Mikhail Yurievich Baydakov is under investigation and inquiry. Baydakov, Mikhail Yurievich. How is Millennium connected to Russian Railways?

Ivan Golunov, Alexandra Galaktionova

On February 5, Friday, the Central Bank revoked the license of Millennium Bank. This bank was associated with the family and entourage of the former head of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin, as well as with his political projects.

On Friday, the name of the state-owned company Russian Railways did not leave the news headlines. Investigators from the Ministry of Internal Affairs searched the TASS news agency and the office of the PR company Mikhailov and Partners: as a source close to the presidential administration told RBC, the searches were related to checks against Russian Railways (the head of TASS and ex-shareholder of Mikhailov and Partners previously worked there) Sergey Mikhailov, as well as a number of his colleagues). At the same time, oppositionist Alexei Navalny announced that the Ministry of Internal Affairs had begun an investigation into his statement about financial abuses at Russian Railways. Behind this news, the Central Bank's message about the revocation of the license of the small Moscow bank Millennium went almost unnoticed. This news, however, speaks more about the situation inside Russian Railways than the previous ones.

What's happened

On Friday, the Bank of Russia revoked the license for banking operations of Millennium Bank, which served part of the financial flows of Russian Railways under the ex-head of the state monopoly Vladimir Yakunin.

The reason for the withdrawal, as stated in the Central Bank's statement, was a significant violation of the capital adequacy standards - this figure was less than 2% - and the inability to satisfy the demands of creditors. “Given the unsatisfactory quality of assets, Millennium Bank inadequately assessed the accepted credit risks. A proper assessment of credit risk required by the supervisor revealed a loss of capital for the bank. In addition, due to the loss of liquidity, the credit institution did not fulfill its obligations to creditors in a timely manner. The managers and owners of the credit institution did not take effective measures to normalize its activities,” the Central Bank notes.

The first reports of problems at Millennium appeared in mid-January, when customers complained about delays in making payments. On February 1, the bank was disconnected from the banking electronic urgent payments system.

How is Millennium connected to Russian Railways?

In the mid-2000s, Millennium began actively cooperating with the railway monopoly. Until 2008, the only owner of the bank was the Statos company, among the owners of which were the chairman of the board of Millennium, Mikhail Baidakov and his wife Irina, who held the position of head of the legal department of the bank (they own a 15% stake in Statos), Alexander Melnik and his wife owned (and own) 13.58%, the bank's investment director and general director of the film company "Andreevsky Flag" Sergei Berg (6.38%), as well as Yuri Cherepanov, who, together with two vice-presidents of Russian Railways Oleg Toni and Oleg Atkov, were (and is) co-founder of the Society for Friendship with Austria.

During 2004–2008, the size of Millennium's assets increased fourfold, to 2.54 billion rubles. In 2008, 67.4% of its shares from Statos were acquired by Bamtonnelstroy, a company of the SK Most group, a major contractor of Russian Railways.

General Director of IC Most, Viktor Friesen, when asked why Bamtonnelstroy acquired a stake in Millennium, told RBC: “Not my question” - and refused further comments. “The company was asked to come to this bank by structures of Russian Railways; probably only a few people in the management know why. We always just had a package listed, but we did not participate in the life of the bank in any way, we were just a nominal holder,” a source close to the management of Most told RBC.

In 2009, in an interview with the Vedomosti newspaper, Vladimir Yakunin characterized Millennium as follows: “Since it is a small bank, unlike large ones, it chases money, and good ideas are born to it. For example, transportation on credit from reliable partners is his idea; the proposal was developed two years ago” (meaning that one of Millennium’s activities was lending to freight carriers and other counterparties of Russian Railways).

In 2011, Millennium won a tender to install ATMs and payment terminals at 330 train stations in Russia. Prior to this, only Transcreditbank ATMs were installed at Russian Railways facilities, which were controlled by Russian Railways until 2012 (in 2012, Transcreditbank was sold to the VTB Group and became part of VTB24 Bank).

Finally, free funds were kept on deposits in Millennium cash subsidiaries of the railway monopoly. In particular, in November 2013, the bank won a tender to place a deposit of JSC Federal Passenger Company in 2013–2016 in the amount of no more than 25 billion rubles, offering a rate of 4.5% per annum.

