How to organize the delivery of goods in an opening online store? What delivery methods are suitable for an online store?

Features of the courier services market

Russian Post is the largest delivery service in the country. However, this organization works slowly and unreliably. Many mailing companies prefer to cooperate with alternative organizations.

The choice of organizations that provide delivery is quite small and the prices for their services are somewhat inflated. Based on this, small courier companies can successfully compete with large companies due to individual approach to each client, its mobility and lower prices. Prompt delivery is the key to the success of any company operating in the courier services market.

Where to start organizing a delivery service

Densely populated areas are suitable for this type of business. In a village or such a company may go bankrupt.

You should immediately decide what cargo you will deliver. In order to work with large cargo, you need to acquire appropriate transport and it is advisable to have more than one car. Therefore, you need to hire a driver (at least one), solve the issue of paying operating costs and parking space.

Alternatively, you can enter into an agreement with a transport company or hire drivers with personal vehicles.

Your company must have a permanent dispatcher who will accept orders. At first, you can work on the phone yourself. The main flow of orders usually arrives during business hours (from 9 to 19), but round-the-clock prompt delivery can become your unique “trick.”

If you plan to deliver large-sized cargo, then you will need to have a team of loaders on your staff.

Proper selection of service personnel will help you avoid many problems in the future. You should not hire people from the street who will agree to work for meager pay. You will sometimes trust them with very valuable goods, for the safety and timely delivery of which your company is responsible.

Couriers working in your company must be able to communicate competently with people, dispatchers must be as polite as possible, loaders must not drink, and drivers must be able to navigate the city well.

Disadvantages of the courier business

As in any other field of activity, the courier business has its disadvantages.

The main clients of delivery companies are individuals who pay your servants in cash. For such operations, you need to purchase a special banking license, which is very difficult to obtain and is quite expensive. This is why most small courier companies operate and take great risks.

In this business, you will often have problems with the service staff. There is always a high staff turnover in such companies. Most often, students go to work as a courier, and they often take their responsibilities very lightly. For them, this work is temporary and they often violate the established rules. Elderly people are more responsible, but, unfortunately, they are not efficient.

Numerous competitors may hinder the development of your company. For example, many restaurants offer free delivery if your order exceeds a certain amount. A huge problem is traffic jams on central streets.

Delivery service: clients

Your company's clients may be banks that still prefer to send important documentation by courier, law firms and other organizations that send documents to their partners.

Some delivery services specialize in delivering goods from Russian online stores and company accounts. You can try to enter into agreements with stores that specialize in home delivery of goods.

Video on the topic

Online shopping allows you to save time and purchase the desired product without leaving your home. But placing an order is only half the battle. There remains another, no less important, half - delivery.


After you have placed your order in the shopping cart on the website, an online store employee may contact you to double-check the list of selected products, their cost and delivery conditions. When the order is confirmed, it is transferred to the service that completes it and sends it to the end consumer.

Most online stores offer several methods of delivering goods to customers: by courier service and by mail. The main determining factors when choosing one method or another are the speed of delivery, its convenience and cost. But the distance between them is not always that big, especially when sending goods to other regions.

Having dealt with the packaging, you need to transfer the parcel to Russian Post. After which, the goods will be sent to the post office at the address you specified. When the package reaches its destination, the client will come to the post office (a notification will be sent to him) to pick it up and pay for it.

The money will be transferred to you accordingly. This algorithm of work is described for those who are going to send parcels by cash on delivery. And as we know, this method is the most reliable.

Important! Along with the parcel, an invoice (or delivery and acceptance certificate) and a document containing information about the product itself and the procedure for its return must be submitted.


For the buyer, this option will be convenient only if there are several pickup points. Because Not everyone wants to travel far. Pickup is usually always an additional option for delivering the package to the customer. In addition, if the pickup point(s) is limited to one city, and you are sending goods throughout Russia, then the store must indicate that this option is only available for a certain city.

Self delivery

If you start operating in your city, then there is this option: deliver the parcels yourself. Of course, it’s not as prestigious as we would like, but still, it’s also a way.

Own couriers

The most prestigious, reliable, and effective method– develop your courier network. The only and very significant drawback is that it will take a lot of money. On the contrary, the advantages a large number of:
You can fully control the work of couriers.
The couriers themselves are interested in working “conscientiously”, because... their wages depend on it.
Well-coordinated work of couriers, delivery on time.

