What upgrade can you make to your laptop? Is it possible to upgrade a laptop? Updating Laptop Software

Sooner or later, all things become obsolete. And laptops are no exception; on the contrary, mobile technologies are developing rapidly, and as a result, new things are replacing the old. But what about owners of laptops whose performance has begun to be inferior to more modern models? Buying a new mobile PC?.. This material contains a number of instructions and tips for upgrading laptops and, we hope, will help improve the performance of your mobile system.

How to upgrade a laptop

Preliminary work: Changing the hard drive and memory

Feeling the need to upgrade their own laptop, any user will have to choose from three options:

  • sell your existing computer and buy a more modern one;
  • contact specialists;
  • do modernization with your own hands.

Each of these paths has certain advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of the first way are obvious. In this case, the user receives a new fully balanced modern system, manufacturer's warranty and positive emotions. Among the disadvantages, first of all, it is worth noting that this path is the most expensive, even taking into account the proceeds from the sale of the old computer. Also, we must not forget that you will have to transfer all documents and re-create the working environment, including a lot of small, but already familiar utilities. It is very likely that you will also need to update your accessories, such as a bag, maybe a mouse, or a power adapter for the car. In a word, such a radical path will not suit every user, especially since transferring work files, again, may require the help of specialists.

The second path, apparently, may turn out to be the most attractive for the majority, since it will eliminate the need to independently research possible modernization methods and search for the necessary components and tools. All that is required from the user is to formulate a list of his requirements as completely as possible, and then, after listening to the specialist’s verdict, choose the best option for himself from those proposed. This path will require less costs than the first one, will, in most cases, allow you to maintain the familiar working environment, and makes it possible to demand correction of possible shortcomings from the contractor. The main disadvantages of this path are that you will have to completely trust the experience of a specialist, and, in addition, it is not always possible to find new components suitable for a somewhat outdated system.

The third path is the most interesting and the most dangerous. This path can only be recommended to those users who are familiar with any technology, or at least have minimal skills in working with electronics. Self-upgrade allows you to flexibly plan the stages of modernization and carry out the improvement gradually. The disadvantages include the need to at least somewhat understand the principles of constructing laptops, the characteristics of components, their compatibility, and the risk of damage to the “filling” of the device due to unqualified intervention.

In fairness, it is worth noting another path of modernization. This path is to acquire external devices with common USB and PCMCIA interfaces. This path is the simplest and most convenient. If the system lacks any communication interface, for example BlueTooth, Wi-Fi, or an analog modem, it is enough to buy a module in PC-card or USB dongle format. But this approach has its limitations, requiring the availability of free ports and creating additional inconvenience when storing and transporting peripherals. However, sometimes this path turns out to be the only possible one. For example, if a laptop does not have an adapter for reading flash cards in SD, MMC, CF or MS format, there is no other way than using an external adapter; fortunately, finding one with both a USB interface and in PCMCIA format will not be a problem.

Preliminary work

Well, if the user feels the strength to fight the “miracle of enemy technology”, and the capabilities of the fourth path are clearly not enough for him, in this article he may find some tips that will help in the upgrade. It’s worth starting here with setting the task, since a clear understanding of the goals will save you from unnecessary manipulations during work and will make it possible to consciously approach the selection of the necessary components. In fact, there are very few ways to improve the system available to owners of almost any mobile computer. This is an increase in the amount of RAM, an increase in the volume of the disk system, replacing the processor with a more productive one, installing some additional devices with a miniPCI interface, replacing graphics adapter. The latter, in the vast majority of cases, is impossible without almost completely disassembling the computer, if possible at all, since most often the video adapter is integrated into the chipset or soldered to the motherboard. That is why the improvement of the video subsystem will not be considered here.

Having understood what the system lacks, you should, using any test package, evaluate the system configuration in detail. This will determine which link will become the leading one during work. Here are some examples: from technical characteristics installed memory depends on whether it is possible to simply add another memory module to the existing one, or whether replacement modules will be required; the characteristics of the chipset determine which “maximum” processor can be installed.

