How to please a man? Advice from psychologists on how to quickly win over a man or guy. How to please a man and attract his attention What a woman should be like to please a man

The first date is usually very important for potential couples. A man makes his first impression about you, which then significantly influences his attitude towards you.

How to behave to keep his interest

Be open, but not intrusive. You shouldn’t flirt all the way with a man you barely know yet. If you like a young man, then give him compliments, react to his jokes and try to joke yourself. Many girls, coming back from a date, realize that they have learned practically nothing about their interlocutor because... They mostly talked about themselves. Try to avoid this mistake.

What's the best thing to wear?

Choose a time for your date so that you can get dressed before the meeting. It is undesirable to appear in front of a man immediately after training or a busy day at work. You should have some time to get ready before your date.

You should not choose outfits that are too revealing or vulgar. Feminine clothing in “non-flashy” colors, which maximally emphasizes your advantages and does not focus attention on possible shortcomings, would be quite appropriate.

Please note that it is better not to wear items that you have not worn before or that you have recently purchased. That is, if you last years If you didn’t wear miniskirts at all, then you shouldn’t experiment on a date. The same can be said about the trousers that you bought the other day and decided to wear for the first time on a date. When going to a meeting, you should wear what you feel completely confident in. You should not be distracted by thoughts about how your clothes fit on you; this uncertainty will be noticeable - you will involuntarily begin to examine yourself, adjust some wardrobe items and periodically get distracted.

What to talk about so that a guy will definitely like you

As already mentioned, try to talk not only about yourself, but also be interested in the life and general hobbies of the interlocutor. It is also important to note that on the first date you should not exaggerate the details of past relationships – both yours and your interlocutor’s. If necessary, you can mention in general terms why the separation occurred, but it is better to remain silent about complaints and colorful descriptions of what you experienced. Try not to bring up topics that might cause you negative emotions.

When you ask a guy questions, be interested not in his living conditions and the amount of earnings, but in his hobbies and plans. Find out what places in your city he likes, where he would like to visit, and the like.

How they will appeal to an adult and married man

If a man is happily married, then it is unlikely that you will be able to arouse too serious interest in him. However, a married man who is dissatisfied with his family life, may well pay attention to another woman.

  • To please a man, you should carefully monitor your appearance. Choose a hairstyle that suits you best, watch your figure, choose beautiful clothes. Don't forget about good perfume - but choose subtle scents rather than suffocating ones.
  • Many men suffer from a lack of attention from their wives, and this especially often happens when children appear in the family. If you begin to show an active interest in such a man, consult with him, give compliments, then, undoubtedly, this will attract him.
  • Married men often do not have the opportunity to openly court a woman. Usually they begin to show signs of attention to those persons whose sympathy they are already sure of. The easiest way to demonstrate your interest to a man is through unobtrusive flirting.
  • You must make it clear to the man that you are not claiming him as a potential spouse (even if this is not the case). With a girl who is already married, no questions arise, but a single person may raise doubts. If you are not yet single, casually mention that for some reason you are not striving for marriage, and you definitely do not need marriage in the coming years.

I liked a man at work, what to do?

1) Your sympathy should not be so obvious that it is obvious to other colleagues. Subsequently, this can put both the employee you like and yourself in an awkward position. A man must understand for himself what you like.

2) If you like a colleague and want reciprocity, then you will have to work hard. Make sure that he does not have time to form a negative opinion about you from the words of other employees. Be polite and friendly with your colleagues, don't spread gossip, don't make a scene, etc.

3) Show small signs of attention to a man, show concern. If you think he looks unhealthy, ask if he is doing well. Perhaps he is unable to cope with some work task - offer your help if appropriate. When you go to lunch and know that your colleague can’t tear himself away from his work, invite him to grab something for him (coffee, a pack of cookies, etc.). Take an interest in his work activities and unobtrusively praise him.

4) Flirting should be barely noticeable - only when you are alone with the object of your sympathy. He should assume that you like him, but not know for sure. At work, sometimes catch his eye (not too often). In general, behave friendly with a man - joke, smile more often, ask for advice.

