July 15, 1942. Chronicles of events from official sources. General Staff of the Red Army

The State Defense Committee adopted a resolution on the oil production plan, the production of petroleum products and the logistics of the oil industry.

Soviet troops fought fierce battles with units of the enemy's 4th Tank Army in the Rossosh area. The 40th Tank Corps of the enemy's 4th Tank Army deeply encircled the troops of the 38th and 9th Soviet armies, and the 3rd Tank Corps of the enemy’s 1st Tank Army wedged itself into the junction between the 9th and 37th armies and by the end of the day was fighting in the area of ​​​​Verkhnyaya Tarasovka, on the river. Glubokaya, and advanced units went to the area north of Kamensk.

Combined detachments of the 2nd Belarusian Partisan Brigade carried out a night raid on the German garrison of the station. Bychikha. As a result of the actions of the partisans, the garrison was completely destroyed, 137 fascists were killed, oil and gas warehouses, 8 cargo and 1 passenger car, station switches, 2 km of railway rails, 2 railway bridges and 2 highway bridges, 7 km of telegraph and telephone communications, trophies captured.

The partisan detachment of K. S. Zaslonov in Belarus was reorganized into a partisan brigade consisting of four detachments. K. S. Zaslonov was appointed brigade commander, L. I. Selitsky as commissar and P. P. Limaev as chief of staff. The brigade operated in the Orsha - Vitebsk - Smolensk region, carried out sabotage on railways, destroyed dirt and highway roads, destroyed bridges, telegraph and telephone communication lines and destroyed Nazi garrisons in populated areas.

German troops occupied the city of Morozovsk, Rostov region.

Chronicle of besieged Leningrad

From 19:17 to 19:38, the enemy fired about 200 shells at Leningrad. 17 city residents were killed and 37 were wounded.

When the shelling ended, eighteen-year-old car driver Agafya Gerasimova brought a badly damaged train to the Konyashin tram depot. One of the carriages was so disfigured that the question involuntarily arose: what about the people who were traveling in it? But it turned out that the passengers were not injured.

As soon as shells began to explode nearby, Agafya Gerasimova stopped the tram and ordered everyone on board to immediately take shelter in the nearest bomb shelter. When the shell hit the train, there was no one there, except for the driver herself. But she was lucky: the shell hit the wrong carriage in which she was. And the fragments flew past. Having disconnected the tram from the power supply, she hurried to safety.

For the dedication shown by the leader of tram route No. 3 A.L. Gerasimova, the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council awarded her a personalized watch.

Birthday number “2” symbolizes balance in mood, behavior, actions, gentleness and tactfulness of character, the search for compromises, smoothing out sharp corners, acute problems. Internal contradictions, excessive prudence, eternal advice to friends and others can prevent you from understanding your own affairs.

Number 2 is antithesis, balance, contrast. It is between light and darkness, good and evil, heat and cold, wealth and poverty, life and death.
You can accept all circumstances as they are, adapt to them, and come to terms with them. You can avoid extremes, any uncertainty and excessive generosity.
It’s great that you think and care not only about others, but also about yourself. You are good designers and advisers, but not performers.

Number 2 people are usually gentle, artistic and charming, easily adapting to circumstances. They are often characterized by passivity and detachment. They are more prone to thinking than to action. They are characterized by ingenuity and intuition, but they do not often succeed in implementing their plans. These people are often susceptible to depression. They establish very good relationships with people of number 1.

The lucky day of the week for number 2 is Monday.

Your planet is the Moon


Tact, diplomacy, peacefulness.
Two endows its owners with gentleness and passivity, emotionality and physical health. It encourages a person to live by desires and passions, and provokes emotional disorders and depression. Patronizes women, motherhood, psychologists, working with the subconscious and meditation, as well as people living on rent and actors. It helps to make savings in the material world, but is not the number of bankers.

Love and sex:

Home life is very important for these people, so their partners must have common sense. Sexual passion can fade into the background, giving way to genuine respect and love. Moreover, its absence will not make married life any less happy in the long run. These are very loyal natures and in return they require absolute loyalty. As long as they feel that they are loved and needed, everything is fine, but as soon as doubts creep in, they instantly become jealous and can resort to cruel revenge in their quest to save the family.

Birth number for a woman

Birth number 2 for a woman Such a woman is sociable and charming, revealing herself most fully during close relationships. The more trusting the relationship, the more harmonious her life is. She is vulnerable to other people's feelings and emotions. He does not accept assertiveness towards himself. Does not tolerate clarification of relationships and conflicts. Capable of blindly following the thoughts and desires of her partner. Hobbies, dreams and intimate relationships occupy an important place in her life. She can invent an image for herself ideal man and project it onto every partner he meets. Fiction and a sense of mystery are necessary for her in intimate life. Turning her sexual fantasies into reality makes her a delightful woman. She gladly accepts signs of attention, but is able to quickly change her mind and break off the relationship. She is characterized by duality: depth and superficiality of feelings, constancy and frivolity. Her inconsistency and sometimes neurotic behavior complicate her relationship with her partner. Many men will accept the warmth of her soul with pleasure. She often makes a good wife and housewife. Expensive gifts and comfort are more interesting to her than intellectual conversations.