Having decided on the configuration, you need to take care of the workplace. You will need several screwdrivers with straight and Phillips slots of different sizes; special wet wipes for cleaning equipment will not hurt. Be sure to take care of protection from static electricity (wear a special antistatic bracelet). You can even put an exclamation point here; it’s hard to believe how fatal a seemingly very small discharge of “static” can be for modern microcircuits. Concluding the description of the workplace, we can recall that manufacturers of complex equipment like to use screws with a TORX slot, reminiscent of a six-pointed asterisk. As a rule, such a slot is used in places where, in the opinion of the manufacturer, access by non-specialists is undesirable. However, if the need arises to remove such a screw, a flat-blade screwdriver will often help. suitable size, and if not, then you can find the necessary screwdrivers in almost any place where components for computers or radio components are sold.

When starting to disassemble a laptop, even if it's just a few covers, you need to turn off the device and disconnect the battery from the case. This precaution will prevent electrical damage from dropped screws or accidental contact. metal tool conductive structural elements. Almost all fastening elements of the laptop case are marked in one way or another. In addition to simple arrows pointing to screws, there are often marks indicating your “area of ​​responsibility”: keyboard, hard drive, case panel, and so on. It is advisable to either mark the screws to be unscrewed or put them side by side on the table, so that later it is clear where each screw is intended. The presence of “extra” screws after assembling the device is unacceptable.

Changing the hard drive and memory

The simplest thing is to replace the device’s hard drive, which is most often covered with a cover held in place by one or two screws and/or mounted on a special slide that makes it easier to remove the drive from the case. All you need to do is: remove the old drive, insert the new one into the slide and secure it with screws, install the hard drive in the bay, connect it to the connector using a little force. The vast majority of hard drives used in laptops have a U-ATA interface and a 2.5-inch form factor. Since this has long been a standard, compatibility problems are almost completely eliminated. You can first (if necessary) transfer the existing system from the old disk to the new one. This operation is carried out on any standard computer using a specialized utility; the disks are connected one by one or simultaneously through an adapter to the PATA interface of the desktop.

To access the processor you must first dismantle
cooling system

Working with RAM is a little more difficult. The number of available slots for memory modules may differ, but they themselves are now quite standard, so geometrically any SO-DIMM can be installed in the socket. However, do not forget about compatibility. Installing a DDR II module into a system that only supports DDR memory is absolutely pointless. As well as trying to make the memory work in dual-channel mode by adding to the existing module a different volume from the first one. Moreover, when installing a new module “in pair” with an existing one, it is advisable to find a new one with the parameters as close as possible to the first one, ideally from the same manufacturer. If there is a need to replace an already installed module, but it cannot be found under the plug on the bottom surface of the device, dismantling the keyboard will most often help. After unscrewing the screws securing the keyboard, it is important not to forget about the flexible cable that connects it to the system board. Removing and removing the module is more than simple. It is enough to move to the sides one latch on each side of the module, and under the pressure of the spring-loaded contacts it moves slightly out of the fixation plane. Now the module can be easily removed completely. The reverse operation is just as simple. The key on the bottom side will prevent you from installing the bar on the wrong side. To fix, the module is placed in the connector at a slight angle (about 30 - 40 degrees), after which it is fixed by gently pressing it. Under no circumstances should you use excessive force when replacing memory sticks, as this may damage them. If light efforts do not lead to the desired result, you should check that the module is installed correctly.

The “heart” of a beauty...

Let's move on to the processor. Although its frequency is not the most important indicator, an increase clock frequency can significantly improve performance in some applications. The processor is usually accessed from the top side, which means it is necessary to remove the keyboard and then the cooling system. To do this, use a screwdriver to unscrew the screws securing the cooler and carefully remove the wire (by slightly pulling up the parts protruding on the sides of the plug) connecting the fan to the motherboard. After the work has been completed, you can safely remove the cooler from your seat, being careful not to damage the thin radiator grille of the air duct tube. Then the air tube is removed, for which you first need to unscrew the four fastening screws. After removing all components of the cooling system, the socket for installing the central processor is free. “Pull out” the old processor after removing the radiator is a piece of cake. On the visible part of the connector, turn the metal “circle” with thread from the “Closed” position to the “Open” position. It is most convenient to use a flat-head screwdriver by inserting it into the recess and turning the wheel counterclockwise. Now you can remove the processor. Installing a new one is done in reverse order.

