Contemporary problems of South America. Economy and environmental problems of South America presentation. Environmental problems of South America. Depletion of water resources

TOPIC 2. South America

§ 24. Modern environmental problems of the continent. World Natural Heritage Sites


1. When did Europeans begin to actively populate South America?

2. What are cultural and natural heritage sites?

Ecological problems. Active economic activity in South America began in the 16th century. in connection with the colonization of the mainland by Europeans. The largest modern environmental problems are: the destruction of the Amazon forests, plowing of the savannah, pampas, trampling of grass by numerous herds of domestic animals, impoverishment of vegetation and wildlife; soil erosion, expansion of desert areas, pollution of rivers, seas, air in mountainous areas, and the like.

The development of land for agricultural purposes in many areas of South America has led to changes in the natural environment. The pampa was almost completely plowed, tropical woodlands were cut down, and many animals were exterminated. The fate of the Amazon forests is especially worrying (Fig. 63). Construction of the Trans-Amazonian Highway and beyond

the development of this area is accompanied by predatory deforestation and burning of forests over vast areas. Such human activity significantly disrupts the natural balance, threatening to change the natural environment not only of equatorial forests, but also of neighboring natural areas(decrease in precipitation, shallowing of rivers, soil erosion, depletion of vegetation and wildlife).

Rice. 63. Deforestation of the Amazon. Photo from space

Concerned about the rapid destruction of forests, the Brazilian government has decided to create the first large reserve in the Amazon.

Tropical agriculture is developing in South American countries, which significantly disrupts natural ecosystems. In equatorial and tropical latitudes, coffee trees, bananas, pineapples, sugar cane and the like are intensively grown. In subtropical areas - citrus fruits, tea, wheat, corn and the like. The lower slopes of the Andes are also used for agriculture, and the high mountain meadows are used as pastures.

Natural complexes in mining areas are changing significantly. During open-pit mining, the width of quarries can reach several kilometers. The industrial centers of São Paulo and Buenos Aires are the mainland's polluted cities.

IN Lately in the countries of South America, the struggle to preserve environment. Legislation on environmental protection is being improved, and national parks and reserves are being intensively created. Now there are more than 300 of them on the mainland. 6 national parks and 8 scientific stations and reserves have been created in the Amazon. The area of ​​protected areas in South America is almost 1%.

Objects of the World Natural Heritage. On the territory of countries Latin America and the Caribbean countries there are 13% of the monuments (among them 90 - cultural heritage, 36 - natural heritage, 3 - mixed type). Let's talk about some of them.

The Devil's Throat waterfalls are located on the territory of Iguazu National Park in Argentina (Fig. 64). Depending on the water level in the Iguazu River, there are between 160 and 260 waterfalls in the park. More than 2,000 species of plants grow around and 400 species of birds live.

Perito Moreno Glacier located in national park Argentina (Fig. 65). The glacier is one of the most interesting tourist sites in the Argentine part of Patagonia and the third largest in the world after Antarctica and Greenland.

Rice. 64. Devil's Throat Falls

Rice. 65. Perito Moreno Glacier


Natural uniqueness of South America

Using various sources of information, take a virtual tour of the unique natural sites of South America. Prepare a story (presentation) about one of them. Give a message to your classmates. Draw unique natural features on an outline map of South America.

Questions and tasks

1. Name the environmental problems of South America. What are they connected to?

2. What environmental problems of the continent can become global problems of the world?

3. Name the famous UNESCO World Heritage Sites on the mainland.

4. What ways can there be to preserve natural heritage sites in our time?

Working with a map and atlas

Locate on a physical map areas of the continent where environmental problems have arisen. Label them on the outline map.

Researcher Page

Suggest your own ways to solve environmental problems in South America.

Interesting fact

The Centennial Bridge (Fig. 66) crosses the Panama Canal. It was commissioned in 2004 in honor of the 100th anniversary of Panama's independence. The bridge was constructed in 29 months, the cost of construction work was almost $120 million. Its height is 80 m, length is 1 km 52 m.

Rice. 66. Centennial Bridge

Global problems are tasks of a universal human scale that the state cannot cope with alone. In the modern world, they are complex, systematic, unified, and sometimes dangerous for humanity. These issues can only be resolved through a significant strengthening of global interrelations, which can achieve the unity of the whole world. Unofficially, global problems are divided into: socio-political, socio-humanitarian, socio-ecological and socio-economic. The prefix “socially” is not accidental here, because they all interact with society.

