The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tuva was headed by the former deputy head of the Rostov region police. At the board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tuva, the new Minister Alexander Shchur set tasks for all structural divisions

The ex-chief of the criminal police of Yekaterinburg became the Minister of Internal Affairs

Alexander ShchurSite of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tyva

Police Major General Alexander Shchur, who commanded the criminal police of Yekaterinburg from 2007 to 2011, was appointed Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tyva by decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the website reports.

Alexander Alexandrovich was born on May 13, 1975 in Chelyabinsk. He began his career as a mining face worker at the 14-14BIS Sevuralboxytrudy mine in Severouralsk (now the enterprise is part of OK Rusal). In 1993-1995, Shchur served in the Russian Armed Forces. He was transferred to the reserve with the rank of senior sergeant. In 1997, after graduating from the Ural law institute The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was sent to serve in the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Leninsky District of Yekaterinburg as an investigator of the criminal investigation department.

Since January 2001, Shchur has been deputy head of the criminal investigation department - head of the department for combating property crimes of the Leninsky District Internal Affairs Directorate of Yekaterinburg. In 2003, he was appointed head of one of the departments of this district police department. Since July 2004 - First Deputy Head of the District Internal Affairs Directorate - Head of the Criminal Police Department of the District Internal Affairs Directorate. In August 2007, he was appointed first deputy head of the Internal Affairs Directorate for Yekaterinburg - head of the criminal police of the city Internal Affairs Directorate. He was considered a member of the team of the then head of the city police department, Marat Bisinbaev.

Sergey Neyaskin is getting promoted

To warm up, there is positive news. As my sources predict, the deputy head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Saratov Region Sergey Neyaskin will soon leave Saratov. Major General and right hand Sergei Arenin is getting promoted to Chuvashia.

It is expected that in the near future he will take the post of head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Chuvash Republic, thus becoming a leader at the republican level.

Sergei Dmitrievich should rightfully be called one of the most influential security officials in the region. He came to Saratov at the invitation of Sergei Arenin, joining the team of his fellow countrymen. In Mordovia, Neyaskin worked for six years as first deputy minister - head of the criminal police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In the summer of 2010, he was appointed head of the criminal police of the Saratov Central Internal Affairs Directorate. And a year later he was promoted to deputy head of the Saratov Main Directorate and chief of police.

Sergei Arenin completely trusts his closest associate and deputy. While Sergei Petrovich is on business trips, which happen quite often in his work schedule, his namesake is in charge of police affairs in the region. And, apparently, he leads well, for which he will soon be promoted. Sergei Dmitrievich served in Saratov for almost six years.

He will be replaced, my source says, by Major General Alexander Alexandrovich Shchur, currently holding the post of deputy chief of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Rostov Region - chief of the regional police.

Office center "Poligrafkombinat"

The long-suffering Saratov printing plant, which is state-owned, will most likely be sold under the hammer.

In the first half of 2014, the Saratov printing production forge was already planned to be put up for auction. And even an auction was announced, which, however, was soon canceled. The initial price of the lot was then about 630 million rubles.

Now there is an alarming expectation in the regional government: the printing plant may suffer the same fate as the Slovo publishing house, with the same author and subject to a twofold reduction in price.

Regional officials suggest that if privatization is carried out in favor of structures Arkadia Evstafieva, then repurposing the enterprise into an office center cannot be avoided.

Last November, deputies of the regional legislative assembly appealed to the head of the Cabinet of Ministers Dmitry Medvedev with a request to freeze the transfer of the printing plant into private hands until 2019. The request was motivated by the fact that in the current economic conditions, the enterprise can only be sold at a very low price, and selling state property for next to nothing is a luxury that a normal state does not allow itself. He does not waste his property. And if he sells, then good revenues to the budget become compensation for this. In the case of the real estate property we are discussing, one cannot expect good income - these are not the times.

In addition, the deputies informed Medvedev that the enterprise, which employs more than 350 people, could be repurposed, and this also runs counter to state and popular interests. What makes the situation even more piquant is the fact that the plant has a regional monopoly on the printing of ballot papers.

Despite this, new tenders have now been announced. The price of the lot will no longer be 630, but only 599 million rubles. And it is unlikely that anyone will show up for the auction, which means that at the next auction the starting price may well be reduced by half, to 300 million.

