The second coming of “saint” Oleg…. Not the same Chemezov, but so similar... – What is this – life experience, wisdom?

Is the Tyumen businessman not used to following the rules of life and business?

To the editor The Moscow Post received a letter from a resident of the Kemerovo region, Viktor Smirnov. The author describes a major accident that recently occurred not far from the Kuzbass ski resort of Sheregesh.

There, an expensive Lexus car at high speed rammed two cars standing on the side of the road with their hazard lights on. Fortunately, all the people survived, but the wife and young son of the culprit of the accident (Lexus driver), and the vehicles themselves were seriously injured.

Why did Viktor Smirnov suddenly make a fuss about this accident, which was by no means the largest and most tragic? But the fact is that the Tyumen deputy was driving the Lexus regional Duma, businessman Oleg Chemezov (namesake of the head of Rostec). It was he who almost killed his own wife and 3-year-old son as a result of an accident (they are now in a hospital in the city of Novokuznetsk).

And he doesn’t want to pay for the repair of Viktor Smirnov’s broken car.

"Chemezov O.L. does not enter into any constructive negotiations, pre-trial settlement for damages or replacement of a broken car with a functioning and normally used one, behaves extremely negatively and arrogantly, hints at his connections and capabilities, as well as his deputy status as a member of United Russia, which undermines the authority of the legislative power of the Tyumen region and the Tyumen regional Duma, as well as the entire United Russia political party as a whole, since it actually goes against party decisions,” writes the author of the letter.

In addition, according to Smirnov, after the accident, instead of helping to eliminate it, Chemezov took out a hunting knife and began to rush at everyone who was nearby. He simply ignored requests to calm down and help solve the traffic problem that had arisen.

“O.L. Chemezov, as a kind of “master of life,” taking advantage of his position as a deputy of the Tyumen Regional Duma and extensive connections, including with high-ranking Moscow officials, behaved categorically aggressively and clearly exceeded the limits of permissible actions, threatening us with a hunting knife with the driver of a Honda car that had previously flown into a ditch (Anton Kargaltsev is ready to confirm the fact of unacceptable actions of O.L. Chemezov on the record).

It is completely incomprehensible why this citizen freely stores and transports, and also uses edged weapons, which is a hunting knife, threatening other citizens with them!” concludes Viktor Smirnov.

Businessman of all Tyumen?

Oleg Chemezov is a deputy of the Tyumen Regional Duma, and also a well-known businessman in the region. He is the owner of the holding company OJSC Krasny Oktyabr DOK. This holding includes several dozen companies at once, naturally, also under the personal control of Mr. Chemezov.

And I must say, he conducts business in a very unique, purely Russian way. An example is an open letter published on social networks on behalf of Tyumen businessman Pavel Shestakov. He was a partner in one of Chemezov’s offices called Karsiko-Dom LLC. Which Pavel, like other companies collaborating with Red October, simply “threw away”. It is most eloquent to quote, uncut, a letter from a desperate entrepreneur:

That is, if we derive a certain formula from what Pavel Shestakov described, then the situation is as follows:

Chemezov opens a company, then promotes it in every possible way, then collects all kinds of loans and subsidies (usually from the budget), then the money received is transferred to other companies (possibly offshore), well, and then the company simply goes bankrupt.

Sobyanin's fosterling

It must be said that Oleg Chemezov managed to work during his career as deputy governor of the Tyumen region under the leadership of Sergei Sobyanin. Then he (as they said, not without the patronage of his boss) moved to TNK-BP. Of course, not an oil well worker. Chemezov became nothing less than vice president of the third largest company in the industry.

Under the operational management of the company by Chemezov, TNK “became famous”, first of all, for the fact that it was fined by the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) for more than 1 billion rubles! The justification for such a gigantic fine is that “the company created discriminatory conditions in the wholesale market for motor gasoline, and also established and maintained monopolistic high prices on the market during the second and third quarters of 2011.” Then TNK bought out Rosneft, and Chemezov immediately left the company. It was necessary to create own business, to which, as already described above, he has long been ripe. With his own very original methods of doing business.

Party changeling?

