Dreams on the 27th lunar day today. Twenty-seventh lunar day. lunar day characteristics

Twenty-seventh lunar day- a very calm, beneficial day, if you use its energy correctly.

Characteristics of the twenty-seventh lunar day

Symbols of the twenty-seventh lunar day - trident, wand.
Stones of the twenty-seventh lunar day- selenite, emerald, charoite, malachite, lapis lazuli, purple transparent amethyst, crimson and rose quartz, adularia.
Body parts- lower legs, lymphatic system.

The twenty-seventh day in itself is a very good day, but it is characterized by a lack of energy, so it is so important today to focus your attention only on the most important matters and sweep away everything superfluous and unnecessary. An ideal option would be all kinds of spiritual practices that will help achieve internal balance and harmony. It’s better to relax: any tension today will not bring you any benefit.

Intuitive abilities may be heightened today, so be prepared for an encrypted flow of information. Know how to see the signs and interpret them correctly. The revelations of the twenty-seventh lunar day can be very useful to you in the future. In addition to external sources of information, use your own internal resources: listen to your own inner voice, which will tell you the right decisions today. This will help you find a way out of many situations that previously seemed dead-end.

Twenty sevenths lunar day They are also good for gaining new knowledge and enriching themselves with the experience of other generations. Studying, reading, communicating with experienced and older people who can teach you something will be very useful today. Rid yourself of the everyday hustle and bustle and unnecessary contacts, on which you will only waste energy and never see results. The correct policy regarding obtaining the necessary knowledge will lead to the fact that today you will be able to expand your horizons and learn a lot useful information, comprehend many connections and consequences of the world around you that were incomprehensible to you before.

It is recommended to spend the twenty-seventh day surrounded by your loved ones, visit relatives, show them attention, care and love - this will enrich you internally. Avoid all vanity, black thoughts, blues, laziness, boredom. Engage in your own self-improvement and work on yourself.

It is considered a bad omen on the twenty-seventh lunar day to look in the mirror.

Interpretation of dreams on the twenty-seventh lunar day

Dreams on the twenty-seventh lunar day are influenced by the fact that your intuitive abilities are sharpened to the limit today. Therefore, today you are open to information from above, and it will come down to you in dreams. Moreover, these are often shocking revelations that you don’t even expect. As a rule, they open your eyes to reality, tear off your rose-colored glasses and help you comprehend what is happening in your life.

Many illusions can be broken precisely by the interpretation of dreams of these lunar days, but they will not be given to you just like that: they are too symbolic, too encrypted and coded, so do not expect direct answers to your questions. You will have to seriously rack your brains about what they mean, how to interpret them correctly, and in which direction they are directing you. Sometimes it will seem that the dream is completely positive, but with a professional interpretation it turns out that it is a direct indication of your mistakes and warns you against a possible disaster.

These are the features of the twenty-seventh lunar day that must be taken into account so that this day runs smoothly, calmly and evenly with benefit for the soul and body.

The mysterious world of dreams, into which we plunge at night, is fraught with many secrets and mysteries. Dreams excite us, touch our curiosity and our soul, make us think about our lives. But can every dream be trusted, and how can we unravel the dream we had? The Moon will again help us answer these questions. Her secret magical power, exciting our feelings and emotions, controlling our subconscious, can help us foresee and predict the future.

The lunar dream calendar was compiled based on thousands of years of observations and recommendations of astrologers. However, it is worth noting that the interpretation of dreams according to lunar calendar, like any other interpretation, the process is creative and ambiguous. The dream calendar can only point out the right path for understanding the secret meaning of a dream and tell how true it is, but what exactly this or that dream means, you must decide for yourself by analyzing your life.
When interpreting a dream, first of all, pay attention to the position of the Moon in the sky at the time you saw the dream. The fulfillment of dreams according to the lunar calendar is determined by what phase the Moon is in and on what lunar day you saw the dream.

