Burnt Mars in Cancer. Mars in Cancer for a man - personal experience of relationships. Mars in Leo for a woman

It has long been known that, according to astrological natal charts, a lot can be said about a person. For example, Mars in Cancer in a woman makes her soft, sensual and emotional. A warlike planet has a special influence on female nature. And negative vectors this provision are smoothed out by family as much as possible.

A woman with Mars in Cancer seeks protection. She urgently needs this, forgetting that she fully possesses these qualities herself.

The need for home comfort and family

Mars in Cancer influences a woman in such a way that she begins to put her home and union first. Such women crave peace and self-realization in a private family environment. They look for and find domestic and non-conflict men, those who are in modern society It is in vain that they call him the “henpecked” label.

And here begins the most important contradiction, which Mars introduces. Representatives of the fair sex, having astrological forecast Mars in Cancer, they want to get a strong and strong-willed man as a partner. But they cannot do this under the influence of such a ratio.

Women's deepest desires seem to contradict social stereotypes. The subconscious wants to subjugate a partner, and the consciousness wants to obey and express its femininity to the maximum. When personal patterns conflict, it is difficult to find peace of mind.

If a lady or girl with Mars in Cancer chooses a leader for a relationship, then conflicts and confrontations are inevitable in their union. The way out of a difficult situation can be acceptance and understanding of the charms of a gentle man. After all, with it you can realize what is hidden deep inside.

Social connections and Mars in Cancer

The above combination affects not only a woman’s personal life, but also her relationship with society. Here the belligerence and assertiveness of Mars comes to the fore, and sensuality remains beyond the threshold of one’s own home.

Mars in Cancer for a woman helps her achieve a lot in life. outside world, if this is done for the well-being of loved ones. And here competition with a man also becomes a priority. Women with Mars in Cancer choose unsuccessful men as husbands precisely in order to reign undivided on the pedestal of success. This approach satisfies only part of a woman’s deepest aspirations; the rest do not receive external manifestations.

What can a woman with Mars in Cancer be like?

Such women have the following qualities:

Women of this type cope well with large households. Their men also know how to manage household chores. This unites the couple, helping them turn a blind eye to each other’s objectionable qualities.

In order to smooth out the manifestations of Mars in Cancer and not go against themselves on the personal front, women need to learn to appreciate a weaker partner for qualities that she herself understands. Then harmony will come quite soon, and the subconscious will stop putting pressure on real life. Moreover, a strong man in an alliance with this woman will prove himself to be an insensitive and selfish person.

A strong Mars in a woman is not always a bad thing. In this position, you can find both problems and resources to solve them. If a woman with such an astrological position finds herself the “right” companion, then Mars will seal this relationship long years. Otherwise, a person’s personal life may be doomed to regular separations and searches.

Mars in Cancer is a rather difficult position, since the planet in this sign manifests itself weakly and with difficulty. It reflects undoubted caring, tenderness, on the other hand, perhaps irrational rejection of people, because he is unstable and disorganized.

Negative character development leads to greed, dependence on mood, the habit of putting things off until later, procrastination, and laziness. The horoscope says that such people are characterized by unstable, unpredictable turbulence in wave flows, fluctuations in the vector of interests, lack self-control, balance, are unrestrained, impulsive, and have difficulty controlling feelings and actions.

With positive developments, people become warm-hearted, likable, charming, and inclined to work hard.

They have strong feelings, ambition, prefer inner freedom, and have an excellent idea of ​​upcoming affairs and activities. The engine of actions for Cancer is emotions. They have a parental instinct, are unrestrained in intimate relationships, and are quite pliable and ready for experimentation. Mars in the sign of Cancer exhibits frequent mood swings, resulting in most of The lives of this generation are directly dependent on emotions.

Generation of women - will, sensitivity

Mars in Cancer for women gives them initiative, a girl can often change environment, environment, place of residence. When choosing a partner, girls are guided by how homely, sensual, caring, and pliable he is. Excessively strong men are unlikely to be able to satisfy such a woman, as indicated in the women's horoscope for Cancer.