Birth number for a man

Birth number 2 for a man Such a man loves society and communication, has spontaneity and trustfulness. His heart is open to the feelings of other people, and his mind is tuned to the perception of the world around him. He is like a sponge, absorbing other people's problems. Appreciates beauty and femininity and easily succumbs to the charm of appearance. Lives by feelings and often falls in love. He adapts well to changing events. When the reality of a relationship weighs on him, he withdraws into himself. Can be charming and seductive, convincing and insightful. Capable of being caring and faithful, but can also be domineering, demanding, stubborn, and jealous. The main thing in a relationship with him is not to rush things. A woman who shares his tastes and is constantly nearby, inspires him, shares all his concerns and interests with him is suitable for him. Emotional attachment plays a major role in relationships for him. Values ​​comfort and stability most of all. This is a loving and devoted partner, but too predictable and therefore boring.

Birth number 15

As a rule, these people are born leaders and are mercantile. They have business qualities, but are also romantic at the same time. Persistent in making and carrying out a decision, no matter what it is, right or wrong. Don't leave things unfinished. They rarely continue the inherited business; as a rule, they entrust it to others. They start their own business. They love money, but the lack of it doesn't bother them much.

They are very excitable and easily angered. They cool down quickly. People around them should not be offended by them.

As a rule, marriages are successful, but their spouses must have not only wealth, but also attractiveness, respond to their romanticism and not destroy their illusions.

They should think everything through before doing anything, because... They easily get sidetracked and get carried away by romantic dreams. They should learn patience.
Their weak points are the ear, throat, and nose.

Pythagorean square or psychomatrix

The qualities listed in the cells of the square can be strong, average, weak or absent, it all depends on the number of numbers in the cell.

Decoding the Pythagorean Square (cells of the square)

Character, willpower - 4

Energy, charisma - 3

Cognition, creativity - 0

Health, beauty - 1

Logic, intuition - 1

Hard work, skill - 0

Luck, luck - 2

Sense of duty - 0

Memory, mind - 3

Decoding the Pythagorean Square (rows, columns and diagonals of the square)

The higher the value, the more pronounced the quality.

Self-esteem (column “1-2-3”) - 7

Making money (column “4-5-6”) - 2

Talent potential (column “7-8-9”) - 5

Determination (line “1-4-7”) - 7

Family (line “2-5-8”) - 4

Stability (line “3-6-9”) - 3

Spiritual potential (diagonal “1-5-9”) - 8

Temperament (diagonal “3-5-7”) - 3

Chinese zodiac sign Horse

Every 2 years the Element of the year changes (fire, earth, metal, water, wood). The Chinese astrological system divides years into active, stormy (Yang) and passive, calm (Yin).

You Horse elements Water of the year Jan

Birth hours

24 hours correspond to twelve signs Chinese zodiac. The Chinese birth horoscope sign corresponding to the time of birth, so it is very important to know exact time birth it has a strong impact on a person’s character. It is argued that by looking at your birth horoscope you can accurately determine the characteristics of your character.

The most striking manifestation of the qualities of the hour of birth will occur if the symbol of the hour of birth coincides with the symbol of the year. For example, a person born in the year and hour of the Horse will display the maximum qualities prescribed for this sign.

  • Rat – 23:00 – 01:00
  • Bull – 1:00 – 3:00
  • Tiger – 3:00 – 5:00
  • Rabbit – 5:00 – 7:00
  • Dragon – 7:00 – 9:00
  • Snake – 09:00 – 11:00
  • Horse – 11:00 – 13:00
  • Goat – 13:00 – 15:00
  • Monkey – 15:00 – 17:00
  • Rooster – 17:00 – 19:00
  • Dog – 19:00 – 21:00
  • Pig – 21:00 – 23:00

European zodiac sign Cancer

Dates: 2013-06-22 -2013-07-22

The four Elements and their Signs are distributed as follows: Fire(Aries, Leo and Sagittarius), Earth(Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn), Air(Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) and Water(Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces). Since the elements help to describe the main character traits of a person, by including them in our horoscope, they help to form a more complete picture of a particular person.