How to please a man in bed

If you don’t yet know what sexual preferences your lover has, then you’ll have to act according to the situation. Respond to his caresses, show that you enjoy his kisses and caresses. A man should see that you feel good with him. At the same time, it is important not only to accept the attention of your lover, but also to take the initiative yourself, kiss and hug him.

The best option would be if you talk openly with a man and find out what he likes about sex. It shouldn't look like an interrogation. Have a romantic dinner with wine and a relaxing atmosphere. Ask him if he would like any experiments, what kind of ideal lover he sees.

Also, do not forget that many men are visual, so your lover will probably like it if he sees beautiful and erotic underwear under your clothes. Pay special attention to caring not only for the skin of your face, but also your body - use scrubs and oils.

Some girls are very skeptical about their appearance, considering themselves ugly. What to do if you are also one of them?

Correct deficiencies. If you clearly know what exactly, in your opinion, makes you unattractive, then think about whether these shortcomings can be eliminated. An ugly smile can be corrected with a visit to the dentist, skin problems can be solved by a dermatologist, excess weight will leave with help proper nutrition and sports.

Perhaps you believe that you have shortcomings that cannot be eliminated - too short or tall, a large nose, small eyes, bow legs, or something like that. In this case, you should choose clothes or makeup that will not draw attention to flaws.

Maximum charm. Many public figures, despite any flaws in appearance, are the idols of millions of people - their charisma and charm are so great that all possible defects in appearance seem simply insignificant. Usually, fans may not even realize that their idol is far from handsome.

Charm can be developed. Read books, go to interesting places, play sports, expand your horizons. To avoid any problems with pronunciation, practice your diction (you can also work with a teacher). Don’t withdraw into yourself, be a cheerful, sympathetic and enthusiastic girl, and fans will not keep you waiting.

Grooming is always in fashion. Don't forget about this too. Healthy teeth, hair, nails, a good figure - this is already the lion’s part female beauty, and with a certain amount of persistence, you can achieve it. Visit beauty salons, choose the most flattering outfits for yourself, and experiment with your looks.

If you feel that your husband has begun to move away or is no longer as attentive to you as before, then try to make him fall in love with you again. To do this, you need to remember where it all began. When your spouse started having feelings for you, things weren't like they are now. Surely, you spent more time together, intimacy happened more often, and you yourself were not concerned with many everyday issues.

After being married for some time, many husbands stop paying attention to their spouses because they consider them practically “read books.” You can change this.

1. New hobbies. Your husband needs to see you with new side. Do something you've dreamed of doing before, but thought you didn't have time for. If you wish, you can find a few hours a week for dance classes, painting lessons or something like that. Even if you have never aspired to any hobbies, it's time to expand your horizons and learn something new. Your husband will see in you not just a woman who is busy with work, home and family, but also a person who strives for some kind of development.

2. Appearance. If you haven't already, throw away your stretchy lounge pants and worn-out T-shirt. Now there is a huge selection of comfortable and beautiful home clothes and underwear in which you will look attractive.

3. Pastime. If on weekends you preferred to do household chores, just sit at the computer or visit relatives, then try to change the established tradition. How did you like to spend time with your chosen one? Where did you go on dates?

4. Intimacy. Do not deny your husband sex and take the initiative yourself. If you are too tired for this, then it makes sense to discuss the problem with your husband. You may need to change jobs or share some household responsibilities. At chronic fatigue Consult a doctor - it is possible that you have health problems.

How to understand that a man likes you

  • He tries to communicate with you as often as possible, even if there is no special reason for this. He regularly texts you, calls you, or simply starts conversations with you if you see each other at work or school.
  • You periodically catch his studying and attentive gaze on you. If a guy notices that he has been “caught,” he often hesitates and abruptly averts his gaze.
  • If your communication takes place mainly online, he is trying to please you and make a positive impression. Perhaps he is simply bragging about something, joking a lot, talking in detail about himself. By the way, similar behavior can be observed during “live” communication. By the way, it is worth noting that when meeting, a young man often behaves differently - on the contrary, he withdraws into himself and is embarrassed, worried or afraid of blurting out too much and thereby spoiling the impression of himself.
  • The most obvious sign is that he wants real communication in private. If a guy invites you to see you - invites you on a date or a friendly meeting, then this clearly indicates that he is interested in you.