Outsourcing companies (couriers)

Although the previous option is the best solution, due to high costs, not all online stores can afford it, especially in the initial stages. In such situations, there is an alternative for those who do not want to hire couriers and use postal services, but still need to deliver the goods somehow. Outsourcing companies provide courier delivery services. In order not to beat around the bush, I will give clear examples of such companies:

Attention! I do not encourage working with the companies mentioned below. This information is provided for information purposes only. The final decision is yours.


The company provides a wide variety of services that will be useful to online stores. An important point: the company can provide courier services only for Moscow and St. Petersburg. For other cities, a service has been implemented to deliver parcels to pick-up points, where the client can pick up his order.


The company positions itself as a service for online stores, including courier delivery services. "Hello? I’m running!” has been operating for quite a decent amount of time: more than 6 years. As with the above company, delivery is possible by Russian Post, to pick-up points, and to parcel terminals.

Important! When deciding on an outsourcing company, find out all the details of the work before concluding a contract. It is extremely important to compare the internal processes of your store with the capabilities of outsourcing companies: it is necessary that the delivery methods and terms coincide with the type and dimensions of your product, i.e. there were no discrepancies, otherwise this would affect the quality and delivery time of the parcel.

Parcel terminals

A parcel locker (or parcel locker) is a parcel delivery terminal. This type of service appeared relatively recently, but has established itself as an inexpensive delivery method. True, in addition to the fact that the client will have to pick up his parcel himself, its dimensions are limited by the size of the cell. The method is suitable for sending small goods.
What is it, we figured it out, the main question remains open: how to send a parcel to a parcel terminal? To use this service, the highest priority services for sending goods through parcel machines are “InPost” and “PickPoint”.


Well, the main sending methods have, in general, been sorted out. I remind you that in order to conduct legal activities, despite the fact that this is an online store, you must register an individual entrepreneur. That's all, don't forget about likes and reposts of this article via social media. networks. This will help the development of the project.

Find out about the main methods of organizing delivery for online stores:

  1. Express delivery;
  2. pickup of goods from the online store;
  3. EMS/Russian mail in online stores;
  4. transport companies.

Express delivery

In large cities this is the most popular method and the most popular delivery service. This method is characterized by high delivery speed and the fact that buyers can look at the product to check its condition before paying.

The simplest scheme and easy to implement.

At the start, it is very problematic to hire your own couriers, so you should outsource delivery and use the services of third-party couriers if necessary. This will protect you from unnecessary expenses and there will be no situations when the courier sits out in the office. The article on courier services for an online store provides a comparative overview of courier services that can be entrusted with the delivery of orders.

On average, the cost of services of courier companies is approximately 170-200 rubles. an order weighing up to one kilogram, delivery of which is carried out within St. Petersburg or Moscow. The cost of delivery to St. Petersburg to MSC on average is approximately 250-300 rubles.

Let's take a look at the results:

  • Price
  • Speed
  • Reliability

Cost: due to the high speed, such a service is not cheap (for an order weighing one kilogram in one city - from 150 rubles).

Speed: if you have your own couriers, you can send orders on the day you receive the orders. Orders are delivered by third-party courier services the next day after acceptance.

Reliability: responsibility for the cargo received lies with your couriers and courier services (it is worth reading the contract with them).

All self-respecting online stores should have courier delivery, regardless of the region where the work is carried out.

Pickup of goods from the online store

Self-pickup is more convenient because the buyer does not have to pay for delivery of the order, and this is important when the order amount is small. Moreover, buyers do not rely on couriers, who often arrive at unspecified times.

In addition, you can place additional display cases with goods at pickup points, thereby providing customers with the opportunity to buy other goods in your store.

If you don’t have an office, then don’t be upset, now you can place goods on the basis of pickup centers of courier services or companies that were originally designed as pickup centers for online stores (for example, SamZaber).

A significant disadvantage of self-pickup is the higher percentage of unpurchased orders compared to courier. Therefore, a few days after confirming orders, it is worth reminding customers that the order is awaiting them. Then the buyer will either completely refuse or come to pick it up.


  • Price
  • Speed
  • Reliability
  • It is possible to accept cash upon receipt

Cost: Pickup may cost nothing if it's your own office. When using the services of third-party pickup centers, issuing the 1st order will cost on average 40-90 rubles. depending on the center.

