When is Children's Day? World Children's Day. History of this event

World Children's Day was declared by the UN General Assembly in 1954. Many key decisions of the United Nations are associated with November 20th: it was on this day that the Declaration of the Rights of the Child was adopted in 1959, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989. In its resolution, the General Assembly emphasized that the global celebration of Children's Day will help strengthen solidarity among UN member countries, and the holiday will become a day of world brotherhood and mutual understanding among children. Therefore, for several decades now, Children’s Day has been marking the anniversary of the adoption of these fundamental documents on the protection of children’s rights.

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A child during the broadcast of “Direct Line with Vladimir Putin” in Omsk

The meaning of World Children's Day

According to UNICEF reports, every year millions of children become victims of inhumane treatment. In 2015 alone, more than 6 million children died from disease worldwide. At least 50 million have lost their homes as a result of the fighting, and 236 million still lack access to primary education. In all countries of the world, they are subjected to violence and exploitation. Many children are kidnapped and trapped in sexual slavery. In some regions of the world, physical violence against a child as punishment and medieval methods of dealing with a child’s health have not yet been eradicated.

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Photo from the series "Operation Hope. Ethiopia"

In countries torn apart civil wars and terrorism, children are recruited into radical militaristic groups, used as human shields and suicide bombers. Without a doubt, in such conditions, the mental and physical health of the child is put at great risk - they lose family ties, are deprived of childhood, and their self-esteem is destroyed. It is the fight against global lawlessness in respect of children’s rights that has become the driving force that annually brings millions of people to rallies and events on November 20.

How to celebrate World Children's Day

Promotions related to the celebration world day children are held in most United Nations countries. Global corporations are also participating in the celebration. So, in honor of Children's Day on the Google home page, the interactive logo is painted in the colors of the holiday. If you click on it, the site displays feature articles. On Children's Day, there are calls to protect children from violence, hunger and disease.

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Also, on the initiative of UNICEF, a week of short stories was launched. About two hundred of the world's most prominent writers write articles and stories designed to raise public awareness of children's issues. In addition, in many countries, including Russia, charity concerts are held on World Children's Day.

How to help your child

On World Children's Day, a good idea would be to donate clothes and toys to orphanages and hospitals. If this is not possible, you can transfer a feasible amount to international organizations for the protection of children's rights.

June 1 in the Russian Federation celebrates one of the brightest and good holidays- Children Protection Day. The first day of summer usually brings joy, smiles and laughter to children, because this is the beginning summer holiday. But in addition to the long-awaited holidays, June 1 brings with it large-scale and vibrant celebrations of “Children’s Day”.


One of the first founders of this holiday is considered to be the Consul General of China, who in 1925 found disadvantaged and orphaned children in San Francisco and organized the Dragon Boat Festival - Duan-wu-tse - for them. In addition to this, an international conference was held in Geneva on June 1, 1925, which addressed issues related to the organization of a normal level of well-being for minors. It was these events that contributed to the introduction of Childhood Day into the calendar.

During the First World War, the number of orphans and starving minors increased several times. In order to somehow influence the current situation, in November 1949, at the International Women's Congress, the issue of protecting disadvantaged children was considered. Starting next year, 51 countries celebrated Children's Day on June 1. First of all, this holiday was aimed at protecting them from war and hunger.

In 1959, the UN drafted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child with sections providing protection for minors. This declaration was not legally enshrined, but it was supported in many countries around the world.

In 1989, the United Nations issued the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This document mainly reflects the state's responsibilities towards children. The government of the Soviet Union approved the convention on July 13, 1990, and on July 15 it came into force. The document consists of 54 articles that reflect the rights of children, the functions and role of adults in relation to them.


The celebration of Children's Day takes place in bright colors and with wide smiles on faces. In schools, kindergartens, homes children's creativity There are a lot of events dedicated to this day, and they are held on a special scale.

Traditionally, exhibitions of drawings, crafts and children's creativity competitions are organized in squares, parks and even just on the streets. The schools prepare wonderful concerts, sports games and competitions, with gifts and prizes for those participating.

Usually, on this day, parents devote all their time to their children, trying to please and pamper their kids. They take them to entertainment centers, water parks, attractions, and try to please them in all their whims and desires. And they simply try to make it clear to their kids that they are the most valuable thing they have.

On this day, a lot of attention is paid to children in orphanages. Sponsors and everyone who cares about the fate of disadvantaged children try to please them with gifts and sweets. They also host festive dinners and fun events.