Features of this element are cold and humidity, metaphysical sensitivity, feeling, perception. There are 3 signs of this quality in the Zodiac - a water trine (triangle): Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. The Water trine is considered the trine of feelings and sensations. Principle: internal constancy despite external variability. Water is emotions, inner peace, preservation, memory. She is plastic, changeable, secretive. Gives such qualities as uncertainty, daydreaming, imaginative thinking, gentleness of manifestation. It slows down metabolism in the body, controls fluids and the work of endocrine glands.
People whose horoscopes express the element of Water have a phlegmatic temperament. These people have great sensitivity, are very receptive and impressionable, thinking, living more of an internal life than an external one. People of the Water trine are usually contemplative, thinking both about their own good and the good of their loved ones, however, at times they can be indifferent, lethargic, and lazy, with the exception of people of the Scorpio sign. Their external manifestation of feelings is not as pronounced as that of representatives of the Fire or Air trigons, but they experience internal feelings with great strength and depth.
For people with the Water trine, efficiency, practicality, sobriety of thought, and objectivity are not strong point, but they have a lot of imagination, they have a rich and vivid imagination, great internal and external strength, especially Scorpios.
People of the water trigon, thanks to the richness of their inner world and sophistication of perception, achieve the greatest success in professions related to the world of arts, they especially shine as artists and performing musicians. Water signs can also be excellent workers in areas related to service and nutrition. And Scorpios are also excellent detectives due to their exquisite intuition.
The plans and moods of people of the Water trine can change both from external circumstances and from the internal state of the soul. A minor detail, sometimes not even tracked by consciousness, can radically change their state of mind, which can lead to a complete loss of interest either in the matter or in the partner.
People of the element of Water have great spiritual sophistication, are kind, polite, courteous, very attractive and attractive. They are usually not aggressive, with the exception of Scorpio.
Of the signs of the Water trine, Scorpio is the strongest in body and spirit, the most meaningful, the most aggressive, not susceptible to unwanted influence from the outside and showing strong resistance to everything with which his soul does not agree. His patience, endurance, tenacity and perseverance are simply amazing.
The weakest of the zodiac signs of the Water trine is Pisces. The middle ground between firmness and instability is occupied by the third sign of this trine - Cancer. Although his spiritual sphere is also very receptive and impressionable, he is distinguished by noticeable perseverance, endurance and purposefulness, therefore, of all the water signs, it is Cancer who more often than others achieves success in life.
The feelings of all three signs of the Water trine are approximately equally strong and, as a rule, prevail over the mind. These people are always ready to make self-sacrifice for the good of a loved one, as they always experience deep and pure feelings towards their loved ones. If they are not appreciated, they leave their partner forever, which is the real drama of life for them. They are looking for a partner who is worthy of them. Love and marriage are of paramount importance in life for them, especially for women.
An excessive tendency towards daydreaming and fantasies, too vivid an imagination can lead to internal contradiction - a collision of their illusions with reality. If a person does not see a way out of this state, depression, addiction to alcohol, drugs, other stimulants, and even mental illness may occur.

Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn. The cardinal cross is the cross of will, the material basis of the universe, a new impulse of idea. His main quality is the desire for realization. It is always directed towards the future. It gives dynamism, activity, and the desire for a goal. A person in whose horoscope the Sun, Moon or most of the personal planets are in cardinal signs will be a man of action. Such people are energetic and live in the present; for them, the most important thing is the current moment in time and the feeling of “here and now.” Therefore, their emotions and sensations are bright and strong. Their joy is as strong and sincere as their disappointment, but any emotions are short-lived, since these signs soon plunge into new life, into new sensations, starting a new business. With age, their moods become more even and come to their usual businesslike mood. Obstacles do not frighten them, but only increase their pressure and desire for the goal. However, they do not have much strength to withstand the fight for their goal for too long. Therefore, if the struggle with an obstacle takes too long or the results of your efforts are not visible at all, then such an obstacle begins to seem insurmountable, which leads to disappointment, causes a loss of strength and can even lead to depression. Also detrimental to them is the lack of dynamics and the ability to take initiative. Such a person will always strive forward and upward, captivating him with his energy. He is always in sight, noticeably rises above his surroundings, achieves his life goal and reaches a high social level.

This is a sign of the primary manifestation of the element of Water. It is under the control of the second luminary - the Moon, which largely shapes the psychological and emotional internal structure of this sign. The Sun in the sign of Cancer creates the psychological structure of people of a juvenile nature. To some extent, this is youth psychology and perception of the world. Water carries the functions of a passive and reflective principle; it becomes the cause of internal transformation, transformation, mutation and transmutation.

