Fenenko Yuri Vyacheslavovich biography. Management activities of a military leader in the conditions of administrative reform: problems of optimizing the style Fenenko Yuri Vyacheslavovich. Administrative and legal features of improving the style of military leadership

Letter No. 1

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

The team of the Innovation company thanks you for taking care of organizing the corporate party, which took place in the Astoria restaurant complex on March 15, 2015.

Company employees noted the highest level of professionalism and good nature of your staff.


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 2

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

Innovation LLC thanks the team of the event agency "Feriya" for organizing the New Year's corporate party. The employees of your agency performed the work at the highest level, giving us a real holiday.

We wish your business prosperity!


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 3

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

The team of the “Innovation” company expresses gratitude to the team of the creative association “Feriya” for their help in organizing festive event on the occasion of our 10th anniversary.

The script, concert numbers and entertainment program were prepared at the highest level. Guests of the event noted the high professionalism of your team. We would like to express our special gratitude to the host of the event, Yuri Vorontsov, who made the event truly festive and enchanting.


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 4

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

The management of the 24Master company expresses its sincere gratitude to you for organizing the festive party, which took place on December 27, 2014.

Thanks to your professionalism, attentiveness and creative approach to work, the evening passed in a cheerful and good-natured atmosphere.


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 5

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

The administration of the Science exhibition center thanks you for holding a New Year's party for the children of our employees. Your work left the most pleasant impressions on both children and adults.

We hope that we will be lucky enough to collaborate with you again!


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 6

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

Thank you for organizing the party for 24Master LLC.

We were pleasantly surprised by the high level of the event, the host’s excellent sense of humor, interesting competitions and exciting performances.

Thank you for helping our company’s employees truly relax and plunge into the festive atmosphere!


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 7

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

On behalf of the Innovation company, I thank you for hosting the New Year’s corporate event, which took place on December 27, 2014 at the Astoria restaurant.

We appreciated your conscientious attitude to work and your ability to fill the event with a festive atmosphere. Thanks to you, every guest of the party received their own charge of positivity and good mood.

We wish your company prosperity and hope for long-term cooperation!


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 8

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

The administration of the Innovation company, represented by General Director Alexander Viktorovich Kolesnichenko, thanks the creative association Extravaganza for organizing the outdoor event.

The decision to organize a corporate picnic for our employees came to us spontaneously. Studying the experience of personnel management of well-known corporations, we came to the conclusion that off-site events, especially if they are held in a playful way, strengthen the corporate spirit in the best possible way. However, organizing such an event requires time, which we, unfortunately, do not have. Therefore, we decided to turn to your agency for help, and we did not regret it at all.

The event was fun and unusual, causing delight even among the most unsociable employees. Inspired by the past event, we decided to organize similar picnics every quarter. Of course, next time we will turn to you for help.


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 9

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

On behalf of the Innovation company, thank you for the excellent organization of the festive party in honor of the company's 10th anniversary.

I would like to note your professionalism, sensitivity to the wishes of the customer and creative approach in organizing the event.

The employees of Innovation LLC still remember with pleasure the festive evening you organized.

I wish you creative success!


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 10

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

We thank the team of the Astoria restaurant for providing catering services for our corporate event.

Guests of the event were pleasantly surprised by the high level of service from your staff. We would like to express our special gratitude to the chef who prepared the dishes for our event, and to the waiters of your restaurant, whose service was unobtrusive and attentive.


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 11

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

The Innovation company thanks the event agency Extravaganza for organizing the corporate party that took place on December 27, 2014.

The event you organized left us with the most pleasant impressions. We especially want to thank the host of the holiday, Yuri Kolesnichenko, thanks to whom the evening was smooth, fun and original.

We wish you and your team creative growth!


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 12

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

When planning corporate parties, we turned to different companies for help. This year one of our business partners recommended that we use the services of the agency "Feriya". Now we hope that our search for the ideal organizers is over, and from now on we will cooperate only with you.

The New Year's party you organized exceeded our expectations. Your team has incredible potential, knows how to listen to the wishes of the customer and is highly professional.

We express our sincere gratitude to your entire team and wish you to achieve your goals.


Alexander Viktorovich

Letter No. 13

Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

On behalf of the “Innovation” company, I express my gratitude to the entire staff of the “Feriya” event agency for their assistance in preparing and holding a festive event for our employees.

We would like to note the skill and professionalism of your team, the ability to fulfill the customer’s wishes, as well as a creative approach to solving any problems.


Alexander Viktorovich

A letter of gratitude can be addressed to another organization; you can thank for partnership, cooperation, timely delivery of goods or payment, work done, for participation in an event, organization of a reception or meeting, etc.

A letter of gratitude to the organization is drawn up from the organization on the letterhead of the author of the letter.

Below we offer examples of thank you letter texts written by one organization for another.

Letter of thanks from the organization - sample texts

1. Text of the organization’s letter of gratitude for cooperation

Dear Ivan Borisovich!

Please accept our deep gratitude to Zapchast LLC and sincere gratitude to the management in your person for the productive cooperation in the current 2015.

We value stable partnerships, expansion of the scope of activity thanks to the participation of your company in the implementation of plans, and the opportunity to implement joint projects.

The professionalism of the specialists of Zapchast LLC, the desire for interaction, and the friendliness of all staff are the key to the success of business and friendly relationships.

We wish you personally and the team of the organization health and professional success in achieving your goals in the development of the company. We hope to further maintain partnership relations and implement new joint plans in the field of industrial construction.


Director of Soratnik LLC S.S. Petrov

2. Sample letter of gratitude from the organization for participation in the event

Dear partners!