Such daughters of Mars pay great attention in their lives to home, caring for children, and family. In bed, they are quite passionate and love variety, and this is normal if it does not lead to adultery. When Mars is damaged, their sense of ownership increases, and jealousy is common, which can extend to both people and things. Unreasonable anger towards others, domestic scandals, violent expression of emotions, such as tears, may appear. The generation of these women often takes the initiative in relationships.

The generation of men is prone to spontaneous actions

Mars in Cancer in men, judging by the horoscope, often leads to their loss of masculinity; without being able to firmly defend their rights, an individual is unlikely to be able to fully stand up for his family. Even if the Sun is clearly expressed in the natal chart, the will of such a man will be weak, especially if Mars is retrograde. In situations where it is necessary to sharply demonstrate strength, perseverance, and strong-willed character, such a man can make a mistake and become a coward.

Astrologers recommend that such men devote time to sports and consult a psychologist. This will allow the owner of the planet in Cancer to delve deeper into introspection, improve self-confidence, reveal their masculine qualities and increase self-esteem.

Mars in Cancer in modern men provokes the development of imagination, clear fantasy; he values ​​himself, his opinion, and one can safely say about him: “on his own mind.”

one of the interesting positions in the horoscope. This position is not very good for Mars. Weak, as astrologers like to say. But it is not so. Don’t rush to get upset - this is not a death sentence. My opinion about the weak Mars in a girl’s chart. This is not a problem for her! Due to the fact that she does not need the qualities of a male.

Girls who have Mars, for example, in Aries, behave like a man. You must agree that most men are very frightened and irritated by this quality.

Mars in Cancer for a man

Mars in Cancer for men he works clumsily, he wants to be strong, but instead he looks like a rooster, not a beautiful swan. Mars in Cancer is in decline, so men with this position are better off not rushing into battle. This is especially noticeable in childhood: the boy showed his fists, saw a strong opponent and ran away (most likely to his mother or another woman, a teacher, for example)! The same behavior without proper education persists into adulthood. We observe qualities: cowardice at the sight of a powerful opponent , infantilism, throwing your problems onto women, hiding from problems in a “shell”. The sign of Cancer is responsible for these traits. Mars in Cancer in a man makes him get involved in masculine activities - hunting, fishing, martial arts. He feels that he lacks masculine energy.

Due to the fact that Cancer is a cardinal sign, which does everything at once, a person with Mars in Cancer in the natal chart makes decisions quickly, without much thinking, even somewhat rashly. Mars is qualities such as making and executing decisions.

Mars in Cancer for women

Where does it apply energy? Let us remember the main symbolism of Cancer, namely: home and family (both in which we grew up and in our own). Let's now “glue” Mars and Cancer together. Also, for a girl it is also an image of a lover. A man needs a home, a woman should feel comfort and calm, care, so that she is constantly helped and protected (a pronounced Cancer in a man’s horoscope is also suitable). Often a woman with Mars in Cancer has a weak man, “homey”, not prone to conflicts.

A year ago, when I was conducting a consultation via Skype, my client cried. This happened at the moment when I said about men. During our conversation, it turned out that she had been looking for a strong man all her life. But I never found them. And her last young man turned out to be a gigolo. Of course, there were other aspects in her chart and serious damage from the 7th house. Also, the Sun, which is also important in matters of personal life, was damaged in her natal chart. So don’t rush to get upset :)

A weak man is not uncommon among women with

A man, one might say, expresses feminine qualities, creates comfort and protects the family hearth, a version of the “henpecked” man who cannot live without a homely atmosphere (this includes food, interior, family, etc.). And girls with Mars in Cancer really find them, and this situation does not at all negate the fact that she herself is a good housewife. Opposites attract. Aggressive women with Mars in Cancer are compatible with quiet men. Only a man in a horoscope is indicated by many more factors: position, position, etc. The ideal man for you can only be found out by studying the natal chart and synthesizing all the signs.

So we come to where Mars in Cancer is active.

