Kazarin Oleg Viktorovich Crimea arrest. What did O. Kazurin do? Area of ​​scientific interests and scope of scientific activity

On January 20, Crimea celebrates Republic Day. The holiday is dedicated to the date of the 1991 referendum, when more than 93 percent of local residents voted for the re-establishment of the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic as a subject of the USSR and a party to the Union Treaty. In honor of the holiday, the head of the region, Sergei Aksenov, launched the hashtag #CrimeaRussiaForever on social networks. Also, the regional authorities, as a gift to the Crimeans, presented the appointment of two new deputy prime ministers to the Council of Ministers. According to Aksenov’s proposal, the State Council on Tuesday, January 19, approved the chairman of the parliamentary committee on economic, budgetary, financial and tax policy, Vitaly Nakhlupin (the only representative of the Donetsk team that ruled Crimea from 2010 to the position of deputy chairman of the government, on Tuesday, January 19). beginning of 2014) and the head of the department of municipal services of Sevastopol Oleg Kazurin. Lenta.ru understood the ins and outs of resonant castlings.

Farewell "Slavyanka"

People started talking about personnel changes in the Crimean Council of Ministers at the end of last week, when it was reported that Deputy Prime Minister Evgenia Bavykina had written a letter of resignation due to at will. Bavykina, who before moving to the peninsula managed to work as a manager of the governor and government of the Moscow region, as well as the first deputy general director of Slavyanka OJSC (the company was headed at that time by Oleg Belaventsev, the current presidential envoy to the KFO - approx. "Tapes.ru"), oversaw the economic bloc in the republican government. Now her place has been taken by former deputy of the State Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan Vitaly Nakhlupin. As Lenta.ru's interlocutors say, the development of funds provided for by the Federal Target Program (FTP) for the development of the peninsula will fall entirely on him.

Another personnel decision by Aksenov became known on Monday, January 18. Crimean media reported that the head of the municipal services department of the federal city of Sevastopol, Oleg Kazurin, who until December 2014 held the post of head of the Solnechnogorsk branch of the same Slavyanka, will come to the Council of Ministers. Kazurin is the ninth Deputy Prime Minister of the Crimean government; the spheres of housing and communal services, transport and construction fell under his supervision.

“We can say that another redistribution of spheres of influence is underway. It is no secret that Bavykina and Kazurin are protégés of the presidential envoy to the Crimean Federal District Oleg Belaventsev. But let's look at the fruits of the same Kazurin's work. According to many Sevastopol residents, Kazurin completely launched the urban economy in the city. Also, since August 2015, he also supervised the field of architecture and construction. Under him, all illegal developments taking place in historical places and parks of Sevastopol. Work in this regard in the city is “settled”. What exactly is the redistribution? The Federal Target Program is currently more interesting to the head of the Republic of Crimea. Therefore, a castling took place: Belaventsev’s man, Bavykina was removed, and Nakhlupin was put in her place, who will now be fully responsible for the economic bloc. But in exchange for this, under another person, the plenipotentiary representatives introduced the additional position of deputy prime minister for housing and communal services, construction and transport. Already under the auspices of Kazurin, freedom may come for other people close to Belaventsev. Such, for example, as former minister defense of Ukraine Pavel Lebedev, who will now not limit himself to the development of only Sevastopol, but will expand to the scale of the entire peninsula,” believes Crimean social activist Alexander Talipov.

The chairman of Business Russia in Sevastopol, Oleg Nikolaev, also speaks unflatteringly about the activities of the newly appointed deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers. “We must give Kazurin his due: he is a sociable and open person, he never hid from public figures and the population. Oleg Viktorovich and I know each other personally. He recently had to publicly answer for an obvious mistake by his department. The replacement of reliable historical parapets made of Krymbal stone at the monument to Senyavin near Nakhimov Square with unprotected limestone was received ambiguously by Sevastopol residents. There were and still are big problems with garbage disposal. More beaches were handed over a month after the start of the season. Uncovered manholes with bushes sticking out of them after lengthy road repairs. A lot of things happened, but the official left, which means it’s already in the past. We can wish him good luck in Crimea,” the businessman points out the problems.

