The role of teachers in wartime. Financial and economic education during the Great Patriotic War Scope of discipline and types of academic work

Replenishment of financial service personnel during the war years was carried out mainly in three directions. Firstly, training continued for some time in military educational institutions created before the war. Secondly, a whole network of short-term courses was created to train senior staff of financial authorities. Thirdly, positions at the lower level of the financial service were staffed by civilian specialists who had experience working in financial and accounting bodies.

The first graduates of the Military Financial School of the Red Army. 1941

Military educational institutions created before the war continued to operate at the same pace for some time, gradually switching to military conditions. The Finance Faculty of the Military-Economic Academy of the Red Army produced its last graduate in mid-1942. Many teachers and adjuncts of the faculty were sent to the active army. Graduates of the Faculty of Finance formed the core of the leadership of the financial service during the war, and subsequently many of them became generals, including B.V. Bliznichenko, V.D. Ermolovich, S.V. Spiridonov, D.P. Khlyubko, V.Ya. Soloviev, S.A. Glamazda et al.

Short-term training courses for military financiers were launched at the Military Economic Academy of the Red Army and the Yaroslavl Military Economic (Quartermaster) School.

Before the start of the war, it was decided to create an independent military school to train financial service personnel. The school was ordered to be formed in Kharkov, but the war prevented the full implementation of this order, and the village became the first point of deployment. Khlebnikovo, Moscow region. By the beginning of August 1941, there were 566 cadets in the school. Hard work began, training periods were shortened, classes were conducted within a 12-hour working day. The first graduation of cadets also took place; it included graduates who later became heads of various levels of the financial service: Major General V.A. Chugreev, Colonels B.V. Migunov, N.P. Shelepugin. The school was then stationed in a number of cities in the east of the country, and in February 1942, a machine gun and mortar school was created on its basis.

Military financiers for the Navy were trained at the Naval Economic School, created at the end of 1938, which continued to operate during the war years, switching to shorter training periods. Among the graduates of the Naval Economic School are military financiers Major General L.A. Valyavkin, Colonels N.F. Gritsynin, A.P. Vandyshev, V.S. Povarov, V.Ya. Stolyarenko.

Short-term courses have made a great contribution to training personnel for the financial services of the army and navy. Their deployment locations and training periods were determined based on specific circumstances. Thus, with an acute shortage of military financiers in the first period of the war, two-month and monthly courses were launched in military districts, at the fronts and in the armies. This work continued throughout the war, which made it possible to staff the financial service at the required level with personnel. From 1941 to 1945, the financial school alone trained more than 3,500 military financiers. It was taken into account that many young military financiers were also sent to staff command positions. Thus, during 1944 alone, 330 people were transferred to team work from among the military financiers of the 1st Ukrainian Front, 1st Belorussian Front - 273 people, 2nd Belorussian Front - 159 people, 3rd Belorussian front - 273 people.

During the war, graduates of the financial specialty of the Military Economic School M.A. Samarin, A.I. Krainov, G.A. Sklyar, D.I. Vorobyov became commanders of units and units. For courage and bravery they were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Other military financiers also showed courage and heroism in the war.

Thus, the famous sniper of the Battle of Stalingrad, Hero of the Soviet Union, Sergeant Major A.G. Zaitsev is a graduate of the financial department of the military-economic courses of the Pacific Fleet, a graduate of the courses of the financial department of the Military-economic Academy of the Red Army, captain of the quartermaster service A.S. Egorov became the commander of a partisan brigade, Hero of the Soviet Union.

In September 1942, it was decided to form Central Military Financial Courses under the Financial Directorate of NPOs of the USSR on the basis of the courses of the Moscow Military District. At the courses, in addition to the main department, which consisted of three companies of cadets, a department for advanced training of financial service specialists was deployed. Those who completed the courses were awarded the rank of officer. During the period from November 1942 to November 1944, the courses trained and sent about 1000 people to the troops.

The transition to foreign territories complicated the tasks of the financial service at the final stage of the war, which also required appropriate measures to improve the training of military financiers. On June 15, 1944, the Central Military Financial Courses were transformed into the Military Financial School of the Red Army. The regulations on the school were approved by the Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR, Chief of Logistics of the Red Army, Colonel General A.V. Khrulev.

In September - October 1944, two companies of cadets were staffed, later two more companies, and advanced training courses for financial service specialists began to operate. From the first military school enrollment, which consisted mainly of front-line soldiers, such major financiers as Major General I.P. Uvarov, Colonels S.Ya. Ryadov, Yu.S. Chernov, V.V. Klimov, V.G. Bochenkov, V.V. Pustovalov.

The training period for cadets was set for one year, but due to emerging needs, in January 1945 it was decided to release 50 people from the first two companies ahead of schedule. On April 20, 1945, the first graduation of the newly created school took place. All graduates were sent to the active army or to staff units sent to the Transbaikal or Far Eastern fronts. Among the first graduates of the military recruitment were financiers who gave long years service in the financial authorities of the army and navy, colonels N.K. Kashlakov, V.S. Sitkarev.

Personnel training for the financial service, persons.

Civilian financier specialists, who were drafted into the financial service during the war, were trained in specially created courses. Many of them were allowed to work independently after an internship in the financial authorities of military units and institutions.

A special stratum among specialists from the national economy, called up and sent to the financial authorities of the army and navy, were graduates of higher financial and economic institutions. educational institutions. These, as a rule, were experienced specialists who made a great contribution to solving financial and economic problems during the war. Many of them remained in military service after the war.

Among the civilian universities, whose graduates served in the financial authorities of the army and navy, are the Moscow Credit and Economic Institute, the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute, etc. A special place is occupied by the Kharkov Financial and Economic Institute. Its graduates were Lieutenant General Ya.A. Khotenko, Lieutenant General V.S. Kriskevich, Colonels B.B. Rivkin, B.V. Keen, I.K. Nevler. Graduates of this institute left a deep mark on the activities of the military financial and economic service.

The war severely tested the viability of the economic and political system in our country, the readiness of the Armed Forces for any situation, and the suitability of all systems of military economics and finance. The war also placed its demands on the personnel and their readiness to withstand the trials of war. And in the fact that military financiers withstood the trials of war and ensured uninterrupted financing of fronts and military districts, supplies of weapons and military equipment, a large role belongs to thoughtful, specific work on training personnel for the financial service in the pre-war and war periods.

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2.3. Trials during the Great Years Patriotic War(1941–1945) With the outbreak of the war, domestic higher education found itself in difficult conditions. Funding was reduced threefold, about 300 institutes were closed and merged, and about 150 institutes were evacuated.

Most of the teachers and students went to the front.

In the occupied territories, the Nazis destroyed more than 300 Soviet universities.

MKEI, like other Moscow universities, survived evacuation and unification, but did not stop working during the war years. A new director was appointed - D.A. Butkov, who headed in the early 1930s. MFEI, and at MKEI he headed the department “Money, credit and finance of the USSR”. His deputy was P.P. Maslov. A restructuring of educational and methodological work began in connection with the transition to a shortened three-year term of study.

In October 1941, due to the sharp deterioration of the situation at the front, classes in Moscow universities stopped. November 3, 1941 State Bank and the All-Union Committee on higher school issued an order to evacuate the institute to Saratov, where the Saratov Credit and Economic Institute, subordinate to the State Bank, was located. Classes at MKEI stopped and the building was closed. 25 fourth-year students from two departments—calculations and banking and credit—remained in Moscow to complete their studies. They completed their studies at the Moscow Institute of National Economy. G.V. Plekhanov.

In Saratov, classes resumed in January 1942.

Of the 17 departments operating at MKEI before the war, 13 departments operated in Saratov. During the evacuation, the university remained independent due to the fact that most of the teachers left with it. Only four people were recruited from SKEI. Big role A.P. Polikarpov, head of the “Accounting” department, played a role in organizing classes at the new location. By combining their efforts, the MKEI team solved the main problem - ensuring the graduation of fourth-year students. K. Pozhitnov was appointed Chairman of the State Examination Commission, and N.N. was appointed its members. Lyubimov, A.A. Proselkov, A.P. Polikarpov and B.K. Shchurov. In April 1942, diplomas were issued to 27 young specialists.

The 1942/1943 academic year became the most difficult in the history of MKEI due to the loss of funding. The State Bank demanded that SKEI perform work for MKEI without additional payment, since “the training of MKEI students is provided staffing table and the estimate of the Saratov Institute.” This threatened the existence of MKEI as an independent university and could lead to its incorporation into the SKEI, as happened with MFEI in Leningrad before the war.

However, already in August 1943, after the victory at Stalingrad, the government decided to re-evacuate institutions, enterprises and universities, including MKEI, to the capital. P.I. was appointed as the new director. Tsvetkov, and his deputy for educational and scientific work A.P. Polikarpov. By October 1943, the return of students and teachers, the return of property to Moscow from other cities was completed. Two were formed self-paced course, and student training began in ten restored departments, and graduate school resumed work. Educational and scientific work was focused on solving problems of restoring the national economy. Freshmen began receiving scholarships. In 1944–1945 More than undergraduate and graduate students studied at MKEI. Competitive examinations were reintroduced; only war veterans and schoolchildren who graduated with honors were exempt from them. Admission was open to all courses during both semesters - former students who were demobilized from the Red Army due to injury were reinstated.

The life of the university returned to normal. But the war did not continue, and wartime problems were solved at MKEI.

In 1944, an important direction was formed - accelerated training of military financiers, “infantry reserve officers and financial service.” N.N. made a special contribution to the training of economists and financiers for the front. Rovinsky. For this work he was awarded the order“Badge of Honor” and awarded the scientific title “For Honored Scientist of the RSFSR.” Cooperation was established with the financial service of the Red Army, and a network of financial institutions was developed in the active army. A major role in regulating monetary circulation and maintaining its stability was played by the network of field institutions of the State Bank, where graduates of financial universities served. Subsequently, this experience formed the basis for the organization of the military finance and economic faculty in 1947.

A feature of the work of MKEI during wartime was Active participation teachers in restructuring the financial and credit system of the USSR on a war footing. They were involved in consultations with the State Defense Committee, the Evacuation Council of the Council of People's Commissars, the State Bank, the People's Commissariat of Finance, the State Planning Committee, the People's Commissariats and departments on the issues of finding financial resources for the military industry, providing assistance to evacuated enterprises and institutions, ensuring clear calculations and the strictest regime savings, regulation of the issue of banknotes. These measures played an important role in concentrating resources and organizing the work of the front and rear to defeat the enemy.

The war demanded an early revision of national economic plans. To correct them, not only party, Soviet and economic personnel, but leading academic economists were involved. Already on June 30, 1941, the mobilization national economic plan for the third quarter of 1941 was accepted for implementation by the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. New military-economic plans for the fourth quarter of 1941 and 1942 were developed within the deadline. For this work, Professor MKEI N.N. Rovinsky was twice awarded a cash prize by orders of the People's Commissariat of Finance.

From 1942 to February 1945 N.N. Rovinsky was deputy head of the Budget Department of the NKF of the USSR.

In 1943–1944 on behalf of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, a graduate of the MFEI, by that time People's Commissar of Finance, A.G. Zverev was preparing a post-war monetary reform. For his services during the Great Patriotic War, he was awarded the Order of Lenin.

A significant part of the MKEI teachers and students went to the front. Many of them died defending their homeland.

The Order of Lenin was posthumously awarded to MKEI graduate, credit inspector of the Volyn office of the State Bank P.I. Savelyeva, who actively participated in the creation and leadership of the local underground. Employees who were not subject to conscription volunteered to enroll in the 13th Moscow People's Militia Division, which later became part of the combined arms rifle formations.

Many received government awards. For their courage they were awarded the medal “For the Defense of Moscow” by D.A. Butkov, N.A. Kiparisov, N.N. Rovinsky, V.V. Shcherbakov. The Financial University remembers and is proud of its teachers and students during the war years.

The fate of the MFEI, which was part of the LFEI in the form of a finance faculty, was difficult during the war. By decision of the government, both universities were evacuated to the North Caucasus in Essentuki, where 130 young specialists received diplomas on August 2, 1942. The Germans were advancing in the Caucasus, and again the universities had to evacuate, this time to Tashkent. Not all teachers and students managed to leave Essentuki, since on August 5, 1942, the city was captured by the Germans. In Tashkent, LFEI was unable to organize work “due to large personnel losses” - there was no one and there was no one to teach. The teachers were scattered throughout the country and found work in the regional financial authorities of Tashkent, Samarkand, Kuibyshev, Kazan, and in numerous branches of the State Bank.

By the end of 1943, the MFEI was revived as an independent university and ten years after the transfer of the MFEI to Leningrad, it returned to Moscow. It was again headed by D.A. Butkov, N.N. became deputy director. Rovinsky, scientific secretary – L.A. Kadyshev.

Kadyshev Lev Aleksandrovich (1908–1999) – professor at the MFI. He graduated from MPEI in 1929, in 1930 he entered graduate school at MFEI with a degree in Money and Credit, and in 1934 he defended his Ph.D. thesis. He began working at MFEI in 1943 as deputy director for educational and scientific work and associate professor of the department of political economy. L.A. Kadyshev took an active part in the post-war restoration of the university. In 1947–1951 he was vice-rector of the IFI, and in 1954–1955. - dean of the faculty international relations. He became one of the organizers of MFI activities, was involved in the selection of teaching staff, recruited students, organized educational process and scientific work. In 1968

L.A. Kadyshev was elected professor of the department of political economy.

In the first academic year of 1943/1944, about 70 teachers already worked at MFEI. The departments were revived, first of all, specialized ones: “Finance of the USSR”, “Money circulation and credit of the USSR”, “Finance and credit of foreign states”, “State budget, state revenues and state insurance”, “Accounting”. They were led by famous scientists - Z.V. Atlas, V.P. Dyachenko, N.A. Kiparisov, G.A. Kozlov, N.N. Rovinsky. In 1944, postgraduate studies began at MFEI. A specialized Scientific Council was created, which included prominent scientists - academicians and doctors of science - S.G. Strumilin, I.A. Trakhtenberg, A.M. Pankratova, M.I. Bogolepov, Z.V. Atlas, V.P. Dyachenko, N.A. Kiparisov, N.N. Lyubimov. The activities of the Council noticeably increased the role of the IFEI in the training of highly qualified specialists, laid the foundation for the transformation of the IFEI (later MFI) into a “forge” of financial personnel for government agencies and universities of the USSR.

In 1945, front-line soldiers returned to MKEI and MFEI, forming the best teaching force and the “backbone” of the student body. Both Moscow financial universities always remained small and solved the same problem - they trained financiers for the post-war restoration of the national economy of the USSR. The same teachers taught in them, but there were not enough of them. Thus, the prerequisites were prepared for the merger of universities into one large one - the Moscow Financial Institute. A new period in the history of the Financial University began.

Questions for review 1. What are the reasons for the revival of the IFEI?

2. What tasks did the university solve in connection with the closure of MPEI and the re-establishment of MPEI?

3. Indicate and characterize the circumstances of the transfer of the MFEI to Leningrad.

4. Describe the differences in the organization and activities of the departmental universities of the State Bank of the USSR - MUEI and MKEI.

5. Tell us about the organizers and teachers of financial universities in the pre-war years, characterize their contribution to the development of financial and economic education.

6. Highlight and indicate the main areas of activity of financial universities during the Great Patriotic War.

7. Tell us about the teachers of MKEI and MFEI who participated in the defense of the Fatherland in 1941–1945.

8. Describe the main features of the process of restoration of MKEI and MFEI after the Great Patriotic War.

Head of the MOSCOW FINANCIAL INSTITUTE AND THE MAIN DIRECTIONS OF ITS ACTIVITY In 1946–1964 The formation of MFIs took place in difficult conditions of post-war development. The war brought heavy losses to the Soviet Union: 1,710 cities and 70 thousand villages, tens of thousands of industrial enterprises, 100 thousand collective and state farms, bridges, railway tracks, train stations, and housing stock were completely or partially destroyed. Millions of people were left homeless.

The post-war decade was a time when the country returned to a peaceful, hopeful life. The country's reconstruction processes took place under conditions of increasing political and ideological pressure. The ideological pressure in the sphere of science and culture has especially intensified. Scholastic ideological discussions spread to science and education.