FAS went to a lecture

Finally, for dessert - the promised story about a federal official who manages to be in three places at the same time. Has such talent Lyudmila Borisova, head of the FAS department for the Saratov region.

Just think: working in such a responsible position, Lyudmila Nikolaevna also works in two universities at once - PMU and SSLA.

A candidate of legal sciences devotes up to 200 study hours per year (25 full working days) to future civil servants, having a 0.25 rate and heading the Center for Legal Regulation of Competition Relations.

Gives lectures at the Center for Additional vocational education PUI, is an associate professor of the department of administrative and criminal law; besides, and this is the most important thing, it consists member of the state examination commission(SEC), which meets on weekdays, i.e. at a time when Ms. Borisova is obliged to be at her main place of work - at the Federal Antimonopoly Service.

At SSLA, Lyudmila Nikolaevna heads the department of competition law; the teaching load in 2015-2016 is 63 hours, which includes practice management and preparation of final qualifying works. Until recently, on the academy’s website one could find information that the head of the antimonopoly authority serves as an assistant professor at the department of administrative and municipal law.

In 2014-2015, already the head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service, Borisova had a workload of 120 hours at the State Law Academy, and under her leadership as many as four theses were written.

If we add up the workload at the two universities, it turns out that last year the government official devoted about 320 hours to teaching, i.e. 40 working days!

Does the head of the FAS know about this? Igor Artemyev, I don’t dare to guess, but the information itself is alarming. Candidate of Sciences, Associate Professor Borisova may in the future reach unprecedented academic heights - she will become a famous law professor and a full-fledged doctor-lecturer, but now she is a public service and receives a salary (more than 1.6 million rubles per year) from the federal budget. 133 thousand a month is paid not for status and absence from work, but for the honest and professional performance of one’s official duties...

See you next Monday! Always yours, Denis Polichinelle.

Arrest of Alexander Grigoriev

Influential men cover up for powerful men - this phrase from a popular American thriller perfectly reflects the essence of mutually beneficial relationships between the leaders of Russian criminal gangs, despite the fact that in the film it sounded in a completely different context. It has long been no secret that back in the 90s, Russian criminal groups conquered territories and criminal influence not only through mass exterminations of members of rival groups, but also through fruitful cooperation with organized crime groups friendly to them. For example, the Orekhovskaya gang in different time During its existence, it built “partnership” relations with the “Solntsevskaya” and “Kurgan” groups, while at the same time fighting with the “Nagatinsky” and “Podolsk” groups. There are many such examples in the annals of modern Russian organized crime.

Some, especially “talented” members of criminal groups who survived the bloodbath of the 90s, were able to successfully transform into respectable businessmen, philanthropists and even honorary residents of Russian cities. The CrimeRussia spoke about this “genius” of representatives of Russian criminal groups in one of its recent investigations. And the day before, the editors received information from an informed source that the “businessmen” come from the 90s - the leader of the Podolsk organized crime group Sergei Lalakin, known as Luchok, and his “colleague in the shop” - the “Uralmash” leader Sergei Terentyev, nicknamed Terekha and Bogomaz, help each other out in life, helping to solve emerging problems with the law and connecting existing connections for this.

Sergey Lalakin, aka Luchok

According to The CrimeRussia, Lalakin and Terentyev not only cooperate on particularly important issues, but also enjoy spending leisure time in each other’s company. Thus, the Uralmash leader often flies from his native Yekaterinburg to Moscow to play football with Lalakin. Apparently, while kicking the ball, the “businessmen” discuss pressing issues. During one of the visits, a conversation took place between Luchko and Terentyev, in which the first asked the second through the means available in security forces connections to ease the fate of Alexander Grigoriev, a major casher and treasurer of the “Podolsk” group.

In the group, according to The CrimeRussia, he oversaw the criminal “common fund” and increased it through large-scale “cash out” transactions and the transfer of these finances abroad. They “caught” the casher on November 10, 2015 as part of a criminal case opened in the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Rostov Region on “fraud on an especially large scale” (Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code). The employees of the GUEBiPK Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB Directorate for the Rostov Region, who detained Grigoriev, essentially stopped the conveyor of the cashing platform, which was a significant part of the income of the “Podolsk” gang. But, besides this, the investigation spoke about the likelihood of charging Grigoriev with creating an entire criminal community, which included about 500 “shadow workers”.

