What is Boris Vsevolodovich Gromov doing now? Boris Gromov burned on the golden hectares of the Moscow region. Surzhik D.V., Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Boris Gromov is married for the second time to Faina Krapivina– widow of the son of the Air Force commander of the Carpathian Military District Evgenia Krapivina, a friend of Gromov, who died along with his sons in 1985 in a plane crash that happened with an An-26 military aircraft. Gromov’s first wife died in the same disaster - Natalya Gromova.

Boris Gromov has two sons from his first marriage: Maxim (born in 1974) and Andrey (born in 1980), a daughter from his second wife Lisa (her godfather is the ex-mayor of Moscow), and two adopted daughters of Faina Krapivina. Gromov's sons followed in their father's footsteps and studied at military universities.

Gromov's father was a serviceman who died at the front in 1943.


Boris Gromov was born on November 7, 1943 in Saratov into a military family. At the age of 12, in 1955, he entered the Saratov Suvorovskoe military school .

In 1960, after the reduction of the Saratov school, Boris Gromov was transferred to Kalinin Suvorov Military School in the city of Kalinin (now Tver), from which he graduated in 1962.

In 1962, Gromov entered the Leningrad Combined Arms Command School them. S. M. Kirov, which he graduated in 1965. After college, Gromov was sent to serve in the Baltic Military District (Kaliningrad).

Four years later, in 1969, Gromov entered the Military Academy named after Frunze, from which he graduated with honors in 1972. After graduating from the academy, Gromov served as commander of a motorized rifle battalion, chief of staff and commander of a motorized rifle regiment and chief of staff of a division in SKVO. Gromov received the ranks of major, lieutenant colonel and colonel ahead of schedule.

In 1978, Gromov graduated from academic courses at the M.V. Frunze Military Academy.

From 1982 to 1984 Gromov studied at Military Academy General Staff USSR Armed Forces named after. K. E. Voroshilov, graduated from the academy with a gold medal.

During the military conflict in Afghanistan served three times in units of the Limited Contingent of Soviet Forces (from February 1980 to August 1982, from March 1985 to April 1986, 1987-1989).

Boris Gromov was awarded the title Hero Soviet Union for the successful completion of the operation "Highway". Was the last commander 40th Army from 1987 to 1989, he was the representative of the USSR government for the temporary presence of Soviet troops in the DRA, and led the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan.

According to Gromov himself, on February 15, 1989, he was the last of the servicemen of the Limited Contingent of Soviet Forces to leave Afghanistan.

In 1989, Gromov was awarded the next military rank Colonel General, and in the same year he was appointed commander of the troops Red Banner Kyiv Military District.

In December 1990, Gromov was appointed first deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR.

In October-December 1991, Boris Gromov was the head of the 1st Central Higher Officer Course "Vystrel" named after Marshal of the Soviet Union Boris Mikhailovich Shaposhnikov. In December 1991, Gromov was appointed first Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces.

From June 1992 to February 1995, Boris Gromov served as deputy Minister of Defense Russian Federation.

In August 1995, Gromov was appointed chief military expert of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation with the rank of deputy minister. In this post, Gromov achieved consolidation of the Russian military presence in Tajikistan, and disrupted negotiations on the transfer Kuril Islands Japan, which he promised to return to the Japanese Boris Yeltsin.


In 1989, a new supreme body of state power was created in the USSR - Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR, where Boris Gromov was elected people's deputy of the USSR.

In 1991, the country began a campaign for the election of the President of the Russian Federation, during which Boris Yeltsin chose a veteran of the war in Afghanistan as his running mate (candidate for the post of vice-president). Alexandra Rutskogo. Another candidate - Nikolay Ryzhkov- speaking in conjunction with General Boris Gromov. According to the election results, the couple Ryzhkov and Gromov received 15% of the votes.

In December 1995, Gromov ran for election in State Duma Russian Federation of the second convocation. Gromov topped the list of the block "My Fatherland", but it failed to overcome the 5 percent barrier. Gromov himself was elected deputy State Duma in the Saratov electoral district.

In 1995-1999, Gromov was a member of the Duma faction "Russian regions", was chairman of the subcommittee on arms control and international security of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs.

Since 1997, Gromov has headed the All-Russian Public Organization of Veterans.

In September 1999, Gromov was included in the federal list of the electoral bloc "Fatherland - All Russia" to participate in the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the third convocation. However, already in October Gromov was nominated by a group of voters as a candidate for the position Governor of the Moscow region.

On December 19, 1999, elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the third convocation and elections of the head of the Moscow region took place. Boris Gromov participated in both. In the elections to the State Duma, Gromov was elected as a deputy. In the elections of governor and vice-governor of the Moscow region, the couple Boris Gromov and Mikhail Men received 20.65% of the votes, finishing second.

In January 2000, Gromov won the elections, and in connection with his election as governor of the Moscow region, he resigned as deputy.

In March 2000, Gromov announced that he would support the acting president in the presidential elections Vladimir Putin.

In June 2003, Boris Gromov announced his intention to run for a second term as governor of the Moscow region.

In August 2003, at a conference of the Moscow regional branch of the party, Gromov was asked to head the regional party list in the State Duma elections. In September he was included in the federal party list" United Russia"under the first number in the Moscow region regional group.

After this, deputies of the Moscow regional Duma approved Gromov's request to shorten his term of office and scheduled elections for governor of the Moscow region for December 7, 2003, in order to combine them with parliamentary elections. In October, Gromov announced that he intended to run for governor again as an independent candidate.

In December 2003, elections of deputies to the State Duma of the third convocation and elections of the governor of the Moscow region took place. In the elections to the State Duma, Gromov was elected as a deputy, but again refused the mandate. Gromov also won the gubernatorial elections, gaining 83% of the votes.

In December 2003, Russian President Putin included Gromov in the presidium State Council of the Russian Federation.

In November 2004, at the United Russia congress, Boris Gromov was elected to the Supreme Party Council. At the end of November 2005, Gromov officially joined the United Russia party.

In April 2007, reporting to Vladimir Putin about the situation in the region, Gromov addressed the Russian President with a question about trust. In May 2007, Vladimir Putin nominated Boris Gromov to the Moscow Regional Duma for approval as governor of the Moscow region.

In May 2007, Boris Gromov was appointed by Russian President Vladimir Putin as governor of the Moscow region for a third term with the wording " due to successes in the development of the region".

In May 2012, Boris Gromov's last 5-year powers as governor of the Moscow region officially expired. In March 2012, the head of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations announced his readiness to become the governor of the Moscow region if this post was entrusted to him by decision of the President of Russia.

General Director of the Center for Political Information, political scientist Alexey Mukhin stated on this matter:

“In fact, Gromov’s resignation was not only not rushed, but also clearly delayed; it should have been done a long time ago. Judging by the problems accumulated in the region, by the growing regional budget deficit, by the sentiments of citizens, in the end, the resignation of Boris Gromov "It should have happened not just yesterday, but the day before yesterday. The situation in the Moscow region is already so tense that you just need to hurry up with this personnel decision, otherwise “angry citizens" will appear here too."

In March 2012, Boris Gromov announced that he had decided to appeal to the President of Russia and the Supreme Council of the United Russia party with a request not to consider him as one of the candidates for the post of governor of the region.

In May 2012, the Moscow Regional election commission Boris Gromov was approved Deputy of the Moscow Regional Duma, and by decree of the new governor of the Moscow region Sergei Shoigu was appointed representative in the Federation Council from the government of the Moscow region.

In June 2013, the powers of Senator Gromov were terminated early by a resolution of the Chairman of the Federation Council. In the same month, the Central Election Commission of Russia registered Boris Gromov as a deputy of the State Duma of the sixth convocation from the United Russia party. The vacant deputy mandate was offered to Gromov after the early termination of the parliamentary powers of a member of the United Russia faction. Dmitry Sablin.

In May 2015, in the State Duma, communist deputies tried to initiate a parliamentary investigation into the results of the activities of the ex-Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov. However, the initiative failed to gain the required number of votes. Only 35 people voted against the investigation, including Boris Gromov. 215 people did not vote at all.


In 2011, according to the income statement, Boris Gromov earned 3,519,612 rubles. Gromov owns land plot with an area of ​​9,438.00 sq. m, residential building with an area of ​​691.40 sq. m, apartment with an area of ​​78.93 sq. m. and a garage of 22.00 sq. m. m.


In 2006, Boris Gromov was criticized for the decree “On measures for the construction of the Moscow-St. Petersburg expressway and the development of associated territories” (No. 358/16 of April 28, 2006), according to which, during the construction of the road, it is planned to cut down a clearing the width of 6 km in Khimki forest. Environmentalists believe that such massive cutting down of trees for the construction of commercial buildings along the highway under construction is unnecessary.

In February 2007, the media reported a conflict between Gromov and the deputy of Rosprirodnadzor of the Russian Federation. In early February 2007, Mitvol challenged the governor of the Moscow region, Gromov, to a debate on a television program "To the Barrier" to discuss "illegal construction in the area and the state of environment in outskirts of Moscow".

Gromov responded by filing a lawsuit against the deputy head of the Koptevsky Interdistrict Court of Moscow. Rosprirodnadzor. In June 2007, the court granted Gromov’s claim, obliging the defendants to pay the governor not the 50 million rubles that Gromov demanded from Mitvol, but 110 thousand rubles.

Gromov was criticized because of his personality Alexey Kuznetsov, who headed the regional Ministry of Finance in 2000-2008. In July 2008, Kuznetsov suddenly resigned and left the country. It subsequently turned out that Kuznetsov was involved in numerous financial frauds involving real estate near Moscow. According to the report Accounts Chamber RF, “the volume of violations identified as a result of the control event is within 92 billion rubles.”

In June 2011, at a press conference, Boris Gromov said:

“Kuznetsov did not steal a single penny from the budget of the Moscow region, and not only Kuznetsov, fortunately for us... this is confirmed by official documents from the Accounts Chamber and other federal regulatory organizations. If Kuznetsov stole, then it was outside the budget of the Moscow region, in general government. This is his personal business..."

At the end of 2008, there were speculations in the media about Gromov’s imminent resignation. In December 2008, the media reported that Gromov would be appointed ambassador to Ukraine, but this information was later refuted.

After closing in Moscow in the summer of 2009 Cherkizovsky market Boris Gromov approved the construction of a huge wholesale market in Kotelniki, ignoring the protests of a large number of local residents and obvious violations of the law by the developer. In one of his speeches in July 2010, Gromov advised Muscovites to buy helicopters: “I fly by helicopter. We need to buy helicopters instead of cars - we don’t need roads.”

