Kuyvashev left. The president left him as head of the Sverdlovsk region. United Russia was left without money

The main political question of 2017 is whether Yevgeny Kuyvashev will be allowed to participate in the elections. There are doubts that the current governor Sverdlovsk region will get the most votes when the Kremlin approves the candidacy, practically no one has.

Today the Vedomosti newspaper named the names of the heads of regions who will not be able to serve a new term in September. Among the retirees are Evgeny Kuyvashev and the head Perm region Viktor Basargin, who a few hours after the article was published. In this context, information about the Sverdlovsk governor carries an additional signal. Adding additional intrigue is the rumor that the attack on the five governors through the media was organized by the embassy in the Urals Federal District. Who exactly carried out the “stuffing” or “draining” remains to be sorted out. As does the reliability of the entire list of “heads of the region to be eliminated.”

An anonymous informant from the Portal website at the governor’s residence says that “no one believes in resignation.” The apparatus, according to him, continues to work as before and is preparing to appoint Yevgeny Kuyvashev as acting head of the region - so that he will enter the election race in this advantageous status and ultimately be re-elected in the same position. As the main argument, our source cites the very meeting of Mr. Kuyvashev with President Vladimir Putin, during which the head of state accepted the report of the governor of the Sverdlovsk region without significant complaints, much less public censure. “Which, you see, is strange in the context of the allegedly made decision about the impending resignation,” our insider concludes.

Experts interviewed by the Portal site are not sure that the Presidential Administration has made a final decision on Kuyvashev, and the conversation with Putin only means that he remains in the picture and not necessarily with an eye on his current position. Former boss Information and Analytical Department Alexander Pirogov believes that the intrigue will be resolved at the very last moment.

Alexander Pirogov, political scientist:

Although the chair under Kuyvashev has been shaky for a long time, in a situation where the personnel policy in the country is determined by one person, it is difficult to make clear and precise forecasts. The Kremlin imposes non-universal criteria for survival on regional leaders. It is clear that there are weak governors, and Kuyvashev is one of them, but there is a line beyond which there is a point of no return. In each region this border is drawn in a different place. Kuyvashev's meeting with the president suggests that he will remain in the mix. True, it is not clear in what capacity.

Pirogov names several reasons for the governor’s possible resignation. Kuyvashev was never able to independently extinguish the political crisis, when the regional authorities were openly at odds with the Yekaterinburg mayor’s office. The parties were able to sit down at the negotiating table only in Moscow.

Inter-elite conflicts have not disappeared (for example, the transfer of urban planning powers to the municipal level), they are in dormant mode, and in the event of force majeure it is a powder keg. The Presidential Administration takes note of all this. Rather, the minus is the state of the economy “C” given the current debt load of the Middle Urals.

Alexander Pirogov:

Thus, the Kremlin evaluates governors by whether they are able to independently cope with crisis phenomena. This Sverdlovsk head haven't demonstrated it yet.

A change of power should not be a stress for big business, since, rather, officials are more dependent on entrepreneurs than vice versa. These include taxes and expensive infrastructure projects, another of our interlocutors from business circles lists.

Source Portal website:

In his opinion, Kuyvashev’s resignation, if it suddenly happens, will show the political elite that the head of state is ready to put efficiency in place of loyalty. “If we don’t have a public policy and everything comes down to cheerful reports, then the rumors have no basis. Kuyvashev will continue to pretend that everything is fine with us, and Putin will pretend to believe it,” our source argues.

Alexander Pirogov stipulates that there are many influence groups in the Urals that would like a change of power in the region, but still believes that Kuyvashev will be re-elected. Firstly, some powerful financial and industrial groups are interested in maintaining the current state of affairs; secondly, Kuyvashev has strong ties with his patron, Sergei Sobyanin.

“The Sverdlovsk governor, like Basargin, is within the zone of influence of the Moscow mayor. Formal logic says that it is unlikely that anyone will be able to weaken Sobyanin in two regions at once,” Pirogov emphasized and added that only federal, but not local, elites will be able to influence the situation.

The reshuffle that has occurred in the Perm region may affect career prospects Igor Kholmanskikh. According to Znak.com, Viktor Basargin is being considered for the post of presidential envoy in the Ural federal district. Such an option is quite possible, given the short “bench of reserves” and the practice in which ex-regional heads were looked for new position, if we were not talking about loss of trust.

As for the Perm Territory, Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed the head of the Moscow Department of Economic Policy, Maxim Reshetnikov, as acting governor. His arrival is expected late at night.