The configuration of the “legs” of the chip will not allow you to place the processor on the wrong side. But it is best to ensure that the central processor is positioned in the hands in such a way that the small triangle marked on the diagram from the side of the legs will coincide with the lower left corner of the connector during installation. So, carefully “put” the processor into the socket and secure it. As before, installing the processor should go without the slightest effort. After placing the processor in place, you should secure it by turning the latch to its original position. Before returning the radiator to its place, it is very important to remove any remaining old thermal paste from it, and carefully apply a thin, uniform layer of new one to avoid overheating of the main element of any computer due to poor thermal contact. You should take care of the availability of pasta in advance. Often a packet of paste is applied to the processor. Replacing the processor ends with the return of all previously removed structural elements to their place.

Let's add mobility

Installing a module into a miniPCI port is extremely simple. This interface, as a rule, is free if there are no radio interfaces in the system, and is most often used for a Wi-Fi module. An alternative to the latter is the BlueTooth module. In both cases, installation is carried out similarly to RAM strips. The module is also placed in the connector with the key aligned at a slight angle and is secured with light pressure. The only difference is that, after installing the module, you need to connect one or two wires leading to the antenna to it. They are connected by connecting a small plug to the micro connector on the board and pressing until a characteristic click is heard. All that remains is to return the plugs and install the drivers in the operating system.

The described actions will help to significantly extend the life of almost any mobile computer, but they are not exhaustive. For example, you can replace a regular CD drive with a writer, or, say, a CD/DVD-RW combo drive. The operating principles are the same. If the drive is in a replaceable module, just carefully open the cartridge and replace one drive with another. If the drive is permanently installed in the case, you can usually remove it by removing two or three screws and replacing the front panel of the drive. The main thing here, in order to avoid problems, is not to forget to check the compliance of the display elements and controls of both devices.


Upgrading a laptop on your own is not too burdensome and very exciting. It requires a clear understanding of the goal, self-confidence, “straight” hands and, of course, a laptop. Undoubtedly, there are no comprehensive instructions here, and there cannot be any in such a publication, but the general approach and basic principles have been defined, and this is already a lot. Perhaps this article will help some of the readers decide on the future fate of their pet, which means that the work was not in vain.

The Kvatron service center receives many requests from customers on the topic: upgrading a laptop or netbook. Therefore, we decided to write a separate article in which we will reveal the main secrets and answer frequently asked questions regarding laptops from ASUS, HP, Acer, Toshiba and others.

First, let's look at the question of what a laptop update or upgrade is, why it is needed and in what case it is pointless.

Here are the main reasons why people want to upgrade their laptop (much is also true for desktop computers):

  • The laptop takes a long time to boot and works slowly;
  • laptop freezes;
  • there is not enough free space: files, games, movies, photos do not fit;
  • there is not enough RAM: games do not play on the laptop, programs run slowly, especially multimedia and graphics ones;
  • update operating system.

Upgrading your laptop will not be necessary for all of the above cases.

The fact that a laptop takes a long time to boot can be caused either by installing a modern OS (for example, Windows 7) on a low-power laptop (netbook), or by the presence large quantity programs in startup, the registry being loaded with garbage during operation and the presence of some viruses.

Freezing of a laptop can be due to system errors, viruses or failures in some programs, as well as problems in the hardware, “hardware” (for example, a violation of the magnetic layer in a “hard” storage medium) part of the device.

Lack of free space can be solved by increasing the size of the hard drive, clearing the existing unnecessary programs or viruses. The issue with RAM is resolved in a similar way; very often a significant part of it is consumed by unnecessary software processes and viruses.

But if games slow down or don’t play on your laptop, then the problems are most likely related to performance, and it’s unlikely to be solved with software.