Speed: The low speed is due to the fact that quite often buyers do not immediately arrive to place an order, but only within a few days.

Reliability: Naturally, if the pickup is in your own office, then you are responsible for it. Responsibility for the order transferred according to documents also lies with third-party pickup centers; do not forget to read the contract.

MailEMS/Russia in online stores

It is no secret that in online stores, cash on delivery delivery is one of the most popular types of delivery in Russia. Firstly, because it has the largest coverage of the territory. Secondly, because many potential buyers live in small towns.

The delivery procedure is as follows:

  1. Packaging of goods;
  2. Sending orders through Russian Post offices;
  3. The order is sent to the recipients, we are waiting for it to arrive at their department;
  4. When an order is received, payment is expected to arrive.
  5. The main disadvantages of cash on delivery delivery. Before opening delivery throughout Russia, you should think about the following:
  6. In Russia, the average delivery time is ten days;
  7. When sending only by prepayment, there is a certain risk of freezing working capital during delivery;

It will also take a lot of work to prevent orders from not being picked up. In such cases, you will spend ten days on delivery, a month to collect the order, and in cases where it is not collected, another ten days to return the goods. Do not forget that in such cases you will have to pay for delivery both there and back.

There may be additional costs associated with communicating with buyers from the regions.

However, even if there are all the above-mentioned disadvantages, working with the entire Russian audience has its advantages. Since the opening of this type of delivery, complications are possible that are associated with the fact that some Money travels around Russia in the form of orders, but over time (when orders are redeemed) the situation begins to stabilize. In addition, the audience of potential buyers is very large.

To reduce the number of non-fences, the following recommendations will help you:

It is worth notifying buyers about the shipment of goods;

It is also worth notifying them about the delivery of the order to their post office;

You should always confirm orders to the regions by phone.


  • Price
  • Speed
  • Reliability
  • It is possible to accept cash upon receipt

Cost: delivery is at a fixed cost and depends on the region where the parcel is sent. We recommend 1st class.

Speed: depending on the region, the delivery time can be found on the Russian Post website. We recommend sending by 1st class, which significantly reduces delivery times.

Reliability: according to statistics, Russian Post rarely delivers goods to their final destination. However, there may be violations of deadlines and appearance packages The product may also be damaged. It is worth warning buyers that they should not redeem their purchase if the packaging is significantly damaged.

By the way, it is more convenient to send parcels through branches that do not work with individuals, but only with individual entrepreneurs or legal entities.

Transport companies

For online stores, it is the most unclaimed delivery service.

We are talking about delivery using companies such as PEC, Business Lines, etc. The advantage of these companies is fast delivery compared to Russian Post and a large number of offices throughout Russia (more than 1000 cities).

This type of delivery is perfect for:

  • Prompt delivery to cities where the buyer can independently pick up orders from the transport company’s warehouse;
  • Delivery of fairly large cargo;

Buyers place orders, make an advance payment for them, and then you send the order to the city. Compared to Russian Post, this type of delivery has less coverage (medium and large cities), but faster delivery, which is especially important for remote regions.

Some transport companies offer the opportunity to pay for goods upon receipt, but we recommend using prepayment systems.

Transport companies:

  • Business Line
  • Results:
  • Price
  • Speed
  • Reliability
  • It is possible to accept cash upon receipt in some companies

Cost: the cost of delivery is comparable to the cost of sending using Russian Post. It is more profitable to send oversized cargo by transport companies.

Speed: compared to Russian Post, the speed is higher, but the coverage is smaller.

Reliability: higher reliability than Russian Post due to shorter delivery times and more careful handling of shipments.

What to choose as a result for delivery for an online store?

We considered pick-up, courier delivery, transport companies and Russian Post. Now let's compare them according to their characteristics:


  • Pickup
  • Express delivery
  • Transport company
  • Post office

It has already been noted that courier delivery is the most quick way delivery of orders to end customers. But Russian Post has maximum coverage in the Russian Federation.


  • Pickup
  • Express delivery
  • Transport company
  • Post office

Always high delivery speed has been characterized high cost delivery. It's quite difficult to compare here. Various types, because each of these types performs its own tasks, the difference in cost is large. The main thing is that online stores offer many different payment options.