President Vladimir Putin accepted the resignation of the governor of the Sverdlovsk region, Evgeny Kuyvashev, and appointed him acting head of the region. United Russia has already promised to support Mr. Kuyvashev in the elections in September. The mayor of Yekaterinburg, Evgeny Roizman, also intends to participate in them, declaring that he has not lost “a single election” in the region. Experts believe that few people outside Yekaterinburg know Evgeniy Roizman, and “the municipal filter will make it possible to organize an inertial scenario” for the campaign.

The presidential decree on the resignation and appointment of Yevgeny Kuyvashev as acting head of the Sverdlovsk region was published yesterday on the Kremlin website. In a statement sent out by the region’s information policy department, Mr. Kuyvashev thanks “the head of state for the trust shown” and promises to “do everything to justify it”: “In the coming years—I consider this my key task—the region should become one of the three leading regions.” . The department clarified that the appointment will not entail the resignation of the government (it is headed by Yevgeny Kuyvashev): it occurs “only after the elections on the day the new governor takes office.”

Evgeny Kuyvashev, who had experience as head of the administrations of Tobolsk, Tyumen and presidential envoy to the Ural Federal District, was confirmed as governor of the Sverdlovsk region in May 2012. At the end of 2016, the “political survival” rating of the St. Petersburg Politics foundation and the Minchenko Consulting holding rated his positions at two points plus out of five. In January 2017, Vladimir Putin held a working meeting with the governor, but since political issues they were not discussed at it, resignations were not ruled out even after that. Nevertheless, the region regarded the meeting in the year of the gubernatorial elections (Mr. Kuyvashev’s powers expired on May 29) as approval to participate in them. According to political scientist Alexander Pirogov, “the anticipation of the decree gave rise to a lot of doubts” among the “regional managerial elite,” but now it “received an unconditional signal that Kuyvashev is the one supported by the Kremlin.” Let us recall that Kommersant's sources in the presidential administration stated in February that the resignation of the head of Karelia, Alexander Khudilainen, was the last in a series of gubernatorial resignations (see Kommersant on February 16).

Candidates for governor of the Sverdlovsk region can only be nominated by parties, the municipal filter is 7.9% (about 130 signatures of municipal deputies and heads). Mr. Kuyvashev will have to go through the United Russia primaries. “The president has spoken, we consider Yevgeny Kuyvashev to be our main candidate,” emphasized the head of the regional executive committee of the party, Alexander Kosintsev.

The leader of the Sverdlovsk branch also announced their intention to participate in the gubernatorial elections." Fair Russia", State Duma deputy Alexander Burkov and the head of Yekaterinburg Evgeny Roizman. Mr. Roizman wrote on his Facebook page yesterday: “I am running for governor of the Sverdlovsk region. I haven’t lost a single election here.”

Political scientist Evgeny Minchenko notes that the decision to appoint Mr. Kuyvashev could have been influenced by the support of Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin (they know each other from working in the Tyumen region), in addition, “a number of large regional players are not in the mood for active political struggle.” At the same time, “the municipal filter will allow us to organize an inertial scenario with weak extras,” the expert believes. According to Mr. Pirogov, now potential “candidates need to either actively engage in their election campaign, or think about whether it’s worth putting forward your candidacy." Political scientist Alexander Kynev says that the Right Russians have lost their position in the region and are unlikely to be able to unite the electorate. The expert calls Evgeniy Roizman a “charismatic politician,” but notes that few people know him outside of Yekaterinburg : “The network of his supporters is urban, and the region is not small.”

Yulia Pozdnyakova, Anastasia Bulatova, Yekaterinburg; Ekaterina Grobman

Let us remind you that earlier in the press there was information that the governors of several Russian regions, including those in the Middle Urals, would be dismissed in the near future.

« Apparently, early resignation is planned in those regions where gubernatorial elections are upcoming. The intrigue is who will be appointed acting head of the region» , says the political scientist. He emphasized that in most cases, most likely there will be no personnel changes, and possible resignations will be of a technical nature before the upcoming elections.

Anatoly Gagarin noted that for Lately Evgeny Kuyvashev’s position, thanks to a number of his initiatives and the alliance achieved between the administration of Yekaterinburg and the regional authorities, has been greatly strengthened. The political scientist believes that at the moment it is Yevgeny Kuyvashev who is the most likely candidate for the post of acting head of the region.

He emphasized that the governor of the Perm region Victor Basargin, a region that is also under close scrutiny from the Kremlin, has already announced that it does not intend to participate in the elections and will resign. Anatoly Gagarin said that the head of the Perm Territory was at the bottom of the rating of governors and made every attempt to correct the situation, but ultimately failed.

