How to write an electronic source in a bibliography. How to arrange links from the Internet in the list of literature according to GOST in an abstract, coursework or dissertation. Remote access electronic resource entitled


At first glance, the British seem to be reserved and imperturbable people. With their buttoned-up emotions and unshakable composure, they seem remarkably reliable and consistent - both to each other and to the world. In fact, in the depths of the soul of every Englishman, unbridled primitive passions boil, which he has never been able to completely subdue. The British try not to notice this “dark” side of their character and do their best to hide it from prying eyes. Literally from birth, English children are taught not to show their true feelings and to suppress any incontinence, so as not to accidentally offend someone. Appearance, the appearance of decency - that's what matters most to an Englishman. The fact is that, deep down, the British are no less capable of deception, rudeness, violence and other outrages than any other people in the world; It’s just that they try with all their appearance not to show that one can at least assume that they have such character traits. Such “impenetrability” is the main feature of the British, and thanks to it, paradoxically, the whole world considers this completely predictable people “absolutely unpredictable.”

The British. What are they?

The British consider themselves law-abiding, polite, generous, gallant, persistent and fair. They are also incredibly proud of their self-deprecating humor, considering it an absolute proof of their generosity.

The British have an innate distrust of everything unfamiliar, and especially foreign. And it should be remembered that in a certain sense of the word “another country” for an Englishman begins at the opposite end of the street on which he lives. The rest of the world is perceived by the British as a playground where certain teams interact - groups of peoples, each with their own traditions and culture - and you can either look at all this from the outside and have fun, or use it for your own benefit, or simply write it off as unnecessary - in depending on desire. The British feel something like kinship feelings towards just representatives of one or two nations.

English traditions

The British are characterized by longing for the past, and for them there is nothing more precious than any customs and traditions. In the broadest sense of the term “tradition,” it is implied that something has stood the test of time and should therefore be preserved, for example: bright red mailboxes, men's short coats with a hood and wooden buttons, marmalade, the last Monday in August, green privet hedges , Wembley Stadium and wellington boots. Judges still sit in robes and powdered wigs of the eighteenth century, and professors of the oldest universities in England - Oxford and Cambridge - wear black robes with scarlet lining and square caps, the royal guard is still dressed in the uniform of the 16th century, but none of the English and won't blink an eye. Members of Parliament wear ancient folding top hats when delivering their agenda in the House of Commons. In England, the tradition of days of rest is strictly observed: “weekends”, when city dwellers strive to go out of town, into nature. On Sundays there is almost no one on the streets, theaters and shops are closed.

Traditional male respect for women is being undermined by the efforts of those who perceive this tradition as a manifestation of condescension towards the weaker sex, and not at all respect for it.

Driving on the left is also an English tradition. This custom originated in those days when the main means of transportation was a horse, and the rider needed to grab his sword in time with his right hand and protect himself from the enemy riding towards him.

Some things never change in England. Surveys of graduates of English universities have shown that those who graduated from an independent (i.e. private public school) automatically receive better and higher paid places than those who graduated from state schools.

Their behavior

Moderation is a precious ideal! - is of great importance for the British. This is especially evident in the general disgust towards those who “go too far.”

The concept of “going too far” includes, for example, excessive tearfulness or making obscene jokes, at which the author himself laughs the most. The British do not like to make a scene with each other in public. And anyone who does this automatically falls into the category of “going too far,” that is, behaving incorrectly. The best behavior in any circumstances is to feign languid indifference to everything in the world, although passions may be really boiling in your soul at that moment. Even in love affairs, it is considered obscene to show your true feelings - this can only be done behind closed doors, however, even in this case, observing moderation.

However, in some (special) cases it is permissible to show one’s feelings openly, for example, during sports competitions. At a funeral or when a person whom everyone had long considered dead returns home to your joy. But in these cases, violent emotions must certainly give way to embarrassment.

The British believe that it is completely unacceptable to poke your nose into other people's affairs. With such a complex of antediluvian traditions and morals as they have, excessive curiosity and sociability can lead to the fact that you can offend someone simply out of ignorance.

English families

The family provides the Englishman with a luxurious opportunity to behave as he wants, and not as he is supposed to. But, apart from annual vacations and holidays, family members are by no means eager to spend much time together. "Traditional English family” is something like this: working dad, stay at home mom, to whom dad is married, and their 2-4 children.

Those English children whose parents are quite wealthy are most often sent to some kind of “pap school”, that is, to a closed school, usually with a boarding school. Parents of such children have a very positive attitude towards their child’s stay in a boarding school, believing that the further the children are from home, the better they develop.

An alternative to “public school” is the state free public day school. In such schools, however, there are periodically shortages of teachers (salaries are too low), equipment and office supplies (lack of provision funds), students (chronic absenteeism) and premises (at least one school burns down every day).

Manners and etiquette

The British don't like to touch anyone. Of course, they shake hands, but they always try to do it very easily and quickly.

English ladies can kiss each other on the cheek or even both; but at the same time it is advisable to kiss “past” – i.e. pretend.

Options for farewells are more varied than options for greetings, but mean just as little. The once completely “street” expression “see you” (see you or bye), is now picked up by well-mannered people, it is used quite often and completely inappropriately.

IN in public places The British try their best not to touch a stranger, even accidentally. If such a nuisance does happen by accident, the most sincere apologies follow.

Home improvement

Almost all residents of England free time used for endless and continuous “improvement” and arrangement of their homes, without which not a single home can be considered truly good.

The British are constantly tinkering both outside and inside the house, installing electronic security and showers, making built-in furniture or anything else. Even a car will never be left without attention.

As soon as an Englishman begins to work in the garden, something incredible happens: for some time he completely loses all his practicality and forgets about all other passions. This is probably why the British prefer to live in their own houses. They deal exclusively with landscapes - in their dreams they see endless green spaces covered with plantations of exotic flowers and shrubs.

Gardening magazines and books successfully promote the idea that anyone can grow any plant. And indeed, in the tropical warmth of greenhouses and greenhouses, seedlings and cut exotic flowers feel great. The British manage to create all these miracles even on small plots of land: a tiny garden or just a box under the window becomes in the Englishman’s imagination his personal national park.


The British are convinced: a person who loves animals cannot be completely bad. They themselves adore animals. Any. The British keep pets exclusively for company. They are vitally necessary for them, if only because it is only with four-legged pets that the majority of Englishmen develop the most sincere, tender relationships that representatives of this nation, who do not always know how to communicate normally with each other, are generally capable of. The British get along well with animals, although sometimes they are completely unable to find a common language with their own children. But they have full contact with their dogs, and they constantly scratch them affectionately, whispering all sorts of sweet little things into their furry ears. Dogs accept such advances without complaint, and soon they even begin to like the fact that they have no rivals in the hearts of their owners. Cruelty to animals causes horror and disgust among the British.

Food and drink

The British have never been adventurous in the field of cooking. Roast beef, lamb or pork with vegetables and fried potatoes are still favorite national dishes, and in other cases, or when there is not enough invention, the British prefer another a traditional dish– baked beans and toast.