In the difficult post-war times, in 1946, the Moscow Financial Institute was established on the basis of the merger of two related financial and economic universities.

Through MKEI and MFEI, the new enlarged university adopted the traditions of financial and economic education of the 1920–1930s.

A new stage in the development of the Moscow Financial Institute occurred during the Khrushchev Thaw. Mid 1950 – early 1960s. marked by profound changes in the life of the country, processes of de-Stalinization, renewal and development of social life, science, culture, education.

This created the basis for broad socio-economic reforms. But Khrushchev's reforms cannot be assessed unambiguously. Much has been done to increase the level of well-being of the Soviet people: wages have been raised, tuition fees in high schools and universities have been abolished, pensions have been introduced for collective farmers, widespread housing construction has begun, etc. At the same time, the reforms were contradictory. Not all of them produced the expected economic effect, which had a negative impact on the national economy and social development countries. A number of ill-conceived transformations had a painful impact on the higher education system, including MFIs. For our institute, the Khrushchev decade was a difficult time of formation, when the foundations for the further development of the university were laid.

3.1. Creation and activities of the Moscow Financial Institute in the first post-war decade On September 17, 1946, two Moscow universities - MFEI and MKEI - were merged by decision of the Soviet government. As a result of their merger, the Moscow Financial Institute was established, which was located in the building of the former MKEI on Tserkovnaya Gorka, building 30. The process of merging the two universities took several months and took place from November 1946 to February 1947 under the leadership of the acting . director D.A. Butkova.

In June 1947, a new director of the MFI was appointed - N.N. Rovinsky, he worked in this position until his death on June 22, 1953. Nikolai Nikolaevich proved himself to be a brilliant higher education teacher, a man of high culture and enormous erudition, a theorist and practitioner in the field of economics, finance and especially the budget. D.A. was appointed Deputy Director for Scientific and Academic Affairs. Allahverdyan.

Allahverdyan Derenik Akopovich (1906–1987) – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor. In 1932 he graduated from the economics department of the Moscow Pedagogical Institute, and then graduated from graduate school. Since 1935 D.A. Allahverdyan taught political economy. In 1946 D.A. Allahverdyan – Deputy Director of the IFI for scientific and educational work, in 1947–1949. – Dean of the Faculty of International Financial Relations, 1951–1961. – Deputy Director for Research. In 1959 D.A. Allahverdyan was awarded the degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences. For several years he headed the Department of Finance and was one of the authors of the textbook “Finance of the USSR”. Since 1975, he worked at the Institute of Economics of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

The main reason for creating MFIs as “enlarged”

The university became an acute shortage of economists and financiers for the country’s reviving national economy. Therefore, when creating the MFI, the task was set: at least two thousand students and at least 60 graduate students should study at the university. However, the first post-war enrollment was less than 1,900 students. These were mostly front-line soldiers, war invalids, workers' faculty graduates, and were 30–40 years old. Many of them experienced difficulties due to the break in their studies, but they were overcome through numerous consultations that MFI teachers gave them.

Four faculties were formed at the MFI: finance and economics (FEF), credit and economics (CEF), accounting and economics (UEF) and the faculty of international financial relations (IFO), as well as 17 departments. In 1951, the Faculty of Mechanization of Accounting and Computing Work was created.

IN post-war period The army and navy were in dire need of highly qualified financiers. The leadership of the Moscow Financial Institute, despite organizational difficulties, lack of premises, and shortage of teaching staff, gave consent to the USSR Ministry of Defense to create a Military Faculty at the MFI in 1947 to train financial service officers.

More than half of the disciplines were taught to its students by IFI teachers. The military faculty became an independent university only in 1998.

At the stage of formation of MFIs, there is a shortage teaching staff was an acute problem, without solving which the institute could not launch full-scale work on training financiers. For example, at the Department of Insurance there were only two teachers: the head, professor G.I. Boldyrev and associate professor V.S. Gokhman. By the end of the first post-war academic year, there were 129 teachers at the university, and in 1950 there were already 170 teachers.

The departments were headed by prominent scientists and teachers who combined teaching activities with practical work in the authorities Soviet power, economic and financial institutions. Professor Z.V. Atlas successfully combined scientific work with the head of the Department of Money Circulation and Credit, the head of the Department of International Financial Settlements was Professor N.N. Lyubimov. In 1920–1930 N.N. Lyubimov is an employee of Narkomfin, an expert in the field of finance at international negotiations, including at the Genoa Conference. The Department of Statistics was headed by P.P. Maslov is the author of numerous scientific works on the theory and practice of statistical research. Academicians S.G. were involved in the supervision of graduate students. Strumilin and I.A. Trachtenberg.

Young teachers were attracted to the institute, the best of those who graduated from the graduate schools of MKEI, MFEI and MFI.

Among them is F.P. Vasin, I.V. Levchuk, L.N. Krasavina, N.P. Kopeikina, P.S. Nikolsky.

In the post-war years, universities were entrusted with the task of intensified ideological, political and educational work. The teaching of all disciplines without exception was of a pronounced ideological nature.

The main task of the MFI departments, as in pre-war times, remained educational and methodological work. Their focus was on the problems of teaching basic disciplines: “Political Economy”, “Finance”, “Money, Credit, Banks”, “Accounting”, “National Economic Planning”. Problems in organizing the educational process were successfully overcome. Students who missed classes or were unprepared for them were required to report on the missed topic at the consultation. Control was exercised over the notes of lectures and seminars of students.

In 1946–1955 work has intensified on the preparation of textbooks and teaching aids. Textbooks published:

“Financial control” (N.N. Rovinsky), “Analysis of the economic activities of industrial enterprises”

(I.A. Sholomovich), “Accounting Course”

(E.I. Gleikh), “Organization of lending and settlements”

(M.M. Usoskin), as well as textbooks on money circulation and credit (Z.V. Atlas), on financial systems foreign countries(N.N. Lyubimov). In total, 51 manuals were published by the 1950/1951 academic year.

Sholomovich Joseph Aronovich (1904–1956) – Doctor of Economics, professor. In 1921–1925 studied at the Kharkov Institute of National Economy. In 1920–1930 worked in the financial and banking system of the USSR. From 1944 until the end of his life he taught at the MFI. First head of the department of accounting and analysis of economic activity. He was a talented organizer and a brilliant lecturer. I.A. Sholomovich is the author of monographs, textbooks and teaching aids on the analysis of economic activity for universities and technical schools. His graduate students became famous scientists and teachers at the IFI. Among them: Doctor of Economics, prof. A.A. Dodonov, Ph.D., Associate Professor M.I. Ofitserova, Ph.D., Associate Professor. A.P. Kononov, Ph.D., prof. F.P. Vasin et al.

The educational and methodological work of the IFI was closely connected with the scientific activities of teachers. In the first years, several dozen monographs were published at MFI, and about 200 scientific articles were published. Current methodological issues of financial sciences and methods of teaching them were regularly discussed at scientific conferences, meetings of the Academic Council, and individual departments (for example, in 1951, interdepartmental discussions took place on the topic: “On the essence and functions of Soviet finance”). This work is still integral part work to improve the quality of teaching at our university.

Research work with students was actively carried out. For this purpose, a scientific student society (SSS) was created at the institute, scientific circles worked at the departments, based on the results of which scientific student conferences were held, and the best student works were sent to competitions. Involved in the leadership of scientific student circles experienced teachers, including the director of the institute. Thus, it was during these years that the traditions of research and development work were laid, which are still developing today.

Research priorities were clearly defined - development of relevant scientific topics, generalization of advanced practical experience, introduction of scientific research into the economy, provision of assistance to production. This implied close contacts between IFI teachers and enterprises and financial and credit institutions. In the late 1940s - early 1950s. this cooperation took place in various forms. Thus, MFI teachers contributed to improving the forms of settlement operations of financial institutions and enterprises;

developed a new procedure for recording labor and wages at the Rostokinsky Fur Factory, which noticeably intensified its work. IFI scientists provided consultations to employees of financial and credit institutions.

During the 1949/1950 academic year alone, over 50 lectures were given and dozens of consultations were held on economic and financial issues at enterprises, financial authorities and banks.

Great importance was paid to students' practical training. It took place in the USSR Ministry of Finance and the RSFSR Ministry of Finance, the State Bank, the Ingosstrakh Board, at enterprises and institutions in the capital, and local financial authorities. Thus, in 1950, during practice, fourth-year students of the KEF wrote 247 opinions on the annual reports of the clientele financed by the State Bank, analyzed the interim balance sheets of 229 enterprises, and drew up conclusions on the registration of the issuance of short-term loans by the State Bank. At the Moscow office of the Agricultural Bank, MFI trainees carried out research work on the use of long-term loans. According to the heads of practice, MFI students had satisfactory theoretical training and were able to apply it in practice. But there were also shortcomings, the overload of the practice program was noted, and the need to focus on the economic side of the work of financial and credit authorities.

In the first post-war years, the material base of the institute was quite modest. There was not enough classroom space - for 72 groups there were only three lecture halls, 18 classrooms and nine classrooms. Classes were conducted in two shifts, sometimes even in departments. The institute was poorly heated - on some winter days the temperature did not exceed 10 degrees, and students wore coats during classes.

There were not enough textbooks, notebooks, chairs and classrooms; we had to use school desks. As a dormitory, the MFI had four two-story barracks in the Alekseevsky student town (now Galushkina Street). After the war, about 400 students lived in them, but there were not enough places, and the administration of the institute rented beds for almost 700 people from “renters” in different districts of Moscow. In 1978, a new dormitory building was built on the site of the old barracks.

Before 1947, students, like everyone else soviet people, received food using cards. The institute canteen also provided food to students using ration cards. Thanks to private farming in the Vladimir region, sometimes students were given an additional portion of potatoes or porridge.

Thus, the period of formation of MFIs took place in the difficult post-war decade. The university experienced difficulties of that time, but, despite them, it consistently developed. The achievement of those years was the creation of a university structure in the form of faculties and departments, the development of curricula and programs, the publication of textbooks and scientific works, which laid the foundation for the growth of IFIs in subsequent years. An important moment in the life of IFIs was the adoption of the Charter in 1947.

3.2. Teachers and scientists of the IFI were participants in the development of the monetary reform of 1947. After the Great Patriotic War, in 1946, the fourth five-year plan for the restoration and development of the national economy was adopted. It provided for the restoration of the most damaged territories of the Soviet Union, the achievement of pre-war levels of development and further economic growth. The Soviet government developed these plans in the context of the dire consequences of the war, enormous human and material losses. In 1946–1947 Famine broke out in the country, the causes of which were not only drought, but also additional grain procurements. The rationing system for food distribution, introduced at the beginning of the war, was preserved, and rationed bread rations were even reduced.

At the same time, the Soviet people felt themselves to be victors, liberators of Europe from fascism, citizens of a great power. The Soviet leadership understood that in these difficult post-war conditions, it was impossible to maintain the distribution of products by rationing for a long time.

It was necessary to cancel cards and restore retail trade. However, the situation was aggravated by the breakdown of the financial system - the emission of the ruble increased significantly to cover military expenses, and the supply of goods decreased sharply due to the transfer of industry to a war footing.

The monetary reform in December 1947 was aimed at solving the most important problems of post-war development. Officially, the reform was justified by the need to combat “speculative elements” who took advantage of the large gap between state and market prices. Information was also widely disseminated about the flooding of circulation channels with counterfeit rubles introduced by the Nazis in the temporarily occupied Soviet territories.

Even at the end of the war, a number of Soviet economists deeply analyzed the state of the USSR’s finances and the prospects for removing paper pulp from circulation. Among the developers of the monetary reform were teachers of the Moscow Credit and Economic Institute - M.M. Usoskin and S. B. Barngolts;

The reform was headed by the People's Commissar of Finance of the USSR A.G. Zverev.

Usoskin Mark Mikhailovich (1903–1966) – professor. Graduated from the Odessa Institute of National Economy. In the 1920s worked in the system of the State Bank of the USSR, taught at the Odessa Institute of National Economy and the Odessa Credit and Economic Institute of the State Bank of the USSR, where he held the positions of head of the department and deputy director of the university. Since 1941, he taught at MKEI and headed the department “Organization and Technology of Credit Business.” From the moment the MFI was built until 1962, M.M. Usoskin headed the department of credit affairs.

At the same time, from 1941 to 1959, he worked as deputy head of the Planning Economic Directorate of the State Bank of the USSR, senior consultant, and expert of the Board of the State Bank of the USSR. One of the developers of the 1947 monetary reform. Among those developed by M.M. Usoskin's problems also include fundamental issues of the theory of credit boundaries. Based on an analysis of the circulation of working capital of enterprises, he scientifically substantiated the economic boundaries of own funds and credit. Theoretical developments of M.M. Usoskin formed the basis for the regulatory documents of the State Bank and instructional materials for the banking system. A significant contribution was made by M.M. Usoskin in the theory of non-cash payments. He was the first to highlight the principles of organizing a system of non-cash payments and proposed new criteria for classifying forms of non-cash payments depending on the method of payment and the characteristics of the circulation of working capital.

The monetary reform was carried out as quickly as possible (two weeks) on the following conditions. All cash of the population, enterprises and institutions was exchanged in relation to 10 rubles. old model for rub. new model 1947. At the same time, the wages and income of collective farmers were not recalculated. Prices for some goods decreased, while others remained the same.

Deposits from the population up to 3 thousand rubles. exchanged in a 1:1 ratio, deposits from 3 to 10 thousand rubles. – in a ratio of 3:2, and amounts exceeding 10 thousand rubles. - in a ratio of 2: 1. All deposits, regardless of their size, were frozen until 1951. The money in the hands of citizens was exchanged for new banknotes in the amount of 1 thousand rubles. Collective farm deposits were recalculated at the rate of 5: 4. Bonds of pre-war loans were exchanged in a ratio of 3: 1, and the interest on them was reduced to 2%. Thus, most of paper pulp was confiscated and some was temporarily taken out of circulation.

Frozen deposits allowed the state to redistribute funds that were aimed at restoring and developing primarily heavy industry.

Barngolts Sarra Bentsionovna (1908–2002) – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor. She graduated from the Kiev Financial and Economic Institute, studied at the Historical and Philological Institute, and worked in the Kyiv regional bank office. In 1936–1940 studied at the MKEI graduate school, worked in the State Bank system, and participated in the development of the monetary reform of 1947.

S.B. Barngolts was one of the founders and authors of the magazines “Accounting” and “Money and Credit”. In 1962, she began teaching at the MFI and headed the department of economic activity analysis. Many of her students and graduate students are currently teachers at the Financial University. S. B. Barngolts published more than 200 papers and made a great contribution to the development of the theory economic analysis economic activity and the establishment of practical analytical work at industrial enterprises and credit institutions.

The first results of the reform were summed up by the Chairman of the Board of the State Bank A.A. Korovushkin, as well as M.M. Usoskin and V.M. Batyrev. In the report to the People's Commissar of Finance A.G. Zverev noted that the flow of cash into the State Bank's cash desks increased, and their expenses decreased, deposits increased sharply, and trade turnover increased. Based on this, the People's Commissariat of Finance summed up the results of the monetary reform of 1947, noting that the set tasks had been solved, the consequences of the war in the field of monetary circulation had been eliminated, the public debt had been reduced and the associated expenses of the state budget of the USSR had been reduced. It was especially emphasized that the reform created the preconditions for strengthening the economic levers of the Soviet state.

In December 1947, cards were abolished in the USSR.

The contraction of the money supply made it possible to eliminate the shortage of basic consumer goods. Over the following years, the state reduced retail prices in the state trade system. The long-term consequence of the reform was the increase in the exchange rate of the ruble in relation to foreign currencies and its transfer to a gold basis. Foreign trade with socialist countries received an impetus for development, which expanded the scope of the ruble and, in turn, strengthened it.

A scientific assessment of the monetary reform was given by professor MKEI - MFI V.P. Dyachenko in his article “Soviet monetary reform of 1947”, published in 1948 in the journal “Economic Issues”. This work by one of the oldest teachers is widely cited in our time.

The modern assessment of the monetary reform of 1947 is ambiguous. It is recognized that it was carried out at the expense of the population and was of a confiscation nature. The blow fell on workers, collective farmers and employees who did not have significant savings - after all, it was not the surplus that was reduced significantly, but the entire cash balance. The positive results of the reform were achieved due to the refusal of the Soviet state from its obligations on internal loans and the redistribution of funds from ordinary citizens. The reform became one of the means of implementing accelerated industrial development in the post-war years.