Most Frequently Asked Questions

How to keep a guy interested from a distance

If a young man is temporarily away or simply lives in another city, and you have yet to meet, then this will not prevent you from maintaining his interest. Despite the distance, you should be present in his life every day. He needs to get used to the fact that you are an integral part of his regular day. Of course, you shouldn't be intrusive, but it's perfectly acceptable to wish him good morning, asking how his day was and the like.

Periodically send him a photo where you turned out well. To make this as appropriate as possible, you can write: “We have snow today!” and send a photo of you against the backdrop of a snow-covered street. Or: “I was at the cinema today, it’s a pity that you weren’t there,” and your photo next to the poster.

How to take the first step towards your crush

Do you suspect that a guy who also likes you likes him? He may be hesitant to explicitly show his interest, so it would be appropriate to take the first step in this direction - just invite him somewhere. Don't make it sound like you're asking him out if you're afraid of rejection. Come up with another reason. If he works out at the gym, ask him to take you with him one day and show you how to use the equipment because... you are still embarrassed by the coach. You can find many reasons to meet in which you will not look intrusive, but will also understand how the guy treats you.

Why does it happen that some girls like men without making any effort? And she doesn’t seem to have a figure, and she doesn’t seem to be a beauty in appearance, but the attention of the stronger sex is focused only on her, as soon as she appears in the company. What is the secret here and how to please a man? Let's ask professional psychologists for advice.

What can psychologists advise us on such a difficult issue? Men love with their eyes, but a woman’s inner world is also an important component for any man. That's why psychologists recommend:

  1. Positively minded the person is pleasant to talk to everyone. You want to take an example from him, there is a desire to see him nearby and be charged with his positivity. Smile more often, and interest in you from the opposite sex will increase significantly.
  2. Be sincere. Sincerity is an important quality and the key to a reliable relationship. Therefore, if you want a guy to like you, impress him with your openness. But don't pretend, pretense, especially if done poorly, is repulsive.
  3. Engage in self-development. Men, contrary to popular belief, do not like “funny silly girls”; they are only interesting at dances. Appearing next to an intelligent and educated girl is a sign of good taste.
  4. good sense of humor- an indicator of a sharp mind. A girl who knows how to appreciate subtle humor and support her interlocutor will attract not a single fan.
  5. Woman of mystery evokes hunting instincts and the desire to conquer. Let the young man open more and more new pages in this book.

If the girl sticks to these simple tips, she will not only find her prince, but will also win the sympathy of the people around her, establishing herself as an interesting and intelligent interlocutor.

How to please a man on the first date?

The first appointment is a special moment. On the first date, sometimes everything is decided once and for all. We prepare for it seriously, as if before an important exam.

Which rules must be observed for a successful date?

  • People meet you based on their clothes, and for the first date you want to choose something special. But you shouldn’t unload and apply war paint. Naturalness - main friend modern lady. Be the way your loved ones are used to seeing you, don’t try to deceive anyone. If in life you are a princess, then be one on your first date; if you prefer sports and comfortable clothes, then you can choose something here for your first date.
  • If you're not interested in going on a date with him, don't immediately criticize your friend, guys can't stand that. You can always find something positive, even where it would seem there is none at all. Maybe this is not the most interesting film or concert, maybe this is not the most cozy cafe and not the most pleasant. Don’t focus your attention on this, the main thing is that you are nearby and this is an opportunity make a positive impression on him.
  • The content of your conversation when you first meet alone is extremely important. You shouldn’t chatter without a break, although excitement in this case is understandable and understandable. Know how to speak and listen. You need to tell about yourself, but keep it mysterious, reveal not all the secrets and leave room for intrigue. And most importantly, you should not mention your former partners.

And the most important advice for the first date - don’t invent “princes” for yourself, look at the situation realistically.

How to please a man in bed?

If your relationship has already grown initial stage and move on to more serious ones - there is no need to panic, everything goes on as usual.

