Russia is in danger! — External threats and internal protests. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation forbade Rashkin to ask Medvedev about the FBK investigation

“A question from the faction ( about the FBK investigation into real estate and yachts allegedly associated with Dmitry MedvedevEd.) sounded strange or not strange. And he was forced to answer it. He couldn’t say anything new except “he’s a fool himself.” Tell me about yachts, about offices, about ducks, specifically: “This is a lie, Navalny will answer in court, he will go to jail.” Then it was accepted normally by the whole country, by all parties, by all movements, and not only in this hall. But he avoided answering, saying that this was not the king’s business.

I did not plan to ask a question at this plenary session. There is a decision of the faction, and Kolomeitsev ( MP from the Communist Party of the Russian FederationEd.) asked this question. And so we forced Medvedev to answer it. This is publicity - you can express it the way we did today. Everyone who expected it got it. The whole country was waiting for Medvedev to answer - we forced him to answer.

There is a deputy request of mine, which lies with the FSB, the Investigative Committee and the Prosecutor's Office. We will take action to get answers. The faction introduced a protocol order [to start a parliamentary investigation] - but A Just Russia, LDPR and United Russia“They stripped themselves and didn’t vote for him. Three factions in favor of the ducks. But the opinion has been injected into society that there is a corruption component in the work or life of the prime minister. And we will expose either one or the other - Navalny or Medvedev. We don’t care: these are two liberals, they are fighting over who will steal more money from the trough. The inevitability of punishment is one of the points in the fight against corruption.

While Medvedev was reporting, some in the hall fell asleep. Not because there was nothing to listen to, but because it had already dried up, and it was no longer possible to hear anything new, and the old well-worn rut - “everything is fine, beautiful marquise” - no longer works. His statistics that he calls are all positive, all in the black. Where he gets them from, I don’t know.

The economy is not developing, but deteriorating. Volumes are declining, jobs are being eliminated, unemployment is actually over 20%, small businesses and medium-sized businesses - how did he calculate that the number of businesses is increasing every year? If you read the statistics, how many were registered during the year and how many went bankrupt - it turns out minus 273 thousand - they are not there, they are leaving

The lobbying speech in favor of “Plato” is absolutely visible. This is already the third tax on cargo transportation, prices are rising because of this - he does not talk about it. And the fact that the payment goes towards building roads is a lie. And the fact that 480 people are protesting is a lie. There are 2,000 cars in Dagestan, [there are still strikers] in Saratov, Engels, Lipetsk, Yaroslavl. Medvedev met with those who did not represent truck drivers. These were provocateurs who said: “Plato” is normal, just lower the tariff and everything will be fine.” Nobody delegated them. He understands that he met the wrong people, but he needs it for the picture. To take money from the population through prices at the bazaar and in stores and give it to the oligarch - this is the task he performs.”

Let us recall that during the government report in the Duma, a question was raised about the FBK investigation into Dmitry Medvedev. On the eve of the prime minister’s speech, according to RBC, the faction forbade Valery Rashkin from asking this question. In the end, Nikolai Kolomeytsev asked him, starting with financial policy and the availability of loans, and at the end unexpectedly asking the prime minister what was stopping him from “refusing Kudrin’s services and defending himself from Navalny’s attacks.” “I will not specifically comment on the deceitful product of political crooks, and I believe that the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, which I respect, should also refrain from this,” Medvedev responded.

LDPR deputy Vitaly Pashin asked Dmitry Medvedev about the truckers' strike, which is taking place throughout the country: “Will there be some kind of dialogue with citizens to resolve the protest situation?” According to the prime minister, the dialogue has already been built: he mentioned his meeting with representatives of truck drivers, which took place in March. According to the prime minister, a minority, 480 people, are on strike, and 800 thousand cars have already registered in the Platon system, and “they all want to work not in the gray zone, but those who speak out are not registered in the system.”

The leadership of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation faction forbade deputy Valery Rashkin from asking Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev about the FBK investigation “He’s not Dimon for you.” MPs said the questions would be "inappropriate"

Valery Rashkin (Photo: Anton Novoderezhkin / TASS)

Communist Party MP Valery Rashkin will not ask Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev a question about the Anti-Corruption Foundation’s investigation “He’s not your Dimon.” Deputy and head of the press service of the Communist Party faction Alexander Yushchenko told RBC about this.

“Rashkin did not approach the leadership of the faction with a proposal to ask such a question,” Yushchenko said. According to him, the communist faction decided that Oleg Smolin, Nikolai Kolomeytsev, Vera Ganzya, Sergei Panteleev and Yuri Afonin would ask questions from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation to the head of government.

