New snack for beer. Profitable business for the production of crackers Open a small production of beer products

The production of crispy potatoes, chips and crackers in small and medium-sized enterprises pays for itself in 3–5 months

Currently, the pace of development of the brewing industry is one of the highest in the Russian economy and is probably comparable only with the growth rate of American companies engaged in the Internet and Hi-Tech sectors. Naturally, the production of beer snacks is experiencing a real boom, especially in the last two years. A wide range of snacks is offered by both domestic and foreign manufacturers. Many large domestic brewing companies have organized production chips, nuts, crackers.

However, traditionally the most popular beer snacks are crisp, chips, crackers. This is due to the relative cheapness of the product and convenient packaging. The entrepreneur is attracted to the production of these products by the low costs of equipment and raw materials, the simplicity of the technological process and the possibility of obtaining high profits.

Production of crispy potatoes

The production of crispy potatoes includes several technological operations: potato washing, peeling, inspection, slicing, starch removal, blanching, drying, frying (dehydration), cooling, adding salt and spices, packaging and packing.

Washing with a productivity of up to 300 kg per hour (for raw materials), as a rule, is done manually using two-section washing baths. For large-scale production, continuous washing machines are used.

Peeling of potatoes is carried out using batch cleaning machines by erasing the surface layer using a coarse abrasive (“emery”). After this, the tubers are inspected, i.e. removal of defective tubers and additional cleaning, when the remaining “eyes” and remaining peel are cut off. The operation is carried out manually, and with a productivity of more than 300 kg/h, personnel are placed at a special inspection conveyor.

Then, using vegetable cutting machines, the potatoes are cut into plates 1.5–2 mm thick or “straws” with a transverse dimension of 6–10 mm. Washing of starch released on the surface of sliced ​​potatoes is done in special baths or special machines with cold water. Blanching is done in hot water using steam. This causes the decomposition of enzymes that cause browning of potatoes. Also, during blanching, the intercellular walls soften, which facilitates subsequent drying. For blanching in batch mode, boilers with electric or steam heating are used. In continuous mode, special devices are used - blanchers (water and steam). Immediately after blanching, the potatoes are cooled using a shower device.

Drying can be either volumetric (deep) or superficial. In the first case, humidity can be up to 30–40%, in the second – up to 70–75%, and water is removed only from the surface. Drying can be done in drying chambers, on conveyor lines or racks using various types of electric heaters or steam, as well as fans. Roasting (dehydration) is the main process in cooking chips and crispy potatoes. Its task is not only to reduce the moisture content of potatoes to a minimum (7–10%), but also to do this as quickly as possible, so that the resulting water vapor, expanding, loosens the mass of potatoes, giving it porosity. To obtain a “crispy” consistency, frying in oil must occur at a temperature of at least 140°C. For frying, frying baths and ovens are used, which differ both in power and in the loading method: batch (baskets) or continuous (conveyors). The performance depends on the electrical power of the device, i.e. pre-drying increases frying productivity, as energy consumption for evaporation is reduced.

Mandatory operations in the production of crispy potatoes are cooling and distillation of excess oil, which are carried out on a special conveyor or using a similar device, for example, a rack with mesh trays.

The introduction of salt and spices (flavors) is carried out in periodic or continuous panning machines. Salt and spices are added by sprinkling, spraying or sprinkling continuously while simultaneously mixing the product. In all panning machines, mixing is carried out without the use of kneading elements. Packing and packing crispy potatoes It is produced, as a rule, in doses of 25–100 g in bags made of polymer film with a printed pattern and the necessary data about the product and manufacturer.

Dosing and packaging (bag production and sealing) are carried out using automatic or semi-automatic filling and packaging machines. Table 1 shows an approximate set of equipment for the production of crispy potatoes from the Dialog Plus TF.

Table 1. Approximate set of equipment for the production of crispy potatoes




Bathtub washing


Potato Peeler


Bathtub washing


Vegetable cutter

"Gamma 5A"

Deep frying bath


Packaging machine (semi-automatic)


  • productivity – 20 kg/h;
  • average power – 40 kW;
  • occupied area – 40 m2;
  • staff – 5 people/shift.