  • Pickup
  • Express delivery
  • Transport company
  • Post office

The most reliable is delivery on your own using couriers or self-pickup. By and large, everything happens before your eyes and control is much easier. When sent to the regions, control becomes more difficult. Send a courier on a business trip a thousand kilometers away - you yourself understand that such a trip will not pay for the sale. Unless, of course, you sold the composition household appliances, numbering twenty cars. Therefore, it is better for a young store not to get involved with the regions, but to focus on the city where it operates.

As you can see, there is no obvious winner in all categories. Therefore, we recommend that you always not use only one delivery option, but combine them, thereby giving customers the opportunity to choose. For some it is more convenient to pay for prompt delivery by courier, while for others it is better to drive up yourself so as not to overpay.

Select delivery at start

When launching an online store, courier delivery is required (up to two days) + pickup is also desirable. Over time, it’s worth trying to test delivery by Russian Post, both prepaid and cash on delivery. The results obtained will help you finally determine the scheme for working with mail.

If you distribute large goods or it is more convenient for you to work with transport companies, then it is worth assessing the cost of such a service and choosing the appropriate service. This site can provide you with assistance in automatically calculating shipping costs for various destinations.

In order not to make a mistake when choosing a delivery option, it is necessary to take into account the type of product being delivered. For example, you need to remember that delicate electronics and various small items do not like transportation by mail, since they can be damaged during shipment. Therefore, it is best to deliver mobile phones, gadgets, electronics, and computer parts through a courier, or even better, to deliver them at your own expense. We must not forget that courier delivery is also additional income. As a rule, the cost of a trip for a courier is several times lower than payment for delivery, therefore offering courier services to the client is profitable.

If your product is not afraid of impacts (for example, clothing), then the most profitable delivery method is undoubtedly mail. Using post offices, you can easily send goods without worrying about its safety. Finally, if your field of activity is something large (hot water boilers, gas stoves, furniture...) - your choice - specialized delivery services that have become widespread in Russia in Lately. As a rule, such services have convenient websites where you can track the progress of delivery, because both you and your client can always find out where the goods are located. In addition, the cost of services of these companies is quite favorable.

As we can see, all delivery options are good to a certain extent. Most stores prefer to combine benefits and use different delivery options. As a rule, courier delivery is carried out in the city where the store is located. And to remote regions the goods are sent by postal services.

How to open a delivery service: 5 popular delivery options, tips for attracting investment, cost and profitability of this type of business.

Costs for organizing a business: from 400,000 rubles.
Delivery service payback period: 10-12 months.

Delivery business is gaining momentum every day, as it does not require such large investments as the production of goods or the opening of a catering establishment.

Another advantage is the fact that it is not so complicated in organization and design.

A delivery company can provide transportation services, such as oversized cargo, parcels, letters, or enter into an agreement with a company (more than one) and deliver goods produced by it.

In addition to the advantages, there are a number of nuances that you need to understand before thinking about how to open a delivery service.

First, you need to decide which goods will be supplied and to whom.

For example, you can initially deliver orders to your home in one locality.

This a good option for a beginner to start because it does not require a large number of vehicles.

And if the business prospers, it will be possible to expand the scope of activity to the desired scale.

How to open a delivery service and what are the requirements?

As already stated, this branch of business is not as difficult to organize as most others.

There are minimum requirements, once you understand them, you can open a business delivering flowers, parcels, valuable cargo and other items.

Choosing premises for a delivery service office

Interesting fact:
The story has survived to this day about the most iconic envoy of early antiquity - Phillipides, who brought a message about the Battle of Marathon to Athens. He ran a distance of almost 40 km and died of exhaustion after fulfilling his duty. His feat became a prerequisite for the founding of marathon racing.

As with any full-fledged enterprise, the first step is to rent office space.

Where it will be located, in a large building in the city center or in a residential area, is not so important.

There are courier services without an office.

But, as practice shows, this is only at the “embryo” stage.

After all, when expanding such a business, there will be a need to enter into contracts with reputable companies.

The absence of an office can negatively affect this partnership, and in general cause a lot of inconvenience.

Selecting transport for delivery service

The next, but no less important point, will be transport.

There is nothing to do in the courier business without transport - this is a fact.

But the presence of a vehicle with considerable dimensions will increase the number of delivered parcels.

When choosing, you should take into account the expected volume of orders and the available budget.

Personnel and customer interaction

An important part of organizing the idea of ​​opening a delivery service is finding suitable personnel.

