Social institutions and cultural institutions. Social institutions What refers to the social institutions of the sphere of culture

Topic: Socio-cultural institutions of the club type

Leonova Olga 111 group

Socio-cultural institutions- historically established stable forms of organization of joint activities of people, predetermining the viability of any society as a whole. They are formed on the basis social connections, interactions and relations of individuals, social groups and communities, but they cannot be reduced to the sum of these individuals and their interactions. Social institutions are of a supra-individual nature and are independent public entities with their own logic of development.

Club- (from the English club - an association of people connected by common goals). A form of voluntary society, an organization that unites people for the purpose of communication based on common interests (political, scientific, artistic, etc.)

The club has always been and remains a socio-cultural institution, a center of leisure activities. This activity is carried out in free time, is completely self-managed, and its results are, as a rule, non-commercial. As a voluntarily united community of people, a club can acquire the status of a public organization, the status of a legal entity. In this case, he refers to himself all the rights and obligations inherent in the club institution and at the same time any small business.

Thus, a club in a broad sense is a state, public, commercial, private organization that has or may have the status of a legal entity, created and operating on the basis of a joint professional activity cultural workers or a voluntary association of citizens. The main task of the club as a socio-cultural institution is to develop the social activity and creative potential of the population, the formation of cultural demands and needs, the organization of various forms of leisure and recreation, the creation of conditions for spiritual development and the most complete self-realization of the individual in the field of leisure. In accordance with its tasks and in accordance with the procedure established by law, the club or any other structure of the club type is granted the right to make various kinds of transactions and other legal acts necessary for the implementation of activities: alienate, take and lease movable and immovable property, have bank accounts institutions, stamps, letterheads and other requisites, act as a plaintiff and defendant in courts and arbitrations, as well as have their own publications and participate in all kinds of enterprises and promotions of a socio-cultural, leisure nature.

The structural units of the club as an institution are educational and creative studios, amateur associations, amateur art and technical creativity groups, interest clubs and other initiative formations, including cooperative ones, which are usually part of the club on the terms of an agreement or collective contract.

Clubs and similar structures of the club type can operate both independently and under state, cooperative, public organizations, enterprises, institutions. By decision of the labor collective and in agreement with the founding organization, club structures on a voluntary basis can be part of socio-cultural complexes as the main structural unit, ordinary subdivision, creative formation, as well as other structural units of the complex. http://new.referat. ru/bank-znanii/referat_view?oid=23900

Only a part of the country's population is the real audience of the clubs, that is, they are among those who are significantly involved in the activities of the clubs and are influenced by them. The rest of the population is the potential audience.

The scope of influence of clubs of different groups of the population is very different. The most active in this regard are rural high school students and relatively young city dwellers with a lower than secondary education. People over 30, especially those with higher education, are in clubs much less often. 62


Sasykhov A.V. Club audience // Club studies: Tutorial for institutes of culture, arts and faculty. cult.-clearance. work ped. in-tov / Ed. S.N. Ikonnikova and V.I. Chepelev. - M.: Enlightenment, 1980. - S. 62-78.

High level of development of culture - when the highest level of cultural mastery is achieved through development and self-development.


The average level of development of culture- this is when a person develops his culture at the level of an amateur, or as a "hobby".


Low level of development of culture - this is when contact with high cultural values ​​is not important for a person.


SOCIO-CULTURAL INSTITUTIONS one of the key concepts of sociocultural activity. In the broadest sense, it extends to the spheres of social and socio-cultural practice, and also refers to any of the many subjects interacting with each other in the socio-cultural sphere. (Lit.: A. Flier. Cultural Dictionary)

CLASSIFICATION OF SOCIO-CULTURAL INSTITUTIONS - depending on their role function in relation to consumers of cultural goods, values ​​and services in the face of thousands of children and adults audience of users: viewers, listeners, readers, as well as potential customers, producers, buyers of extensive socio-cultural products.

FAMILY - a cell of society and the most important source of social and economic development, a group of people related by marriage, kinship or adoption, living together and having common income and expenses. (Source:

Family - a social association whose members are connected by a common life, mutual moral responsibility and mutual assistance. In essence, the family is a system of relations between husband and wife, parents and children, based on marriage or blood relationship and having a historically defined organization. ( Lit.: Sociology / "under the editorship of prof. V.N. Lavrinenko. - M .: UNITI, 1998.[ c.281] )


Depending on the form of marriage:

  • monogamous family - consisting of two partners
  • polygamous family - one of the spouses has several marriage partners

Depending on the gender of the spouses:

  • same-sex family - two men or two women, jointly raising foster children, artificially conceived or children from previous (heterosexual) contacts.
  • heterosexual family

Depending on the number of children:

  • childless, or infertile family;
  • one-child family;
  • small family;
  • average family;
  • the large family.