On May 26 and 27, 2011, protests took place demanding the resignation of Governor Gromov. The main slogan of the residents: “Governor Gromov resign!” The actions became the beginning of a protest campaign by residents of the Moscow region within the framework of the Social Movement "To Gromov. NO".

In October 2011, a State Duma deputy published the abstracts of a report by the Governor of the Moscow Region, Boris Gromov, with a plan to prepare for election fraud in the Moscow Region. According to Gudkov, the regional minister of press and information Sergey Moiseev“instructed” 56 editors-in-chief of regional and municipal media.

Boris Vsevolodovich

Battles and victories

Retired Colonel General, participant in military operations in Afghanistan, Hero of the Soviet Union, head of the All-Russian public organization of veterans “Combat Brotherhood”. Member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, representative of the government of the Moscow region since May 2012, former governor Moscow region (2000-2012).

“Time flies, but I still remember virtually every day of the five and a half years I spent in Afghanistan.”

Boris Vsevolodovich Gromov was born on November 7, 1943 in Saratov into a military family. His father, a military officer, died in 1943, and in 1955 Boris Gromov, following his older brother, continued the dynasty and entered the Saratov Suvorov Military School. After graduation, he went to the Leningrad Higher School, which he successfully completed and was sent to serve in the Baltic Military District. Started serving in motorcycle rifle division platoon commander, then became company commander. After graduating from the Military Academy. Frunze with a gold medal, began to rapidly climb the career ladder and was appointed to the post of chief of staff of a regiment, then ahead of schedule - the military ranks of major and lieutenant colonel.

The geography of his service is very extensive: after the Baltic states - the Turkestan Military District, the North Caucasus Military District, the Carpathian Military District, the Belarusian Military District. But Afghanistan undoubtedly occupies a central place in it.

“Time flies, but I still remember virtually every day of those five and a half years that I spent in total in Afghanistan,” Boris Gromov will say at one of the meetings with Afghan veterans. This war forged his character, turning him from an excellent student into a fighter, then into a senior officer and statesman.

According to many foreign observers, even after many years of military presence in this country, the Russians continue to command respect from Afghans, who remember both the good and the bad. As it turns out, there was more good. And the undoubted credit for this belongs to the soldiers of the 40th Army, commanded by Gromov. Together, they not only did not lose a single battle, but also managed to carry out the peacekeeping task to the end in practice, under the most difficult conditions. According to the testimony of soldiers who served with Gromov in Afghanistan, the general personally controlled the military operations and twice made the decision “I call fire on myself.”

The legendary general himself assessed the events of that time from two points of view - military and political. Boris Gromov considered the introduction of our troops into Afghanistan a big political mistake: “It is not clear for whose sake and for what they brought troops into this country in 1979,” he said. - And in general, everything connected with the deployment of military formations anywhere: to Afghanistan - in ’79, to Moscow - in August ’91, to Grozny - at the end of ’94, did not lead to anything good "

During the stay of a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan, Boris Gromov advocated for minimal participation of Soviet troops in combat operations, assigning these tasks to the Afghan army. In interviews with the media, Gromov repeatedly emphasized that the 40th Army under his command “carried out more than 60 percent of peacekeeping tasks, and the rest was associated with the conduct of military operations to defeat those gangs that were the first to attack our troops.”

In 1989, Gromov led the withdrawal of Soviet troops from the country. It was he who developed the plan for the withdrawal of troops through the Salang Pass. In preparation for the withdrawal of troops, the general, by his own admission, had to violate the order of the command: instead of an artillery strike on the positions of field commanders, with whom the command of the Soviet troops had secretly agreed on neutrality during the withdrawal of troops, Gromov ordered a strike on empty gorges in order to avoid serious bloodshed. As a result, the operation of troop withdrawal through the Salang Pass is completed without losses.

According to eyewitnesses, the commander of the 40th Army, Lieutenant General Boris Vsevolodovich Gromov, was the last member of the OKSV (excluding Soviet soldiers remaining in captivity) on the morning of February 15, 1989 to cross the “Friendship” bridge across the border river Amu Darya. “Russian News” wrote: “February 15, 1989. Border Termez. Nervous hours of waiting on the famous bridge, the appearance of the first Soviet tanks and armored personnel carriers on the Afghan coast, the tanned, weathered faces of soldiers and officers. A memorable detail: Army commander General Boris Gromov, together with his son, crosses the bridge hand in hand from the Afghan side to the Soviet side. A meeting with the participation of Moscow and local party, Soviet and military authorities, a warm, sincere meeting with flowers, hot bread cakes from the population of the surrounding villages. Then we were united - both in trouble and in victory. The Uzbek coast was perceived as our own, native, Soviet.”

I was in Afghanistan with Gromov twice, from 1980 to 1982 and from 1985 to 1987. I remember him as a colonel, commander of the fifth motorized rifle division as part of the 40th Army. What has always distinguished him is his high professionalism. Gromov’s main task was not to lose people, and he coped with this task.

Ruslan Aushev, President of Ingushetia.

After the successful operation, Gromov was awarded the rank of Colonel General and appointed commander of the Red Banner Kyiv District, where he was elected People's Deputy of the USSR.

At the beginning of 1992, Boris Vsevolodovich Gromov was appointed first deputy commander of the general purpose forces of the United Armed Forces of the CIS. In the same year, he became Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and held this position until 1994.

During this period, Gromov, while remaining committed to the policy of maximum conservation of human resources, repeatedly spoke out sharply against the ill-conceived use of troops in Chechen Republic and condemned the “barbaric choice of military means” used there. In December 1994, for reasons of principle, he submitted his resignation, but it was not accepted.

In early February 1995, President Yeltsin signed a decree seconding Gromov to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a chief military expert with the rank of deputy minister. According to some reports, it was Gromov who achieved consolidation of the Russian military presence in Tajikistan, which the Ministry of Defense attributed great importance, and also disrupted the final negotiations on the transfer of the Kuril Islands to Japan, which Yeltsin promised to return. After another month, Yeltsin nevertheless agreed to exclude Gromov from the staff of the Ministry of Defense.

From this moment a new stage in the life of a military officer begins. He becomes a politician. At the parliamentary elections of 1995, the general headed the “My Fatherland” bloc, was elected to the State Duma in the Saratov constituency, was a member of the “Russian Regions” deputy group, and headed the subcommittee on arms control and international security of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs. In 1996, he became Boris Yeltsin's confidant in the presidential elections. In December 1997, Gromov was elected chairman of the All-Russian public movement of veterans of local wars and military conflicts “Combat Brotherhood”. In November 1998, he participated in the creation of the Fatherland movement, headed by Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, and was a member of its organizing committee. In December 1998, he was elected a member of the Central Council (CC) and the political council of "Fatherland", in September 1999 he was included in the federal list of the electoral bloc "Fatherland - All Russia" (OVR) to participate in the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the third convocation and as a result of the elections received a deputy mandate. In October of the same year, Gromov was nominated by a group of voters as a candidate for the post of governor of the Moscow region and became...

It was very difficult for a hereditary officer to part with the prospects of a high military career, move to a deputy seat, engage in legislative work, then find himself in the chair of the governor of a region with a complex civil economy and considerable social problems. Especially at a time when politic system did not take hold when the process of reform both at the regional and state level It was practically just unfolding. Especially a person who has been trained to solve all or many problems in a team style. Boris Gromov, already in the governor's chair, went through such a breakthrough: acting methodically competently, rallying around himself like-minded people, people with a common style of thinking and a common understanding of tasks, he created one of the best (if not the best) team of managers.

As a governor, Gromov advocated active economic cooperation between regional subjects so that the Moscow region did not become “separate appendages of the Moscow economy” (which, in his opinion, resulted from concluding agreements with Moscow firms and companies). Gromov has repeatedly stated that in terms of its total potential, the Moscow region is not much inferior to the capital, but this potential is not being sufficiently realized.

In March 2012, Gromov announced his intention to leave the post of governor of the Moscow region after the expiration of his term in May and announced that he intended to become the representative of the Moscow region in the Federation Council. His successor was the Minister of Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Disaster Relief S.K. Shoigu.

Today, Boris Vsevolodovich Gromov is the author of numerous publications on the history and practical development of the armed forces, president of the International Association “Twin Cities”, head of the All-Russian public organization of veterans “Combat Brotherhood”. Awarded with orders“For services to the Fatherland” II, III and IV degrees, the Order of Lenin, two Orders of the Red Banner, the Order of the Red Star, “For service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR”, the medal “For Military Merit”, Hero of the Soviet Union. Honorary citizen of Saratov.

In military circles, his high intellectual, professional and diplomatic qualities are noted: “A military man to the core, he combines in some amazing way pure army rigidity and gentle intelligence, statutory assignments and a broad outlook, pragmatism and philosophy” (“Home and Fatherland”, appendix to " Rossiyskaya newspaper"dated June 1, 1996). Close people consider him reliable, taciturn, not petty, a person with a “large personality” and a broad soul. Colleagues - purposeful, strong-willed, equally inclined to risk, and to adventure, and to extreme caution in actions and decision-making. And he says about himself: “As a person who has a war behind him, I am used to being responsible for my decisions, especially when the lives of many people are at stake.” Comprehensive characteristics...

SURGHIK D.V., Institute of World History RAS


Tsybulsky I.I.. Boris Gromov. M., 2008

Anna Sokolova. Corporation "Podmoskovye": How the richest region of Russia was ruined. M., 2011


Suvorov Alexander Vasilievich

For the highest art of military leadership and immeasurable love for the Russian soldier

Slashchev-Krymsky Yakov Alexandrovich

Defense of Crimea in 1919-20. “The Reds are my enemies, but they did the main thing - my job: they revived great Russia!” (General Slashchev-Krymsky).

Platov Matvey Ivanovich

Ataman of the Great Don Army (from 1801), cavalry general (1809), who took part in all wars Russian Empire late XVIII - early XIX centuries.
In 1771 he distinguished himself during the attack and capture of the Perekop line and Kinburn. From 1772 he began to command a Cossack regiment. During the 2nd Turkish War he distinguished himself during the assault on Ochakov and Izmail. Participated in the battle of Preussisch-Eylau.
During the Patriotic War of 1812, he first commanded all the Cossack regiments on the border, and then, covering the retreat of the army, won victories over the enemy near the towns of Mir and Romanovo. In the battle near the village of Semlevo, Platov’s army defeated the French and captured a colonel from the army of Marshal Murat. During the retreat of the French army, Platov, pursuing it, inflicted defeats on it at Gorodnya, Kolotsky Monastery, Gzhatsk, Tsarevo-Zaimishch, near Dukhovshchina and when crossing the Vop River. For his merits he was elevated to the rank of count. In November, Platov captured Smolensk from battle and defeated the troops of Marshal Ney near Dubrovna. At the beginning of January 1813, he entered Prussia and besieged Danzig; in September he received command of a special corps, with which he participated in the battle of Leipzig and, pursuing the enemy, captured about 15 thousand people. In 1814, he fought at the head of his regiments during the capture of Nemur, Arcy-sur-Aube, Cezanne, Villeneuve. Awarded the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called.