Oleg Chemezov is also considered a political scammer. He for a long time was considered a sponsor of the local LDPR, renting, in particular, an office for the party. But, unexpectedly, when the political wind blew in the other direction, he suddenly became an ardent supporter of United Russia, and put the offices in which the LDPR was located up for sale. Zhirinovites were made to understand that they should get out into the streets.


Oleg Chemezov is the father of six children. Of course, from different marriages. At the same time, he does not bother himself with fulfilling his father's duty. So, three months ago, by decision of the Tyumen branch of bailiffs, Chemezov was denied travel outside Russia.

It turned out that the businessman owed alimony payments - attention - 19 million rubles! And this despite the fact that even, according to the official declaration, the deputy’s annual income exceeds 80 million rubles.

Maybe the accident in Kuzbass, in which Chemezov almost killed his youngest son, will somehow touch Chemezov’s heart. And he will remember the other children deprived of him. There is no longer any talk about deprived business partners.

Got two higher education: graduated from Tyumen State medical school with a degree in “doctor”, and the All-Russian Correspondence Institute of Finance and Economics with a degree in “economist”. He defended his MBA degree in Switzerland.

From 1981 to 1988 he studied and worked in Tyumen.

In 1988, he was assigned to Khanty-Mansiysk.

From 1988 to 1993 he worked as a local psychiatrist and head of the department of the Khanty-Mansiysk District Psychonarcology Dispensary.

From 1993 to 1998 he headed the Khanty-Mansiysk District Compulsory Health Insurance Fund.

From 1998 to 2004 – First Deputy Governor of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug for Economics and Finance.

From 2004 to 2005 – First Deputy Governor of the Tyumen Region.

Since 2005 – Vice President oil company OJSC TNK-BP Management. Currently, with the rank of vice president, he heads the TNK-BP Siberia branch in Tyumen.

2005–2006 – Vice President, Director of the Department for Interaction with Federal Authorities of the Office for Interaction with Russian authorities state authorities of OJSC "TNK-BP Management" "TNK-BP Siberia", director of the branch of the oil company "RN Management "Siberia" in Tyumen. In March 2008, he was elected as a deputy of the Tyumen City Duma of the fifth convocation.

Since 2013 – Chairman of the Board of the management company “Particom”.

Elected as a deputy of the Tyumen Regional Duma of the fifth convocation in electoral district No. 19 on September 14, 2014

Acting State Councilor of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, 1st class. He was elected as a deputy of the Tyumen Regional Duma of the second convocation. Member of the All-Russian political party "United Russia". In 2006, for active cooperation with the Russian Orthodox Church in the spiritual education of the population by His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus' awarded the order Russian Orthodox Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh, III degree, in 2009 for his contribution to the restoration of the Tobolsk Kremlin - the Order of the Russian Orthodox Church Holy Prince Daniel of Moscow.

Leads an active and healthy image life. He is interested in tourism, football, hockey, and alpine skiing. Raises three children.

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This is from the people.....

A picket was held at the Tyumen Regional Duma for the cancellation of the “falsified results” of the election of Tyumen Regional Duma deputy Oleg Chemezov.
Let us remind you that the first secretary of the Tyumen regional committee of the ROT FRONT party Alexander Cherepanov, Sergey Usov from “ Fair Russia", as well as Murat Tulebaev from the Liberal Democratic Party. As a result, 44% of voters voted for United Russia member Chemezov.

By 8 o'clock in the morning, picketers with posters and red flags approached the regional Duma building. On the posters: “The party in power is afraid of fair elections!”, “Early voting is early falsification!”, “More than 100 observers were removed from polling stations at 20 o’clock!”, “Corruption begins with false elections!”, “They kicked out the observers - “he won.” “Chemezov!”, “Election falsifiers - brought to justice!”.

Among the “strikers” were residents of the Kalinin administrative district, of which Chemezov is now the head. They held posters: “We voted for Cherepanov, not Chemezov,” “We didn’t elect you Chemezov!”, “We demand to cancel the election results in the Kalinin single-mandate constituency No. 19!”, “PEC members trampled on the will of the voters of the Kalinin district!”, “A crime was committed during the elections in the 19th single-mandate district!”