Cost of equipment – ​​RUB 1,225,500*

Production of potato chips

Potato chips made from a mixture of mashed potatoes and potato starch. Production technology includes: preparation of raw materials, mixing, molding, adding salt and spices, packaging and packing.

Preparation of raw materials comes down to control and removal of accidental inclusions. This operation is carried out by sifting, in some cases dry mashed potatoes crushed before sifting. Micromills and sieves, including electromechanical ones, are used for preparation.

Mixing and molding are carried out in a single unit - an extruder. Dry potato products - starch, dry mashed potatoes, in some cases salt and spices - are mixed in accordance with the recipe. Water is added in an amount that ensures the moisture content of the molded mixture is about 28–30%. Molding occurs by pressing the mixture through special dies: the process takes place at a pressure of 80–120 atm. and temperature 75–90°C. The resulting tape is cut by an automatic knife into individual products.

Frying and all subsequent operations proceed in the same way as during production. crispy potatoes.

Packing and packing is carried out in plastic bags of 30–50 g or in cardboard boxes of 100–150 g.

Table 2 shows an approximate set of equipment for the production of potato chips from the Dialog Plus TF.

Table 2. Approximate set of equipment for the production of potato chips




Forming machine "Makiz"


Deep frying bath


Coating machine


Automatic packaging machine "Makiz-compact"


Specifications set:

  • productivity – 50 kg/h;
  • average power – 25 kW;
  • occupied area – 40 sq. m.;
  • service personnel – 5 people.

The cost of equipment for the production of potato chips is RUB 181,500*

Chips can be made from pellets (semi-finished products chips). The technological process in this case is limited to the preparation of raw materials, molding and drying.

Production of snack crackers

Production snack crackers baked rye bread is quite simple technologically. The production technology includes several mandatory stages: incoming control of bakery products, cutting of bakery products, frying, processing of workpieces with spices, food additives and flavorings, aging, packaging.

Incoming control of bakery products consists of rejecting products with contamination, foreign inclusions and other types of defects. After checking the workpieces, the bread is cut into slices 7–12 mm thick. Using a bread slicer, you can obtain pieces for crackers in the form of sticks by repeatedly passing the products through the bread slicer in a mutually perpendicular direction. To obtain cubes, you need to pass the resulting pieces through the bread slicer again. Then the cut slices are placed on metal sheets and fried in an oven, oven, or drying. Rye roasting temperature crackers 180–200°C for 15–20 minutes. For roasting, either bakers or ovens are used. It is allowed to dry without frying in ovens or other drying devices at temperatures above 105°C. Drying time is 2–4 hours. The duration and temperature of frying or drying may vary and depends on the design of the oven or drying cabinet.

After frying, the crackers are sprinkled with food additives, spices, and flavorings are added (in solution) depending on the type of product. This operation can be carried out manually for small production volumes and using a mixing drum (panner) for large volumes.

After frying and adding spices and flavors crackers placed in open boxes or other containers and kept for 8–16 hours at room temperature 21–30°C and relative air humidity 50–70%.

The filling and packing of crackers is carried out using filling and packaging machines or semi-automatic machines with a weighing dispenser. Crackers are loaded into the receiving hopper of the packaging device. Next, from the dispenser bucket they enter the receiving funnel of the packaging device, which forms a bag from the roll film and seals the product.

For packaging rye crackers polypropylene or pearl film with a thickness of 30–35 microns is used.

Since the entrepreneur is offered several options for completing workshops for the production of snack crackers with a capacity of 25, 50 and 100 kg/h, the number and name of the machines and units included in them, the technical characteristics and cost of the sets have some differences (Table 3).

Table 3. Main technological equipment and some technical characteristics of equipment sets for the production of snack crackers



1 option

Option 2

Option 3

Main technological equipment

Quantity, pcs.

Bread slicer

Bakery cabinet


Drying plant

Semi-automatic packaging

Automatic filling and packaging machine



Productivity, kg/hour

Installed power, kW

Occupied area, sq.m.

Service personnel, persons

Approximate cost, rub.*




When equipping a production workshop snack crackers auxiliary equipment is also used: production tables, bins, pastry sheets, shelving trolleys.