I’ll say right away - Mars in the sign of Cancer without a family, over the years he becomes very wild, in a homely family atmosphere he finds an outlet for energy, loves to shout, tell the members of his personal family organization what and how to do, he will find a use for everyone, such a woman will always get her husband off the couch and her affairs at this moment it cannot be (what could be more important than sweeping the floors?).

Also Mars in fall indicates a person who will tear apart his family without trial. This reaction occurs in our Mars because the family causes anger (this is especially true for a child, for example, someone offended someone at school, a teacher, for example, that’s it! She will get “ full program" It turns out that it is not necessarily family members who are put into a state of boiling, but also those people who will somehow harm their family. And I do not envy the people who fall into the Martian shell.), as well as the mess at home, caring for the owner of this position. In weakness, Mars in Cancer hates itself - strong man cannot, in their opinion, afford this.
I know what I’m talking about, because since childhood I was surrounded by people with Mars in Cancer. It's worth noting that with Mars in Cancer, my parents behave differently. This is due to the fact that Mars is of greater importance for men. Dad would never get into a fight in his life! But mom will knock anyone on the head for her family. By the way, mom is a big fan of shouting and creating quarrels and scandals at home. Without it she's bored. Please note that Mars is a hot-tempered planet, and Cancer belongs to the cardinal cross, so the combination of Mars and Cancer often produces a hot-tempered and impulsive person.

A few words about the main positive character traits

In case of severe defeat, sport will help them! A person directs his clumsy energy into sports, for example, swimming, yachting, sometimes extreme sports, I cannot recommend team sports or such sports as wrestling, martial arts. So, central midfielder Zinedine Zidane had Mars in Cancer. Please note - the man played out his Mars through sports. Moreover, in football he was a midfielder! Protection - Cancer, Mars - energy.
If a man does nothing with his Cancer Mars, then I have nothing to congratulate such a person on. He will be remembered for his scandals. Nikita Dzhigurda and Alexey Panin are among such people. So, can you tell me, without looking on the Internet, what Nikita Dzhigurda is doing? I'm sure you can't. Because he is remembered for his scandalous behavior. Things are not so difficult for Alexey Panin. He has many brilliant roles. By the way, a military uniform suits him very well. However, now he is known not for his roles, but for quarrels and scandals.

I often see information on the Internet that a successful development of such a Mars in its fall will be the military profession. Indeed, this could happen. In my opinion, the advice is good, but it is not enough; for career guidance you need to analyze and study a lot. If we see such a position of Mars in the tenth house, then without fear we can go into the armed forces, success awaits there, but here it is also advisable to look at the entire chart for success and fame, sometimes even the ruler of the tenth house can spoil the picture so much that Mars will work On the other side.

Mars in the sign of Cancer in the sixth house I met pediatricians in the cards. I believe that Cancer Mars is played out here very symbolically.

Difficulties in this situation can be caused by professions where interactions with people must be quick. Especially if it is rich in water and earth elements. However, this only applies to strangers and superiors.

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If you want to know how your man will act in relationships and sex, look at what sign his Mars is in*:

Mars in Aries- acts assertively and decisively. Always achieves what he wants. The pronounced instinct of the hunter, the conqueror - therefore, if a woman gives up too quickly - loses interest in her. Straightforward, sometimes to the point of rudeness. It gets excited quickly, but also cools down quickly. At the moment of his anger, it is better to flee, and an hour later communicate again, as if nothing had happened. Jealous. In sex: “always ready!”

Mars in Taurus- slow, often hesitates for a long time before doing something - this also applies to relationships. But once you start doing it, you can’t stop it. In a relationship he may be shy, the woman should give him a sign that she likes him. Stubborn and ambitious. Having chosen a woman, as a rule, he is faithful to her, a good family man, with golden hands. He is good-natured, but if pushed to the extreme, he is terrible in anger, he can even kill, because he does not control himself at this time. At the moment of his anger, he needs to flee, but the difference from Aries does not appear to Taurus for several more days. Jealous. Sensual, loves all kinds of caresses, prefers an active partner.