3.3. Moscow Financial Institute during the Thaw

A new stage in the development of the Moscow Financial Institute is associated with the socio-economic reforms that were carried out in the USSR in the mid-1950s - early 1960s. Khrushchev's reforms were also carried out in the education system. The 1958 Law “On Strengthening the Connection between School and Life” outlined the paths of transformation in the system of secondary and higher education. The adopted law required changes in the structure and organization of the educational process in MFIs. Three forms of student education were established: full-time, designed for four years and six months, and evening studies with a five-year period of on-the-job training. Another form of study has become evening-full-time study with the same duration of study as in the full-time department. It was designed for persons hired through a competition and who did not have two years of work experience. During the first year they worked and studied in the evening department, and from the second year they switched to full-time education.

The creation of evening and evening-full-time forms of education required the organization of an evening faculty at MFI. With the start of its work in 1956, the issue of attracting trained applicants and increasing competition for admission to the institute became acute. To this end, teachers and graduate students annually carried out career guidance work in schools and enterprises, and went on business trips around the country to attract talented young people to the university. To provide assistance to those entering MFIs, training courses. They were intended to help production workers entering the evening department, but soon they began to accept those preparing to enter the full-time department.

The institute entered the 1959/1960 academic year with a new organizational structure. As a result of the work carried out, the influx of young people from production increased;

academic discipline programs were reviewed and adjusted to make them more practical for future financiers;

The connection between science and education and the practice of financial and credit institutions, industrial and agricultural enterprises has strengthened.

To strengthen the practical component in the professional education of specialists in the financial and credit sector, for giving lectures, supervising theses and industrial practice graduates were invited to practice - employees of banks and financial organizations, directors of factories, state farms and collective farms who had experience in economics. MFI departments conducted excursions to VDNKh, the Polytechnic Museum, State Bank institutions, and industrial enterprises, such as, for example, “Borets”, “Hammer and Sickle”, and the Automobile Plant named after. Likhacheva and others. The consistent implementation of such a system of training specialists brought positive results.

However, some administrative changes had a painful impact on the life of universities. The confusion was caused by the liquidation of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education in September 1953 and the creation of the Ministry of Culture in its place. All institutions, including MFIs, were reassigned to him. Before the work of the new ministry had time to normalize, both the union and republican ministries of higher education were restored in March 1954. Until June 1959, the MFI was subordinate to the USSR Ministry of Higher Education, and then was transferred to the jurisdiction of the RSFSR Ministry of Higher Education. In October 1966

it again came under the control of the Union Ministry.

This “reform leapfrog” gave rise to a series of organizations in MFIs - there were liquidations and restorations, mergers and separations of faculties and departments. All this had a negative impact on the work of the institute’s staff. Thus, in 1954, the MFO faculty was closed “due to a decrease in the need for specialists in financial and economic profiles.” In 1955, FEF and KEF were united into a single faculty of finance and economics.

The departments of mechanized accounting and technical disciplines were merged into the department of mechanized accounting in 1956, and in 1957 it merged with the department of accounting.

In 1963, this department was divided into three structures - accounting, business activity analysis (ACA) and calculating machines and their operation. The same situation was with the Russian language department, created in 1956. In 1959 it was liquidated “due to a reduction in the teaching load,” but in 1961

restored, and in 1969 liquidated again.

Currently, at the Financial University, the Russian language department performs important functions of preparing foreign students for full involvement in the educational process and improving the speech culture of Russian students.

The Department of Finance experienced the greatest number of reorganizations. Over the course of four years, from January 1956, it was reorganized four times.

The transformations required revision of curricula, redistribution of teaching hours, etc. The teaching staff of MFI, working in such unstable conditions, continued to ensure the educational process in full. Much credit for this belongs to rector V.V. Shcherbakov, who headed the MFI in August 1953 and worked in this position for 32 years until the end of his life.

Under the leadership of V.V. Shcherbakov, the work of the institute has improved significantly. In 1950–1960 MFI achieved important results in educational activities.

The rector’s support in this work was the leading teachers of the institute, including G.M. Tatsiy, I.D. Sher, F.V. Konshin, M.R. Azarkh, G.N. Manzheev, I.D. Zlobin et al.

Tatsiy Grigory Mikhailovich (1911–1992) – Doctor of Economics, professor. In 1939 he graduated from the accounting and economic department of the Ukrainian Institute of Soviet Trade. Participant of the Great Patriotic War. After graduating from graduate school, he worked in the apparatus of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary special education USSR, taught at the Moscow Institute of National Economy. G.V. Plekhanov, at the All-Union Correspondence Institute of Soviet Trade. He worked at MFI from 1961 to 1987. Until 1976 he was vice-rector for scientific work. G.M. Tatius was an excellent organizer and teacher, a talented scientist. Since 1976, he worked as a professor, then as a consultant at the Department of Economic Activity Analysis at the MFI. Before his retirement in 1987, he carried out extensive research work and supervised graduate students.

In 2011, the Financial University celebrated the 100th anniversary of the birth of Professor G.M. Tatsia.

Innovations in the educational work of IFIs have yielded positive results. The curricula of general and special disciplines were revised;

the topics of coursework and diploma papers and the organization of practical training were updated;

students' scientific work was developed;

methodological work intensified. For example, the Department of Literary Economics of the MFI together with a similar department of the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosova prepared a new curriculum on political economy.

Since the 1956/1957 academic year, a serious revision of the principles of methodological work began. Duplication of program material in related sciences was overcome: political economy - history of the national economy - history of the CPSU;

finance – state budget;

theory of accounting – accounting of sectors of the national economy. The number of classroom sessions was reduced and the time for independent work of students was increased. For example, the lecture course in the discipline “Finance and Credit” was shortened by 20 hours, “Money Circulation and Credit” - by 18 hours. For senior students, one day a week was freed for independent work.

Konshin Fedor Vasilievich (1906–1979) – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor. In 1927 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of National Economy.

G.V. Plekhanov, majoring in economics and insurance. Until 1951, he worked in the Gosstrakh authorities, held the position of deputy head of the Gosstrakh Administration, and at the same time worked at the Scientific Research Institute of the USSR Ministry of Finance. With the introduction of a training program for insurers at the MFI, he conducted classes in the discipline “State Insurance in the USSR.” F.V. Konshin is the author of textbooks on state insurance. In the 1950s The textbook “State Insurance in the USSR” prepared by him was the only one in the country.

To this day, the section “Financial stability and insurance maximums” has not lost its relevance, which shows the possibilities of using the financial stability coefficient to determine the maximum value of the insurer’s own retention. This coefficient of financial stability is called the “Konshin coefficient”.

New in 1963/1964 academic year was the creation of the country's first department of analysis of economic activity of enterprises (ACD). The initiator of its creation and the first head was one of the leading domestic specialists in this field, Candidate of Economic Sciences G.N. Manzheev. It should be noted that the organization of the department was important for the further development of this young branch of economic science, which arose at the intersection of a number of scientific disciplines.

Since the late 1950s. In MFI, technical teaching aids were actively introduced into the educational process: films and overhead projectors, tape recorders, which helped to increase the efficiency of the educational process. Many departments created methods for using technical means in relation to their disciplines and analyzed their implementation in the educational process. Since 1956, educational films have been widely used in the educational process at our university. It was not until 1961 that educational films were shown. These were the initial steps to introduce new technical teaching aids into MFIs.

In connection with the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of 1961 “On improving the study of foreign languages,” the institute began to pay significant attention to the teaching of foreign languages. Already in the 1961/1962 academic year, a language laboratory was equipped. Have the department teachers prepared two scripts in English and German languages on the history of Moscow, student conferences and recreational evenings in foreign languages ​​were held, and an English language club was held for teachers and staff of the IFI. Such innovative work of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​has become a good tradition at our university;

and today the seminar for University teachers “Methodology and methods of teaching financial and banking disciplines in foreign languages” is a great success.

In 1955, the practice of defending theses was introduced at the FEF and UEF. Employees of the State Bank, Vneshtorgbank, Stroybank and others were involved as scientific supervisors. Director of the Institute V.V. Shcherbakov positively assessed the first experience of working with graduate students.

To consolidate successes, it was proposed that the best theses be published in the form of a collection or recommended for use in the practical work of banks, organizations and enterprises. Since 1958, it began to be practiced to defend theses written on materials from the activities of enterprises and institutions of the capital, including the office of the Industrial Bank of Moscow, the city offices of the State Bank. Often theses prepared according to the orders of enterprises. In the 1962/1963 academic year, 23 of them were written, and in next year already 37 students.

Both in the pre-war years and in the first post-war decade, the most important area of ​​activity of the IFI remained the scientific work of teachers and students.

During the “Thaw” era, the emphasis was placed on the connection between science and practice, providing scientific assistance to financial banking institutions and industrial enterprises.

Sher Isaac Dmitrievich (1900–1973) – Doctor of Economics, professor, was a member of the Academic Council of the IFI. Graduated from the economics department of the North Caucasus University. He worked in the field of cooperation and the banking system. In the 1930s taught at the Rostov Financial and Economic Institute, VZFEI. During the war years he worked in the structure of the USSR Industrial Bank. Since 1943 I.D. Sher taught at MFEI - MFI. He headed the department of state budget, and since 1958 the department of “Finance of sectors of the national economy and financing of capital investments.” I.D. Sher was the author of a textbook on financing and lending capital investments, and took part in the work on the textbooks “Money Circulation and Credit” and “Finance of the USSR.” In 1968, on the initiative of I.D. Sher, a research laboratory on the economics and finance of capital construction of the Stroybank of the USSR was created at the MFI. Under his leadership, 22 candidates of economic sciences were trained.

The management of the institute and departments sought to ensure the scientific and practical significance of candidate and doctoral dissertations. The successful solution of this problem was facilitated by the fact that the specialized departments were headed by scientists who had extensive experience in practical work. Among them should be named I.D. Zlobin, head of the Department of Finance, I.D. Sher, head of the department of “Finance of sectors of the national economy and financing of capital investments.” They provided their employees with real assistance in developing topical issues of financial and economic science. As a result, the topics and forms of scientific activity of the teaching staff became more and more diverse, a close connection between science and education and the needs of the national economy was ensured, and the tradition of communication between the IFI staff and industrial enterprises and institutions of the financial and credit system continued to develop.

Zlobin Ivan Danilovich (1904–1993) – Doctor of Economics, professor, Deputy Minister of Finance of the USSR in 1948–1959. Participated in Civil War, fought with gangs in Makhachkala, Ukraine. He worked as a turner. In 1924, he was sent to the Workers' Faculty of Leningrad State University, then sent to the Moscow Faculty of Economics and Economics, where he studied in graduate school. In 1934, after defending his Ph.D. thesis, he was the executive editor of Gosfinizdat, director of NIFI, and head of the Currency Department. During the war years, he simultaneously headed the Precious Metals Department of the USSR People's Commissariat of Finance. In 1942–1944 worked as an expert, was a member of the Soviet delegation at the International Bretton Woods Monetary and Financial Conference. In subsequent years, he was chairman of the Soviet part of the International Organization for Combating Counterfeiting of Banknotes (Interpol). Started teaching in 1931. From 1963 to 1975 he headed the Department of Finance at the MFI. He published scientific monographs, textbooks and teaching aids, was a member of the Academic Councils at MGIMO University of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Economy. G.V. Plekhanov. I.D. Zlobin had 11 government awards, including for participation in the Civil War. In the name of I.D. Zlobin named one of the auditoriums of the Financial University.

During these years, special attention was paid to attracting young people to scientific work. Students were involved in research work through the student scientific society (SSS), the work of scientific clubs, practical training, and diploma theses. Publication in 1950–1960 collection “Scientific Notes of Students”

gave talented students the opportunity to publish their scientific research and development.

An important innovation in student scientific creativity was the creation in 1963 of a student bureau of economic analysis (StudBEA) at the Moscow company Lira, which worked on a voluntary basis.

The head of the bureau was S.B. Barngolts. Members of StudBEA prepared proposals to improve the economic activities of the enterprises that were part of the association, helped in carrying out preparatory work for the introduction of piecework wages, and advised on the financial and economic activities of the company.

The growth of young scientific personnel was carried out in the graduate school of the MFI. Experienced teachers of the institute were involved in the supervision of graduate students, who prepared graduate students not only for scientific work, but also for teaching activities.

It should be noted that the scientists of the institute took an active part in both research and practical work, and responded keenly to the problems of the country’s economic life. Since the mid-1950s. The practice of scientific work of IFIs includes joint development of current problems in finance and credit with employees of banks, the Ministry of Finance and other institutions. For example, in connection with the creation of economic councils, in the 1958/1959 academic year, the Department of Finance, together with the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR, worked on the topic “Issues of budget planning in the context of restructuring the management of industry and construction.” The result of joint work was recommendations to the Ministry of Finance on improving turnover tax planning.

In the Khrushchev decade, the development of scientific work at MFIs led to the formation of a galaxy of scientists who had a great influence on the educational process and the training of a new generation of teachers and scientists at MFIs. This is M.S. Atlas, S.B. Barngolts, M.Z. Bor, A.G. Gryaznova, L.N. Krasavina, O.I. Lavrushin, D.S. Molyakov, P.S. Nikolsky, V.M. Rodionova, V.S. Rozhnov, V.N. Salin, E.A. Simonyan, G.P. Solyus, M.M. Usoskin, I.D. Sher, M.K. Shermenev, I.A. Sholomovich, E.I. Shokhin, N.S. Shumov and others.

Rozhnov Vladimir Sergeevich (1928–1992) – Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor, was a member of the working group of the USSR Central Statistical Office to determine the quality of methodological developments in accounting, deputy chairman of the Scientific Methodological Council of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the USSR SSO, chairman of the VSNTO commission on accounting problems. In 1952 he graduated from the MFI, postgraduate course of our university, since 1955 he was a teacher at the MFI at the department of “Computing machines and their operation”, from 1963 to 1985 he headed the department of “Automated processing of economic information”. From 1985 to 1992 – pro-rector for scientific work. In 1972 he defended doctoral dissertation. Ruko guided graduate students. V.S. Rozhnov published textbooks and teaching aids on computer information processing, computers and programming. V.S. Rozhnov took an active part in Soviet-Italian meetings on economics and advised foreign specialists on the economic aspects of computerization and informatization. He was a member of the Central Board of the USSR-Italy Society.

Since the 1960s Complex topics became a new form of research work at MFIs, in the study of which teachers from several departments were involved.

For example, the topics “Problems of financial planning” and “Financial relations between socialist enterprises and the state” were developed by teachers from the departments of finance, money circulation and credit, finance of national economic sectors (FONH), credit affairs, economic planning and sectoral economics in collaboration with NIFI and the USSR Ministry of Finance. Students and graduate students were also involved. In the course of this work, research was carried out at enterprises and institutions. The results of scientific developments, as a rule, were of an applied nature and were usually presented at scientific conferences and then transferred to the Ministry of Finance and the State Bank of the USSR for use in practical work. In 1961, following the results of work on the topic “Problems of Financial Planning,” a conference was held, in which the Minister of Finance of the USSR V.F. took part. Garbuzov.

As in previous decades, leading scientists of the IFI – Z.V. Atlas, D.A. Allahverdyan, R.D. Vinokurova, V.S. Gerashchenko, M.M. Usoskin, G.A. Schwartz et al. were regularly involved in scientific consultations on economic issues with government agencies.

Gerashchenko Vladimir Sergeevich (1905–1995) – Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor, statesman. In 1929, he graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Leningrad University, after serving in the army, he entered the graduate school of the LFEI and at the same time worked in the Leningrad Regional Office of the State Bank. After defending his Ph.D. thesis, he became the head of the department of “Money Circulation and Credit” at LFEI. He was the director of the Rostov Financial and Economic Institute. Since 1940 V.S. Gerashchenko was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Board of the State Bank of the USSR. Participated in the Potsdam and Paris peace conferences, worked at the UN.

From 1948 to 1958, he again held the position of Deputy Chairman of the Board of the State Bank of the USSR. Arriving at the MFI in 1958, he defended his doctoral dissertation and from 1962 to 1975 headed the department of money circulation and credit. Edited by V.S. Gerashchenko published a number of university textbooks:

“Money circulation and credit”, “Organization and planning of credit”, “Organization and planning of money circulation”.