Depending on composition:

  • simple or nuclear family - consists of one generation, represented by parents (parent) with or without children. nuclear family in modern society received the most distribution. She may be:
    • elementary - a family of three members: husband, wife and child. Such a family can be, in turn:
      • complete - includes both parents and at least one child
      • incomplete - a family of only one parent with children, or a family consisting of only parents without children
    • composite - a complete nuclear family in which several children are brought up. A composite nuclear family, where there are several children, should be considered as a conjunction of several elementary
  • complex family or patriarchal family - a large family of several generations. It may include grandparents, brothers and their wives, sisters and their husbands, nephews and nieces.

Depending on the place of the person in the family:

  • parental - this is the family in which a person is born
  • reproductive - a family that a person creates himself

Depending on the residence of the family:

  • matrilocal - a young family living with the wife's parents,
  • patrilocal - a family living together with the husband's parents;
  • neolocal - the family moves to a dwelling remote from the place of residence of the parents. (

The third group is socio-cultural institutions that mainly manifest themselves in the organization various kinds informal creative activity: family, clubs and gardening institutions, folklore, folk art, folk customs, rituals, mass holidays, carnivals, festivities, initiative cultural protection societies and movements.

In theory and practice, many other grounds are often used for the typology of socio-cultural institutions: 1) according to the contingent of the population served: mass consumer (public), certain social groups (specialized), children, youth (children and youth); 2) by forms of ownership: state, public, joint-stock, private); 3) by economic status: non-profit (non-commercial), profitable (commercial or semi-commercial); 4) by the scale of action and audience coverage: international, national (federal), regional, local (local).

The structure of the socio-cultural sphere includes cultural entities that provide mass cultural activities: clubs, entertainment facilities, children's institutions, media, cinema, video rental, museums, libraries, parks, educational establishments and subjects of art: concert halls, theaters, circus, galleries and exhibition halls, film studios, folk arts and crafts, art groups, educational institutions.

Thus, in the socio-cultural sphere, there are: art, professional artistic creativity, education; cultural and leisure activities of the population, mass folk art, education and amateur performances; social protection and rehabilitation of certain categories of citizens by means of culture, art, leisure, sports; interethnic and interstate cultural exchanges and cooperation; production infrastructure for the creation and maintenance of the material and technical base of the industry.

It is quite obvious that each of these sub-sectors lends itself to further gradation and the allocation of narrower and more specific types of organizations and activities. This differentiation is embodied both at the level of adoption of legislative documents, and in the practice of managing industries (departments of museums, theaters, libraries, club activities, regional authorities for culture and art).

However, the level of interrelations of various socio-cultural institutions on the federal and regional scales is far from being the same. There are several most characteristic indicators of this level: connections are strong and permanent; connections are meaningful and substantive; contacts are episodic; partners hardly cooperate; partners work in isolation.

The reasons for the episodic contacts between the socio-cultural institutions of the region are, as a rule, the lack of a clear idea of ​​the content and forms of joint work, little experience of this cooperation, the lack of a clear program, inconsistency in plans, insufficient attention from municipal authorities, etc.

In the modern process of development and strengthening of cooperation between numerous communities and structures of the socio-cultural sphere, two trends can be distinguished. On the one hand, each socio-cultural institution, based on its profile and character, seeks to maximize its own potential, its own creative and commercial opportunities. On the other hand, it is quite natural for this group of subjects to strive for social partnership. Their joint, coordinated and coordinated actions are being strengthened on the basis of common, coinciding functions of socio-cultural activity.

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The concept of a socio-cultural institution. Regulatory and institutional socio-cultural institutions. Socio-cultural institutions as a community and social organization. Grounds for the typology of socio-cultural institutions (functions, form of ownership, contingent served, economic status, scale-level of action).


Socio-cultural institutions- one of the key concepts of socio-cultural activities (SKD). Socio-cultural institutions are characterized by a certain direction of their social practice and social relations, a characteristic mutually agreed system of expediently oriented standards of activity, communication and behavior. Their emergence and grouping into a system depend on the content of the tasks solved by each individual socio-cultural institution.

Social institutions are historically established stable forms of organizing joint activities of people, designed to ensure reliability, regularity in meeting the needs of the individual, various social groups, and society as a whole. Education, upbringing, enlightenment, artistic life, scientific practice and many other cultural processes are activities and cultural forms with their respective social economic and other mechanisms, institutions, organizations.

