Governor of the Novgorod region Andrey Nikitin officially took office. The new Novgorod governor warned at his inauguration about several difficult years “Central Asia will not happen again”

Today at noon the third governor of the Novgorod region, Andrei Nikitin, took office.

The hall of the regional philharmonic society was full. The military orchestra on the balcony played “The Trumpeters’ Song”, known from the film “About the Poor Hussar” - “ real life in the city comes when the military arrives there.” The governor's new badge was displayed on stage. The sign was made specifically for the inauguration. On the chain are 22 coats of arms of Veliky Novgorod and its regions, connected by buttons with double-headed eagles.

Former governor and future senator Sergei Mitin entered the hall. He took a place next to Akron director Vladimir Gavrikov and they were animatedly talking about something. Other guests shook the former governor's hand, and some hugged him.

Finally, Vice Governor Sergei Sorokin asked everyone to take their seats. The flag was solemnly brought into the hall. And Andrei Nikitin, still acting governor, appeared on the screen. He walked to the Philharmonic from the direction of St. Sophia Cathedral through the guard of honor. Hundreds of guests waited for him in complete silence for several minutes. When acting the governor took the stage, the chairman election commission Tatyana Lebedeva presented him with a certificate. And the chairman regional Duma Elena Pisareva asked to take the oath. Andrey Nikitin said:

I solemnly swear to faithfully serve the people, to comply with the Constitution, federal and regional laws, the charter of the Novgorod region, to carry out the decrees of the president and decrees of the government of the Russian Federation.

Then the anthem was played.

The presenter announced that Andrei Sergeevich is now the governor of the Novgorod region. Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative to the Northwestern Federal District Vladimir Sevrikov came out to congratulate him. He read out the congratulations of the plenipotentiary, in which he asked to pay special attention to the economy of the region. Metropolitan Lev read out the patriarch’s congratulations.

Then Andrei Nikitin spoke again. He said, in particular:

We have several very difficult years ahead. The development program will have to be implemented in conditions of a shortage of funds and a high level of debt in the budget. It makes no sense to look for the reason for this in one thing. It’s all due to a sum of factors, a kind of perfect storm in which the region’s economy, along with the entire country, has found itself. We are experiencing it, unfortunately, more difficult than some other territories. We are losing competition with other regions for modern jobs, business conditions, and quality of life. Level of healthcare and social institutions in the areas has not changed much over the past decades. At the same time, people often cannot get to hospitals and clinics. The roads do not meet any requirements, and the water supply system has long been worn out. Due to the high mortality rate, the rate of population decline in our country is one of the highest in the country.

But a region with such a history, according to Nikitin, cannot give up its future. We must become one of the business, cultural and tourist capitals of Russia. You can’t do everything quickly, but as Churchill said: “Let’s get started.”

Having outlined the priorities: developing healthcare, creating the best investment climate in the country, creating a comfortable environment in cities, Nikitin invited officials to work together, abandoning behind-the-scenes intrigues. He promised support to volunteers and thanked caring people who pay attention to various shortcomings.

He ended his speech with a quote from the Archbishop of Novgorod Feofan Prokopovich: “The goal is achieved by our faith and good deeds.”

The group "Malachite" performed the song of the group "Old Park": "I will pray for Russia, I am in a Russian church."

This ended the inauguration. And the governorship began.

Photo by Alena Kuznetsova

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The ex-governor of the Novgorod region Sergei Mitin as a member of the Federation Council from the region can be explained by the meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin scheduled for today with the governors elected during the regional elections on September 10. It is likely that before this trip to Moscow, the still acting governor of the Novgorod region, Andrei Nikitin (his inauguration is scheduled for October 14), should have closed the issue of the “honorary pension” of 66-year-old Mitin (who did not receive any other compensation for his voluntary-forced departure from post of head of the region in February 2017), since this decision was initially made in the capital.

And if political scientist Evgeny Minchenko calls Andrei Nikitin is Putin’s “personal creature”, noting, however, also his affiliation with the assistant to the President of Russia, ex-Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Andrei Belousov, the Nezygar telegram channel, known for its insides, is not the first time insisting that Nikitin - "creature of the Rotenbergs." Also among the “Rotenberg people” Nezygar included the newly elected head of the Yaroslavl region Dmitry Mironov and the governor Tula region Alexei Dyumin, who is increasingly being called a possible successor to Putin as president.

