Tarot card meaning lv arcan 4. IV. Emperor Major Arcana of the Rider White Tarot. General state of finances and trends of changes

I came, I saw, I conquered.

Gaius Julius Caesar

The Fourth Arcanum promises a certain stability and trust in the future. The senior arcan Tarot card Emperor promises patronage and powerful support in the implementation of all planned plans and initiatives. The delineation of borders, the protection and preservation of what has been achieved, and the assumption of major obligations are the responsibility of the Emperor. In this article we will look at the description and meaning in relationships of an upright and inverted card, interpretation and combination with other cards in layouts for love, health, career and work.

The Emperor's card is correlated with a psychologically mature man with high social status and authority.

General meaning of the Emperor card

For any life project, this card promises additional reliability and invulnerability. In addition, the Emperor is responsible for weight in society, recognition, power of influence on people, fame. The IV Arcanum contains invincible strength and power.

The Emperor Tarot card is auspicious and there is no need to worry if it appears in your reading. However, people often find its influence too painful and merciless. What to hide, with representatives of royal blood, it really cannot and should not be easy. The people this card describes are capable of dictating their will with an unshakable belief in their own rightness.

The main message of the IV Arcana is bringing ideas to life. This is its beneficial aspect. The desire to act, to build the future, overcoming any obstacles thanks to wise planning and well-established methods.

The Emperor points out the importance of logic when making decisions today and rationality when choosing a future path. Thanks to this map, it is often possible to outline some clear diagram, a clear basis, structure, or concept of the idea needed. Put everything in order, put things in order and, according to a clear analysis, make firm and well-thought-out decisions, and then take effective actions in various areas of life.

IV Arcanum always insists on the importance of following social norms and rules. Power social institutions, public organizations and the law - all this is the IV Arcanum. He will always point out to you the need for clear boundaries and strict restrictions in order to protect yourself from someone else's hostility or from your own vices.

The meaning of the Emperor Tarot card is traditionally interpreted as follows: “the fulfillment of your hopes depends more on some powerful person than on yourself.”

In any case, this card indicates the participation of some determining force in a life situation. If there are unfavorable cards around, one can judge the presence in a person’s life of a struggle for leadership, tyranny, oppression and undisguised pressure from the owner of the position. With rare exceptions, we can talk about help from above from a heavenly patron.

Internal sensations

Clarity and peace. When you consider yourself to be firmly on your feet, meaning by this your own psychological maturity and vision of the world as it really is. And, if a person has completely lost hope of bringing order to his life, the Emperor gives him this opportunity.

Personal Description

Emperor Tarot, the meaning of this card represents the connection with the prototype of the Father. This explains firmness and reasonableness in decision-making, effective and precise actions. Courage, inflexibility, undeniable logic and worldly wisdom, strong intuition and the will to make important life decisions - all this is him. A purposeful characteristic influence, a kind of unbridledness, is not excluded.

Positive features

The emperor often describes a very influential person, usually an older man in age and social status. However, if you pay close attention to the Emperor’s surroundings in the reading, you can guess how favorable his role will be - it happens that he deliberately uses his power and authority to bring trouble to a person.

He is steadily moving towards his goal. His fundamental characteristic is incredible ambition, the desire to keep everything under control. The Emperor introduces us to reality, promises to bring the spheres of life into the desired form and teaches us never to lose our royal dignity, ridding ourselves of the vices of weakness. This is a card embodied in people who can safely be called psychologically mature. They occupy strong social positions and enviable positions in large companies.

The Emperor is a strong-willed, omnipotent figure and, in the vast majority of cases, very successful in life. This man is a formal or, most often, informal leader in an organization, the bearer of the decisive word in the family. Often he prefers to remain in the shadows, but for the time being. At a critical moment, when everyone is confused and does not know what the next step should be, this person will concentrate all the power in himself and intuitively make the only right decision.

At the same time, the Emperor may mean a non-adult person if among his characteristics there is ambition, great ambition, a talent for persuasion and a desire to lead a group of people and take responsibility.

It is not uncommon to meet a young man or woman who is naturally gifted with the skills of a strong leader, and their experienced forty-year-old manager colleague with experience will have a lot to learn from them.