A set of equipment with a capacity of 25–50 kg/h is intended for existing bakeries and bakeries. They make it possible to profitably utilize returns and rejects of baked goods.

The line with a capacity of 100 kg/h is used in the production of snack crackers. For example, a company producing crackers well-known trademark “Three Crusts”, is equipped with similar equipment. In addition, most brewing companies now have such workshops, which are seeking to increase the range of products and expand their business. For example, the Baltika company produces snack crackers under its own brand.


The experience of food equipment supply companies shows that the production of food products from potatoes and snack croutons from baked bread in small and medium-sized enterprises is a profitable and profitable business. Production costs pay off approximately 3–5 months after the start of production, subject to the availability of cheap raw materials, guaranteed sales of finished products, and uninterrupted production with high productivity. Organizing such production is not very difficult and does not require significant financial costs. In addition, with a rational approach, you can choose exactly the equipment configuration option that will bring the greatest benefit in the conditions of a given region. However, entrepreneurs often need the help of specialists who would help not only select equipment and commissioning, but also provide information support.

* Prices are given according to the price list of the Dialog Plus TF as of May 2002.

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The production of food products that belong to the snack group is now rapidly growing and is popular in most countries of the world. One of the types of goods that such an industry can produce are different kinds crackers, very popular in our country. Despite a large number of Potential competitors Business in the production of crackers in Russia may well bring good income even to a novice businessman.

Why the production of crackers?

So, making crackers - why can this business be of interest and what are its positive aspects? Among the obvious advantages of such activities within our country are the following:

  • There is a high demand for this type of product - currently, in terms of sales volumes, it already significantly exceeds chips, which have always occupied one of the first positions in sales of snack products;
  • A relatively simple manufacturing process that does not require special room parameters, distance from residential areas and is not associated with harmful emissions;
  • Low price of equipment. In order to buy equipment for the production of crackers, you will need an amount of 300 thousand rubles, which today is quite acceptable for many people who have decided to use their savings and start their own business;
  • Fast payback period. According to statistics, it average duration ranges from 6 months to one and a half years.

As for the disadvantages, one of the main disadvantages is high competition - in Russian Federation and in neighboring countries that import their products to us, there are quite a lot of enterprises that have mastered the production of beer crackers, with various additives, various shapes and composition.

Actions required to organize a business for the production of crackers

Any type of business can bring profit and stable income - you just need to competently approach the process of organizing the entire process, taking into account all possible risks and pitfalls that can await a novice entrepreneur. The business plan for the production of crackers consists of the sequential implementation of the following steps:

  • Calculation of the approximate volumes that are planned to be produced;
  • Determination of the type of product and production technology;
  • Choice settlement, in which it is planned to open a plant for the production of crackers;
  • Business registration, obtaining permits;
  • Searching for premises for production, renting it or purchasing it;
  • Selection of equipment based on the volume of production, as well as the amount of money you are willing to spend. Purchase of devices and lines, installation and trial run;
  • Determination of necessary raw materials and auxiliary materials;
  • Recruitment;
  • Establishing sales of finished products.

Possible types of products

At the moment, when opening such a business, it is possible to produce the following types of crackers:

  1. According to the type of raw materials from which they will be produced:
  • Wheat;
  • Rye;
  • Rye-wheat.
  1. Depending on the type of additive for crackers:
  • Bacon flavored;
  • With the taste of sour cream and herbs;
  • Cheese flavored;
  • With mushroom flavor;
  • With the taste of jellied meat and horseradish, etc.

Determination of the planned volume of production and territory for placement will depend on the available amount Money, place of residence of the entrepreneur, the presence of competitors and other third-party factors that may affect the cost and payback of the entire enterprise.

Business registration process

First of all, before carrying out any actions of buying, selling, renting, or concluding contracts, you will need to officially register your activity. The process of obtaining and processing documents for such a business will include the following operations:

  • Registration with the Federal Tax Service as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. The production of crackers can be organized in both one and another form. It is worth choosing based on the planned production volumes, the number of business founders, as well as estimated distribution routes;
  • Registration as a tax payer;
  • Development technical documentation production;
  • Obtaining permits from regulatory services (fire inspection, sanitary and epidemiological station, labor safety inspection);
  • Opening a current account (for individuals if necessary, for legal entities mandatory);
  • In the event that registration is carried out in the form of an LLC, the creation of a charter and an order for the appointment of a general director.