Socio-political problems are aimed at ensuring peace and security at the international level. Previously, states with nuclear weapons acted as guarantors of security. However, over time, it became clear that peace could not be achieved in this way and foreign policy goals would not be achieved. At the moment, a major source of instability that has shaken confidence in safe world, is international terrorism. Its growth was caused by a large accumulation of a wide variety of weapons concentrated throughout the world. If this issue gets completely out of control, such weapons can destroy the planet more than once. Some countries have reached a climax in this matter, their problem is that military expenditures significantly exceed the economic development of the country. To achieve “world peace” it is necessary to carry out disarmament in every state and do it competently. The success of the process depends on compliance with the following principles:

  • Equality of peoples, maintaining equal security.
  • Strict disarmament monitoring system.
  • Unquestioning compliance with all points of contractual obligations.
  • The disarmament process must be comprehensive, continuous, and most importantly effective.

Socio-economic problems are associated with the economic backwardness of states, their demographic and food problems. Every day these problems become more and more noticeable. They are connected with the fact that some countries are developing rapidly, while others cannot close the gap in socio-economic indicators. One of the most important tasks of the state individually and the whole world as a whole is to establish efficient production, which will provide the people with food. The main impetus for global social tension is the split modern world on rich and poor.

A number of other problems arise from economic backwardness - food and demographic problems. The planet's population exceeds the required number of inhabitants and amounts to more than 7 billion people. The "population explosion" occurs mainly in poor countries, which leads to an uneven distribution of people in relation to life important resources. The demographic problem has a detrimental effect on the environment, leading to increased poverty and a significant deterioration in living standards. This problem results in an increase in social and environmental problems.

Signs of an environmental crisis are:

  • Exceeding the permissible level of air and water pollution;
  • Abrupt or consistent climate change;
  • Deforestation;
  • Soil erosion;
  • Extinction of species of flora and fauna;
  • An increase in the number of ozone holes in the atmosphere;
  • Reduction of the area of ​​fertile lands;
  • Predominance of acid rain and others.

Environmental problems will not be solved on their own; their number can be reduced or completely eradicated only through joint efforts, uniting with other states. Each country must resolve environmental issues not only at the national level, but also comply with the standards adopted by international organizations. The predominant direction of internal and foreign policy should be a solution to environmental problems. Environmental policy involves the creation of environmental legislation, which will provide for liability for non-compliance. The UN, UNESCO and other international organizations are bringing environmental issues to the forefront. They developed international environmental protection programs, created systems of international control over their implementation, and developed environmental education. Many countries also pay close attention to the environmental issue, state level Ecological societies and movements are being created whose activities are aimed at protecting the environment.

Social and humanitarian problems are associated with:

  • material and spiritual underdevelopment of the population's life;
  • mental disorder and physical illness of a person;
  • violation of legal human rights and freedoms;
  • suffering brought by wars and disasters;
  • other.

Humanitarian disasters that arise as a result of ethnic conflicts, natural disasters and other incidents can be eradicated by uniting global efforts. For all countries of the modern world, the rapidly increasing flow of refugees is a huge problem.

All global problems are interconnected and affect both the individual and the global community. The threat of the disappearance of human civilization has given impetus to scientists from all over the world to unite in order to find solutions global problems. This goal is pursued by the Club of Rome, created by the Italian economist and public figure A. Peccei in 1968. This international organization is non-governmental in nature and unites outstanding scientists, public and politicians from all over the world.

Environmental problems of Latin America

Intensive environmental use of the country's rich resource potential has led to environmental disaster in many Latin American countries. Other reasons for the environmentally unfavorable situation are: peripheral position in the world economy, high level of dependence on foreign investment. The national interests of Latin America can be protected through rational environmental management.

The use of fuel and energy resources accounts for 80% of industrial pollution in the region. The most dangerous in terms of environmental pollution are the oil refining and petrochemical industries. The most polluted region in Brazil is called Camasari, where a large petrochemical complex is located. Areas with a high concentration of hazardous production are called the “valley of death.” The risk of radioactive contamination is directly proportional to the development of nuclear energy.