Mars in Gemini– sociable, but somewhat superficial. He loves to flirt, loves to be in the thick of things, it is important for him to be surrounded by people. If he changes it, it will be only for the sake of sporting interest. In general, the main thing for him is that it is interesting and varied. A woman needs to be a good conversationalist, come up with something, start adventures in order to keep this man’s attention. In a relationship, he can show persistent initiative, but then suddenly disappear - look for the wind in the field. Can't stand routine in life and sex. Most often not angry or aggressive. Not jealous. There are tendencies towards bisexuality.

Mars in Cancer- closed and cautious, he will not reveal to anyone what is in his soul, even to those closest to him. He needs the woman to feel him well and not bother with unnecessary questions. Relationships will be built slowly: one step forward, two steps back. It is better for a woman to take the initiative into her own hands, but this must be done very subtly so as not to scare him, otherwise he will hide in his shell for a long time. If he chose a woman, he will be faithful to her. A good family man, loves children. He is very jealous, although he won’t show it. He has a strong sexual temperament, but it is important for him to completely trust his partner in order to open up. When it comes to sex, he loves oral sex.

Mars in Leo– loves stormy and passionate novels, like in the movies. He courtes brightly and demonstratively, prefers that his actions have spectators, the more the better. A woman must constantly show admiration for him, literally look into his mouth. It is important for him to be the only one with a woman, although he himself can have affairs on the side. Loves social life and a woman must correspond to this lifestyle. Doesn't like everything boring, poor, dull. Strives for enchanting, even “pictorial” sex, loves to record it on video.

Mars in Virgo– builds relationships slowly, step by step. At first, pleasant communication, after some time he may give a sign that he is not against sex. He is pleased when a woman takes care of his health, about his body: she gives a massage, an aromatic bath, and other pleasant and health-improving procedures. It is important that she does not violate the established order of things and strives for order and cleanliness herself. He knows how to work well with his hands and arrange a home. He is hardworking, but knows how to save his energy. He has excellent control over his sexuality and knows how to please a woman. But when sex loses passion, he can go looking for a new partner.

Mars in Libra– really needs an understanding partner, praise, approval. His strength is not in his muscles, but in his mind and aestheticism. He loves everything to be elegant and beautiful, and does not tolerate rudeness and rudeness. He will not take decisive steps towards a woman; he prefers when a woman takes the initiative. He has few “punchy” qualities, but he has the ability to compromise and get along with people. Not aggressive, in the worst case he can give a slap in the face, but, as a rule, it is verbal. In sex, he prefers quality to quantity. There are tendencies towards bisexuality.

Mars in Scorpio– in relationships he is passionate, impulsive, capable of strong and deep (sometimes even destructive) emotions. He strives for his partner to belong completely to him - both soul and body. He is incredibly jealous and therefore dangerous (although he carefully hides his jealousy). He is all woven from contradictions, he can love and hate at the same time, be secretive and indecently frank. In the manifestation of feelings, he does not know the golden mean. Prefers that the woman makes the first step in a relationship. But if she fell into his hands, then there is no turning back (if she leaves the relationship, she will be a completely different person). In sex, an experimenter and researcher.

Mars in Sagittarius- has a good disposition and is generous. Loves broad gestures, does not like to waste time on trifles. In relationships, he prefers to be a mentor, teacher, and guru for his partner. He likes it when a woman looks at him with her mouth open when she is carried away by his ideas. And vice versa, in situations where he cannot be the authority and play the first violin, he feels out of place. Therefore, most often he chooses a weaker woman to patronize and guide her through life. He is liberated in sex, but first of all he prefers to receive pleasure himself.

Mars in Capricorn– ambitious and very purposeful. If he likes you, he will pursue you by any means. Self-doubt is not typical for him and he tends to exaggerate his masculine abilities. He is practical, career-oriented - with this alone he can bribe many women. You shouldn’t expect romance or great emotionality from him, but you can completely rely on him. Passionate in sex. If his partner is completely satisfied with him, he will not cheat on her.