According to the press service of the Tyumen regional committee of the RCRP-CPSU, deputies and workers mostly ran by without looking at the posters. “But then a white foreign car drove up to the building, and United Russia Chemezov got out. He arrived at his first meeting of the Duma, where he was to be presented with a deputy’s certificate and congratulated on his past anniversary. Having looked carefully at the picketers, he decided to approach them. He was surrounded by disgruntled residents, but he had no intention of entering into dialogue with the picketers. He was outraged that the posters, in his opinion, were rude,” the communists write.

Also present at the picket were election observers on September 14, 2014, members of commissions with advisory voting rights from the electoral association “Russian United Labor Front” and from deputy candidate Alexander Cherepanov. “All of them were illegally removed from polling stations, which gave election commissions room for falsification! They all told Chemezov that he became a deputy illegally, told him about gross violations during the voting, about massive falsifications. Residents of the Kalinin district directly said that this was done so that Alexander Cherepanov would not become a deputy, notes the press service of the CPSU. - Chemezov said that everything was fair, and that Cherepanov was only 10 thousand votes behind him. In response, he was told that he received the majority of his votes as a result of fraud, since if the elections were fair, then there would be no point in removing observers.”

One of the observers said that they left her at the polling station, but did everything so that she could not see how the votes were being counted. She is sure that Chemezov did not win in her polling station, and all the ballots were thrown out for him. To which Chemezov said that everything that the picket participants were talking about was unprovable, he was sure that he had won a fair fight and called all the picket participants “offended.”

It must be said that the observers and members of the commissions with an advisory voice were worthy people: candidates of sciences, professors, engineers, etc.

“The authorities are afraid of those who know how to think and analyze. And in the Duma she needs “her” faithful people. And in order for them to end up there, all methods are good. It is possible to distort the will of the people, it is possible to expel from the polling station everyone who monitors the legality of the elections,” the press center of the Tyumen Regional Committee of the RCWP-CPSU writes in its letter.

Oleg Chemezov

Tyumen businessman, newly elected deputy of the Tyumen Regional Duma Oleg Chemezov is suing the mother of his illegitimate 10-year-old daughter Vasilisa. By law, he must pay 25% of his income as child support until the child reaches adulthood, but he must do this. He is doing everything possible to reduce the amount of his income (so that the child, God forbid, does not get too much money). He even divorced his wife Irina (the divorce was finalized in July of this year), who is raising his three young children (the last one was born in the spring of 2015). The hearing of the case on the division of property between the former Chemezov spouses is scheduled for October 25. But they are not going to divide the property as a whole, but exclusively Oleg Leonidovich’s earnings for the past year. The ultimate goal appears to be to reduce child support arrears. The mother of his illegitimate child, Muscovite Ulyana Kononenko, was invited as a third party. She insists that Chemezov, as a debtor, be restricted from traveling abroad, and also that he be held accountable under Art. 157 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for malicious evasion of alimony payments.

Ulyana Kononenko

Storks do not bring babies and they are not found in cabbage. Oleg Leonidovich always knew about the existence of Vasilisa’s daughter. As I told the correspondent website Ulyana Kononenko, their affair with Chemezov lasted about three years - at a time when he worked in the Moscow representative office of the Tyumen region and lived in the Mother See.