However, in mid-March it became known that he was never charged with creating an organized criminal group, as well as withdrawing a colossal amount of money abroad. All that remains of the claims of the investigative authorities is the “siphoning” of 107 million rubles from the Doninvest bank that belonged to him. According to the CrimeRussia source, the reason for such a loyal attitude towards the defendant lies in the request made to him by the Deputy Chief of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Rostov Region, Chief of Police, Major General of Police Alexander Aleksandrovich Shchur. In turn, the high-ranking security official put in a good word for Grigoriev at the request of his friend, Uralmash man Sergei Terentyev.

It is known about Alexander Shchur that he is 42 years old. He was born in Chelyabinsk. He began his service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs as a criminal investigation officer in Yekaterinburg, and all his further activities were connected with units of the criminal police (police). Since September 2000, Shchur was appointed senior detective of the criminal investigation department of the police department of the Leninsky district police department of Yekaterinburg. A year later, Shchur “rose” to deputy head of the criminal investigation department - head of the department for combating property crimes of the Leninsky District Internal Affairs Directorate of Yekaterinburg. In 2004, Shchur was appointed first deputy head of the Department - head of the criminal police of the Leninsky District Internal Affairs Directorate of Yekaterinburg. Since August 2007, Shchur is already the first deputy head of the Department - the head of the criminal police of the Internal Affairs Directorate for Yekaterinburg.

The policeman's track record shows one thing - that he had to deal with a criminal element every day. Based on this, a logical conclusion arises that during the “fight against organized crime,” Alexander Shchur did not forget to be friends with its representatives.

Sergey Terentyev

Moreover, this friendship is long-lasting and, apparently, mutually beneficial. Let us note that in June 2002, Sergei Terentyev was released from pre-trial detention center No. 1 in Yekaterinburg due to the fact that the Supreme Court of Russia dropped all charges against him, for which he received 13 years in prison. The “Uralmash” authority was one of the main defendants in a criminal case considered in 1999-2001 by the Sverdlovsk Regional Court - 17 members of the Uralmash criminal group were accused of organizing a criminal community, terrorism, murder, robbery, extortion and other crimes. The servant of Themis admitted that the investigation against Sergei Terentyev was carried out with gross violations, and he himself was convicted without concrete evidence of guilt. It is possible that such luck is also the work of Terentyev’s influential patrons.

In the meantime, the investigation into the case of the “Podolsk” cashier continues, but if Shchur or some other patron of Terentyev or Luchka tries, then it may come to court with minimal incriminating baggage.

(b. 01/09/1954) - special. in philosophy technology; Doctor of Philosophy sciences, prof. Genus. in Karlovy Vary (Czechoslovakia). Graduated from Gorky Polytechnic. int. For five years he worked in the art and design bureau of the Gorky Automobile Plant. In 1981 he entered graduate school. to the Department of Aesthetics and Design of the Gorky Civil Engineering Institute. Since 1984 he worked at the Department of Philosophy. same institute ass., art. Rev. and Assoc. Since 1997 - prof. Department of Philosophy and methodol. Sciences of Nizhny Novgorod State. un-ta. Cand. diss. - "Technical objects in the system of society." Dr. diss. - "The universality of technology as an object of socio-philosophical analysis." Shch's works contain the results of research. social existence of technology, an analysis of its typology, structure, social. functioning; The crisis phenomena of the coexistence of technology and people are considered, especially in Russia. The versatility of technology is studied; the position is justified that characteristic feature modern stage of technical development. knowledge is the application of humanities. methods for analyzing technical phenomena. It is shown that technology connects being and non-being, spirit and corporeality, nature and sign; it turns out to be an integrator of culture. Based on the conducted research. a unified concept of general techno-knowledge is proposed.

Op.: Apocalypse of a technical object. N. Novgorod, 1992 ;Humanitarian foundations of engineering. N. Novgorod, 1993 ;New technocratism. N. Novgorod, 1995.

Shchurov, Vladimir Alexandrovich

President of the Primorsky Territory Public Council; born September 12, 1940; Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences; head of the laboratory of the Pacific Oceanological Institute, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; full member of the New York Academy of Sciences.

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"Shchurov, Vladimir Alexandrovich" in books

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