By 2013, when Bamtonnelstroy ceded 35.1% of the bank’s shares to three subsidiaries of Russian Railways for 300 million rubles, Millennium was in a much more attractive position financial condition than now. According to the Interfax rating, the size of its assets in 2013 was 11.29 billion rubles, the capital was equal to 765 million rubles. Subsequently, the capital increased to 1.1 billion rubles, but the volume of assets steadily decreased and by the end of 2015 reached 7.836 billion rubles.

At the time of the revocation of the license, the main owners of Millennium were three subsidiaries of Russian Railways (OJSC BET, OJSC ZhTK and OJSC TD Russian Railways), which controlled 35.1% of the bank, Bamtonnelstroy (35.08%), OJSC "Russian Railways - Development of Stations" (12.86%; also a subsidiary of Russian Railways) and the company "Statos" (16.96%), controlled by the bank's management headed by Chairman of the Board Baidakov.

What does holy relics and acrobatic rock and roll have to do with it?

In addition to the management of the bank, Baydakov also heads the Foundation of the Holy All-Apostle Andrew the First-Called, and at the same time is the vice-president of the Center for National Glory and co-founder of the scientific center “Dialogue of Civilizations”.

After leaving the post of head of Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin headed the “Dialogue of Civilizations” scientific center. Yakunin is also the chairman of the board of trustees of the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation and the Center of National Glory. Another co-founder of the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation is another shareholder of Statos, and therefore of Millennium Bank - Alexander Melnik.

To the board of trustees of the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation in different time included the head of the presidential administration Sergei Ivanov, the ex-head of the Federal Drug Control Service (FSKN) Viktor Cherkesov, the St. Petersburg governor Georgy Poltavchenko, the ex-head of the Presidential Administration Vladimir Kozhin and Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Prikhodko. One of the goals of the foundation on the organization’s website is called “bringing Orthodox shrines to the Russian Orthodox Church.” In particular, the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation organizes the annual delivery of the Holy Fire from Jerusalem for Easter. In 2011, the foundation brought the belt of the Virgin Mary to Russia from Athos, and in 2013 it organized the delivery from there of one of the revered Orthodox shrines - the cross on which the Apostle Andrew the First-Called was crucified.

On Friday, February 5, after a request from RBC, a message appeared on the website of the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation that Baidakov resigned as president of the foundation in December. However, these changes are not recorded in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

In addition, for several years now Millennium Bank has been a partner of the Russian Cup and the World Acrobatic Rock and Roll Championship, according to the bank’s presentation materials. It is known that the head of the Innopraktika foundation is passionate about acrobatic rock and roll. Katerina Tikhonova, who, according to Reuters and Bloomberg, is the daughter of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

What does Vladimir Yakunin’s entourage and family have to do with it?

The board of directors of Millennium is headed by Oleg Toni, vice-president of Russian Railways in charge of construction. In the 2000s, Vladimir Yakunin’s wife, Natalya, was a member of the bank’s board of directors. Mikhail Baidakov, in addition to being a shareholder of the bank, worked as a freelance adviser to the president of Russian Railways (Yakunin himself admitted this in an interview with Vedomosti).

What Really Happened

Millennium served part of the financial flows of Russian Railways, and in return financed the social activities and hobbies of Vladimir Ivanovich (Yakunin - RBC). One of the first actions of the new Russian Railways team was to exclude Millennium from financial system Russian Railways,” explains a RBC source close to the management of Russian Railways about the collapse of the bank.

A Russian Railways representative declined to comment. It was not possible to contact Baydakov. The bank itself, with its license revoked, asked to call back on Monday. Mobile phone Andrey Galitin, a representative of the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation, did not respond. A representative of Vladimir Yakunin said that he knew nothing about the bank's problems. Answering a question about the Ministry of Internal Affairs checking the activities of the former head of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin based on a complaint from Alexei Navalny, he told RBC the following: “We do not comment on the actions of the investigative authorities. But it is noteworthy that this initiative of the FBK (Alexei Navalny Anti-Corruption Foundation. - RBC) arose after Yakunin announced a new socio-scientific project, which is designed to serve the cause of resolving conflicts in the world.” After resignation from Russian Railways, Yakunin actually announced the creation in 2016 of a new expert center for the study of world conflicts, the work of which, according to the retiree, “will have something in common” with the same “Dialogue of Civilizations”, the founder of which was the head of “Millennium” Mikhail Baidakov.