Dream fulfillment calendar

A dream I had during the waning moon

With the waning Moon, we get rid of everything unnecessary. Consequently, the dreams we had during the waning Moon symbolize something that will soon leave our lives, become unnecessary and uninteresting. We would really like fears and troubles to go away from our lives, so if on the night of the waning moon you had a terrible dream, then, oddly enough, this is for the better. All this will soon disappear from your life. That is why dreams of the waning moon are called cleansing. But the good dreams that I had at this time, in real life not destined to come true.

A dream you had while the moon was waxing

The time of the waxing Moon is a time of new plans and hopes. Our consciousness works on a problem during the day, offering us solutions to certain issues, and the subconscious mind presents us with its point of view on the problem at night, in a dream. We see in which areas changes are needed, what and how best to change. Such dreams are called filling dreams. They may soon come true, regardless of how fantastic their plot was.

A dream on a full moon

On a full moon, nature is filled to the brim with energy, it boils and seethes and overflows. We are overwhelmed with emotions and feelings that we cannot cope with. Everything that was dormant in our subconscious awakens, acquires a bright color, unusual shapes. Often dreams that occur at this time indicate something in which we show excessive emotionality, on which we spend too much mental energy. Think about it, maybe you should behave more calmly, not waste your nerves and energy on something that cannot be changed.

A dream on a new moon

The time of birth of the new moon is a time of change and rebirth. During this time, we have dreams about things that we think about too much. On a full moon we are overwhelmed with emotions, and on a new moon we are filled with thoughts. Dreams show us the deep processes of our consciousness. They give us thoughts that we can then acquire real shapes.

Dreams according to the days of the lunar calendar

Astrologers claim that dreams come true according to the lunar calendar, are “prophetic”, on the 14th, 15th, 16th, 24th, 28th lunar days.

“Empty” dreams often occur on the 2nd, 9th, and 13th lunar days.

All other lunar days are considered “half empty”, i.e. You shouldn't rely on them too much.

If you had a “prophetic” dream on one of the days after the full moon (usually the full moon occurs on the 16th lunar day), then such a dream will be long-term, but if before the full moon, then short-term. It is impossible to accurately indicate the time of sleep execution; it is individual for each person.

Dreams and lunar day (when dreams come true according to the lunar calendar)
To find out what lunar day it is today, see the calendar at the bottom of the page!

1st lunar day A dream, as a rule, does not come true if you dream about something unpleasant. Good dreams may come true.
2nd lunar day Dreams are empty, not serious, meaningless.
3rd lunar day Dreams are special and come true quickly.
4th lunar day The dream is significant, it carries warnings.
5th lunar day Dreams of this day often show the state of health. It is a good sign if you cry in a dream, this indicates cleansing and recovery.
6th lunar day Dreams come true, but only if on this day you were calm and balanced, did not lose your temper, did not get irritated and did not swear. In this case, dreams will provide important information.
7th lunar day Be careful, the dreams of this day are prophetic, important and prophetic. They will come true very soon. Most often, they are favorable. But you can’t tell anyone about them.
8th lunar day Prophetic dreams. Often associated with a cherished desire, or indicate true purpose, so be attentive to such dreams.
9th lunar day Dreams that foretell success come true. But I often have bad dreams and nightmares, you shouldn’t believe them, bad things won’t come true.
10th lunar day The complete opposite of the previous day. Negative dreams come true, but positive dreams do not.
11th lunar day Dreams do not come true.
12th lunar day Dreams are highly likely to come true or indicate a way to solve a problem. Take advantage of this dream.
13th lunar day Significant dreams. They can show new important information about long-standing problems.
14th lunar day Dreams are difficult, but most often do not come true.
15th lunar day Prophetic dreams indicating something positive. They talk about what needs to be decided first. You need to be able to solve them.
16th lunar day Dreams are often healing, bringing release from tension. Often irrelevant.
17th lunar day Significant dream. Shows the current state of affairs. If it’s good, everything is fine, if not, it will show our dissatisfaction, lack of inner freedom.
18th lunar day Dreams often show a problem that bothers us and how it can be solved.
19th lunar day Dreams are frightening, but they often do not make much sense.
20th lunar day Dreams are special. You can see a dream upon request. Before you fall asleep, ask a question and prepare to see the answer in your dream. If the question is serious, there is a high probability that the answer will come to you in a dream. Dreams of this day come true quickly.
21st lunar day Dreams are often pleasant, but have little relation to reality and, as a rule, do not come true.
22 lunar day This is a day of wisdom, intuition, tips. Dreams come true. In dreams you can see the future or insights.
23rd lunar day Dreams are confused, chaotic, and come true the other way around.
24 lunar day Dreams are often pleasant, joyful and prophetic. They show how fulfilled we are. If you have a bad dream, it means that we are not satisfied with our achievements and, especially, our implementation.
25th lunar day Dreams do not come true, although it is possible that in the near future they will try to deceive you.
26 lunar day Dreams tell us who we really are, or rather, how we see ourselves. Therefore, it is worth listening to them and drawing conclusions. I have unusual dreams on this day. Often improves mood.
27th lunar day Dreams come true. They are often confusing and confusing. But they carry intuitive insights and reveal the true essence of people and situations.
28th lunar day Dreams are prophetic and carry clues. They portend obstacles and difficulties in business. It is believed that one can “cancel” them by losing money, thus making a sacrifice as compensation.
29th lunar day Dreams do not come true, they are heavy, joyless, frightening.
30 lunar day Prophetic dreams. Fantastic, but true in their essence, they make sense.