Izylmetyev Ivan Nikolaevich

Commanded the frigate "Aurora". He made the transition from St. Petersburg to Kamchatka in a record time for those times in 66 days. In Callao Bay he eluded the Anglo-French squadron. Arriving in Petropavlovsk together with the governor of the Kamchatka Territory, Zavoiko V. organized the defense of the city, during which the sailors from the Aurora, together with local residents, threw the outnumbered Anglo-French landing force into the sea. Then he took the Aurora to the Amur Estuary, hiding it there After these events, the British public demanded a trial of the admirals who lost the Russian frigate.

Shein Mikhail Borisovich

Voivode Shein is a hero and leader of the unprecedented defense of Smolensk in 1609-16011. This fortress decided a lot in the fate of Russia!

Kolchak Alexander Vasilievich

Russian admiral who gave his life for the liberation of the Fatherland.
Oceanographer, one of the largest polar explorers of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, military and political figure, naval commander, full member of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society, leader of the White movement, Supreme Ruler of Russia.

Petrov Ivan Efimovich

Defense of Odessa, Defense of Sevastopol, Liberation of Slovakia

Shein Alexey Semyonovich

The first Russian generalissimo. Leader of the Azov campaigns of Peter I.

Shein Mikhail Borisovich

He headed the Smolensk defense against Polish-Lithuanian troops, which lasted 20 months. Under the command of Shein, multiple attacks were repelled, despite the explosion and a hole in the wall. He held back and bled the main forces of the Poles at the decisive moment of the Time of Troubles, preventing them from moving to Moscow to support their garrison, creating the opportunity to gather an all-Russian militia to liberate the capital. Only with the help of a defector, the troops of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth managed to take Smolensk on June 3, 1611. The wounded Shein was captured and taken with his family to Poland for 8 years. After returning to Russia, he commanded the army that tried to recapture Smolensk in 1632-1634. Executed due to boyar slander. Undeservedly forgotten.

Karyagin Pavel Mikhailovich

Colonel Karyagin's campaign against the Persians in 1805 does not resemble real military history. It looks like a prequel to "300 Spartans" (20,000 Persians, 500 Russians, gorges, bayonet attacks, "This is madness! - No, this is the 17th Jaeger Regiment!"). A golden, platinum page of Russian history, combining the carnage of madness with the highest tactical skill, amazing cunning and stunning Russian arrogance

Chichagov Vasily Yakovlevich

Superbly commanded the Baltic Fleet in the campaigns of 1789 and 1790. He won victories in the battle of Öland (7/15/1789), in the Revel (5/2/1790) and Vyborg (06/22/1790) battles. After the last two defeats, which were strategic importance, the dominance of the Baltic Fleet became unconditional, and this forced the Swedes to make peace. There are few such examples in the history of Russia when victories at sea led to victory in the war. And by the way, the Battle of Vyborg was one of the largest in world history in terms of the number of ships and people.

Budyonny Semyon Mikhailovich

Commander of the First Cavalry Army of the Red Army during the years Civil War. The First Cavalry Army, which he led until October 1923, played an important role in a number of major operations Civil war to defeat the troops of Denikin and Wrangel in Northern Tavria and Crimea.

Kornilov Vladimir Alekseevich

During the outbreak of the war with England and France, he actually commanded the Black Sea Fleet, and until his heroic death he was the immediate superior of P.S. Nakhimov and V.I. Istomina. After the landing of the Anglo-French troops in Evpatoria and the defeat of the Russian troops on Alma, Kornilov received an order from the commander-in-chief in the Crimea, Prince Menshikov, to sink the ships of the fleet in the roadstead in order to use sailors for the defense of Sevastopol from land.

Ermak Timofeevich

Russian. Cossack. Ataman. Defeated Kuchum and his satellites. Approved Siberia as part of the Russian state. He dedicated his entire life to military work.

Kotlyarevsky Petr Stepanovich

General Kotlyarevsky, son of a priest in the village of Olkhovatki, Kharkov province. He worked his way up from a private to a general in the tsarist army. He can be called the great-grandfather of Russian special forces. He carried out truly unique operations... His name is worthy of being included in the list of the greatest commanders of Russia

Rurikovich Yaroslav the Wise Vladimirovich

He dedicated his life to protecting the Fatherland. Defeated the Pechenegs. He established the Russian state as one of the greatest states of his time.

Khvorostinin Dmitry Ivanovich

A commander who had no defeats...

Kutuzov Mikhail Illarionovich

Commander-in-Chief during the Patriotic War of 1812. One of the most famous and beloved military heroes by the people!

Kondratenko Roman Isidorovich

A warrior of honor without fear or reproach, the soul of the defense of Port Arthur.

Golenishchev-Kutuzov Mikhail Illarionovich

1. A GREAT Russian commander, he was an example for his soldiers. Appreciated every soldier. “M.I. Golenishchev-Kutuzov is not only the liberator of the Fatherland, he is the only one who outplayed the hitherto invincible French emperor, turning “ great army"into the crowd of ragamuffins, saving, thanks to his military genius, the lives of many Russian soldiers."
2. Mikhail Illarionovich, being a highly educated man who knew several foreign languages, dexterous, sophisticated, able to animate society with the gift of words and an entertaining story, he also served Russia as an excellent diplomat - ambassador to Turkey.
3. M.I. Kutuzov is the first to become a full holder of the highest military order of St. St. George the Victorious four degrees.
The life of Mikhail Illarionovich is an example of service to the fatherland, attitude towards soldiers, spiritual strength for Russian military leaders of our time and, of course, for the younger generation - future military men.

Kotlyarevsky Petr Stepanovich

Hero of the Russian-Persian War of 1804-1813.
"Meteor General" and "Caucasian Suvorov".
He fought not with numbers, but with skill - first, 450 Russian soldiers attacked 1,200 Persian Sardars in the Migri fortress and took it, then 500 of our soldiers and Cossacks attacked 5,000 askers at the crossing of the Araks. They destroyed more than 700 enemies; only 2,500 Persian soldiers managed to escape from ours.
In both cases, our losses were less than 50 killed and up to 100 wounded.
Further, in the war against the Turks, with a swift attack, 1,000 Russian soldiers defeated the 2,000-strong garrison of the Akhalkalaki fortress.
Then again, in the Persian direction, he cleared Karabakh of the enemy, and then, with 2,200 soldiers, he defeated Abbas Mirza with a 30,000-strong army at Aslanduz, a village near the Araks River. In two battles, he destroyed more than 10,000 enemies, including English advisers and artillerymen.
As usual, Russian losses amounted to 30 killed and 100 wounded.
Kotlyarevsky won most of his victories in night assaults on fortresses and enemy camps, not allowing the enemies to come to their senses.
The last campaign - 2000 Russians against 7000 Persians to the Lenkoran fortress, where Kotlyarevsky almost died during the assault, lost consciousness at times from loss of blood and pain from wounds, but still commanded the troops until the final victory, as soon as he regained consciousness, and then was forced take a long time to heal and retire from military affairs.
His exploits for the glory of Russia are much greater than the “300 Spartans” - for our commanders and warriors more than once defeated an enemy 10 times superior, and suffered minimal losses, saving Russian lives.

Zhukov Georgy Konstantinovich

He made the greatest contribution as a strategist to the victory in the Great Patriotic War (aka World War II).

Suvorov Alexander Vasilievich

An outstanding Russian commander. He successfully defended the interests of Russia both from external aggression and outside the country.

Vasilevsky Alexander Mikhailovich

The greatest commander of the Second World War. Two people in history were awarded the Order of Victory twice: Vasilevsky and Zhukov, but after the Second World War it was Vasilevsky who became the Minister of Defense of the USSR. His military genius is unsurpassed by ANY military leader in the world.

Blucher, Tukhachevsky

Blucher, Tukhachevsky and the whole galaxy of heroes of the Civil War. Don't forget Budyonny!

Yaroslav the Wise

Paskevich Ivan Fedorovich

Hero of Borodin, Leipzig, Paris (division commander)
As commander-in-chief, he won 4 companies (Russian-Persian 1826-1828, Russian-Turkish 1828-1829, Polish 1830-1831, Hungarian 1849).
Knight of the Order of St. George, 1st degree - for the capture of Warsaw (the order, according to the statute, was awarded either for the salvation of the fatherland, or for the capture of the enemy capital).
Field Marshal.


Bagration, Miloradovich, Davydov are some very special breed of people. They don't do things like that now. The heroes of 1812 were distinguished by complete recklessness and complete contempt for death. And it was General Miloradovich, who went through all the wars for Russia without a single scratch, who became the first victim of individual terror. After Kakhovsky’s shot on Senate Square, the Russian revolution continued along this path - right up to the basement of the Ipatiev House. Taking away the best.

Kutuzov Mikhail Illarionovich

It is certainly worthy; in my opinion, no explanation or evidence is required. It's surprising that his name isn't on the list. was the list prepared by representatives of the Unified State Examination generation?

Denikin Anton Ivanovich

One of the most talented and successful commanders of the First World War. Coming from a poor family, he made a brilliant military career, relying solely on his own virtues. Member of the RYAV, WWI, graduate of the Nikolaev Academy of the General Staff. He fully realized his talent while commanding the legendary “Iron” brigade, which was then expanded into a division. Participant and one of the main characters Brusilovsky breakthrough. He remained a man of honor even after the collapse of the army, a Bykhov prisoner. Member of the ice campaign and commander of the AFSR. For more than a year and a half, possessing very modest resources and much inferior in numbers to the Bolsheviks, he won victory after victory, liberating a vast territory.
Also, do not forget that Anton Ivanovich is a wonderful and very successful publicist, and his books are still very popular. An extraordinary, talented commander, an honest Russian man in difficult times for the Motherland, who was not afraid to light a torch of hope.

Saltykov Petr Semenovich

One of those commanders who managed to inflict exemplary defeats on one of the best commanders in Europe in the 18th century - Frederick II of Prussia

Prince Monomakh Vladimir Vsevolodovich

The most remarkable of the Russian princes of the pre-Tatar period of our history, who left behind great fame and good memory.

Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich

Personally took part in the planning and implementation of ALL offensive and defensive operations of the Red Army in the period 1941 - 1945.

