September 6th is the full moon. Full moon ritual to attract money and prosperity. The Full Moon is always a big event in the world of astrology. The lunar calendar will shed light on all the intricacies of this important day. Advice from astrologers will help you catch good luck and from

The Full Moon is always a big event in the world of astrology. The lunar calendar will shed light on all the intricacies of this important day. Advice from astrologers will help you catch luck and avoid troubles.

September 6th can be seen as a very productive day. For many people this will be a life-changing moment. The reason for the slight decrease in the negative background of the most active Moon lies in its stay in the Sign of Pisces. Such an alliance is most useful in order to bypass all the difficulties of the Full Moon.

Positive aspects of the Full Moon on September 6
Water procedures and timely rest will increase your energy and improve your well-being. This day is good for long-term planning and for decorating your life with bright moments.

Try to change the environment, work on your appearance and simply deal with pressing problems. Stop worrying about yourself - it's time to seriously think about what lies ahead for you. Plan things in such a way as to protect yourself from unpleasant tasks in the future.

On September 6, you can delegate some of your responsibilities to other people, but you need to choose them carefully so as not to cause a serious conflict. Spend more time on diplomacy and negotiations. The easiest thing to do on this Full Moon will be to simply listen to the other side and, based on the wishes of other people, make appropriate requests, conclusions, and make decisions.

On September 6, try not to be overtired or lazy. You will need a middle ground. This day as a whole will be like walking on thin ice. It doesn't hurt to be careful anyway.

On such days, people usually manage to quickly negotiate with each other and make decisions instantly. A positive feature of such a Full Moon is its creative beginning.

New cases will have special potential. People may be a lot more honest than usual, so it will be easier to find out what's on their mind and how they feel about you. Perhaps you will be able to discern hidden enemies in your friends and partners, thereby buying yourself time.

Negative aspects of the Full Moon in September

Like any other Full Moon, the coming one will have a rather negative impact on the well-being of many people. Fatigue will be higher than usual, and its consequences will be worse. Vitality should be replenished through proper nutrition. Don't drink alcohol on September 6th.

Feelings can also intensify, so try to focus on the positive. Forget about squabbles at work and troubles at home. Try to relax properly and read a book or watch an interesting movie if you have absolutely nothing else to do.

The full moon will either deprive you of energy and strength, or, on the contrary, will force you to throw it all out randomly and non-stop.

Largest quantity quarrels occur precisely during the Full Moon, but this time the situation will be somewhat more favorable. This time, most of the upcoming conflicts will be avoided. For this, the efforts of only one side, that is, you, will be enough. Don’t wait for someone to meet you halfway - do it yourself, otherwise your expectation of calm will be destroyed out of the blue.

On this day there will be events warning of changes for the better or, conversely, telling you that it’s time to slow down. Listen to the voice of your heart if your mind is clouded. Take the advice of authoritative people as easy instructions. Follow them while analyzing the situation. Good luck.


On the September full moon in Pisces, the moon will be conjunct Neptune in Pisces. In opposition to the Sun in the sign of Virgo. This position of the planets means that solar eclipse August marked the most important areas of life in which changes will occur. And the full moon of September will reveal these topics. As a result, you will be able to understand what changes need to be made in your life, what you need to accept as inevitable, and where to correct yourself and your attitude towards a situation or person. The most important theme of the full moon in Pisces is to leave in the past what is not needed and is slowing you down and to take with you into the future only what is most necessary and in the most compressed proportions.

The Full Moon in Pisces will help you clarify your future actions, realize your real desires, get out of your fantasies, and uncover deception. Most likely, you need to wait for changes at work and in relationships in the team. During the full moon, you may receive hints on what to do and where to move next. But you should not succumb to the conjectures of your mind and remain in a sober mind, recognize your fantasies and the truth real life. On the full moon in Pisces, you should expect the declassification of important hidden moments and the revelation of secrets. It is easy to be deceived at this time. If your health is a concern, then at this time it is better not to delay and seek help from specialists. Support as much as possible healthy image life.

The night of the full moon is known for its beauty, healing powers and fantastic energy for magic. The energy of the full moon is a very powerful magical energy. There are many rituals for the days of the full moon in different cultures and beliefs.

The most important thing is that on the full moon on September 6, 2017, you don’t need to start any new things. The day is absolutely not suitable for this. Try to maintain balance and equilibrium in everything, do not rush forward, but also do not lag behind the others. Keep calm on this day in any situation, do not panic.

Negative moments during the full moon on September 6, 2017 can be completely avoided if you prepare for this day in advance and correctly. Remember that a positive attitude will save your nerves. Of course, negative emotions may require an outburst. Mood swings are also possible. Remember, all this is temporary. The full moon will pass and everything will fall into place.

There will not be so much positive on this day, but for such a day it will be quite enough. The day is good for negotiations. Moreover, these can be negotiations of both a business and personal nature. In this case, it is necessary to maintain diplomacy.