In turn, Yevgeny Kuyvashev has not yet officially announced his intention to run for elections, but at the same time he is active in his post. In particular, active steps are being taken to implement the Greater Yekaterinburg project, and a reform of the government of the Sverdlovsk region, which is currently headed directly by the governor, has been carried out, the political scientist notes.

As previously reported, the Vedomosti publication, citing its sources in the Kremlin, reported that in the coming days we should expect the resignation of the heads of five regions of Russia: Karelia, Ryazan, Sverdlovsk, Novgorod and Ivanovo regions. Also under the close attention of the federal authorities are the Perm Territory and Buryatia.

Let us remind you that the governor of the Sverdlovsk region recently met with the President of Russia Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin. After the meeting, Evgeny Kuyvashev published an article “Turning Point” in the Regional Newspaper, which many observers regarded as an application for participation in the upcoming gubernatorial elections in the fall of 2017.

According to experts, Putin would not meet with an outsider governor. This means that Kuyvashev has a chance. Perhaps a decision on his fate will be made based on the results of the implementation of the president’s latest instructions. Thus, by June 1, on behalf of the head of state, the road from Nizhny Tagil to the village of Serebryanka must be repaired. And just on May 29, the governor’s term of office will expire and the time will come to decide who will become the acting, and therefore the main candidate in the upcoming elections of the head of the region.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the early resignation of the governor of the Sverdlovsk region, Evgeny Kuyvashev, and appointed him as acting head of the region until the elections in September 2017. This was reported on Monday, April 17, by the Kremlin press service.

“Accept the resignation of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region Kuyvashev at will", says the text of the presidential decree. It follows from it that Kuyvashev was appointed acting governor of the region until the person taking office elected governor Sverdlovsk region.

Kuyvashev's powers as governor of the Sverdlovsk region expired in May 2017. The gubernatorial elections in the Sverdlovsk region will take place on a single voting day in September 2017.

Evgeniy Kuyvashev is 46 years old. He was deputy head of the Main Directorate of the Federal Bailiff Service for Moscow. Then he headed the administration of Tobolsk and was the mayor of Tyumen. In 2011, Kuyvashev was appointed plenipotentiary representative of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in the Ural Federal District. A week after the inauguration of President Vladimir Putin on May 7, 2012, Kuyvashev was appointed acting head of the Sverdlovsk region, replacing Alexander Misharin at the head of the region.

Two governors have been reappointed, criminal cases have been opened against two

In 2017, Putin already dismissed 10 regional heads. On January 12, he appointed Murat Kumpilov as acting head of Adygea. In this post, Kumpilov replaced Aslan Tkhakushinov, who headed the republic for more than 10 years. In February 2017, the heads of Buryatia (Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn), Karelia (Alexander Khudilainen), Perm Territory (Viktor Basargin), Novgorod Region (Sergey Mitin) and Ryazan Region (Oleg Kovalev) lost their posts. None of them were appointed acting governor.

The head of state noted in February 2017 that “about renewal of the governor’s corps is not a campaign, it is a constant rotation process.”

On April 4, President Putin signed a decree dismissing the head of Udmurtia, Alexander Solovyov. “I decide to remove Alexander Vasilyevich Solovyov from the post of head of the Udmurt Republic due to loss of confidence,” the text of the decree said. Previously investigative committee Russia opened a criminal case against Solovyov on suspicion of receiving bribes worth 140 million rubles from bridge construction contractors.

On April 6, Putin sent into early retirement “at his own request” the head of the Republic of Mari El, Leonid Markelov. The President of Russia appointed ex-deputy plenipotentiary representative in the Volga Federal District, chairman Arbitration Court Moscow region Alexandra Evstifeev acting head of the Republic of Mari El until the September elections. On April 13, it became known that Markelov was detained on suspicion of receiving a bribe of 235 million rubles.


“The Pyankov Case” a year later

What did the “conspiracy against Governor Kuyvashev” lead to?

Exactly a year ago, the Minister for State Property Management of the Sverdlovsk Region, Alexey Pyankov, and his deputy, Artem Bogachev, were detained in Yekaterinburg. They were accused of a scam involving the purchase of a building in preparation for the World Cup. This is not just a high-profile case: most likely, we witnessed an attempt to change power in the Sverdlovsk region, which ended unsuccessfully. The consequence of the arrest of Pyankov, who was part of the close circle of Governor Yevgeny Kuyvashev, should have been the resignation of the head of the region - or even his arrest. However, this did not happen; Kuyvashev managed to outplay his opponents in the hardware game. And yet, the “Pyankov case” became a powerful catalyst for political processes, or, more precisely, it shook up the Sverdlovsk elite so that it is still recovering from the shock. A year later, it is interesting to remember what happened to the main participants in this plot.

