

This problem should be considered from the point of view of a systematic analysis of educational systems and the pedagogical process in individual general education boarding schools with initial flight training and military aviation universities. This approach is an essential prerequisite for increasing the methodological and theoretical levels of bringing the education of regions in line with the needs of the individual, society and state.

Bibliographic link

Kostogryzov N.N. CURRENT PROBLEMS OF THE FUNCTIONING OF MILITARY UNIVERSITIES // Fundamental Research. – 2008. – No. 2. – P. 75-77;
URL: (access date: 03/28/2020). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"
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