“I worked as a lawyer. He was married - then he was still in his first marriage... His children were already adults. We met in 2003, 2004, 2005. We lived together for about six months. When I got pregnant, he was happy. Or he pretended to be happy. He said that he was all for it, promised to help... But then he gradually disappeared,” says Ulyana. “I didn’t give chase, although, of course, I hoped that he himself would express a desire to take an interest in the life of his daughter. But that did not happen. Soon I learned about the death of his first wife, and also that he had married again. On a girl who is 22 years younger than him... About 8 years later, I was in Tyumen on business and decided to meet with him to discuss the situation and ask why he didn’t help his daughter... Vasilisa is engaged in figure skating, making serious progress, and, of course , a lot of money is spent on equipment, travel to competitions, and payment for the services of coaches. Although I, of course, earn good money myself, my father’s help would not be superfluous. And we need to think about the future. I suggested that he buy his daughter an apartment, since he had not helped all these years and had no plans to help. In principle, if he agreed, I would not demand more and remind myself. But he suddenly said: “How do I know that this is my daughter?” Of course, I was shocked. She offered to do a genetic examination, to which he did not immediately agree. The analysis confirmed that Vasilisa is his child. Oleg said that he would not buy an apartment for his daughter, but was ready to pay 26 thousand rubles a month. I asked why exactly so much. He stated that he believed that this amount would be enough for us. I didn't agree. Then he said that we would not get anything at all - he went on principle. Me too, and I filed for alimony. But he not only tries not to pay and reduce his income in every possible way, but also does not give permission for Vasilisa to travel abroad. As a result, we cannot plan a vacation and ensure Vasilisa’s participation in international competitions. The position of the bailiff service is also not clear - not only did they at first not want to look for hidden income and only after the court decision, when Oleg himself was forced to provide all the data on income, they recalculated the amount of alimony arrears, now they agree with any proposals of lawyers Chemezov, so the amount of his debt is constantly decreasing... At first it was about alimony debt of almost 19 million rubles, then the amount of his debt decreased to 4.5 million rubles, then to just over three million rubles. We will appeal all decisions to review the debt... But that’s not all. In any case, the amount is impressive. If there were such debts, someone else would have long ago been restricted from traveling abroad, but for some reason this punishment is not applied to Oleg Chemezov.”

If you think that Oleg Leonidovich’s last wife, Irina, was surprised by the claim for alimony in favor of her daughter Vasilisa, then you are mistaken. She knew that he had an illegitimate daughter. Moreover, last year, as Ulyana says, Irina called her and offered to compensate her for the money spent on buying groceries.

“She called me and offered to send checks for the purchase of food so that they would compensate us for food expenses,” Ulyana recalls, “it was even funny. I am able to feed my children. I make good money. That's not the question. Everyone just needs to be responsible for their actions. I suggested that Oleg come to an agreement - I would buy an apartment in Moscow for my daughter - and we would only remember him with kind words. But he didn't agree. I even received threats... And after I filed a lawsuit, Oleg Chemezov’s people offered me 2 million rubles so that I would renounce the claims, but I did not agree.”

Vasilisa was born on December 18, 2005. Paternity was officially established - through genetic testing - in 2015. Then the girl’s surname and patronymic, written in the documents, were changed: she officially became Vasilisa Olegovna Chemezova. The girl is talented - she practices figure skating at CSKA and is making progress. She is very similar to her father, who is not interested in her.


Ulyana Kononenko, indeed, has reasons to accuse Oleg Chemezov of evading payment of alimony, as well as to suspect Tyumen bailiffs of dishonesty.

The court decision to forcibly collect alimony from Chemezov was made by the Chertanovsky District Court of Moscow back in December 2015. It was about collecting from him ¼ of all income for the maintenance of his illegitimate daughter from 03/16/2015 until adulthood. Already in February 2016, the writ of execution in this case was received by the Tyumen bailiff service. From that moment on, all the fun began.

In short: as a deputy (formerly of the Tyumen City Duma), Oleg Chemezov declared income for 2015 in the amount of over 87 million rubles. But to calculate alimony for Vasilisa, he provided only a certificate stating that he, as the general director of Partikom Management Company LLC, earns 11.5 thousand rubles per month. So the monthly alimony payment was just over 2 thousand rubles per month. Naturally, the mother of his illegitimate daughter demanded to find his income and reconsider the amount of debt. But the Tyumen bailiff service (represented by bailiffs N.P. Shkurchenko and E.S. Igosheva) stubbornly did not want to look for the debtor’s hidden income. Only after numerous complaints - to the central office of the Bailiff Service and to the prosecutor's office of the Tyumen region - Ulyana managed to achieve a revision of the amount of the debt.

Oleg Leonidovich provided information about his real income to the bailiff service only in September 2016 (that is, 7 months after the start of enforcement proceedings!) And immediately demanded to recalculate the debt, taking into account the exclusion of the spousal share of his wife Irina - now ex... The case of The division of property will be considered on October 25. But it is unlikely that its outcome will make it possible to fundamentally change the situation: Chemezov was recently denied the suspension of enforcement proceedings to collect alimony in connection with the division of property.

By the way, this was not the first attempt in court to “replay” the situation in one’s favor. Chemezov repeatedly demanded the suspension of enforcement proceedings for the collection of alimony, filed cassation and appeal complaints...