People in the republic don’t know Kazurin yet, but they hope that he will restore order in the housing and communal services sector. According to Crimean social activist Alexander Yuryev, there are too many failures in this direction in the region. And Housing and Communal Services Minister Alexander Zhdanov, in his opinion, is not coping with the accumulated problems. At the same time, he notes, until January 19, the republic did not have a deputy prime minister in charge of the utility industry. “Whether there will be any sense now is still an open question. If the deputy chairman of the government is in charge of everything, then the question arises: why do we need a minister? With an intelligent minister, there is no need for a deputy prime minister over him. Aksenov now has nine deputies, although five would be enough. Tomorrow some other industries will fail, and what if there will be 11 deputy prime ministers? What's the point of overstaffing like that? With such successes, we will assign a deputy chairman to each minister,” Yuryev believes.

Whose will you be?

However, from a political point of view, the situation with the appointment of Nakhlupin to such a key position in the government is much more interesting. A source close to the Council of Ministers told Lenta.ru what Nakhlupin was remembered for from the moment of his arrival.

Photo: Taras Litvinenko / RIA Novosti

“He appeared on the peninsula in 2010, a couple of months before the elections to the Crimean parliament. And so that Nakhlupin would not look like a complete stranger here, he was appointed director of Crimea Trolleybus for a short time. After spending two months in this position, he was successfully elected to the Supreme Council of the Republic on the lists of the Party of Regions and headed the commission on budgetary and economic policy. This is what the deported Crimean ended up like. It should be recalled that the Makeevka group was in power in Crimea at that time (immigrants from the city of Makeevka - approx. "Tapes.ru") led by Prime Minister Vasily Dzharty. Nakhlupin himself comes from Makeyevka. Behind the scenes, he was called “the one looking after the Donetsk common fund.” He was responsible for the economic block and oversaw enterprises in the construction industry. In particular, the Donetsk-registered Kommuntrans enterprise, which had previously won multimillion-dollar tenders for the construction of roads throughout Ukraine, appeared on the forefront in Crimea. The beginning of active activity of this company in the republic is associated precisely with the arrival of Nakhlupin. Kommuntrans's proposals were recognized as the most economically advantageous, and for several years the company became the beneficiary of tenders held by the Republican Highway Service. After the referendum, the company was re-registered in the Russian legal framework and continued to win tenders and auctions,” says the interlocutor.

The former Deputy Prime Minister of Crimea was sentenced to 11.5 years in prison for bribery, fraud and preparation for it.

Original of this material
© Kommersant.Ru, 06.22.2018, Crimean official was convicted as part of the program, Photo: "Crimea.Realities"

Vadim Nikiforov

Kiev District Court of Simferopol, recognizing the former Deputy Prime Minister of Crimea Oleg Kazurin guilty of taking a bribe and fraud, sentenced him to 11 years and six months in a maximum security colony for assisting one of the companies in obtaining a government contract for the construction of houses in Kerch. Money for them was allocated within the framework of the federal target program (FTP) for the socio-economic development of Crimea until 2020. Oleg Kazurin's defense intends to appeal the verdict.

The court found Oleg Kazurin guilty of receiving a bribe on an especially large scale through an intermediary, money laundering Money and preparation for fraud committed using official position (Article 290, part 6; Article 174.1, part 4, paragraph b; Article 30, part 1; Article 159, part 4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Having sentenced Mr. Kazurin to 11.5 years in prison, the court fined the ex-official 56 million rubles, prohibiting him from holding leadership positions in state and municipal authorities for ten years after his imprisonment.

FSB and Investigative Committee officers detained Oleg Kazurin at Simferopol airport on February 15, 2017, before flying to Moscow. The next day he was arrested by the court and has since been in jail. The investigation established that from August to December 2016, Mr. Kazurin, being the Deputy Prime Minister of Crimea, received 27 million rubles through an intermediary. from one of the construction companies. In return, he contributed to the selection of this developer as the sole supplier when concluding a contract (the bribe was approximately 10% of its amount) for the construction of residential buildings in Kerch. According to Kommersant’s interlocutor in law enforcement agencies, we are talking about two three-story buildings that began to be built in the summer of 2016 for resettlers from Cementnaya Slobodka: their houses ended up in the construction zone Crimean bridge and were subject to demolition.