When you find yourself alone with him, do not forget that he worries no less than you, help him calm down:

  • Don’t be shy and don’t be tight, although of course the excitement is understandable. Express your feelings openly, because that is what you both came here for.
  • Wear erotic lingerie, let him see that you were preparing and also wanted to please him.
  • If you see that he is embarrassed and does not dare to take more serious actions, help. Help him with everything. Your help will give confidence to your partner. He will be grateful to you for this.
  • And of course weasel, men don’t like her fewer women. And they will not only accept tenderness with pleasure, but also give it to you.

There is no doubt that we are all different and some like one thing, while others like another. By getting to know your partner better, you can predict what he wants to get in bed. That's why watch him more often Everyday life , this will help you learn to understand each other.

Of course, who will give more practical advice here if not them. What do the representatives of the stronger sex say, what do they advise? Below we publish advice from the famous Russian psychologist Viktor Efremov:

  1. A woman should be beautiful in everything. Simply put, men like feminine girls. And it’s not about dresses and heels. And in a light gait, a gentle smile, a gentle look. And even if you wear at least a thousand of the best and most expensive suits, if the girl is vulgar and immodest, nothing will help her become a princess.
  2. Keep a sense of proportion. Men say that a girl who understands that it’s time to call it a day before he starts looking at the clock will surprise with her insight and make any guy worry: “Why is she running away, did I do something wrong?” And don’t let him walk you to your apartment at first, just take him to the entrance, you need to be able to leave gracefully and modestly.
  3. Men are interested in women who are interesting in themselves: “We like to feel like hunters and not prey, without having to give up everything for our attention. Keep your distance, respect yourself, be your own person, make friends, get out from under our noses!”

Men are all different and women too, don't be afraid to experiment. It didn’t work out today, tomorrow a new day and a new opportunity await you.

Mistakes to Avoid

Wanting, girls often go overboard in their desire. There are no perfect people, but there are things that are best avoided.

  1. . Yes, jealousy is an indicator that a person is not indifferent to you. Or maybe that's not true? Maybe you just need to work on yourself and increase your self-esteem. A man can talk to anyone, look and evaluate the world. You just need to behave in a way that he doesn't want to change. By being jealous and scandalizing, you definitely won’t achieve required result. Don't let yourself openly, it scares them.
  2. Personal space. Leave it to him free time Push. It is normal for any person to have friends, hobbies and an hour of peace and quiet.
  3. Love yourself. Chat with friends. Live life to the fullest. A relationship with a man is the very reason that should force you to work on yourself. Lead interesting life and you will be interesting to him.
  4. Say “Thank you” more often! Men love, they are praised and thanked for years. If you're not doing this, now is the time to start.

Don’t make such simple mistakes, it will be useful, first of all, for you.

How to understand what a man likes?

How do you understand that you have succeeded? Here are a few characteristic features this:

  • He will begin to get nervous when you appear: fiddling with the buttons of his jacket or playing with a lighter in his hands.
  • He will try to touch you at any opportunity: hold you by the elbow or offer his hand if necessary.
  • He will begin to take care of himself: straighten his posture, straighten his shoulders and tighten his stomach.
  • From his look you will understand everything. He will glide over you with his eyes, because it’s so nice to inspect what you like.

And of course he can just tell you about it. Such daredevils are not rare, but they are not that common either.

After reading all of the above, you can safely dare. After all, here there is the opinion of not only strangers, but also the representatives of the stronger half themselves advise how to please a man.

In this video, psychologist Anna Roksovskaya will tell you 4 main mistakes that can prevent a woman from liking an interesting man:

Men are all different, and everyone likes girls differently. Although there is something in common in men's preferences... Once you understand them, you will learn how to please a man.

Let’s not consider youthful affection; let’s move straight on to a really important issue, on which sometimes people depend. women's destinies.

How to please an older man?

This question interests many young girls who need a serious relationship with a really mature guy. The answer is simple: outline your ideal and bring yourself into line with it. Only then will the man of your dreams notice you.

The main thing in a woman is...