People born under the sign of Cancer are characterized by a desire for internal perfection and introspection. Cancers have a subtle spiritual life, they are constantly changing internally, just as the Moon is constantly changing in the sky: it is born, grows, reaches its apogee, decreases, dies. Cancers are very easily vulnerable, this is the most vulnerable sign Zodiac. Therefore, in the form of protection from such increased vulnerability, Cancers need to organize a shell. They need it to protect themselves from the deep emotionality given to them by nature. And often, as a reaction to such emotionality, Cancers pretend to be a strong person, although internally they are very weak. Cancers are a very feminine sign, receptive, “yin”, and they take more than they give, i.e. they are dominated by lunar characteristics. Cancers love novelty in everything, change, travel; they are rather restless people, and they are very attached to loved ones.
Of all the zodiac signs, Cancer is the most homely, the most family sign. Family comes first in Cancer’s hierarchy of values; they are attached to home, to the past, and love retrospection. If your Sun is in this wonderful sign, then your consciousness is often drawn to the history of your family, culture, ethnic group, people. You most likely have very heightened psychic abilities. Mediumship abilities are also possible. Among Cancers there are many mediums and major occultists. It is known that Cancers love the company of their sign, which is not a general pattern: as a rule, people of the same sign communicate with each other quite intensely and quickly get bored with each other, but this does not apply to Cancers, they can communicate with each other for a long time and fruitfully.

You probably remember your past, childhood in detail, you like to plunge into childhood memories, you have excellent intuition that helps you preserve your individual essential core in all cases of life. You have a very subtle mental nature, as well as a wide range of talents, a subtle perception of the emotional world. Accordingly, this gives rise to your talent as artists, writers, poets, and psychologists. You reveal to us many secrets of the Soul, yours and others, the secrets of our subconscious.
You will always achieve what you want, but you will not do it actively, but passively, waiting in the wings. You can rest assured that Cancer will achieve his goal. It is useless to put pressure on you, because you do not tolerate it, you immediately go to the side, into the depths. Therefore, if someone is going to communicate with Cancer, they need to act indirectly, indirectly and not put pressure on him directly and openly. Cancers can be seduced, since water signs are susceptible to all sorts of influences and seductions.
Cancers, as a water sign, often work with liquids and it is noticed that a lot of Cancers work in dairies. Among Cancers there are bartenders, especially night ones, because it is at night that Cancers feel great. Low levels in Cancer are the worst traits of any person. Deceit and deceit, clinginess. At the lowest level, Cancers are swindlers, cynics, and very noisy.

What could be the dynamics of your development of this sign? Cancers, as a rule, are always based on traditions. For high Cancer, everything that happened in the distant past is authority. They go to the present and future through the past. Retrospectiveness is the natural background of their perception, and, as a rule, the new for them is the well-forgotten old, this is their credo. Thus, Cancers always rely on the past, on traditions, on family; they seem to be moving backwards. If we talk about the problems of Cancers, then this is to harmonize their manifestations, which often occur in a distorted and perverted form. Often their will, the impulsive energy of Cancer, is in conflict with the emotional world; subconsciously they strive to have public, social authority, without having sufficient grounds in their internal structure. Therefore, it is important for them to choose high guidelines and spiritual authorities for their development from childhood. For them certainly important problem- the formation of one’s inner spiritual world, the construction of a spiritual core, which we always talk about, which is the basis of the personality of each of us, but this is especially important for Cancers with their variability and impressionability. The land of Cancer is India, a country intimately connected to its deep past, a land of deep spiritual traditions. Among the Hindus we find subtlety, intuitiveness, and a connection with the element of Water, symbolizing mystery.

Examples are the artists El Greco, Pizarro, Rembrant, Rubens, Corot, Degas, and writers - Hemingway, Rousseau, George Sand, Kafka, many teachers who have a great feeling for children and work with them, for example Ushinsky.
Famous Cancers: Alsou, Akhmatova, Agutin, Akhedzhakova, Armani, Arbatova, Aguzarova, George Bush, Budnitskaya, Bordovskikh, Borovoy, Gurtskaya, Darwin, Princess Diana, Cardin, Tom Cruise, Tutta Larsen, Lollobrigida, Mayakovsky, Myagkov, Pevtsov, Poplavskaya , Proust, Rockefeller, Carlos Santana, Ringo Star, Feuchtwanger, Stallone, Tyson, Chagall, Shantsev, Shirvindt, Schumacher, Khodorkovsky, Tom Hanks.

Watch a video:

Cancer | 13 zodiac signs | TV channel TV-3

The site provides condensed information about the zodiac signs. Detailed information can be found on the relevant websites.

The task is to destroy the enemy moving east in the direction of Volokonovka and to enable units of the 28th Army to retreat beyond the Oskol River and take up defense. On July 1, 1942, the 6th and 114th tank brigades launched an offensive without information about enemy forces, without organizing interaction with infantry, artillery and aviation. As a result of such disorganization, the tanks were met from ambush by active enemy artillery fire in cooperation with aviation, which immediately disrupted the battle formation of our advancing tanks. As a result of an ill-conceived offensive, parts of the corps lost up to 30 tanks in just two days of battle and retreated in battle to the eastern bank of the Oskol River. (p.266)

During July 2, in the Kursk direction, our troops fought large tank battles with the enemy all day. In the Belgorod and Volchansky directions, stubborn battles between our troops and the advancing fascist German troops ensued. On the Sevastopol sector of the front, our troops fought fierce hand-to-hand battles with the enemy on the outskirts of the city.