Don’t forget to congratulate and pamper your children on this wonderful day, because a child’s smile is the most beautiful thing that can be in this world, it contains the whole meaning of life, the whole essence.

International Children's Day is celebrated annually on June 1. On this day global community They urge you to listen to the needs of children and pay special attention to those who, for whatever reason, were left without the care of family and friends.

Founding history International Day child protection

This is one of the oldest international holidays. The world began to celebrate it annually from 1950, after approval by the International Democratic Federation of Women at a special session in November 1949.

Later, this initiative was supported at the international level by the UN. The organization declared the protection of the rights, life and health of children one of the priorities of its activities.

Children's Day serves as an additional reminder to adults about children's problems. We are talking about respecting their rights to life, freedom of opinion and religion, to education, rest and leisure, to protection from physical and psychological violence, to protect against exploitation of child labor.

At a meeting in 1959, the UN adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. It includes articles calling on parents, government agencies, and non-governmental organizations to recognize the rights and freedoms of children described in the document, and also strives to observe them. The UN Declaration had no binding force, but was only advisory in nature.

But soon children's rights were enshrined at the level of international law. On November 20, 1989, the UN adopted the Convention on the Rights of Children. It was signed by 61 countries, and on July 13, 1990, the document was ratified by the USSR.

In every country, almost 20-25% of the population are children. In each state they face various dangers. In developed countries, these are negative consequences due to addiction to television and computers, which leads to the development of excessive cruelty. There is also concern about the earlier sexual development of the younger generation.

Less developed countries, such as those in Africa and Asia, face problems of hunger, many deadly diseases, as well as high levels of illiteracy and military conflict.

International Children's Day in Ukraine

International Children's Day in Ukraine has become a public holiday since 1998, after the President signed Decree No. 568/98 "On Children's Day". The initiator of the celebration was the Ministry of Family and Youth Affairs, the All-Ukrainian Committee for the Protection of Children, the National Fund social protection mothers and children “Ukraine for children.”

On this day they are held for children educational programs about where they can turn if their rights are violated, and also teach society to take into account the needs of the child.

Traditionally, various types of entertainment events are organized for International Children's Day. Children participate in competitions, draw pictures with chalk on the asphalt, and children's concerts and festivals are organized. In addition, many charity events are held the main objective which - to raise money for various charitable projects or treatment of children.

The future of any country depends on children, their education and level of culture, therefore it is necessary to pay as much attention to this as possible. This fact was well understood at the UN when they decided to establish a new holiday dedicated to minor members of society. This day serves to draw attention to the problems of children and improve the laws that affect them. This holiday is celebrated on the twentieth of November, when parents around the world should think about what future awaits their offspring.

history of the holiday

The date was chosen because it was on this day in 1954 that the UN General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. The document had ten basic principles, and its main goal was, as the creators argued, the opportunity to provide children with a decent childhood. Thirty years later, the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted, containing several basic tenets to guarantee good living conditions for minors. The document also met with support in our country.

The UN Children's Fund carries out extensive work on all aspects children's health- from the prenatal period until adolescence. The Foundation works to ensure pregnant women have access to appropriate medical care before and during childbirth, strengthen the ability of families to cope with childhood illnesses at home, and advise communities on how to ensure the highest possible level of health care. The Children's Fund is making special efforts, ensuring that children who have lost a parent to HIV/AIDS receive the same care as their peers. It also helps provide a decent life for women and children with AIDS.

It was also ratified Soviet Union in 1990. In 2000, the Millennium Declaration was signed, containing eight goals - reducing poverty, stopping the spread of diseases, etc. Great importance This document is also for children. UNICEF, an organization operating in 191 countries around the world, monitors the observance of the rights of minors.

June 1st - date (when, what date is the holiday)

International Children's Day was proposed and officially established by the Congress of the International Democratic Federation of Women in 1949. First celebration children's day was scheduled for June 1, 1950, at that time it was celebrated in 51 countries around the world. The UN reacted positively to the initiative of the creators of the holiday and accepted Active participation in ensuring a safe future for the young generation. In 1959, the countries of the world were offered the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, and in 1989 the UN introduced states to the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

In the 21st century, children need protection and support no less than in the post-war years. The purpose of the holiday is to draw attention to the problems of children, especially to children left without parental care and forced to live in dysfunctional families. Organizers festive events On June 1, they are trying not only to prepare entertainment and competitions for kids, but also to do everything possible so that adults understand that no one but them can help children.