In general, the scientific research of teachers, graduate students and students of IFIs, closely related to the needs of the national economy of the country, produced an economic effect and provided real assistance to financial and credit institutions and enterprises in their practical work.

During the period 1950 - mid-1960s. began to change by better life MFI students. However, there was still a lack of classrooms, laboratories, classrooms and workshops; classes were conducted in three shifts:

from 9 to 23 hours. On average, per student in those years there was 1 sq. m area. The dormitory, as in the first post-war decade, was located in two-story barracks with stove heating. But students have always been inventive and cheerful people. In 1961, they organized the Student Council of the hostel, student committees (student committees) in its buildings, and elders were elected in the rooms. To maintain cleanliness and order, they carried out self-service, organized and held competitions for the best room, the best building.

More attention was paid to the health of students.

This was facilitated by both the leadership of the IFI and the students themselves.

Since 1957, a first-aid post began operating at the institute; students were given vouchers to sanatoriums and rest homes. In 1959, a sports and recreation camp was put into operation in the Kashira district of the Moscow region. A sign of that time was mandatory work for four hours a day on the state farm where the camp was organized. In 1962, a sports camp opened near Odessa.

Thus, the Moscow Financial Institute, created immediately after the war, despite the difficulties of the recovery period, the poverty of the material and technical base, and numerous reorganizations during the period of Khrushchev’s reforms, took shape by the mid-1960s. as a leading university in training specialists for the financial and credit system of the USSR. Institute scientists took a direct part in the preparation of the monetary reform of 1947, laying the foundations for close cooperation with state financial authorities. Subsequently, this trend developed and had a positive impact on the level of training of financier specialists. MFI took its rightful place in the country’s system of financial and economic education, successfully solved organizational, educational and methodological problems, and made its contribution to the development of Soviet economic science. Activities of MFIs in 1946–1964. served as the basis for the further development of the university.

Questions for review 1. What were the features of the organization of MFIs in the first post-war decade?

2. Indicate which financial and economic universities were the basis for organizing the educational and scientific work of IFIs.

3. What role did IFI teachers play in preparing the monetary reform of 1947?

4. Describe the main activities of IFIs in 1946 – early 1950s.

5. Describe the most important innovations in the activities of MFIs during the “thaw”.

6. Analyze the main directions of scientific work at MFIs in the period 1950 – early 1960s.

7. What changes in student life (study, life, leisure) have occurred over the two post-war decades?

8. Tell us about the famous teachers of the IFI from the 1950s to the early 1960s, their educational and scientific work.

Chapter EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND PUBLIC LIFE of IFIs in 1965–1984 In the history of our country, the second half of the 1960s - the beginning of the 1980s. was a time of relative stability. The leadership of the USSR, headed by L.I. Brezhnev set a course for political stability and economic development that did not affect the most important areas of the country’s life, without abandoning the administrative-command system.

Economic reform known as "Kosygin"

(named after the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR A.N. Kosygin), began in September 1965. The reform assumed the expansion of economic rights and financial independence of enterprises, the introduction of commercial contractual relations into practice. Its beginning gave hope.

Economic indicators 1966–1970 turned out to be the best in all previous five-year plans. However, the inconsistency in the implementation of the reform led in the early 1970s. to its folding;

the consequences of this decision had a painful impact on the entire next decade of development of our country.

The USSR was falling further and further behind the world powers in the field of scientific and technological progress. There was an urgent need for renewal in Soviet society. But the country’s leadership refused to reform the economy, realizing that economic changes could lead to the liquidation of the entire socio-political system. As a result, negative phenomena in economic life intensified and social tension increased.

The deterioration of affairs in the national economic life was accompanied by an intensification of ideological propaganda. A course was proclaimed to complete the construction of “developed socialism.”

At this time, the activities of MFIs were determined by the instructions of the line ministry and were based on five-year and annual plans. Party state resolutions “On the further development of research work in higher educational institutions”, “On the state and measures to improve the training of economic personnel for industry and construction of the RSFSR”, “On measures to further improve higher education in the country”, “On further development of higher education and improving the quality of training of specialists" were the basis for the functioning of the entire education system and the Moscow Financial Institute.

4.1. Improving educational, methodological and research work The history of IFIs is the history of the search for optimal forms of implementing the educational process. As before, the central place in educational work was occupied by issues of economic theory and practice under socialism, problems of improving the financial and credit mechanism, accounting and economic analysis of economic activities, the work of financial and economic bodies, industrial enterprises and associations, methodological questions.

At the end of the 1960s. The scientific organization of the educational process began to be widely introduced in the educational process, the university continued to be equipped with modern technical means of teaching, curricula, methods and practices were updated, and the teaching staff of the institute was strengthened. In 1975, there were 241 full-time teachers at MFI, of which 27 were doctors of science, 151 were candidates.

The amount of teaching time for studying special disciplines, higher mathematics and social sciences increased, which required the development of new and adjustment of existing curricula and teaching aids.

Particular attention was paid to the teaching of financial and banking disciplines, which required the teaching staff of the institute to carefully study new trends in the economic life of the country. A significant event in the life of IFIs was the holding in 1973 of the All-Union Scientific and Methodological Conference on teaching the discipline “Analysis of Economic Activity” (ABA), in which about 300 teachers from 80 universities in the country participated. This forum began the systematic work of IFIs to coordinate scientific and methodological activities in financial, analytical and accounting disciplines. Work continued on textbooks and teaching aids. In 1965–1967 the textbook “Financing and Lending of Capital Investments” (team of authors under the leadership of I.D. Sher) and the textbook “Control and Audit of Industrial Enterprises” were published

(P.F. Ipatov). Head of the team of authors of the textbook “Money Circulation and Credit of the USSR” V.S. Gerashchenko was awarded a bronze medal from VDNKh and a cash prize for the work he prepared. By the mid-1970s. MFI teachers published more textbooks and teaching aids, and by the early 1980s. – more than 50.

Ipatov Pavel Fedorovich (1914–1994) – professor. A participant in the Great Patriotic War, he fought at Stalingrad, on the Southern, Don, and 2nd Belorussian fronts. After the war, he graduated with honors from the MFI, defended his PhD thesis, and worked at the Department of Finance. P.F. Ipatov conducted educational and scientific work, supervised graduate students, participated in the writing of textbooks and teaching aids: “Finance of the USSR”, “Budgetary system of the USSR”, “State budget of the USSR and its national economic significance”, “State social insurance and social security in the USSR”, was the author of articles for the “Financial and Credit Dictionary”.

In 1957–1985 P.F. Ipatov was the MFI vice-rector for academic affairs. Named P.F. Ipatov’s auditorium at the Financial University was named.

At the seminar classes, students were widely practiced preparing reports on major economic problems with their subsequent discussion, as well as using visual and technical means. Much attention was paid to laboratory and practical exercises. To develop practical skills in banking work, classes were held at banking institutions - at Vneshtorgbank, at branches of the State Bank of the USSR.

As before, industrial practice occupied an important place in the educational process, in the management of which experienced employees of banks and industrial enterprises were involved, along with the teachers of the institute. In the 1970s - early 1980s. The practice was carried out in seven special disciplines and took place at 62 industrial enterprises in Moscow, including the Kalibr, Kompressor, Krasny Proletary, Frezer, and the plant named after. Likhachev, First State Bearing Plant, etc.

Atlas Mariam Semyonovna (1912–2006) – Doctor of Economics, professor, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR. In 1931 she graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Kazan University. She studied at the graduate school of MKEI.

From 1943 until the end of her life she taught at the MKEI - MFI - Financial Academy.

In 1957–1987 Headed the Department of Political Economy. The most important scientific works of M.S. The atlas contains monographs “Nationalization of banks in the USSR”, “Credit reform in the USSR”, “Development of a state bank in the USSR”. With the beginning of the economic reform in 1965, she dealt with the problems of commodity-money relations under socialism. M.S. Atlas was a scientific editor and author of numerous textbooks and teaching aids, collective monographs on political economy, monetary circulation and credit. She paid special attention to students and was the leader of a scientific student circle. She shared her teaching skills with young teachers and graduate students. M.S. Atlas made a great contribution to the development of the Faculty of Advanced Training for Teachers (FPKP) and relations with financial and economic universities of the USSR, with universities in socialist countries. The result of the collaboration was the collective monographs “Profit and Profitability in a Socialist Economy”, “National Income in a Socialist Society”, “National Income and Finance”.

Participated in the development of complex state budget topics: “The law of saving time and the role of the financial and credit mechanism in its use” and “Commodity-money relations and the transition to the market.”

The priority direction in the educational work of IFIs remained the writing of diploma and term papers. Their topics were updated annually taking into account the changing practical activities of financial institutions and industrial enterprises. The works, written on factual material, were distinguished by their independent analysis of economic processes and the practical significance of the conclusions drawn. For example, in the 1965 academic year, more than 50% of full-time students wrote coursework based on practical material collected in State Bank institutions. The experience accumulated at the institute in preparing theses confirmed that their execution on orders is an important form of strengthening the connection between learning and practice.

Based on the results of defending their theses, the most gifted students received recommendations for admission to graduate school. Quite a few who graduated from graduate school in those years later became leading teachers at the MFI - Financial Academy - Financial University. Among them is the President of the Financial University, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation A.G. Gryaznova, vice-rectors, deans of faculties and heads of departments: V.V. Kurochkin, O.I. Lavrushin, V.N. Salin, V.N. Sumarokov, E.I. Shokhin and others.

Separately, it is necessary to say about the teaching of social disciplines at MFIs during that period. Social science teachers were clearly focused on constant ideological work among students in order to form a Marxist-Leninist worldview in them.

Thus, educational and methodological work at the MFI was aimed at improving teaching to train highly professional personnel for the national economy of the USSR.

When organizing the educational process at the institute, the rectorate proceeded from the fact that there cannot be a highly qualified teacher without research work. In 1965–1984 The priority of the scientific work of the institute’s teaching staff was to carry out research on major scientific problems and develop complex and economic contractual topics, for example, cost categories in the system of economic relations of developed socialism, problems of improving the economic analysis of reserves for increasing production efficiency in business associations , features of the concentration of production and capitalist monopolies on modern stage, inflation in the conditions of modern capitalism, etc.

Lavrushin Oleg Ivanovich (born in 1936) – Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Economic Sciences and Entrepreneurship, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Graduated from MFI in 1958, worked at the State Bank of the USSR. After completing graduate school at the IFI and defending his Ph.D. thesis in 1963.

Currently teaching at the MFI - Financial Academy - Financial University.

In 1974 O.I. Lavrushin defended his doctoral dissertation “Credit in a socialist society.” In 1965–1975 – deputy Dean, then – Dean of the Faculty of Credit and Economics. In 1975, he headed the department of “Money Circulation and Credit” and currently heads the department of “Banks and Bank Management”. O.I. Lavrushin is the author of well-known scientific works devoted to the theory and practice of monetary relations, the functioning of the banking system, and the author of a number of monographs. He took part in the preparation of draft laws of the Russian Federation “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation”, “On banks and banking» and others, worked on creating a conceptual framework for the development of the Russian banking system. In 1995 - editor-in-chief of the Russian Banking Encyclopedia. He is a member of the editorial board of the journal “Finance and Credit”. Laureate of the Presidential Prize of the Russian Federation (1999), laureate of the competition “For Scientific Achievements in Education in Russia” (2001), laureate of the National Banking Prize (2006), laureate of the State Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation (2010). From to 2002 – member of the National Banking Council under the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. O.I. Lavrushin is a member of expert councils: on banking legislation State Duma of the Russian Federation and the Federation Council, the Association of Russian Banks, the Deposit Insurance Agency. Chairman of the educational and methodological council for the specialty “Finance and Credit” of the Educational and Methodological Association at the Financial University. Awarded the Order of Badge of Honor (2008).

During these years, MFI teachers were actively working on doctoral and master's theses. The research results were presented in the form of scientific articles, speeches at scientific conferences, and monographs. Over 20 years, 62 monographs and 37 scientific collections were published. Great importance in scientific work was attached to the training of postgraduate students and the supervision of scientific work of students.

Participation in the development of economic policy of the state, five summer plans development of the country, determining the parameters of the state budget. M.R. took an active part in these studies. Azarh, R.D. Vinokur, V.S. Gerashchenko, I.D. Zlobin, D.S. Molyakov, A.M. Savkin, V.M. Rodionova and others.

Molyakov Dmitry Stepanovich (1913–2001) – professor, corresponding member of the Academy of Economic Sciences and Entrepreneurship.

In 1936, he graduated from the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute, worked in the financial system, and served as head of the Industrial Finance Department of the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR. Since 1963, he taught at the MFI-Financial Academy. 1973–1988 headed the department of “Finance of sectors of the national economy and financing of capital investments.”

In the 1970s with the participation of D.S. Molyakov published collective monographs “Finance and the efficiency of social production”, “Increasing the efficiency of social production and improving financial-credit relations”, “Working capital of capital construction”. In the 1980s D.S. Molyakov was a member of the Presidium of the Scientific and Methodological Council for Finance, Credit and Accounting of the USSR Ministry of Finance, and a member of the Scientific Council of NIFI. Under his leadership in the 1980s–1990s. textbooks and teaching aids were prepared: “Finance of enterprises and sectors of the national economy”, “Finance of sectors of the national economy”, “Financing and lending of capital investments”, “Finance of sectors of the national economy”. These works were repeatedly republished and widely used in financial and economic universities of the USSR and the Russian Federation.

D.S. Molyakov supervised graduate students, developed connections between the MFI - Financial Academy and other universities, including the University of Latvia, the Novosibirsk and Khabarovsk Institutes of National Economy, the Ternopil Financial and Economic Institute, with scientists and teachers from Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, and Czechoslovakia.

A bright page in the history of IFIs during this period were scientific conferences that were held in connection with the discussion of important national economic and financial problems. They invited scientists, government and public figures countries, heads of financial authorities. In 1967, an important event in the scientific life of the institute was the holding, jointly with the Ministry of Finance and the State Bank of the USSR, of the Second All-Union Conference on the organization and methodology of economic analysis in industry. In 1974, the Interuniversity Scientific Conference “Financial Issues of Further Improvement of the System of Planning and Economic Incentives in Construction” was organized and held at the MFI, together with the Stroybank of the USSR.

The improvement of the scientific qualifications of teachers was facilitated by the preparation and defense of doctoral and candidate dissertations. The real forge of scientific personnel was the MFI graduate school. It was constantly expanding. In the ten years from 1964 to 1974, graduate school enrollment increased by 36 percent, a trend that continued into the next decade. The result of the work of the graduate school was an increase in the number of defended dissertations. In the 1965 academic year alone, 28 people defended their Ph.D. theses. In 1974, the number of doctors and candidates of science accounted for more than 70% of all full-time teachers at the institute. Among the graduate students of those years, it should be noted V.S. Barda, B.E. Lanina, G.V. Sergeev, E.V. Chernetsov and others.

Bard Vladimir Semenovich (1940–2004) – Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor. Graduated from the Faculty of Finance and Economics of the MFI in 1962. Worked in the Ministry of Finance. He studied at the MFI graduate school and headed the NSO. Since 1968

began teaching and was chairman of the trade union committee.

In 1975–1985 – Dean of the Faculty of Credit and Economics. Since 1985, he held the position of vice-rector of the MFI - Financial Academy for academic work, and since 1992 - vice-rector for scientific work. He made a great contribution to updating curricula, developing complex scientific and methodological topics and production practice. The sphere of scientific interests of V.S. Bard focused on industry finance and financial and investment problems in the development of the Russian economy. He published: the monograph “Financial and Investment Complex”, a number of articles in the magazines “Finance”, “Money and Credit”, in the “Financial and Credit Dictionary”. V.S. Bard participated in the preparation of textbooks and teaching aids “Finance of enterprises and sectors of the national economy”, “Industrial finance”, “Financing and lending to industry”, “Economics, organization and planning of construction”, “Construction finance”.

V.S. Bard supervised graduate students and headed the dissertation council for more than ten years in the specialty “Finance, money circulation, credit.”