An operating system upgrade is relevant in two cases: problems with the existing OS or a transition to a more advanced one. new system, for example, from an unsuccessful Windows Vista to Windows 7. Most experts recommend changing the operating system once or twice a year (depending on use) and at the same time performing preventive maintenance (cleaning) of the cooling system. This will definitely help to increase the service life of the laptop (netbook) and increase the reliability of its operation. Prevention issues are covered in more detail in our article on laptop cleaning.

Upgrading a laptop (netbook) gives it a second wind, leaves the owner happy and saves the budget for purchasing a new device. Moreover, the computer industry is developing at a crazy pace, programs require more and more resources, and model series laptops are updated several times a year. A reasonable person simply will not buy a new laptop every year, or even several times a year.

But even a minor laptop upgrade, such as increasing the amount of RAM and hard drive, can significantly improve the performance of a laptop computer.

What to upgrade?

Updating a laptop and upgrading a computer are completely different things. The key difference is that the design of the laptop is unique, the components are developed specifically for it and are very rarely interchangeable. Typically, all peripherals (video card, audio, network card modules, etc.) of a laptop are soldered directly on the motherboard, unlike desktop computers, where components are in the vast majority of cases interchangeable. It’s rare that the same video chip can be changed to another (but sometimes it’s still possible). And if this is not possible, then you can use another board designed for the same series of laptops.

Some unscrupulous service centers write that changing the motherboard is unreasonably expensive and ineffective, but this is not always the case. Installing a more productive motherboard is very important when the old one is out of order and the price difference is small, or when there is a used high-performance motherboard (it is important that the board is designed for the same series of devices). Sometimes it’s even profitable to buy a new one and sell the old one as used (for example, to the same service center where you upgraded your laptop).

Installing a more powerful processor is quite feasible within certain limits, which can also be expanded by installing a new motherboard. If possible, the board can be selected with a reinforced video card so that modern games can run without problems.

Installing a faster and larger hard drive, as well as increasing the size of the laptop’s RAM are the simplest and most common types of upgrades carried out by our Kvatron Service Center.

Upgrade by points

Upgrading a laptop is possible in two types: software (software) and hardware (hardware). Below we go into each option in more detail.

Updating Laptop Software

Sometimes, to eliminate the reasons that made the user think about upgrading, it will be enough to simply update or change the software. For example, if a laptop computer takes a long time to load and/or works slowly, you can simply install another operating system: if the hardware allows you, you can change the laggy Vista to the more sophisticated Windows 7, but if not, then you can install the good old Windows XP and enjoy the stable and fast work.

The most important thing is that you must understand for what purposes your laptop exists. There are people who pay money to install Windows Vista on their laptop with 1 GB of RAM, while only intending to type in Word and look at photos. Unprofessional craftsmen take money and do it, and then the user turns to them with the question: “Why does my laptop take so long to load and runs so slowly?”

It is also important to understand that reinstalling the system is closely related to installing drivers, which sometimes simply do not exist for individual component models. You may not immediately notice that you do not have all the drivers installed. But you are guaranteed to experience software crashes and freezes in the future.

Lastly, we’ll also touch on upgrading the laptop’s BIOS. Theoretically, if you are an experienced user, you can do this yourself. New versions of BIOS firmware are usually posted on the website of the laptop or motherboard manufacturer. But be extremely careful, restoring the laptop BIOS after unsuccessful firmware will have to be done exclusively in a service center.

Replacing and increasing laptop RAM

One of the simplest and effective ways Upgrading a laptop or netbook, as well as a desktop computer, is to increase RAM. This will not change the processor frequency, but the performance increase will be noticeable, especially when working with resource-intensive programs or several programs at the same time. You will instantly notice the difference even in an Internet browser, opening twice as many windows as usual.

Increasing laptop memory is usually limited by two things: the number of free slots and the maximum amount of memory supported by these slots. It often happens that there are only two connectors on the board and both are occupied by 1 GB of memory (2 GB in total). Then, to install 4 GB you need to remove the old one RAM laptop (netbook) and instead of 2 x 1 GB, install a new 2 x 2 GB. It is important that the memory modules match your device by type (ex.: DIMM, SO-DIMM) and type (ex.: DDR 2, DDR3). There are many memory manufacturers, some high-quality and branded, some noname and low-quality. We generally recommend Kingston and Transcend memory.