For example, Oleg Leonidovich tried to defend the right to pay alimony not in the form of a share of income received, but in the form of a fixed sum of money in the amount of two subsistence minimums established for the demographic group of the population “children” in Moscow, which at the time of compilation application submitted to the Chertanovsky District Court of the capital in August of this year, 26,518 rubles. He was refused. But indicative moral side this situation: even before he provided data on his astronomical income to the bailiff service, he, in fact, admitted that with an official salary of 11.5 thousand rubles, he was ready to pay alimony in the amount of 26.5 thousand rubles in favor of daughters...

In the summer of 2016, the former mother-in-law and daughters from her first marriage filed lawsuits to recognize their right of shared ownership in relation to real estate belonging to the respected deputy. The claims were rejected.

One way or another, Chemezov’s lawyers managed to convince representatives of the bailiff service that 60 million rubles received from the sale of a stake in TLK-Invest LLC should be excluded from the income to be taken into account when calculating alimony. Ulyana Kononenko is now appealing this argument. Nevertheless, for now, with this maneuver, Chemezov managed to “save” the bulk of the income from division. The amount of income he received decreased from 87 million rubles to 13.78 million rubles. As a result, alimony debt in favor of Vasilisa decreased from almost 19 million rubles to 3.4 million rubles. But they are now trying to reduce this amount. Half of the official income received by Oleg Leonidovich is claimed by his ex-wife Irina.

Moreover, what is curious is that the ex-wife, with whom Chemezov lived in marriage for 6 years, having given birth to three children, does not claim the money he previously earned, the jointly acquired property over these years, for some reason she wants to divide exclusively her share of the income ex-spouse for the year 2015... What’s interesting is that the couple divorced back in July 2016, and in the lawsuits and complaints filed with the court in September - October, the residential addresses of Oleg Leonidovich and him seem to be already ex-wife Irina coincides...

As you can see, the people’s choice is ready to do a lot so as not to spoil his illegitimate daughter and her mother with large alimony payments. If we were talking about an ordinary alimony worker, they would say about him that he does not behave like a man... But since Oleg Leonidovich is a respected person, invested with influence and blessed with the attention of the authorities, it seems awkward to accuse him of cowardice. But facts are stubborn things.

More than once I have had the opportunity to conduct cases related to the collection of alimony from high-ranking and wealthy citizens. But, frankly speaking, this is the first time I have encountered such defiant and unworthy behavior. Usually public people try not to make such stories public and negotiate with the other party peacefully, without litigation or unnecessary noise. Some even do this secretly from their families, if we are talking about illegitimate children... Here the situation is different. We are dealing with a person who is trying to evade responsibility... He hid his official income in every possible way, then took a wide variety of legal steps to reduce the amount of debt... He is obliged to pay child support until the child comes of age, so now, I think, he will try reduce your official income; perhaps he will transfer part of the property to “former” relatives. It seems that he feels so at ease solely because of his special status in his “home region.” We will appeal all his arguments, if necessary, we will prove that his divorce from his wife Irina is fictitious. Currently, Oleg Chemezov has paid only 460 thousand rubles of alimony debt, the remaining amount - more than 2.9 million rubles - remains outstanding. We demand not only the seizure of property (this measure has been applied), but also a ban on traveling abroad. In addition, we continue to insist on bringing him to criminal liability for evading alimony payments.

In an appeal sent to the prosecutor's office, Ulyana Kononenko demands that not only Oleg Chemezov be brought to criminal liability (under Article 157 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “evasion of payment of alimony”), but also the inactive bailiffs (under Article 315 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “failure to comply with a court verdict "). She asks to evaluate the actions of the bailiff service: not only did the FSSP employees not look for the hidden income of a high-ranking debtor, they also refused to bring them to disciplinary liability, citing the fact that more than six months had passed since the violations they committed.

From a letter from Ulyana Kononenko to the prosecutor's office of the Tyumen region

We continue to monitor developments.

...In this simple everyday situation, the behavior of Oleg Leonidovich, as a public person, a people’s choice, called upon to take care of citizens, observe the law and participate in legislative activities, is discouraging. I would like to believe that Oleg Chemezov will treat the performance of his deputy duties with greater responsibility than he treats the performance of his father’s obligations. Otherwise, with such views it is not far from legislative initiatives on a special procedure for calculating alimony for oligarchs.