Choosing premises for production equipment

When determining the required premises for the location of the workshop, the following basic norms and requirements should be adhered to:

  • The area of ​​the selected workshop will depend on production volumes and should be from 50 square meters;
  • In addition to the space for placing equipment, it is necessary to allocate a room for storing raw materials and manufactured products;
  • To save money on renting or purchasing premises, you can choose a building located on the outskirts of the city, however, you need to understand that in this case the costs of transporting materials for the workshop, as well as delivering products to potential customers, may increase;
  • It is necessary to equip a fire safety system in the workshop;
  • Since the technology for the production of crackers and their storage requires certain humidity and temperature conditions, proper ventilation and heating should be ensured;
  • According to production standards, the ceiling height in a factory must be at least 3 meters.

Production technology and necessary equipment for the workshop

The production technology will depend on what types of crackers are planned to be produced, but in any case it will include the following basic operations:

  • Sliced ​​bread. During this operation, you should not resort to manual labor - for such purposes the best option there will be a bread slicer for crackers;
  • Roasting in a special oven at high temperatures. The duration of the operation is no more than 20 minutes;
  • Adding spices for croutons. Performing such an operation requires the presence of a machine for mixing with additives - a coating unit;
  • Cooling of products is carried out on conveyor belts;
  • Packaging of crackers is carried out on a special filling machine, which ensures accurate weight and high quality sealing of bags with the product;
  • Packaging in batches and sending for storage and sale.

When choosing the necessary machines and devices, the main criteria will be the required performance and price of the equipment. Alternatively, a ready-made line for the production of crackers, depending on the manufacturer, can cost you much less than separate installations. The cost of a line for crackers can range from 300 to 1,500 thousand rubles and depend on many factors: whether it is new or used, in which country it was designed, how easy it is to maintain and what output it can produce.

Necessary raw materials, auxiliary materials for production and personnel selection

The production of crackers will require the purchase of the following materials and tools:

  • Baked bread. Be sure to monitor its quality - to produce crackers you need to use dense varieties with a uniform structure, well baked and without voids inside the loaf. If you decide to organize full cycle production and bake bread yourself, you will need to purchase ingredients for its production (flour, yeast, sunflower oil, salt, etc.);
  • Additives for crackers. Their range and names will depend on what products you ultimately intend to receive. At the moment, the most popular products are bacon, sour cream with herbs, cheese and jellied meat with horseradish. The average consumption of spices per 100 kg of finished products is about 4 kg;
  • Packaging material. The largest manufacturers recommend using two-layer metallized polypropylene with interlayer printing - it ensures the safety of the product inside, is absolutely safe and allows you to apply a design to high-quality packaging.
  • Corrugated cardboard for boxes in which manufactured crackers will be packed. As a rule, from 25 to 50 units of small packages are placed in one box.

As for recruitment, it is worth paying special attention to this action and selecting employees from among applicants who have specialized education, experience working in similar enterprises, and have also issued a health certificate - this is a prerequisite for the possibility of working in food industry enterprises.

Features of product sales and advertising

Sales of finished products can be carried out in the following way:

  • Wholesale sale of crackers to companies and organizations that will then sell them at retail. This method is convenient in that large volumes can be sold immediately, albeit at a lower price;
  • Independent sale by trading platforms(shops, supermarkets, kiosks, cafes);
  • Organizing your own sales points.

In order to develop a customer base and advertise your products, you should pay attention to the following methods:

  • Develop a name for crackers and a colorful packaging design that will attract the attention of consumers. In this case, it is better to turn to specialists - although such a service will have to pay a certain amount of money (from 10 thousand rubles), such costs are always worth it;
  • Order advertising in the media, post information on the Internet;
  • Conclude marketing agreements with retail outlets, which involve placing your products in a place visible to the buyer (golden shelf);
  • Monitor the quality of the product produced very carefully, since any advertising will sooner or later stop working if the product itself is not liked by customers.

Launch own production snacks are relatively easy. The entrepreneur will face difficulties later – when he needs to look for wholesale clients. But as practice shows, if you approach the matter competently, all tasks are quite feasible. Take, for example, the production of beer crackers - the sales market is huge, the costs are relatively low, and there are great opportunities for development. Why is this not a profitable business?