Control of emotions and clear actions are the traits that best characterize the Emperor's strong personality. Striving for perfect execution, brilliant and clear organization of one's time, discipline, excellent business intuition. Such a person suffers from the inevitable existence of randomness and probabilities in life.

Overly critical, and therefore overly compressed thinking, a passion to control everything and eliminate any risks - this is what takes away too much strength and energy from him, and therefore takes away his life. Salvation is the healing power of the Empress. Remember this, and the whole universe is at his feet.

The Emperor, just like the Empress, first of all strives to protect and preserve what is dear. And he does it no matter what. He is endowed with an incredibly powerful force to achieve his goals, regardless of any obstacles. Not every person is endowed with such a gift.

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Negative traits

Although this is a creative figure, however, his ardor is not a reflection of his inner world: through his passion he asserts himself. By conquering new territory and remaking it in his own way, he presents himself to the world. Along with a strong desire to control everything and be responsible for others, the Emperor is characterized by perfectionism, tyranny, and obsession with bringing everything to even greater perfection.

People close to the Emperor sometimes note that during his life he became more difficult person and dealing with him becomes less and less pleasant. Such a phenomenon, indeed, often happens and is explained by the fact that the Emperor is always convinced that he is responsible for someone and must maintain the existing order in order to be ready to defend his own or others’ rights and interests. Such tension permanently leaves a certain imprint on the personality.

In addition to all of the above, he can be described as an arrogant person. However, it is important to clarify this term here: arrogant in this context means that a person has very high standards and recognizes only the best performance. He can be very difficult to please, especially if the King of Swords is nearby.

The fear of being unable to cope with something unexpected and sudden constantly lives in the Emperor’s head, so his silhouette in most Arcana often seems a little “wooden,” which can be interpreted as inflexibility in personal views and opinions on most life issues. His thoughts are occupied with how to maintain his high position. It is extremely important for him to maintain self-control.

On a deeper level

Connection with the prototype of the Father and his distinctive characteristics: recognition of exceptional importance by other individuals, the power of the word, unquestioning submission to his will. Masculinity given by nature in its truest sense, assertiveness and courage, toughness, all the most beautiful things that are inherent in men. Direct impact on everything that is important to him. If he feels the need, he will receive all the necessary strength to achieve the desired result.

The Emperor's power lies in his determination to wage war for what he believes in and for those he protects and loves.

The opposite side of its influence is the need to follow the general accepted rules. The Emperor personifies the onerous laws and principles that a person must observe in order to achieve psychological maturity. His characteristic “ruthlessness and dispassionateness” are extremely important and useful in order to protect people from self-pity and spineless actions, and to guarantee stability in life.

The Emperor characterizes a person’s desire for stability, a sense of security and logic in everything. It symbolizes the desire to protect yourself and your family as best as possible from all sorts of threats in the face of Nature, your own vices or the vices of other people.

Sometimes for this Arcana they try in every possible way to find some more pleasing and smoothed image, but in the end it will not be possible to ignore the energy of order, rationality and responsibility inherent in the Emperor: their power is too great and unshakable on the scale of the whole world. The organizing Imperial stream of the clearest mind and unprecedented strength of character shapes everything that it encounters on its way (any opposition is in vain).

It is important to remember that all Major Arcana are demiurges. To say that they are “mightier than the Younger” is an understatement. These Arcana represent powerful energies that force the world to change. This idea is described in more detail in Kabbalah.

In tradition, it is customary to think that the Major Arcana explain the deep, spiritual level being, while Minor Arcana explain prosaic everyday situations lying on the surface. And, in general, this truth is confirmed, but one cannot think that the Major Arcana are not present at the upper level. They are creating it! And this is clearly visible in the case of the Emperor. According to Banzhaf and Akron, for each “sprout of life” (the merit of the Empress), the Emperor determines his own path.

The Emperor evokes in his thoughts the image of the Great Deity, revered by the disciples and adherents of Pythagoras. Bringing to life all the ideas of existence is like a colossal work of the mind, multiplied by four: Affirmation, Refutation, Discussion, Decision. The symbols indicate that the Emperor belongs to the demiurges. The Emperor is called the King of the Lower World, the Architect of the Universe.