From the point of view of the functional-target orientation, two levels of understanding the essence of socio-cultural institutions are distinguished.

First level - normative. In this case, a socio-cultural institution is considered as a set of certain cultural, moral, ethical, aesthetic, leisure and other norms, customs, traditions that have historically developed in society, uniting around some basic, main goal, values, needs.

Socio-cultural institutions of the normative type include the institution of the family, language, religion, education, folklore, science, literature, art and other institutions.

Their functions:

socializing (socialization of a child, teenager, adult),

orienting (assertion of imperative universal values ​​through special codes and ethics of behavior),

sanctioning (social regulation of behavior and protection of certain norms and values ​​on the basis of legal and administrative acts, rules and regulations),

ceremonial-situational (regulation of the order and methods of mutual behavior, transmission and exchange of information, greetings, appeals, regulation of meetings, meetings, conferences, activities of associations, etc.).

Second level - institutional. Socio-cultural institutions of an institutional type include a numerous network of services, departmental structures and organizations directly or indirectly involved in the socio-cultural sphere and having a specific administrative, social status and a certain public purpose in their industry. This group includes cultural and educational institutions directly , arts, leisure, sports (socio-cultural, leisure services for the population); industrial and economic enterprises and organizations (material and technical support of the socio-cultural sphere); administrative and management bodies and structures in the field of culture, including legislative and executive authorities; research and scientific-methodical institutions of the industry.

So, state and municipal (local), regional authorities occupy one of the leading places in the structure of socio-cultural institutions. They act as authorized subjects of the development and implementation of national and regional socio-cultural policy, effective programs social and cultural development of individual republics, territories and regions.

Any socio-cultural institution should be considered from two sides - external (status) and internal (substantive).

From an external (status) point of view, each such institution is characterized as a subject of socio-cultural activity, possessing a set of legal, human, financial, and material resources necessary to perform the functions assigned to it by society.

From an internal (substantive) point of view, a socio-cultural institution is a set of expediently oriented standard patterns of activity, communication and behavior of specific individuals in specific socio-cultural situations.

Socio-cultural institutions have various forms internal gradation.

Some of them are officially established and institutionalized (for example, the system of general education, the system of special education, vocational education, a network of clubs, libraries and other cultural and leisure institutions), are of public importance and perform their functions on a society-wide scale, in a broad socio-cultural context.

Others are not specially established, but are formed gradually in the process of long-term joint socio-cultural activity, often constituting a whole historical epoch. These include, for example, numerous informal associations and leisure communities, traditional holidays, ceremonies, rituals and other unique socio-cultural stereotypical forms. They are voluntarily elected by certain socio-cultural groups: children, adolescents, youth, residents of the microdistrict, students, military, etc.

In the theory and practice of SKD, many bases for the typology of socio-cultural institutions are often used:

1. by population served:

a. mass consumer (publicly available);

b. separate social groups (specialized);

c. children, youth (children and youth);

2. by type of ownership:

a. state;

b. public;

c. joint-stock;

d. private;

3. by economic status:

a. non-commercial;

b. semi-commercial;

c. commercial;

4. in terms of scope and audience coverage:

a. international;

b. national (federal);

c. regional;

d. local (local).

Forms, methods and resource base of socio-cultural activities.

Form as a way of organizing the activities of socio-cultural institutions (mass group, individual). Form as a way of organizing material (lecture, conversation, holiday, carnival, etc.). A method is a way to achieve a goal, a way to manage activities through an impact on consciousness, feelings, and behavior. Admission as a personal concretization of the method. The resource base as a set of necessary components for the production of a cultural product, services (normative resource, personnel, financial, material, socio-demographic, informational, etc.).


Resources- these are means, reserves, opportunities, sources of these funds, necessary and sufficient to achieve any goals and carry out any types of activities.

resource base- a set of basic components necessary for the production of a particular cultural product, cultural goods or services. As well as a set of financial, labor, energy, natural, material, information and creative resources.

Normative- legal resource - a set of various normative acts on the basis of which the branches of culture in the Russian Federation function; a set of local regulations (charters, orders, instructions, etc.), on the basis of which specific cultural institutions operate or projects, programs, and events are developed and implemented.

Also, a regulatory resource can be considered as legal and organizational, technological documents, instructive information that determine the organizational procedure for the preparation and conduct of socio-cultural activities (this also includes the charter of the organization, internal rules, etc.).