P.S. The other side of the conflict has not yet provided comments.

The day before, the Kremlin hosted a meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and the head of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, Natalya Komarova. As a result of the meeting, the owner of Ugra was appointed acting head of the region until the person taking office elected Governor Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra.

As before « TyumenPRO" On February 18, the 2nd Tyumen Investment Forum was held at the Drama Theater of the regional center, among the speakers of which, in addition to Dmitry Kobylkin and Vladimir Yakushev, Natalya Komarova was also announced, whose absence at the forum immediately caught the eye. Immediately information appeared that the owner of Ugra was negotiating in Moscow with “ the right people» for receiving the position “acting”, because in most cases, this means further obtaining the desired position.

At the same time, last week the name of another candidate became known, who is going to seriously compete for the position of governor of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. And this candidate is clearly not technical, as happened in the 2014 election for governor of the Tyumen region, when representatives of the opposition parties pretended to be trying to defeat the incumbent governor Yakushev.

This candidate is Oleg Chemezov, deputy of the Tyumen Regional Duma, vice-president of the oil company OJSC TNK-BP Management, who still heads the TNK-BP Siberia branch in Tyumen with the rank of vice-president, and was recently deputy governor Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug Alexandra Filipenko and First Deputy Governor of the Tyumen Region Sergei Sobyanin. In the early 90s, he headed the psychiatric department of the Khanty-Mansiysk district psychonarcological dispensary, and for more than 5 years he was the general director of the Khanty-Mansiysk Compulsory Compulsory Medical Insurance. Since the structure headed by Chemezov today is part of Rosneft, perhaps Igor Sechin himself is lobbying for this appointment.

Oleg Leonidovich is a more than odious person. His financial claims and political ambitions are known far beyond the borders of Ugra. Having started his career as a simple nurse in the emergency surgery department of the children's hospital of the 2nd City Clinical Hospital in Tyumen, he moved up the career ladder quite successfully, and after eight years Chemezov became the head of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. Being a psychiatrist by training, he subtly and accurately felt the aspirations and needs of people.

Having begun to build our system back in the nineties, with supplies from controlled organizations medicines to the district hospital, as well as food to catering establishments, he made the right decision. The General Director of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, apparently, had the opportunity to impose specific suppliers on organizations and consumers, which served as a good basis for serious financial and political growth.

Already in 1998, having become deputy governor of Alexander Filipenko, Oleg Leonidovich began to supervise investments and property. Chief Treasurer Filipenko was the second person in the district after the governor. Many organizations received a huge impetus for development in those years. This applies to shopping and entertainment complexes and pharmacy chains. Of course, the whole situation presented Oleg Chemezov as a competent politician and a shrewd entrepreneur. In the government of Ugra, he actually determined the economic, financial and investment policies of the district governor, and was also involved in the development of small and medium-sized businesses. It was Chemezov who initiated the successful placement of Ugra's bond issue on the stock market. His political and managerial plans were striking. Chemezov quite actively entered the sphere of mass media. The purchase of television channels and radio stations in the future could become a tool for the former deputy ex-governor and businessman to put pressure on the authorities of Ugra. After all, by creating your own media structure with broadcasting via cable networks in strategic cities in the region, you can accomplish such things. It has long been known that whoever owns the information owns the world. And if something goes wrong, then Chemezov, according to political scientists, plans to “dissolve profitably” and subsequently sell the capitalized media asset to the same regional authorities.

After all, it was for his business activity that former deputy Filipenko received the nickname “50 percent.” He can handle business plans of any complexity. This nickname, if you trust the stories of businessmen, was given to Oleg Leonidovich in Nizhnevartovsk. The fact is that in order to receive guaranteed support from the district, businessmen allegedly had to invest affiliates of Oleg Chemezov in equal shares in the authorized capital of their companies. The “business owner” probably assumed obligations for administrative support and controlled the activities of the companies through third parties with a 50% share.