Astrologically it is correlated with the sign of Aries. In the teachings of mysticism, the Emperor is associated with the month of Nissan, which is considered the month of the emergence of the Jewish nation, the month when Egypt was abandoned, and the beginning of suffering on the cross and deliverance from sins was laid. As a rule, people born under the sign of Aries are characterized as being able to lead a group and take responsibility for everything. In case of incorrect use of their gift, these people bear punishment from above.

The moral categories required by the Emperor are “sight” and “blindness”. “Sight” serves as his window into reality and speaks to him about what the results of his actions might be. And thanks to “blindness,” he manages to ignore the weaknesses and vices of this world, so as not to renounce his inherent free will, thanks to which a better future is possible.

The person of the Fourth Arcana is also characterized by “speech”. Attention is drawn to the enormous power of the word and the need to treat it with respect, since the word is a great force capable of building or destroying the whole world.

The meaning of the Emperor in readings

For career and work

A successful career in a large company, a formal or informal leader, a leading position, concentration of real power, strong social status and great authority. IV Arcana in the scenario promises possible large and profitable transactions.

The main characteristics of this card are order, reliability and power. In a professional context, it talks about making long-term strategic plans, starting a new business, working to improve financial results, or developing new quality factors. Acquisition or merger of companies under the auspices of the leading company.

Legal aspects, adjustments organizational structure, development of new markets, expansion of the company in the previous market due to “squeezing out” competitors and many other business processes. The Emperor seems to be hinting at the extreme importance and long-term nature of specific projects. If you treat them with special care, then your business will survive any crisis situations.

For finances and property

As a rule, Emperors do not lack money. On the contrary, they are geared towards outstanding achievements in financial fields. Capable of conducting business cleanly, due to which they are not a target for inspection authorities. As a rule, they have the mindset of rich people and are open to money. They own large and comfortable apartments or houses. Legal issues related to real estate also do not concern them.

On relationships and love

The Emperor cannot be called an overly romantic or gentle person. He is stingy in showing emotions and feelings. Even in his personal life, he strives for omnipresent control and dominance. The Emperor is hard to compromise and always wants everything to be according to his wishes.

It happens that this card hints at a meeting with an interesting, extraordinary and very authoritative person. However, he is very secretive, keeping all his true feelings and thoughts under lock and key. Among the general mass of people, the Emperor will attract attention due to his characteristic firmness and absolute uncompromisingness, composure, prudence and extremely serious attitude to things.

He welcomes clarity and strict adherence to the plan. Before making an important decision, he will weigh absolutely all the pros and cons. And if he makes a decision, he will have no need to retract his words. He enters into marriage after serious consideration, however, already being married, he is able to become a real fortress for his family.

  • Emperor Tarot meaning in relationships often symbolizes the head of the family. In his personal life, as a rule, he is very faithful, guided by the word once given to be together in both sorrow and joy, following the accepted rules, inspiring confidence and reliability, but almost not at all romantic.
  • Extremely intolerant of frivolity and uncertainty. He has a clear idea of ​​what he wants and what he is not at all interested in. The classic Emperor will only seek a serious relationship built on the mutual desire to live happily ever after and die on the same day.
  • Quite often, the Emperor symbolizes a man who tied the knot not with the one for whom he had strong feelings, but with the one whose marriage was the result of some strange circumstances (whether calculation, drama). It is generally accepted that the Emperor is rather a male card, but this often happens in the lives of women.
  • The yearning heart was ordered to be silent forever, character and reason triumphed over feelings, and the Emperor appears before us as an honest spouse, unquestioningly fulfilling the vow given in the registry office. Becomes an exemplary parent and faithful partner.
  • Quite often the Emperor is called a tyrant - intolerant, demanding, cold, too official, stingy with feelings and emotions. He was forced to tame his raging feelings, which is why he can be a little cruel and cold. However, deep inside he is grateful to the woman who allows him to revel in his manhood. He erases from his memory everything that happened before and devotes himself entirely to his union with this woman.
  • In case of family difficulties, the Emperor, as a rule, is always ready to fight to save the marriage and often gets his way. Categorically does not accept compromises. Reflects any threat hanging over his home and family. In this situation, he is guided, rather, by clear convictions, rather than by uncontrollable passions.