Also, the full moon on September 6, 2017 provides a unique opportunity to test the strength of recent relationships. To do this, it is enough, on such an important day as the full moon on September 6, to work together to solve some problem or problem. If you can support each other, find common decision, it means your relationship has a future. And if this does not happen, you should think about it.

If there are no clouds in the sky on this day, place the keys to your apartment on the windowsill and ask the night luminary to attract wealth and love into your home. Beware of the crowds on this day. Try to be alone.

Women's full moon ritual to fill the lunar energy of love

In order to increase their mystical power, women used to use special rituals on the full moon. At the peak of the full moon, you need to stand under the Moon for about two hours, thus becoming saturated with lunar energy. Another variation of this ritual is to place your bed in such a way that moonlight falls on it from the window. And sleep all night under the moonlight. And during this time - two hours in a conscious state or during a moonlit night in a dream - the moonlight will so strongly nourish the woman’s body with its lunar energy that it will literally immediately raise her level feminine energy. And in this case, pregnancy is possible, even if the woman for a long time could not conceive a child. With such increased filling of lunar energy, feminine strength will increase significantly. Also, a Woman’s lunar energy will be directed towards creating the desired world around herself or her family, fulfilling a desire or attracting love.

Full moon ritual to attract money and prosperity

On a full moon, you need to go outside, to the balcony or go to the window, stand under the moonlight and show the moon your open wallet with money. In this case you need to say the words:

“Money to money, I don’t save, I multiply, I protect myself from debts and waste. Just as you, the moon, are full in the sky, so let my treasury be full.”

After this, put the largest banknote in an empty compartment of your wallet; it cannot be spent until the next full moon. This money will act as a money talisman, it will open up new cash flows for you and preserve your existing wealth.

Ritual for money

The full moon promotes prosperity. On the night of the full moon, place your wallet under the light of the full moon and open it to receive the lunar energy. This ritual will not bring you millions, but you can count on some profit in the next month.

If you like Feng Shui, you can use the traditional Feng Shui money symbol - a frog or toad figurine. According to legend, this mythical creature appears on the night of the full moon near a house that will soon receive abundance - be it wealth or good news. Place this symbol at night in the moonlight, and in the morning return it to its place or place the frog figurine for a while at the front door.

Ritual to fulfill a wish

The full moon has high potential, which affects the fulfillment of desires. Write your wish with a silver pen on white paper and then burn the paper in the flame of a candle. This ritual is best done on the night of the full moon.

Full Moon Meditation

Meditations performed on the full moon have a special energy. At this time, you connect to the energy of the Moon and perceive it in in full. It is good to meditate while in the moonlight.

Full moon fortune telling

During the full moon, the ability to receive information on an intuitive level, through communication with subtle worlds. Therefore, fortune telling for the full moon turns out to be especially accurate. Everything you want to know and understand about your life and love will be revealed to you through fortune telling.

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FULL MOON September 6, 2017. The exact time is full moon at 10.02 Moscow time, the Moon is in the sign of Pisces. Full moon- this is always a big event in the world of astrology. Moon calendar will shed light on all the intricacies of this important day. Advice from astrologers will help you catch luck and avoid troubles. September 6th can be seen as a very productive day. For many people this will be a life-changing moment. The reason for the slight decrease in the negative background of the most active Moon lies in its stay in the Sign of Pisces. Such an alliance is most useful in order to bypass all the difficulties of the Full Moon. Positive aspects of the Full Moon on September 6 Water procedures and timely rest will increase your energy and improve your well-being. This day is good for long-term planning and for decorating your life with bright moments. Try to change the environment, work on your appearance and simply deal with the issues of the day. Stop fraying your nerves - it's time to seriously think about what lies ahead for you. Plan things in such a way as to protect yourself from unpleasant tasks in the future. On September 6, you can delegate some of your responsibilities to other people, but you need to choose them carefully so as not to cause a serious conflict. Spend more time on diplomacy and negotiations. The easiest thing to do on this Full Moon will be to simply listen to the other side and, based on the wishes of other people, make appropriate requests, conclusions, and make decisions. On September 6, try not to be overtired or lazy. You will need a middle ground. This day as a whole will be like walking around thin ice. It doesn't hurt to be careful anyway. On such days, people usually manage to quickly negotiate with each other and make decisions instantly. Positive trait such a Full Moon is its creative beginning. New cases will have special potential. People may be a lot more honest than usual, so it will be easier to find out what's on their mind and how they feel about you. Perhaps you will be able to discern hidden enemies in your friends and partners, thereby buying yourself time. Negative aspects of the Full Moon in September Like any other Full Moon, the coming one will have a rather negative impact on the well-being of many people. Fatigue will be higher than usual, and its consequences will be worse. Vitality should be replenished through proper nutrition. Don't drink alcohol on September 6th. Feelings can also intensify, so try to focus on the positive. Forget about squabbles at work and troubles at home. Try to relax properly and read a book or watch an interesting movie if you have absolutely nothing else to do. The full moon will either deprive you of energy and strength, or, on the contrary, will force you to throw it all out randomly and non-stop. The largest number of quarrels occur during the Full Moon, but this time the situation will be somewhat more favorable. This time, most of the upcoming conflicts will be avoided. For this, the efforts of only one side, that is, you, will be enough. Don’t wait for someone to meet you halfway - do it yourself, otherwise your expectation of calm will be destroyed out of the blue. On this day there will be events warning of changes for the better or, conversely, telling you that it’s time to slow down. Listen to the voice of your heart if your mind is clouded. Take the advice of authoritative people as easy instructions. Follow them while analyzing the situation. Good luck!