Mars in Aquarius– values ​​freedom very much. He needs to be able to move freely and live at the rhythm in which he wants. In situations of impending “short leash”, he prefers to immediately tear his claws. Traditional marriage is not an immutable value for him; he prefers a freer and less burdensome relationship. A woman should share his views on the world, be a faithful comrade for him and not interfere with communication with friends. Does not have a passionate temperament, communication is for him more important than sex. Not aggressive or jealous. There is a tendency towards bisexuality.

Mars in Pisces– a subtle soul, although initially it may seem strange. He prefers when a woman takes the initiative herself, but if something in the relationship does not suit him, he begins to “muddy the waters” or even swims away in an unknown direction. A woman needs to understand that this is a very vulnerable person in front of her, and at every opportunity she needs to praise and encourage him. He can choose only women as friends, since they understand him better - men are too rude for him (this, by the way, is also characteristic of Mars in Cancer). He has a high sexual temperament and great sensuality, strives to bring pleasure to his partner.

*The description of Mars is given in its pure form, without taking into account its position in the horoscope and connections with other planets.

© Astrologer Eleonora Danilova

You can order a horoscope or synastric analysis by mail [email protected]

About the author

Eleanor Dun

Eleanor Dun, consulting astrologer. She studied at the St. Petersburg School of Astrology. I provide consultations on reading natal charts, relationships, careers, career guidance, and life mission. I am an expert in forecasting. I answer various questions.

How a man cares for a woman and how he behaves in a romantic relationship directly depends on the position of Mars in his horoscope.

Without introductory romantic courtship, a beautiful love affair is unlikely to develop. And how a woman wants not to be deceived in her expectations, not to take wishful thinking, not to make a fatal mistake and not to suffer, but to become happy with her chosen one. In order to see their perspective at the very beginning of the development of a relationship, to understand a man’s train of thoughts and actions, it is useful to find out his date of birth and the location of his Mars in the natal chart. It is curious that most often a woman from a set of candidates chooses a man with Mars in her solar sign. That is, if a woman was born under the sign of Cancer, then she will be very attracted to men with Mars in Cancer and, most likely, she will choose him as a life partner. It also happens the other way around, when a woman chooses a man of the zodiac sign where her own Mars is located. That is, if a woman has Mars, for example, in Libra, then her choice will be on a man born under the sign of Libra.

Mars in Aries for men

“You arouse constant interest in me, You can't see the gray hair in your head, but there's a demon in your rib, Follow you even to a burning house, even to the taiga, into the thicket of the forest, If only I would be with you more often, if only I would be without you less often.”. He needs the image of a beautiful lady, for whom it makes sense to fight and live. A man with Mars in Aries will show himself to be a brave and courageous knight, capable of any feat in order to win the heart of his beautiful lady. He will be at your feet with warm confessions, and will zealously and actively pursue the desired object of passion. It happens that in the attitude towards a woman there is also a share of “soldier’s” rudeness, jealousy and concrete expression of one’s desires without long explanations: he saw, he grabbed, he fell in love... In such a man, the tendency to intrigue, to double play and to manipulate feelings is kept to a minimum. Usually such men are good craftsmen: they love work and can do a lot with their own hands.

Mars in Taurus for men

“You arouse genuine interest in me, I'm still waiting for progress to begin in the relationship, I long for a date with you, and in the process of waiting, N“No matter what I eat, I’ve lost excess weight.”. This is exactly how a man with Mars in Taurus will sigh while waiting for your answer. He will begin to court beautifully with all the attributes of romantic meetings (a bouquet of flowers, a restaurant, a romantic trip), persistently and for a long time waiting for the reciprocal feeling of his chosen one. By the way, such men usually have money for all the secular delights and entertainment: Mars in Taurus knows how to earn money. And most importantly, he will always ask him to marry him until he gets tired of the courtship process or the beautiful lady actually suddenly decides to marry him. This is where there can be an unexpected misfire: such a man is a heartthrob and a lover of carnal pleasures, and therefore can play a double game or smoothly “migrate” from one lady to another.

Mars in Gemini for men

He will take his interlocutor into the unknown worlds of his intellectual knowledge, hoping to impress with the brilliance and sharpness of his mind. Will amaze you with reading poetry (it is possible that your own composition), and maybe with a guitar to hold the attention of his lady in a hot summer night. By the way, it should be noted that among men with Mars in Gemini there are often jacks of all trades: they know how to repair, fix, heal, build, sew, etc.