Scientific work with students also developed during these years. Its main task was to teach students to analyze complex economic problems and work with scientific literature. The main form of scientific work of students remained scientific circles, which functioned in almost all departments of the institute. Thus, the scientific student circle under the leadership of prof. M.S. Atlas held meetings in the monetary and financial organizations of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA). The number of students engaged in scientific work in circles was constantly increasing, which testified to the sustained interest of a significant part of students in scientific activities. If in the 1965/1966 academic year there were more scientific student circles at the institute, and they covered about 50% of full-time students, then by the end of the 1983/1984 academic year there were 130 of them and 85% of the institute’s students were involved in circle work.

A feature of those years was the active involvement of evening students in scientific work. The topics of scientific works, speeches at meetings of circles, and student conferences were distinguished by their practical orientation, analysis of the economic problems of the enterprises where the students worked.

The activities of the Student Bureau of Economic Analysis (StudBEA), headed by Professor S.B., continued. Barngolts. During these years, students were engaged in identifying reserves for increasing production efficiency at enterprises by increasing sales, profits, and reducing production costs.

StudBEA MFI received the highest award at the VDNKh competition - a Diploma of Honor, and became a laureate of the All-Union Council of Scientific and Technical Societies "For significant contribution to increasing production efficiency." The press of those years wrote widely about StudBEA. Following his example, similar scientific organizations began to be created in other universities of the USSR.

Other forms of scientific student creativity also developed - participation in the development of complex topics of departments (state budgetary and contractual), work in a translation agency, training at the School of Young Lecturers, participation in subject Olympiads. The publication of the collection of student scientific works “Scientific Notes of Students,” which began during the “thaw” period, continued.

MFI students worthily represented the university at the All-Union and All-Russian competitions scientific student works, conferences, took prizes, received certificates and diplomas. Thus, scientific work in 1965–1984. was multifaceted in nature and included not only the teaching staff and graduate students, but also students of the institute.

Vera Mikhailovna Rodionova (born in 1932) – Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, member of the expert advisory council under the Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, expert of two committees of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (on budget and taxes, on economic politics and entrepreneurship), member of the Certification Commission of the Ministry of Finance of Russia (for her active participation in the work of which she was thanked by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in 2010), member of the editorial board of two all-Russian journals (“Finance” and “Finance and Credit”), member of the Scientific Council of the Financial University, member of the Expert Council of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (1992–1998), Chairman of the Expert Council on budget accounting under the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation (1998–2002), full member of the Academy of Management and Market, full member of the Academy of Economic Sciences and Entrepreneurship. In 1954 she graduated from the Moscow Financial Institute with a degree in Finance. From 1957 to the present time he has been working at our university. From 1989 to 2002 she headed the Department of Finance. In 1961–1967 was deputy dean of the Faculty of Finance and Economics and dean of the Faculty of Credit and Economics. Ru led a scientific student group and graduate students. The scientific work of the students she supervised won gold medals three times (in 1993, 1998 and 1999) following the results of an all-Russian competition for the best scientific student work, and V.M. Rodionova was awarded Diplomas from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (State Committee of the Russian Federation for Higher Education) for the high quality of scientific leadership.

V.M. Rodionova participated in the preparation of textbooks and teaching aids. With her active participation, the textbooks “Finance”, “Current Problems of Finance”, “Workshop on the Budget and Budgetary System of the Russian Federation”, “Budget and Extra-Budgetary Funds” were prepared. V.M. Rodionova conducts research on the problems of improving public finances, reforming the budget system of the Russian Federation, and developing extra-budgetary funds for social purposes. V.M. Rodionova was involved in the examination of draft legislative acts “Budget Code of the Russian Federation”, “On the financial foundations of local self-government”, etc.

Currently, she is an adviser to the rector, director of the Center for Budget Policy of the Institute of Financial and Economic Research of the Financial University, scientific director of the permanent scientific and methodological seminar for teachers and graduate students of the Financial University “Modern financial and economic education: pedagogy, psychology, methodology.”

The result of the educational, methodological and scientific research work of the IFI during this period was the strengthening of scientific relations of departments with enterprises, financial and banking authorities and academic institutes of the USSR Academy of Sciences, which was reflected in the development of textbooks and teaching aids, and the improvement of teaching methods. Leading IFI scientists expanded cooperation with the State Bank and, on behalf of the government, participated in research on specific national economic problems. The coordination of scientific work within the institute was strengthened, the petty subjectivity of scientific research was eliminated, and the efforts of the departments were concentrated on the implementation of large and relevant complex and economic contractual topics. The scientific and pedagogical qualifications of teachers increased, doctoral and candidate dissertations were defended. The forms of students' scientific work have expanded.

These changes were accompanied by an improvement in the structure of the institute, which has changed significantly over two decades. During these years, the institute was headed by V.V. Shcherbakov. We can talk about two stages of development of MFIs in 1965–1984.

The first stage of radical changes occurred during the economic reform of 1965, which required the restructuring of the entire system of economic education. In October 1966, the Moscow Financial Institute was transferred from republican subordination to the subordination of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR. In September 1967, the university switched from a four-year to a five-year term of study, which required the creation of new faculties and the development of new academic disciplines. In 1969, the Faculty of International Studies was restored economic relations"(MEO);

The “Faculty of Advanced Training for Teachers” (FPKP) was organized in the specialties “Finance, money circulation and credit” and “Accounting and analysis of economic activity.” By 1974, training at the IFI was conducted in three specialties: “Finance and Credit”, “Accounting”, “International Economic Relations”.

The second stage of structural changes is associated with the approval in 1982 of the new Charter of IFIs. It emphasized that the MFI is an institution of the first category and performs the functions of a basic higher educational institution in the financial and economic profile. According to the Charter, the MFI, as before, trained specialists in three specialties and eight specializations. Young specialists who graduated from MFIs with a break from production were required to work for at least three years as assigned. The charter was in force until 1990.

Discipline program

Topic 1. The first financial universities in Moscow (1919 – 1946)

Economic recovery in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century. and higher financial and economic education. Growing needs for finance specialists for state financial authorities, private entrepreneurship, city and zemstvo self-government. The Bolsheviks came to power and the beginning of the Sovietization of the education system. Characteristic features of the financial and economic policy of the Bolsheviks in the early 1920s. Difficulties in mastering financial operations. Financial and economic institutions in a cashless economy. Joint efforts of the People's Commissariat of Finance, Trade and Industry and Education to create the first financial and economic universities in the history of Russia. Reorganization in 1918 of the Alexander Commercial School into the Moscow Industrial and Economic Institute. Creation in 1919 of the Moscow Financial and Economic Institute of the People's Fund of the RSFSR. The first rector of the IFEI is D.P. Bogolepov. Fulfilling the main task of the IFEI is the creation of a cadre of Soviet financial workers for the NKF. The beginning of the ideologization of financial and economic education. Social and economic crisis of 1920 – 1921 and deterioration in the material support of MPEI and MFEI. New economic policy. Problems of stabilization of monetary circulation, restoration and development of the national economy. Restructuring the teaching of financial and economic disciplines in the 1920s. in a combination of command methods of economic management and market mechanisms. The rise of MPEI activity during the NEP period. Rectors of the 1920s – P.I. Shelkov, V.I. Veger. Reorganization of the MFEI and the creation on its basis of the Finance Faculty of the MPEI. Organizational and financial resources of the NKF - to help the financial faculty of MPEI. Leading managers of Nakomfin are teachers of the Faculty of Finance. The dean of the faculty is L.N. Yurovsky, one of the organizers of the monetary reform of the NEP period. Cooperation with the Faculty of Finance of MPEI N.D. Kondratiev. "Elaboration" of the student environment. Creation of workers' faculty. Socialist industrialization. New tasks of financial and economic education. Reform of higher education 1928 – 1929 Reassignment of financial universities from the People's Commissariat of Education to the Narkomfin and their disaggregation. "Purges" and repressions of the 1930s. The finance faculty of MPEI was recreated in 1930 in the form of the Moscow Financial and Economic Institute. The first director of the IFEI is D.A. Butkov, head of the planning and economic department of the NKF. NKF employees are university teachers. Development of training programs and plans, introduction of practice. Creation of special departments. Development of workers' faculty. Creation of graduate school. The main task of the university is to train mass personnel for the Narkomfin and its local financial departments, the State Bank and its branches throughout the entire Soviet Union. MFEI students. A.G. Zverev, outstanding Minister of Finance of the USSR. Repressions against MFEI in 1934, transfer of the university to Leningrad. Joining the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute as a finance faculty. Establishment in 1931 of the Moscow Accounting and Economic Institute of the State Bank of the USSR. From a departmental highly specialized university to a specialized financial institution. Reorganization of MUEI in 1934 into the Moscow Credit and Economic Institute. MKEI is the successor to MFEI and MUEI. The first director of MKEI is M.I. Sheronov. Updating curricula and plans in accordance with the objectives of industrialization. Creation of departments. Scientists who contributed to the development of financial and economic scientific disciplines - Z.V. Atlas, V.V. Ikonnikov, N.A. Kiparisov, A.M. Galagan, N.N. Lyubimov, Ya.E. Wiener, V. K. Yatsunsky – teachers of MKEI. Release of the first textbooks. Creation of graduate school. The first graduate students were M.S. Atlas, S.B. Barngolts. Scientific discussions as a pretext for new repressions. 1940 MKEI moved to a new building on Yaroslavskoye Highway. The Great Patriotic War. Restructuring the educational, scientific and social work of financial and economic universities in accordance with the needs of the front. Closing of a number of universities, reduction in funding, suspension of classes. Evacuation of LFEI to the North Caucasus, and then to Tashkent. Termination of LFEI activities for the duration of the war. The new director of MKEI is D.A. Butkov. Evacuation in 1941 MKEI to Saratov. Resumption of the educational process in Saratov at the beginning of 1942. Organizational and material difficulties in the work of MKEI in Saratov. Re-evacuation of MKEI to Moscow in 1943. Restoration of admission of new students in 1943/1944. Re-establishment of MFEI in 1943. Re-establishment of LFEI in 1944.

Topic 2. Creation of MFIs and its development in 1946 – 1964.

Soviet Union after the Great Patriotic War. Restoration of the national economy destroyed by the war. The need to expand personnel for the economy and financial system of the USSR. Decision of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and Order of the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR on the merger of MFEI and MKEI into the Moscow Financial Institute in 1946. Difficulties in reorganizing MFI. The role of D.A. Butkov in organizing the educational process at MFIs. The first director of the MFI N.N. Rovinsky and his contribution to the development of the university. Charter of the IFI 1947. Structure of the university. Goals and objectives of the faculties: Financial and Economic (FEF), Credit and Economic (CEF), Accounting and Economic (UEF), International Financial Relations (IFO). Leading teachers of the IFI D.A. Allakhverdyan, Z.V. Atlas, G.I. Boldyrev, G.A. Kozlov, N.N. Lyubimov, P.P. Maslov, K.N. Plotnikov, A.V. Chernykh etc. Main directions of scientific research of MFI teachers. Work on writing teaching aids and textbooks. Enrichment of teaching staff training experience. Beginning of teaching activities of postgraduate graduates F.P. Vasin, L.N. Krasavina, I.V. Levchuk P.S. Nikolsky, G.I. Razdorsky, etc. Organization of educational and methodological work. Control over the quality of classes conducted. Creation of a scientific student society (NSS), organization of circle work at departments. Industrial practice of students. Patronage assistance from MFI departments to industrial enterprises, financial and banking institutions in Moscow. Socio-economic reforms of the mid-1950s – 1960s. Updating the work of MFIs. New director V.V. Shcherbakov. New faculties and departments. Go to new system training – organization of full-time, evening, correspondence departments. Improving educational and methodological work. Introduction of thesis defense in 1955. Successes and problems in organizing scientific work: joint developments of MFI teachers with banks and financial organizations in Moscow. Start working on complex topics. Forms of research work: NSO, scientific circles, industrial practice, diploma theses, etc. Improving the material and technical base of MFIs. Student life, the creation of the Student Council of the hostel, the election of student committees in academic buildings, elders in rooms. Production of mass cultural and sports work.

Topic 3. Economic reform of 1965 and

renewal of MFI activities (1965 – 1984)

Economic reform of 1965 and the search for optimal forms of educational and scientific work in IFIs. Transfer of the university to the subordination of the Union Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education in 1966. Transition in 1967 to a 5-year term of study. Creation of new faculties (MEO and PKP) and departments. Introduction of new curricula and academic disciplines. Introduction of scientific organization into the educational process; equipping the educational process with TSO, introducing programmed teaching methods. Updating the organization of educational and methodological work. Improving the forms of teaching core financial and banking disciplines; the connection between science and practice, the use of visual aids in the educational process, the introduction of industrial practice, diploma design. Improving the forms of teaching skills of teachers: educational and scientific-methodological seminars, conferences, discussions of lecture texts and methods of conducting seminar classes, a mentoring institute for young teachers. Participation of leading IFI scientists (V.S. Gerashchenko, I.D. Zlobin, D.S. Molyakov, R.D. Vinokur, I.D. Sher, G.A. Schwartz, V.P. Kopnyaev, etc.) in the activities of the Ministry of Finance and the Government, the development of the main directions of economic policy. Research on contractual topics. Patronage assistance from IFIs: the creation of economic schools at the Kalibr plant, at the Ministry of Automotive Industry, at the Moscow Oil and Oil Plant, at the Dzerzhinsky Republic of the CPSU. Training of teaching staff. Development of postgraduate studies, involvement of young teachers in scientific work - A.G. Gryaznova, O.I. Lavrushin, T.G. Semenkova, P.V. Talmina, V.N. Yuryev, B.E. Lanina, Z.P. Shirinskaya. Creation of new textbooks. Work of departments of social sciences. Activities of the FPKP to improve the qualifications of teaching staff in key financial and economic specialties. Organization of international cooperation. Training of personnel from the countries of the socialist commonwealth: exchange of teachers and students. Collaborative work of IFI teachers and scientists from the People's Republic of Belarus and the GDR in the 1970s. on complex topics and textbooks. The development of interuniversity cooperation in the 1970s: joint scientific research, preparation of textbooks, monographs, exchange of scientists for lecturing, training of graduate students, scientific internship, educational and practical training for students. The first All-Union scientific and methodological conference in the history of the IFI on teaching the discipline “Analysis of Economic Activity” in 1973. The beginning of the IFI’s work on coordinating the scientific and methodological work of the country’s universities in financial, banking and analytical disciplines. New forms of student research work: participation in the work of an industry research laboratory, development of complex topics, work in the student bureau of economic analysis under the leadership of S.B. Barngolts, holding subject Olympiads, participation in all-Union competitions of student scientific works. Educational work; setting up ideological, political and patriotic education. Role public organizations in carrying out extracurricular work (party, trade union, Komsomol organizations, student council, institute of curators). Organization of leisure and recreation for students and staff of the institute. Cultural, sports and recreational work. Charter 1982 Changes in the status and structure of IFIs. Organization of the work of IFIs as a basic university of the first category, training specialists in the specialties “Finance and Credit”, “Accounting and Auditing”, “International Economic Relations”. MFI personnel composition in the late 1970s – early 1980s.