Potatoes are the most important component of the daily meal. The average Englishman eats two hundred kilograms of potatoes per year in the form of chips with fish, burgers and other dishes. They also like potatoes in the form of "chip bati", which is a bun cut in half, spread with butter and stuffed with fried potatoes. Most of Englishmen will consider the meal unfinished if they do not receive their “pudding”. The British still highly value their old invention - sandwiches. True, they used to be satisfied with just cheese with spicy chatti seasoning, but now a highly artistic sandwich can contain anything from smoked salmon and soft cream cheese to chicken tikka masala cooked with hot Indian spices.

They remain stubbornly loyal to tea and consider it one of the few truly beautiful things that ever came to England from abroad. They attributed downright mystical healing and sedative properties to tea and resort to it in any crisis situations. Only tea can bring an Englishman out of shock. And it also serves as a reason to simply be in the company of other people - in such cases, someone always offers to drink a cup of tea. Perhaps tea is really the only bad habit. In large English establishments, tea is brewed in large vessels, like Russian samovars. The liquid that rushes out of such “samovars” in a stormy stream is best characterized by the name “table tea” - or, as the British say, such that “it stands on the table even without a cup.”


The most popular national sport is fishing, which the British always call “angling” because this word sounds more respectable, implying certain professional skills and dexterity. Most English people clearly prefer fishing to football. But there are many in England who regularly take part in all kinds of amateur competitions, for example, basketball, golf, rugby, and swimming. The British also love horse riding, mountain climbing, horse racing and, of course, gambling. However, the true love of the British for sports is manifested in observing those who, in fact, play sports. Such observation gives an outlet to all their suppressed emotions. A football fan is accustomed to defeat and feels pleasure even when his team snatches at least a draw. The exception is the fans of the popular Manchester United club, who expect only victory from their team and are terribly upset when this does not happen. Manchester United has more fans than any other club in the world. Each issue of their magazine is sold in incredible quantities - 30,000 copies are sold in Taiwan alone! Cricket is also one of the most popular games in England. The English invented cricket 750 years ago, and in relation to it they feel like terrible owners. They for a long time They didn’t even reveal the secret rules of this game. Cricket is not just a game for the British. This is a symbol. Everyone considers this game a national form of summer leisure. On any village green or on the TV screen there is always a group of people dressed in white and gathered in a circle, as if waiting for some event.

Culture and language

England is the country of Shakespeare, Milton, Byron, Dickens and Beatrix Potter. The first of this series is a universally recognized genius, a real titan in the field of literature, who for four centuries has served as an incomparable standard for all writers on the globe. The next three are also quite worthy writers and respected by everyone; their books are available in every home library. But the British know best the work of the latter writer, for all of the above wrote about people, and B. Potter’s books are dedicated to animals. And the mention of Peter Rabbit, Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle or Jeremy Fisher instantly evokes a response in the hearts of English readers, and the torment of Hamlet, Coriolanus or Othello will leave their souls as cold as ice. English readers of the story of Romeo and Juliet will prefer the story of how Jemima Puddleduck escaped from her cooking pots to enjoy another sunny day.

The English are extremely proud of their language, although most only use a tiny part of it. The Complete Oxford Dictionary consists of 23 volumes and contains more than 500,000 words, while the most complete dictionary of the German language contains 185,000 words, and the French less than 100,000. Shakespeare's working dictionary was 30,000 words (some of which he made up himself), which is twice as large as the vocabulary of a modern Englishman. Most English people get by just fine with 8,000 words—the same number of words in the King James Bible ( English translation Bible of 1611, which is used by most English churches).

The foundations of the English language were laid when it served as the main means of communication for multilingual tribes, being completely devoid of any linguistic tricks such as cases and inflections. And the secret of its success lies in the fact that this language, like the English themselves, constantly absorbs something, draws from the culture with which it is currently in contact. No other language has so many different ways of expressing almost the same thing as English.

Meanwhile, English as a means of communication in the world of people occupies approximately the same position as Microsoft in the world of computers: modern world society simply cannot do without English. The French, of course, continue to stand their ground, arguing that the use of English, for example, in aviation: “retards the development of this industry and prevents the use of more adequate terminology in it,” but English continues to be increasingly used in all areas.


As popular wisdom says: “You need to know your friends and enemies by sight.” Indeed, by knowing the characteristics of other nations, we can better understand the political and social views of their countries. That is why, in my opinion, it is necessary to get acquainted with the culture of other peoples, with their customs and characters in order to improve international relations and simply for our own development, as well as so that by comparing the culture and customs of our country with them, we can something change, improve them.

You can and should refer to Internet sources and electronic resources. At the same time, it is necessary to refer to Internet resources in accordance with the state standard - GOST R 7.0.5-2008 “BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE”: General requirements and rules for compilation, which came into force on January 1, 2009. The objects of compiling a bibliographic reference in this case are electronic resources of remote access. Links are made both to electronic resources as a whole (electronic documents, databases, portals, sites, web pages, forums, etc.) and to components of electronic resources (sections and parts of electronic documents, portals, sites, web -pages, publications in electronic serial publications, messages on forums, etc.).

To indicate the electronic address of remote access resources, a note about the access mode is provided. Allowed instead of words "Access mode"(or their equivalent in another language) use the abbreviation "URL" (Uniform Resource Locator- uniform resource locator). For records on electronic resources, it is allowed, if the text contains bibliographic information identifying an electronic remote access resource, to indicate only its email address in a subscript link. Information about the protocol for accessing a network resource (ftp, http, etc.) and its email address are provided in a uniform resource locator format.

After the email address, information about the date of access to the electronic network resource is given in parentheses: after the words “date of access” the day, month and year are indicated. If there is information about the date of the last update or revision of the network document, they are indicated in the link, preceded by the appropriate words “Date of update” (“Date of revision”, etc.). If it is impossible to determine the date of publication or creation from the screen title page of an electronic remote access resource (network resource), then the earliest and latest dates of creation of the resource that could be identified should be indicated. Information about system requirements is provided in cases where special access is required to access a document. software(for example, Adobe Acrobat Reader, PowerPoint, etc.).

Links to electronic resources are indicated using intratextual links (they are enclosed in parentheses) in the text itself, interlinear links (moved from the text to the bottom of the page of the document, in a footnote - drawn up as a note taken from the text of the document to the bottom of the page) and behind-the-text links (placed outside the text of the document or part of it - in a callout).