One of the most pressing problems in Latin America is the dumping of toxic waste on its territory. delivered from developed countries of the world. Such burials are already spreading to the territory of Brazil, Peru, and Argentina. High concentrations of harmful chemical compounds in the atmosphere, such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen monoxide, and sulfur, have a negative effect on human health. The share of air pollution from vehicle exhaust exceeds the norm several times; in Buenos Aires, Santiago, and Mexico City its coefficient reaches 70%. Forest fires, which are not uncommon in Latin America, also pollute the environment. The issue of water use by the population is very acute in the region. Water pools are not suitable for domestic use due to the large volume of industrial waste discharges into the water. In Buenos Aires alone, 90% of enterprises are not equipped with treatment facilities, and the tributaries of La Plata are catastrophically polluted by industrial waste.

Causes of water problem in Latin America:

  • Rapid population growth, development of large cities, which leads to a reduction in water supply per person.
  • Global climate change, illegal deforestation.
  • Poor water quality due to constant discharge of untreated waste.
  • Outdated legislative structure.
  • Despite the huge reserves of arable land, the region ranks third in the world in terms of its degradation, which has resulted from erosion.

The main problems of soil degradation in Latin America are:

  • Erosion, which entails a reduction in the amount of agricultural land.
  • Lack of legal rights to dispose of land.
  • Frequent changes in land use types.
  • Uneven distribution of farmland.
  • Soil contamination with waste, its compaction.

The rapid development of agriculture leads to the loss of nutrients in the soil. Over time, it loses its former productivity. The use of new technologies, fertilizers, and pesticides only worsens the already deplorable state of the environment. Frequent use of fertilizers entails an increase in the amount of nitrogen compounds in soil and water.

Salinization leads to soil degradation, which over time can reach the level of desertification. This process affects 18.4 million hectares of land in Brazil, Argentina, Mexico and Peru. Deforestation and the creation of livestock farms lead to dangerous environmental consequences.

Forest functions for the Caribbean:

The forest area in the Caribbean is 160 billion cubic meters. m of wood, which is 1/4 of the area of ​​all forests globe. In this region, forest loss is particularly high, amounting to 0.48% annually. The most dangerous for forests are fires, which can cover more than 2.5 million hectares.

Solving environmental problems at the state level

For Latin America, solving environmental problems has not been brought to the fore. Such indifference led to the deforestation of vast areas of forests, erosion of fertile soils, the disappearance of many species of flora and fauna, and others. negative consequences. Based on the above-mentioned problems, which cannot be ignored, the Latin American authorities began to take measures to stabilize the environmental situation.

Developed the legislative framework in Brazil, which regulates forestry and ecological farming countries.

Issues related to soil degradation have begun to be raised in regional and international forums.

The Regional Coordination Council for Latin American and Caribbean Countries, created with UN support, helps prepare and implement national environmental programs.

New regulations on forestry management were adopted.

The Amazon Pact has been adopted, which aims to prevent soil degradation.

The Central American Council has been created, the purpose of which is to preserve the biodiversity of forests and surrounding areas.

8 countries that make up Latin America have signed a cooperation agreement. This document regulates environmental issues at the international level.

The development of environmental legislation in Latin America is becoming increasingly important. Organizations on environmental issues operating at the state level are being formed, the functions of the green social movement are expanding, and legislative acts are being signed.

An environmental problem is a deterioration associated with negative impact natural character, and in our time the human factor also plays an important role. Destruction of the ozone layer, environmental pollution or destruction - all of this, one way or another, entails adverse consequences now or in the near future.

North America, which are quite significant and extremely acute, is one of the most progressive regions of the world. For the sake of prosperity, the United States and Canada have to sacrifice their nature. So what are the difficulties in providing environmental safety face the inhabitants of the North American continent, and what do they threaten in the future?

Technological progress

First of all, it should be noted that over time, the living conditions of the urban population are deteriorating, especially with regard to industrial centers. The reason for this is the active exploitation of natural resources - soil, surface water, and the environment, destruction of vegetation. However, the most important parts of the natural environment - soil, hydrosphere and atmosphere - are interconnected, and human impact on each of them affects the others, so destructive processes become global in nature.

While North America is developing, the continent's environmental problems are becoming more acute. Along with progress, the destruction and displacement of the natural landscape occurs, followed by its replacement with an artificial environment, which can be harmful and even unsuitable for human life. Already in the second half of the 20th century, the mass of waste on the North American continent amounted to 5-6 billion tons per year, of which at least 20% was chemically active.

Traffic fumes

The problem of exhaust gases is relevant all over the world today, but on the west coast of the United States in the state of California the situation is especially difficult. In these places, steam passes along the mainland as a result of which steam condenses over the coastal waters, in which large volumes of vehicle exhaust gases are concentrated. In addition, during the summer half of the year there is anticyclonic weather, which contributes to an increased influx of solar radiation, as a result of which complex chemical transformations occur in the atmosphere. The consequence of this is a dense fog in which a mass of toxic substances is concentrated.