What is "Millennium"

As of January 1, 2016, Millennium Bank held 277th place by assets with RUB 7.8 billion , 411th place by capital - RUB 532.6 million According to the bank's reporting for December 2015, the total volume of individual deposits amounted to RUB 2.41 billion , the amount of balances on legal entities' accounts - RUB 4.4 billion Millennium's IFRS reporting indicates that as of July 1, 2015, the bank had five clients or groups of related clients who collectively held in the bank RUB 4.006 billion , which amounted to 61,8% of the total amount of client funds.

How is Millennium connected to Russian Railways?

In the mid-2000s, Millennium began actively cooperating with the railway monopoly. Until 2008, the only owner of the bank was the Statos company, among the owners of which were the chairman of the board of Millennium, Mikhail Baidakov and his wife Irina, who held the position of head of the legal department of the bank (they own a 15% stake in Statos), Alexander Melnik and his wife owned (and own) 13.58%, the bank's investment director and general director of the film company "Andreevsky Flag" Sergei Berg (6.38%), as well as Yuri Cherepanov, who, together with two vice-presidents of Russian Railways Oleg Toni and Oleg Atkov, were (and is) co-founder of the Society for Friendship with Austria.

During 2004-2008, the size of Millennium's assets increased fourfold, to 2.54 billion rubles. In 2008, 67.4% of its shares from Statos were acquired by Bamtonnelstroy, a company of the SK Most group, a major contractor of Russian Railways.

General Director of IC Most, Viktor Friesen, when asked why Bamtonnelstroy acquired a stake in Millennium, told RBC: “Not my question” - and refused further comments. “The company was asked to come to this bank by structures of Russian Railways; probably only a few people in the management know why. We always just had a stake listed, but we did not participate in the life of the bank in any way, we were just a nominal holder,” a source close to the management of Most told RBC.

In 2009, in an interview with the Vedomosti newspaper, Vladimir Yakunin characterized Millennium as follows: “Since it is a small bank, unlike large ones, it chases money, and good ideas are born to it. For example, transportation on credit from reliable partners was his idea; the proposal was developed two years ago” (meaning that one of Millennium’s activities was lending to freight carriers and other counterparties of Russian Railways).

In 2011, Millennium won a tender to install ATMs and payment terminals at 330 train stations in Russia. Prior to this, only Transcreditbank ATMs were installed at Russian Railways facilities, which were controlled by Russian Railways until 2012 (in 2012, Transcreditbank was sold to the VTB Group and became part of VTB24 Bank).

Finally, subsidiaries of the railway monopoly kept free funds on deposits in Millennium. In particular, in November 2013, the bank won a tender to place a deposit of JSC Federal Passenger Company in 2013-2016 in the amount of no more than 25 billion rubles, offering a rate of 4.5% per annum.

By 2013, when Bamtonnelstroy ceded 35.1% of the bank’s shares to three subsidiaries of Russian Railways for 300 million rubles, Millennium was in a much more attractive financial condition than it is now. According to the Interfax rating, the size of its assets in 2013 was 11.29 billion rubles, the capital was equal to 765 million rubles. Subsequently, the capital increased to 1.1 billion rubles, but the volume of assets steadily decreased and by the end of 2015 reached 7.836 billion rubles.

At the time of the revocation of the license, the main owners of Millennium were three subsidiaries of Russian Railways (OJSC BET, OJSC ZhTK and OJSC TD Russian Railways), which controlled 35.1% of the bank, Bamtonnelstroy (35.08%), OJSC "Russian Railways - Development of Stations" (12.86%; also a former subsidiary of Russian Railways) and the company "Statos" (16.96%), controlled by the bank's management headed by Chairman of the Board Baidakov.

What do holy relics and acrobatic rock and roll have to do with it?

In addition to the management of the bank, Baydakov also heads the Foundation of the Holy All-Apostle Andrew the First-Called, and at the same time is the vice-president of the Center for National Glory and co-founder of the scientific center “Dialogue of Civilizations”.