The fraud was discovered during an audit of the use of budget funds, appointed due to the delay in construction implementation. The facilities were supposed to be completed in November 2016, but then construction was extended until December 15. However, in October, a month and a half before the planned completion date of construction, it turned out that only pits had been dug in place of the houses. The inspection materials were transferred to law enforcement agencies, the construction contractor was replaced, and the houses were completed.

Also during the investigation, other facts were established. Thus, an entrepreneur contacted law enforcement agencies and said that Oleg Kazurin in January 2017 demanded that he purchase and transfer ownership of a Lexus car and non-residential premises in Moscow. In return, he promised to assist the businessman in obtaining two government contracts for the construction of facilities in Crimea. This episode gave rise to accusations of preparation for fraud in the case.

Mr. Kazurin worked as Deputy Prime Minister of Crimea from January 16 to December 30, 2016. He oversaw the implementation of the Federal Target Program for the socio-economic development of Crimea. Before that, he was director of the department of municipal services of Sevastopol under Governor Sergei Menyailo. Before his appointment to Crimea, Mr. Kazurin worked as director of the Solnechnogorsk branch OJSC "Slavyanka" and was considered the creature of the ex-presidential envoy to the Crimean Federal District Oleg Belaventsev(in 2012–2014 he was the general director of Slavyanka OJSC).

The sentence could have been harsher, but when making its decision, the court took into account that Oleg Kazurin is a reserve colonel who participated in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident and has state and departmental awards.

Lawyer Albert Eremeev told Kommersant that the defense intends to appeal the verdict.

Department of Integrated Information Security

Job title

head of department

Academic degree

Senior Researcher, Dr. Tech. sciences

Biographical information

1979-1997 – service in the RF Armed Forces;

1997-1999 – State Technical Commission of Russia (now – FSTEC of Russia);

2001-2003 – State Customs Committee of Russia (now – Federal Customs Service of Russia);

1994-2006 – teaching at MEPhI, MTUCI, MGUIE;

2006-present – ​​IPIB Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov;

2011-present – ​​IINTB RSUH.

Area of ​​scientific interests and scope of scientific activity

Mathematical cryptography, confidential computing.