Documents that protect, consolidate and regulate the rights of citizens to participate in the processes of socio-cultural activities at the federal, regional (subject-federal) and municipal, local levels.

personnel(intellectual) resource - specialists, as well as technical and auxiliary personnel, taking into account the professional and intellectual level, corresponding to the purpose of the organization and ensuring the quality of the produced cultural product (goods / services). The work of workers in the socio-cultural sphere is one of the most complex types activities, and most professions require a high level of professional training and availability special education. Industries public sector is characterized by a high demand for specialists with higher professional education.

The characteristic features of the work of workers in the socio-cultural sphere are associated, first of all, with the specifics of the main elements labor activity, the object of labor, the ultimate goals of labor, and to a large extent also tools and other means of labor. It is necessary to note the features of the object to which the activities of workers are directed. The subject of their work is a person with his diverse needs and individual characteristics. This, of course, is associated with an increased social responsibility for the results of the labor activity of workers in the socio-cultural sphere.

financial resource consists of budgetary and non-budgetary sources of financing, the use of which does not contradict the legislation in force in the Russian Federation.

Budget - a form of education and spending Money to ensure the activities of public authorities and the performance of the functions of the state.

Financing - the allocation of funds from certain sources to the entity for the specific purposes of its activities.

The structure of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation: federal, regional and municipal budgets.

Charitable activities - activities to provide a disinterested (gratuitous) transfer legal entities or individual citizens of property, money or the provision of services.

Patronage - a type of charitable activity (long-term) to provide systematic financial support and development of the object of activity, a certain professional activity of a team or a creative person.

Sponsorship is a type of financial support in the social sphere, counting on obtaining an indirect effect (creating a positive image of the company, conditions for advertising).

Material and technical resources include special equipment, property, inventory for the operation and production of a cultural product and the creation of an appropriate environment for the provision of cultural, educational and leisure activities.

Component material and technical resources - real estate necessary for the optimal functioning of social and cultural facilities. The types of real estate include: buildings, premises, specially equipped facilities and the area under them. Fixed assets:

1) architectural and engineering construction objects (buildings and structures) intended for holding social and cultural events, operation and storage of equipment and material assets;

2) engineering and communication systems and devices: electrical networks, telecommunications, heating systems, water supply, etc.;

3) mechanisms and equipment: attractions, household, musical, gaming, Sports Equipment, museum valuables, stage equipment and props, library collections, perennial green spaces;

4) vehicles.

Socio-demographic resource- aggregate individuals living in the territory of a given region, city, microdistrict.

They differ according to age, professional, ethnic and other principles, as well as their activity is taken into account.

Information and methodological resource- a set of external and internal information, on the basis of which management decisions are made, means and methods of organizational and methodological guidance, scientific and methodological support, retraining, advanced training of personnel in the field of socio-cultural activities.

Natural resources - natural resources, part of the totality of natural conditions for the existence of mankind and the most important components of the natural environment surrounding it, used in the process of social production to meet the material and cultural needs of society.

In its broadest form, a leisure program or form can be considered as a large independent completed socio-pedagogical, socio-cultural action, which is conditioned by a social order, reflects social reality and at the same time has a certain influence on it. Programs and forms provide for the solution of independent pedagogical tasks and the use of appropriate methods of organizing people's activities (mass, group or individual). Programs and forms are based on the use of the complex various means, methods, techniques that contribute to the most effective solution of socio-pedagogical goals.

To the forms of socio-cultural activity (SKD) in the field of socio-cultural service can be attributed to: interview, theme evening, matinee, poster, review, meeting ... film screening, festival folk art, concert, competition, City Day, illuminated newspaper, disco, evening of rest, ceremony, exhibition.

These phenomena combine the following: the presence of special methods; availability of CDS funds; use of literary and artistic material; use of documentary material.

Thus, the form of SKD is the structure of the content of professional activities, cultural institutions and tourism enterprises, objectified by a system of special methods and means, an event-artistic and organizational-methodological basis.

Conclusion: the larger the form of SKD, the greater the volume of methods and means involved in it.

A holiday is the largest form of SKD. It involves all the methods and means of SKD, extensive artistic and documentary material.

A method is a way to achieve a goal, a way to manage activities through an impact on consciousness, feelings, and behavior.