Thanks to nature, the Emperor never doubts himself in an intimate way, but his excessive constraint and self-control set many boundaries in his mind. Therefore, he is not ready to share his power anywhere except in the bedroom. The Empress rules the bedroom.

For health status

The Emperor is associated with well-being and good health. From time to time it is able to indicate the manifestation of paternal genes. A reversed card may indicate migraines, hypertension or hypotension. In relation to men - about disorders in the sexual sphere such as prostatitis. Less commonly, it indicates serious consequences of an accident or apoplexy.

Meaning of the Reversed Emperor Card

Indicates a limited ability to correctly interpret reality, many doubts, and lack of will.

Psychological immaturity, confusion, powerlessness in achieving goals. The generally accepted interpretation is a failure to fulfill the plan, a complete fiasco. The card may hint at difficulties in business or career. Perhaps the influence of an authoritative member of society who is not interested in the success of the questioner is implied. Or maybe the reason is in the stars.

Often, the inverted Emperor speaks of unreasonably trampling in one place, but unreasonable intractability also happens. In addition, we can talk about unreasoned and obviously doomed to defeat demands of the authorities.

Sometimes the inverted Emperor hints that all power in the hands of a person is only nominal and his word means nothing. And, for sure, the reason for this is the subjugation of truly powerful people. In this position, the Emperor seems to be hinting that the person is highly dependent on someone. As a result, a person is deprived of the miserable opportunity to make at least some decisions in his life.

Nihilism, complete indifference to other people, disregard for marital and parental obligations, violation of laws. Traditional interpretation: struggle, conflict, trauma, aggression.

Combination with other cards

  • With the Empress - patronage, protection. Another meaning (from the ancient ones) is floating wealth;
  • With the Hierophant – adherence to norms, adherence to principles;
  • With Lovers - the need to make an important decision;
  • With Justice - a gravitation towards legality, legality and transparency;
  • With the Tower - the need to protect your business from great danger;
  • With Moderation - advice to moderate activity and choose more flexible tactics;
  • With the Two of Wands - growth of authority;
  • With the Seven of Cups - a bad combination, a disorderly life, wastefulness;
  • With the Three of Swords - defiant behavior, causing pain to others;
  • With the Five of Swords – ignoring principles and laws;
  • With the Four of Pentacles - a passion for discipline and widespread control;
  • With the Seven of Pentacles - reward;
  • With the Ten of Pentacles reversed - victory (from the ancient interpreter).


The Sun is in Capricorn, representing a sense of responsibility, order, structure, as well as security, consistency and perseverance.

Straight position:

The EMPEROR symbolizes the power of spirit, order and reason; the implementation of the ideas of being, based on the enhanced work of the mind. Symbolizes Affirmation, Denial, Discussion, Decision. The card means that you are in search of wisdom, reason prevails over passions. Try to get support from someone stronger.

Reverse position:

An inverted card means: anarchism, dependence on strong, authoritative people; there is no energy to solve problems or set goals.

4. Emperor (upright position)

General value:

In rare cases, it can symbolize fundamental knowledge (including magic) Fundamentality, the basis in all senses (especially in the material). Authority, material success, achievements


1. Financial support. Patrons, incl. from the authorities, the law. Well-paid permanent job. A dictatorship that one can agree to based on material gain. Patronage of the boss.

Getting a position.

2. Good health.

3. For a woman - a close friend, partner, husband. Not always favorable, because means tyranny. Map of home, solidity, financial stability.

For a man, he feels like a master, an emperor in the house.

Marriage, including civil marriage.

Intolerant of other people's opinions; does not understand other people's experiences. But it is not necessarily cruel. Can show mercy within the limits of expediency.

5. Contact an influential person, the law. Less often - advice to use your power, to insist on your own. Think about the family (financial side of things). Go through health procedures. Pull yourself together and think about everything logically.

6. “Yes” May indicate being caught in a “cage”, a system from which it is difficult to escape.

4. Emperor (reversed position)

General value:

disturbed world order (opposite – Tower)


1. Change of leadership (also for politics) Financial crisis, bankruptcy, loss of influence. It's a deplorable situation.