Adult men value self-sufficiency and intelligence, as well as grooming, femininity, athleticism and cheerfulness.

Some girls claim: either it’s given or it’s not - justifying with this their unkempt appearance, meter-long steps at super speed... Remember the famous Soviet films: which woman will a man definitely not miss? And you will answer for yourself: confident, with a gait from the hip, majestic, but with an open look. So that he says: I’m ready to communicate.

How to discover your femininity

Many women forget over time what it feels like to be feminine. To understand how to please a man, you need to awaken the sleeping beauty in yourself that each of them dreams of: go to the mirror and practice demonstrating open look and a slight smile. At the same time, you will see what you urgently need to work on. Overgrown eyebrows, baggy clothes, disheveled hair - eliminate everything urgently! And getting in shape, along with fitness will come cheerfulness and aspirations for achievement.

How not to lose her

To maintain the right feeling of yourself, always take care of yourself, pamper yourself with good clothes, cosmetics, underwear, beautiful home clothes and sexy night pajamas. Even if you are alone, alone with yourself, beautiful lingerie will not let you forget that you are a woman. And you can afford to wear stockings to work so as not to lose anything. But a provocative outfit is suitable if you are not looking for a life partner, but a partner for a pleasant pastime.

Always remember: you are beautiful just because you are a woman. You are desirable, you just need to help your chosen one recognize you, see you “in the crowd.”

Yes, a man should notice you himself! Or think that he himself found you... And for this, you need to get yourself in order: a couple of programs about the transformation from a caterpillar to a butterfly and you will be fine.

Sending a signal

What now, you ask? How to please a man? If this someone has been in your environment for a long time, he will pay attention himself, thanks to your changes. If there is no one in particular, learn from random (not in that sense!) acquaintances.

Let's make an acquaintance

Once attention is attracted, our task - how to please a man - does not end. Next, you need to listen, listen carefully, encourage him to talk, only from his words will you find out what kind of girl he needs. And if this is your man, show him that you are exactly the one he was looking for.

If you want to please a man, work on yourself: to be a Woman means to attract admiring glances, inspire, interest, surprise, and bring joy. And to be desirable means to be able to submit to a man at the right moment...

How can a woman please a man so that he completely loses his mind and thinks only about you? To do this, it is enough to be a real woman and know some little tricks.

Probably every woman has had this situation: she is madly in love with a man, but for some reason he does not pay attention to her. This, of course, begins to frustrate, stress and even irritate us. As a result, we spend sad evenings, suffering for the most wonderful guy in the world. It's time to stop this! You need to fight for it, and if you, by all means, want to start a relationship with this particular man, start taking active action.

Even for the most desperate feminist, it is important to be aware of the fact that guys like her. It always improves your mood and self-esteem. We always like to get what we want, no matter whether it's a handbag or married man. Anyone can be conquered and conquered.

Any representative of the fairer sex should have knowledge of how to win the heart of both a young man and an older one. Knowing minimal information about the art of conquering the male body and mind, you will have strong trump cards in your hands. Thanks to which you can not only establish personal and intimate life, but also to achieve the desired career heights.

Remember that, having conquered a man, you may encounter a number of nuances. For example, for you it was just fun, but he fell in love with you. Therefore, while playing, do not forget to think about what awaits you after this.

How to attract attention?

1. Objectively evaluate the guy and yourself. This is a very important stage. The manner of your behavior will depend on how much you understand it. For example: if the guy is active, interested in modern gadgets, you shouldn’t play a pretentious lady in front of him, it’s unlikely to work. But, at the same time, a calm homebody will not like an avid nightclub goer. Having an idea of ​​what exactly might interest a man, choose the most appropriate behavior.

2. Miniskirt and stiletto heels. The male sex loves with their eyes, all of them, without exception, adore girls in beautiful and revealing outfits. They are especially delighted if a woman is wearing a short skirt, but does not look like a call girl. , emphasizing the dignity of the figure - the best choice, if you want to get someone's attention.

3. Learn to talk to him. Beautiful appearance is not enough; men are not interested in communicating with a girl who cannot put together two words. Be interested in the life of the man you like, ask questions. Just don't turn the conversation into an interrogation. Let the man know that you are interested in him.