Deputy head of the Communist Party faction Nikolai Kolomeytsev refused to explain the reasons why Rashkin was not allowed to ask Medvedev about the facts from the FBK investigation. “We have our own procedure [for decision-making], which we do not discuss with the media,” Kolomeytsev said.

Earlier, one of the State Duma deputies, who participated in the meeting of the leadership of the United Russia faction with Medvedev on April 11, told RBC that he and his colleagues received instructions: “not to ask tough questions.”

The day before, April 17, deputies from the LDPR and “ Fair Russia“that they will not ask Dmitry Medvedev questions about the investigation “He’s not Dimon for you” by the FBK of oppositionist Alexei Navalny. Representatives of both factions told RBC about this.

An RBC source close to the leadership of A Just Russia clarified that his fellow party members “do not want to draw unnecessary attention to Navalny.” According to the source, there are quite a lot hot topics, which can be touched upon in communication with the prime minister and without mentioning Navalny.

Deputy Speaker of the State Duma from the LDPR, Igor Lebedev, explained to RBC that the prime minister will report on the activities of the government, so questions about his real estate will not be appropriate. In addition, the party does not want to make “unnecessary advertising for this person [Navalny].”

In early April, State Duma deputies

Protocol order of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation to conduct an investigation into the facts stated in “He’s not Dimon for you.” Mikhail Emelyanov from A Just Russia explained the party’s decision as “an unwillingness to dance to Navalny’s tune.”

This vote was preceded by a statement by State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin, who said that “it is wrong to involve the Duma in this story.” He also noted that he sees no point in conducting an investigation in the wake of the FBK film, because “there is no injured party.”

Later, deputy Rashkin told RBC that he still plans to ask Medvedev about the investigation.

In early March, the Alexey Anti-Corruption Foundation Navalny investigation, which talked about residences, farms and vineyards belonging to funds owned by people close to Prime Minister Medvedev or himself. The head of government owns “huge tracts of land in the most elite areas, manages yachts, apartments in old mansions, agricultural complexes and wineries in Russia and abroad,” the investigation stated. The total cost of real estate and land, which FBK learned about, amounted to 70 billion rubles.

After the FBK investigation was spread online, the prime minister’s press secretary, Natalya Timakova, said that Navalny’s film about Medvedev “has a pronounced pre-election character, as he himself says.” Timakova emphasized that she sees no point in commenting on the “propaganda attacks of an opposition and convicted character.”

MP State Duma from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Valery Rashkin sent a request to the head of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, in connection with the investigation of Alexei Navalny about luxury real estate, to which Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev is allegedly related. Copies of the appeal, the text of which the parliamentarian published in Twitter, he sent to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev, the director of the FSB Alexander Bortnikov and the Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika.

Rashkin refers to the City Control movement, which contacted him in connection with an investigation by the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK). The text notes that about 10% of Russians “have become familiar with documents about possible corrupt activities” of Prime Minister Medvedev. Despite this, there were no official explanations from the authorities, the communist points out.

Navalny himself commented on Rashkin’s request in Facebook: “I would like all factions of the State Duma to take this position, of course. Well, let's start with the communists.”

From the activists’ appeal to Rashkin, it follows that its authors are well-known fighters for the rights of motorists - activists of the “Movement” project Evgeny Proshin, Yan Katelevsky, Andrey Orel, as well as Yuri Senchev. In April last year, Katelevsky, Proshin and Orel were detained after a conflict with police over video filming near the Ramensky police station. The court found the activists guilty of disobedience to internal affairs officers and sentenced them to various terms of arrest. So, Katelevsky received 12 days, Orel - ten, and Proshin - three.

Let us note that the Anti-Corruption Foundation itself, created by Navalny, had previously contacted law enforcement agencies in connection with the investigation against the Prime Minister. In particular, it was reported that FBK management sent investigative committee RF application with a request to initiate a criminal case against Medvedev and businessman Alisher Usmanov under Art. 290 of the Criminal Code (“Taking a bribe”) and Art. 291 (“Giving a bribe”). According to the FBK, in August 2010, to the Fund for Support of Socially Significant State Projects, “which is organized and managed by Dmitry Medvedev,” Usmanov, free of charge, under a property donation agreement and a real estate donation agreement, transferred a land plot in the village of Znamenskoye, Moscow Region, with a residential building.

According to FBK director Roman Rubanov, applications to initiate a criminal case were sent through the electronic reception desk of the Investigative Committee (there, according to Rubanov, they were assigned numbers 473586 and 473584). Similar statements have already been sent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Justice and addressed to the head of the Presidential Anti-Corruption Department Oleg Plokhoy.

On April 19, Medvedev will make a report in the State Duma, but all factions said that they were not going to ask the prime minister about the real estate in which he vacationed. In particular, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation stated that this topic has nothing to do with the work of the government.