As a result, by the time Chemezov moved to Tyumen, he was already a large-scale oligarch who could implement the most ambitious projects. In general, Chemezov’s arrival in the administration of the Tyumen region led to a significant redistribution of powers in the leadership. In terms of his status, the new first deputy governor even in some ways rose above the vice-governor Vladimir Yakushev. If in the context of strategic policy, the role of Vladimir Vladimirovich was reduced to participation in the work of a tripartite group on the division of powers between Tyumen, Yamal and Ugra (more precisely, mainly slowing down its work), then Oleg Chemezov was involved in building inter-budgetary relations and forming a consolidated budget for the region, districts and incoming in them municipalities. This was especially true for the obstinate Yugra: the task is not easy, since many heads of municipalities even now do not believe in the future supremacy of Tyumen and prefer to remain loyal to the district leadership. Political issues almost entirely then went away from Yakushev to Chemezov’s comrade - now deputy governor of the Tyumen region.

Ex-governor of Ugra Alexander Filipenko, in an interview at that time, commented on personnel appointments in the regional administration in a very peculiar way: “It’s time to get used to the fact that there is nowhere to find good people except in Khanty-Mansiysk. We are constantly strengthening the Tyumen authorities, starting with Shafranik, Roketsky, Baryshnikov and so on. Therefore, the district government responded to Sergei Sobyanin’s request for personnel assistance and support with an effective decision.” Some experts considered these personnel changes to be the beginning of the formation of a coalition government focused on working under the conditions of the unification of the Tyumen region and autonomous okrugs.

Chemezov was in charge of, or one might say, owned, budgetary and inter-budgetary, financial and investment issues in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, and he also oversaw the development of small and medium-sized businesses. The ex-deputy governor was credited with his diplomatic abilities: he knew how to find compromise solutions when working with the heads of local government and management of the largest enterprises in the region. However, he did not sit idle in Tyumen either.

Mr. Chemezov built his “pyramid”. I started a business in housing and construction. A lot of land plots were purchased, some of which participated in real estate housing construction projects from economy class to elite cottage villages.

The competent authorities have accumulated enough information about the activities of Mr. “Ch” and, according to some experts, they strongly suggested that Sobyanin dismiss his deputy. So obvious were the scale of his lobbying activities unrelated to the civil service and a number of political projects, when Oleg Leonidovich took the reins of government into his own hands, without asking for advice or permission. This is the story with Sergei Udintsev, the head of the Sovetsky district (by the way, again the story with investments), and the project associated with the creation of the LDPR faction in the Duma of Ugra. When, with the light hand of Chemezov, with the support of Zhirinovsky, a strong and coherent team was formed from disparate, independent and individual deputies. Which, by the way, in the 2010 elections received more than 25% of the votes, and in Khanty-Mansiysk about 30%. Note that the faction consists of 5 people, this is the largest political resource of Mr. Chemezov in Ugra. Also, we note that the elections to the Tyumen Regional Duma were held not without his participation.

Although, as a competent politician, after leaving Sobyanin, Oleg Chemezov lay low. And suddenly at a Ugra crossroads connected with the appointment of governors, with the Kremlin’s dilemma - whether to leave the current head, with the unresolved problem of unification. When only a strong-willed and respected person can lead this entire system. When consultations are being conducted regarding Khudainatov and Ryazanov, suddenly, having turned on all his capabilities in Krem, the figure of Mr. “Ch” emerges. It is known that he even went so far as to meet with Vyacheslav Volodin, the first deputy head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. The very fact that he was in Volodin’s office guarantees his inclusion in the lists of candidates submitted to Putin. Publicly associating " United Russia"and actually managing the LDPR, he received the approval and support of Zhirinovsky, who enjoys absolute loyalty in the Kremlin. Chemezov's candidacy may seem very appropriate, and he really has a chance to get on the president's short list. He thoroughly knows the specifics of the territory, is contactable, has an iron will, and is included in the elite of the entire Tyumen region, including Ugra. Moreover, he proved his loyalty when he could get out of conflicts without bringing the essence of the contradiction into the public sphere. All this is extremely important for the task of combining the “Tyumen nesting doll”. And Chemezov, like no one else, will be able to both convince and manipulate the opinions of voters, colleagues and higher authorities. Chemezov’s age, and he is only 50, also plays into the hands of the entrepreneur. All this, apparently, was the basis for the meeting with the deputy head of Putin’s administration.

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