An example of designing in-text links to web resources:

(Russian Book Chamber: [website]. URL:
(Russian Orthodoxy: [website]. URL:
(Management in Russia and abroad. 2002. No. 2. URL:
(Statistical indicators of Russian book publishing in 2006: figures and ratings. URL:

Example of designing subscript links to Internet resources:

Primary 5 Loginova L. G. Essence of the result additional education children // Education: researched in the international world. scientific ped. Online magazine. 21.10.03. URL: (date of access: 04/17/07).
Repeated 7 Loginova L. G. Decree. op.
2 Official periodicals: electronic. guide / Russian national bka, Legal Information Center. [SPb.], 2005–2007. URL: (access date: 01/18/2007).
7 List of documents of the “Information and reference system of the archival industry” (ISSAO) and its applications – “ Information system archivists of Russia" (ISAR) // Termika Consulting Group: [website]. URL: (access date: 11/16/2007).
7 Geography: electronic. gas version 2001. No. 15 (special issue). URL: (access date: 03/13/2006).
I2 Vanyushin I.V. Methodology for measuring the conversion characteristics of an ADC // Researched in Russia: electron. multidisciplinary scientific magazine 2000. [T. 3]. pp. 263–272. URL: (access date: 05/06/2006).
2 Dirina A.I. The right of military personnel of the Russian Federation to freedom of association // Military law: network journal. 2007. URL: (date of access: 09/19/2007).

10 Reference books semiconductor devices// [Personal page of V. R. Kozak] / Institute of Nuclei. physics. [Novosibirsk, 2003]. URL: (access date: 03.13.06).
6 Galina Vasilievna Starovoitova, 05/17/46 – 11/20/1998: [memorial. website] / comp. and ed. T. Likhanova. [SPb., 2004]. URL: (access date: 01/22/2007).
2 Life is beautiful, life is tragic... [Electronic resource]: 1917 in the letters of A.V. Lunacharsky to A.A. Lunacharskaya / rep. comp. L. Rogovaya; comp. N. Antonova; Institute "Open Island". M., 2001. URL: (access date: 04/17/2006).
8 Beglik A. G. Review of the main projects of foreign reference services: program. support and technology approaches // Using Internet technologies in reference services for remote users: materials of a training seminar, November 23-24. 2004 / Russia national Fuck, Virtual. reference service. St. Petersburg, 2004. System. Requirements: PowerPoint. URL: (access date: 03/13/2006).
5 The entire Bogorodsky district: forum // Bogorodsk - Noginsk. Bogorodsk local history: website. Noginsk, 2006. URL: (access date: 02.20.2007).
4 Kremleva S. O. Network communities // PORTALUS.RU: all-Russian. virtual encycl. M., 2005. URL: (access date: 11/11/2005).

Beyond-text links and bibliographic descriptions of web resources are distinguished by several features. According to GOST 7.83-2001 “Interstate standard SIBID. electronic publications, main types and output information" (introduced on January 7, 2002), if the document is presented in the form of an electronic resource, its form is indicated as a general designation of the material in the bibliographic list:

Biblical stories [Electronic resource]: Hermitage collection
At the command of the pike [Electronic resource]: [rus. adv. fairy tale]

Title information is preceded by a colon:

Informatics [Electronic resource]: Internet textbook

The general designation of the material is given immediately after the main title with a capital letter in square brackets. The words in the general designation of the material are not abbreviated:

Letters to Emissia Offline [Electronic resource]: electronic. scientific-pedagogical magazine
Accountant of the enterprise [Electronic resource]: BP: practical. magazine

The liability statements are as follows:

Bulletin of the University [Electronic resource] / State. University of Ex.

An example of the design of textual links to web resources and electronic sources in a bibliography:

78. Latchford E. W. With the White Army in Siberia [Electronic resource] // Eastern front Army of Admiral A.V. Kolchak: [website]. . URL: (access date: 08/23/2007).
25. Chliyants G. Creation of television // QRZ.RU: server for Russian radio amateurs. 2004.
176. Parinov S. I., Lyapunov V. M., Puzyrev R. L. The Socionet system as a platform for the development of scientific information resources and online services // Electronic. b-ki. 2003. T. 6, issue. 1. URL: (date of access: November 25, 2006).
65. Avilova L. I. Development of metal production in the era of early metal (Chalcolithic - Late Bronze Age) [Electronic resource]: state of the problem and prospects for research // Vestn. RFBR. 1997. No. 2. URL: (access date: 09/19/2007).
53. Volkov V. Yu., Volkova L. M. Physical Culture: distance learning course training in GSE 05 “Phys. Culture" / St. Petersburg. state Polytechnic University, Interuniversity. center for physics culture. St. Petersburg, 2003. Access from local network Foundation. b ki SPbSPU. System. Requirements: Power Point. URL: (date of access: 01.11.2003).
114. Economic growth // New Russia: [bibliogr. decree] / compiled by: B. Berkhina, O. Kokovkina, S. Kann; Department of State Public Scientific and Technical Library SB RAS. Novosibirsk, . Update date: 03/06/2007. URL: (access date: 03/22/2007).
46. ​​Investments will remain raw materials // PROGNOSIS.RU: daily. online edition 2006. 25 Jan. URL: (access date: 03/19/2007).
9. Housing law: current issues of legislation: electronic. magazine 2007. No. 1. URL: (access date: 08/20/2007).

At the same time, you need to understand that along with scientific, peer-reviewed Internet publications, there are (millions of them) web resources of dubious reputation. Therefore, you need to be very careful when using materials from websites and not take them as the ultimate truth. In addition, the abundant use of web resources in the dissertation creates the opinion among readers (reviewers, opponents, expert commissions and members of the dissertation council) that more than half of the dissertation work is copy-paste from the Internet. Therefore, it is better to avoid the massive use of web resources in a dissertation and turn to traditional academic publications published in a printed manner.

Digital Object Identifier - DOI

Digital object identifier - digital object identifier, DOI , Digital Identifier of an Object- standard for designating information about an object presented on the network (usually, but not necessarily, about an electronic document or digital object) GOST R ISO 26324-2015. The information contained in the DOI of an electronic document contains an indicator of its location (for example, URL), its name (title), other object identifiers (for example, ISBN for an electronic image of a book) and an associated set of data describing it (metadata) in a structured and expandable form. There are also digital “DOI copies” of documents that have never been published anywhere before and were originally in digital form.

DOI is accepted in the English-speaking scientific community for the exchange of data between scientists. Essentially, a DOI is a path to a document in a common information-virtual space (usually on the Internet) to obtain the necessary information.

A digital entity identifier is a unique string of letters and numbers consisting of two parts: a prefix and a suffix. For example, 10.1000/182,
10.1000 - prefix, or publisher identifier, composed of the identifier attribute (10) and a string indicating the publisher (1000);
182 is a suffix, an object identifier, indicating a specific object.

Publisher prefixes are distributed by DOI Registration Agencies such as CrossRef and DataCite. The suffix is ​​generated by the publisher and must be unique to that publisher. A digital object identifier can combine existing identifiers such as ISBN, International Standard Serial Number or SICI. The digital object identifier is case-insensitive.