After leaving the post of head of Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin headed the “Dialogue of Civilizations” scientific center. Yakunin is also the chairman of the board of trustees of the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation and the Center of National Glory. Another co-founder of the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation is another shareholder of Statos, and therefore of Millennium Bank - Alexander Melnik.

The board of trustees of the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation at various times included the head of the presidential administration Sergei Ivanov, the ex-head of the Federal Drug Control Service (FSKN) Viktor Cherkesov, the St. Petersburg governor Georgy Poltavchenko, the ex-head of the Presidential Administration Vladimir Kozhin and Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Prikhodko . One of the goals of the foundation on the organization’s website is called “bringing Orthodox shrines to the Russian Orthodox Church.” In particular, the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation organizes the annual delivery of the Holy Fire from Jerusalem for Easter. In 2011, the foundation brought the belt of the Virgin Mary to Russia from Athos, and in 2013 it organized the delivery from there of one of the revered Orthodox shrines - the cross on which the Apostle Andrew the First-Called was crucified.

On Friday, February 5, after a request from RBC, a message appeared on the website of the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation that Baidakov resigned as president of the foundation in December. However, these changes are not recorded in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

In addition, for several years now Millennium Bank has been a partner of the Russian Cup and the World Acrobatic Rock and Roll Championship, according to the bank’s presentation materials. It is known that she is passionate about acrobatic rock and roll, who, according to Reuters and Bloomberg, is the daughter of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

What does Vladimir Yakunin’s entourage and family have to do with it?

The board of directors of Millennium is headed by Oleg Toni, vice-president of Russian Railways in charge of construction. In the 2000s, Vladimir Yakunin’s wife, Natalya, was a member of the bank’s board of directors. Mikhail Baidakov, in addition to being a shareholder of the bank, worked as a freelance adviser to the president of Russian Railways (Yakunin himself admitted this in an interview with Vedomosti).

What they say about the collapse of the Millennium

"Millennium" served part of the financial flows of Russian Railways, and in return financed the social activities and hobbies of Vladimir Ivanovich (Yakunin. - RBC). Perhaps one of the first actions of the new Russian Railways team was to exclude Millennium from the financial system of Russian Railways, explains the collapse of the bank from a RBC source close to the management of Russian Railways.

A Russian Railways representative declined to comment. It was not possible to contact Baydakov. The bank itself, with its license revoked, asked to call back on Monday. The mobile phone of the representative of the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation, Alexander Gatilin, did not answer. A representative of Vladimir Yakunin said that he knew nothing about the bank's problems. Answering a question about the Ministry of Internal Affairs checking the activities of the ex-head of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin based on a complaint from Alexei Navalny, he told RBC the following: “We do not comment on the actions of the investigative authorities. But it is noteworthy that this initiative of the FBK (Alexey Navalny Anti-Corruption Foundation. - RBC) arose after Yakunin announced a new socio-scientific project, which is designed to serve the cause of conflict resolution in the world." After his resignation from Russian Railways, Yakunin actually announced the creation in 2016 of a new expert center for the study of world conflicts, the work of which, according to the retiree, “will have something in common” with the same “Dialogue of Civilizations”, the founder of which was the head of Millennium, Mikhail Baidakov.

President of the research and production enterprise "Fitek" (Moscow); born April 29, 1959; graduated from the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering, engineer-mathematician; married, has two children; hobbies: philately.

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Search by " kayaks". Results: kayaks - 11.

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Searching results:

1. Mikhail Baidakov was charged with “Millennium” zeros. The former chairman of the bank was arrested in absentia on charges of withdrawing assets worth 402 million rubles. and bill fraud Original of this material © Kommersant, 01/23/2019, Photo: mosconsv.ru Mikhail Baidakov was charged with Millennium zeros Oleg Rubnikovich Mikhail As Kommersant learned, the Basmanny Court of Moscow arrested in absentia the former chairman of the board of Millennium Bank, Mikhail Baidakov, and his deputy Denis Mikheev.
Date: 01/23/2019 2. Bank without a driver. The former chairman of the bank was arrested in absentia on charges of withdrawing assets worth 402 million rubles. and bill fraud Original of this material © Kommersant, 01/23/2019, Photo: mosconsv.ru Mikhail Baidakov was charged with Millennium zeros Oleg Rubnikovich Mikhail The sole owner of the bank until 2008 was the Statos company, among whose owners were the chairman of the board of Millennium, Mikhail
and his wife Irina, who held the position of head of the legal department of the bank (own 15% of the shares of Statos), Alexander Melnik and his wife owned (and own) 13.58%, the bank’s investment director and general director of the film company “Andreevsky Flag” Sergei Berg ( 6.38%), as well as Yuri Cherepanov, who, together with two vice-presidents of Russian Railways Oleg... The former chairman of the bank was arrested in absentia on charges of withdrawing assets worth 402 million rubles. and bill fraud Original of this material © Kommersant, 01/23/2019, Photo: mosconsv.ru Mikhail Baidakov was charged with Millennium zeros Oleg Rubnikovich Mikhail Date: 02/09/2016 3. 12 steps to seize the building of Medtelecominform OJSC. The former chairman of the bank was arrested in absentia on charges of withdrawing assets worth 402 million rubles. and bill fraud Original of this material © Kommersant, 01/23/2019, Photo: mosconsv.ru Mikhail Baidakov was charged with Millennium zeros Oleg Rubnikovich Mikhail Head of the investigative unit of the Investigation Department at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the South-Western Administrative District Vitaly
ordered the immediate release of Viktor Mikhalev on all four sides. The former chairman of the bank was arrested in absentia on charges of withdrawing assets worth 402 million rubles. and bill fraud Original of this material © Kommersant, 01/23/2019, Photo: mosconsv.ru Mikhail Baidakov was charged with Millennium zeros Oleg Rubnikovich Mikhail stated that he had received instructions to this effect from... The former chairman of the bank was arrested in absentia on charges of withdrawing assets worth 402 million rubles. and bill fraud Original of this material © Kommersant, 01/23/2019, Photo: mosconsv.ru Mikhail Baidakov was charged with Millennium zeros Oleg Rubnikovich Mikhail Date: 09.18.2008 4. How are the management of Russian Railways and contractors connected. And the chairman of the board of the bank, Mikhail(he and his wife own 10% of Statos) - simultaneously vice president of the center and the foundation.
is also a freelance adviser to Yakunin, as Yakunin himself said in an interview with Vedomosti in 2009. 67.4% of the bank controls the structures of the SK Most group of companies, which is a contractor for Russian Railways - for example, to The former chairman of the bank was arrested in absentia on charges of withdrawing assets worth 402 million rubles. and bill fraud Original of this material © Kommersant, 01/23/2019, Photo: mosconsv.ru Mikhail Baidakov was charged with Millennium zeros Oleg Rubnikovich Mikhail Olympic Games
2014 builds the Adler - Krasnaya Polyana railway and highway (investments in the project - 227 billion rubles, according to the Russian Railways website). The former chairman of the bank was arrested in absentia on charges of withdrawing assets worth 402 million rubles. and bill fraud Original of this material © Kommersant, 01/23/2019, Photo: mosconsv.ru Mikhail Baidakov was charged with Millennium zeros Oleg Rubnikovich Mikhail Date: 09/12/2011 5. They gave me a cap.
In December 2003, the prefecture of the Central District was headed by Sergei The former chairman of the bank was arrested in absentia on charges of withdrawing assets worth 402 million rubles. and bill fraud Original of this material © Kommersant, 01/23/2019, Photo: mosconsv.ru Mikhail Baidakov was charged with Millennium zeros Oleg Rubnikovich Mikhail- the first shot personally grown by Luzhkov.
Date: 09.09.2009 6. Beer putsch in Khamovniki. The former chairman of the bank was arrested in absentia on charges of withdrawing assets worth 402 million rubles. and bill fraud Original of this material © Kommersant, 01/23/2019, Photo: mosconsv.ru Mikhail Baidakov was charged with Millennium zeros Oleg Rubnikovich Mikhail“The beer factory is in Khamovniki,” says Sergei, prefect of the Central District of Moscow.
, is one of the few factories that produces beer, and not a product similar to it.” Date: 02/24/2005 7. Owners of the Golden Mile., worked as a theater producer and supported the far right.
Date: 04/05/2017 10. Krasnoyarsk organized crime group (II). The former chairman of the bank was arrested in absentia on charges of withdrawing assets worth 402 million rubles. and bill fraud Original of this material © Kommersant, 01/23/2019, Photo: mosconsv.ru Mikhail Baidakov was charged with Millennium zeros Oleg Rubnikovich Mikhail... Novikova T.V.; - Malkov A.G.; - Petrushenko T.A.; - Miguera M.; - Povlintseva N.G.; - Nazarbegov R.L.; - Mikhailov N.M.; - Nazimov N.M.; - Zabortsev S.V.; - Gerasimov S.M.; - Bugrov S.A.; - Vartanyan V.V.; - Dresvyansky D.V.; - Blizorutsky V.A.; -
A.M.; - Vasiliev V.N.; - Afanasyev K.; - Vasiliev M.N.; - Egorov D.G.; - Emelyanov A.M.; - Ermolaev A.V.; - Andrienko V.V.; - Blinov S.G. (according to other sources, is part of A. Bykov’s organization); - Ardasheva K.A. The main base is in Krasnoyarsk... Date: 02/24/2005 7. Owners of the Golden Mile. Date: 07/02/2000 11. Third rating of Russian PR agencies.