Ridiger Fedor Vasilievich

Adjutant General, Cavalry General, Adjutant General... He had three Golden sabers with the inscription: “For bravery”... In 1849, Ridiger took part in a campaign in Hungary to suppress the unrest that arose there, being appointed head of the right column. On May 9, Russian troops entered the Austrian Empire. He pursued the rebel army until August 1, forcing them to lay down their arms in front of Russian troops near Vilyagosh. On August 5, the troops entrusted to him occupied the Arad fortress. During the trip of Field Marshal Ivan Fedorovich Paskevich to Warsaw, Count Ridiger commanded the troops located in Hungary and Transylvania... On February 21, 1854, during the absence of Field Marshal Prince Paskevich in the Kingdom of Poland, Count Ridiger commanded all troops located in the area of ​​​​the active army - as a commander separate corps and at the same time served as head of the Kingdom of Poland. After the return of Field Marshal Prince Paskevich to Warsaw, from August 3, 1854, he served as Warsaw military governor.

Stessel Anatoly Mikhailovich

Commandant of Port Arthur during his heroic defense. The unprecedented ratio of losses of Russian and Japanese troops before the surrender of the fortress is 1:10.

Belov Pavel Alekseevich

He led the cavalry corps during the Second World War. He showed himself excellently during the Battle of Moscow, especially in defensive battles near Tula. He especially distinguished himself in the Rzhev-Vyazemsk operation, where he emerged from encirclement after 5 months of stubborn fighting.

John 4 Vasilievich

Vorotynsky Mikhail Ivanovich

“Drafter of the statutes of the watchdog and border service” is, of course, good. For some reason, we have forgotten the Battle of YOUTH from July 29 to August 2, 1572. But it was precisely with this victory that Moscow’s right to many things was recognized. They recaptured a lot of things for the Ottomans, the thousands of destroyed Janissaries sobered them up, and unfortunately they also helped Europe. The Battle of YOUTH is very difficult to overestimate

Ivan III Vasilievich

He united the Russian lands around Moscow and threw off the hated Tatar-Mongol yoke.

Brusilov Alexey Alekseevich

One of the best Russian generals of the First World War. In June 1916, troops of the Southwestern Front under the command of Adjutant General A.A. Brusilov, simultaneously striking in several directions, broke through the enemy’s deeply layered defenses and advanced 65 km. In military history, this operation was called the Brusilov breakthrough.

Suvorov, Count Rymniksky, Prince of Italy Alexander Vasilievich

The greatest commander, master strategist, tactician and military theorist. Author of the book "The Science of Victory", Generalissimo of the Russian Army. The only one in the history of Russia who did not suffer a single defeat.

Rokossovsky Konstantin Konstantinovich

Soldier, several wars (including World War I and World War II). passed the way to Marshal of the USSR and Poland. Military intellectual. did not resort to “obscene leadership”. He knew the subtleties of military tactics. practice, strategy and operational art.

Tsesarevich and Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich

Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich, the second son of Emperor Paul I, received the title of Tsarevich in 1799 for his participation in the Swiss campaign of A.V. Suvorov, and retained it until 1831. In the Battle of Austrlitz he commanded the guards reserve of the Russian Army, took part in the Patriotic War of 1812, and distinguished himself in the foreign campaigns of the Russian Army. For the “Battle of the Nations” at Leipzig in 1813 he received the “golden weapon” “For bravery!” Inspector General of the Russian Cavalry, since 1826 Viceroy of the Kingdom of Poland.

Maksimov Evgeniy Yakovlevich

Russian hero of the Transvaal War. He was a volunteer in fraternal Serbia, participating in the Russian-Turkish war. At the beginning of the 20th century, the British began to wage war against the small people - the Boers. Eugene successfully fought against the invaders and in 1900 was appointed military general. Died in Russian Japanese war. In addition to his military career, he distinguished himself in the literary field.

Grand Duke of Russia Mikhail Nikolaevich

Feldzeichmeister-General (commander-in-chief of the artillery of the Russian Army), youngest son of Emperor Nicholas I, Viceroy in the Caucasus since 1864. Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army in the Caucasus in the Russian-Turkish War of 1877-1878. Under his command the fortresses of Kars, Ardahan, and Bayazet were taken.

Katukov Mikhail Efimovich

Perhaps the only bright spot against the background of Soviet armored force commanders. A tank driver who went through the entire war, starting from the border. A commander whose tanks always showed their superiority to the enemy. His tank brigades were the only ones(!) in the first period of the war that were not defeated by the Germans and even caused them significant damage.
His First Guards Tank Army remained combat-ready, although it defended itself from the very first days of the fighting on the southern front of the Kursk Bulge, while exactly the same 5th Guards Tank Army of Rotmistrov was practically destroyed on the very first day it entered the battle (June 12)
This is one of the few of our commanders who took care of his troops and fought not with numbers, but with skill.

Grachev Pavel Sergeevich

Hero of the Soviet Union. May 5, 1988 “for completing combat missions with minimal casualties and for the professional command of a controlled formation and the successful actions of the 103rd Airborne Division, in particular, in occupying the strategically important Satukandav pass (Khost province) during the military operation “Magistral” "Received the Gold Star medal No. 11573. Commander of the USSR Airborne Forces. In total, during his military service he made 647 parachute jumps, some of them while testing new equipment.
He was shell-shocked 8 times and received several wounds. Suppressed the armed coup in Moscow and thereby saved the system of democracy. As Minister of Defense, he made great efforts to preserve the remnants of the army - a similar task to few people in the history of Russia. Only because of the collapse of the army and the reduction in the number of military equipment in the Armed Forces was he unable to victoriously end the Chechen War.

Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich

Victory in the Great Patriotic War, saving the entire planet from absolute evil, and our country from extinction.
From the first hours of the war, Stalin controlled the country, front and rear. On land, at sea and in the air.
His merit is not one or even ten battles or campaigns, his merit is Victory, made up of hundreds of battles of the Great Patriotic War: the battle of Moscow, battles in the North Caucasus, the Battle of Stalingrad, the battle of Kursk, the battle of Leningrad and many others before the capture Berlin, success in which was achieved thanks to the monotonous inhuman work of the genius of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief.

Denikin Anton Ivanovich

The commander, under whose command the white army, with smaller forces, won victories over the red army for 1.5 years and captured the North Caucasus, Crimea, Novorossia, Donbass, Ukraine, Don, part of the Volga region and the central black earth provinces of Russia. He retained the dignity of his Russian name during the Second World War, refusing to cooperate with the Nazis, despite his irreconcilably anti-Soviet position

Istomin Vladimir Ivanovich

Istomin, Lazarev, Nakhimov, Kornilov - Great people who served and fought in the city of Russian glory - Sevastopol!

Romanov Alexander I Pavlovich

The de facto commander-in-chief of the allied armies that liberated Europe in 1813-1814. "He took Paris, he founded the Lyceum." The Great Leader who crushed Napoleon himself. (The shame of Austerlitz is not comparable to the tragedy of 1941)

Uborevich Ieronim Petrovich

Soviet military leader, commander of the 1st rank (1935). Member Communist Party since March 1917. Born in the village of Aptandrius (now Utena region of the Lithuanian SSR) in the family of a Lithuanian peasant. Graduated from the Konstantinovsky Artillery School (1916). Participant of the 1st World War 1914-18, second lieutenant. After the October Revolution of 1917, he was one of the organizers of the Red Guard in Bessarabia. In January - February 1918 he commanded a revolutionary detachment in battles against Romanian and Austro-German interventionists, was wounded and captured, from where he escaped in August 1918. He was an artillery instructor, commander of the Dvina brigade on the Northern Front, and from December 1918 head of the 18th Infantry divisions of the 6th Army. From October 1919 to February 1920, he was the commander of the 14th Army during the defeat of the troops of General Denikin, in March - April 1920 he commanded the 9th Army in the North Caucasus. In May - July and November - December 1920, commander of the 14th Army in battles against the troops of bourgeois Poland and the Petliurites, in July - November 1920 - 13th Army in battles against the Wrangelites. In 1921, assistant commander of the troops of Ukraine and Crimea, deputy commander of the troops of the Tambov province, commander of the troops of the Minsk province, led the military operations during the defeat of the gangs of Makhno, Antonov and Bulak-Balakhovich. From August 1921 commander of the 5th Army and the East Siberian Military District. In August - December 1922, Minister of War of the Far Eastern Republic and Commander-in-Chief of the People's Revolutionary Army during the liberation Far East. He was commander of the troops of the North Caucasus (since 1925), Moscow (since 1928) and Belarusian (since 1931) military districts. Since 1926, a member of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR, in 1930-31, deputy chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR and chief of armaments of the Red Army. Since 1934 member of the Military Council of NGOs. He made a great contribution to strengthening the defense capability of the USSR, educating and training command staff and troops. Candidate member of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) in 1930-37. Member of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee since December 1922. Awarded 3 Orders of the Red Banner and Honorary Revolutionary Weapon.

Marshal of the Soviet Union. Chief of Staff of the South-Western Front, then at the same time of the headquarters of the troops of the South-Western direction, commander of the 16th (11th Guards Army). Since 1943, he commanded the troops of the 1st Baltic and 3rd Belorussian fronts. He showed leadership talent and particularly distinguished himself during the Belarusian and East Prussian operations. He stood out for his ability to react prudently and flexibly to emerging changes in the situation.

Generals Ancient Rus'

Since ancient times. Vladimir Monomakh (fought the Polovtsians), his sons Mstislav the Great (campaigns against Chud and Lithuania) and Yaropolk (campaigns against the Don), Vsevood the Big Nest (campaigns against Volga Bulgaria), Mstislav Udatny (battle of Lipitsa), Yaroslav Vsevolodovich (defeated Knights of the Order of the Sword), Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Vladimir the Brave (the second hero of the Mamaev Massacre)…

Lifted off the ground. Why and why - analyzed by The New Times. Yeltsin, vacating the main seat of the country, bequeathed to his successor the first thing to teach a lesson to the presumptuous regional princes.” Having settled in the Kremlin, Putin immediately expelled the governors and presidents of the national republics from the upper house. Eight years have passed since then, and now the “national leader” himself, leaving for the White House, instructed a group of officials left behind to deal with those regional “heavyweights” whom he could not or did not want to replace during the eight years of his presidency. The first to fall under the thick shadow of disgrace was not the daring elders Luzhkov and Shaimiev, but the completely loyal and harmless politically Governor of the Moscow Region General Boris Gromov .

“General! We have reached a dead end...”

The PR campaign, inexorably pushing the president and prime minister to the decision to resign Boris Gromov, started last summer. The discrediting of the head of the Moscow region is organized according to all the classic canons of the genre of the Kremlin’s fight against unwanted governors, including the protruding ears of the performers. However, those who call the general first deputy head of the Kremlin administration an exclusive ill-wisher are disingenuous Vladislav Surkov. Indeed, Boris Vsevolodovich and Vladislav Yuryevich a year and a half ago radically disagreed on the election lists of United Russia in the region. However, it is naive to think that the governor of a territory of seven million, whose powers expire only in May 2011, can be removed ahead of schedule just because Surkov does not like him.