The administration of the “Business Lines” company expresses deep gratitude to “Modern Press” LLC for active information support and participation in the organization of the regional conference “The World of New Technologies”.

The demonstrated knowledge, experience and skill of the company’s employees in the process of preparing the event, efficiency in processing materials, processing the results of the conference - all this is a confirmation of the high professional qualities of each member of the team and the excellent management of the company as a whole.

We sincerely strive to be mutually beneficial and contribute to the achievement of your professional goals.

We hope to continue working together in the field of information technology and maintaining our partnership in the development and promotion of subsequent projects.


Director of ANO "Business Lines", Yu.I. Samoilov

3. An example of the text of a letter of gratitude from an organization for participation in the project

Dear Colleagues!

Please accept our sincere gratitude for participating in a joint project to organize summer holiday teenagers of the Golden Ball club. We are grateful to each employee and personally to the manager sports school“Reserve” to A.N. Grebnev for his caring attitude towards issues of health, development and education of adolescents.

Thanks to joint efforts teaching staff, we achieved excellent results: all members of the teenage club visited Crimea on preferential terms, attended sports competitions and received vivid impressions from the trip.

We hope for further support of our endeavors, so that in the future club members become students of the sports school, and our connections are not interrupted.

We wish your team professional development and achieving pedagogical and sports victories! May success, prosperity and stability accompany your work.


Director of the Golden Ball club I.P. Meshkov

To narrow down the search results, you can refine your query by specifying the fields to search for. The list of fields is presented above. For example:

You can search in several fields at the same time:

Logical operators

The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a query, you can specify the method in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search taking into account morphology, without morphology, prefix search, phrase search.
By default, the search is performed taking into account morphology.
To search without morphology, just put a “dollar” sign in front of the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the query:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include synonyms of a word in the search results, you need to put a hash " # " before a word or before an expression in parentheses.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthetical expression, a synonym will be added to each word if one is found.
Not compatible with morphology-free search, prefix search, or phrase search.

# study


In order to group search phrases you need to use brackets. This allows you to control the Boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate word search

For approximate search you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a word from a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

When searching, words such as "bromine", "rum", "industrial", etc. will be found.
You can additionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

By default, 2 edits are allowed.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity criterion, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of the phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Relevance of expressions

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the " sign ^ " at the end of the expression, followed by the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the expression is.
For example, in this expression, the word “research” is four times more relevant than the word “development”:

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values ​​are a positive real number.

Search within an interval

To indicate the interval in which the value of a field should be located, you should indicate the boundary values ​​in parentheses, separated by the operator TO.
Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

Such a query will return results with an author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in a range, use square brackets. To exclude a value, use curly braces.

480 rub. | 150 UAH | $7.5 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR, "#FFFFCC",BGCOLOR, "#393939");" onMouseOut="return nd();"> Dissertation - 480 RUR, delivery 10 minutes, around the clock, seven days a week and holidays

240 rub. | 75 UAH | $3.75 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR, "#FFFFCC",BGCOLOR, "#393939");" onMouseOut="return nd();"> Abstract - 240 rubles, delivery 1-3 hours, from 10-19 (Moscow time), except Sunday

Fenenko Yuri Vyacheslavovich. Management activities military leader in the conditions of administrative reform: problems of style optimization: Dis. ...cand. legal Sciences: 12.00.14: Moscow, 2002 266 p. RSL OD, 61:03-12/688-9


Chapter I. Methodological foundations of administrative and legal analysis of the style of management activities of a military leader

1.1 The essence and methodology of analyzing the style of management activities of a military leader 15-34

1.2 The place and role of management style in the administrative and legal reform of the Russian Army 34-61

Chapter II. State-administrative conditions and legal factors for optimizing the style of activity of a military leader at the stage of administrative reform

II.1 State-administrative conditions for ensuring optimization of the style of activity of the command staff of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Russia 62-87

II.2 Legal factors for regulating military-service relations...87-119

Chapter III. Modern technologies for optimizing the commander’s management style: administrative and legal features and priorities

III. 1 Administrative and legal features of improving the style of a military leader in the context of modern reform... 120-136

III.2 Priority use modern technologies management in the process of optimizing the style of activity of military personnel 136-154

Conclusion 155-168

References 169-177


Introduction to the work

The relevance of research determined by the objective needs of studying and modernizing the management activities of executive authorities and their officials in the conditions of administrative reform affecting the interests of Russian state and its Armed Forces.

The effectiveness of reforms in the management system of the Armed Forces
Forces are unthinkable without optimizing the style of military activity

professional managers ensuring compliance of functions
army apparatus to strategic tasks and modern science
management. Optimal, scientifically verified service style

activities of the commander, reflecting the quality of his thinking and actions, contributes to the professional regulation of legal, social and spiritual processes in units and subunits. Thus, the content of their combat readiness and life activity is enriched by the norms of administrative reform in accordance with the updated principles of work and construction of executive power 1 .

However, in modern life society and the state, including the Armed Forces, there is a significant contradiction between the demands for positive changes in the organization of troops and the inadequate actions of some leading personnel, who are distinguished by an outdated style of thinking and action that has nothing to do with the formation of a new type of army - mobile and compact, creating decent conditions for military personnel 2.

The loss of legal and social values ​​and faith in the power of a professional army by such commanders is one of the reasons for administrative and military reform in Russia. The inconsistency and complexity of management processes in the life of the Russian army make it difficult

"See: Russia needs to be strong and competitive. Address of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin to the Federal Assembly Russian Federation// Russian newspaper, 2002, April 19. 2 See: Ibid.

4 determination of criteria for assessing the motives, content and results of the activities of military leaders. This circumstance actualizes the importance of administrative and legal research into the style of management activity. Without scientific clarification and solution of legal problems of improving management style in accordance with administrative reform, it is impossible to understand and direct the actions of military commanders in non-standard situations, to analyze the legal knowledge of military personnel in working with personnel 1.