Replacing a hard drive in a laptop

Upgrading a hard drive is in second place in popularity after upgrading the RAM for two reasons: users often want to save more information, the number of photos, music, and films is growing. And the second reason: the desire for reliability and stability.

According to statistics, a laptop hard drive works without failures for no more than three years. A period of three years is usually fixed by the warranty obligations of hard drive manufacturers. Even Seagate recently canceled the 5-year warranty on its products, now it is the same as everyone else’s: 3 years. Here we are not talking about the fact that out of 100%, the normative defect is 1-2%, i.e. out of 100 hard drives, 1-2 will break before 3 years. Hard drive failure depends on specific operating conditions:

  • often on the road;
  • shaking and vibration;
  • shocks and falls when carrying;
  • work in an inclined position;
  • temperature changes;
  • overheat.

If the reliability of your laptop is your top priority, we recommend updating your hard drive once every three years; the old one can be used as a portable or archival one. In some laptops, instead of an optical drive, you can install a special module into which you can insert a second hard drive. Very comfortably.

They say that upgrading a laptop's hard drive will not have a direct impact on performance, but this is not always the case: choose a faster drive and the data transfer speed will increase. And if previously you did not have enough space for temporary files, which constantly distracted you from your work and slowed it down, with the new “hard” you will forget about such problems. If you calculate the result per month, that’s a lot of time saved!

Hard drives differ in disk/spindle rotation speed: from 4200 rpm for older models to 7200 rpm for top-end ones. The faster the better! The average and most common speed is 5400 rpm.

When purchasing a hard drive for a laptop, be sure to check the laptop’s passport or on the manufacturer’s website:

  • what is the maximum disk capacity that can be installed;
  • interface (IDE and ATA are outdated, SATA is modern);
  • laptop disk size. Standard size: 2.5” and height 9.5 mm.

Also keep in mind that today, to store significant amounts of information, there are external portable (based on 2.5-inch HDD) and stationary (based on 3.5-inch HDD) hard drives connected via USB or eSATA. On such drives it is very convenient to store photos, movies and music - something that is not required daily for work.

Replacing a laptop's optical drive

Replacing a laptop drive: DVD to Blue-Ray or a regular CD/DVD to a DVD writer is a fairly common upgrade. Firstly: drives have a service life (usually no more than a year), after which they can be cleaned (preventative maintenance), but if you use the drive constantly, failures will begin after 2-3 years. It is not profitable to replace an old drive with an equally obsolete one, especially since finding a model from 2-3 years ago will be more difficult than buying a similar modern DVD or Blue-Ray drive.

It is known that different laptop manufacturers have certain modifications to standard optical drives for their specific models: different front panels and holders located “at the tail” of the drive, designed for attaching DVDs to the case. Sometimes in a service center you have to slightly modify these parts to install new drives, but this procedure is standard and inexpensive.

For netbooks that do not have built-in drives, there are external optical drives connected via USB and other interfaces.

Replacing a laptop battery

Replacing the battery is the simplest thing you can think of, unless of course you have an ultra-modern Apple MacBook Air, in which the batteries are located inside the case and occupy up to 70% of the total volume.

Any battery has a limited number of charge-discharge cycles, the average battery life is 1-2 years, after which you will notice how the battery life of the laptop begins to fall. You have few options - buying a new battery (price about $100) or searching for a service center that repairs laptop batteries and replaces batteries in them, which may turn out to be cheaper.

It also happens, especially on powerful gaming laptops, that a standard battery, even a new one, lasts for a little over an hour of battery life at full load. In this case, we recommend that you pay attention to Docking Stations with additional batteries, which will allow you to at least double the operating time.

Replacing a laptop display

Replacing a laptop display isn't exactly an upgrade. Working displays are usually not touched, but broken, cracked, or wet displays are repaired by replacing the matrix and/or protective glass.

During the work of the Kvatron SC, only a couple of times it was necessary to upgrade the laptop screen, when clients made very high demands on the brightness and color of the matrices, which fade over time.