The reasons for the inglorious decline of the governor’s career, Kremlin and Moscow region officials familiar with the situation are sure, are quite trivial: fools and roads. Well, along the way there are also warehouses and pits. The Moscow region is an infrastructure, customs, logistics and housing construction capital European Russia. Which in the future makes almost any land near Moscow an invaluable resource, no matter how many times the crisis collapses its prices. But all this is managed very poorly. Gromov persistently appointed his fellow soldiers and colleagues to key positions in the regional government. A dozen more good friends and familiar acquaintances were placed by Gromov at the head of large municipalities. Fierce rivalry between the military and civilian clans around Gromov continued throughout the eight years. For eight years, the governor has failed to create an effective team. And what doesn’t lie well won’t last long.

Condition gap

The general failed to maintain control over the main commanding height - the land market. The tone here is set by 7-8 acquisition operators, mostly connected with the largest Russian banks and investment companies (and those, according to their top managers, act in the interests of “big people” at the federal level), and a smaller part - with Gromov’s entourage and local criminals, whose interests, in turn, are difficult to distinguish from the investment plans of the leading groups of Moscow region municipal officials. Regular shootings of employees of Moscow region city administrations, which continue to this day, have become a signature background of the struggle between “local” and “outside” landlords.

Meanwhile, the validity of the Kremlin’s unspoken agreements with Gromov and his entourage was strictly limited by the term of office of the former head of state. Immediately after Putin left the Kremlin, many “big people” considered their obligations to ordinary participants in the Moscow region “terrarium” to be insignificant. As the classic said, the bills are paid, the farewell is done.

However, regarding the bills, we may have gotten a little carried away. In the fall, Standard & Poor's and Moody's downgraded the credit ratings of the Moscow region and three subsidiaries of its government to pre-default levels. And in the official report about the meeting on this topic with the vice-governor Alexey Panteleev, held on December 16, one can find a passage shining with filigree military field logic: “The Moscow region conscientiously fulfills all its loan obligations. In particular, the regional budget was ready to pay the bond loan of the 3rd issue of the Moscow Regional Mortgage Agency in the amount of 5 billion rubles, but at the moment it will not do this, since during the activities of law enforcement agencies the bonds of this loan were seized.”

From America - with love

The activities of law enforcement agencies took an undesirable turn for Governor Gromov already at the end of May, when, with a tacit signal from the White House, the FSB Directorate for Moscow and the Moscow Region and the Moscow Region Central Internal Affairs Directorate took on the author of the regional default - the first deputy chairman of the regional government. Alexey Kuznetsov, who also served as Minister of Finance. In July investigative committee The Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case against him for abuse of office. According to investigators, Kuznetsov, taking advantage of his official position, took possession of land near Moscow with a total value of $20 billion (apparently in pre-crisis prices). In addition, when entering the civil service, the financier allegedly concealed the presence of a second (American) citizenship and an American wife. Worse, as follows from a note sent in early September by the director of the Russian FSB, Alexander Bortnikov, to President Dmitry Medvedev, Kuznetsov (by that time he had already left his post and emigrated to the United States) could be an agent of overseas intelligence services.

A fugitive who earned himself the touching nickname “our little Vavilov” in the corridors of the Moscow region government (Referring to the former first deputy minister of finance Andrey Vavilov, who is suspected of various scams), was already settling into his new homeland when Governor Gromov was summoned to the Kremlin. According to rumors, the head of Medvedev’s administration, Sergei Naryshkin, introduced the general to the aforementioned sensational document and, without any formalities, suggested that he write an undated resignation letter to the head of state. Which is what he allegedly did.

The vicissitudes of the method

From that moment on, a behind-the-scenes struggle for the post of governor of the Moscow region began in the White House and the Kremlin. The cutting-edge relevance of the project to unite Moscow and the Moscow region, which newspapers have been discussing for three weeks, is being questioned by officials in the Kremlin and on Old Square. The synergistic effect will not outweigh the political, social and governance costs of creating a mega-region with a population of 30 million people. Moreover, it is not a time of crisis to start such projects, they say. And who will lead it? It is difficult to imagine that such a matter would be entrusted, for example, to Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov, who plays a purely ceremonial role in the White House. Another deputy prime minister mentioned in this regard, chief of staff of the government Sergei Sobyanin, as they say in the White House, is more inclined to head the supervisory board of the newly formed highway state corporation than to take on the hassle of arranging the lives of Muscovites and residents of the Moscow region. Rather, he would agree to lead Moscow in order to build the “Moscow mega-region” not from below, but from above.

Talk about unification, as well as about specific candidates for the post of head of the united entity, insiders believe, is only part of information war. With the help of which the teams of the president, the prime minister and the power lobby are trying to interfere with each other in the protracted search and promotion of specific candidates for the post of head of the Moscow region.

As for Gromov, even the Foreign Ministry calls his discussed appointment to the post of ambassador to Ukraine a very dubious idea. It is alien to the local elite, and is in no way connected with the agenda of Russian-Ukrainian relations.

Boris Vsevolodovich Gromov(b. 1943, Saratov) - Soviet and Russian military leader and politician, deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the VI convocation. Colonel General (May 9, 1989), Hero of the Soviet Union (March 3, 1988). Governor of the Moscow Region (2000-2012).

Born on November 7, 1943 in Saratov in a military family. Father - Gromov Vsevolod Alekseevich, died at the front in the year his son was born.


At the age of 12, in 1955, he entered the Saratov Suvorov Military School. In 1960, after the reduction of the Saratov school, he was transferred to the Kalinin Suvorov Military School in the city of Kalinin (now Tver), from which he graduated in 1962.

Graduated from the Leningrad Combined Arms Command School named after. S. M. Kirov, where he studied in 1962-1965.

Military career

After college he was sent to the Baltic Military District (Kaliningrad). He began his service as a platoon commander and then became a company commander of a motorized rifle division.

Four years later, in 1969, he was sent to study in Moscow at the Frunze Military Academy. He graduated with honors in 1972. After graduating from the VAF, he served as commander of the 1st motorized rifle battalion of the 36th motorized rifle regiment, chief of staff and commander of the 428th motorized rifle regiment and chief of staff of the 9th motorized rifle Krasnodar Red Banner Order of Kutuzov and Red Star division of the 12th Aktivskyi North Caucasus Military District Maikop. He received the ranks of major, lieutenant colonel and colonel ahead of schedule.

Continued military education at the academic courses of the M.V. Frunze Military Academy, which he graduated in 1978.

From 1982 to 1984 he studied at the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR named after. K. E. Voroshilova, graduated with a gold medal.

During the war in Afghanistan, he served three times in units of the Limited Contingent of Soviet Forces (from February 1980 to August 1982, from March 1985 to April 1986, 1987-1989). Awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for the successful conduct of Operation Magistral. He was the last commander of the 40th Army (1987-89), at the same time he was the representative of the USSR government for the temporary presence of Soviet troops in the DRA, and led the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan.

Beginning of political activity

In 1989, Gromov was awarded another military rank - Colonel General; in the same year, on February 15, he was appointed commander of the troops of the Red Banner Kyiv Military District.

At the beginning of 1989, a new supreme body of state power was created in the USSR - the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR. In the same year, Boris Gromov was elected people's deputy of the USSR. Also in 1989, he was elected as a candidate member of the CPSU Central Committee.

In 1990-1991 - member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine.

In 1991, the country launched a campaign for the election of the President of the Russian Federation. Candidate Boris Yeltsin chose as his partner, a candidate for the post of vice president, a veteran of the war in Afghanistan, Colonel Alexander Rutsky. Another candidate, Nikolai Ryzhkov, made a similar choice in favor of the military man, speaking in conjunction with General Boris Gromov, People's Deputy of the USSR. Both Yeltsin and Ryzhkov sought in this way to expand their electorate, to attract voters who consider the armed forces as a factor of stability, a guarantor of maintaining order in the country. The elections took place on June 12, according to their results, the Ryzhkov-Gromov couple received 15% of the votes.

At the trial in the case, the State Emergency Committee stated that there was no order to storm the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. His testimony formed the basis for the acquittal of Valentin Varennikov. In October-December 1991, he was the head of the 1st Central Higher Officer Course "Vystrel" named after Marshal of the Soviet Union Boris Mikhailovich Shaposhnikov

From June 16, 1992 to February 13, 1995, he was Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. Pavel Grachev, who was then a minister, later recalled about the beginning of the First Chechen War: “It so happened that some generals were my assistants, deputies various reasons refused or were unable to lead the group, lead fighting. I don’t want to name their names..."

In August 1995, he was appointed chief military expert of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation with the rank of deputy minister.

Deputy of the State Duma (1996-1999)

In December 1995, he stood for election to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the second convocation. The “My Fatherland” association topped the list, but it was unable to overcome the 5 percent barrier. However, Gromov himself was elected to the State Duma in the Saratov electoral district.

In 1995-1999, Gromov was a member of the Duma faction “Russian Regions”, chairman of the subcommittee on arms control and international security of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs.

Elections 1999-2000

In September 1999, Gromov was included in the federal list of the Fatherland - All Russia electoral bloc to participate in the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the third convocation. But already in October, Gromov was nominated by a group of voters as a candidate for the post of governor of the Moscow region.

On December 19, 1999, elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the third convocation and elections of the governor and vice-governor of the Moscow region took place - Boris Gromov participated in both.

In the elections to the State Duma, Gromov (OVR) was elected as a deputy.

In the elections of governor and vice-governor of the Moscow region, the couple Boris Gromov (State Duma deputy, Fatherland) and Mikhail Men (State Duma deputy, Yabloko) received 20.65% of the votes, taking second place. Chairman of the State Duma Gennady Seleznyov (Communist Party of the Russian Federation) and academician of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences Vladimir Kashin received slightly more - 27.6% of the votes.

The second round took place on January 9, 2000. The pair Gromov - Men received the support of the Union of Right Forces and gained 48.09%, the pair Seleznev - Kashin gained 46.39%.

On January 28, 2000, in connection with his election as governor of the Moscow region, Gromov resigned as deputy. His mandate was transferred to A.P. Vladislavlev.

Governor of the Moscow Region

First term (2000-2003)

On March 16, 2000, Gromov announced that he would support acting President Vladimir Putin in the presidential elections.

In the first months of Gromov's governorship, there was a confrontation between the administration of the Moscow region and Guta Bank.

Second term (2003-2007)

In June 2003, Boris Gromov announced his intention to run for a second term as governor of the Moscow region.