The issues of institutionalization and optimization of the style of military management activities, in particular the command personnel of the Ground Forces of the Russian Armed Forces, are extremely relevant at the stage of administrative reform. Distinguished by their novelty, administrative-legal nature and complexity, they require an urgent solution in both theoretical and practical terms based on the works of domestic and foreign lawyers, sociologists, and managers.

Extent of research into this problem is characterized by a variety of approaches by scientists to the study of individual aspects of a leader’s style. The analysis of many of them in the dissertation reveals the classical period of formation of the foundations of style and clarification of its essence 2, sociological and legal approaches to considering the role of style in management, which developed to end of the 19th century- the beginning of the 20th century in the works of domestic scientists N.A. Berdyaeva, A.D. Gradovsky, A.I. Elistarova, M.M. Kovalevsky, P.A. Sorokina, A.A. Tikhomirova, T.F. Shershenevich and others. The influence on legal science of studies devoted to lifestyle, human activity, by foreign sociologists M. Weber, A. Adler, T. Veblen, A. Morier and others is noted 3

1 See: Federal Laws “On Defense” dated May 31, 1996 No. 61-FZ // SZ RF 1996. No. 32. Art. 2750 and “On Military
duties and military service" dated March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ // SZ RF 1998. No. 13. Art. 1475.

2 See, for example: Aristotle. Rhetoric. Book III “On Style”. - St. Petersburg, 1894. S. 115-116, 151.

3 See: Weber M. Selected Works. - M., 1990. P. 20-21; State personnel policy and
mechanism for its implementation. /Under the general editorship of E.V. Okhotsky. - M., 1998. S. 380, 387, etc.

Certain aspects of the choice of tools and methods for studying management activities, the typology of managerial styles and the methodology for their classification are considered in the works of Yu.P. Averina, V.G. Afanasyeva, L.P. Buevoy, M.K. Gorshkova, V.V. Glushchenko, I.I. Glushchenko, A.A. Derkach, I.P. Litvinova, V.I. Lukyanenko, Z.I. Mikheeva, B.F. Usmanova, A.V. Filippova, V.V. Shcherbiny, V.A. Yadova and others.

A special role in the scientific understanding of the activities of army leaders was played by the scientific works of military scientists V.M. Anisimova, R.N. Anichina, M.I. Borodina, L.G. Egorova, M.M. Zakarlyuk, A.G. Ivleva, A.F. Kostina, B.V. Kuzmenko, L.G. Lapteva, L.S. Maltseva, V.G. Malikova, A.N. Pisareva, K.E. Romanova, A.S. Skoka et al.

The dissertation analyzes current issues of the topic under consideration, formulated in the works of legal scholars S.A. Avakyan, S.S. Aleksev, A.P. Alekhina, G.V. Atamanchuk, D.M. Bakhrakha, I.L. Bachilo, K.S. Velsky, I.I. Veremeenko, V.G. Vishnyakova, R.V. Yengibaryan, Yu.M. Kozlova, Yu.M. Kolosova, A.P. Koreneva, Yu.K. Krasnova, B.M. Lazareva, Yu.M. Leibo, G.V. Maltseva, V.M. Manokhina, A.F. Nozdracheva, A.V. Obolonsky, D.M. Ovsyanko, M.I. Piskotina, Yu.N. Starilova, Yu.A. Tikhomirova, Ts.A. Yampolskaya and other scientists.

However, many problems associated with the style of management activities of military commanders and its optimization in the conditions of administrative reform have not received adequate coverage in the literature and require scientific understanding, first of all, from the standpoint of administrative-legal science.

Therefore, in the dissertation research an attempt was made to develop the most relevant and insufficiently covered in scientific

literature issues of administrative-legal theory and practice of optimizing the style of managerial activity of a manager. At the same time, the management of military personnel is considered not only as a power-command process, but also as a legal process in which they interact government agencies and personality, subject-object and subject-subject relations develop, including: organizational-legal, management, defense-legal, human rights and socio-psychological processes.

The author proves that optimization of military personnel management is not an end in itself, because it reflects the needs of modernization state institutions and functions in unity with the interests of the development of military collectives, each military personnel as a citizen who has the right to participate in the management of state affairs 1. Moreover, the dissertation author strives for a harmonious presentation of the theoretical, legal and empirical aspects of the study, for a comprehensive solution to emerging problems of modeling the most appropriate ways to optimize the style of management the activities of military commanders using the example of the Russian Ground Forces.

The relevance, theoretical and practical significance, and insufficient development of the problem of the style of a military leader in the conditions of administrative reform determined the choice of the topic of dissertation research.

As object of study the style of management activity of the leaders of the regimental level of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was chosen, mainly its administrative and legal features.

Subject of study- the essence, content and features of the commander’s management style; conditions, factors and methods

See: Article 32 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

7 optimizing the style of management activities of military leaders of the regimental level at the initial stage of administrative reform.

Purpose and objectives of the study - on the basis of theoretical and methodological approaches to understanding the essence of the style of activity, to identify and clarify the administrative and legal content and nature of the style of service activity of regimental leaders, public management factors and the conditions for its institutionalization and optimization, determined by Russian reforms.