In Russia, crackers have been produced for a very long time. The market consists mainly of large companies. But there is also a place for small producers on store shelves; the main thing is to find their own niche and offer consumers something special.

The production of crackers as a business will require a detailed project. A clear plan will help you calculate costs and think through the marketing policy of your future enterprise.

Start with branding

Don’t rush to purchase equipment and hire a technologist to create a recipe; first come up with a name for the crackers and a packaging design. It is better to entrust this matter to specialists who, after analyzing a specific market and consumers, will offer the best options. The packaging of the crackers will depend on the work of the designers - there is real room for creativity! Bright colors, readable fonts, attractive pictures on the packaging - this is what attracts customers to a particular product.

No money to hire qualified specialists? Well, you'll have to be creative yourself.

The task is greatly simplified if you plan to sell crackers by weight. This option, with the development of large supermarket chains, is quite popular among entrepreneurs. You won’t have to invest money in branding, which is a significant part of the budget.

What about the assortment?

In your business plan for the production of crackers, include a list of the types of crackers that you will produce in the future. A qualified technologist will help here, who will think through the recipes and develop a product line.

It is important what kind of bread you will work with in the future.

The following types of crackers can be distinguished:

  • from wheat bread,
  • from rye bread.

Each product has its own fans, and therefore, focus on each customer by producing all types of crackers.

To impart the final flavor to the crackers, cracker spices are used. According to experts, the most popular flavors are “sour cream and onions,” “bacon,” and “mushrooms.” To get your bearings on the demand for your product in a specific market, do not start producing crackers in all flavors at once - 3-5 will be enough for a start.

The process of releasing crackers

The technology for producing crackers is extremely simple - anyone can master it.

The stages are as follows:

  • cutting bread (cubes or slices),
  • frying the semi-finished product (with or without oil),
  • adding spices,
  • packaging and packing of finished products.

On average, it takes about 13-14 kg to produce 10 kg of crackers fresh bread and 3-4 l vegetable oil(if it is provided for in the recipe at all).

Since we are talking about a food enterprise, special attention should be paid to the quality of raw materials - this will affect the final taste of the product. The production of crackers can take place either from purchased bread or from bread made at the same enterprise. The second option, although it will require additional costs, will help to significantly reduce variable costs in the future.

A trial batch of products is sent to an independent laboratory, where the composition of the crackers is checked and their compliance with quality standards. This is the only way to obtain permission from supervisory authorities to conduct activities.

Workshop technical equipment

The next thing to do is to find suitable premises for a workshop and buy equipment for the production of crackers. The type of equipment will depend on the planned sales volume of the finished product and available finances. Since this area is popular, there should be no problems finding the necessary devices.

Production line for the production of crackers

The line for the production of crackers consists of the following equipment:

  • coating machine,
  • bread slicer,
  • oven,
  • packaging machine.

This is the main list of units. But if you plan to use the same workshop to produce bread for further processing, you will need an additional line - dough mixers, ovens, proofers, dispensers, flour sifters.

The price of equipment for beer crackers varies widely. A decent low-power line can be purchased for 800,000-1,500,000 rubles. Savings are possible with used machines. High-capacity automatic equipment can cost up to 5,000,000 rubles. It just doesn’t make any sense for a novice entrepreneur to purchase this.

The cost of a line for crackers is not the only expense that a production workshop will require. Don't forget about preparing the room. To place the necessary equipment here, you will need an area of ​​at least 80 m2. Food products will be produced here, and therefore the workshop must be re-equipped. In the future, the entrepreneur will be subject to an inspection by the SES and fire inspectors. The enterprise will not open until all requirements of the supervisory authorities are satisfied.

Nuances of selling finished products.

Selling crackers in bulk will bring more profit. But for a newcomer to this market segment, it will be difficult to find such orders - the requirements are high, and space on store shelves is expensive. Start cooperation with small retail outlets.

A bread slicer for crackers and other equipment will pay for itself, according to rough calculations, no later than 1.5 years. But this is subject to low power. More expensive production lines will take longer to pay for themselves. In general, starting a “medium” business will cost at least 2,000,000 rubles.