Along with this read:

Links are made both to electronic resources as a whole (electronic documents, databases, portals, websites, web pages, etc.) and to components of electronic resources (sections and parts of electronic documents, portals, websites, publications in electronic serial publications, messages).
If links to electronic resources are included in an array of links containing information about documents various types, then in references, as a rule, the general designation of the material is indicated with the words Electronic resource, enclosed in square brackets.
After basic information about the electronic resource (author, title, place and year of publication, etc.), the note may indicate in the following sequence:
- system requirements when access to an electronic resource requires special software, for example, Power Point;
- information about restrictions on accessibility, if electronic resources are from local networks, as well as full-text databases, access to which must be paid on a contractual basis or by subscription;
- date of update of the document or date of revision of the electronic resource, if indicated;
- a note about the access mode, may be replaced by the abbreviation URL (Uniform Resource Locator unified resource locator);
- information about the access protocol to the network resource (ftp, http, etc.);
- email address in uniform resource locator format;
- date of circulation is indicated in parentheses after the colon and includes the day, month and year.
For example:

Encyclopedia of Russian Legislation [Electronic resource]: for students, graduate students and law teachers. and econ. specialties: special issue reference legal system Garant. Region // Guarantor. Electron. Dan. M., 2001. Issue. 3. 1 CD-ROM.

Beglik A. G. Review of the main projects of foreign reference services: [Electronic resource]: program. support and technologist approaches // Using Internet technologies in reference services for remote users: materials of a training seminar, November 2324. 2004 St. Petersburg, 2004. System. Requirements: PowerPoint. URL: (access date: 03/13/2003).

On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation [Electronic resource]: federation. law of November 27 1992 No. 4015-1: (as amended on July 21, 2005 No. 104-FZ) // ConsultantPlus: reference. legal system. Version Prof. M., 2005. Access from local network Scientific. books Tom. state un-ta.

Economic growth [Electronic resource] // New Russia: [bibliogr. decree] / compiled by: B. Berkhina, O. Kokovkina, S. Kann. Novosibirsk, . URL: (access date: 03/22/2007).

Chliants G. Creation of television [Electronic resource] // ORZ.RU: server for Russian radio amateurs. [B. m.], 2004. URL: (access date: 02.21.2006).

Housing law [Electronic resource]: current issues of legislation: electronic. magazine 2007. No. 1. URL: (access date: 08/20/2007).

Avilova L. I. Development of metal production in the era of early metal (Chalcolithic late Bronze Age): [Electronic resource]: state of the problem and prospects for research // Vestn. RFBR. 1997. No. 2. Electron. print version publ. URL: (access date: 09/19/2007).

Bibliography- component bibliographic apparatus, which contains a bibliographic description of the sources used and is placed at the end of the scientific work.

  • list of used literature;
  • list of used sources and literature;
  • bibliography;
  • bibliography

List structure

Alphabetical arrangement

Descriptions of books and articles are given in alphabetical order of authors and titles (if the author is not indicated); works by one author are arranged in alphabetical order of title.

Chronological order

Allows you to present the material in the chronology of events (in historical works) or by year of publication of works, when it is necessary to show the history of a science or issue. Within each year, the works are arranged in alphabetical order.

Systematic arrangement

Documents are grouped according to individual topics and issues in their logical subordination. Within a topic, the arrangement is alphabetical or chronological.

Arrangement of material by chapters of work

At the beginning of the list, general literature is indicated, and then literature related to individual chapters. Within the chapter - in alphabetical or chronological order.

Regardless of the chosen grouping method, as a rule, place at the beginning of the list official documents(laws, regulations, decrees, etc.), which are ranked by legal force. Location within documents of equal legal force - by date of adoption, in reverse chronology:

1. International regulations

2. Constitution

3. Federal constitutional laws

4. Rulings of the Constitutional Court

6. Federal laws

8. Presidential Decrees

9. Acts of the Government

a) regulations

b) orders

10. Acts of the Supreme and Supreme Arbitration Court

11. Regulatory acts ministries and departments

a) regulations

b) orders

c) orders

d) letters

12. Regional regulations (in the same order as Russian ones)

14. SNiPs, joint ventures, ENIRs, technical specifications, etc.

Following the specified documents, all other literature is located: books, articles in alphabetical order and electronic publications.

Bibliographic description

Elements of a bibliographic description are given in a strictly established sequence and are separated from each other by conventional dividing marks. Before and after the symbols there is a space of one printed character. The exceptions are (.) and (,). In this case, spaces are used only after them.

Book description outline:

Heading (Full name of the author).Title proper: information related to the title (textbooks, teaching aids, reference books, etc.)/ information about responsibility (authors, compilers, editors, etc.). – Reissue Information (2nd ed., revised and supplemented). – Place of publication (city): Publisher, year of publication. - Volume (number of pages).

Examples of bibliographic descriptions

(for reference lists)

Books under the name of the author(s)

Fedorov, D. I. Effective use of a rotary plow with elliptical blades for basic soil cultivation. Theory and experiment: monograph / D. I. Fedorov. - Cheboksary: ​​Polytechnic, 2019. - 159 p.

Gorelov, A. A. Fundamentals of sociology and political science / A. A. Gorelov. – 4th ed., erased. – Moscow: Flinta, 2018. – 417 p. – URL:

Petrova, I. V. Construction work: textbook / I. V. Petrova, N. G. Mamaev. - Cheboksary: ​​Chuvash Publishing House state university, 2015.- 212 p.

Lukyanov, V.V. Criminal law of Russia. General part: textbook / V. V. Lukyanov, V. S. Prokhorov; edited by V.V. Lukyanov. - St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University, 2018. - 628 pp. - URL: (access date: 10/23/2019). – Text: electronic.

Vladimirov, V.V. Application of innovative agro-reclamation materials: best practices and economic assessment: monograph / V. V. Vladimirov, I. P. Stukanova, A. V. Agafonov. - Cheboksary: ​​Polytechnic, 2019. - 116 p.

Borzova, L. D. Fundamentals of general chemistry: textbook / L. D. Borzova, N. Yu. Chernikova, V. V. Yakushev. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2014. - 480 pp. - URL: (date of access: 10.23.2019). - Text: electronic.

Books titled

The description begins with the title of the book if it was written by four or more authors.

Design of metal-cutting tools: textbook / G. A. Meletyev, A. G. Skhirtladze, V. E. Shebashev, L. N. Shobanov. - Stary Oskol: TNT, 2019. - 388 p.

SAPPHIRE 3D: tutorial / V.V. Boychenko, D.V. Medvedenko, O.I. Palienko, A.A. Shut. – Kyiv, 2017.- 130 p.- URL: (access date: 10/07/2019). – Text: electronic.

If there is information about five or more authors, give the names of the first three and the abbreviation “[et al.]” in square brackets.

Technology of post-harvest processing, storage and pre-sale preparation of crop products: textbook / V. I. Manzhesov, I. A. Popov, I. V. Maksimov [etc.]; under the general editorship of V. I. Manzhesov. – 2nd ed., erased. – St. Petersburg: Lan, 2018. – 624 p.