We frankly do not recommend repairing a laptop display at home to non-professionals. First, you will have to buy the matrix itself, and this is not so easy: matrices can differ from each other even within the same laptop model, and you need to look for a replacement clearly using the PART # on the back of the matrix.

When replacing a laptop matrix, it is important to properly disassemble and reassemble the laptop without damaging the cable of the matrix itself or anything else, such as Wi-Fi.

Overclocking or replacing a laptop processor

Upgrading a laptop processor is also popular, although less popular than all previous types of upgrades. There are two ways to increase the performance of a laptop (netbook) in this direction:

  • replacing the laptop processor with a more powerful one of the same connector (socket);
  • overclocking laptop processor.

But we must remember the requirements for power, cooling and BIOS. The laptop power system must meet the processor's power consumption level, internal system cooling system must effectively remove heat, and the BIOS must detect new processor.

Upgrading a laptop processor together with increasing RAM will give the greatest increase in laptop performance.


So, we examined almost all the main options for laptop (netbook) upgrades and came to the conclusion that some upgrades or updates must be done regularly (software changes and maintenance), while other upgrades should be done as needed and depending on the requirements for specific device. If reliability and autonomy are important to you: we recommend monitoring the operating system, hard drive and battery; if increased performance, monitor the RAM and processor.

Another important factor when upgrading a laptop is economic feasibility. Those. the effect of investing in modernization should be higher than from purchasing a new device. In each specific case, regardless of your plans to update the laptop yourself or by asking a computer geek friend, we recommend seeking advice from professionals. In all service centers for repair and maintenance of laptops, for example, in Kvatron, such consultations are free.

The invention of the laptop was the answer to the primordial request of every person - the desire for freedom. You can take your entire office and any computer entertainment with you, and go to a business meeting or outdoors, while continuing to participate in company affairs or play your favorite games. This is why laptops and the like mobile devices gained enormous popularity.

However, there comes a time when your trusty laptop makes you think. Its capabilities, which you were proud of a year or two ago, are now clearly insufficient. Time passes, new programs become more demanding of resources, and now there is not enough space on the hard drive, the amount of RAM is too small, and the processor power is no longer sufficient. Some people at this moment learn a new word - “laptop upgrade”...

An upgrade is the replacement of some laptop components with other, more advanced ones. Many technically complex devices can be upgraded without problems, such as cars or desktop computers. How difficult is it to upgrade a laptop?

In a situation where the capabilities of a laptop become insufficient, some people for the first time regret that it is not a desktop computer. After all, its modernization is a very simple task. But a laptop is a completely different matter.

Let's take a closer look at the features of upgrading a laptop.

Components that are easily replaced in almost every laptop are memory, hard drive, battery and processor. You can also add a CD/DVD drive to this list, but replacing it is almost always associated with failure, and not with a lack of resources. The component that is almost impossible to replace is the laptop motherboard. Below we have provided information on the nuances of replacing each of the mentioned devices.

Increase RAM

The first thing that owners of old laptops traditionally start upgrading with is increasing the amount of RAM. This is very simple task, to solve it, just remove the plug on the back of the laptop and see if there are free slots in the memory section. Also, in the documentation for the laptop, you need to find out what maximum capacity it supports - 2 GB, 4 GB or 8 GB. The process of replacing memory modules, although simple, may differ for different laptop models, so it would be a good idea to get Additional information about this question.

Replacing the hard drive

Replacing a laptop hard drive with a larger capacity drive also leads in the frequency of calls to service centers, and is most often done without problems. Most laptop models are equipped with a 2.5-inch hard drive. In this standard size there is a wide selection of hard drives of various sizes. If the laptop has a 1.8-inch drive, the choice will be somewhat limited, and the prices will be slightly higher. Please note that a smaller 1.8-inch drive can be installed into a 2.5-inch hard drive slot through a special adapter, but the reverse operation is not possible.

Are you planning to change the hard drive in your laptop? Please note that there is another important parameter that must be taken into account - the rotation speed of the disk. For laptops, disks with rotation speeds of 4200, 5400 and 7200 rpm are used. Typically, a drive with a higher rotation speed is faster, but it consumes more power and generates more heat, which is critical when installed on a laptop. Laptops use the tightest possible installation of all components. If the laptop does not have a system for sufficient heat dissipation, the heating hard drive may deteriorate or damage neighboring components.