July 3, 1942. 377th day of the war

During July 3, in the Kursk direction, our troops repelled large and fierce tank attacks by fascist German troops... In the Belgorod and Volchansky directions, our troops repelled enemy attacks. After eight months of heroic defense, our troops left Sevastopol.

July 4, 1942. 378th day of the war

By order of the Supreme Command of the Red Army, Soviet troops abandoned the city of Sevastopol on July 3.

For 250 days, the heroic Soviet city, with unparalleled courage and steadfastness, repelled countless attacks by German troops... Only in the last 25 days of the assault on the Sevastopol defense were the 132nd and 170th German infantry divisions and four separate regiments, the 22nd tank division and a separate mechanized brigade completely destroyed, 1st, 4th and 18th Romanian divisions and a large number of parts from other compounds. During this short period, the Germans lost up to 1,500,000 soldiers and officers near Sevastopol, of which at least 60,000 were killed, more than 250 tanks, and up to 250 guns. More than 300 German planes were shot down in air battles over the city. During the entire 8 months of the defense of Sevastopol, the enemy lost up to 300,000 of its soldiers killed and wounded. In the battles for Sevastopol, German troops suffered huge losses and acquired ruins. German aircraft, which carried out massive raids on the city for many days, almost destroyed it. From June 7 to July 3, Soviet troops lost 11,385 people killed, 21,099 wounded, 8,300 missing, 30 tanks, 300 guns, 77 aircraft. Soldiers, commanders and wounded were evacuated from Sevastopol...

The iron resistance of the Sevastopol residents was one of the most important reasons that thwarted the notorious “spring offensive” of the Germans. The Nazis lost in time, in pace, and suffered huge losses in people. Sevastopol was abandoned by Soviet troops, but the defense of Sevastopol will go down in history Patriotic War Soviet Union as one of its brightest pages...

During July 4, in the Kursk direction, our troops fought heavy battles against enemy tanks and infantry. In one of the sections of this direction, our troops retreated and took up new positions. Stubborn battles with the enemy continued in the Belgorod and Volchansky directions.

July 5, 1942. 379th day of the war

July 6, 1942. 380th day of the war

July 7, 1942. 381st day of war

July 8, 1942. 382nd day of the war

During July 8, our troops fought fierce battles west of Voronezh. After stubborn battles, our troops left the city of Stary Oskol.

July 9, 1942. 383rd day of the war

July 10, 1942. 384th day of the war

During July 11, our troops fought fierce battles with the enemy on the approaches to Voronezh, in the Kantemirovka region and in the Lisichansky direction.

July 12, 1942. 386th day of the war

During July 12, our troops fought fierce battles with the enemy on the approaches to Voronezh. Our troops left Kantemirovka and fought in the Boguchar area. By order of the command, our troops retreated from Lisichansk to occupy a new line.

July 13, 1942. 387th day of the war

During July 13, our troops fought fierce battles against a group of Nazi troops that broke through to the Voronezh region. Intense battles with enemy tanks and motorized infantry continued in the area south of Boguchar. East of Lisichansk, our troops systematically retreated to a new defensive line.

July 14, 1942. 388th day of the war

On July 13, the High Command of the Nazi Army burst out with another fraudulent, false “special message” about the next “encirclement” and “destruction” of Soviet troops. The German Information Bureau reports that “southwest of Rzhev, the offensive of German troops led to the encirclement and destruction of several enemy rifle and cavalry divisions and one tank brigade. During this battle, which lasted 11 days, 30,000 prisoners, 218 tanks, 591 guns, 1,301 machine guns and mortars were taken.”…

Between July 2 and July 13, fighting actually took place in the area southwest of Rzhev. Hitler's troops went on the offensive, trying to envelop one of our formations from the flanks and cut off its connection with the rear. As a result of battles with enemy forces superior in numbers and tanks, our units, having inflicted heavy losses on the Germans in manpower and equipment and suffered significant losses themselves, were forced to retreat and leave the defense area they occupied. During the battles, our troops lost up to 7,000 killed and wounded and 5,000 missing, a significant part of which formed partisan detachments operating behind enemy lines, 80 tanks, 85 guns, 200 machine guns. During the same period of fighting southwest of Rzhev, the Germans lost more than 10,000 soldiers and officers killed, over 200 tanks, more than 70 guns, at least 250 machine guns and mortars, 30 armored vehicles and 50 aircraft. These are the facts...