In particular, political scientist, MGIMO professor Valery Solovey, who has gained fame as a forecaster whose predictions often come true, in a recent interview said that if we talk about who will replace Putin, then “the security forces - both the army and the special services - are discussing Dyumin as a foregone conclusion.” At the end of July, another insider, editor-in-chief of Ekho Moskvy radio Alexei Venediktov, said that Nikitin’s candidacy was also being considered as a possible replacement for Putin. “I think this is a person like Denis Manturov. Like Max Reshetnikov, Andrei Nikitin. A technocrat without a team, without an ideology,” Venediktov said.

Which of the elite groups will win the competition to approve Putin's successor - the security forces, betting on the conditional Dyumin, or the system liberals, preferring a young technocrat like Nikitin - is not so important, because in fact, both Dyumin and Nikitin are considered by many experts as members of the same informal influence groups. Whether it is possible, following the anonymous Nezygar, to call them the nominees of the Rotenbergs is a question, but the fact that they are, one way or another, connected with each other is confirmed by a variety of sources. For example, the Ural politician Nafik Famiev back in June of this year, according to which the acting governor of the Novgorod region Andrei Nikitin could in the coming years lay claim to the post of Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. According to Famiev, Nikitin is the author of the economic programs of Tula Governor Alexei Dyumin, and it is the latter, as the expert believes, who will become Putin’s successor.

It is assumed that Andrei Nikitin’s governorship may not last long, and in 2-4 years he will be promoted to Moscow. In any case, if he stays in Novgorod for a long time and goes for a second term, then this could put an end to his career as a federal official, since in the current conditions he will be able to bring a dying and depressed region out of the deep socio-economic hole into which it was plunged in ten years. years of his reign, Nikitin’s predecessor (and now newly minted senator) Sergei Mitin, is simply unrealistic. Nikitin understands this very well, but in order for him to count on a serious promotion, he will obviously need to demonstrate at least some positive results from his work as governor. In this sense, he is very well motivated, and some kind of hope can be pinned on him in the short term, which is why I decided to support him in the recent elections.

At a press conference following the results of the gubernatorial campaign, Andrei Nikitin was asked when his inauguration would take place. The newly appointed head of the region replied that in Russia only one person can be inaugurated - the president, and for governors there is a solemn ceremony of taking office. A correspondent for the Internet portal “” attended the protocol event, but did not find the difference between these two concepts.

On Saturday morning, the path from the entrance to the Kremlin to the regional philharmonic turned into a “red carpet” for Novgorod politicians. Since eleven in the morning, journalists and photographers have been guarding those invited to the inauguration ceremony of the elected governor of the Novgorod region, Andrei Nikitin.

— Happy holiday Holy Mother of God! - this is the only way to say hello Chairman of the Regional Duma Elena Pisareva.

She greeted her Duma colleague, liberal democrat Alexei Chursinov.

Chursinov accompanied State Duma deputy Anton Morozov, who lost the election. The protest spirit of Morozov, who demanded through the court to remove Nikitin from the race, subsided.

“It was not a struggle, Novgorodians were given a chance to make a choice - who they want to see as governor. Novgorod residents made a choice in favor of Nikitin, I will continue to work as a deputy State Duma, said Anton Morozov.

While city deputy Yuri Veselyev was freezing on the steps of the Philharmonic, trying to cover himself with a sweater over his jacket, Nikitin’s adviser Andrei Danilov was talking on the phone. On Facebook he can be seen on a scooter; whether Danilov uses this type of transport in Veliky Novgorod remains unknown.

“Yes, there were no tickets, I hitched a ride myself,” Danilov said into the phone to someone.

There was still one intrigue at the protocol event - whether Sergei Mitin, who had vacated the governor’s seat ahead of schedule, would come. Now, however, he has a different position - well paid, but practically invisible to the average person. Maybe that’s why Mitin appeared in the building of the regional philharmonic without unnecessary pathos and without his ally Veronika Minina. Minina stayed away from her former boss.