The implementation of this goal involves the consistent solution of the following tasks:

conducting a legal and sociological analysis of the essence,
institutionalization of the content of management style

activities of regimental commanders (general and special trends, priorities);

substantiation of criteria and methods of legal diagnosis of the real style of work of command personnel based on the powers of executive authorities;

determination of state-administrative factors and legal conditions for the formation of criteria for optimizing the style of a military leader of a regimental level;

substantiation of conclusions about the use of social and

administrative and legal technologies for optimizing the style of management activities of commanders at the stage of administrative and military reform; development of recommendations to management personnel, in particular to employees and command staff of the Ground Forces, on optimizing the manager’s style of performance in modern conditions. Main hypothesis of the study. The dissertation author’s starting position is that optimizing the style of management work of a military

a leader is the result of the institutionalization of military-administrative relations, the manifestation of professional competence and the direct determination of the quality of military service activities. The administrative-legal orientation and qualitative certainty of the process of improving the style suggest the need for:

ensure compliance between the goal, objectives of the activity and the management situation, forms and methods of managing the relationship between the subject and the object when solving current and strategic problems;

to achieve a rational relationship between mobility and stability of goals and objectives, forms and methods, which excludes administrative stagnation, because the optimization of a leader’s style is manifested under the condition of a minimum of goals, an optimum of tasks and forms of organization and maximum attention to the military team in the process of implementing command decisions;

take into account various factors influencing the style of thinking and
commander actions: personal(rational use
potential and actual abilities, level
professional preparedness of the manager);

organizational(selection and promotion of personnel capable of developing the ability to accurately perform functions structural divisions shelf); managerial(mastery by the manager of basic skills and abilities to ensure interaction with subordinate personnel). The following follow from the main hypothesis:- to develop an optimal leadership style, it is necessary to diagnose the initial style of thinking and legal actions of the commander and his subordinates;

Depending on the content of the identified type of thinking
self-correction of the manager’s style of activity is carried out
military collective, based on the functions of the position, the level of legal
consciousness and development of the military personnel;

Methods for optimizing the style of activity are also determined by the level
general and vocational education, content of potential and
actual abilities of the carrier of the activity style.

Theoretical and methodological basis of the dissertation
constitute the conceptual ideas of classical and

modern domestic jurisprudence on the rights and activity of the individual, the provisions of the theory of public administration, organization and management decision-making, comparative legal functional analysis. On their basis, it became possible to comprehensively A complex approach to optimize the style of management activities of the commander, identifying personnel technologies in managing the professional and career development of military personnel in the conditions of administrative reform. Moreover, the view on the style of management activity remains unchanged as a reflection of the quality of the process of thinking and action, the subject’s knowledge of the real situation, the maximum use in practice of positive and overcoming negative personality traits, the search for rational methods and forms of action leading to the realization of activity goals 1 .

Administrative, legal and sociological information about the object-subject field of the dissertation research was obtained using statistical methods, a questionnaire survey of leaders and personnel of military units, content analysis, traditional analysis of legal documents, secondary comparison of military sociological research data, input and output monitoring

See: Litvinov I.P. Management style: theoretical aspects, diagnostic and optimization methods. - Elista, 1997. P.18.

10 listeners' abilities educational institutions and training and retraining centers.

Empirical basis of the dissertation compiled the results of specific sociological studies conducted in 2000 with the direct participation of the author within the framework of KNIR, commissioned by General Staff and the Main Directorate of Educational Work of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the topic: “Social, psychological and legal aspects of retaining officer personnel in the context of reforming the RF Armed Forces” (Code “Link”).

Of the total number of respondents surveyed various methods 87 regiment commanders of the Ground Forces were also examined.

The reliability and scientific validity of the study is ensured by a strict theoretical study of the problem and the methodological clarity of the chosen research concept.

The scientific novelty of the dissertation lies in concept development
optimizing the style of management activity of a military leader with
taking into account administrative reform. The author used new
methodological approaches to research, firstly,

institutionalization of this style and associated administrative and legal relations; secondly, optimizing the style of activity of military leaders based on the powers of executive authorities in the field of defense. In a new aspect, the concept of “style of management activity of a military leader” is formulated, represented not by a structureless abstraction, but by a variety of essential, meaningful elements reflecting his internal changes due to administrative and military reforms.

The author substantiates the characteristic features of this style during the reform period: expansion of legal criteria for the development of style, strengthening of professionalism, competence, legal education of military personnel and the legislative basis of their lifestyle.

The dissertation expresses the author's understanding of the content and forms of legal support for optimizing the style of military-administrative relations. An attempt has been made to provide a more in-depth coverage of traditional problems and to formulate a number of new problems, to propose ways to solve them using the mechanism of legal regulation of the activities and behavior of participants in military-administrative relations at the stage of administrative reform.

In the international legal aspect it is formulated new approach to determine the role of procedural management actions of leaders of military peacekeeping operations abroad, a detailed analysis of the system of legal guarantees for optimizing the style of their activities is given. 1

Submitted for defense proposals and conclusions obtained as a result of the study, reflecting the author’s position on social-theoretical, administrative-legal and practical issues of optimizing the style of military-administrative activity of a leader based on the new powers of executive authorities caused by administrative reform, namely:

The author's concept of institutionalization and administrative-legal diagnostics of the formation of a democratic style of regimental leaders, ways of optimizing it as a special cross-section of management relations of a conscious-volitional and organizational-legal nature, formed in the process of exercising the powers of executive authorities in the field of defense. The participants in these relations experience government and administrative influence that corresponds to the goals of administrative and military reform. Administrative and legal properties of the style of regimental leaders of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Russia have a complex structure and

See: Federal Law “On the procedure for the provision by the Russian Federation of military and civilian personnel to participate in activities to maintain or restore international peace and security" dated June 23, 1995 No. 26-FZ.//SZ RF. 1995. Art. 2401.