During July 14, our troops fought fierce battles against an enemy group that had broken through to the Voronezh region.

In the area south of Boguchar, our troops continued to fight heavy battles with advancing enemy tanks and motorized infantry.

July 15, 1942. 389th day of the war

July 16, 1942. 390th day of the war

July 17, 1942. 391st day of war


The fierce fighting on the Soviet-German front, which took place from May 15 to July 15, clearly revealed the new things that distinguish the struggle in 1942 from the struggle in 1941. This difference lies in the fact that the increased organization and stamina of the Red Army in the fight against the enemy forced the Germans to immediately commit the main forces and reserves of their armies into battle, move forward much more slowly than before, and suffer huge, irreparable losses in men and women during the battles. technology. Here is data on our and German losses for the period from May 15 to July 16, 1942. The Nazi troops lost at least 900,000 soldiers and officers killed, wounded and captured, of which at least 350,000 were killed. They also lost up to 2,000 guns of all calibers, up to 2,900 tanks, and at least 3,000 aircraft. During the same period, the Red Army lost 399,000 people killed, wounded and missing, 1,905 guns of all calibers, 940 tanks, 1,354 aircraft...

The ink had not yet dried on the false message of the German command on July 13, when the German information bureau published a new message about the losses of the Red Army in two months. At the same time, mind-boggling numbers of allegedly captured prisoners, destroyed tanks and guns are cited. The Germans report that from May 14 to July 13 they captured 706,000 Soviet soldiers, captured and destroyed 3,940 tanks and 7,100 guns. This delusional message of the Nazis, designed for fools, leaves behind all the clumsy Berlin fakes known so far. If we count, according to reports from the German information bureau, the allegedly captured by German troops trophies during the war, it turns out that the Red Army has long since lost not only a single tank and a single gun, but also no soldiers left...

During July 17, our troops continued fighting with the enemy in the Voronezh region and south of Millerovo.

July 18, 1942. 392nd day of the war

July 19, 1942. 393rd day of the war

July 21, 1942. 395th day of the war

July 22, 1942. 396th day of the war

July 23, 1942. 397th day of the war

During July 23, our troops fought fierce battles in the Voronezh region, as well as in the Tsimlyanskaya, Novocherkassk, and Rostov regions.

July 24, 1942. 398th day of the war

July 25, 1942. 399th day of the war

Taking advantage of the fact that the 1st Tank Army fought essentially alone during the first days of the offensive, the enemy concentrated against it most firepower of its artillery and large air forces. The 4th Tank Army was late in starting the offensive, and the 13th Tank Corps was still fighting in the Manoilin area. The 1st Tank Army struck at Verkhne-Buzinovka only with the forces of the 28th tank corps. 131st rifle division advanced north along the right bank of the Dnieper, and the 158th heavy tank brigade was ordered to clear the enemy from the heights of the western bank of the Don. The army was advancing in different sides and could not break through the German defenses in any direction. (p.485)

During July 30, our troops fought fierce battles in the Voronezh region, as well as in the Tsimlyanskaya areas, south and southeast of Bataysk and southwest of Kletskaya. Chir, was repurposed for operations in the Northern direction. At the same time, the 13th Tank Corps, transferred to the 4th Tank Army, together with units of the 22nd Tank Corps, launched an attack on Osinovsky, to the rear of the German group. The threat of encirclement loomed over the German 3rd and 60th motorized divisions. However, it was not possible to implement it. The German infantry created a system of dense anti-tank fire, General Paulus clearly maneuvered with his own forces, calculating the enemy’s maneuvers, and German aviation dominated the air, constantly attacking Soviet units and inflicting significant damage on them. (p.491)

The fascist German command at this time was regrouping its forces for a new offensive. On July 31, the enemy's 4th Tank Army went on the offensive from a bridgehead in the Tsimlyanskaya area. The 51st Army, which covered the Stalingrad direction from the southwest, was transferred to Stalingrad Front, had only five incomplete divisions, stretched along a 200-kilometer front from Verkhne-Kurmoyarskaya to the area south of Orlovskaya. Unable to withstand a strong blow from enemy tanks and aircraft, formations of this army began to retreat to railway Wikipedia

Chronicle of the Great Patriotic War 1941: June · July · August · September · October · November · December 1942: January ... Wikipedia