Control innovation activities: textbook / T.A. Iskanderova, N.A. Kamenskikh, D.V. Kuznetsov [and others]; edited by T. A. Iskanderova. – Moscow: Prometheus, 2018. – 354 p. – URL: (access date: 10/23/2019). – Text: electronic.


Innovation in educational process: collection of proceedings of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 155th anniversary of the birth of A. N. Krylov. Vol. 16 / Cheboksary Institute (branch) of Moscow Polytechnic University - Cheboksary: ​​Polytechnic, 2018.- 215 p.

Innovations in the educational process: collection of proceedings of a scientific and practical conference. Vol. 17 / Cheboksary Institute (branch) of Moscow Polytechnic University. – Cheboksary: ​​Polytech, 2019.- 232 p. – URL: (access date: 10/07/2019). – Text: electronic.


Volkov, O. G. Project activities: guidelines to complete a course project for students preparing 03/08/01 “Construction” / O. G. Volkov. - Cheboksary: ​​Polytechnic, 2017. - 28 p.

Fedorov, D. I. Working processes of internal combustion engines: guidelines for completing a course project for students of the specialty 05.23.01 "Land transport and technological means" / D. I. Fedorov, P. A. Tabakov. - Cheboksary: ​​Polytechnic, 2017. - 80 p. – URL: (access date: 10/07/2019). – Text: electronic.

Compiled by

The initials and surnames of one or two compilers are given behind a slash.

If there is information about three or more compilers, provide the initials and surname of the first compiler and the abbreviation “[et al.]” in square brackets.

Pricing and estimating in construction: guidelines for implementation course work/ compiled by I. V. Petrova and O. B. Rakhmatullina. - Cheboksary: ​​Chi (f) MPU, 2017. - 28 p.

Fundamentals of organization and management in construction: guidelines for practical classes for students of all forms of study in the direction 08.03.01 “Construction” and 08.05.01 “Construction of unique buildings and structures” / compiled by: V. F. Bogdanov [et al.]. – Cheboksary: ​​Chi (f) MPU, 2017.- 52 p. – URL: (access date: 10/07/2019). – Text: electronic.


Volkov, A. A. Urban Health: a new level of development of a “smart city” / A. A. Volkov // Industrial and civil Engineering. – 2019. – No. 9. – P. 6–11.

Nedelko, A. Yu. Consumer orientation towards healthy eating: review of the literature and development of a model for coordinating the interests of market participants / A. Yu. Nedelko, O. A. Tretyak // Russian Journal of Management. – 2019. – T. 17, No. 2. – P. 203–232.

Rostovtseva, L. I. Patriotic education through the eyes of experts and schoolchildren / L. I. Rostovtseva, M. L. Gelfond, E. Yu. Miroshina // Sotsis. – 2019. – No. 8. – P. 75–83.

Work on cutting anchors based on carbon fibers with external reinforcement / O. A. Simakov, S. A. Zenin, O. V. Kudinov, P. V. Osipov // Industrial and civil construction. - 2019. - No. 9. - pp. 59–64.

Assessing the influence of the eccentricity of the longitudinal force on the load-bearing capacity of compressed reinforced concrete elements / M. G. Plyusnin, V. I. Morozov, V. M. Popov [etc.] // Industrial and Civil Construction. - 2019. - No. 6. - pp. 29–34.

Article from the collection

Sergeeva, O. Yu. Contribution of Academician A. N. Krylov to the system of engineering education / O. Yu. Sergeeva // Innovations in the educational process: collection of proceedings of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 155th anniversary of the birth of A. N. Krylov . – Cheboksary, 2018.- Issue. 16. - pp. 22–24.

Regulatory acts

Housing Code of the Russian Federation: Federal Law No. 188-FZ: [adopted State Duma December 29, 2004]: (with amendments and additions). – Access from the legal reference system Garant. – Text: electronic.

Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Official text: the text of the Code is as of September 23, 2013 - Moscow: Omega-L, 2013. - 193 p.

About the general principles of organization local government in the Russian Federation: Federal Law No. 131-FZ: [adopted by the State Duma on September 16, 2003]. – Moscow: Prospekt; St. Petersburg: Codex, 2017. – 158 p.

On accounting: Federal Law No. 402-FZ // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. – 2011. – No. 50. – P. 18331–18347.

On labor veterans of the Chuvash Republic: Law of the Chuvash Republic No. 90 of December 31, 2015: (as amended on December 20, 2016). – Access from the legal reference system ConsultantPlus. – Text: electronic.


Patent 2525776. Russian Federation, IPC F03B17/06. Run-of-river microhydroelectric power station: No. 2013118497/06: application. 04/22/2013: publ. 08/20/2014 / A. G. Vasiliev, F. T. Denisov, V. P. Maziarov. - 4 p.

GOST standards

GOST 24291–90. Electrical part of the power plant and electrical network. Terms and definitions: approved and put into effect by the Resolution State Committee USSR on product quality management and standards dated December 27, 1990 N 3403: date of introduction 1992-01-01. – URL: (access date: 10/24/2019). –Text: electronic.

Internet Resources

Russian history, The World History: website. – URL: (access date: 10/15/2019). – Text: electronic.

Krylatykh E. Prospects for the development of world agriculture until 2050: opportunities, threats, priorities / E. Krylatykh, S. Strokov - Text: electronic // Daily Agrarian Review: Internet portal. – URL: (date of access: 06/25/2019).

Akmaeva, R.I. Management: textbook / R.I. Akmaeva, N.Sh. Epifanova, A.P. Lunev. – Moscow: Direct-Media, 2018. – 442 p. – URL: (access date: 10/16/2019). – Text: electronic.

Bibliographical references

Bibliographic link - a set of bibliographic information about another document cited, considered or mentioned in the text of a document. A bibliographic reference is part of the reference apparatus of a document and serves as a source of bibliographic information about documents - objects of reference.

Based on their location in the document, bibliographic references are distinguished:

In-text links . An in-text bibliographic reference contains information about the reference object that is not included in the text of the document. An in-text link is enclosed in parentheses. For example: (Economics of machine-building production / Zaitsev V. A. [et al.]. - M.: MGIU Publishing House, 2007). After using a reference, quotation, etc., only the imprint and page number are indicated in parentheses. For example: Culture Western Europe in the era of the Early and Classical Middle Ages is discussed in detail in the book “Culturology. History of world culture”, ed. A. N. Markova (M., 1998).

Subscript links located at the end of each page. In this case, asterisks or numbers are used to link to the text. For example: In the text: The monuments that have reached us are most often represented by chronicle vaults*

In footnote: ____________

* Culturology. History of world culture. M., 1998. ° C. 199. or

* Culturology. History of world culture. - M., 1998. - P. 199.

Repetitive information . If the information in repeated bibliographic records coincides, then in the 2nd and last records they are replaced with the words “The same”, “Ibid”.