  • Zapechnikov S.V., Kazarin O.V., Tarasov A.A. Cryptographic means of information security: textbook. manual for academic bachelor's degree / S.V.
  • Zapechnikov, O. V. Kazarin, A. A. Tarasov. - M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2015. – 309 p. – Series: Bachelor. Academic course.
  • Kazarin O.V., Zababurin A.S. Software and hardware for information security. Protection software/ O. V. Kazarin, A. S. Zababurin. - M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2017. – 312 p. – Series: Specialist.
  • Kazarin O.V., Shubinsky I.B. Reliability and safety of software / O. V. Kazarin, I. B. Shubinsky. - M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2017. – 320 p. - Series: Bachelor and Master.
Articles in scientific publications
  • Kazarin O.V. Development of incremental schemes for authentication and ensuring program integrity // Issues of information security. 2012. No. 4. – P. 21 – 26.
  • Kazarin O.V. Contents of models and methods of projective software protection // Bulletin of the Russian State University for the Humanities. Series “Informatics. Data protection. Mathematics". 2012. No. 14. P. 231 – 239.
  • Kazarin O.V. Development of models and methods of proactive defense information systems based on confidential computing // Information security issues. 2013. No. 3. P. 68 – 80.
  • Kazarin O.V., Tarasov A.A. Modern concepts cybersecurity of leading foreign countries // Bulletin of the Russian State University for the Humanities. Series “Informatics. Data protection. Mathematics". 2013. No. 15. P. 58 – 74.
  • Kazarin O.V., Martynov N.R. Methods of protection against the creation of subthreshold channels in electronic signature schemes // Issues of information protection. 2014. No. 1(104). pp. 46 – 51.
  • Kazarin O.V., Sorokin A.D. Interactive identification protocols based on the electronic signature scheme GOST R 34.10-2012 // Issues of information protection. 2014. No. 2(105). pp. 43 – 50.
  • Dordzhiev S.O., Kazarin O.V. Cryptographic primitives: attachments, examples and open problems // Security of information technologies. 2014. No. 1. P. 14 – 21.
  • Kazarin O.V., Martynov N.R. Methods of protection against the creation of subthreshold channels in electronic signature schemes // Issues of information security. 2014. No. 1(104). pp. 46 – 51.
  • Martynov N.R., Kazarin O.V. Subthreshold channels and methods of protection against their creation in interactive identification schemes // Bulletin of the Russian State University for the Humanities. Series “Informatics, Information Security. Mathematics". 2014. No. 11. P. 170 – 177.
  • Kazarin O.V. New signature scheme with on-demand verification based on the electronic signature scheme from the domestic standard GOST R 34.10-2012 // Bulletin of computer and information technologies. 2015. No. 6. P. 43 – 49.
  • Kazarin O.V., Skiba V.Yu. Implementation of practically significant proactively secure computer systems // Information Protection. Insider 2015. No. 2. P. 40 – 43.
  • Kazarin O.V., Sharyapov R.A. Malicious programs of the new generation are one of the significant threats to international information security // Bulletin of the Russian State University for the Humanities. Series “Documentation and archival science. Computer science. Information protection and information security.” 2015. No. 12 (155). pp. 9 – 23.
  • Kazarin O.V., Kondakov S.E., Troitsky I.I. Approaches to quantitative assessment of resource security automated systems// Cybersecurity issues. 2015. No. 2(10). pp. 31 – 35.
  • Kazarin O.V., Repin M.M. Features of risk analysis of confidential information leakage through technical channels when creating radio-electronic equipment // Issues of cybersecurity. 2015. No. 4(12). pp. 62 – 69.
  • Kazarin O.V., Skiba V.Yu., Sharyapov R.A. New types of threats to international information security // Bulletin of the Russian State University for the Humanities. Series “Documentation and archival science. Information protection and information security.” 2016. No. 1(3). pp. 54 – 72.
  • Kazarin O.V. Practical realizable systems of multilateral confidential computing // Information protection. INSIDE. 2016. No. 3. P. 36 – 42.
  • Kazarin O.V. About the possibility of hiding a subscriber's location cellular communications using confidential computing methods // Information security issues. 2016. No. 1. P. 39 – 47.
  • Kazarin O.V., Repin M.M. Model for monitoring the state of information security payment system// Bulletin of the Russian State University for the Humanities. Series “Documentation and archival science. Computer science. Information protection and information security.” 2016. No. 3(5). pp. 81 – 90.
  • Kazarin O.V. Practical realizable systems of multilateral confidential computing // Information protection. INSIDE. 2016. No. 3. P.36 – 42.

In Crimea - another high-profile arrest, this time in the power camp. Oleg Kazurin, who until the end of December 2016 was Deputy Prime Minister in Russian government Sergei Aksenov. The Investigative Committee states that the detainee received a bribe from one of the construction companies in the amount of 27 million rubles. The Krym.Realii correspondent found out the details of this case and found out what really stands behind detention of Kazurin.

The former deputy prime minister of Russian-controlled Crimea was taken into custody on February 14, but this became known only the next day. The press service of the Crimean department of the Investigative Committee reported that a criminal case has been opened against the ex-official under Part 6 of Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of Russia – receiving a bribe through an intermediary on an especially large scale.

From August to December 2016, the suspect received through an intermediary part of the previously agreed bribe amount in the amount of 27 million rubles

Press service of Sledkom

“According to the investigation, from August to December 2016, the suspect received through an intermediary part of the previously agreed bribe amount in the amount of 27 million rubles for facilitating, by virtue of his official position, the selection of one of the construction companies as the only supplier when concluding a contract for the construction of housing in Crimea, as well as general patronage of the company in the execution of this municipal contract,” explained the press service of Sledkom.

The intermediary through whom Kazurin allegedly received the bribe was also detained. His name has not been disclosed. A criminal case was opened against him under the article “mediation in bribery committed on an especially large scale.” The investigators did not place him under arrest - they limited themselves to a written undertaking not to leave the place.

Shadow of Belaventsev

Oleg Kazurin worked as a deputy Sergei Aksenov a little less than a year. He was appointed on January 19, 2016 and dismissed on December 29 of the same year. The Russian-controlled head of Crimea then explained the dismissal of his deputy by saying that he had not completed the tasks assigned to him.

“Our unit, which was supervised by Oleg Viktorovich Kazurin, took almost the last place in terms of spending budget funds. Yesterday I made a decision to fire him, including for systematic failure to fulfill my instructions, failure to fulfill state tasks in terms of quality deadlines and everything else,” Aksenov said.