  • Horoscope sign of people born on July 15, 1942::››› Cancer (from June 22 to July 22).
  • Eastern calendar, 1942 #› Black Water Horse.
  • Element of the zodiac sign Cancer, who were born on the day 07/15/42. #› Water.
  • The suitable planet for people to have a birthday on this day of the year is the Moon.
  • This date fell on the 28th week.
  • According to the calendar, the month of July has 31 days.
  • Length daylight hours July 15 – 17:01(the length of daylight hours is indicated according to the Central European latitude of Moscow, Minsk, Kyiv.).
  • Orthodox Easter holiday #› April 05.
  • According to the calendar, it’s summer.
  • According to the modern calendar ›› it is not a leap year.
  • It is better to wear colors according to the horoscope for people who have a birthday July 15, 1942›››› Yellow-gray, Peach and Brownish-gray.
  • Plants suitable for the combination of the zodiac sign Cancer and 1942 according to the eastern animal calendar › Orange, Bird Cherry and Cherry.
  • Stones are amulets for people with a date of birth today ~› Jasper, Jet.
  • The most favorable numbers for people born on July 15, 42 ››› Three.
  • The luckiest days of the week for people with a birthday on July 15, 1942 are Tuesday and Sunday.
  • Reliable character traits of people of the Cancer horoscope sign who were born on this date are persistent and bashful.

Complete data about those men who were born on July 15th.

A man born on July 15, one thousand nine hundred and forty-two, is often nostalgic and yearns for his childhood. If he is angry, this rarely happens, it is difficult to anger him, he acts by force. He has a very unusual approach to saving; he will not waste money on cheap clothes, because expensive ones look better and last longer. Typical Cancers are close to their mothers. His wife must clean, be always nearby, cook delicious food, manage the house, have the patience to listen to complaints and support him in the fact that he is right in everything.
He loves his home and loves to travel, especially by sea. You should not overdo it by drinking alcohol. There are often cases when this man, having not achieved harmony in his relationship with his wife, returns to the care of his mother.

About those women who were born today, July 15, 1942, a year according to the eastern horoscope.

Woman - Oriental symbol born July 15, 1942– Black Water Horse, behaves like a mother hen in the family, takes care of everything and everyone. Motherhood is an important part of her life, and her children will get along well with her. She values ​​the stability and reliability of her partner; short-term relationships cause a strong imbalance in her soul. Support and approval are important to her.
This is generally believed for the reason that a woman Born July 15, 1942, born under the constellation Cancer, will have a special tendency towards homeliness, and the stars will contribute to her in this. She takes any careless statement too seriously.

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Famous people born under the Cancer zodiac sign:

director Ingmar Bergman, Gerald Ford, writer Ernest Hemingway, writer Franz Kafka, politician Georges Pompidou, Marcel Proust, businessman Nelson Rockefeller, Jean Jacques Rousseau, writer Jean Paul Sartre, singer Ringo Starr, writer Erich Maria Remarque, Louis Armstrong, artist Rembrandt, poet Francesco Petrarca.

Calendar for the month July 1942 by days of the week

Mon W Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31

During the night of July 15, our troops fought fierce battles with the enemy in the Voronezh region and south of the city of Boguchar.

In the Voronezh region there are continuous battles with varying degrees of success. The advancing enemy units suffer huge losses. To replace the bloodless divisions, the Germans are forced to urgently transfer reserves from deep in the rear. Several divisions were noted that recently arrived from France and Belgium. In one of the sectors, our units, having repulsed an enemy attack, launched a counterattack themselves. The fierce battle lasted for several hours. Having lost 11 tanks and hundreds of soldiers and officers, the Nazis were forced to retreat. In another sector, a number of enemy attacks were repulsed. Artillery and armor-piercing units burned 6 German tanks.

South of Boguchar, our units continued to conduct intense battles with the advancing German troops. In one of the sectors, our unit held back a regiment of enemy infantry during the day and destroyed over 700 Germans. Our three tanks destroyed 5 German tanks, 2 anti-tank guns, over 30 Nazis and left the battle without losses.

In separate sections of the Leningrad Front, during three days of fighting, our fighters destroyed two guns, 14 machine guns, 15 machine gun firing points, 3 mortars, blew up an ammunition warehouse, destroyed 30 bunkers and dugouts along with the Nazis in them. The enemy lost over 400 soldiers and officers killed.

The enemy, with the strength of a battalion, launched an offensive in one of the sectors Kalinin Front. Our units gave the German infantry the opportunity to cross the river, and then surrounded and destroyed 200 Nazis. Prisoners were taken. In another sector, our artillerymen knocked out 3 German tanks, destroyed up to 300 enemy soldiers and officers, knocked out 2 guns and blew up an ammunition depot.

The company commander, Lieutenant Demeshev, destroyed over 100 Nazis. In his company, he trained 33 snipers, who had already disabled 396 German occupiers.

Red Army soldier comrade Nikolaev shot down a German Junkers-88 dive bomber with light machine gun fire.

A detachment of Kursk partisans under the command of Comrade L. is operating successfully. The partisans blew up the bridge while German tanks were passing across it. Two tanks were blown up and fell into the water. A group of partisans from this detachment carried out a night raid on a village where a German convoy was camping to rest. Soviet patriots burned 8 vehicles with ammunition and exterminated 30 Nazi occupiers.