Experts studying the environmental problems of the North American continent call excessive emissions of exhaust gases a serious challenge to society, because they not only have a detrimental effect on nature, but are also the cause of many human diseases.

Depletion of water resources

What other environmental problems exist in North America? On the mainland today, things are very bad with water resources - they are simply depleted. The level of water consumption on the continent is growing non-stop, and today it already exceeds the permissible level. Back in the last century, the American specialist A. Walman published research results according to which more than half of the population of the United States consumes water that has been used at least once and passed through the sewer.

Under such circumstances it is difficult to carry out two very important conditions: Along with restoring water quality, it is necessary to continuously ensure the availability of its natural volume in rivers and other bodies of water. Water levels at the country's largest reservoir dropped sharply in 2015, with scientists warning it could be the start of a longer drought.

Water pollution

Environmental problems are not limited to depletion alone. The list of negative factors in this area is quite long, but mainly it is the pollution of water bodies. They throw out waste, which contains everything, and shipping also causes significant damage.

Also today, quite a lot of harm is caused. About a third of the water withdrawn from rivers every year comes from nuclear and thermal power plants, in which it is heated and returned to the reservoir. The temperature of such water is 10-12% higher, and the oxygen content is noticeably lower, which plays a significant role and often causes the death of many living organisms.

Already in the second half of the 20th century in the United States, 10-17 million fish died every year from water pollution, and the Mississippi, being the largest river in North America, is today one of the ten most polluted in the world.

The rest of nature

North America, located in almost all latitudes of the hemisphere, has a unique landscape and a very rich flora and fauna. Environmental problems have also reached the virgin nature of the mainland. On its territory there are several dozen national parks, which in today's conditions have become almost the only corners in which many millions of city residents can take a break from the noise and dirt of megacities. The influx of visitors and tourists, increasing at an incredible rate, is taking its toll on them, causing some today unique species animals and plants are on the verge of extinction.

The sad fact is that not only humans are the source of pollution - various toxic substances contained in rock dumps are washed away by rainwater and blown away by the wind, and then move into rivers. Such dumps can often stretch along the river bed for long distances, constantly polluting the reservoir.

Even in the north of Canada, where natural resources are not so intensively developed, significant changes in nature can be seen today. The environmental problems of the taiga in North America are being studied by employees of Wood Buffalo, one of the largest national parks in the world.

Exploitation of natural resources

As already mentioned, the continent’s environmental problems are largely associated with the high technological level of development of the United States and Canada. The natural resources of North America are diverse and numerous: the bowels of the continent are rich in oil, natural gas, and important minerals. The vast timber reserves in the north and the agriculturally-friendly lands in the south have been over-exploited for many years, resulting in many environmental problems.

Shale gas

Recently, there has been a lot of hype around shale gas - it is being produced more and more intensively in North America. Environmental problems that may arise from the use of certain technologies appear to be of little concern to companies engaged in the exploration and production of hydrocarbons from shale formations. Unfortunately, political intrigue plays a role in promoting this type of energy resource extraction, and the possible environmental consequences are sometimes not taken into account at all. Thus, the US government has set a course towards acquiring independence from energy supplies from foreign markets, and if just yesterday the country was purchasing gas from neighboring Canada, today it is already positioning itself as a hydrocarbon exporting state. And all this is done to the detriment of the environment.

Conclusions for the future

This short article briefly examined the environmental problems of North America. We, of course, did not consider all the information, but based on the available material, we can conclude that in the pursuit of profit and in the pursuit of material wealth, people methodically caused and continue to cause serious damage to the environment, while rarely thinking about the consequences of their actions.

Trying to achieve maximum effect in the exploitation of natural resources, we paid little attention to preventive measures, and now we have what we have. A clear example of this is the North American continent, perhaps the most highly developed region of the world, whose environmental problems are also very significant.

Global problems of our time

Note 1

A whole series of planetary problems that cannot be solved by the efforts of just one country are called global. Their peculiarity is complexity, systematicity, universality, which is ensured by the unity of the modern world and the strengthening of global interrelations. Conventionally, global problems are divided into 4 groups - socio-political, socio-economic, socio-ecological, social and humanitarian.