If you are going to install a larger capacity hard drive in a laptop with an increase in rotation speed, try to choose a disk whose frequency will differ from the existing one by one step.

You should also take into account the thickness of the hard drive for which the laptop compartment is designed. Currently the following standard sizes are produced: 5 mm (for example WD Ultra Slim), 7 mm, 9.5 mm (still the most common), 12.5 mm. A thinner one can be installed in a slot for a “thick” and “heavy” screw, but not vice versa.

Currently, it makes sense to pay close attention to SSD drives. Installing an SSD drive instead of a regular one will not take much time, and will give a noticeable increase in the speed of the operating system, as well as reduced power consumption. In addition, the price of SSD drives is almost equal to the cost of conventional hard drives. If you want to increase the speed and operating time of your laptop, choose SSD drives.

Replacing the battery

Replacing the battery for most laptops is a standard operation that can be performed by any service center or by you yourself. You just need to find out what type of battery is suitable for your model - read about this in the documentation or on the manufacturer’s official website. As an option, look at the labeling of the current battery and search for its analogue on the Internet.

Processor upgrade

If replacing the processor is possible on your laptop model, and this is not always the case, replacing it is quite simple. Keep in mind that the new processor must be of the same series as the old one. At the same time, a more productive processor consumes more energy and generates more heat during operation, and therefore requires sufficient cooling. In addition, the central processor is one of the most expensive parts of a computer.

Video card upgrade

We will separately consider the issue of replacing the video card in a laptop. In most models, this operation is not possible because the video subsystem is integrated on the motherboard. Even if your laptop allows you to separately change the graphics card, be prepared for limited selection and high prices. In some cases, it is possible to use external video cards for laptops, which will solve the problem of the weak capabilities of the old one. However, there are very few such offers, and your laptop platform must support the use of such a card.

In conclusion, we note that upgrading a laptop motherboard is an almost impossible task due to the inconsistency of installation forms, mounting connectors and mounting points in the cases of different laptop models. Considering that the cost of replacing a motherboard if the current one fails is slightly less than half the cost of a laptop, there is even less need to talk about upgrading it.

A high-quality and effective laptop upgrade is a real challenge. Our company's employees will help you quickly upgrade almost any laptop. In addition to modernization, we offer laptop repair services - repair, installation and configuration of various software, setting up network connections and much more.

Any technology becomes obsolete over time. This pattern also applies to laptops. In most cases, they are not particularly involved in updating them, preferring to purchase a new model. However, there are a number of components that can be successfully replaced with new ones. Next, let's look at the potential of laptops in terms of upgrades.

When should you upgrade your laptop?

First of all, upgrading the hardware of laptop computers is necessary in cases where the current configuration does not have enough resources to complete the assigned tasks and work with new software. If the computer already copes with everything that its user requires, then there is no need to update.

For example, changing the processor on a laptop designed for Internet surfing, watching movies and working with text does not make sense. It's another matter if it is used as a workstation for video editing, 3D graphics and other resource-demanding tasks.

What can be improved

Unlike desktop computers, upgrading laptops is very limited. In a desktop PC, you can change almost any component yourself. This is more difficult for portable solutions.


The simplest and most accessible way to upgrade is to increase RAM. You'll have to look for a bracket that fits your specific model, but installing it won't be difficult. It is also worth remembering that components for laptops are more expensive and are not as unified as components for desktop PCs.

Adding RAM sticks will not be superfluous in any case. The larger the amount of RAM, the higher the performance. However, before taking such a step, you should carefully read the motherboard's requirements for RAM sticks. If a specific laptop model was manufactured with the maximum available amount of RAM, then, naturally, it will not be possible to increase it.


The main data store changes to three cases: when the “native” hard drive has become unusable, during replacement with a more capacious one or hard drive with SSD elements. The first case needs no comment. The second is relevant when storing an impressive data archive (although here you can get by with external drives).