Tomorrow is the full moon on the Virgo-Pisces axis, which will occur in the morning at 10:02 Moscow time.

Lunations reflect the nature of the month and give us the necessary orientation in the atmosphere that awaits us in the next two weeks. This time, the luminaries are located at the moment of their opposition on the axis of service, in the signs that are responsible for knowledge and cognition, Virgo works in the mental plane, and Pisces in the intuitive, but thinking is a synthesis of the two opposite principles of our experience and our premonition.

The Full Moon point falls on the planet Neptune, or rather, the Moon falls on it, so you should expect emotional instability. There will be a feeling in the next 2-3 days that we are a little lost in own desires or they have become irrelevant and unattractive. This is not a bad time to check your true goals and passions; in the coming days it will become clear what is important to you and what does not matter at all.

Mercury has just left the retro movement, it is stationary, and Mars has just moved into the sign of Virgo, it is not active yet, that is, we will live days of stagnation, days of internal work and external inactivity from September 6 to 8, although we can try it for yourself starting September 4th.

Traditionally, the full moon is considered a time of external results. Of course, every time the lunation map can tell us where to expect them from. For example, this time we can expect progress only in those projects that we have already started a long time ago, that is, in something very familiar to us. So don’t plan anything new for this time, continue working on your current tasks and watch your emotions. Because this is where the main danger lurks.

On this Full Moon, we will be easily charmed, befuddled and ignited by some new idea.

It will certainly be large-scale, but non-specific, if you have one under consideration now, then stay away from it, it is a deception and an illusion that is unlikely to come true, but it will take away your time and hopes...

But now is a great time for creativity and celebrations. If you have the opportunity to relax a little, then be sure to do it, time will pass imperceptibly, there will be a lot of communication, humor and good jokes.

The days of the Full Moon are quite safe for shopping, but we must take into account that they are not suitable for purchasing equipment, but for shopping, for purchases related to the home and interior, the days from September 6 to 8 are quite favorable.

Water signs (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio): this is a very favorable time for you. You can receive a lot of hints from the Universe to solve your questions. Your intuition will become sharper and you may have prophetic dreams. Follow the events that happen to your surroundings, even distant ones, they will tell you something important about you.

Air signs (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra): do not rush to implement your decisions these days, they may be wrong. Give yourself a little break from thoughts and communication. Be a bystander in own life, connect your intuition. At the intersection of logic and foresight, a vision should be born; when it arises, you can act.

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius): a very active time, but do not delude yourself about specific results. Fortunately, the time of the full moon passes quickly, so just restrain your fiery nature and do not embark on new ventures during the period from September 6 to 8. Dedicate yourself to current affairs, be more detailed, but do not forget about creativity!

Earth signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo): a lot of work awaits you, perhaps not very productive, but full of worries and minor difficulties. It seems like the goal is clear and it’s clear how to get to it, but something always slows you down, motivation is completely unexpectedly lost, self-criticism begins...

Heaven's advice: concentrate on one thing, do only a very limited number of things in the next two days, then you will not have regrets about them.

Ermolina Tatyana

Full moon

The full moon is an energetically powerful day. Women react to it more strongly than men. During this period, you should not give in to your emotions, be careful in all matters so as not to “break the woods.”

Affairs. The full moon is an unfavorable time for starting new projects. During this period, it is better to carry out current affairs, solve small one-day and creative tasks. This is a suitable day to implement ideas that you lacked the strength and energy to implement. At this time, it is not recommended to plan a change of job or have a serious conversation with your superiors. You can do household chores. The day is not suitable for money transactions. During this period, it is undesirable to communicate with people - quarrels and conflicts are possible due to emotional overstrain. It is not recommended to travel due to the high risk of unpleasant incidents along the way.

Haircut and hair care. The full moon is a favorable day for cutting hair and experimenting with hairstyles. Strengthening and nourishing hair masks will have a good effect. For coloring suitable color, darker than natural.

Beauty, self-care. The full moon is a good day to visit a beauty salon. Skin rejuvenation and cleansing procedures will give noticeable results.

Health. It is not advisable to plan for this period surgical intervention into the body due to the risk of large blood loss. Strong physical activity is contraindicated.

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