12 influence other management relationships in the field of defense, taking into account feedback;

the conclusion that the style of a military leader is a reflection of the essential personality traits of a new generation of military personnel who implement the guidelines of the post-reform stage through: rejection of totalitarian means of influence, persuasion, legal education, collegiality, etc.;

revealing the interaction of legal, moral and other features of the commander’s optimal work style in new conditions: competence, integrity, decisiveness, innovative thinking, independent decision-making, organizational abilities, readiness to act in the spirit of ongoing reforms, taking into account non-standard situations, critical and self-critical approach to evaluating results reforms, etc.;

The development of a methodology for conducting a socio-legal analysis of military style is guided in three main dimensions. Firstly, assessment and self-assessment of the personal traits of the leader’s thinking and activities. Secondly, a legal assessment of the evolution of the living environment in which the soldier’s personality realizes itself. Thirdly, the characteristics of the process of management and self-government, as well as legal relations arising as a result of the interaction of the subject and the object, achieving compliance of goals, objectives, forms and methods of activity with the results obtained;

determination of priority, primarily legal, directions and criteria for the democratic (as opposed to totalitarian) style of the commander. This is theoretical and methodological assistance to military personnel in mastering knowledge and skills for legal orientation in market conditions; the operation of the principle of professionalism and competence in military service, especially in the system of professional selection and promotion of leadership personnel. Then - ethical and legal education of leaders and

13 supervised, training in technologies of social and legal “construction” of a military collective; use of methods and means of administrative and legal incentives business style manuals;

Approbation, taking into account the managerial practice of the applicant,
system of factors influencing the legal orientation, dynamics and
depth of improvement of manager mastery processes
optimal, democratic style of action. Highlighted and reviewed
first of all factors: objective, arising from military conditions and
commander's activities; subjective and personal, related to scientific
professional and administrative-legal training;
organizational factors determined by the selection and promotion of personnel,
mastered an effective style. Particular emphasis is placed on state-
management factors associated with the skills and abilities to implement
not only the duties, but also the rights of the manager, with whom they must
be considered management bodies in the field of defense;

Making practical suggestions and recommendations for development
a number of regulations, the use of new technologies,
promoting the strengthening of the social value of law in the management style
and democracy. The meaning of the projects is seen in resolving conflicts and
crisis situations, optimal combination of centralization,
decentralization and legal rule, incompatible with
lack of control, irresponsibility, corruption, violations
law and order.

Practical significance of the study is determined by the breadth of its possible application both at the interstate and at the federal level for military command and control bodies, including the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, in the development of targeted programs for training commanders, differentiated by levels of military education, types and branches of troops, and units of military command.

The conclusions obtained during the study and the proposals formulated on their basis can ensure an increase in the scientific level of legal consolidation of management relations arising as a result of the use of the business style of military leaders. They contribute to a scientifically based approach to the development and implementation of the concept of optimizing the style of management activities in the reform process.

By enriching the scientific, educational and methodological base for training specialists in working with military personnel, this study opens up the possibility of widespread application of its results to improve the efficiency of personnel work in accordance with the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel” (1998) 1

Approbation of research results. The main provisions and conclusions of the dissertation were approved and recommended for defense at a meeting of the Department of Public Administration and Law of MGIMO (U). They were previously discussed in the department’s problem group civil service And personnel policy Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

Work structure. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of used sources and literature, as well as applications.

1 See: Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 1998. No. 22. Article 2331.

The essence and methodology of analyzing the style of managerial activity of a military leader

The legal status of a military man must be considered in all the diversity of his social connections. A soldier as an individual plays an important social role in society, performing specific functions within the competence of a certain government position.

In this capacity, military personnel become military personnel whose personality traits are identified with its social and legal role as defender of the Fatherland. At the same time, the style of activity of a serviceman and military personnel reflects not only personal qualities, but also the content and nature of the socio-legal role of the functions of the serviceman’s position. French academic Pierre Janet defines personnel (personage - from French) as a person with a specific social role.2

During their service, military personnel are bound by numerous rules of law with the relations existing in society: legal, economic, social, cultural and spiritual. In addition, the peculiarities of army life give rise to a specific area of ​​relations inherent only in a military organization. It reflects all types of administrative and legal relations.

Since the main spheres of life of soldiers are combat training, service and everyday life, social relations in a team they unfold as if in three interconnected planes: service-functional, social-organizational and interpersonal, everyday.

Each of these types of intra-collective relations has its own characteristics. Service-functional relations in the army, including in ground units and divisions, are built on a strict legal basis, unity of command, discipline, and high personal responsibility of each serviceman for the performance of his functional duties.1 Social-organizational relations are regulated differently, ensuring the social constants of soldiers in areas of public works, sports, cultural leisure. They differ in their principles and norms interpersonal relationships camaraderie and friendship. Moreover, one and the same person, as a rule, is the bearer of several social roles, including him in various systems of intra-collective relations.

A deep understanding of the essence and nature of social connections and administrative-legal relations in the army, their accounting and regulation today are becoming an important component of the activities of commanders at all levels. This presupposes the development of a legal culture of relations between military personnel, the study and consideration of the interests of various categories of personnel, and knowledge of the socio-legal mechanisms for uniting military teams.

Because of this, each military leader, having his own individual style of work, builds relationships with his subordinate personnel on the basis of legal norms, morality and other regulators of social relations. As our research shows, the style of activity is not a one-time act of action. Style is a reflection of the commander’s participation in administrative and military reform, high-quality implementation of instructions on legal work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, unity of thinking and action, knowledge of the real situation by the subject of control, maximum consideration and use of positive experience and minimization of the manifestation of negative personality traits, search for rational methods and forms of action leading to achieving the goals.