Topic 4. MFIs during the years of perestroika (1985 – 1991)

Perestroika in the USSR and reform of university education. Democratization of the domestic educational system. The new rector A.G. Gryaznova and her contribution to the development of MFIs. Increasing the role of general institute governing bodies - the Institute Council, the Labor Collective Council (STK), the Academic Council, academic councils and the STC of faculties. Adoption of a comprehensive program for the development and further strengthening of the material and technical base of the institute for the period until 2000. Charter of the IFI 1990. Creation of new departments. Restructuring forms and methods of teaching. Introduction of new specializations, academic disciplines, intensification of the educational process. Transition to new curricula, which are based on: optimal ratio between general economic, general education and special subjects. Innovations in educational and methodological work: development of educational complexes for training specialists of various levels for financial and banking specialties, implementation of the principles of lifelong education. Emphasis on active forms of work (practical classes, debates, round tables), independent work of students. Increasing the pace of computerization. Strengthening the connection between science and practice. Introduction of end-to-end educational and work practice in the 5th year of study; an experiment on enrolling fifth-year students during practical training in banking institutions at the place of future work for a paid position. Training of specialists on-the-job. Restructuring the educational process in the evening department. Success in the development of scientific work. Development of complex topics with the participation of teachers from 70 economic universities, research institutes, the Ministry of Finance, the State Bank, scientists from the BPR and the GDR. Expanding the expert and analytical work of IFI scientists on the implementation of economic reform in the USSR. Release of monographs, textbooks. Creation of an educational and methodological association (UMA) in the specialties “Finance and Credit”, “Accounting, Control and Analysis of Economic Activities”. The educational, methodological and scientific achievements of the university are the basis for the MFI to acquire the functions of the parent university: preparation of state regulations, new standard curricula and programs for financial and banking specialties; planning and preparation for publication of educational and educational literature for university students; holding All-Union scientific and methodological conferences. Organization of postgraduate education at MFIs. The increasing role of graduate school in increasing the effectiveness of scientific research. Creation and development of a faculty for the training and retraining of financial specialists, a scientific and methodological consulting center for generalizing and disseminating the best practices of Moscow enterprises and associations in connection with their transfer to full self-financing and self-financing. Expansion and deepening of international cooperation of the scientific and pedagogical staff of the IFI. International recognition of IFIs as a leading financial and economic university. The new status of the institute is the State Financial Academy in 1991 (SFA). Priority areas of students' research work. Participation of 3rd year students in the 1989 All-Union Population Census. Beginning of the annual student “Science Week”. The work of a young lecturer's school. Creation of the Council of Young Scientists. Re-establishment of the Faculty of Social Professions in 1988. Activation of social student life. Activities of student construction teams (SCT). Local Committee of a self-governing non-profit, non-political student organization - the International Association of Students Studying Economics and Management (AIESEC, 1989); youth self-supporting amateur association "Ellipse" (1988), student cooperative "Trend". Improving the material and technical base of the university. Life and rest. The main directions of the comprehensive program “Health and Life of Students”.

Topic 5. Financial Academy in the conditions of formation of a market economy

Economic and political situation sovereign Russia in the early 1990s. The increasing need for economists of a new formation and the role of financial and economic universities in solving the problem of transition to market economy. High assessment of the achievements of the GFA by the leadership of the Russian Federation. Presidential Decree of October 7, 1992 “On measures to train personnel to ensure the activities of the financial and banking system.” Transformation of the State Financial Academy into the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. The need to develop pre-university training in the 1990s. Formation of economic classes on the basis of Moscow secondary schools. Creation of the School of Young Economist and Financial and Economic School (1992 – 1993). Increased efficiency of work of Academy teachers with applicants, increase in admission to the Academy in the 1990s. Further development personnel training systems. New specialties and specializations for training financial and economic personnel. Creation of new structures at the Academy - Institutes of insurance, taxes and taxation, tax police, financial management, mathematical methods in economics and crisis management. Establishment of the International Financial University of the 21st century. Opening of a master's degree. Directors of institutes and their role in the development of educational activities of the Financial Academy. Introduction of state educational standards of higher education vocational education(1996, 2000, 2008); licensing of educational activities, certification and accreditation of the Financial Academy. Expanding and updating the content of the educational process. Beginning of the implementation of educational plans for multi-level training of specialists (bachelors, graduates, masters). Democratization of the educational process. New disciplines and new teaching methods: problem-based lectures, business and role-playing games, press conferences, etc. Improving the education quality control system: written exams, testing, checking residual knowledge. Educational and methodological support for classes. Preparation of new textbooks and teaching aids. Introduction of new forms of training of specialists: departments of distance (correspondence) education and external studies. Postgraduate education. Postgraduate and doctoral studies. Creation of a department of second higher education. Development of additional education. Creation of Institutes for training and advanced training of personnel in financial and banking specialties, advanced training of teachers Civil service. Industrial practice and problems of its organization. Replenishment of the business community with Academy graduates. Notable Academy graduates of the 1990s – entrepreneurs, statesmen modern Russia. Development of telecommunications and computerization of the educational process. Creation of the Scientific and Methodological Center for Computerization of Education. Connecting the Financial Academy to the Internet. Free access for Academy staff and students to Internet resources. Organization of new departments. Faculty and its most prominent representatives. Intensification of research work, growth in the volume of printed products. The main directions of research activities of teachers: development of scientific and practical topics related to reforming the country, consulting, analytical and expert work on issues of financial and economic policy on behalf of the Government and other institutions of government. Difficulties in the development of university science due to budget cuts. Fulfillment of contractual matters and sale of intellectual work products. Participation of scientists in competitions for grants. Research work of students. Re-establishment of the NSO. The most important areas of international cooperation. Internship and organization of practical training in foreign countries Oh. Implementation of joint scientific projects. Training of personnel from among Russian citizens in foreign universities, training by the Financial Academy of specialists for foreign countries. Improving language training. Student life. Life and cultural leisure. Creative teams of students, participation in general academic competitions. The beginning of the activities of the literary and musical salon “Visiting the Rector”.

Topic 6. The Financial Academy is a leading university in the system of modern

Russian education

Further growth of all types of activities of the Financial Academy at the beginning of the new millennium. Improving the structure and management of the Academy. Election in 2006 as Rector of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation - M.A. Eskindarova, President - A.G. Gryaznova. Growing competition in the field of educational services. Deepening globalization processes. Updating the educational, scientific and organizational work of the Academy in connection with joining the Bologna process. Adoption in 2007 of a program for further comprehensive development of the Financial Academy “Creation of an innovative education system for training financiers - leaders of a competitive economy.” Creation of the Financial Academy Endowment Fund. The role assigned to it in the development of scientific and educational activities of the university. A gradual transition to a multi-level personnel training system. Creation of the Institute of Business Administration and Business for the purpose of implementing the MBA - Finance programs. Activities of the Institute for Advanced Studies, which arose on the basis of the IPPC. Start of work of the Institute of Management for training specialists with higher education. Structural changes in the Financial Academy - transformation of institutes into faculties. Creation of the International Finance Faculty for the implementation of international educational programs training bachelors and masters in English and the International Business School in the system of additional professional education. Strengthening language training at the university. Creation of a foreign language center. Implementation of “double degree” educational programs. Expansion of activities to implement the tasks of multi-level training of specialists. Creation of regional representative offices of the Financial Academy; Accession to the Academy of Blagoveshchensk, Buzuluksky, Zvenigorod, Krasnoyarsk, Ostashkovsky, Perm, Rostov, Ufa, Kirov, Samara and Ulyanovsk financial and economic colleges, transforming them into branches of the Financial Academy. Creation of the Faculty of Pre-University Training. Improving career guidance work with applicants. Formation of new departments under the leadership of famous scientists and practitioners. Renewal of teaching staff. Development of scientific schools. Works of Academy scientists awarded with state awards and their authors. The main directions of research work: problems of building an innovative national economic system; modernization of financial and economic education. Contribution of FinAcademy scientists to development Russian science and economics. Graduates of the Financial Academy are active participants in the development of the Russian and world economy of the 21st century. Integration of the Academy into the global scientific community. Cooperation with foreign universities, financial and banking institutions and international organizations. Development of scientific interaction. Stimulating the influx of young people into science, education and high technology. Revival of the Council of Young Scientists. Creating conditions for the development of research activities and promoting the professional growth of young scientists. “Inclusive learning” and language internships for students of the Financial Academy in foreign universities, participation in international scientific events for young people. Creation of the International School of Young Researchers. Creation of a department of educational work, development of traditional and innovative forms of extracurricular work with students. Revival of the Student Council. The Financial Academy is a leading university in the system of modern Russian higher professional education. The Academy has a consistently high rating among financial and economic universities in Russia. Restructuring education systems in the era of globalization. Regulatory, organizational and essential contradictions of this process. The reasons for the emergence of the Bologna process in Europe, the stages of its development. Incentives for Russia to join the Bologna process. Documents regulating the Bologna process. Bologna process: goals, objectives, main parameters. Positive aspects of the formation of a single educational space in Europe: flexibility of the educational process, freedom of choice and mobility of students as the main principles of organizing higher professional education in the educational space of Europe. Expanding the autonomy of universities, comparable qualifications, comparable assessment criteria and quality of education are additional advantages of the integration of European education. Contradictions and difficulties of the Bologna process. The inconsistency of some of its principles: the clash of interests of national and pan-European philosophies, systems and concepts of higher education; unclearness of a number of goals and objectives. The first experience in resolving these contradictions in European countries. The experience of the Financial Academy and other Russian universities in restructuring the higher education system in accordance with the recommendations of integration documents. International relations of the Financial Academy. Educational and scientific directions, forms and prospects of these connections.

Approximate topics of abstracts:

  1. The relationship between the development of the national economy and the improvement of the domestic system of financial and economic education. Predecessors of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation: the formation of traditions.
  2. Trends in the financial and economic policy of the Russian state in the twentieth century. and updating the structure and educational programs of the university.

    The role and significance of the Academy’s statutes in its life.

    Perestroika in the USSR and distinctive features activities of MFI-GFA in 1985 – 1991.

    Past and present of the faculty.

    Outstanding graduates of the Financial Academy (faculty).

    Our beacons: the best teachers and scientists of MFEI-MFI-GFA-FA.

    Celebrating the 90th anniversary of the Academy.

Main literature

    Bolognese process: Fundamental documents. M.: Finance and Statistics, 2006.

    Graduates Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation/Ed. A.G. Gryaznova; Comp. S.L. Anokhina, M.A. Eskindarov. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 2001.

    Story Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. Coll. auto/Under general ed. A.G. Gryaznova. M.: Finance and Statistics, 2000; Ed. 2nd addition. M.: Finance and Statistics, 2001.

    Story Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation in persons. Coll. ed./Ed. A.G. Gryaznova). M.: Finance and Statistics, 2003.

    Story Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. 60 years since the founding of the MFI. Coll. auto/Under general ed. A.G. Gryaznova. M.: Finance and Statistics, 2006.

    Story Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation: history and modernity. Coll. auto /Under general ed. M.A. Eskindarova. M.: Finance and Statistics, 2009.

    Razmanova N.A. The formation of commercial and financial-economic education in Russia. (XIX – 20s of the XX century). M., 2002.

additional literature

    Bidenko V.I.., Grishanova N.A., Pugach V.F. Russia in the Bologna process: problems, tasks, prospects // VOS. 2005.

    Bidenko V.I. The Bologna Process: Structural Reform of European Higher Education. M.: Research Center for Problems of Quality of Training of Specialists; Russian New University, 2002.

    Bolognese process and its significance for Russia: Integration of higher education in Europe / Auth. coll.: K. Pursiainen, S.A. Medvedev, V.A. Belov, M.L. Entin and others. M.: RECEP, 2005.

    Gryaznova A.G. Bologna process: main milestones on the path to a “Europe of knowledge” // Bulletin of the Financial Academy. 2004. No. 1.

    Military Financial and economic ... Historical essay about the Military Faculty of Finance and Economics (at the MFI). M.: Voenizdat, 1988.

    Twenty years in service. Educational educational institutions of Russian universities for education in the field of finance, accounting and global economics. Anniversary edition. M.: “VividArt”, 2008.

    Zverev A.G. Notes from the Minister. M.: Politizdat, 1973.

    Barkovsky N.D. Memoirs of a banker (1930 – 1990). M.: 1998.

    Klimov V.V. Development of higher military financial education//50 years of financial service of the Soviet Army and Navy. M.: 1968.

    Razmanova N.A. Dmitry Petrovich Bogolepov in the People's Commissariat of Finance in 1917 – 1918 // Bulletin of the Financial Academy. 2001. No. 2.

    Razmanova N.A. Financial and economic policy in the first post-October years and training of special personnel // Finance and Credit. 2003. No. 13 (127).

    Razmanova N.A. Public initiative of commercial and industrial circles of Russia and material support of commercial schools // Domestic History. 2004. No. 2.

    Russian and foreign experience in modernizing the higher education system: Collection of scientific articles/Ed. Ya.A.Plyaysa, D.A.Silicheva. M.: Financial Academy, 2008.

    Modern University education: Russian and foreign experience. materials of the methodological seminar/Ed. Ya.A.Plyaysa, D.A.Silicheva. M., Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, 2006.

    Modern educational technology in the implementation of continuing education programs (college-university). Collection of scientific articles/Ed. B.M. Smitienko, N.N. Komissarova. M.: Financial Academy, 2008.

    Theoretical and methodological problems of the innovative education system at the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. M.: Financial Academy, 2008.

    Tragic fate: Repressed scientists of the USSR Academy of Sciences. M.: Nauka, 1995.

    Proceedings scientists from the Moscow Financial Institute. Favorites. M.: Finance and Statistics, 1996.

    Chistyakova L.A.., Eskindarov M.A. Conceptual foundations of a multi-level system of higher education in Russia. Analysis of domestic and foreign experience. M.: INION RAS, 1997.

    Eskindarov M.A. In connection with the 90th anniversary of the Financial Academy//Money and Credit. 2008. No. 9.

Discipline program

Topic 1. The first financial universities in Moscow (1919 – 1946)

Economic recovery in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century. and higher financial and economic education. Growing needs for finance specialists for state financial authorities, private entrepreneurship, city and zemstvo self-government.

The Bolsheviks came to power and the beginning of the Sovietization of the education system. Characteristic features of the financial and economic policy of the Bolsheviks in the early 1920s. Difficulties in mastering financial operations. Financial and economic institutions in a cashless economy. Joint efforts of the People's Commissariat of Finance, Trade and Industry and Education to create the first financial and economic universities in the history of Russia. Reorganization in 1918 of the Alexander Commercial School into the Moscow Industrial and Economic Institute. Creation in 1919 of the Moscow Financial and Economic Institute of the People's Fund of the RSFSR. The first rector of the IFEI is . Fulfilling the main task of the IFEI is the creation of a cadre of Soviet financial workers for the NKF. The beginning of the ideologization of financial and economic education. Social and economic crisis of 1920 – 1921 and deterioration in the material support of MPEI and MFEI.

New economic policy. Problems of stabilization of monetary circulation, restoration and development of the national economy. Restructuring the teaching of financial and economic disciplines in the 1920s. in a combination of command methods of economic management and market mechanisms. The rise of MPEI activity during the NEP period. Rectors of the 1920s – , .

Reorganization of the MFEI and the creation on its basis of the Finance Faculty of the MPEI. Organizational and financial resources of the NKF - to help the financial faculty of MPEI. Leading managers of Nakomfin are teachers of the Faculty of Finance. Dean of the Faculty - one of the organizers of the monetary reform of the NEP period. Cooperation with the Finance Faculty of MPEI. "Elaboration" of the student environment. Creation of workers' faculty.

Socialist industrialization. New tasks of financial and economic education. Reform of higher education 1928 – 1929 Reassignment of financial universities from the People's Commissariat of Education to the Narkomfin and their disaggregation. "Purges" and repressions of the 1930s. The finance faculty of MPEI was recreated in 1930 in the form of the Moscow Financial and Economic Institute. The first director of the MFER is the head of the planning and economic department of the NKF. NKF employees are university teachers. Development of training programs and plans, introduction of practice. Creation of special departments. Development of workers' faculty. Creation of graduate school. The main task of the university is to train mass personnel for the Narkomfin and its local financial departments, the State Bank and its branches throughout the entire Soviet Union. MFEI students. , outstanding Minister of Finance of the USSR. Repressions against MFEI in 1934, transfer of the university to Leningrad. Joining the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute as a finance faculty.

Establishment in 1931 of the Moscow Accounting and Economic Institute of the State Bank of the USSR. From a departmental highly specialized university to a specialized financial institution. Reorganization of MUEI in 1934 into the Moscow Credit and Economic Institute. MKEI is the successor to MFEI and MUEI. The first director of MKEI is . Updating curricula and plans in accordance with the objectives of industrialization. Creation of departments. Scientists who contributed to the development of financial and economic scientific disciplines are teachers of MKEI. Release of the first textbooks. Creation of graduate school. The first graduate students - , . Scientific discussions as a pretext for new repressions. 1940 MKEI moved to a new building on Yaroslavskoye Highway.

The Great Patriotic War. Restructuring the educational, scientific and social work of financial and economic universities in accordance with the needs of the front. Closing of a number of universities, reduction in funding, suspension of classes. Evacuation of LFEI to the North Caucasus, and then to Tashkent. Termination of LFEI activities for the duration of the war. The new director of MKEI is . Evacuation in 1941 MKEI to Saratov. Resumption of the educational process in Saratov at the beginning of 1942. Organizational and material difficulties in the work of MKEI in Saratov. Re-evacuation of MKEI to Moscow in 1943. Restoration of admission of new students in 1943/1944. Re-establishment of MFEI in 1943. Re-establishment of LFEI in 1944.