... PR plus agency Novosibirsk + + Bobko Svetlana Nikolaevna director PR-center agency Moscow + + Kotler Yuri Yurievich general director PRESSTO creative studio Moscow + Khachharadzhi Marina Dmitrievna general director PR-Impact agency Moscow + +

Andrey Anatolyevich General Director PRimum mobile PR &Consulting Agency agency Moscow + + Matytsin Mikhail Leonidovich General Director Prince center Ufa + Shamsutov Bulat Ilgizovich General Director Promotion Group holding...

“On December 23, 2013, a general meeting of the participants of the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation and the Center of National Glory, as well as members of the board of trustees of the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation and the Center of National Glory, took place.

A report on the activities of the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation and the Center for National Glory in 2013 was heard. It was decided to rate the work carried out in 2013 as “good”. It was also decided to appoint S.E. Shcheblygin as honorary president of the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation and the Center for National Glory, and M.Yu. Baidakov is appointed president of the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation and the Center of National Glory.

Baydakov Mikhail Yurievich

Born in 1959 in Moscow. He began as an engineer, but after a few years he was appointed head of the sector of the Research and Production Association “Vzlyot” of the USSR Ministry of Radio Industry. For many years, he has held leadership positions in various organizations: deputy director, director, manager, head of department, chairman of the board.

He entered the banking sector in 1993.

From November 2003 to the present, he is the Chairman of the Board of Millennium Bank (CJSC). Provides general management of the Bank's activities.

From 2003 to December 23, 2013, he was Vice-President (on a voluntary basis) of the Foundation of the Holy All-Praised Apostle Andrew the First-Called and the Center for National Glory of Russia, supervising financial issues. He is an honorary member of the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation, Head of the Financial Committee of the International Forum “Dialogue of Civilizations”.

From 2006 to the present - Advisor to the President of JSC Russian Railways.

Since July 2013, he has been the head of the Working Group of the Trans-Eurasian Belt Development (RAZVITIE) project.

Since 2011 – Founder of the scientific and socio-political almanac “Development and Economics” and the Internet portal devec.ru.

He has a number of scientific papers in the field of modeling the control of complex dynamic systems, numerous publications in the field of finance and geoeconomics.

Awarded: orders of the Russian Orthodox Church: the Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh, the Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow, the Order of Seraphim of Sarov, government awards: medals of G.K. Zhukov and “300 years of the Russian Navy” and awards of the Ministry of Defense and public organizations".

The questionnaire is so correct that not only the Cheka authorities, but also the apostle himself might like it - otherwise he would take Mikhail Yuryevich himself as an adviser...

As you know, Vladimir Ioannovich, although he dominates this fund, officially holds the modest position of chairman of the board of trustees - well, it’s all too early that Artemy Filippovich Strawberry in N.V. Gogol’s five-part comedy “The Inspector General” is a trustee of charitable institutions.

And since Mikhail Yuryevich served as an adviser to Vladimir Ioannovich until his last day, now, one might say, the boss has everything under control - in heaven, on earth, and in the garden.

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