The emergence of the category “style” in social practice and science is closely related to the search for ways out of chaos, turmoil, and uncertainty in the life of ancient society, the times of Socrates and Glaucon, Plato and Aristotle. Analyzing the structure and interrelation of crisis phenomena and processes in society and the state, they came to the conclusion about the need for harmony, agreement between people, correspondence between the purpose of their activities and the means of their implementation. Just as the harmony between words, melody, rhythm and tempo gives rise to a good song, so the style of thinking and acting of people ensures the realization of their needs based on the correspondence of their goals to the legal means of achieving them.

Glaucon, in a dispute with Socrates, first introduced the word “style” into scientific circulation and substantiated the need for this category. The essence of style, they believed, is manifested in the correspondence of content and form, the harmony of goals and means in a person’s thinking and actions.1

Each historical era or period shapes its typical style of thinking and action of people, nations and states. The point of view is sufficiently substantiated that in the fixed history of mankind, ancient, classical (Middle Ages) and modern styles of life and activity of people appeared.2

Style manifests itself as a conscious or insufficiently conscious need to search for methods and forms of transition from emotional, irrational to rational knowledge environment, operating conditions, overcoming contradictions on a legal basis in the process of setting and achieving goals.

The formation and development of style is associated with the search for harmony in the relationships of people in the process of their activities: labor, research, military, entrepreneurial, etc.

The style is multifaceted and manifests itself in all spheres of activity: in art, science, and, more recently, in management. Understanding the essence of style is specific in various branches of knowledge: philosophy, philology, economics, law, sociology, management, etc.

A general understanding of the essence of style is that style is a qualitative characteristic of the measure of unity and interaction of subject and object in a certain situation.1

In the field of management, there are various definitions of style. Thus, some believe that style is a set of principles and methods for solving problems that arise in the process of implementing management functions.2 Others believe that style is a manifestation of methods and techniques of thinking and acting of an individual, ensuring interaction in the team and with the team. 3

Administrative and legal analysis of the understanding of management style allows us to conclude that style is a category that expresses not only subject-object social connections, relations of interaction in management, the level of unity of the organization and professionalism, morality, social usefulness of management activities, but also the process of implementing executive power.

Since the dissertation examines the style of activity of a modern military leader in the exercise of this power, it is advisable to consider points of view on the definition of the concept of “style of activity.”

The place and role of management style in the administrative and legal reform of the Russian Army

In modern conditions of administrative reform, as well as reform of the Russian Armed Forces, complex problems arise, including in the field of administrative and legal improvement of the style of management activities. New conditions, tasks and expanding opportunities require the search for fundamentally new solutions, taking into account the experience of the combat use of the Russian Armed Forces in Afghanistan and Chechnya. Unfortunately, the management activities of commanders in extreme conditions do not always provide the required level of troop leadership. One of the main reasons for this is the oblivion and inept use of the style of management and legal work in the Armed Forces, which was based on fighting spirit, camaraderie and perseverance in command and control of troops in the Great Patriotic War, local wars to protect the interests of the Motherland.

It is no coincidence that numerous discussions continue on these and other issues of management style.

An analysis of materials on this range of issues shows that supporters of a “thorough revision” do not bring sufficient constructiveness to their solution. In particular, military researchers O.V. Sosyura and V.P. Pyatkov propose to reconsider the existing conceptual apparatus of management theory. Under the essence of management they see best use potential capabilities of troops in a specific situation in the interests of successful completion of assigned tasks.1

This approach determines their interest in the problem of optimizing the style of management activity. Among other laws of management, they tried to formulate such as “optimal compliance of methods and means of management organizational structure, purpose and combat properties." Here, legal elements and principles that constitute the essence of management are expressed through informal categories. The optimization mechanism, which should be based on legal principles and traditions reflecting “identified” patterns, is categorically rejected by the authors. They note that “unlike the laws of management... it is not at all necessary to comply with the principles.”3

The last decade reflects the special role of tradition in the development of an effective management style. In the process of forming legal norms, one cannot underestimate the place of tradition as elements of material and spiritual culture fixed in the consciousness of the subject of activity, performing the functions of personal development, and not its degradation. Note that over the centuries, in optimizing the style of activity big role played by positive factors associated with the traditions of the country, people, state and its constituent legal institutions. The decisive importance of tradition in the development of administrative and legal features of management style is due to the fact that it: allows one to take into account the legal, social, political, economic, organizational, psychological consequences of management decisions and actions for their legal implementation; makes it possible to take into account legal values, the observance of which protects the subject of the action from negative consequences; develops a style of relationship between a manager and a subordinate, based on administrative and legal behavior, trust in the manager, because the latter satisfies the expectations and needs of the subordinate; ensures the optimal functioning of formal organizations as a source of protection and satisfaction of the needs of each of their members; has a huge advantage over the unfair, illegal subordination of a person, especially if she is not authoritative enough; simplifies decision-making mechanisms, achieving their speed and predictability in actual implementation.1

For a military organization, the importance of traditions for the formation of an optimal team style cannot be overestimated.

In Germany, for example, 5 laws regulating the civil service have sections “Traditional foundations of professional bureaucracy.”

However, as many scientists believe, a system based on tradition will collapse if state institutions stop encouraging supporters of traditions, patriotic performers, especially if its opponents are encouraged. Therefore, military control requires a system of information about compliance with traditions, legality and competence, which are of paramount importance in the system of military activity.

At the same time, the style of managing military collectives is based on tradition, in which the conservation of dogmas and stereotypes is unacceptable, which turns tradition into its opposite - conservatism of thinking and action. Conservatism, dogmatism, and stereotypes are, in principle, incompatible with military service.