Socio-political problems related to ensuring peace and international security. If for a long time the basis of international security was nuclear deterrence, then in modern conditions it has become clear that nuclear war will never be a means of achieving foreign policy goals. Along with the peoples' hope for a secure world, new sources of instability have emerged - the growth of international terrorism. Countries around the world have accumulated huge stockpiles of weapons capable of destroying the planet several times over, so the problem of disarmament is acute. The solution to social problems in developing countries is hampered by the pace of military spending, which exceeds the rate of economic development. To begin disarmament, which in itself is a long process, all parties must adhere to certain principles.

Finished works on a similar topic

  • Coursework 430 rub.
  • Essay Environmental protection and environmental problems in Latin America 280 rub.
  • Test Environmental protection and environmental problems in Latin America 190 rub.

Their essence is as follows:

  1. Equality and equal security;
  2. Fulfillment of all contractual obligations and agreements;
  3. Disarmament control system;
  4. Comprehensive nature, continuity and effectiveness of disarmament activities.

IN socio-economic The main problems are the problem of economic backwardness, the demographic problem, the food problem. Today, there is a huge gap between developing and developed countries in all socio-economic indicators. The problem of backwardness is due to the fact that they cannot establish efficient production and provide themselves with food. These countries are unable to eliminate poverty and solve problems on their own. social problems. The division of the world into rich and poor is deepening and creating tension between countries.

Economic backwardness is the cause of two more problems - demographic and food. The “population explosion” has led to an increase in the planet’s population to $7 billion. The demographic situation leads to negative consequences - an uneven distribution of people in relation to vital resources, negative impact on the environment, overpopulation in several countries, increasing poverty and deteriorating quality of life. The danger of destruction of the natural environment that exists today has led to socio-ecological problems.

  1. Air and water pollution;
  2. Climate change on the planet as a whole;
  3. Deforestation;
  4. Disappearance of many species of flora and fauna;
  5. Soil erosion;
  6. Reduction of the area of ​​fertile lands;
  7. Ozone holes;
  8. Acid rain, etc.

Environmental problems themselves will not disappear; their solution involves the development and implementation of nature conservation programs not only at the national, but also at the regional and international levels. Environmental policy should become integral part domestic and foreign policies of all countries of the world. Environmental policy will be effective provided that environmental legislation is created, which provides for liability for violations and a mechanism for punishment for non-compliance with the legislation. Environmental issues are the focus of such international organizations like the UN, UNESCO, etc. Their field of activity includes the development of environmental protection programs at the international level and the implementation of environmental protection measures throughout the world. They create systems of international control over the state of the natural environment and environmental education. In many countries around the world, environmental organizations and movements are emerging that also contribute to environmental protection. Their activities are gaining significant scope throughout the world. A wide range of issues also cover social and humanitarian problems directly related to humans.

This is, first of all:

  1. Material and spiritual insecurity of life;
  2. Violation of human rights and freedoms;
  3. Mental and physical ill health of a person;
  4. Suffering and grief from wars and violence, etc.

All interethnic conflicts, local wars and natural disasters have one result - humanitarian disasters, the consequences of which can only be eliminated by the united efforts of the world community. The increasing flows of refugees each year create enormous difficulties for all countries.

Note 2

All global problems are closely related to each other and affect people. The very existence of human civilization is under threat, and this has prompted scientists around the world to join forces in search of ways to solve global problems. For this purpose, the Club of Rome was created in 1968. It is an international non-governmental organization that unites scientists, political and public figures from a number of countries around the world. This organization was founded by an Italian economist, businessman and public figure A. Peccei.

Environmental problems of Latin America

The diverse natural resource potential of Latin America and intensive environmental management have resulted in environmental situations for many countries in the region. The causes of environmental troubles were the peripheral position in the world economy and high dependence on foreign capital. Rational environmental management is associated with the protection of the national interests of Latin American countries.

Today, $80$% of industrial pollution is associated with the use of fuel and energy resources. Oil refining and petrochemicals are the most dangerous industries in environmental terms. In Brazil, the dirtiest area was the Camasari region, where a large petrochemical complex was built. Such areas where hazardous production is concentrated are called the “valley of death.” The development of nuclear energy increases the risk of radioactive contamination.