Job loss, demotion.

2. Dangerous situation: injuries, seizures, sudden deterioration of the condition.

3. For women - the loss of a close friend. (If it lies in the “advice” position in the layout on personal relationships- advice to squeeze everything you can out of a man by any means, including a scandal) Quarrels, misunderstandings - until a breakup. Property division.

4. A person who is inclined to quarrel. Destructive emotions.

5. The situation will escalate and you need to be prepared for a fight.

General value:

The Emperor, the Master, is a structure-forming element; it symbolizes our desire for stability, security and consistency. This is our desire for independence from the conditions of existence of Nature and our own nature, which are often unpredictable. Thus, it corresponds to our desire for civilization, thanks to which we build our houses, install heating and air conditioning in them to protect ourselves from heat, cold and damp, create cars and airplanes to reduce distances and make travel more comfortable, and we open schools to improve the level of education. Even the fact that much is done too persistently does not cross out for us those positive aspects, which this often allergic card has. The owner combines not only the desire for order, a sober mind, discipline, a sense of responsibility and pragmatism, but also their extremes - stubbornness, inertia, the desire to “improve” everything ad infinitum, the thirst for power and despotism.


This card means that we first of all strive to restore order and fulfill our long-standing desires, intentions and plans. The owner is a clear concept, discipline, perseverance, determination and willingness to take responsibility for his decisions. At the same time, we will have to work conscientiously, because no one will give us anything (or almost anything) or give us anything, so the success of the business depends entirely on our own efforts.


In terms of consciousness, the Master indicates realistic thinking, a pragmatic approach to business, methodical adherence to the plan and a sober course of reasoning. This is the period when unsteady, vague dreams are ordered and gain structure. Wishes become concrete plans, are subject to critical analysis and can be accepted for implementation. At a deep level, this card can mean a conflict between different sides of the father’s image: on the one hand, a protector, a giver of benefits, on the other, a cold, unapproachable despot.

Personal relationships:

The period when our relationships strengthen, become reliable and durable. The sober, critical aspect of the Master's card may mean the loss of previous illusions. At the same time, his desire for maximum stability and security can lead relationships to a dead end, limiting them to only the most necessary.

In a love relationship

The Emperor openly proclaims the principle: “I’ll show you who’s boss,” which, depending on the quality of the alignment, will have a negative and positive character. In a good alignment, the Emperor is the one who makes decisions and solves problems or acts as a patron. In For a young woman, this may mean that she is looking for a “daddy” type partner. In difficult scenarios, there will be a struggle for power, a tendency to dominate and impose one’s will, especially if the Force, the Pope, is nearby. If the Hanged Man is on the opposite side, then we can say that the relationship will be built on the master-slave principle. Relationships - I'm the boss - you're a fool will be where the Jester and the Emperor appear in the scenario. The most successful relationships will be where the Empress and Emperor fall out different sides Gebo layout. The appearance of the Emperor with the Devil or the Tower is an indicator of despotism, a predisposition to jealousy, as well as moral and physical violence. The Emperor with the Chariot can also be a variant of the rude man, but in a more softened form or with a tendency to release aggression through sports, professional activities or personal hobbies. If the layout has an inverted Emperor or Emperor and Hanged Man (Moon, Tower, Devil), then we can talk about the negative experience of a relationship with the father of the family that the person in question had. Young people whose girlfriend has the Emperor in their chart should inquire about her relationship with her father, since he may become a competitive figure in the future. Or this card will indicate the likelihood of an unfinished relationship with the father, which will be projected by the young lady onto her lover.

IV. The Emperor in combination with other Tarot cards

With the “Magic” card - show your abilities.

With the “High Priestess” card, a woman will gain power over you.

With the “Empress” card - reforms leading to results.

With the “Hierophant” card - adherence to etiquette and moral standards.

With the “Lovers” card - making firm commitments.

With the Chariot card, circumstances will prevail over order.

With the “Strength” card there is a riot.

With the Hermit card - the breakdown of a family or team.

With the “Wheel of Fortune” card - a change in the routine; changing the structure of the team.

With the “Justice” card - a desire for justice and adherence to hierarchy.

With the Hanged Man card, a rigid view of things slows down life.