It is necessary to hire couriers who will deliver parcels and staff to work in the office.

To improve communication, you can open a hotline or a website where you can always track what stage your order (package) is at.

It is equally important to set up communication between the office and the couriers, since customers who are expecting a parcel will first call the office and ask what the condition of the order is and how long to wait for it.

How to register a delivery service?

You can register an enterprise as a private enterprise (PE) or with limited liability (), but registration with the tax office will be a little more complicated.

Since recently, courier activities cannot be subject to a single tax on imputed income; taxation of delivery businesses occurs on a general basis.

But this should not affect net income, provided that the business is successful.

Registration with local authorities and obtaining all necessary approvals will cost approximately 15,000 rubles.

To open a courier service you do not need many documents, only information about the founders, the physical address of the company and its property (enterprise fund).

How does a delivery business depend on the city in which it is located?

When organizing a courier service in a big city, there is no need to provide diverse services; you can simply choose a specific area and deliver only a certain type of goods.

You can implement the following delivery service options:

  • cooperation with online stores;
  • cooperation with restaurants or (most often, such establishments have their own couriers);
  • delivery of correspondence;
  • water delivery business, colors;

If the location is sparsely populated, the intra-city delivery business will not bring as much profit as we would like.

Therefore, it makes sense to engage in transportation between cities, as this will greatly expand the range of activities.

It is most profitable to cooperate with furniture manufacturing factories, transport it to the place of sale, and possibly to the buyer’s home.

You can also deliver things while moving.

For such large-scale cargo transportation, you need appropriate transport, and more than one.

But first, you can try smaller deliveries.

How to choose transport for a courier service?

Any vehicle for starting a delivery business is suitable, from a scooter to a truck, it all depends on the type of transportation.

You don’t often see a driver with his own truck, therefore, for large deliveries between settlements, you will have to buy a car.

The financial calculations section includes not only the cost of purchasing a vehicle, but also the costs of its maintenance, as well as gasoline consumption.

Gasoline consumption depends on the following factors:

  • vehicle condition (serviceability, mileage);
  • type of vehicle (truck, passenger car);
  • driver's driving style (fast, slow);
  • weather;
  • road condition.

Approximate calculation of gasoline consumption for trucks and cars

Obviously, gasoline consumption depends on the car model and its engine.

But, based on the table, you can roughly calculate the difference in gasoline payments for cars and.

Required personnel for delivery service

It is most profitable to hire employees (couriers) who have their own transport.

As mentioned above, it can be either a car or truck, or a scooter or motorcycle, since small orders do not require a large interior.

For example, deliveries such as flowers, or sports nutrition, can generally be carried out using public transport.

For this type of assignment, it is best to hire students, as they will cope well with the task and can be hired part-time or have a flexible schedule.

If we are talking about large-sized orders, ranging from bottles of drinking water to refrigerators, you will need at least a minibus.

Since it will be necessary to deliver water to several recipients at once, and it is more profitable to deliver equipment to at least several clients in one trip.

In addition to couriers, you will need an accountant, a call center operator who will answer incoming calls and provide the necessary information (a secretary can handle this task).

How to attract investment to open a delivery service?

Nowadays, finding someone who will invest money in starting a business is not so difficult.

There are many sites (exchanges) for searching for investors, which they themselves go to to find promising project for your investments.

Naturally, no one wants to invest money in an unprofitable enterprise.

Therefore, you need to present your business plan as best as possible.

It is worth indicating all the nuances and aspects of the proposed project, identifying the benefits to the investor himself, calculating the approximate payback period and receiving the first income.

Describe in detail the services that the company will provide.

Also, the amount of investment must be clearly indicated, and a report must be provided on what and how much will be spent.

The knowledge and experience of the founder (founder) of the company in this area plays a significant role.

How much does it cost to open a delivery business?

Regardless of what kind of transportation you do (small or large), the costs for office and advertising will be almost the same in any case.

It is worth adding website creation to additional services; this will cost from 10,000 rubles.

Regular investments

The remaining expenses will go to the purchase of cars (if there is a need for freight transport), wages to employees, gasoline costs, etc.

In the video below, experienced entrepreneurs talk about the features of running a delivery business:

Profitability of starting a delivery business

Before you open a delivery business, you need to understand that competition in this area is very strong.