Military service, based on traditions, patriotism, and devotion to the Fatherland, is characterized by the constant readiness of a serviceman to prevent offenses and anticipate the plans and actions of a potential or actual enemy. Therefore, the style of thinking and action of the commander, of the regimental level in particular, is based on the preservation of military traditions, combined with a legal culture and innovative thinking. Only this combination allows you to act clearly, without mistakes and extremes, based on professionalism and legality.

State-administrative conditions for ensuring optimization of the style of activity of the command staff of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Russia

The work of a military leader is a special type of labor, containing both general and specific signs, because it is carried out to implement the functions of military service as a special type of public service. In the process of analyzing this holistic phenomenon, such aspects as military-professional activity, everyday communication with personnel, implementation of specific goals. In the military sphere, goal setting, focus and goal achievement act as interconnected components of a single whole, united by the goals of military service. They influence the results and ideals of the management activities of the military leader - the main system-forming subject, and not a passive component in the system of activities, as their role is often presented, especially in the means mass media. A targeted approach to the status of a military leader allows us to identify general, special and individual components in the professionalism of a regiment commander. They cover knowledge, abilities, skills, experience, abilities, patriotism as structure-forming elements of military professional activity.

An analysis of the legal status showed that the features of the manifestation of professionalism are revealed through the style of management activity1. In addition, in the course of a study conducted among the command staff of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Russia, the conclusion suggests itself that the style of management activity of the commander, reflecting his individuality, the style of implementing management functions and expressing the personal behavioral and situational basis of the activity of the subject of his interaction with the object of control , develops under the influence of objective and subjective factors in the form of a real multidimensional functional model.

Identification, understanding and use of these factors allows us to purposefully shape the style of management activity. When conducting a legal and sociological analysis of the commander’s management style, as well as identifying factors for its optimization, taking into account methods developed not only by sociologists, but also by legal scientists1, the initial methodological prerequisites were the following: firstly, the need to take into account the dialectical relationship between methodology and methodology administrative and legal research into the style of a military leader, which allows us to take into account the characteristics of the object, subject and methods of research, determined by a whole complex of diverse conditions and factors determined by the implementation of modern reforms;

Secondly, the definition of criteria and parameters for optimizing a style, the disclosure of the essential characteristics of its formation is accompanied by qualitative changes thinking and activity of the commander;

Thirdly, these changes manifest themselves in the atmosphere of interaction with subordinates, where the commander acts as the dominant subject of administrative legal relations, and subordinates are both the object and the subject of legal interaction.

The model for optimizing the commander’s management style in new conditions, developed in the course of this study, and its testing make it possible to identify meaningful differences modern style leadership, analyze the main factors influencing its formation. The management situation, the individual psychological characteristics of the commander, the system of legal values ​​and attitudes used in the style, professional competence turn out to be decisive factors in the formation of new features of the style of a military leader1.

Moreover, the conditions and factors in scale, as the analysis shows scientific research, can be combined into the following groups: global; public administration; legal; military-political conditions and factors characteristic of reforming the Armed Forces.

At the same time, global military-political problems and the resulting tasks of ensuring the military security of the Fatherland are not always taken into account in the practice of military development3.

A study conducted in 2000 using the example of the Ground Forces convinces that the conditions and factors of the global military-political situation have a significant impact on the formation of requirements for command and control of troops and the management activities of command personnel, the style of their thinking and action4. They determine character military policy, influence all its components and the prospect of reforming the army, the lifestyle of personnel and command and control of troops. The experience of military development in various countries indicates that it is carried out taking into account the influence of not only internal state and administrative prerequisites, but also external conditions and factors. It can be reasonably concluded that military reform in Russia in general and optimization of the style of management in particular can be successfully completed if this circumstance is fully taken into account.

Administrative and legal features of improving the style of a military leader in the context of modern reform

The existing style of activity of the subject of management has the qualities of optimality within a certain time, space, and functions of the position. The management situation in the army is constantly changing. The style features of its owner are adequately developed. In the case of ensuring harmony of the management situation and the style of the subject of activity, the tendency to optimize the style prevails.

In crisis, extreme conditions, the need to optimize the style of activity of management subjects increases many times, and the possibilities for this, in turn, are reduced to a minimum.

This feature of management activity requires the commander to maximize efforts associated with the choice of social technologies that ensure the optimal style of thinking and action, and optimal results.

In the scientific literature, the issues of optimizing the management style of military leaders at different levels are not sufficiently developed. The very concept of “optimization of the style of management activity”, its content, scope, theoretical and practical significance needs clarification. One can name the works of Laptev L.G. , Malikova. V.G. , Romanova K.E. , in which the authors explore the concept of control optimization.

However, attempts to give a generalized interpretation of the role of optimal management do not largely reflect modern technologies for optimizing the style of management activity. Administrative and legal features and priorities in these technologies are not highlighted.

The need to establish public consent and commitment of military leaders to actions in the interests of defense and strengthening of Russian statehood puts forward a number of requirements for the style of management activities. Their essence is the approval of new technologies for optimizing style, arising from the administrative and legal features of improving the style of a military leader in the context of modern reform. Such technologies are based on the science of administrative law, information and analyzing systems and the responsibility of military command and control bodies and officials to the state.

The results of our research show that the style of management activities of the command personnel of the Ground Forces can be brought to an optimal state based on the rational use of the requirements of administrative and military reforms. First of all, such requirements relate to the issues of bringing the style of management activities of command personnel in accordance with the general concept of development of government bodies and laws adopted in the field of defense.

Secondly, administrative and legal reform should be considered as the main component of military labor, as an independent, authoritative type of military professional activity based on innovative methods mastering the legal and entire social space. Requirements of this order are of a fundamentally new nature, because they imply informatization, technologization, and intellectualization of military activity itself.