On August 28, at a conference of the Moscow regional branch of the United Russia party, it was decided to invite Gromov to head the party’s regional list in the State Duma elections. In September, he was included in the federal list of the United Russia party No. 1 in the Moscow Region regional group to participate in the elections to the State Duma of the fourth convocation.

On September 17, 2003, deputies of the Moscow Regional Duma granted Gromov’s request to shorten his term of office and scheduled elections for the governor of the Moscow region for December 7, 2003, in order to combine them with parliamentary ones (Gromov’s term of office was supposed to expire in February 2004).

On October 2, Gromov announced that he intended to run for governor again as an independent candidate. By November 6, the current governor Gromov had collected the 80 thousand voter signatures required by law to register as a candidate.

On December 7, 2003, elections of deputies to the State Duma of the third convocation and elections of the governor of the Moscow region took place on the same day. In the elections to the State Duma, Gromov was elected as a deputy, but again refused the mandate. He also won the gubernatorial elections with 83% of the votes. In second place was the candidate “against everyone” (9.69%), in third place was Alexey Mitrofanov (4.12%).

On December 23, 2003, Russian President Putin included Gromov in the Presidium of the State Council of the Russian Federation.

On November 22, 2005, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko awarded Boris Gromov with the Order of Friendship of Peoples.

At the end of November 2005, 62-year-old Gromov officially joined the United Russia party at the party congress in Krasnoyarsk. The presentation of the party card took place in December.

On April 28, 2006, Boris Gromov signed a decree on the construction of a section of the Moscow-St. Petersburg toll highway through the Khimki forest, according to which it was necessary to cut down 1000 hectares of forest. This caused a strong public outcry and a protracted conflict around the Khimki forest.

Third term (2007-2012)

The powers of the second five-year term of the governor expired, in accordance with the law, only in 2008, but already on April 18, 2007, reporting to Vladimir Putin on the situation in the region, Gromov turned to the President of the Russian Federation with a question of trust. On May 2, 2007, Vladimir Putin submitted to the Moscow Regional Duma (elected in March) the candidacy of Boris Gromov for approval as head of the government of the Moscow region. On May 4, 2007, Russian President Vladimir Putin was appointed governor of the Moscow region for a third term with the wording “in connection with successes in the development of the region.” Gromov's candidacy for the post of governor was unanimously supported by deputies of the Moscow Regional Duma of the 4th convocation, all 50 parliamentarians voted for him.

However, already at the end of 2008, speculation arose about Gromov’s imminent resignation. In December 2008, the media reported that Gromov would allegedly be appointed ambassador to Ukraine, but this information was later refuted.

At the beginning of 2009, the Moscow region faced a financial emergency. By June 1, the debt of the Moscow region amounted to 155.2 billion rubles, exceeding the maximum permissible amount by 1%. At the same time, Gromov was forced to dismiss his first deputy, Vice-Governor Alexei Panteleev (formally, Panteleev went on vacation of his own free will, followed by dismissal). Also in early July, Gromov publicly stated that there was “not much money” left in the Moscow region budget for the region’s current expenses. “There will be no improvement. It will only get worse. The life we ​​lived before must be forgotten,” the governor said.

On July 2, 2010, Boris Gromov originally commented on the traffic collapse on the Leningradskoye Shosse: “I fly in a helicopter. You also need to buy helicopters instead of cars - you don’t need roads.”

On September 1, 2010, Gromov announced that he insists on the construction of the Moscow-St. Petersburg highway through the Khimki forest.

On February 9, 2011, the newspaper “Vek” reported with reference to representatives of the public movement “Gromov. NO": "Governor Gromov demanded that presidential candidate Vladimir Putin receive 75% of the votes in the March 4 elections. Thus, he intends to make amends for the failure of the United Russia party in the last State Duma elections: the party in power received less than 33% of the votes, which is almost 2 times less votes compared to 2007.” “The current governor and his entourage,” say activists, “count that Vladimir Putin’s resounding success in the Moscow region on March 4 will give hope for the reappointment of Boris Gromov.”

Last weeks as governor

Officially, Boris Gromov's last 5-year powers as governor of the Moscow region expired on May 11, 2012. In accordance with Art. 26.1 of the Federal Law of July 11, 2001 No. 95-FZ “On Political Parties” consultations of a person authorized by the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev with the United Russia party on the issue of nominating candidates for the position of governor of the Moscow region are held no later than 45 days before expiration of the governor's term of office, that is, until March 19. Proposals for candidacies are submitted to the President of the Russian Federation no later than 40 days before the expiration of the governor’s term of office, that is, before March 24.

In this regard, already in March, after presidential elections, which Vladimir Putin won, the question arose about new candidate for the post of governor. Gromov’s departure from the governor’s post did not become any sensation, since in connection with big amount Due to the unresolved problems of the region that had accumulated during the 12-year period of his governorship, the end of his career had been predicted for the last few years.

Experts named among the possible successors to the Moscow region governor the head of the Ministry of Transport Igor Levitin, the head of the Ministry of Regional Development Viktor Basargin, the head of the Ministry of Natural Resources Yuri Trutnev and the head of the Supreme Council of United Russia, ex-speaker of the State Duma Boris Gryzlov. On March 30, 2012, the head of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, Sergei Shoigu, announced his readiness to become the governor of the Moscow region if this post is entrusted to him by decision of the President of Russia with the support of the parliament of the Moscow region.

In fact, Gromov’s resignation was not only not rushed, but also clearly delayed; it should have been done a long time ago. Judging by the problems accumulated in the region, by the growing regional budget deficit, by the mood of citizens, in the end, the resignation of Boris Gromov should have happened not just yesterday, but the day before yesterday. The situation in the Moscow region is already so tense that you just need to hurry up with this personnel decision, otherwise “angry citizens” will appear here too.

This is how leading expert of the Center for Political Conjuncture, political scientist Pavel Salin assessed the future prospects of Boris Gromov:

Judging by the fact that Gromov is of advanced age, but at the same time not yet an old man, he can hardly count on any position in the nomenklatura. Most likely, he will go to the GR structure of some large company that has interests in the Moscow region, and will work there as a “notebook,” since over the course of 10 years he has placed quite a lot of his people in key positions in the region. New Governor will not be able to replace them quickly, and Gromov will have 1-3 years to be able to directly call some official who owes him a career in the Moscow region and ask him for something. This is what he will feed on. In principle, a standard career for this type of retiree.

On March 23, 2012, Boris Gromov announced that he had decided to appeal to the President of Russia and High Council the United Russia party with a request not to consider him as one of the candidates for the post of governor of the region for the next period.

Forbes, summing up the 12-year reign of the Governor-General, notes: “concentration economic problems and corruption scandals in Gromov’s domain, even by Russian standards, seems desperately high.”


On May 10, 2012, the Moscow Regional Election Commission approved him as a deputy of the Moscow Regional Duma. On May 12, 2012, by decree of the new governor of the Moscow region, Sergei Shoigu, he was appointed representative in the Federation Council from the government of the Moscow region. On June 26, 2013, the powers of Senator B.V. Gromov were prematurely terminated by a resolution of the Chairman of the Federation Council V.I. Matvienko.

State Duma Deputy

On June 21, 2013, the Central Election Commission of Russia registered Boris Gromov as a deputy of the State Duma of the sixth convocation from the United Russia party. The vacant deputy mandate was offered to Gromov after the early termination of the parliamentary powers of a member of the United Russia faction, Dmitry Sablin, who resigned from the lower house of parliament of his own free will. The head of the Central Election Commission, Vladimir Churov, personally presented Gromov with the certificate of a State Duma deputy of the sixth convocation. Gromov received the mandate despite the fact that in December 2011, immediately after the State Duma elections, he refused it. This became possible after in March 2013, the Constitutional Court of Russia determined that the governing body of a political party, if it has objective reasons for this, has the right to deviate from the order of candidates when transferring the vacant mandate of a State Duma deputy. In the regional group “Moscow Region” of the United Russia party list in the State Duma elections, Gromov was number 1, and Sablin was number 5.


On May 3, 1985, in a plane crash that occurred with an An-26 military aircraft taking off from Lvov to Moscow, and which, due to an error by the air traffic controller, collided with a Tu-134 flight Tallinn-Lvov-Chisinau, Boris Gromov’s first wife Natalya Nikolaevna tragically died. He was left with two sons: Maxim (born in 1974) and Andrey (born in 1980).

In the same An-26 crash, the commander of the Air Force of the Carpathian Military District, Evgeniy Krapivin, Gromov’s classmate and friend from studying at the General Staff Academy, and his sons Andrei and Alexander were killed (among the dead were also a member of the military council of the district, the chief of staff of the Air Force, the son of cosmonaut V. Bykovsky and other people). The Gromov and Krapivin families were friends; in Moscow they generally lived in the same house. After the death of the male half of the family, Faina Krapivina, the widow of Alexander, was left alone with two twin girls, Zhenya and Valya, who were 2 months old on the day of the plane crash. After the tragedy, Boris Gromov and Faina tried to support each other. Their common grief brought them closer together. In 1990, after five years of loneliness, Gromov, no longer young, married for the second time to Faina, whose family he helped after the tragic death of her husband and father-in-law. He adopted Faina's children - twins Evgenia and Valentina. And in 1998, his daughter Lisa appeared in his family. The girl's godfather was the then mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov.

The eldest son Maxim graduated from the Kiev Suvorov Military School, then took a course at the Kyiv Combined Arms Command School (the school was liquidated in 1992), and currently continues to serve in the army with the rank of colonel.

The youngest, Andrei Gromov, studied at the Moscow Suvorov Military School, after which he switched to Faculty of Law Military University.

Income reports

Gromov’s total income for 2002 was 1,270,000 rubles.

Gromov’s officially declared income for 2009 amounted to 2.22 million rubles.

Social activity

Since 1997, he has been the leader of the All-Russian public organization of veterans “Combat Brotherhood”.

Criticism of Gromov as governor of the Moscow region

Bankruptcy of the Moscow region

One of the episodes for which Gromov was criticized is associated with the figure of Alexei Kuznetsov, who 2000-2008. headed the regional Ministry of Finance (since 2004 - in the rank of Deputy Prime Minister). Previously, from 1990 to 1998, Kuznetsov held a number of senior positions in Inkombank, which went bankrupt in 1998. Kuznetsov’s activities in the mid-1990s. was the subject of a trial in the United States, where he, along with other top managers of the bank, was suspected of large-scale embezzlement of money from depositors and shareholders of the bank, including American companies, for personal needs. In July 2008, Kuznetsov suddenly resigned (Gromov immediately accepted) and left the country. In August, it became clear that Kuznetsov was suspected of having dual citizenship - the Russian Federation and the United States, which is legally prohibited for government officials. Subsequently, it turned out that Kuznetsov may be involved in numerous financial frauds, mainly with real estate near Moscow, which he allegedly appropriated and registered in the company of his wife Jeanne Bullock, a US citizen (who also hastily left the country after her husband). In the fall of 2009, it was reported that Kuznetsov was an accomplice (or even an organizer) of a criminal group that stole at least 3 billion rubles from the regional budget. Then we started talking about the theft of 27 billion rubles from the regional budget. According to the auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, Sergei Ryabukhin, “the volume of violations identified as a result of the control event is within 92 billion rubles.”