In letters addressed to German soldiers stationed on the Soviet-German front, relatives write that greater crop shortages are expected almost everywhere in Germany. His father writes to the German non-commissioned officer Betzer from Falkendorf: “It is already clear that this year’s harvest will be very meager. Many people still don’t want to believe it, but time will soon show that famine is approaching us.” The German corporal Augustin Fischer is informed from Markt Lustenau: “The rye and barley are gone. It was necessary to sow again, but seeds could not be obtained anywhere. Many were never able to replant anything.”

Nazi cannibals exterminate the civilian population of the occupied Soviet regions. In the village of Lugan, Oryol region, the Nazis tortured 20 local residents. The executioners shot teacher Anna Fedoseevna Korotchenko, 23 years old, her son Vyacheslav, two and a half years old, and mother Praskovya Ivanovna, 53 years old. The fascist scoundrels raped teacher Anna Konstantinovna Kozhanova, and then shot her along with her 5-year-old son Victor and 7-year-old daughter Lyudmila.

During July 15, our troops continued to wage fierce battles with the enemy in the Voronezh region.

After fierce battles, our troops abandoned Boguchar and Millerovo.

There were no changes in other sectors of the front.

3a On July 14, units of our aviation in various sectors of the front destroyed or damaged over 90 German tanks, 160 vehicles with troops and cargo, suppressed the fire of 7 anti-aircraft artillery batteries, blew up 4 ammunition depots and 3 fuel depots, scattered and partially destroyed up to two battalions enemy infantry.

In the Voronezh region, battles are unfolding with increasing ferocity. A number of fortified lines and settlements passes from hand to hand several times. In some areas, our troops use counterattacks to push back the advancing enemy and inflict great damage on him. The joint actions of attack pilots and one tank formation during the day of fighting destroyed more than 1,000 German soldiers and officers, 12 tanks, 23 guns, 36 vehicles, 41 motorcycles, 71 heavy machine guns and several armored carts with infantry. Over the past few days, pilots of Colonel Danilov’s unit have shot down 51 German aircraft in air battles. Pilots Junior Lieutenant Tilchenko and Senior Sergeant Lavrinenko met in the air and entered into battle with 5 German fighters. In the first attack, Comrade. Tilchenko shot down one Messerschmitt. Lavrinenko's plane was damaged and left the battle. Left alone, Comrade. Tilchenko again entered the battle and shot down two more German fighters.

On one of the sections of the Kalinin Front, enemy attacks on the front line of our defense were repulsed. Soldiers of the unit under the command of Comrade. Kazakov, launching a counterattack, straddled an important road and occupied a height that controlled the approaches to it. Senior Lieutenant Volkov, Red Army soldiers Chirkunov, Golovin and Shcherbinov destroyed 4 German tanks. Senior Lieutenant Kotov shot down a German spotter plane with fire from an anti-tank rifle.

Two companies of enemy infantry, supported by 5 tanks, attacked rifle units commanded by lieutenants Sadikov, Savkin and senior lieutenant Kulbit (Western Front). Both companies of the Nazis were completely destroyed by infantry and artillery fire. 3 German tanks were knocked out.

The tank crew, consisting of captain Koshelev and driver Skibin, destroyed 3 German tanks, 7 anti-tank guns and up to 60 German soldiers and officers in one battle.

Partisans operating in one of the regions of Belarus, within two months, blew up 38 bridges, destroyed 17 cars and exterminated over 100 German occupiers. A detachment of partisans captured trophies from the enemy, including a lot of food, which was distributed to collective farmers.

A partisan detachment under the command of Comrade. S., operating in one of the districts Leningrad region, occupied by the Germans, defeated the punitive expedition of the Nazis. The other day, a group of partisans organized the destruction of an enemy train.

Arthur Keller, a captured soldier of the 10th company of the 769th regiment of the 377th German infantry division, said: “Officers and non-commissioned officers openly encourage soldiers to rob and exterminate Soviet people. Recently, Sergeant Major Hertz had a conversation with soldiers of the 3rd platoon who had recently arrived at the front. He said that Hitler demands to mercilessly exterminate the Slavs, regardless of gender and age. He further stated that German soldiers were allowed to take from the population whatever they needed.”

The brutal massacre was carried out by the Nazi scoundrels in the village of Boyarka near Kiev. The Nazis forced 15 teenage girls into the school premises, abused their victims, and then hung them from telegraph poles.

Harvesting has begun in Kazakhstan. The scope of harvesting work is expanding every day. In just five regions of the republic, 60,000 hectares of grain were cut. The first threshing in a number of collective farms in the Dzhambul region shows that collective farmers are reaping a rich grain harvest.

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