Topic 2. Creation of MFIs and its development in 1946 – 1964.

Soviet Union after the Great Patriotic War. Restoration of the national economy destroyed by the war. The need to expand personnel for the economy and financial system of the USSR.

Decision of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and Order of the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR on the merger of MFEI and MKEI into the Moscow Financial Institute in 1946. Difficulties in reorganizing MFI. Role in organizing the educational process at MFIs.

The first director of the MFI and his contribution to the development of the university. Charter of the IFI 1947. Structure of the university. Goals and objectives of the faculties: Financial and Economic (FEF), Credit and Economic (CEF), Accounting and Economic (UEF), International Financial Relations (IFO). Leading teachers of MFI, etc. Main directions of scientific research of teachers of MFI. Work on writing teaching aids and textbooks. Enrichment of teaching staff training experience. Beginning of teaching activities of postgraduate graduates, etc.

Organization of educational and methodological work. Control over the quality of classes conducted. Creation of a scientific student society (NSS), organization of circle work at departments. Industrial practice of students. Patronage assistance from MFI departments to industrial enterprises, financial and banking institutions in Moscow.

Socio-economic reforms of the mid-1950s – 1960s. Updating the work of MFIs. New director. New faculties and departments. Transition to a new education system - organization of full-time, evening, and correspondence departments. Improving educational and methodological work. Introduction of thesis defense in 1955. Successes and problems in organizing scientific work: joint developments of MFI teachers with banks and financial organizations in Moscow. Start working on complex topics. Forms of research work: non-profit association, scientific circles, industrial practice, diploma theses, etc.

Improving the material and technical base of MFIs. Student life, the creation of the Student Council of the hostel, the election of student committees in academic buildings, elders in rooms. Organizing cultural and sports activities.

Topic 3. Economic reform of 1965 and

renewal of MFI activities (1965 – 1984)

Economic reform of 1965 and the search for optimal forms of educational and scientific work in IFIs. Transfer of the university to the subordination of the Union Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education in 1966. Transition in 1967 to a 5-year term of study. Creation of new faculties (MEO and PKP) and departments. Introduction of new curricula, academic disciplines. Introduction of scientific organization into the educational process; equipping the educational process with TSO, introducing programmed teaching methods.

Updating the organization of educational and methodological work. Improving the forms of teaching core financial and banking disciplines; the connection between science and practice, the use of visual aids in the educational process, the introduction of industrial practice, diploma design. Improving the forms of teaching skills of teachers: educational and scientific-methodological seminars, conferences, discussions of lecture texts and methods of conducting seminar classes, a mentoring institute for young teachers.

Participation of leading IFI scientists (and others) in the events of the Ministry of Finance and the Government, the development of the main directions of economic policy. Research on contractual topics. Patronage assistance from IFIs: the creation of economic schools at the Kalibr plant, at the Ministry of Automotive Industry, at the Moscow Oil and Oil Plant, at the Dzerzhinsky Republic of the CPSU.

Training of teaching staff. Development of postgraduate studies, involvement of young teachers in scientific work - , . Creation of new textbooks.

Work of departments of social sciences. Activities of the FPKP to improve the qualifications of teaching staff in key financial and economic specialties.

Organization of international cooperation. Training of personnel from the countries of the socialist commonwealth: exchange of teachers and students. Collaborative work of IFI teachers and scientists from the People's Republic of Belarus and the GDR in the 1970s. on complex topics and textbooks.

The development of interuniversity cooperation in the 1970s: joint scientific research, preparation of textbooks, monographs, exchange of scientists for lecturing, training of graduate students, scientific internship, educational and practical training for students. The first All-Union scientific and methodological conference in the history of the IFI on teaching the discipline “Analysis of Economic Activity” in 1973. The beginning of the IFI’s work on coordinating the scientific and methodological work of the country’s universities in financial, banking and analytical disciplines.

New forms of student research work: participation in the work of an industry research laboratory, development of complex topics, work in the student bureau of economic analysis under supervision, holding subject Olympiads, participation in all-Union competitions of student scientific works.

Educational work; setting up ideological, political and patriotic education. The role of public organizations in conducting extracurricular work (party, trade union, Komsomol organizations, student council, institute of curators). Organization of leisure and recreation for students and staff of the institute. Cultural, sports and recreational work.

Charter 1982 Changes in the status and structure of IFIs. Organization of the work of IFIs as a basic university of the first category, training specialists in the specialties “Finance and Credit”, “Accounting and Auditing”, “International Economic Relations”. MFI personnel composition in the late 1970s – early 1980s.

Topic 4. MFIs during the years of perestroika (1985 – 1991)

Perestroika in the USSR and reform of university education. Democratization of the domestic educational system. The new rector and her contribution to the development of MFIs. Increasing the role of general institute governing bodies - the Institute Council, the Labor Collective Council (STK), the Academic Council, academic councils and the STC of faculties. Adoption of a comprehensive program for the development and further strengthening of the material and technical base of the institute for the period until 2000.

IFI Charter 1990 Creation of new departments. Restructuring forms and methods of teaching. Introduction of new specializations, academic disciplines, intensification of the educational process. Transition to new curricula, which are based on: an optimal balance between general economic, general education and special subjects. Innovations in educational and methodological work: development of educational complexes for training specialists of various levels for financial and banking specialties, implementation of the principles of lifelong education. Emphasis on active forms of work (practical classes, debates, round tables), independent work of students. Increasing the pace of computerization. Strengthening the connection between science and practice. Introduction of end-to-end educational and work practice in the 5th year of study; an experiment on enrolling fifth-year students during practical training in banking institutions at the place of future work for a paid position. Training of specialists on-the-job. Restructuring the educational process in the evening department.

Success in the development of scientific work. Development of complex topics with the participation of teachers from 70 economic universities, research institutes, the Ministry of Finance, the State Bank, scientists from the BPR and the GDR. Expanding the expert and analytical work of IFI scientists on the implementation of economic reform in the USSR. Release of monographs, textbooks.

Creation of an educational and methodological association (UMA) in the specialties “Finance and Credit”, “Accounting, Control and Analysis of Economic Activities”. The educational, methodological and scientific achievements of the university are the basis for the MFI to acquire the functions of the parent university: preparation of state regulations, new standard curricula and programs for financial and banking specialties; planning and preparation for publication of educational and educational literature for university students; holding All-Union scientific and methodological conferences.

Organization of postgraduate education at MFIs. The increasing role of graduate school in increasing the effectiveness of scientific research. Creation and development of a faculty for the training and retraining of financial specialists, a scientific and methodological consulting center for generalizing and disseminating the best practices of Moscow enterprises and associations in connection with their transfer to full self-financing and self-financing.

Expansion and deepening of international cooperation of the scientific and pedagogical staff of the IFI. International recognition of IFIs as a leading financial and economic university. The new status of the institute is the State Financial Academy in 1991 (SFA).

Priority areas of students' research work. Participation of 3rd year students in the 1989 All-Union Population Census. Beginning of the annual student “Science Week”. The work of a young lecturer's school. Creation of the Council of Young Scientists. Re-establishment of the Faculty of Social Professions in 1988.

Activation of social student life. Activities of student construction teams (SCT). Local Committee of a self-governing non-profit, non-political student organization - the International Association of Students Studying Economics and Management (AIESEC, 1989); youth self-supporting amateur association "Ellipse" (1988), student cooperative "Trend". Improving the material and technical base of the university. Life and rest. The main directions of the comprehensive program “Health and Life of Students”.

Topic 5. Financial Academy in the conditions of formation of a market economy

Economic and political situation of sovereign Russia in the early 1990s. The increasing need for economists of a new formation and the role of financial and economic universities in solving the problem of transition to a market economy. High assessment of the achievements of the GFA by the leadership of the Russian Federation. Presidential Decree of October 7, 1992 “On measures to train personnel to ensure the activities of the financial and banking system.”

Transformation of the State Financial Academy into the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation.

The need to develop pre-university training in the 1990s. Formation of economic classes on the basis of Moscow secondary schools. Creation of the School of Young Economist and Financial and Economic School (1992 – 1993). Increased efficiency of work of Academy teachers with applicants, increase in admission to the Academy in the 1990s.

Introduction of state educational standards for higher professional education (1996, 2000, 2008); licensing of educational activities, certification and accreditation of the Financial Academy.

Expanding and updating the content of the educational process. Beginning of the implementation of educational plans for multi-level training of specialists (bachelors, graduates, masters). Democratization of the educational process. New disciplines and new teaching methods: problem-based lectures, business and role-playing games, press conferences, etc. Improving the education quality control system: written exams, testing, checking residual knowledge. Educational and methodological support for classes. Preparation of new textbooks and teaching aids.

Introduction of new forms of training of specialists: departments of distance (correspondence) education and external studies. Postgraduate education. Postgraduate and doctoral studies. Creation of a department of second higher education.

Development of additional education. Creation of Institutes for training and advanced training of personnel in financial and banking specialties, advanced training of teachers of the Civil Service.

Industrial practice and problems of its organization.

Replenishment of the business community with Academy graduates. Notable Academy graduates of the 1990s – entrepreneurs, statesmen of modern Russia.

Development of telecommunications and computerization of the educational process. Creation of the Scientific and Methodological Center for Computerization of Education. Connecting the Financial Academy to the Internet. Free access for Academy staff and students to Internet resources.

Organization of new departments. Faculty and its most prominent representatives. Intensification of research work, growth in the volume of printed products. The main directions of research activities of teachers: development of scientific and practical topics related to reforming the country, consulting, analytical and expert work on issues of financial and economic policy on behalf of the Government and other institutions of government.

Difficulties in the development of university science due to budget cuts. Fulfillment of contractual matters and sale of intellectual work products. Participation of scientists in competitions for grants.

Research work of students. Re-establishment of the NSO.

The most important areas of international cooperation. Internship and organization of practical training in foreign countries. Implementation of joint scientific projects. Training of personnel from among Russian citizens in foreign universities, training by the Financial Academy of specialists for foreign countries. Improving language training.

Student life. Life and cultural leisure. Creative teams of students, participation in general academic competitions. The beginning of the activities of the literary and musical salon “Visiting the Rector”.

Topic 6. The Financial Academy is a leading university in the system of modern

Russian education

Further growth of all types of activities of the Financial Academy at the beginning of the new millennium. Improving the structure and management of the Academy. Election in 2006 as Rector of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation - , President - .

Growing competition in the field of educational services. Deepening globalization processes. Updating the educational, scientific and organizational work of the Academy in connection with joining the Bologna process. Adoption in 2007 of a program for further comprehensive development of the Financial Academy “Creation of an innovative education system for training financiers - leaders of a competitive economy.” Creation of the Financial Academy Endowment Fund. The role assigned to it in the development of scientific and educational activities of the university.

A gradual transition to a multi-level personnel training system. Creation of the Institute of Business Administration and Business for the purpose of implementing the MBA - Finance programs. Activities of the Institute for Advanced Studies, which arose on the basis of the IPPC. Start of work of the Institute of Management for training specialists with higher education.

Structural changes in the Financial Academy - transformation of institutes into faculties. Creation of the International Faculty of Finance for the implementation of international educational programs for bachelors and masters in English and the International Business School in the system of additional professional education. Strengthening language training at the university. Creation of a foreign language center. Implementation of “double degree” educational programs.

Expansion of activities to implement the tasks of multi-level training of specialists. Creation of regional representative offices of the Financial Academy; Accession to the Academy of Blagoveshchensk, Buzuluksky, Zvenigorod, Krasnoyarsk, Ostashkovsky, Perm, Rostov, Ufa, Kirov, Samara and Ulyanovsk financial and economic colleges, transforming them into branches of the Financial Academy.

Creation of the Faculty of Pre-University Training. Improving career guidance work with applicants.

Formation of new departments under the leadership of famous scientists and practitioners. Renewal of teaching staff. Development of scientific schools. Works of Academy scientists awarded with state awards and their authors. The main directions of research work: problems of building an innovative national economic system; modernization of financial and economic education. The contribution of scientists from the Financial Academy to the development of Russian science and economics.

Graduates of the Financial Academy are active participants in the development of the Russian and world economy of the 21st century.

Integration of the Academy into the global scientific community. Cooperation with foreign universities, financial and banking institutions and international organizations. Development of scientific interaction.

Stimulating the influx of young people into science, education and high technology. Revival of the Council of Young Scientists. Creating conditions for the development of research activities and promoting the professional growth of young scientists. “Inclusive learning” and language internships for students of the Financial Academy in foreign universities, participation in international scientific events for young people. Creation of the International School of Young Researchers.

Creation of a department of educational work, development of traditional and innovative forms of extracurricular work with students. Revival of the Student Council.

The Financial Academy is a leading university in the system of modern Russian higher professional education. The Academy has a consistently high rating among financial and economic universities in Russia.

Restructuring education systems in the era of globalization. Regulatory, organizational and essential contradictions of this process. The reasons for the emergence of the Bologna process in Europe, the stages of its development. Incentives for Russia to join the Bologna process. Documents regulating the Bologna process.

Bologna process: goals, objectives, main parameters. Positive aspects of the formation of a single educational space in Europe: flexibility of the educational process, freedom of choice and mobility of students as the main principles of organizing higher professional education in the educational space of Europe. Expanding the autonomy of universities, comparable qualifications, comparable assessment criteria and quality of education are additional advantages of the integration of European education.

Contradictions and difficulties of the Bologna process. The inconsistency of some of its principles: the clash of interests of national and pan-European philosophies, systems and concepts of higher education; unclearness of a number of goals and objectives. The first experience in resolving these contradictions in European countries.

The experience of the Financial Academy and other Russian universities in restructuring the higher education system in accordance with the recommendations of integration documents. International relations of the Financial Academy. Educational and scientific directions, forms and prospects of these connections.

Approximate topics of abstracts:

1. The relationship between the development of the national economy and the improvement of the domestic system of financial and economic education.

2. Predecessors of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation: the formation of traditions.

3. Trends in the financial and economic policy of the Russian state in the twentieth century. and updating the structure and educational programs of the university.

4. The role and significance of the Academy’s statutes in its life.

5. Perestroika in the USSR and the distinctive features of the activities of MFI-GFA in 1985 - 1991.

6. Past and present of the faculty.

7. Outstanding graduates of the Financial Academy (faculty).

8. Our beacons: the best teachers and scientists of MFEI-MFI-GFA-FA.

9. Celebrating the 90th anniversary of the Academy.

Main literature

1. Bolognese process: Fundamental documents. M.: Finance and Statistics, 2006.

2. Graduates Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation/Ed. ; Comp. , . – M.: Finance and Statistics, 2001.

3. Story Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. Coll. auto/Under general ed. . M.: Finance and Statistics, 2000; Ed. 2nd addition. M.: Finance and Statistics, 2001.

4. Story Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation in persons. Coll. ed./Ed.). M.: Finance and Statistics, 2003.

5. Story Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. 60 years since the founding of the MFI. Coll. auto/Under general ed. . M.: Finance and Statistics, 2006.

6. Story Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation: history and modernity. Coll. auto /Under general ed. . M.: Finance and Statistics, 2009.

7. The formation of commercial and financial-economic education in Russia. (XIX – 20s of the XX century). M., 2002.

additional literature

1. AND., Pugach in the Bologna process: problems, tasks, prospects // VOS. 2005.

2. The Bologna Process: Structural Reform of European Higher Education. M.: Research Center for Problems of Quality of Training of Specialists; Russian New University, 2002.

3. Bolognese process and its significance for Russia: Integration of higher education in Europe / Auth. coll.: K. Pursiainen, et al. M.: RECEP, 2005.

4. Bologna process: main milestones on the path to a “Europe of knowledge” // Bulletin of the Financial Academy. 2004. No. 1.

5. Military Financial and economic ... Historical essay about the Military Faculty of Finance and Economics (at the MFI). M.: Voenizdat, 1988.

6. Twenty years in service. Educational educational institutions of Russian universities for education in the field of finance, accounting and global economics. Anniversary edition. M.: “VividArt”, 2008.