Mitin was accompanied by State Duma deputy, former senator with a controversial reputation, Alexander Korovnikov. The politicians were in a special room, where journalists could only look through the slightly open doors. Korovnikov suddenly turned around and we signaled to him, they say, call Mitin.

— Sergey Gerasimovich, Novgorod journalists want to talk to you.

- Well, guys, come on, not now. I was traveling by car from Moscow.

“Yes, really, only to the Novgorod region,” here Mitin smiled.

- Well, I can understand you.

At the inauguration ceremony, Sergei Mitin got the lucky 13th row and was next to the executive director of Acron PJSC Vladimir Gavrikov. It’s also ironic from the organizers of the event, if you remember the conflicts of the former governor with the industrial giant.

Regional parliament member Dmitry Ignatov, as always, was in high spirits. With a brisk gait, with his hand in his trouser pocket, he entered the hall. With his other hand, Ignatov twisted the badge the way a cowboy in the Wild West twists a barrel before a duel. This scene was accompanied by music from the film “About the Poor Hussar,” played by a military orchestra from St. Petersburg.

After the flag was brought into the hall, Andrei Nikitin appeared on the screen. He walked from the St. Sophia Cathedral to the regional Philharmonic, as the cameraman walked with him, the picture shook. The image went out, and there was an awkward pause in the hall - the guests waited for Andrei Nikitin to climb the stairs to the hall. Some people used this time to change seats, while others took out their cell phones and prepared to film.

From somewhere on the radio I heard: “The governor is in place.” Andrei Nikitin entered the hall. The head of the region was greeted standing.

Nikitin was presented with a certificate and took the oath. Congratulations from the plenipotentiary representative to the Northwestern Federal District Nikolai Tsukanov were read by his deputy Vladimir Sevrikov. Metropolitan Lev also congratulated Andrei Nikitin on behalf of Patriarch Kirill.

Andrei Nikitin's speech lasted more than ten minutes. At this time, the trumpets from the military orchestra tried to fall asleep. But in fact, it was unexpectedly interesting to listen to the elected, as it is now customary to emphasize, governor. For the sake of political traditions, he did not become vague in abstract speeches about the unrealized potential of the region. Nikitin said directly - it will hurt in the near future.

“I won’t lie: we have to live through several very difficult years.” The development program will have to be implemented in conditions of a shortage of funds and high debt burden on the budget. It makes no sense to look for the reason for this situation in one thing. It’s all due to a sum of factors, a kind of “perfect storm” in which the region’s economy, along with the entire country, found itself. But, unfortunately, it survived it more difficult than many other territories,” he emphasized Nikitin.

Nikitin also mentioned that in the coming years it is planned to develop a social elevator mechanism for young people in the region, and government bodies will be formed exclusively through competitive selection.

— Today I would like to announce an open selection for the government of the Novgorod region for the positions of heads of sectoral blocks in economics, culture, hunting and fishing. Using this mechanism, we will select the best candidates for all key positions. Everyone who has abilities, qualifications, and ambitions should be in demand. Get the opportunity to prove yourself in the state and municipal service, in educational and healthcare institutions, in business and in production,” said Andrey Nikitin.

Is it true, elected governor During the six months of my work, I did not really follow the stated principles. The staff of the regional government was replenished, mainly from residents of Moscow or other regions.

Andrei Nikitin was not given the governor's badge, as was customary at previous inaugurations. Instead, the scriptwriters of the holiday chose a cinematic move - Andrei Nikitin took his wife by the hand, and they left the hall to the music. The only thing missing was the phrase “The End” and the credits.

Valdai National Park decided to expand its audience and invited representatives of travel companies and journalists to an information tour. The Internet portal “” joined the trip to see with their own eyes what the Novgorod outback can offer tourists today.

On April 3, Alena Medyantseva and her mother were traveling in a St. Petersburg metro car when an explosive device went off in it. Later, journalists will write that the mother died covering her daughter. In one second, a serious tragedy fell on Alena’s family. IN in social networks she was inundated with messages that were not always friendly. Alena Medyantseva and her husband Stanislav Antipenko told why it is important at this moment, no matter what, not to feel anger, but to continue to love.

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