Kazurin is Russian; he moved to Crimea only in 2014, and here, in fact, he began his bureaucratic career. He has military education and from 1977 to 2004 served in the Russian Armed Forces. In 2005, he went to work for civilian enterprises that carried out orders from the Russian Ministry of Defense. From 2013 to 2014, he was the director of one of the branches of Slavyanka OJSC, known for corruption scandals.

In Simferopol, Kazurin is entrusted with control over the most “tasty” area - infrastructure projects

​At that time, the general director of Slavyanka was Oleg Belaventsev, who in 2014 became one of the main characters"Crimean spring" and was appointed permanent representative of the Russian President in the Crimean Federal District. It was in 2014 that Oleg Kazurin moved to Sevastopol, who was appointed head of the Kremlin-controlled department of municipal services. In January, his career takes off: for several days he becomes deputy governor of Sevastopol, but then he is unexpectedly transferred to Simferopol, where he is appointed Crimean Deputy Prime Minister. Kazurin is entrusted with control over the most “tasty” area - infrastructure projects.

In July 2016, Vladimir Putin liquidates the Crimean federal district. The head of the KFO Belaventsev, Kazurin’s former boss at Slavyanka OJSC, is transferred from Simferopol to Pyatigorsk to lead the North Caucasus District.

According to Sledkom, a month after this, Russian security forces find out that Kazurin entered into a corrupt relationship with one of the construction companies, monitor him for six months and detain him.

Who benefits from it?

Sergei Aksenov stated that he was aware of corruption crimes allegedly committed by his deputy and informed law enforcement agencies about this.

“Mr. Kazurin was fired at the end of last year for failure to fulfill government tasks and his official duties. At the same time, in November I discovered signs of committing a crime under a number of articles of the Criminal Code Russian Federation. The Anti-Corruption Committee was tasked with conducting an audit of a number of areas of Mr. Kazurin’s activities. Most of the materials were transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Investigative Committee, and the Federal Security Service of Russia in November-December,” Aksenov said.

Which company, according to investigators, gave the bribe to the ex-Deputy Prime Minister is not disclosed. Some Crimean media reported that the company in question was KRECH-15, which built houses in Kerch for residents of the Cementnaya Slobodka.

The head of the Clean Coast organization also claims that Kazurin was given a bribe by representatives of this company. Crimea" Vladimir Garnachuk.

The owner of KRECH-15, Crimean businessman Roman Lukichev, is also in a criminal case against another former Crimean official - the ex-head of the Russian administration of Feodosia Dmitry Shchepetkov. According to investigators, the mayor of Feodosia twice extorted a bribe from this businessman. In this case, Roman Lukichev is the main witness. Social activist Vladimir Garnachuk suggests that the authorities are using the Feodosia businessman to provoke “undesirable officials” to commit corruption crimes.

Crimean political scientist, associate professor of TNU named after. Vernadsky Evgenia Goryunova believes that the criminal case against Oleg Kazurin has political overtones.

Only the lazy do not criticize corruption in Crimea, and the detention of such a “big fish” helps solve a number of problems

Evgenia Goryunova

“It’s difficult to say exactly what was the real reason for Kazurin’s resignation, but a criminal case could not have come at a better time for the Crimean authorities. Only the lazy do not criticize corruption in Crimea, and the detention of such a “big fish” helps solve a number of problems,” the expert believes.

According to Goryunova, the benefit of Kazurin’s detention for the Russian authorities in Crimea is obvious: Aksenov allegedly identified a corrupt official, removed him from office, and now law enforcement agencies have taken charge of him.

“This adds advantages to the Crimean prime minister. Secondly, all the miscalculations of the Crimean authorities in the process of developing the Federal Target Program, which Kazurin supervised, can now be safely blamed on him,” the expert believes.

Goryunova is convinced that the opening of the case against Kazurin was not without the approval of Moscow, and the sanction for his prosecution was given there.

Oleg Kazurin himself does not yet have an opinion regarding the accusations against him. It is also unknown whether he will be placed under arrest or left under recognizance not to leave.

Sergei Aksenov has already announced that the case against his former deputy is not the last, and announced new arrests for corruption crimes.