After all, in addition to delivery services, there are many private couriers.

However, despite the competition, the profitability of such an enterprise is about 25%, depending on the type of activity.

The company should generate income within three months.

If there is no profit during this period, this means that the company is operating at a loss.

The payback period will take about 10-12 months, subject to success.

As in any commercial activity, you should not start with something large; such enterprises often fail.

You can build a shipping empire starting with a small flower delivery business, and expand the scope of work every year.

This will speed up the payback period, reduce risks, and profits will begin to come as soon as possible.

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Finding your niche in business in such a highly competitive environment, correctly registering your type of activity, creating an online store, filling it with goods, advertising... This and much more are the stages of the development of online trading.

But even after passing all these milestones, the store owner cannot afford to sit idly by, waiting for orders, hoping that the business will now make a profit without special effort with his hand.

How shipping is organized in the online store

The way an online store sends orders can tell about it better than any expensive advertising, help create a base of regular customers and gain new ones.

The operating scheme of an online store is almost the same for everyone:

  • Acceptance of order;
  • Packaging and shipping;
  • Receiving an order;
  • Further maintenance

The “payment” item can appear either after acceptance of the order (prepayment) or after receipt (cash on delivery).

Business plan for you!

Are you planning to open an online business? Be sure to read, which you can use to calculate a store in many niches.

The goods in the basket are a reason for joy

Promising does not mean getting married...Putting in a basket does not mean buying. And an unfinished purchase is not always someone else’s fault. There are simply several categories of buyers who do not pay for items put in the cart.

  1. The first category is those who are interested in the product, but want to collect more information about it.
  2. The second is those who, wanting to save money, are looking for a cheaper analogue.
  3. The third group are those who entered the store not to buy something, but simply to get acquainted with the assortment.

If someone who has not completed the order in the cart has left any coordinates, then you can contact him in the future and in an unobtrusive form ask whether he intends to make a purchase, or whether the item can be removed from the cart.

Placing an order

How does an online store send orders to customers in such a way that customers come back again and again? The main thing here is clearly planned actions, when everyone does their part.

The first point is processing time. Oddly enough, there is no need to rush in this matter, but, of course, you cannot delay the registration. The optimal time is from 1 to 4 hours, the possible maximum is 8 hours.

Next is order confirmation. Many people make do with a phone call, but this is not correct. Order confirmation must be reflected in an email to the buyer. It must indicate: the name and parameters of the product, its cost, form of payment, details (in case of prepayment), contact information.

After this you can do phone call for final order confirmation.


The next step that the product goes through on the way to its buyer is payment, or rather prepayment in accordance with the issued invoice (sent by email), which is usually valid for 7 days.

If there is no payment after 2-3 days, you can call the client or send a letter offering an alternative method (cash on delivery, for example). You can try again after 5-7 days, but such bills, as a rule, are no longer paid. Although this does not mean that the client can be removed from the list of potential buyers, quite the opposite - he needs to " attack» all kinds of promotions.


If the payment has been completed, or it requires cash on delivery, then the order can be safely created and sent to the client. Don't underestimate the quality and style of packaging, even if delivery involves the nearest metro station.

It's definitely worth investing in promotional items. Moreover, one business card is usually not enough. Anyone will be pleased to receive a discount on their next purchase after their first order, as well as to get information about upcoming promotions. Such advertising, of course, requires certain costs, but sometimes it justifies itself no worse than the electronic version.

actual dispatch of goods

Of course, the cost of delivery and its timing are discussed immediately when placing an order and payment method. The maximum allowable period is 3 days, although it is best to work according to the following scheme: processed in the morning - sent in the evening, processed in the evening - sent the next day before lunch.

Online stores can send orders in several popular ways. Within the city and the nearest suburbs - by courier (full-time or hired in a special service), outside - with the help of carrier companies.

In the latter case, immediately after shipment, you must send a message to the buyer at mobile phone, in which indicate:

  • Order number;
  • date of dispatch and expected date of receipt;
  • number of the invoice given by the carrier;
  • the exact amount to be paid (in case of cash on delivery).

What is the profit?

Further actions

Under no circumstances should you cut off contact with the buyer after a successful transaction. If possible, after 2-3 days you should call and ask to leave your opinion about the quality of the product and service.

And, of course, the client must be entered into the database in order to send him the latest news, promotions and useful information.


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