Social and cultural institutions use

educational methods (presentation of material, demonstration of objects or phenomena, exercises aimed at consolidating knowledge, developing skills and abilities);

educational methods (persuasion, example, encouragement and its antipode - censure);

methods of organizing creative activity (advancing a creative task, training, organizing a creative community and distributing creative responsibilities, establishing creative competition);

methods of recreation (involvement in an entertainment activity, the displacement of low-value entertainment by useful ones, the organization of a gaming competition);

methods of persuasion. The universality of the method of persuasion is found in each of the socio-cultural actions - mass, group, individual, starting with major socio-political, advertising and information campaigns and ending with studio work, socio-cultural patronage, entertainment and game programs;

improvisation method. Almost any educational, creative, game action is accompanied by elements of improvisation. It can be argued that improvisation is one of the most remarkable and impressive features of socio-cultural action.

The concept of a socio-cultural institution. Normative and institutional socio-cultural institutions. Socio-cultural institutions as a community and social organization. Grounds for the typology of socio-cultural institutions (functions, form of ownership, contingent served, economic status, scale-level of action).


Socio-cultural institutions- one of the key concepts of socio-cultural activities (SKD). Socio-cultural institutions are characterized by a certain direction of their social practice and social relations, a characteristic mutually agreed system of expediently oriented standards of activity, communication and behavior. Their emergence and grouping into a system depend on the content of the tasks solved by each individual socio-cultural institution.

Social institutions are historically established stable forms of organizing joint activities of people, designed to ensure reliability, regularity in meeting the needs of the individual, various social groups, and society as a whole. Education, upbringing, enlightenment, artistic life, scientific practice and many other cultural processes are activities and cultural forms with their corresponding social economic and other mechanisms, institutions, organizations.

From the point of view of the functional-target orientation, two levels of understanding the essence of socio-cultural institutions are distinguished.

First level - normative. In this case, a socio-cultural institution is considered as a set of certain cultural, moral, ethical, aesthetic, leisure and other norms, customs, traditions that have been historically established in society, uniting around some main, main goal, value, need.

Socio-cultural institutions of the normative type include the institution of the family, language, religion, education, folklore, science, literature, art and other institutions.

Their functions:

socializing (socialization of a child, teenager, adult),

orienting (assertion of imperative universal values ​​through special codes and ethics of behavior),

sanctioning (social regulation of behavior and protection of certain norms and values ​​on the basis of legal and administrative acts, rules and regulations),

ceremonial-situational (regulation of the order and methods of mutual behavior, transmission and exchange of information, greetings, appeals, regulation of meetings, meetings, conferences, activities of associations, etc.).

Second level - institutional. Socio-cultural institutions of an institutional type include a numerous network of services, departmental structures and organizations directly or indirectly involved in the socio-cultural sphere and having a specific administrative, social status and a certain public purpose in their industry. This group includes cultural and educational institutions directly , arts, leisure, sports (socio-cultural, leisure services for the population); industrial and economic enterprises and organizations (material and technical support of the socio-cultural sphere); administrative and management bodies and structures in the field of culture, including legislative and executive authorities; research and scientific-methodical institutions of the industry.

So, state and municipal (local), regional authorities occupy one of the leading places in the structure of socio-cultural institutions. They act as authorized subjects for the development and implementation of national and regional socio-cultural policies, effective programs for the socio-cultural development of individual republics, territories and regions.

Any socio-cultural institution should be considered from two sides - external (status) and internal (substantive).

From an external (status) point of view, each such institution is characterized as a subject of socio-cultural activity, possessing a set of legal, human, financial, and material resources necessary to perform the functions assigned to it by society.

From an internal (substantive) point of view, a socio-cultural institution is a set of expediently oriented standard patterns of activity, communication and behavior of specific individuals in specific socio-cultural situations.

Socio-cultural institutions have various forms of internal gradation.

Some of them are officially established and institutionalized (for example, the system of general education, the system of special, vocational education, a network of clubs, libraries and other cultural and leisure institutions), have social significance and perform their functions on a scale of the whole society, in a wide socio-cultural context.

Others are not specially established, but are formed gradually in the process of long-term joint socio-cultural activity, often constituting a whole historical epoch. These include, for example, numerous informal associations and leisure communities, traditional holidays, ceremonies, rituals and other unique socio-cultural stereotypical forms. They are voluntarily elected by certain socio-cultural groups: children, adolescents, youth, residents of the microdistrict, students, military, etc.

In the theory and practice of SKD, many bases for the typology of socio-cultural institutions are often used:

1. by population served:

a. mass consumer (publicly available);

b. separate social groups (specialized);

c. children, youth (children and youth);

2. by type of ownership:

a. state;

b. public;

c. joint-stock;

d. private;

3. by economic status:

a. non-commercial;

b. semi-commercial;

c. commercial;

4. in terms of scope and audience coverage:

a. international;

b. national (federal);

c. regional;

d. local (local).

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