Thirdly, the interests of administrative and military reforms, the need to optimize the style of management activities of command personnel determine the requirements for military leaders, namely: to take into account the internal logic, their own interests of this activity and individual capabilities. Taken together, all requirements determine the commander’s managerial activities at the legal, social and psychological levels. Any changes in the style of activity, projects and reform programs are not feasible without technological support, which has become an element of the implementation of administrative reform.

The development of a set of administrative and legal requirements provides guidance to command personnel in the approval of their new management technologies based on the reduction of redundant functions of the state apparatus. This is required by the tasks of reform, progressive trends in the development of the Armed Forces and the legal management of their activities.1

The Armed Forces at the reform stage, along with the existing situational control systems, need professionally trained command personnel capable of mastering the optimal style of activity and using it in working with subordinates.

The optimal style, as the study shows, presupposes that the subject of management has such rational and emotional personality traits that allow him to quickly and deeply comprehend the legal situation, develop management methods adequate to it, ensuring the implementation of their functions, achieving optimal goals with the necessary expenditure of effort. , funds and time. With this style, professionalism and competence, managerial and legal culture and practical experience of an official, a scientific assessment of objective and subjective factors of the situation are combined with skills and the ability to act proactively, creatively, and purposefully. This style reflects the high quality of the activity of the subject of management, his ability, skill, readiness and will to ensure in the management process that his methods correspond to the specific, private goal of action at a certain stage of reform.

In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation on the division of jurisdiction between the federal center and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, their representative offices are created to solve various problems.

Representative offices interact with the Presidential Administration, the Government of Russia, the Federal Assembly, state corporations, as well as other organizations.

In turn, the Representative Office of the Government of Sevastopol in Moscow opened at the end of 2014. It is supervised by the Deputy Governor of Sevastopol Alexander Reshetnikov.

Alexander Reshetnikov

Before working in the Government, he headed a group of security companies. In addition, he was active in social activities. He was involved in charity work, patriotic education of youth, supported children's and youth sports, and organized a number of sports and memorial events in different regions of Russia.

Combat officer, squad veteran special purpose“Vityaz”, member of the Council of Veterans of the 6th OSN “Vityaz”, Knight of the Order of Courage, “For Personal Courage”, medal “For Courage”. In addition, he took part in the events of the “Russian Spring” and was involved in organizing security on the peninsula.

The head of the Sevastopol representative office in Moscow is Igor Chekulaev. He is a veteran of the special services.

Igor Chekulaev

He served in hot spots and received military decorations. Over the past decade, he has been actively involved in military-patriotic issues and provided support to the veterans’ movement. He repeatedly held memory watches in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In particular, on his initiative, in Peterhof, a monument to the defenders of the Fatherland was created and donated to the townspeople.

In turn, Yuri Fenenko was appointed his deputy.

Yuri Fenenko

Originally from Sevastopol. Graduated from the Leningrad Nakhimov Naval School, Kiev Higher Naval Political School, Humanitarian Academy armed forces Russian Federation, Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. Served on ships of the Red Banner Black Sea Fleet. During the period of his officer's service, the units and ships he led were repeatedly declared "excellent." Participant of 6 long-distance sea voyages. Captain 1st rank reserve. From 2001 to 2012 – Deputy Director at International Institute Department of MGIMO (U) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Deputy Dean for work with foreign students. Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor. In addition, he worked in the State Duma of the Russian Federation, a member of the expert council of the committee on economic policy, innovative development and entrepreneurship.

It is also worth noting that the press secretary of the Governor of Sevastopol Kirill Moskalenko also works in Moscow. This is perhaps an unprecedented case when a specialist in such a position manages to work remotely. At the same time, judging by the Governor’s media rating, we can safely say that Moskalenko knows his business.

Kirill Moskalenko

By the way, at the end of last year Sergei Menyailo for the first time rose to 10th place (out of 85) in terms of citations in Russian media. Before working in the Government, Moskalenko worked for more than 10 years in Moscow and federal media, both television and print. He started as a news correspondent, worked on the Stolitsa TV channel (now Moscow-24), on Channel 3, then moved to the country's main weekly, Arguments and Facts. There he was immediately recognized best employee of the year. Headed the Federal Press Center "AiF".

In total, the Moscow Representative Office employs 6 people. Over the past year, they prepared and held several significant events. The visit of the Nicaraguan Ambassador to Sevastopol is their work.

"Days of Sevastopol in Moscow" they developed and carried out together with the Department national policy, interregional connections and tourism of the city of Moscow.

The Moscow representative office organized at the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry a presentation of the investment attractiveness of Sevastopol and a military memorial conference dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the sinking of the battleship Novorossiysk on Poklonnaya Hill.

In addition, the representative office provided information support for the visit of British veterans to Sevastopol. This event was discussed in many countries around the world.

A photo exhibition was held in the capital together with the Sevastopol community "Sevastopol - returning home". It took place within the walls of the State Duma and was timed to coincide with the anniversary of the “Russian Spring”, Victory Day and the 15th anniversary of the creation of the Sevastopol community in Moscow.

Employees of the representative office took part in the festival of Slavic art “Russian Field”, at which an ordinary temple was accepted as a gift from the capital as a sign of friendship between Moscow and Sevastopol. And finally, they organized the arrival of Sevastopol residents and children of the Black Sea Fleet military personnel for the holidays in the capital, and also, together with the Moscow government, held 12 New Year's performances for children in Sevastopol itself.

And this is only a small cross-section of their activities - impressive, especially if the fate of more than a modest staff of employees! The events carried out in 2015, according to employees of the Moscow representative office, will certainly be continued in this year. They will rely on opportunities public organizations Sevastopol residents in Moscow and St. Petersburg, who have recognition and authority among the residents of the two capitals.

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