Mars in Cancer for men

“I have an unhealthy interest in you, At least throw me from the balcony, at least put me under the press, I’m like a cat who loves sour cream, I won’t stop admiring you, And remember, I won’t leave you until you say “Yes”. A man with Mars in Cancer will show himself to be clingy, caring and gentle. A romantic suitor, a sensitive interlocutor and simply a courteous, gallant gentleman. Such a man has a full range of social courtship in his arsenal: he will give flowers, make a nice surprise, and take him to a restaurant - everything will depend on the state of his wallet. In this, it is similar to the manifestation of Mars in Taurus with the difference of impatience: Mars in Cancer can quickly take offense and hide if it feels neglected, and the intuition of such men is quite well developed. It should be borne in mind that upon closer communication it will turn out that he is also capricious, with sudden changes in emotions, and with difficult to control feelings of anger or dissatisfaction.

Mars in Leo for men

The owner of Mars in Leo will show himself like Mars in Aries - a noble hero, a handsome suitor and a cheerful interlocutor. He needs a worthy princess, for whom he will tell jokes, amuse and make you laugh, give you confidence in a happy future with him, and throw a gorgeous bouquet at your feet or cover your path with a carpet of rose petals. At the same time, he will not forget to talk about himself, highlight his merits and talents. Such a man will look forward to the response and praise of his partner, because his level of self-confidence depends on this. For the sake of the praise and respect of others, he can do a lot, including in relation to his career, but if a woman constantly criticizes him and shows dissatisfaction, then such a man will not only internally feel like a loser, but over time he may become one in reality.

Mars in Virgo for men

A man with Mars in Virgo will show all the care and attention he is capable of. There will be candy, and ice cream, and a healthy lunch in a restaurant, and a nice surprise, and he won’t forget about gifts - in general, all your whims will be satisfied. And he also loves to treat - God forbid you get sick! He, like a true nurse, will give a massage, an injection, and find the best doctor or the right medicine. Yes and in Everyday life such a satellite will not lose these qualities. Takes care of the family in at its best: He will feed you and warm you with a kind word. True, it may be a little dry in the brightness of the manifestation of emotions and romance. If a woman needs true male care, then she will appreciate the qualities of the chosen one with Mars in Virgo. If a woman needs an obvious romantic with passionate compliments and a huge bouquet of roses, then it will seem to her that this man does not like her, she will be full of doubts and will begin to look closely at more emotional males.

Mars in Libra for men

A man with Mars in Libra will show himself to be courteous and gallant, without demonstrating his career achievements and social advantages: what useful connections he has and what influential friends he has. Will take care of you with a kind word, will show attention to appearance, will note your beauty and give a beautiful compliment. He does not like conflicts, he resolves controversial issues peacefully, he will get you a ticket to a private concert or buy a discounted ticket to a resort. True, it is problematic to provoke him to exploits - a woman needs to have a subtle and resourceful mind in order to direct his energy to search for snowdrops in February.

Mars in Scorpio for men

“There is nothing dearer to us in the world, How our women are hope and stronghold, We will not spare our lives for them, After all, the way to the heart lies through the stomach: Cherche la femme, one hundred grams for courage, Cherche la femme in spite of any enemies, Cherche la femme, and if there is forche, There will be la femme even without cherche.” Such a man, first of all, will demonstrate and demonstrate his masculine virtues. If he feels that a woman is “not falling for” his sexuality, then he won’t waste his time. If he “feels” that the woman’s “blood is boiling,” then a subtle and exciting game of luring her partner into bed will begin. And all means will be good: you can do it with flowers, you can do it without it, you can do it with a restaurant, you can do it without it, the main thing is the process itself... A quick “taking possession of an object” and a woman’s inability to play a subtle psychological game will only bring a couple of hot moments, and such a comrade will embark on further searches for an exciting game. By the way, usually with age, Mars in Scorpio adds other masculine features to its other advantages: how cool his car, yacht or bicycle is, what kind of friends he has - owners of planes, yachts and horses.