With the “Death” card, life requires a new order of things.

With the “Moderation” card - moderate conservatism.

With the “Devil” card - apparent order, behind which chaos is happening; shadow structure.

With the "Tower" card - dismissal.

With the "Star" card - a reward.

With the Moon card - powerlessness, giving rise to uncertainty.

With the “Sun” card - a thriving business; loving family.

With the “World” card, a business is expanding its horizons of influence.


With the “Ace of Wands” card - an expansion of the project.

With the “Two of Wands” card - business fragmentation.

With the Three of Wands card, things are gaining momentum.

With the Four of Wands card - putting things in order, repairing the house.

With the Five of Wands card - quarrels in the house, at work.

With the Six of Wands card - promotion.

With the "Seven of Wands" card - a matter that is not going through the most better times; challenge to paternal authority.

With the Eight of Wands card - a deal.

With the Nine of Wands card, there is a need for security for a business or home.

With the Ten of Wands card, a project that is on its last legs.

With the “Page of Wands” card - news in the family, at work.

With the “Knight of Wands” card - let off steam associated with work and family.

With the Queen of Wands card - a creative project.

With the “King of Wands” card - the new kind activities.

Basic values

  • Positive: management.
  • Negative: coercion.
  • Key words: organization, stability, management, control, law, right, decision, requirement.
  • Number: the number 4 ideally corresponds to the shape of a square, cardinal points, seasons, lunar phases, as well as the four principles of the world according to Pythagoras: air, water, earth and fire.
  • Description of the lasso: the ruler sits motionless on a throne decorated with the heads of Aquarius carved on it. Behind him lies a plain, rivers and high hills. His hair and beard are gray, he is thoughtful and peaceful. He has a crown on his head, and his rich clothes practically hide his armor from view. IN right hand his sphere-crowned scepter.


  • Ram's head: displays a connection with the astrological sign of Aries, symbolizing dynamics and impetuous energy, frozen in motion for only a moment, but ready to burst out at any second.
  • Scepter: represents power over the material world, and is also a symbol of achievement and power.
  • Armor: indicates a readiness for self-defense, as well as the Emperor's deep understanding of life's conflicts and violence in relationships between people.
  • Gray beard and hair: are a symbol of accumulated experience, maturity and wisdom.
  • The river plain and the hills: symbols of the Emperor's greatness, which, thanks to his power, can take different forms.

General meaning of the Tarot Arcana Emperor

The courageous figure of the Emperor is a symbol not so much of achievement as of control and power. The Emperor is not young, but very experienced and strong. He is not subject to vanity and greed. The Emperor is guided only by the responsibility entrusted to him and adheres to it with great will and determination. His strong point is stability and calm, but if necessary, he easily moves into action. That is why the Emperor card, more than other cards, personifies masculinity: any form of creative energy, the ability to take specific actions. The Emperor is first and foremost a father, so the Emperor card is interpreted primarily as a symbol of a father or any other influential figure.

Except in rare cases, the Emperor's influence extends to the sphere outlined by himself. This could be a specific sphere of authority, a certain territory, or simply the degree of participation in a particular situation. The scope of this influence is very precise. Moreover, very often the Emperor acts not directly, but through intermediaries, realizing that personal intervention can be perceived as an abuse of power. In this sense, the Emperor is very rational and stingy in expressing feelings and passions, which cannot be said about the Empress.

Extended values

Personal life

  • Love. A short separation can be beneficial. Feelings will flare up again with the fire of desire.
  • Job. You can be content with what you have achieved, but it is much better to devote yourself to searching for new horizons.
  • Money. It is necessary to provide assistance to those in need. Money is so powerful that it can enslave those who possess it.


  • Result. It is necessary to protect what we have and strengthen everything that is unstable and unstable in our lives.
  • Recommendation. Do not boast about the power you have, but remember your superiority.
  • Implementation time. The number 4 closes the square. Improve what you think is complete.

Soul and psyche

  • Self-esteem. Each personality is individual, but not unique. Satisfy your own “I”, but do not exalt it.
  • Meditation. In order to bring anything to life, consent is necessary: ​​any thing acquires value when the people around it approve of it.
  • Spirituality. Decide for yourself what you want to become and work on yourself like a sculptor works on a statue.