Replacing a hard drive with an SSD increases the speed of the system, as does increasing RAM, so these two procedures are often performed in combination. The need for surgery depends on the needs of the user. If the system performance is sufficient at this level, then there is no need to change the hard drive.


Upgrading a laptop's central processor is possible and practiced by many users. However, in this matter, much depends on the method of attaching the CPU to the motherboard. If it is equipped with contact “legs” (PAC - pin array connector), then its replacement is relatively simple and can be done without special tools.

If the CPU is “seated” on the board using solder balls (BGA - ball grid array), then to replace it you will need an infrared soldering station and strict temperature control. Therefore, not every workshop provides BGA soldering services.

Another nuance lies in compatibility with motherboards. As a rule, it is limited to the processor models that are equipped with a specific product line of laptops. That is, the possibility of installing a more productive chip is limited to the top model of the line. And if the computer was already purchased in the most expensive configuration, then there is nowhere to increase productivity.

Video card

Updating a laptop's video card or GPU in order to improve the quality of graphics display is a risky task and, in most cases, unjustified. It is very rare to find laptops where the video card is made as a separate unit, which is easy to replace (it’s more difficult to get it).

In other cases, graphics processing is carried out by a chip soldered to the board using the previously mentioned balls. Therefore, you should resort to this step only if the graphics chip fails.

Thus, by installing more advanced components, you can upgrade your laptop. However, due to the design features of laptops, this will be more difficult and more expensive than in the case of desktop systems.

Hi all! Today we’ll talk about how you can upgrade a laptop or, in other words, increase its performance by replacing some components. Upgrade or Upgrade from English is translated as modernization.
The whole difficulty is that the configuration of mobile PCs is rigidly set by the manufacturer, so the field for activity is not as wide as in the case of desktop systems, where everything or almost everything can be changed.

Laptop motherboard upgrade

Impossible in principle. Firstly, the cost of the mother can be up to 80% of the cost of the laptop itself. Secondly, it is not a fact that a more powerful motherboard will fit in the body of your device. As I already said, replacement is only possible with a mother of a similar model.

Processor upgrade

It's easier here. You need to select a processor for the socket on the motherboard of your laptop. If the processor that is replacing the old one is more powerful, cooling difficulties may arise. It is possible that the cooling system is designed specifically for your processor, accordingly, after upgrade the laptop will become stronger.

RAM upgrade

Everything is easy here. Find out what type of RAM is installed in the laptop and its size. For example, my Asus K52Dr initially had 4GB DDR3 - two 2GB sticks. (most laptops have 2 slots for RAM). You buy and install an additional level or change the already installed one for a larger memory. You also need to find out what is the maximum size of RAM supported by the laptop.
More RAM will allow you to work comfortably with big amount running processes (programs). It should be noted that 32-bit OSes do not see more than 3.5 GB of RAM. Therefore, if you decide to increase its size, think about changing the OS to 64-bit. Are you having trouble figuring out how to do it correctly? Probably, experts who repair computers at home can help you.

Laptop video chip upgrade

It is practically impossible, because on most laptops the video chip is built into the motherboard, and the latter is designed to work only with this chip. If the video card is discrete, then you can try to choose a more powerful video adapter, unless of course its price bothers you.

Hard drive upgrade (HDD)

The easiest upgrade option, but we should not forget about the compatibility of hard drives. Mobile HDDs are found in the 2 most common interfaces: SATA and the more outdated IDE. Additionally, mobile drives may vary in thickness. While a thinner drive will most likely be installed instead of a thicker predecessor, the opposite situation is not always possible.

By upgrading the HDD in a laptop, you can increase its size (volume of stored information and performance). The biggest performance boost will come from installing a solid-state drive (SSD) in your laptop. Disks made using this technology have significantly higher read-write speeds than traditional ones. However, it is worth considering their high cost for now, compared to HDDs with magnetic platters.

In general, if you wish, you can increase the performance of your mobile device by spending a minimum Money. The main thing is to approach this wisely. If you are a complete novice in this matter, then it is better to turn to a specialist. He will provide advice on all aspects of upgrading both a laptop and a desktop computer.

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