Indirectly, some media shifted Kuznetsov’s unproven guilt onto Gromov, suggesting that the governor could not have been unaware of his subordinate’s financial fraud and his dual citizenship (which is prohibited for civil servants), while allowing him to leave the country. There is information that Kuznetsov is the creature of the Russian Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin, who back in 2000, through Vladimir Putin, recommended him to Boris Gromov. Some journalists believed that Kuznetsov's machinations led to financial problems in the region, and drew parallels between the Kuznetsov case and the downgrade of the credit rating of the Moscow region by Standard & Poor's from BB to B-.

The fact that Alexey Kuznetsov was wanted did not prevent him from meeting New Year at the resort of Courchevel together with the President of the Russian Olympic Committee Leonid Tyagachev, Presidential Administrator Vladimir Kozhin and Director of the FSO Army General Yevgeny Murov.

Later, the abolition of transport benefits for pensioners and increases in tariffs, in particular for travel on electric trains, were attributed to the “financial difficulties of the Moscow region,” which in January 2010 caused widespread public protest, and the decision was cancelled. It was established that the Minister of Transport of the region Pyotr Katsyv, whose son Denis Katsyv was previously accused of laundering $60 million in the Israeli bank Hapoalim (which is recognized as the “largest bank money laundering scam in the history of Israel”), was involved in shifting the financial burden onto pensioners. made a deal with the investigation, paying the Israeli authorities 35 million shekels. Denis Katsyv is also listed as the founder of several companies registered in Moscow or the region and specializing mostly in the field of road transportation and transport services, in the very industry that his father oversees. Pyotr and Denis Katsyv also figured in the scandal with the raider takeover of the Stroydormash pilot plant in Khimki near Moscow.

Kuznetsov from the budget of the Moscow region, and not only Kuznetsov, fortunately for us, did not steal a single penny... this is confirmed by official documents from the Accounts Chamber and other federal regulatory organizations... If Kuznetsov stole, then it was outside the budget of the Moscow region, and the government in general . It's his own business

Gromov stated that the ex-Minister of Finance was not involved in theft from the budget. “Moskovsky Komsomolets”, 06/30/2011.

Land fraud

Also, several heads of administrations of cities in the Moscow region and their subordinates were convicted of large-scale fraud with land and real estate during Gromov’s reign. IN last years The Moscow region is often called in the press “a champion in debt and corruption.”

Khimki forest

Boris Gromov was also criticized for the decision “On measures for the construction of the Moscow-St. Petersburg expressway and the development of associated territories”(No. 358/16 of April 28, 2006), according to which, during the construction of the road, it is planned to cut a clearing 6 km wide in the Khimki forest. Environmentalists believe that such massive cutting down of trees for the construction of commercial buildings along the highway under construction is unnecessary.

Cloning of Cherkizovsky market

After the closure of the notorious Cherkizovsky market in the summer of 2009, Moscow approved the construction of one of its successors - a huge wholesale market in Kotelniki, completely ignoring the protests of a large number of local residents and the obvious violations of the law by the developer. On the site of the future market there should have been objects social sphere: schools, kindergartens, medical institutions and sports complex. However, dirty money, crime and the catastrophic social consequences of the future market for Gromov turned out to be significantly more important than the well-being of the region’s residents. In parallel with this, in the region, instead of the Cherkizovsky market, the construction of at least three more was planned (Mosrentgen village, Abramtsevo village, Balashikha). The wholesale and retail market "Lilac Balashikha", whose name reflected continuity with the closed "Cherkizon", located on Sirenevy Boulevard, was built in the shortest possible time in the urban district of Balashikha (head V. G. Samodelov). Its territory is located on the very border with Moscow and Reutov. The construction of the market in the security zone of a large main water pipeline, supplying water to about 200 thousand residents of the capital, was accompanied by numerous violations of legislation and regulations, as a result of which the functioning market began to pose a potential threat of a major man-made disaster.

Transport problems and their solution according to Gromovsky

In one of his speeches, Gromov advised Muscovites to buy helicopters:

“I fly in a helicopter. We need to buy helicopters instead of cars - we don’t need roads.”

Podmoskovye Corporation

On April 1, 2011, based on the statement of the First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region, Igor Parkhomenko, dated March 31, about bringing the Eksmo publishing house to criminal liability under Articles 319 and 129 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (insulting a government official and slander), it was seized by employees of the Moscow Region Central Internal Affairs Directorate from the warehouse publishing house, almost the entire circulation of the book by Forbes correspondent Anna Sokolova, “Corporation Podmoskovye: How the richest region of Russia was ruined.” This caused widespread public outcry. After the investigation, the first deputy chairman of the Moscow region government, Igor Parkhomenko, at whose request the circulation was confiscated, was refused to initiate a criminal case against the author and publishers who allegedly slandered the official. On April 21, the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Moscow Region returned to the Eksmo publishing house the edition of the book that had been seized from the warehouse.

On May 26 and 27, 2011, at the time of the gathering of the Moscow region elite, protests took place in Moscow demanding the resignation of Governor Gromov. The main slogan of the residents: “Governor B. Gromov resign!” The actions became the start of a protest campaign for residents of the Moscow region as part of Social movement “Gromov. NO". The movement was created as an inter-party association of residents of the Moscow region and seeks the resignation of Boris Gromov from the post of governor and the restoration of order in the Moscow region. The May 26 protest was interrupted by bandits who rammed the organizers' car, attacked protesters, beat them and destroyed posters. On May 27, police officers detained activists, although the action was coordinated, and unknown persons staged provocations.

Allegations of violations of election legislation in the Moscow region

On October 24, State Duma deputy Gennady Gudkov published the abstracts of a report on October 6, 2011 in the Odintsovo district of Moscow Region Governor Boris Gromov with a plan to prepare for election fraud in the Moscow Region. According to Gudkov, violations are not limited to one report: “On September 15, the regional Minister of Press and Information Sergei Moiseev “instructed” 56 editors-in-chief of regional and municipal media in approximately the same style. As a result, in the Moscow region, the multi-party system was de facto abolished, the activities of opposition parties and those “inconvenient” to the governor were prohibited social movements, preparations for falsification of the “elections” are in full swing.”

On November 25, Novaya Gazeta published a retelling of B.V. Gromov’s speech at a meeting of representatives of the sphere vocational education Moscow Region with its governor and Minister of Education L.N. Antonova at the Government House of the Moscow Region in Krasnogorsk on November 23. Gromov said that United Russia's rating in the Moscow region is about 30% and that he sees no objective reasons for such a decline in indicators.

The ratings of "United Russia" are beaten by the actions of our competitors - the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Liberal Democratic Party, Fair Russia- who (almost no one knows about this at all) are organizing a conspiracy to take away power from United Russia. We must not allow this to happen. If United Russia does not receive an absolute majority of votes in the upcoming elections (and it will win in any case), then this will turn into a disaster for the country.


  • Hero of the Soviet Union, with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (March 3, 1988)
  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (November 6, 2003) - for his great contribution to the strengthening of Russian statehood and the socio-economic development of the region
  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree
  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (November 7, 2008) - for his great contribution to the socio-economic development of the Moscow region and many years of fruitful work
  • Order of Honor (March 30, 2012) - for his great contribution to the socio-economic development of the region and many years of conscientious work
  • Two Orders of the Red Banner
  • Order of the Red Star
  • Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" III degree
  • Medal "For Military Merit"
  • Medal "For Merit in Perpetuating the Memory of the Fallen Defenders of the Fatherland" (Russian Ministry of Defense, 2008) - for his great personal contribution to perpetuating the memory of the fallen defenders of the Fatherland, establishing the names of the dead and the fate of missing military personnel, demonstrating high moral and business qualities, diligence and reasonable initiative, providing assistance in solving problems to perpetuate the memory of the fallen defenders of the Fatherland
  • Medal "For Impeccable Service" I, II, III degrees
  • Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise IV Art. (Ukraine, February 12, 2014)
  • Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise V Art. (Ukraine, November 7, 2003)
  • Medal "10 years Armed Forces Ukraine"
  • Order of Friendship of Peoples (Belarus, November 22, 2005) - for significant contribution to the development of economic, scientific, technical and cultural relations between the Republic of Belarus and the Moscow region of the Russian Federation
  • Medal “In memory of the 10th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan” (Belarus, February 13, 2003) - for his great personal contribution to the development and strengthening of interaction between the movements of veterans of the war in Afghanistan of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation
  • Medal "Loyalty" (Afghanistan, November 17, 1988)
  • Certificate of Honor from the President of the Russian Federation (July 4, 2009) - for great work on socio-economic support for war participants and combat veterans
  • Order of Glory and Honor, 1st class (2012)
  • Order of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir, 1st degree (2008) - in consideration of special merits to the Moscow Russian Diocese Orthodox Church and on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of his birth
  • Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow, 1st degree
  • Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh
  • Order of the Holy Blessed Grand Duke Dimitri Donskoy, 1st degree

Boris Gromov's wife. From 1987 to the early 1990s she worked at the Ministry of Non-ferrous Metallurgy. In 1989 she married Boris Gromov. According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, in 1997, together with Nana Andzhaparidze-Gelovani, she founded Victoria Cosmetic Salon LLC, but the business did not take off, and in 2004 the company was liquidated. Also in the late 1990s, he was mentioned among the co-owners of Alfa Nefto-Service CJSC, a subsidiary of the company that controls Nefto-Service, a large network of gas stations in the Moscow region.


Born and raised in Perm


After school she entered and graduated from the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys

She married her classmate Alexander Krapivin, who later worked at a military research institute. Faina and Alexander gave birth to twin girls Evgenia and Valentina.





Where are we going???