Another problem is coming to the surface - the dumping of toxic waste from developed countries in Latin America. Moreover, burials are already underway in Brazil, Argentina, and Peru. Negative influence Air pollution with harmful compounds - oxides of carbon, sulfur, and nitrogen - has an impact on human health. The share of air pollution from vehicles is large and its share, for example, in Buenos Aires, Mexico City, Santiago, is $70$%. Forest fires contribute to air pollution. The poor condition of water basins is caused by industrial waste discharges. The water problem is very acute, for example, in Buenos Aires, where 90% of industrial enterprises do not have wastewater treatment plants. There is catastrophic pollution of the tributaries of La Plata, on the banks of which there are industrial enterprises, but the river water is also used for the domestic needs of the townspeople. The water problem in Latin America is very acute.

Factors that determined it:

  1. As populations and cities grow, per capita water availability decreases;
  2. Deforestation, climate change;
  3. Discharge of untreated waste reduces water quality;
  4. Outdated institutional and legislative structure.

The region has large reserves of arable land and ranks third in the world in terms of land degradation, which is associated with erosion.

The main problems in this area:

  1. Erosion leads to a reduction in agricultural land;
  2. Change of land use types;
  3. Compaction, pollution, removal of nutrients leading to degradation;
  4. Unequal and unfair distribution of land;
  5. Lack of land rights.

Excessive intensification of agriculture leads to loss of nutrients. As a result, the soil loses its productivity, further exacerbating the problem of poverty. The introduction of fertilizers, pesticides, and the use of new technologies certainly increase the volume of production, but significantly worsen the state of the environment. The use of fertilizers leads to an increase in nitrogen compounds in the soil and water.

Note 3

A special form of soil degradation is salinization, and since the fight against this phenomenon is very difficult, the process of salinization can lead to desertification. In Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, and Chile, $18.4 million hectares of land are subject to salinity. Dangerous environmental consequences, even greater soil erosion, are associated with deforestation for pastures and the creation of livestock farms. Forests, for example, serve an important socio-economic function in the Caribbean.

The function of scaffolding is as follows:

  1. Forests in the Caribbean are a source of not only domestic consumption, but also export. Thanks to the forest, indigenous peoples preserve their traditional way of life;
  2. The forest is a supplier of natural products, it performs the function of preserving the environment, protecting against natural disasters;
  3. The forest preserves river basins, protects against erosion and absorbs carbon dioxide.

Forest areas in the Caribbean represent $1/4 of the planet's forest area and contain more than $160 billion cubic meters. m of wood. This is $1/3$ of the world's reserves. Forest loss in the region is the highest in the world and amounts to $0.48% annually, and over the last $30 years, out of $418 million hectares of forest, Latin America accounts for $190 million hectares. Forests are especially vulnerable during fires. This natural disaster can destroy up to $50$% of the surface forest biomass. Particularly severe fires were observed in Central America in 1988. The fires that broke out covered an area of ​​more than $2.5 million hectares. They were most catastrophic in Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, and Nicaragua. In Mexico alone, $14,445 in fires were reported.

Activities of states in solving environmental problems

Until relatively recently, the states of Latin America practically did not pay due attention to the environmental problems that arose in the region. This attitude has led to uncontrollable consequences - deforestation over vast areas, a decrease in the gene pool of fauna, soil erosion, acid rain, etc. The region's huge urban agglomerations are especially hard hit. It must be said that recently more attention has been paid to environmental issues.

Example 1

  1. Brazil has improved its legal framework and forest management;
  2. Over the past decades, issues of land degradation have been addressed in regional and international forums;
  3. By decision of the UN, a Regional Coordination Council for Latin American and Caribbean countries was created. Its task was to coordinate the preparation and implementation of national programs for further action;
  4. A number of Latin American countries have adopted new forestry regulations. For example, in 1996, Bolivia passed a new forestry law (the $1,700 Law). Based on this law, public forests can only be transferred to private companies if local and indigenous people are involved in this process;
  5. The Amazon Pact is an example of sub-regional mechanisms that are paving the way for new agreements and monitoring. All activities are aimed at preventing the degradation of soil resources in the region;
  6. The Central American Council operates in the field of forests and protected areas. It serves as an advisory body in the field of policy and strategy for the sustainable use of forest resources, biodiversity conservation;
  7. Eight states have concluded a cooperation agreement in the Amazon to develop joint activities in this area.

Note 4

The struggle to protect nature is gaining momentum - environmental legislation is developing, expanding social movement green. This movement is especially widely represented in Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina. State organizations on environmental issues are being created in the region.

Global problems of our time

Note 1

A whole series of planetary problems that cannot be solved by the efforts of just one country are called global. Their peculiarity is complexity, systematicity, universality, which is ensured by the unity of the modern world and the strengthening of global interrelations. Conventionally, global problems are divided into 4 groups - socio-political, socio-economic, socio-ecological, social and humanitarian.