Beyond text links are drawn up as a list of bibliographic records placed after the text of the document or its component part. The connection between the bibliographic list and the text can be carried out by the numbers of entries in the list. Such numbers in the text of the work are enclosed in square brackets, and the pages where the quotation is located are indicated, separated by commas. The numbers in them indicate under which number you should look in the bibliographic list required document. For example:

The bibliographic apparatus of works is drawn up according to the rules established by the following GOSTs:

The reference section contains a description of the rules that were in effect in the log " Psychological research"until April 1, 2012, GOST allows for a certain variability in the design of the list; in other journals there may be some differences from the rules of the PI journal. For example, there may be a requirement to separate parts of the description with a dash; the sign No. etc is usually used. Please keep this in mind At the end of the section there are examples of bibliographic descriptions.


The list is given in alphabetical order after the text of the article. The items are not numbered and are separated by an empty line (by additionally pressing the Enter button). Authors' names or titles works are highlighted in italics.

Links in the Russian version of the article are given in the original language. First - sources in Cyrillic (in Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian, etc.), then - in Latin (in English, French, etc.). The description rules are the same for all sources, domestic and foreign.

If there are several works by the same author (authors), the links are arranged by year in ascending order, from earlier works to more recent ones. Works of one author (authors) and one year are marked in alphabetical order with a Latin letter for the year of publication, without a space after the year: 2007b. In this case, references in the text also contain a letter when indicating the year [Ivanov, 2007b].

There is no dash between parts of the description in bibliographic references (this is allowed by GOST R 7.0.5-2008). All links must be formatted uniformly: only with a dot, without a dash between parts of the description.

The symbols # and & are not used; the number is indicated in lat. the letter N without a dot after it; see below Abbreviations in bibliographic descriptions.

A double slash separates the description of the larger document whose fragment is being referenced. There is no dot before the double slash //. Spaces before and after // are required.

Be sure to indicate

  • For books: name of the author(s), title of the work, place of publication, publisher and year of publication.
  • For collective monographs and collections: the name of the editor (names of reactors) is added.
  • For articles, etc.: author's name, title of work // source, year of publication, volume - number (issue, part, etc.), page range.
    When specifying a range of pages, an en dash (not a hyphen) is placed between the numbers, and there are no spaces.
  • For translation works: the language from which the translation was made. We recommend indicating the name of the translator.

Beginning of description: names of authors or title of work

The names of all authors, regardless of their number, are indicated at the beginning of the description (there is no comma after the surname, initials - without spaces between them: Ivanov A.A., Ivanov A.A.). If the names of the authors are not listed (for example, only the editor is listed), the description begins with titles work.

  • Clinical psychology: per. with him. / ed. M. Perret, W. Baumann. 2nd international ed. M. et al.: Peter, 2007. [Spaces before and after / are required.]

All the features of the spelling of names are preserved: Ariès, Børglum, Büchner, Janáč, Längle etc.

In foreign sources, editors are usually indicated before the title of the work (with the mark (Ed.). or (Eds.). - in English). This order should be maintained.

  • Runco M.A., Albert R.S.(Eds.). Theories of creativity. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1990.
  • Baumann U., Perrez M.(Hrsg.). Klinische Psychologie - Psychotherapy. 2. Aufl. Bern: Huber, 1998.
    Nouns in German Language(but: only in German) must be written with a capital letter.

Names of foreign authors

The surnames of foreign authors in the Russian version of the list of references, after being written in Cyrillic, are indicated in the original spelling (if the original name is in Latin) or in the commonly used Latin transcription (for example, the names of Japanese authors), in square brackets. In the English version, only the original (commonly used) names of foreign authors are preserved.

  • Heckhausen H. Motivation and activity: in 2 vols.: trans. with him. M.: Pedagogy, 1986.
  • Heckhausen H. Motivatsiya i deyatel "nost": v 2 t.: per. s nem. M.: Pedagogika, 1986.

Document fragment: article in the book...

If a fragment of a larger document is described and there is an indication of a specific issue, volume, part, etc., then they follow after the year of publication. At the end of the description there is a range of pages.

  • Ivanov I.I. Title of work // Psychological aspects: collection. Art.: at 2 o'clock. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg Publishing House. Univ., 2007. Part 1. pp. 215-228.

Journal article

When describing an article from a journal, first indicate year with a dot after him. Then - volume, and through comma number(issue, etc.), after the number (issue) - dot. Then - page range. Numbers here and everywhere are preceded by a space.

Name of the magazine. 2001. T. 5, issue. 7. pp. 11-23.
Journal Title. 2007. Vol. 5(7). P. 21-54.

For foreign sources, we highly recommend sample Vol. 5(7), without a space before the bracket. It is not acceptable to mix volume number and issue number. Descriptions are available on the journals' websites. The issue number is indicated in parentheses after the volume number, without spaces.

  • Osnitsky A.K. Problems of research of subject activity // Questions of psychology. 1996. N 1. P. 5-19.
  • Pison G., D"Addato A.V.. Frequency of twin births in developed countries // Twin Research and Human Genetics. 2006. Vol. 9(2). P. 250-259.

In the title of the journal, a colon is placed after the word “Series” (Series: Psychology). If a journal series has a number, its title is given after a comma: Series 12, Psychology. Sociology. Pedagogy. The series number is indicated in Arabic numerals: Series 10, Differential psychology.

Double magazine numbers are indicated using a slash (not a dash) without spaces: N 1/2.

Type of document: dissertation, collection of articles...

The type of document (dissertation, conference materials, encyclical, collection of articles, selected works, etc.) is placed after the title, separated by a colon. There is no space before the colon. One word is not abbreviated (“reference book”, but “reference book”; “textbook”, but “textbook for universities”).

  • Description of the dissertation, dissertation abstract
    Ivanov A.A. Title of the work: abstract. dis. ... Dr. Psy. Sci. M., 2005.
    Sidorov B.B. Title of work: dis. ...cand. psychol. Sci. Tver, 2005.

    There is a space before and after the ellipsis. The city in which the dissertation was defended is indicated, and not the place where the abstract was printed. The description of the dissertation does not contain the name of the publisher, since it is a manuscript. It may also be omitted when describing abstracts.

  • Collections of conference materials
    Indicate the editor(s), as well as the place and date of the conference. (after a comma or in parentheses - as indicated in the output), for example:
    Psychology of the 21st century: materials of international. scientific Conf., St. Petersburg, May 10-12, 2011 / rep. ed. A.A. Ivanov. St. Petersburg: Publishing house Publishing house of St. Petersburg. University, 2011.

Translated from another language

Information that the publication is a translation from another language (in the absence of the translator’s surname; for indicating names, see below) is indicated after the type of document (or immediately after the title, if the type is not reflected), separated by a colon.

  • Azhezh K.

Names of editors, translators, names of institutions...

The names of compilers, editors, translators, names of institutions and other information about responsibility are indicated after the slash, before and after / there is a space. Groups of similar information are separated by semicolons.

If there are three or more translators and/or editors, the surname of the first translator and/or editor is indicated with the addition of the words “etc.”; You can give the names of everyone.