Esoteric meaning

  • Kabbalah. The letter “Daleth” means “gate” and symbolizes the transition from the abstract to the concrete.
  • Alchemy. The student works on himself, gradually turning rough material into the philosopher's stone.
  • Astrology. Aries. The spring equinox promotes stabilization and renewal.

Mother, then the Emperor is father. He personifies the power of the mind and the social world. The Emperor is internal control, discipline, willpower and the need to take control of my life, understand how I live and what I strive for.

Internal mood: I make it happen.

Emperor- a symbol of balanced mental activity. He is experienced and authoritative, in terms of age and position. Just as the Empress symbolizes the true mother, the Emperor represents the true father, the one we trust and rely on. He cares about the welfare of others and in addition dictates the rules and regulations needed to govern life. In other words, he assumes responsibility commensurate with his powers. The Emperor is wisdom and kindness. The throne on which he sits is a symbol of the passive, and the armor on it is a symbol of the active.

On a personal level Emperor can represent structure, stability, everyday order. He slowly hints to us: before you strive to manage the world around you, first learn to manage yourself, and for this you need to study and be disciplined.

He makes logical decisions based on reason, rational intelligence, thereby balancing the emotional aspect of the Empress. The Emperor is all about planning, analysis, management and implementation of projects.

Emperor- an authority figure endowed with powers whose scope covers social issues versus religious issues about which one is concerned. He may represent society as a whole, or he may embody social structures- the person who rules in these structures. From this we can deduce that the Emperor is associated with social laws and their implementation.

The negative aspect of the Emperor can be revealed when he shows his ossified thinking when he abuses power and authority.

Emperor in straight position:
The appearance of this card hints that the Questioner is in a stable and reliable position, and also has the determination and abilities necessary to achieve his goals. The Emperor represents strength, self-control, discipline and responsibility. The questioner has determined his place in life, he is ready to take responsibility.

For the Questioner, the moment has come when he must not sit with his sleeves folded, but act, thinking through every step, listening to his intuition. There will be an opportunity to take a leading position or be responsible for some business - which will be followed by promotion or reward. The person will gain status and occupy a higher position in society.
This card may also hint that a very powerful and influential person will enter the Questioner’s life. Or the Questioner will seek advice from a very influential and trustworthy person.

Balance, implementation, activity. Ability to use your powers correctly. Leadership qualities, ability to control oneself. A person treats everything with love. Favor. Buying or selling real estate. Resolving domestic problems. Good mental abilities. Deep analysis before doing anything. Wise and reliable lawyer. Ambition and energy to achieve a goal.

Emperor in reversed position:
A person does not realize his potential, being afraid and immature, he cannot bring ideas to life because something is in the way. Most likely, this is prevented by some authoritarian and despotic personality. On a personal level, the card suggests that a person is not able to control even the weakest emotions. There is not enough energy and strength to solve problems. Refusal to take a leadership position due to inexperience or laziness. Egocentrism and arrogance. Ruthless actions and shortcomings in many areas of life. The emperor in this position can personify the “six” - a person dependent on strong people. The card may hint that you are in such a dependence. Increased sexual needs. Child's mentality. Dishonesty, instability. Materialism.

Before us is a wise patron, rich and successful, who has achieved recognition. He is the owner, and is responsible for everything: for those around him, close people, for his subordinates and for the spoken word. His words do not differ from his deeds, he is a real family man, devoted to his half, loves his offspring and tries to give them the best.

In layouts, this card can personify the head of a department, a manager, a person endowed with power and authority. He will always come to the rescue in word and deed. This is the standard of a real man, a chosen man who stands out from the crowd. The male principle of “yang” glows from within him.

If your client is a woman, then by falling out, the Emperor shows her inflated demands on men, hinting that she is looking in the crowd only for a wealthy man who will fulfill all her whims from A to Z, and not for a man with an empty pocket.

Instructive card tip:
You need to identify what is unmanageable in your life, what is in complete disarray, and what problems arise because of it. Maybe you need to be more disciplined, manage your time better, or organize your thoughts better. Engage in self-improvement.