Mars in Sagittarius for men

“Cherche la femme, in their honor we will erect a temple, Cherche la femme, let's get drunk for them, Cherche la femme, and who is not Cherche, Only Robinson and Lieutenant Kizhe.” Mars in Sagittarius will give a man who is a hunter. To begin with, an instinct must ignite in him in the form of the idea of ​​​​"capturing an object" or a strong sexual attraction. Male Mars in Sagittarius gives an adventurer and gambler. Such a man is very attractive with his self-confidence, masculine brightness and radiating optimism. Like Mars in Aries, he is ready to move mountains to achieve what he wants. True, more in words, but this is no longer important - you will be interested in him anyway, since a fascinating journey into the world of love intrigue will begin, threatening to develop into a journey through different countries and resorts. The only thing the lady will have to come to terms with is the freedom-loving disposition of Mars in Sagittarius. God forbid you hint ahead of time about the possibility of concluding a marriage or the upcoming acquaintance of your parents with your future son-in-law. Consider that you have just thought about it, and he is already “tying his shoelaces,” because he is on the threshold of an “honest and open” relationship. And “open” relationships can turn out to be fragile: once the “victim” is caught, interest in her can easily be lost. Therefore, to “keep” a man with Mars in Sagittarius, you need to be a chic woman and passionate about some business or ideas, and best of all, about what he is passionate about.

Mars in Capricorn for men

“You arouse an inevitable interest in me, Like a communist, the 25th Congress of the CPSU, Unsuccessful attempts are worse than the most severe torture, If the blood boils in excess, like in the turbine of a powerful hydroelectric power station". Such men are physically strong, sexually attractive, practical and reliable. They know this, are confident in themselves and feel their sexual superiority. At the same time, they are not deluded by their possible successes with representatives of the fairer sex, they are faithful and honest before the world. Like Mars in Taurus, they are capable of courtship in the form of gifts, flowers and other secular attributes. There is an element of gambling “hunting” for the desired object, however, they are practical and can quickly change their tactics. If they decide that they want to get married, then so be it. In some cases, they will appreciate the benefits or prestige from a relationship with a partner. They will decide whether they need this relationship and what they will do next with her, their partner. They will quickly make a decision and can honestly say: “Alas, we are not on the same path.”

Mars in Aquarius for men

Mars in Aquarius is also strong physically and sexually, but, alas, the Higher powers did not reward this man with the innate talent of a romantic suitor. In order to attract the attention of the woman he likes, such a character will talk, first of all, about himself, his merits, his strength and intelligence, his talent and originality. And this is worth believing, because such men are indeed often talented craftsmen, and also know how to sing soulfully with a guitar and have versatile knowledge. He will always help with practical advice, so with such a friend you will clearly not be bored, and you will have to take care of the availability of flowers and restaurants in courtship yourself.

Mars in Pisces for men

“There is nothing higher than tender emotions, Even cacti can bloom, It’s not for nothing that cats sing on the roofs in the spring, What they sing about is easy to translate: Cherche la femme mademoiselle, madam! Cherche la femme in spite of any winds, Cherche la femme, and if not Cherche, It’s unlikely that Faberge will perpetuate...” Subtle manipulators, intriguers and womanizers - all this is about men with Mars in Pisces. Excellent experts in female psychology, lovers of bodily pleasures - they gracefully and imperceptibly captivate their victim. At the same time, the woman will simply melt in his arms, since all the known tools of romantic influence will be used here: there will be hot confessions, and a hint of enjoying her aroma or the unique beauty of her body, and expensive perfume, and luxurious convertibles. We must pay tribute to men with Mars in Pisces: they are delicate, cultured and polite with absolutely everyone. With such a man, a lady will not be ashamed to appear in the most privileged society, without worrying about the behavior of her partner. After all, even being brought up in a village, he will have innate culture and aristocracy. And the development of a love story with a man with Mars in Pisces will ultimately depend on the wisdom and subtlety of the woman.
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