State Unitary Enterprise "Mosoblgaz"

Two years ago, the largest company owned by the Government of the Moscow Region, State Unitary Enterprise "Mosoblgaz", previously headed by members of the Fighting Brotherhood D.A. Bolshakov and the wife of the first deputy chairman I.O. Parkhomenko, came under the control of the Sivakov brothers, the company "Agroimpex" Nikolino, who have long been performing function of the purse of Governor B.V. Gromov and his wife. It is they who usually pay for the expensive annual vacation and shopping trips of the Governor’s wife Faina and five children in Italy, Austria and other European countries. Before this, they already had the credit for transforming the State Unitary Enterprise Mosoblpharmacia into a joint-stock company, for subsequent sale with the indemnity of forming this company and securing free municipal space for it. Over the past 4 years, Governor B.V. Gromov has been personally involved in this, which can be seen not only from the governor’s correspondence with the heads of districts and famous DAs without a signature on the Governor’s closed letters, used only to convince members of the government of the Moscow Region, who are obliged to endorse the Resolutions paid by the owners of DAs Governments of the Moscow Region.

Ten pros and cons of Gromov's governorship

MOSCOW, March 30 – RIA Novosti. Governor of the Moscow Region Boris Gromov, who held this post for 12 years, plans to resign as governor before the summer. Experts more often recall the “cons” of his leadership of the region, and tend to explain the “pros” by the proximity of the region to Moscow, but officials are confident that a lot has been done.

Gromov's leadership of the region is remembered for serious problems in housing and communal services, a "gambling scandal" involving prosecutors near Moscow and the inability of the authorities to cope with natural fires, the smoke from which forced residents of the capital region to buy gauze bandages and even gas masks in bulk, leave en masse abroad or seek salvation in the Moscow subway .

As a result, the smoke from the peat bogs obscured the considerable successes that Gromov managed to achieve: the number of sports institutions over the past 12 years has increased by 1.5 times, the average salary has more than doubled, and the Moscow region has become one of the most attractive regions of Russia for business.

Under Gromov, a decision was also made to transfer part of the Moscow region to Moscow, which should lead to significant losses in the Moscow region budget. However, as a VTsIOM survey showed, most of Residents of the “new Moscow” are pleased with the upcoming annexation to the capital, expecting increased social support and new job prospects.

Stars with many children: children are not an obstacle to success and career

The love story of Gromov and his second wife Faina is very romantic, although it is associated with tragedy. Several years ago, Boris Vsevolodovich’s first wife and Faina Alexandrovna’s first husband died on the same military plane flying from Lvov to Moscow. Gromov was left with two sons, Faina with twin daughters. Boris Gromov and Faina got married, he adopted her children, and almost two years ago a fifth child, Lisa, appeared in the family.

Nikolai Fomenko offended his daughter

Now the TV presenter is happily married to businessman Alexei Kravtsov, and their one-year-old son Fedor is already growing up. Marusya nurses her younger brother with pleasure. Marusya's neighbor in the auditorium turned out to be 10-year-old Lisa, the daughter of the governor of the Moscow region, Boris Gromov. She came to the performance with her mother Faina. Let us remember that Faina’s first husband and the general’s first wife died in a plane crash, accidentally finding themselves on the same plane... Gromov was survived by two sons, Faina had two daughters. And together they created a large, friendly family, into which Lizonka was later born. The girl demonstrates great success in gymnastics and English.

Aggressive Barrymore

By left side From Alexander Zhukov and Peter sat the wife of the governor of the Moscow region, Faina Gromova, and her two charming daughters, Valya and Zhenya. Boris Vsevolodovich himself could not come to the closing - business got in the way. The story of their relationship could serve as a script for a poignant melodrama that would grace any film festival. Faina experienced a terrible tragedy in her life: 23 years ago, on the way from Lvov to Moscow, a plane carrying her husband Sasha crashed. Their twin daughters were one and a half months old at the time. Boris Gromov’s wife, Natalya, also died in the same plane crash. After the death of his wife, the general was left with two sons. Fate decreed that two lonely hearts found new love— Faina and the hero of the Afghan war got married a few years later and began raising four children together. And ten years ago, their daughter Lizonka was born together. Fortunately, happy endings happen in life too!

“Don’t freeze me - I’ll be in the Duma!”

Polina Deripaska and Boris Yeltsin honored the ceremony with their presence; a rare guest at public events, the wife of the governor of the Moscow region, Faina Gromova, appeared at the awards presentation. Zemfira Ramazanova gave an hour-long concert at the award ceremony. Those gathered concluded that things are going well in Olga Slutsker’s company, because the rock diva’s performance costs about 30 thousand euros.

The income of the governor of the Moscow region in 2010 increased by a third - to 3.073 million rubles

MOSCOW, April 14 – RIA Novosti. The income of Moscow Region Governor Boris Gromov in 2010, compared to 2009, increased by more than a third and amounted to 3.073 million rubles, the governor’s press service reported on Thursday. In 2009, Gromov earned 2.226 million rubles. Information on the income and property of the head of the Moscow region, Boris Gromov, his wife and daughter for the period from January 1 to December 31, 2010, was published on the official portal of the regional administration. According to the data, Gromov’s total declared annual income for 2010 was 3.073 million rubles. The governor owns 1/6 of the apartment with an area of ​​236 square meters, as well as a garage with an area of ​​22 square meters. In turn, the governor’s wife earned 114 thousand rubles last year. At the same time, she owns a plot of land with an area of ​​9.4 thousand square meters, a residential building with an area of ​​691 square meters, as well as 1/6 of an apartment, which she owns together with her husband. The governor's daughter has an apartment with an area of ​​236 square meters. Meanwhile, as noted in the material, Gromov and his family do not own a single vehicle. Russian officials began publishing their incomes after a law was signed in December 2008 obliging them to submit information to the tax authorities not only about their income, but also about the income of family members - spouses and minor children.

Governor Gromov was left without a personal car

Today, on the website of the Governor of the Moscow Region, Boris Gromov, data on the income and property of the Governor of the Moscow Region and his family members for 2010 has been published (). The income of the governor's family increased by about a million rubles: this year Gromov earned 3.07 million rubles. (2009 - 2.2 million rubles), and his wife 114,000 rubles. (last year about 100,000 rubles). He still owns a sixth of the apartment, a garage, but not a single personal car. The wife has a plot of 9.5 acres, a house and a sixth of the apartment, and her daughter uses this apartment.


Gromov Boris Vsevolodovich


Marital status: Married for the second time, five children

Wife: Gromova Faina Aleksandrovna

Information on income and property for 2008 and 2009

Born and raised in Perm, after school she entered the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys.

In 1985, Alexander Krapivin died in a plane crash. During the investigation into the causes of the tragedy, Faina met Boris Gromov, who lost his wife in a plane crash.

From 1987 to the early 1990s, Faina worked at the Ministry of Non-ferrous Metallurgy.

In 1989 she married Boris Gromov.

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, in 1997, Faina, together with Nana Andzhaparidze-Gelovani, established Victoria Cosmetic Salon LLC, but the business did not take off, and in 2004 the company was liquidated. Also, in the late 1990s, Faina Gromova was mentioned among the co-owners of Alfa Nefto-Service CJSC, a subsidiary of the company that controls Nefto-Service, a large network of gas stations in the Moscow region.

In 2003, State Duma deputy Viktor Alksnis asked for an investigation into the transfer by the government of the Moscow region to Faina Gromova’s relatives of 46.55 hectares of land in the village of Barvikha near Moscow. Nothing is known about the consequences of this initiative.

First wife: Gromova Natalya Nikolaevna

Mother of two sons of Boris Gromov - Maxim and Andrey.

Died in a plane crash in 1985.

Son: Gromov Maxim Borisovich

Born in 1974.

Graduated from the Kiev Suvorov Military School. Received higher education at the Kiev Combined Arms Command School.

Military rank - colonel.

According to SPARK, in 1999, Maxim Gromov, together with colleagues Maxim Pavlenko and Dmitry Zubarev, became the founders of the Center for Political Risk Assessment company, which specializes in political consulting.

Lives in Kyiv.

Son: Gromov Alexey Borisovich

Born in 1980.

Graduated from the Moscow Suvorov Military School and the Faculty of Law of the Military University

When the baby was born, the parents could not decide for a long time what to name the newborn: Elizaveta or Marina. The Gromov children (daughters of Faina Gromova, twins Valya and Zhenya, and sons of Boris, Maxim and Andrey) took on the problem. They asked everyone who congratulated their parents which name was better, and recorded the result in a specially marked tablet. The name Elizabeth had more fans.

Boris and Faina Gromov

The legendary military general Boris Gromov and his beautiful wife Faina were united by a common grief. Boris's wife and Faina's husband died in the same plane crash. 24-year-old Faina was left with two one-and-a-half-month-old daughters, and 41-year-old Boris was left with two sons. Boris Vsevolodovich often visited Faina and supported her morally and financially. Four years later, immediately after the end of the Afghan war, General Gromov invited Faina to become his wife. They have been together for 11 years, they have a total of five children, and an atmosphere of love and happiness reigns in their family. And after Boris Vsevolodovich became the governor of the Moscow region, the Gromov spouses can objectively be awarded the title of the most beautiful and charming married couple among the political elite.


Among the guests of the charity evening were the wife of the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Marina Yakushkina, the Minister of Taxes and Duties Alexander Pochinok with his wife Irina Kuznetsova, Joseph and Nelly Kobzon, Anatoly Sobchak with his wife Lyudmila Narusova, the wife of General Gromov, Faina, Raisa Nemtsova with her daughter Zhanna, Anita Tsoi, Oksana Klimina, Galina Govorukhina, Sergei and Elena Blagovolin, Dmitry Yakubovsky and his wife Irina, wife of deputy Oleg Morozov, Irina, and many, many others.

Opening of the first Chloe boutique in Moscow

November 18 - Crocus City Mall. Opening of the first Chloe boutique in Moscow. Among the guests are Svetlana Kasyanova, Mikhail Kozlov, Faina Gromova, Evgeny Kiselev, Yuliy Gusman, Viktor Shenderovich, Maria Shukshina, Yulia Bordovskikh, Tatyana Vedeneeva, Oksana Oleshko, Sergey Kuznetsov, Elena Korikova, Andris Liepa, Nelly Merkulova.**

So, your wish to yourself and your dream...

— The poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko has the following lines: “... the white snow is falling, as if sliding on a thread, to live and live in the world, but, probably, it’s impossible.” This is how I would live and live in the world... I really want to wait for my grandchildren. I really want it! Recently I visited my brother and friend Boris Gromov (General Gromov withdrew Soviet troops from Afghanistan in 1985 - L.R.). She and Faina gave birth to a daughter, Elizaveta. They have a wonderful family. They were united by a common grief. Boris’s wife died in a plane crash, and Faina’s husband was also on the same plane. He left two sons, she has two twin daughters. A unifying moment was needed. And now everyone wants to fight to court Elizabeth. So I want to wait for the happiness of holding something of my own in my arms. I will not give it to anyone! I feel like I'm going to love like crazy.

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