  • Ekman P. Psychology of lies / scientific. ed. V.V.Znakov; lane from English N. Isupova and others. St. Petersburg. and others: Peter, 2008. [The translator's last name is indicated after the slash in the information about responsibility.]

Publication information

Information about the publication (what it is, standard, corrected, supplemented, reprinted from another publication, etc.), if available, is given after the information about responsibility, separated from it by a dot. For example:

  • Maslow A.


After the place of publication (the city where the document was published), the name of the publishing house is given through a colon (see examples of names below). If necessary, indicate two or more places of publication, they are separated by a semicolon. If there are three or more places of publication/publishing houses, you can describe one - the one highlighted on the title or the first one, replacing the omitted one with the words “etc.”

  • M.; Novosibirsk: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1950.
  • Paris; London; New York: Harvard University Press, 2001.
  • St. Petersburg etc. (three or more places of publication)
  • M.; St. Petersburg: Peter and others (three or more publishers)

The names of only three cities are abbreviated: M., St. Petersburg, N. Novgorod. All other places of publication are indicated in full.

The names of multiple publishers are separated by a colon.

  • Myers D.J. Social psychology: intensive. well. 3rd international ed. St. Petersburg: Prime Eurosign: Neva; M.: Olma-Press, 2000. [City and two publishing houses separated by a colon - semicolon - second city and publishing house.]

If it is impossible to determine the place of publication, then the abbreviation [B.m.] (without place) or (sine loco) for documents in Latin is given in square brackets.

If there is no information about the publisher, the words [b.i.] (without publisher) or (sine nomine) are given in square brackets.

If the source does not indicate the year of publication, the abbreviation [b.g.] (without year) or (sine anno) is given in square brackets. The references in the text look like this: [Ivanov, b.g.]; .

Names of some publishers

The words “Publishing House”, “Publishing/Book Center/House”, “LLC”, “NPO”, Ltd, Inc, GmbH, etc. are omitted in the bibliographic description.

Right Wrong

The publishing house has its own name
Academy Publishing center "Academy"
Aspect Press Aspect-Press
Editorial URSS Editorial URSS
[Publisher name:
Institute of Psychology Russian Academy sciences]
Publishing house "Institute of Psychology RAS"
Cogito Center Cogito Center
Samar. university
[Publisher name:
Samara University;
until 1997: Samar Publishing House. university]
SSU Publishing House

Publishing house of whom/what
Leningrad: Publishing house Leningr. university L.: Leningrad State University
M.: Publishing house of the Institute of Practical Sciences. psychology M.: IPP
M.: Publishing house Mosk. psychol.-social institute M.: MPSI
M.: Publishing house Mosk. university M.: MSU
Perm: Perm Publishing House. state ped. university Perm: PGPU
SPb.: Publishing house St. Petersburg. university St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University
SPb.: Ivan Limbach SPb.: Publishing house. Ivan Limbach
St. Petersburg: Mikhailov V.A. St. Petersburg: Publishing house of Mikhailov V.A.

Abbreviations in bibliographies

Abbreviations for the title proper of works are not used. In other parts of the description, GOST 7.11, GOST 7.12 should be followed, for example:

Russian language links English speaking
And etc. et al.
No. = N № = N (without a dot after the letter)
Tom = T. Volum = Vol. (with a dot at the end)
Issue = Issue Issue = Issue
Page = S. Page = P. (with a dot after the letter)
In 3 volumes (etc.) = 3 volumes. In 3 vols.
Editor/s = Ed.
Edition = Ed.
Editor/s = Ed./Eds.
Edition = Ed.
Translation = Translation Translation = Transl.

Links to electronic resources

Digital ID doi

Electronic publications that international organization The International DOI Foundation ( has assigned a Digital Object Identifier, or doi, and is described similarly to printed publications, with the doi indicated without a period after it. In this case, the URL is not provided because doi allows an object to be uniquely identified in databases, unlike a network address, which can change.

  • D"Addato A.V.

Publications without doi

The designation of materials for electronic resources should be indicated [Electronic resource]. Email address And date of application They always lead to a document on the Internet. The date the document was accessed is the date when the person making the link opened this document and this document was accessible (format: day-month-year =

  • Dal V.I.
  • Belous N.A.

According to the information on the main page of the site/portal, the following is given: the name and description of the resource, if indicated - the place and year of publication.

  • Lapichkova V.P. Standardization of library processes. Experience of the National Library of the Republic of Karelia [Electronic resource] // information and reference portal. M., 2005-2007. URL: (access date: 12/24/2007).

The notes provide the information necessary to search and characterize the technical specifications of the electronic resource. The information is provided in the following sequence: system requirements, information about accessibility restrictions, date of update of the document or part of it, email address, date of access to the document.

Information about access restrictions is provided if access to a document is possible, for example, from a specific location (local network, organization for which access is open), only for registered users, etc. In this case, the description indicates: “Access from …”, “Access for registered users,” etc. If access is free, then nothing is indicated in the information.

System requirements are given when special software is needed to access a document, for example Adobe Acrobat Reader, Power Point, etc.

Electronic publications often have a date included in the description. The year comes first, then the date and month.

  • Panasyuk A.Yu. Image: definition of the central concept in imageology [Electronic resource] // Academy of Imageology. 2004. March 26. URL: (access date: 04/17/2008).

The date of update of the document or its part is indicated if it is recorded on the website. If the update date cannot be set, then nothing is indicated.

  • General resources on linguistics and philology: Igor Garshin’s website. [Electronic resource]. 2002. Update date: 10/05/2008. URL: (access date: 10/05/2008).

You should not link to electronic resources that violate copyright.

Examples of formatting bibliographic references according to GOST R 7.0.5-2008

According to GOST-2008, it is allowed not to use a dash between areas of a bibliographic description. All links must be formalized uniform: only with a dot, without a dash between parts of the description.

Abolin L.M. Psychological mechanisms of human emotional stability. Kazan: Kazan Publishing House. University, 1987. [Not "Kazan: KSU".]

Azhezh K. Man speaking: the contribution of linguistics to the humanities: trans. from fr. Ed. 2nd, erased M.: Editorial URSS, 2006. [The translator's last name is not indicated; indication of translation - after the colon; indication of the translator's surname - see paragraph “Ekman” below.]

Andreeva G.M. Social psychology: textbook. 5th ed., rev. and additional M.: Aspect Press, 2006. [Not Aspect-Press.]

Antonova N.A. Strategies and tactics of pedagogical discourse // Problems of speech communication: interuniversity. Sat. scientific tr. / ed. M.A. Kormilitsyna, O.B. Sirotinina. Saratov: Publishing house Sarat. University, 2007. Issue. 7. pp. 230-236. ["under. ed." - lower case; the names of editors, translators, etc. are indicated after a slash; if there are more than two: A.A. Ivanov and others; you can specify everyone. Page range - no spaces around dashes.]

Anufriev A.F., Kostromina S.N. Solving diagnostic problems practical psychologist in the education system // Questions of psychology. 2000. N 6. P. 26-37. [The number symbol (№) is not used, replaced by the letter N without a period after it.]