On March 2, Alexei Navalny's Anti-Corruption Foundation published an investigation into Medvedev's alleged secret assets. The material “He’s not Dimon” talked about luxury real estate, land plots, yachts, agricultural complexes and wineries, according to FBK, owned by the prime minister. According to the authors of the investigation, the wealth of the head of government was acquired with “donations” from oligarchs and loans from state banks with the help of non-profit foundations. FBK indicates that in total at least 70 billion rubles in money and property were transferred to Medvedev’s funds.

Medvedev's press secretary Natalya Timakova called Navalny's investigation "propaganda attacks by an opposition and convicted character." Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov called the investigation “creativity” and also noted that Navalny was convicted.

Medvedev himself did not officially respond to the resonant material, but banned Navalny on Instagram. A few days after the publication it became known that Prime Minister

The organizers of the rally were the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the All-Russian Headquarters of Protest Actions. Promotions take place throughout Russia

under the slogans: “The anti-crisis program of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation - into practice!”, “The way out of the crisis is socialism!”, “We demand the nationalization of key sectors of the economy!”

The meeting was opened by the secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation V. R. Rodin. He familiarized those gathered with the statement of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation:

“The US strike on Syria is an act of cynical, shameless aggression.”

Then a minute of silence was announced in memory of those killed in the terrorist attack in St. Petersburg.

During the rally, the floor was given to G. A. Zyuganov. Full text on the website of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation:

Selected quotes:

“I want to emphasize that there is no fundamental difference between those who crush people on the streets of Berlin, London and Stockholm, those who detonate bombs in our subway and those who give orders to bomb a sovereign state. This is one and the same policy of violence, expansion and enslavement. Enslavement by fear and state racketeering,” noted G. A. Zyuganov.

“But the most widespread racketeering and banditry is communal and social banditry,” the communist leader emphasized. - He is in modern Russia has reached such proportions that entire generations of citizens are shuddering. Young people cannot get a job, even after brilliantly graduating from a paid university. The old man cannot buy medicine for himself because his pension of 8-10 - 12 thousand rubles does not provide him with basic survival. A working person with two or three children and a young family cannot feed and educate them. What is this, if not everyday and social racketeering and terrorism?”

* * *

“But when a proposal was made to the Duma to support bankers for 2 trillion 817 billion, all United Russia members pressed the buttons in unison. I asked the Accounts Chamber to check. After all, they promised that this money would be used for investments, for social services, for children, for education, for the countryside, for the working people, for the elderly. 4% went for these purposes, the rest was stuffed into pockets, sent once again to offshore companies under the cover of the government and with the tacit approval of the president. In my opinion, until then, until the working people wake up, unite and take as an example what the entire planet has been learning for almost 100 years, it will be difficult to defeat this mafia that has grabbed our Natural resources"- emphasized G. A. Zyuganov

* * *

The West does not need us in any form Russian Empire, neither in the form of the Soviet state, nor in the form of the current cropped erafia. We are not needed as a strong competitor, a powerful, smart and worthy state. From the Baltic to the Pacific Ocean, we are 2% of the planet's population. At the same time, we own 15% of the territory and a third of strategic resources. And we will never be given either peace or rest...

* * *

The meeting was led by the Deputy Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the first secretary of the Moscow Civil Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation V.F. Rashkin and the secretary of the Moscow Civil Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation V.R. Rodin.


… “In Dagestan, the authorities even brought out armored personnel carriers against the protesting truck drivers...

... United Russia in the State Duma proposed restrictions on meetings of deputies with voters ...

…"Miners Rostov region I haven't seen my salary for two years. We assembled and sent a humanitarian convoy for them”...

... “Do we need such power?” - addressed hands faction of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the Moscow City Duma A. E. Klychkov directly to the rally participants. “No, we don’t need such power!” the protesters unanimously answered.

* * *

Moscow City Duma Deputy N. G. Zubrilin I was very skeptical about the Moscow government’s program to demolish Khrushchev-era buildings and resettle citizens into new housing. In his opinion, there are many pitfalls in this program. But in practice, such relocation could result “in the eviction of low-income citizens outside of Moscow.”

* * *

“Russia is in danger! The war “games” in Syria have gone too far. The confrontation with the United States enters the stage of hostilities. NATO troops surround the country, and terrorists have become more active inside Russia.

Unfortunately, in Russia there is not a government that can consolidate the people in moments of danger. A government of people’s trust is needed, and only in it will the people trust and go to any lengths to save the Motherland,” the resolution says.

“We call on the Russian Government to listen to the voice of reason; there is still time to correct mistakes. Tomorrow it will be late!

The rally participants addressed this call to the Russian authorities.

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