7. Notes from the Minister. M.: Politizdat, 1973.

9. Development of higher military financial education//50 years of financial service of the Soviet Army and Navy. M.: 1968.

10. Dmitry Petrovich Bogolepov in the People's Commissariat of Finance in 1917 – 1918 // Bulletin of the Financial Academy. 2001. No. 2.

11. Financial and economic policy in the first post-October years and training of special personnel // Finance and Credit. 2003. No.

12. Public initiative of commercial and industrial circles of Russia and material support of commercial schools // Domestic History. 2004. No. 2.

13. Russian and foreign experience in modernizing the higher education system: Collection of scientific articles/Ed. , . M.: Financial Academy, 2008.

14. Modern University education: Russian and foreign experience. materials of the methodological seminar/Ed. , . M., Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, 2006.

15. Modern educational technologies in the implementation of continuing education programs (college and university). Collection of scientific articles/Ed. , . M.: Financial Academy, 2008.

16. Theoretical and methodological problems of the innovative education system at the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. M.: Financial Academy, 2008.

17. Tragic fate: Repressed scientists of the USSR Academy of Sciences. M.: Nauka, 1995.

18. Proceedings scientists from the Moscow Financial Institute. Favorites. M.: Finance and Statistics, 1996.

19. A., Eskindarov foundations of a multi-level system of higher education in Russia. Analysis of domestic and foreign experience. M.: INION RAS, 1997.

20. In connection with the 90th anniversary of the Financial Academy//Money and Credit. 2008. No. 9.

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Federal State Educational Budgetary Institution of Higher Education

« Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation"

Department of “Economic history and history of economic doctrines”


in the discipline History (Economic history)

on the topic of:“Financial and economic education during the Great Patriotic War”


Chernov V.A.

Scientific adviser:

Lapteva E.V.

Moscow 2015


1. The role of teachers in wartime

2. Training of military financiers of the MFEI




At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, universities in the USSR and all education in general suffered significant damage. It was not easy for many universities; a significant part of it was destroyed, the rest was transferred to the rear. At the same time, the educational process continued even during this difficult time for the country.

With the outbreak of the war, higher education found itself in difficult conditions. Funding was reduced threefold, about 300 institutes were closed and merged, and about 150 institutes were evacuated. In the occupied territories, the Nazis destroyed more than 300 Soviet universities.

It should be noted that on the eve of the Great Patriotic War there were 817 universities in the USSR. There were 811.7 thousand students studying there, including 558.1 thousand full-time students. The Great Patriotic War: Encyclopedia. - M., 1985. P. 196. The annual graduation of specialists from universities ranged from 112 to 122 thousand people. In 1940, the country's universities graduated 126.1 thousand specialists with higher education. In January 1941, 909 thousand specialists with higher education were employed in the national economy of the USSR.

During the war, all universities were completely subordinate to the corresponding people's commissariats and departments. Unified educational and methodological management of universities was carried out by the All-Union Committee for Higher Education Affairs (VKVSH), which was created under the Council of People's Commissars (SNK) of the USSR in 1936. The Committee was headed by Professor S.V. Kaftanov. In 1946, the Higher School of Higher Education was transformed into the Union-Republican Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR.

Most of the teachers and students went to the front. A difficult time began for the Soviet people and for people in general. War never brings anything good, only bitterness and hatred in the hearts of people. But our people did not break; on the contrary, terrible trials united them even more. Soviet teachers worked heroically in the rear and showed heroism at the front. Many teachers fought the enemy with weapons in their hands and were awarded orders and medals, awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, many died a brave death defending their people, their land from the fascist invaders. Plan fascist Germany was not destined to come true.

1. The role of teachers in wartime

The martial law introduced in the USSR significantly changed the balance of state functions and necessitated a restructuring of the forms and methods of its activities. In wartime, the need arose to create emergency government bodies. One of these bodies was the State Defense Committee. Since June 30, 1941, all power - military, political and economic leadership of the country - has been concentrated in the hands of this particular body.

A feature of the wartime work of the MKEI was the active participation of teachers in the restructuring of the financial and credit system of the USSR on a war footing. They were involved in consultations with the State Defense Committee, the Evacuation Council under the Council of People's Commissars, the State Bank, Narkomfin, Gosplan, people's commissariats and departments on the issues of finding financial resources for the military industry, providing assistance to evacuated enterprises and institutions, ensuring clear calculations and the strictest economy regime, and regulating emissions banknotes. These measures played an important role in concentrating resources and organizing the work of the front and rear to defeat the enemy.

For German capital, our country and its riches were a huge pie, which was supposed to be a prize for them - the winners. Already at the beginning of the war on July 6, 1941, Hitler said: “In principle, we must remember that it is necessary to skillfully cut this pie so that we can: firstly, dominate, secondly, manage, thirdly, benefit » Melnikov D., Chernaya L. Criminal number 1. - M.: APN, 1983, - P.349.. It is hardly possible to express the purpose of the war and plans for the conquered lands even more clearly.

The war required an early revision of national economic plans. To correct them, not only party, Soviet and economic personnel were involved, but leading academic economists were involved. Already on June 30, 1941, the mobilization national economic plan for the third quarter of 1941 was accepted for implementation by the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. New military-economic plans for the fourth quarter of 1941 were developed within the deadline. In 1942. for this work, Professor MKEI N.N. Rovinsky was twice awarded a cash prize by orders of the People's Commissariat of Finance. Financier No. 114/December 2010. From 1942 to February 1945 N.N. Rovinsky was deputy head of the Budget Department of the NKF of the USSR.

In 1943-1944. on behalf of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party, a graduate of the Moscow Institute of Economics and Economics, by that time the People's Commissar of Finance, A.G. Zverev was preparing a post-war monetary reform. For his services during the Great Patriotic War, he was awarded the Order of Lenin.

A significant part of the MKEI teachers and students went to the front. Many of them died defending their homeland. The Order of Lenin was posthumously awarded to MKEI graduate, credit inspector of the Volyn office of the State Bank P.I. Savelyeva, who actively participated in the creation and leadership of the local underground. Employees who were not subject to conscription volunteered to enroll in the 13th Moscow People's Militia Division, which later joined the combined arms rifle formations. Many received government awards. For their courage they were awarded the medal “For the Defense of Moscow” by D.A. Butkov, N.A. Kiparisov, N.N. Rovinsky, V.V. Shcherbakov. The Financial University remembers and is proud of its teachers and students during the war years.

MKEI, like other Moscow universities, survived evacuation and unification, but did not stop working during the war years. A new director was appointed - D.A. Butkov, who headed in the early 1930s. MFEI, and at MKEI he headed the department “Money, credit and finance of the USSR”. His deputy was P.P. Maslov. The restructuring of educational and methodological work began in connection with the transition to a shortened three-year period of study.

In October 1941, due to the sharp deterioration of the situation at the front, classes in Moscow universities stopped. On November 3, 1941, the State Bank and the All-Union Committee for Higher Education issued an order to evacuate the institute to Saratov, where the Saratov Credit and Economic Institute, subordinate to the State Bank, was located. Classes at MFEI stopped and the building was closed. 25 fourth-year students from two departments - calculations and banking and credit - remained in Moscow to complete their studies. They completed their studies at the Moscow Institute of National Economy. G.V. Plekhanov.

In Saratov, classes resumed in January 1942. Of the 17 departments operating at MFEI before the war, 13 departments operated in Saratov. During the evacuation, the university remained independent due to the fact that most of the teachers left with it. Only four people were recruited from SKEI. A.P. Polikarpov, head of the Accounting department, played a major role in organizing classes at the new location. By joining forces, the MKEI team solved the main problem - ensuring the graduation of fourth-year students. K. Pozhitnov was appointed Chairman of the State Examination Commission, and N.N. was appointed its members. Lyubimov, A.A. Proselkov, A.P. Polikarpov and B.K. Shchurov. In April 1942, diplomas were issued to 27 young specialists.

The 1942 and 1943 academic years became the most difficult in the history of MKEI due to the loss of funding. The State Bank demanded that SKEI perform work for MKEI without additional payment, since “the training of MKEI students is provided for in the staffing schedule and budget of the Saratov Institute.” This threatened the existence of MKEI as an independent university and could lead to its incorporation into the SKEI, as happened with MFEI in Leningrad before the war.

However, already in August 1943, after the victory at Stalingrad, the government decided to re-evacuate institutions, enterprises and universities, including MKEI, to the capital. P.I. was appointed as the new director. Tsvetkov, and his deputy for educational and scientific work A.P. Polikarpov. By October 1943, the return of students and teachers, the return of property to Moscow from other cities was completed. Two independent courses were formed, and student training began in ten restored departments, and graduate school resumed work. Educational and scientific work was focused on solving problems of restoring the national economy. Freshmen began receiving scholarships. In 1944-1945 More than 400 undergraduate and graduate students studied at MKEI. Competitive examinations were reintroduced; only war veterans and schoolchildren who graduated with honors were exempt from them. Admission was open to all courses throughout both semesters - former students demobilized from the Red Army due to injury were being reinstated. perestroika teacher training military

The fate of the MFEI, which was part of the LFEI in the form of the Faculty of Finance, was difficult during the war. By decision of the government, both universities were evacuated to the North Caucasus in Essentuki, where 130 young specialists received diplomas on August 2, 1942. The Germans were advancing in the Caucasus, and again the universities had to be evacuated, this time to Tashkent. Not all teachers and students managed to leave Essentuki, since on August 5, 1942 the city was captured by the Germans. In Tashkent, LFEI was unable to organize work “due to large personnel losses” - there was no one and no one to teach. The teachers were scattered throughout the country and found work in the regional financial authorities of Tashkent, Samarkand, Kuibyshev, Kazan, in numerous branches of the State Bank Financial University: past, present, future [Electronic resource]:.

By the end of 1943, MFEI was revived as an independent university and ten years after the MFEI was transferred to Leningrad, it returned to Moscow. It was again headed by D.A. Butkov, N.N. became deputy director. Rovinsky, scientific secretary - L.A. Kadyshev.

In the first academic year of 1943-1944, about 70 teachers already worked at MFEI. The departments were revived, first of all, specialized ones: “Finance of the USSR”, “Money circulation and credit of the USSR”, “Finance and credit of foreign states”, “State budget, state revenues and state insurance”, “Accounting”. They were led by famous scientists - Z.V. Atlas, V.P. Dyachenko, N.A. Kiparisov, G.A. Kozlov, N.N. Rovinsky. In 1944, postgraduate studies began at MFEI. A specialized Scientific Council was created, which included prominent scientists - academicians and doctors of science - S.G. Strumilin, I.A. Trakhtenberg, A.M. Pankratova, M.I. Bogolepov, Z.V. Atlas, V.P. Dyachenko, N.A. Kiparisov, N.N. Lyubimov. The activities of the Council significantly increased the role of the IFEI in the training of highly qualified specialists, laid the foundation for the transformation of the IFEI (later the MFI) into a “forge” of financier personnel for state institutions and universities of the USSR Financial University: past, present, future.

2. Training of military financiers MFEI

The life of the university returned to normal. But the war continued, and wartime problems were solved at MKEI.

In 1944, an important direction was formed - accelerated training of military financiers, “infantry reserve officers and financial service.” N.N. made a special contribution to the training of economists and financiers for the front. Rovinsky. For this work he was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor and awarded the scientific title “Honored Scientist of the RSFSR.”

Cooperation was established with the financial service of the Red Army, and a network of financial institutions was developed in the active army. The network of field institutions of the State Bank, where graduates of financial universities served, played a major role in regulating monetary circulation and maintaining its stability. Subsequently, this experience formed the basis for the organization of the Military Finance and Economics Faculty in 1947.

The IFEI played an important role in training military financiers during the Great Patriotic War. The training of military financiers actually began in January 1944 (3.5 years before the creation of the Military Finance and Economics Faculty), when, in accordance with the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated January 13, 1944 No. 413, the MFEI was “entrusted with the task of training reserve officers of the infantry and financial service." Taking into account the importance of training military specialists - financiers, the head of the department of military training was introduced to the Academic Council of the institute by a special order of the Higher Military School under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated October 25, 1944 No. 521.

In the order No. 161 of October 26, 1944, the teaching staff was instructed to “ensure the training of not only highly qualified specialists in the field of finance, but also strong-willed, disciplined, demanding officers who have mastered military affairs.” Before the creation of the Military Finance and Economics Faculty in 1947, the work on training military financiers was carried out by the Department of Military Training. In 1944, the head of this department was Major V.M. Churilov, in 1946 the duties of the head of the department were temporarily performed by Colonel G.Ya. Rudensky. Since November 1946, in accordance with the order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces and the decision of the USSR Ministry of Higher Education, Colonel M.K. became the head of the department. Koshkin. Accelerated graduations of military financier specialists have been carried out at the university every year since 1944. Training was carried out in two main directions: firstly, the department of military training provided reading of military subjects in the senior courses of the MFEI, and secondly, the academic year was extended for students specializing in the field of military finance (for example, the class of 1946 - 186 military financial workers - was carried out four months after the official completion of studies at the institute). A special order for the institute noted that, in the person of our graduates, “ Soviet army will receive a worthy replenishment of qualified military-financial workers.” Much organizational work on the training of military financiers was carried out by the head of the educational unit of the department of military training, Lieutenant Colonel of the Quartermaster Service A.V. Barsky. Among the special subjects taught to military financiers in those years, one can highlight the course “Financial Economy of the Red Army,” taught in the 1945/46 academic year by a candidate of economic sciences, senior lecturer at the department of military training, Major I.K. Nevler, who later worked at the Military Finance and Economics Faculty at the MFI. The management of the IFEI was deservedly proud of the excellent quality of training of its graduates. For outstanding services during the war years, a number of university employees were awarded high state awards, including the Order of Lenin, which was awarded to MFEI graduate, People's Commissar of Finance of the USSR A.G. Zverev. Many university teachers have been awarded orders and medals for providing a high level of training for financiers, including M.R. Azarkh, G.L. Maryakhin, V.P. Dyachenko, V.M. Stam, F.V. Konshin, N.N. Rovinsky, D.A. Butkov. Our predecessor universities successfully coped with the task set by the state, making a feasible contribution to the Victory.


During the Great Patriotic War financial system The country, using the economic and financial capabilities formed in the pre-war period, directed towards the formation of resources necessary for the front, the organization of military economy, the production of weapons, and the distribution of the costs of war among various segments of the population.

Thanks to the transition of the economy to a war footing in the shortest possible time and the mobilization of financial resources, military-economic superiority over the enemy was achieved and the economic base of Victory was created, a powerful forge of highly qualified specialists who, with their military and labor exploits, made a worthy contribution to achieving the victory of the Soviet people over Nazi Germany .

In 1945, front-line soldiers returned to MKEI and MFEI, constituting the best teaching force and the “backbone” of the student body. Both Moscow financial universities always remained small and solved the same problem - they trained financiers for the post-war restoration of the national economy of the USSR. They were taught by the same teachers, but there were not enough of them. Thus, the prerequisites were prepared for the merger of universities into one large one - the Moscow Financial Institute. A new period in the history of the Financial University began.


1. The Great Patriotic War: Encyclopedia. - M., 1985. P. 196.

2. Zverev A.G. Notes of the Minister / A.G. Zverev.-- M.: Politizdat, 1973.

3. History of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. 60 years since the founding of MFI / M.A. Eskindarov (team leader), S.L. Anokhina, E.I. Nesterenko and others; under general ed. A.G. Gryaznova;. -- M.: Finance and Statistics, 2006.

4. For the sake of life on earth: Memoirs of veterans (1941-1945) / edited by. M.A. Eskindarova; Comp.: S.L. Anokhina, S.M. Ermakov, P.S. Nikolsky, N.E. Petukhova, A.V. Kamshukova; Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation".-- M.: Financial Academy, 2010.

5. Financial University: past, present, future: textbook. allowance / M.A. Eskindarov, N.A. Razmanova, E.I.Nesterenko [etc.]; Financial University, department economic history; edited by M.A. Eskindarova; Editorial Board: I.N.Shapkin, N.A. Razmanova; rec.: V.V. Dumny, S.A. Pogodin. - M.: Financial University, 2011. - Access mode: pdf file.

6. Chutkerashvili E.V. Development of higher education in the USSR. - M., 1961. P. 163.

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