Background and history of the holiday

History knows that in 1925, on the very first day of summer, the Consul General of China in San Francisco found children who had lost their parents and organized a national holiday for them - Duan-wu jie, commonly known as the Dragon Boat Festival. In parallel with this event, the first international Conference, which examines the pressing problems of the well-being of the younger generation. These events contributed to the emergence of the idea of ​​a holiday dedicated to children.

The holiday was officially established in post-war 1949 at the November Congress of the International Democratic Federation of Women. The first Children's Day in world history was celebrated on June 1, 1950, and events dedicated to it were held in 51 countries around the world. The purpose of these events was to draw attention to the non-children's problems of those who cannot fend for themselves. First of all, the organizers wanted to protect children from hunger and war. At this conference, they vowed to do everything possible to maintain peace throughout the planet.

The UN approved the initiative and contributed to the protection of the younger generation. In 1959, she drew up the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, which included a number of articles providing legal protection for minors. The Declaration had no legal force, but its recommendations were readily accepted in many states.

30 years later, in November 1989, the UN prepared the Convention on the Rights of the Child - the main document defining the responsibilities of states towards children. The Supreme Soviet of the USSR ratified convection on July 13, 1990, and on September 15 it came into force. In total, the document contains 54 articles regulating the rights of children and the responsibilities of adults towards them.

International Children's Day is also unique in that it has its own flag. The planet Earth is depicted on a lush green background, around which there are colorful figures symbolizing children holding hands.

The significance of International Children's Day in Russia

In Russia, the holiday continues to be celebrated on a grand scale. It has never been and is not a day off, but it is on this day that the favorite time of schoolchildren starts - summer holidays. Schools and preschool institutions traditionally host sports competitions, competitions, concerts, joint film screenings and other entertainment events.

Following good traditions, children's drawing competitions are held in city squares and parks. Just like dozens of years ago, kids draw the sun, peaceful sky, mom and dad holding hands on the asphalt. Loving parents try to spend this day with their child and give him a festive mood with the help of accessible entertainment.

Authoritative adults gather to resolve pressing issues, and generous sponsors coincide with the holiday financial assistance. Particular attention is paid to helping orphanages, large families, children from disadvantaged families and children suffering from serious illnesses.

Children Protection Day

Will be held in cities:

  • Moscow
    Number of inhabitants 12,198 thousand people
  • Saint Petersburg
    Population 5,192 thousand people
  • Novosibirsk
    Number of inhabitants 1,567 thousand people
  • Ekaterinburg
    Population 1,428 thousand people
  • Nizhny Novgorod
    Number of inhabitants 1,268 thousand people
  • Kazan
    Population 1,206 thousand people
  • Samara
    Number of inhabitants 1,171 thousand people
  • Omsk
    Population 1,174 thousand people
  • Chelyabinsk
    Number of inhabitants 1182 thousand people
  • Rostov-on-Don
    Population 1,115 thousand people
  • Ufa
    Number of inhabitants 1,097 thousand people
  • Volgograd
    Population 1,017 thousand people
  • Krasnoyarsk
    Number of inhabitants 1,052 thousand people
  • Permian
    Population 1,036 thousand people
  • Voronezh
    Number of inhabitants 1,024 thousand people
  • Saratov
    Population 842 thousand people
  • Krasnodar
    Number of inhabitants: 830 thousand people
  • Tolyatti
    Population 719 thousand people
  • Barnaul
    Number of inhabitants: 636 thousand people
  • Tyumen
    Population 697 thousand people
  • Izhevsk
    Number of inhabitants: 642 thousand people
  • Ulyanovsk
    Population 619 thousand people
  • Irkutsk
    Number of inhabitants: 620 thousand people
  • Vladivostok
    Population 604 thousand people
  • Yaroslavl
    Number of inhabitants 604 thousand people
  • Khabarovsk
    Population 607 thousand people
  • Makhachkala
    Number of inhabitants: 583 thousand people
  • Orenburg
    Population 561 thousand people
  • Novokuznetsk
    Number of inhabitants: 550 thousand people
  • Tomsk
    Population 565 thousand people
  • Kemerovo
    Number of inhabitants: 549 thousand people
  • Ryazan
    Population 533 thousand people
  • Astrakhan
    Number of inhabitants: 531 thousand people
  • Penza
    Population 523 thousand people
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