The twenty-seventh lunar day is best suited for self-improvement. This is the main meaning of these days. Often on these days there is a desire to read something, go to a museum, get new information and so on.

Today you can find inner harmony, decide psychological problems and eradicate negative aspects of character. This is the time of Neptune, when insight can descend on a person.

The day is suitable for sharing wisdom. Meetings between the older generation and the younger generation are going well. On these days, you need to listen to both your intuition and the voice of reason at the same time.

The patron angel of the 27th lunar day is Gasar. He can reveal to a person all the secrets of the world if today he gives up pragmatism and listens to intuition and the sixth sense.

General characteristics of 27 lunar days:

  • Energy of the day: active.
  • Symbol of the day: scepter, rod, ship, trident of Neptune.
  • Element of the day: fire.
  • Stone of the day: selenite, rose and crimson quartz, emerald, adularia and clear purple amethyst.
  • Color of the day: blue and its tones.

The twenty-seventh lunar day is the time when you can understand your true life purpose. You can also develop intuition. It is possible to meet distant relatives and exchange wisdom between close people. Today, scientific experiments, research, and so on will be crowned with success.

On the twenty-seventh lunar day, any contact with water is favorable. You can go to the pool, to the pond and visit the sauna. Even a simple shower will improve your psycho-emotional state and health. If you have a phobia of water, then you can get rid of it on this day.

Bathing in a mountain lake will be especially beneficial. Any water today will charge a person with energy. Contact with this element is recommended primarily for women. Water will help them become more compliant and learn to adapt to situations. These qualities will help ladies improve their personal lives and become a good wife.

You can plan travel on the 27th lunar day. Water cruises will be the most successful.

On these days you can realize your most ambitious ideas. If the mood is high, then everything will work out. Good day to visit government agencies. In each of them you can get satisfaction of any application, petition, plan, and so on.

Today, good deeds will not remain without encouragement. The moon favors those people who commit them.

This is a description of the 27 days of the lunar cycle.


The 27th lunar day is suitable for meetings with your loved one. Romantic moods are in the air today. On these days, you can better understand your loved one and learn something new about him. There is no need to make a scandal and sort out relationships. All disassembly must be postponed until later. Today, on the contrary, we need to make peace and improve relationships.

It is not recommended to schedule marriages on the 27th lunar day. Feelings between lovers will quickly cool down, and family life may end in divorce.

On this day you can only marry by convenience. Then it will be strong and perhaps feelings will arise between the spouses. The day is suitable for conceiving a child.


On the 27th lunar day, it is best to give up doing household chores. You need to spend this day with benefit for yourself. You can arrange a meeting with the whole family, go to the theater or read a book.