4. Find what unites you. It could be a love of football, theater or horse riding. This is a great reason for long conversations. Guys are delighted when girls share their hobbies.

5. Be successful and self-sufficient. To please a man, you need to show that you are an individual, know your worth and can stand up for yourself!

6. Be different. Even if you like a man very much, you shouldn’t look at him with devoted eyes every time. At first it will flatter him, and then it will begin to stress him. Be friendly to him today, and tomorrow modestly say hello and pass by. This will make him pay attention to you.

7. A sea of ​​positivity. With a cheerful kind girl It's impossible not to talk. So think about whether you can do it if you constantly walk around with a sour face and blame everyone around you for your troubles. Of course not. Any man will want to run away from you as soon as possible. So learn to be positive.

8. Don't disappear from his field of vision for a long time. You shouldn’t constantly loom in front of him either, but you can “accidentally” bump into him at least a couple of times a day. Don't give a man the opportunity to forget about you. And regular meetings will help a man get used to you.

9. Don’t throw hysterics and scandals in front of him. A man may not intentionally witness your nervous breakdown; after that, he is unlikely to want to have anything to do with you.

10. Make friends with his friends. For men, the opinion of his friends and acquaintances has great importance. So try to get them to speak well of you.

11. The best way showing a man that you like him is... Do it beautifully, don’t turn into a vulgar person, and the man will be at your feet.

12. Try to meet a man in an informal setting. It is not always possible to hint to a work colleague about your feelings in the office (after all, other employees can be distracting). But a corporate party or business trip gives you more chances. Take advantage of the situation.

Now you know how to conquer a man so that he wants to date you. Just be honest with yourself. Even if you have been seeking a man’s attention for a very long time, but after getting to know him better, you realize that he is not suitable for you – back off. Only the most worthy should be next to you!

Scroll through the pages of any weekly tabloid and you're bound to come across at least one story involving a more mature woman dating a younger man. You might think that this only happens in Hollywood, but... real life this happens even more often. That guy standing behind you in line at the store, or the newcomer who recently joined your office, may be perfect couple for you. Attract a younger man by playing with the idea of ​​a “cougar” or “cougar” (approx. Translation: “cougar/panther” is a woman of middle age or more mature - from 30-35, who prefers to enter into romantic relationships with men younger than her) and always be alert.

An article published by ABC entitled "Mature women with younger men?" (More Older Women With Younger Men?) highlighted and examined the modern trend where older women prefer younger men. The article refers to a study conducted back in 2003 National Association Retired Persons (National Association of Retired Persons), which stated that approximately 1/3 of mature women (from 40 to 60) are in relationships with men younger than them.

Difficulty: moderately easy.

1. Use the Panther's reputation to your advantage. Young men and boys are now seeing their favorite stars and idols dating and getting serious with women twice their age, not to mention five years apart, every day - and are starting to eye the interesting older women in their circles. Let the younger man know that you are older but still full of life and looking to live an active life.

2. Dress like a woman on a hunt and play up your best qualities- both physical and intellectual (a good figure, a great sense of humor, intelligence, the ability to put on makeup as if you weren’t wearing makeup, positive wisdom, natural beauty, the manners of a confident person, etc.). Take good care of yourself - this is often not typical for young girls either: you will need all the attributes of a mature toilet from good perfume to body creams combined with deodorant. Don't forget about stylish hairstyle.

Don’t dress too conservatively and maturely, but you also shouldn’t look too young, like ladies under 40 wearing short, straight sundresses or sneakers: both of them create a more negative impression than what you want. Opt for good (but not striptease-style) heels to show off your legs, don't forget about jeans - they give your look a lightness and an acceptable youthfulness (but don't wear jeans all the time), and finally, choose a blouse with a relatively low neckline. Just because you're older doesn't mean you don't look great, and that guy should be able to see that. By the way, many different designer items can perfectly highlight your figure without vulgar clichés, such as narrower jeans and a deeper neckline. Choose a mature, yet relevant style of clothing that can say that you are an energetic, modern, yet elegant and intelligent woman without age.