If you use high-quality additives for crackers and offer consumers favorable prices, the product you produce will definitely find “its” buyer.

To be honest, I wouldn’t like to share this idea, but I don’t have the means to implement it, so I’m putting it out there for everyone to see. The essence of this idea is not new, and you can’t call it homemade, but I think it deserves attention.

Probably, now very few people do not drink beer, and quite often they take beer with: dried squid, salted fish, kirieshki, pistachios, etc. Now let's calculate how much money people spend to purchase these goodies. In my city - Neryungri (South Yakutia) 1 kg. fresh frozen squid costs from 80 to 100 rubles. There is no more than 10 g of squid in a beer bag, and its cost is 10–13 rubles. It turns out that on average 1 g of squid meat (CRUSKS, pistachios) costs about 1 rub. In other words, for CRUSKS (squid, pistachios) with seasoning, people (namely people, one person will not agree to this) are ready to pay 1000 rubles per 1 kg. The manufacturer is focused primarily on the consumer mass, and not just one person, so it turns out that for 1 kg of crackers people pay $300, if you do not take the cost of the bags.

In general, the bottom line is this: any business requires innovation in order to get ahead of the competition. In addition to kirieshki and squid, I propose the production of…………venison, of course, to accompany beer. It sounds, of course, unusual: Venison for beer! But I want to argue. You won’t find such a product in stores (even in Yakutia); consumer curiosity alone will empty your pockets. In addition, they charge more for delicacies. And why is venison worse than squid, you just need to know how to cook it.

Why won't you find this meat on the shelves of Yakutia? The thing is that in Yakutia, as far as I know, there are no enterprises specializing in reindeer husbandry; this is done by the indigenous people; deer do not grow as quickly as pigs. On the other hand, why organize a large-scale company? There simply aren't enough deer. You can simply buy the required amount of meat in bulk in the uluses (villages) and make it the peak of the season, for example, in Moscow, by first printing the following text on the packaging bags: “Venison for beer - try it now - the next batch is only in three years.”

Of course, an ordinary worker cannot do this. Therefore, the idea is aimed at those who have their own business in this area.

There are also a number of problems: traveling around the uluses and buying meat is expensive; it would be better to have a point of purchase of venison from indigenous residents, or organize a small branch of your company in Yakutia, which would buy and ship meat. Of course, we must not forget about the laws of Yakutia, even though it is part of Russia, as well as about the SES. In general, there are enough problems. On the other hand, that’s what they are entrepreneurs for - to solve problems with their disruptive character.

P.S. Have you tried stroganina (frozen and finely chopped, raw fish or deer meat), and even with vodka? Well, that's it, food for thought.

Russian snack manufacturers: 220 factories. Large brands and new brands of snack products. Catalog 2020: official websites, addresses, contacts and prices of manufacturers and suppliers. Become a dealer, order a price list!

The production of snacks in Russia has existed for less than 10 years, during which time the Russian product market has grown 15 times. The range of domestic companies producing snacks for “light snacks” includes at least:

  • croutons (flavored with cheese, jellied meat and horseradish, ham, mushrooms and other additives);
  • dried snacks for beer made from meat, fish, squid and other seafood;
  • sausages, portioned dried meat;
  • fish snacks;
  • seeds (sunflower, pumpkin), nuts;
  • chocolate, whole grain and other nutrition bars.

Companies producing snack products for baby food- muesli bars with the addition of dried fruits and cereals, “baby chips”, etc.

The food factories presented at the online exhibition produce and offer to buy snacks in bulk:

  • potato chips with gravy;
  • salted roasted peanuts;
  • pistachios "Piastres";
  • onion rings "RSK";
  • fish extrusion, etc.

Companies sell both weight products and snacks in individual vacuum packaging.

Direct sale of snack products without intermediary markups (at the manufacturer’s wholesale price list) - 30-300% cheaper than retail. Small and large wholesale. The list includes manufacturers offering dealership and distribution in your region. Companies are looking for partners and representatives in the CIS.

Wholesale deliveries to the regions of the Russian Federation, CIS and for export. For deliveries to the countries of the Customs Union, companies provide certificates.

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