Bart R. Linguistics of the text: trans. from English // New in foreign linguistics. M.: Progress, 1978. Issue. VIII: Text linguistics. pp. 442-449. [The original spelling of the name of the foreign author must be provided. The release title can be omitted. The translator's last name is not indicated; indication of translation - after the colon; indication of the translator's surname - see paragraph “Ekman” below.]

Belyanin V.P. Psycholinguistics: textbook. 3rd ed., rev. M.: Flint: Publishing house Mosk. psychol.-social Institute, 2005. [Not “M.: MPSI.”]

Berger P., Luckman T. Social construction of reality: Treatise on the sociology of knowledge: trans. from English M.: Medium, 1995. [The original spelling of the names of foreign authors is required. The translator's last name is not indicated; indication of translation - after the colon; indication of the translator's surname - see paragraph “Ekman” below.]

Braslavsky P.I., Danilov S.Yu. Internet as a means of inculturation and acculturation // Mutual understanding in the dialogue of cultures: conditions for success: in 2 hours / under general. ed. L.I. Grishaeva, M.K. Popova. Voronezh: Voronezh Publishing House. Univ., 2004. Part 1. pp. 215-228. [Not “Voronezh: VGU”; "under the general ed." - lower case.]

Kuftyak E.V. Adaptation of the “Marital Coping” questionnaire // Bulletin of St. Petersburg University. Episode 12, Psychology. Sociology. Pedagogy. 2009. Part 1, issue. 3. pp. 246-253. [After the series number there is a comma; For more information about magazine series, see above. After the part number there is a comma, then the issue number etc.]

Myers D.J. Social psychology: trans. from English 3rd international ed. St. Petersburg: Prime Eurosign: Neva; M.: Olma-Press, 2000. [City: Publisher - semicolon - Other city: Other publisher.]

Maslow A. Motivation and personality: trans. from English 3rd ed. St. Petersburg and others: Peter, 2008. [The translator's last name is not indicated, the indication of translation is after the colon; indication of the translator's surname - see paragraph “Ekman” below.]

Mironenko I.A. Modern theories in personality psychology. St. Petersburg: Mikhailov V.A., 2003.

Non-standardized psychodiagnostic methods for studying thinking - ensuring comparability and reliability of data : method. allowance / St. Petersburg. psychoneurol. Institute named after V.M. Bekhtereva. St. Petersburg, 1995. [Collective author is listed after the slash; without the participation of the publisher.]

Piaget J. Egocentric speech: per. from fr. // Jean Piaget: theory, experiments, discussions: collection. Art. / comp. and general editor L.F. Obukhova, G.V. Burmenskaya. M.: Gardariki, 2001. pp. 41-46.

Psychology of individuality : materials II All-Russian. scientific Conf., Moscow, November 12-14. 2008 / ed. A.K. Bolotova. M.: Publishing house of the State University Higher School of Economics, 2008. [Indicate the place and date of the conference, the name of the editor.]

Ptashkin A.A. Title of the article // Psychology of individuality: materials of the II All-Russian. scientific Conf., Moscow, November 12-14. 2008. M.: ID State University Higher School of Economics, 2008. P. 12-15. [Required - page range. Conditional example.]

Terekhin A.T., Budilova E.V. . Network mechanisms of biological regulation // Advances in physiological sciences. 1995. T. 26, N 4. P. 75-97. [Comma after volume number. There is no dot after N.]

Fomina E.V. Functional asymmetry of the brain and human adaptation to extreme sports loads: abstract of thesis. dis. ...Dr.Biol. Sci. Tyumen, 2006.

Shkolovaya M.S. Linguistic and semiotic aspects of identity construction in electronic communication: dis. ...cand. Philol. Sci. Tver, 2005. [Space before and after the ellipsis.]

Ekman P. Psychology of lies / trans. from English N. Isupova and others. St. Petersburg. and others: Peter, 2008. [The translator's last name is indicated after the slash, as are the last names of the editors, etc; indication of translation without the name of the translator - see above.]

Campbell K.J., Collis K.F., Watsn J.M. Visual processing during mathematical problem solving // Educational Studies in Mathematics. 1995. Vol. 28(2). P. 177-194. [It is unacceptable to mix the volume number (Vol.) and issue number (N). We strongly recommend the following version of the description: 28(2). If issues/numbers of one volume have continuous numbering within the volume, it is permissible to indicate only the volume (Vol.). Please check the descriptions on magazine websites. The & symbol is not used. The quotation marks in descriptions in Latin are only “paws”, not “Christmas trees”.]

Hebb D.O. The organization of behavior. New York: Wiley, 1949. [Not “N.Y.”, ​​only three abbreviations are used: M., St. Petersburg, N. Novgorod.]

Links to electronic resources: examples

Indicating doi, according to the rules for describing printed sources

If an electronic publication is assigned a digital identifier doi, the rules for describing printed sources apply. doi is indicated at the end. There is no period after doi. The network address (URL) is not specified.

D"Addato A.V. Secular trends in twinning rates // Journal of Biosocial Science. 2007. Vol. 39(1). P. 147-151. doi:10.1017/s0021932006001337

According to GOST R 7.0.5-2008, indicating the material [Electronic resource], for web resources - URL and date of access

Sources in Russian use the following elements: [Electronic resource], URL, (access date: ...).

Belous N.A. Pragmatic implementation of communicative strategies in conflict discourse [Electronic resource] // World of linguistics and communication: electronic. scientific magazine 2006. N 4. URL: (access date: 12/15/2007).

Bibliographic reference. General requirements and drafting rules [Electronic resource]: official publication. M.: Standartinform, 2008. URL: (access date: 10/05/2008).

Bibliography on social and humanities, 1993-1995 [Electronic resource] / Institute of Science. information by society Sciences (INION). M., 1995. 1 electron. wholesale disk (CD-ROM). [Collective author is indicated after the slash]

Dal V.I. Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language by Vladimir Dahl [Electronic resource]: prepared. according to the 2nd oven ed. 1880-1882 M.: ACT et al.: 1998. 1 electron. wholesale disk (CD-ROM).

Dresher Yu.N. Introduction of information technologies and quality management systems into library and information production [Electronic resource] // Libraries and information resources in modern world science, culture, education and business: 12th international. conf. “Crimea - 2005”, Sudak, June 4-12, 2005. URL: (access date: 12/24/2007).

Panasyuk A.Yu. Image: definition of the central concept in imageology [Electronic resource] // Academy of Imageology. 2004. March 26. URL: (access date: 04/17/2008).

Parpalak R. Communication on the Internet [Electronic resource] // Personal website of Roman Parpalak. 2006. December 10. URL: (access date: 12/26/2006).

Sokolova E.D., Berezin F.B., Barlas T.V. Emotional stress: psychological mechanisms, clinical manifestations, psychotherapy [Electronic resource] // Materia Medica. 1996. N 1(9). pp. 5-25. URL: (access date: 07/23/2008).

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