The 27th lunar day allows for gardening work. On this day, intuition is heightened, which allows you to see which plants are growing poorly or are sick. For a good harvest, they will need to be transplanted to a more favorable place or fertilized.

The characteristic of this day allows you to process the upper part of the plants. They can be grafted, pruned, and so on. It is not recommended to work with plant roots. They can be damaged and then the plant will die, because the root damaged that day will not recover.

Today you can weed and spray plants to protect them from pests. It is allowed to plant plants with the upper edible part. These are tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage and other vegetables.


If a person gets sick on this day, recovery will come quickly and the illness will not cause much harm to the body. Today a person has more energy and vitality, so he can resist diseases.

Big problems can only arise with blood. During these days, you need to avoid excessive bleeding, because it will be difficult to stop.

Today the shins are vulnerable. They cannot be treated or operated on. On this day you should try to stop taking any medicines. It is advisable to reschedule a visit to the doctor and the x-ray room to another day. Today it is recommended to be treated with alternative medicine.

Work, money, business

These days, special attention should be paid to people working in a team. Their activities today will bring good results.

These days are favorable for doing business. The morning of this day will be successful. In the afternoon, troubles, disagreements in the team or quarrels with partners may arise. Therefore, all important events should be carried out not during the day, but in the morning.

This day is suitable for completing old things, but it is better not to plan to start new things on this day.

If you get rid of debts today, you have the opportunity to no longer borrow money later.

Characteristics of people born on the 27th lunar day

The 27th lunar birthday is the day when people are born who are constantly looking for answers and truths. They are trying to find out the secrets of the world.

People born on the 27th lunar day often become spiritual teachers and mentors to others. They are happy to share their knowledge with others.

People born on this day are not burdened by illusions and stereotypes. Their life is full of surprises and changes. A person born on this day is a romantic, a travel lover and a dreamer. Among such people there are often hermits.

They may have financial difficulties and large debts that they may be hiding from paying.


Dreams on the 27th lunar day tell a person how well he combines spiritual development and material values. If everyday scenes prevail in dreams today, this means that there is a lack of spiritual development.

Is the dream unrealistic, does it contain a lot of fantasy? This means that little attention is paid to material values, and without them the existence of a full-fledged harmonious personality is impossible.

Today, images from dreams need to be given special attention. Perhaps they contain an important message for a person. You need to remember the dream and use a dream book to interpret it.

You need to spend the 27th lunar day to your advantage. You can't let it go like that favorable time for self-improvement, communication with loved ones and loved ones.

The symbol of the 27th lunar day today is a trident (Neptune). A deeply intuitive day meditative. Intuition comes first - it is your guru, your best advisor. Try to have as little contact as possible with outside world, and more with internal. TV, telephone radio, and even Internet (!) Today it is better to put it aside and use it minimally. Of course, it is perfectly acceptable to communicate with good friends. However, if you feel that such communication disturbs your inner silence, it is better to postpone the meeting until more appropriate times. It is not recommended to sleep for a long time, it will dull your perception. You shouldn’t eat a lot, all your energy will go towards digesting food and you will lose concentration on your inner world. In other words, you will be “grounded” to the material. The moon today opens the curtain for those who are not afraid to discover a source within themselves that contains something that cannot be found in the outside world.

Dreams on the 27th lunar day

Dreams that occur on the 27th lunar day are often prophetic. They carry your inner knowledge, view of the world and people. The meaning that lies in dreams on the 27th lunar day can reveal to you the true essence of what is happening. For example, if you suspect your lover of treason, and he (she) carries you out of the fire in his arms in a dream, your suspicions are unfounded and such a person can be trusted. When interpreting dreams on the 27th lunar day, be careful - it’s easy to make a mistake, the meaning may be hidden from view.

Information about the 27th lunar day

Today, intuitively, you can get out of any problem that has occupied you long time. In general, the day promises you all sorts of discoveries and receiving long-awaited information. True, basically, this information comes as a feeling of the correctness (or incorrectness) of what your thoughts are occupied with. However, it is worth remembering that all this is possible only if you maintain your inner silence and calm. In other words, try not to worry about even the most pressing problems, then the solution will come in silence.

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