Don't hinder the progress of others. Do not make laws for yourself by despising others. Don't stop things because of stubbornness and stubbornness.


    Friends, I recommend everyone, based on experience, not to get attached to one calculation method because... We are all different and it depends on many factors; for example - birth number, which consists of one or two numbers, month of birth - consists of one number or two numbers, age, gender, time of birth, individual karmic tasks, fate, past karma of a person, desire of a person to spiritual development, character, only our individual duty for this incarnation, because even the lines on the hands and hills that influence our life and destiny change over time.

    During the consultation, you will understand everything yourself and get the most answers to your questions because... I personally use several types of calculations - this has been tested on many people who have already done calculations using only one method and will agree with me.

    If you are a beginner, looking for yourself or ways to overcome problems, and are just starting out, then this information is for you.

    4 Arcana - the energy of the Emperor, the Master.

    4 lasso is a plus. This is a description of those qualities for person 4 that it is better for him to prevail in order to be harmonious and happy.

    For women:

    They understand men very well, speak easily, in their language, with a masculine character and a masculine mentality, masculine vibrations, but they try to cross over feminine qualities empress 3 lasso. They occupy the position of a strong personality both in the family and in society. They remake everything in their own way in the end. There are no fears of either the present or the future. Get money easily! Excellent intuition, foresight of the situation, especially those who are engaged in spiritual development are very lucky in everything.
    Although most of these women are material skeptics.

    For men:

    Businessmen, organizers, wonderful family men, purposeful, know how to work and earn money, for the family - rear, wall, care, patronage, breadwinner, protection and reliability. Generous and ready to help with everything - money, care, actions. Support in everything.
    A real Empress (3) should only have such a man nearby as a plus. Excellent intuition, foresight of the situation, especially those who are engaged in spiritual development are very lucky in everything. Although most of these men are material skeptics.

    4 lasso in the minus. This is a description of those qualities for person 4, which is not recommended to have, but as practice shows, a person has more qualities in the minus than in the plus. This means there is something to strive for.

    For women:

    They are very stubborn and tough both in life and towards men, to whom they find fault and have no patience at all. Often weak men are attracted into their lives who drink and because of this there are scandals in families. Woman - man in a skirt. Everything is pulling on itself. There is no softness, flexibility, and this repels men who are aggressive and warlike. May be lonely. They hold grudges for a long time and cannot forgive.

    For men:

    An impenetrable wall and it is useless to prove and argue with him. He will do everything his way. Can't make money, unreliable
    there is no support and support for the family, they are aggressive, lazy, they like to prove that they are right, they like to argue, they are fixated only on money.

    In degradation, the 4th lasso is in a very deep minus. For men and women.

    Nervous, fidgety, judgmental, idle talker, gossiper, aggressive, disrupted nervous system, unreliable, chaos in my head.
    Lazy, selfish, hold anger and resentment for a long time, irresponsible, do not tolerate criticism and can immediately respond with aggression, like to judge others. Singles!!! Hostile attitude towards the world, claims. If such a person is disturbed, he becomes wild. Obsessed with an obsession. ALWAYS THE CRITICS.

    Advice for people born on the 4th. We recognize the disadvantages and strive for the positives with all our efforts.

    But don't forget. If there are inconsistencies in the description, and this may be because... Many nuances depend on this and we will sort this out during a personal consultation.

    The most best description I personally like the arcana in the book by Alexei Prosekin and
    Marina Khmelovskaya “The Secret of Your Destiny”, human karmic tasks and personal experience practices.

    From the sale of their books they support numerous charitable projects and you now know where your money will go if you buy at least one of them.

    And also, if you have problems in life, you can’t understand why this is happening to you, injustice in life towards you, then they have a book “Everything is Fair in Life”

    And also, if you already have problems with finances, how to increase the flow of money into your life, then they have a book “Generosity is the cause of wealth”

    Books at a price accessible to everyone, simple and very clear language, and quality book material. Books are sold through online stores and already in all countries.


    With uv. and love for you, Svetlana Pavlova.

    “Not knowing the laws of the Universe does not free a person from punishment and suffering” (this is one of the laws of Karma)

    “Live in this world as a guest, not as a host” (Prophet Muhammad)


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