Socio-political problems related to ensuring peace and international security. If for a long time the basis of international security was nuclear deterrence, then in modern conditions it has become clear that nuclear war will never be a means of achieving foreign policy goals. Along with the peoples' hope for a secure world, new sources of instability have emerged - the growth of international terrorism. Countries around the world have accumulated huge stockpiles of weapons capable of destroying the planet several times over, so the problem of disarmament is acute. The solution to social problems in developing countries is hampered by the pace of military spending, which exceeds the rate of economic development. To begin disarmament, which in itself is a long process, all parties must adhere to certain principles.

Finished works on a similar topic

  • Coursework 400 rub.
  • Essay Environmental protection and environmental problems in Latin America 230 rub.
  • Test Environmental protection and environmental problems in Latin America 220 rub.

Their essence is as follows:

  1. Equality and equal security;
  2. Fulfillment of all contractual obligations and agreements;
  3. Disarmament control system;
  4. Comprehensive nature, continuity and effectiveness of disarmament activities.

IN socio-economic The main problems are the problem of economic backwardness, the demographic problem, the food problem. Today, there is a huge gap between developing and developed countries in all socio-economic indicators. The problem of backwardness is due to the fact that they cannot establish efficient production and provide themselves with food. These countries are unable to eliminate poverty and solve social problems on their own. The division of the world into rich and poor is deepening and creating tension between countries.

Economic backwardness is the cause of two more problems - demographic and food. The “population explosion” has led to an increase in the planet’s population to $7 billion. The demographic situation leads to negative consequences - an uneven distribution of people in relation to life resources, a negative impact on the environment, overpopulation in a number of countries, an increase in poverty and a deterioration in the quality of life. The danger of destruction of the natural environment that exists today has led to socio-ecological problems.

  1. Air and water pollution;
  2. Climate change on the planet as a whole;
  3. Deforestation;
  4. Disappearance of many species of flora and fauna;
  5. Soil erosion;
  6. Reduction of the area of ​​fertile lands;
  7. Ozone holes;
  8. Acid rain, etc.

Environmental problems themselves will not disappear; their solution involves the development and implementation of nature conservation programs not only at the national, but also at the regional and international levels. Environmental policy should become an integral part of the domestic and foreign policies of all countries of the world. Environmental policy will be effective provided that environmental legislation is created, which provides for liability for violations and a mechanism for punishment for non-compliance with the legislation. Environmental issues are the focus of attention of such international organizations as the UN, UNESCO, etc. Their field of activity includes the development of environmental protection programs at the international level and the implementation of environmental protection measures throughout the world. They create systems of international control over the state of the natural environment and environmental education. In many countries around the world, environmental organizations and movements are emerging that also contribute to environmental protection. Their activities are gaining significant scope throughout the world. A wide range of issues also cover social and humanitarian problems directly related to humans.

This is, first of all:

  1. Material and spiritual insecurity of life;
  2. Violation of human rights and freedoms;
  3. Mental and physical ill health of a person;
  4. Suffering and grief from wars and violence, etc.

All interethnic conflicts, local wars, and natural disasters have one result - humanitarian disasters, the consequences of which can only be eliminated by the united efforts of the world community. The increasing flows of refugees each year create enormous difficulties for all countries.

Note 2

All global problems are closely related to each other and affect people. The very existence of human civilization is under threat, and this has prompted scientists around the world to join forces in search of ways to solve global problems. For this purpose, the Club of Rome was created in 1968. It is an international non-governmental organization that unites scientists, political and public figures from a number of countries around the world. This organization was founded by the Italian economist, businessman and public figure A. Peccei.

Environmental problems of Latin America

The diverse natural resource potential of Latin America and intensive environmental management have resulted in environmental situations for many countries in the region. The causes of environmental troubles were the peripheral position in the world economy and high dependence on foreign capital. Rational environmental management is associated with the protection of the national interests of Latin American countries.

Today, $80$% of industrial pollution is associated with the use of fuel and energy resources. Oil refining and petrochemicals are the most dangerous industries in environmental terms. In Brazil, the dirtiest area was the Camasari region, where a large petrochemical complex was built. Such areas where hazardous production is concentrated are called the “valley of death.” The development of nuclear energy increases the risk of radioactive contamination.