The material uses terminology adopted on the peninsula annexed by Russia

Former Deputy Prime Minister Oleg Kazurin, accused of bribery, was known as an unscrupulous official even during his work in Sevastopol

Former Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Crimea Oleg Kazurin was detained on suspicion of receiving a bribe on an especially large scale. According to the investigation, the official received a bribe in the amount of 27 million rubles in several installments between August and December. His ex-boss, the head of the Republic of Crimea Sergei Aksenov, contributed to the arrest of the bribe-taker.

Oleg Kazurin. Photo: Press service of the Head of the Republic of Crimea

This afternoon a message about the arrest appeared on the official portal of the Investigative Committee of Russia former deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea, but without indicating the name and surname of the suspect. It is not difficult to guess that we are talking about Oleg Kazurin, because it was he who was listed in this position until December 2016.

According to the investigation, Kazurin, through an intermediary, received several “payments” from an unknown construction company from August to December. The official took “payment” for assistance in choosing a single developer when concluding contracts for housing construction on the peninsula. The former Deputy Prime Minister estimated the monopolization of the construction market in Crimea at 27 million rubles.

The high-profile arrest was personally facilitated by the head of the republic, Sergei Aksenov, who admitted that he had caught his ex-subordinate in “dirty games” even before his dismissal.

“In November, I discovered signs of a crime being committed under a number of articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation by Mr. Kazurin. The Anti-Corruption Committee was tasked with conducting an audit of a number of areas of Oleg Kazurin’s activities. Most of the materials were transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Investigative Committee, and the Federal Security Service of Russia back in November-December,” admitted the head of the region.

The materials collected by Aksenov became the reason for the detention of Kazurin, who was fired in December 2016 for failure to fulfill his official duties and state tasks. This is how Sergei Aksenov interpreted his decision to dismiss Deputy Prime Minister at the end of last year.

In addition, the head of the Republic of Crimea noted that this is not the first high-profile arrest in the region in this case - new arrests of those involved in the corruption scheme are coming.

“The process is not over yet. This is not the last arrest. I cannot reveal the secret of the investigation, but I assure you that the situation is under complete control, and this detention is the result of a great deal of joint work between the executive authorities and security forces. The work will continue, no one will escape punishment,” Aksenov assured.

The head of the peninsula also said that it is necessary to fight corruption more efficiently, and has already instructed his subordinates to develop effective ways to combat dishonest officials, but he did not specify which ones. “Explanatory work should motivate people to the fact that the law must be observed. I read part of the speech of the President of the Philippines, who said that he threw one corrupt official out of a helicopter. The method is probably effective, but it is not applicable for us,” said Sergei Aksenov.

Bye investigative committee remains silent, the Crimean media received information from unnamed sources that the same unknown construction company from which Kazarin collected bribes could be the well-known company “KRECH-15” of Roman Lukichev, which was dubbed the Crimean grief a few years ago. The company, which has been operating in Crimea since Ukrainian times, is known primarily for its “ghost projects”, and also for the fact that it has repeatedly managed to fail government orders. According to the publication Argumenty Nedeli-Kerch, the intermediary who transferred the money to Kazurin could have been one of the deputy heads of the Kerch administration responsible for construction.

By the way, the ex-deputy prime minister could never boast of being particularly popular. His first problems arose when he was director of the municipal services department of Sevastopol. It was during his work that Sevastopol residents most actively complained about the work of public utility workers. Representative of Business Russia and member of the All-Russian Popular Front Oleg Nikolaev was surprised by Kazurin’s move from municipal to regional officials. “Of course, it was nice that we were heard and Kazurin no longer works in Sevastopol, but the fact that he essentially went for a promotion was surprising, to put it mildly,” Nikolaev said.

By the way, it was Kazurin’s activities that served as the impetus for 22 thousand Sevastopol residents to turn to Vladimir Putin in the summer of 2015. Then residents of the seaside city complained about a huge number of violations in the work of the administration. The results of the appeal to the president were not long in coming - a state audit revealed 170 violations. As a result, several officials said goodbye to their positions, including Kazurin, who for some reason received a promotion instead of punishment.

The intermediary who handed over the bribe to the official has already been issued a recognizance not to leave, and Kazurin himself has been detained and is giving evidence to investigators. The maximum punishment that an ex-official can expect under Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Receiving a bribe through an intermediary on an especially large scale”) is up to 15 years in prison.

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