As for behavior - a couple of interesting and funny remarks made in a conversation with a cashier or colleague, your jokes at a corporate party, interesting ideas for projects - anything worthy that will make you stand out from the crowd.

3. Avoid mentioning a number of things that he does not understand or knows nothing about: those that are related specifically to your age. For example, there is no need to talk about what happened before his birth: of course, this does not concern major world events or politics, but it primarily concerns particulars, as well as pop culture, cultural achievements and the events of the decades closest to his birth. If he was born after the release of " Star Wars", you shouldn't mention how you went to the cinema on a date to the premiere of this film, or talk about how you went to a Jackson concert. Stick to things and interests that you share: for example, a love of Depeche Mode / A-ha music or , on the contrary, Armin(a) van Buuren(a), corresponding to the interests of both generations.

4. Show your wisdom and experience, but carefully so as not to hurt his pride. There is nothing sexier than a woman who knows what she wants, is confident in herself, knows how to show off and does not want to deprive herself real life. Tell him about that trip to Paris or the mountains, the time you passed out at a rock concert, got into a bar brawl, went sailing, or went to Italy for the soccer season finale, and you'll be surprised at how much interest he'll show. .

5. Ask him for help and/or advice with something that only he knows or is at least good at. Tell him that you liked the new song, but you don’t know its name or artist, ask him a question about the characteristics of the new mp3 player. Perhaps later he will worry that you already know so much about everything and you don’t need him, but such a question will show that you, despite everything, need him.

6. You can’t “purely” divide all young men into two or three categories, so if you are particularly interested in the opportunity to date him, try to understand his motivation. Is he looking for opportunities to have fun, is he going through a stage of transition from boyish irresponsibility to the personality of a balanced and responsible young man, is he looking for opportunities to start a family or reliable and loving company for a long period? Develop your action strategy based on these facts.

7. Expand your interests and hobbies beyond your own home. Go to meetings, unisex workshops, group sports classes, try photography or Latin American dances- more often long time do something outside your own four walls. This way, you will not only increase your chances of meeting a suitable young man, but your chances of attracting him will increase significantly: the rhythm of your life will better coincide with the daily rhythm of young people; you will know and be able to do more interesting things, you will have something to talk about; you will show yourself to be an energetic and dynamic person; you will have the opportunity to find a like-minded person, a person who is interested in the same thing as you - and this brings you together almost better than anything else.

8. Don’t forget about naturalness, about the opportunity to be yourself. Adult women often attract young people with their maturity, calmness, confidence, intelligence, natural intelligence - they do not need to pretend to be something, to prove something, they are already more than interesting. So don’t try to make faces and become like young women who have not yet matured as individuals. Do not try to remain silent, avoiding an argument, do not humiliate yourself around him. Show confidence in everything you do.

Additions and warnings:

- Many young men date mature women to have the opportunity to learn from them and become more mature themselves. If you are dating a young man who is still asserting himself, try to support his ideas, goals and provide him with firm, good advice. Understand the challenges and obstacles young people face. Don't delve into his worries, don't label them stupid or immature;

- Avoid completely possessive tendencies and insecurity in your young partner. For young people, the desire for freedom and the opportunity to live their own lives is even more important than even for a mature person - this is the period of their formation. Remember yourself at this age. Do not make unreasonable or excessive demands;

— Some young men date older women for purely selfish reasons. The desire for a relationship without any conditions, constant access to erotic pleasure, the financial side of the issue, or even psychological self-affirmation at the expense of a woman - all this may be the main reason that a young man shows interest in you. So be clear about your own desires before looking for a younger partner. And, already being in a harmful relationship like this, think three times whether you need it;

- Don't worry if you say or do something that indicates your age, because he already knows that you are older. Just make it a joke if you want and move on, instead of being embarrassed and worried that you lost control and ruined everything;

- Don't lie about your age and don't pretend that you are younger than you really are. One way or another, one day he'll find out the truth - and sooner rather than later, we're all curious - and then he'll probably be upset about the whole situation. In the worst case scenario, you will break up.

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