Another problem is coming to the surface - the dumping of toxic waste from developed countries in Latin America. Moreover, burials are already underway in Brazil, Argentina, and Peru. Air pollution with harmful compounds - oxides of carbon, sulfur, and nitrogen - has a negative impact on human health. The share of air pollution from vehicles is large and its share, for example, in Buenos Aires, Mexico City, Santiago, is $70$%. Forest fires contribute to air pollution. The poor condition of water basins is caused by industrial waste discharges. The water problem is very acute, for example, in Buenos Aires, where 90% of industrial enterprises do not have wastewater treatment plants. There is catastrophic pollution of the tributaries of La Plata, on the banks of which industrial enterprises are located, but the river water is also used for the domestic needs of citizens. The water problem in Latin America is very acute.

Factors that determined it:

  1. As populations and cities grow, per capita water availability decreases;
  2. Deforestation, climate change;
  3. Discharge of untreated waste reduces water quality;
  4. Outdated institutional and legislative structure.

The region has large reserves of arable land and ranks third in the world in terms of land degradation, which is associated with erosion.

The main problems in this area:

  1. Erosion leads to a reduction in agricultural land;
  2. Change of land use types;
  3. Compaction, pollution, removal of nutrients leading to degradation;
  4. Unequal and unfair distribution of land;
  5. Lack of land rights.

Excessive intensification of agriculture leads to loss of nutrients. As a result, the soil loses its productivity, further exacerbating the problem of poverty. The introduction of fertilizers, pesticides, and the use of new technologies certainly increase the volume of production, but significantly worsen the state of the environment. The use of fertilizers leads to an increase in nitrogen compounds in the soil and water.

Note 3

A special form of soil degradation is salinization, and since the fight against this phenomenon is very difficult, the process of salinization can lead to desertification. In Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, and Chile, $18.4 million hectares of land are subject to salinity. Dangerous environmental consequences, even greater soil erosion, are associated with deforestation for pastures and the creation of livestock farms. Forests, for example, serve an important socio-economic function in the Caribbean.

The function of scaffolding is as follows:

  1. Forests in the Caribbean are a source of not only domestic consumption, but also export. Thanks to the forest, indigenous peoples preserve their traditional way of life;
  2. The forest is a supplier of natural products, it performs the function of preserving the environment, protecting against natural disasters;
  3. The forest preserves river basins, protects against erosion and absorbs carbon dioxide.

Forest areas in the Caribbean represent $1/4 of the planet's forest area and contain more than $160 billion cubic meters. m of wood. This is $1/3$ of the world's reserves. Forest loss in the region is the highest in the world and amounts to $0.48% annually, and over the last $30 years, out of $418 million hectares of forest, Latin America accounts for $190 million hectares. Forests are especially vulnerable during fires. This natural disaster can destroy up to $50$% of the surface forest biomass. Particularly severe fires were observed in Central America in 1988. The fires that broke out covered an area of ​​more than $2.5 million hectares. They were most catastrophic in Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, and Nicaragua. In Mexico alone, $14,445 in fires were reported.

Activities of states in solving environmental problems

Until relatively recently, the states of Latin America practically did not pay due attention to the environmental problems that arose in the region. This attitude has led to uncontrollable consequences - deforestation over vast areas, a decrease in the gene pool of fauna, soil erosion, acid rain, etc. The region's huge urban agglomerations are especially hard hit. It must be said that recently more attention has been paid to environmental issues.

Example 1

  1. Brazil has improved its legal framework and forest management;
  2. Over the past decades, issues of land degradation have been addressed in regional and international forums;
  3. By decision of the UN, a Regional Coordination Council for Latin American and Caribbean countries was created. Its task was to coordinate the preparation and implementation of national programs for further action;
  4. A number of Latin American countries have adopted new forestry regulations. For example, in 1996, Bolivia passed a new forestry law (the $1,700 Law). Based on this law, public forests can only be transferred to private companies if local and indigenous people are involved in this process;
  5. The Amazon Pact is an example of sub-regional mechanisms that are paving the way for new agreements and monitoring. All activities are aimed at preventing the degradation of soil resources in the region;
  6. The Central American Council operates in the field of forests and protected areas. It serves as an advisory body in the field of policy and strategy for the sustainable use of forest resources, biodiversity conservation;
  7. Eight states have concluded a cooperation agreement in the Amazon to develop joint activities in this area.

Note 4

The struggle to protect nature is gaining momentum - environmental legislation is developing, and the green social movement is expanding. This movement is especially widely represented in Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina. State organizations on environmental issues are being created in the region.

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