Alexey Pyankov. When the minister was handcuffed in April 2016 and then the judge placed him in a pre-trial detention center, it seemed that the official’s fate was predetermined. Resignation, investigation, trial, colony - for last years Such career endings have become commonplace and no longer cause surprise. But from the very beginning, the scenario went wrong: Sverdlovsk Governor Evgeny Kuyvashev did not renounce his protégé, did not immediately dismiss him, and even spoke out in defense of the arrested minister.

After the arrest, Alexey Pyankov, through his lawyers, conveyed information to Evgeny Kuyvashev that the investigators were asking him to testify against the governor himself - it became clear that this was not just “the minister’s business,” but an undermining of the regional leader.

Pyankov did not give the necessary testimony. The case began to lose momentum, and the evidence in the courts turned out to be worse than investigators had hoped. Two months later, on June 28, Alexey Pyankov was released from the pre-trial detention center under house arrest, and on October 24 he was released on bail. Now Pyankov, although still accused, moves freely around the city, communicates with people and with the governor - he appointed him as his adviser. If Pyankov’s guilt is never proven, he will most likely return to the post of Minister for State Property Management.

Denis Pasler. Former Sverdlovsk Prime Minister Denis Pasler may have been one of the main characters in the story of Pyankov’s arrest. Pasler did not appear on stage, but his figure loomed behind the scenes. It was the prime minister who was considered the main contender for the post of governor in the event that Evgeny Kuyvashev had to leave his post early. Large entrepreneurs say that even before Pyankov’s arrest, Pasler discussed possible changes with them and asked for support. When Kuyvashev was told about this, the trust between him and the prime minister disappeared. Pasler’s fate was already decided then, in the spring-summer of 2016, but Yevgeny Kuyvashev waited until the elections to the Legislative Assembly and the State Duma were held and only then abolished the post of prime minister, saying goodbye to Pasler.

Pasler remained unemployed for six months, and in March he became acting general director of the federal company T Plus, his longtime patron Viktor Vekselbeg. On April 4, he was elected chairman of the board of T Plus. Pasler’s position in Vekselberg’s structures will also depend on whether Evgeniy Olkhovik and Boris Vainzikher are released from the pre-trial detention center. The latter’s duties at T Plus are currently performed by Pasler.

Andrey Kozitsyn. The general director of UMMC, as far as is known, became another person who played a role in the events that unfolded in connection with the “Pyankov case.” Some even say that this role was the main one (given the good connections of UMMC with the security forces), but these are only rumors. However, such information, whether it is true or not, exists and affects the relations of the copper company with the regional authorities.

A holy place is never empty: the status of the most politically responsible business in the region is quickly taken up by the Russian Copper Company.

Nevertheless, it was Andrei Kozitsyn (along with other businessmen) who became a mediator and guarantor in negotiations between Evgeny Kuyvashev and Vladimir Tungusov, which began shortly after Pyankov’s arrest.

Vladimir Tungusov. The main political result of the “Pyankov case” is the appointment of the deputy head of the Yekaterinburg administration, the de facto head of the city, Vladimir Tungusov, as the head of the administration of the Sverdlovsk governor. This happened in May 2016, less than a month after Pyankov’s arrest. Thus, the long-term conflict between the city and the region was formally ended. In the first weeks after Pyankov’s arrest, the media, controlled by the Yekaterinburg mayor’s office, added fuel to the fire, worsening the governor’s position. After Tungusov's appointment, the behavior of the press changed.

After the “Pyankov case”, Vladimir Tungusov approached the head of the region

Now, a year later, it increasingly seems that this appointment was a forced measure, which became a compromise option for both leaders. Evgeny Kuyvashev, whose future was in jeopardy due to the arrest of Pyankov, tried to strengthen himself through an alliance with a dangerous rival. Vladimir Tungusov, who could not wait for the governor’s quick resignation, chose to end the difficult confrontation and move to the regional government team. For the Sverdlovsk region, this was a truly historical episode - and the reason for it was the “Pyankov case”.

Now Vladimir Tungusov has become the first vice-governor of the Sverdlovsk region. He was one step away from the first chair in the region.

Ministers of Kuyvashev. Pyankov’s arrest led to the departure of several high-ranking officials from Kuyvashev’s entourage. From the outside it looked almost like panic, a flight from a sinking ship: Pyankov was arrested at the end of April, Health Minister Arkady Belyavsky resigned on May 10, Industry Minister Andrei Misyura resigned on May 18, Deputy Prime Minister Valentin Gripas resigned on May 23, 24 May - Deputy Head of Administration Roman Maslennikov. There were persistent rumors about the imminent resignation of two more Tyumen residents - Deputy Prime Minister Azat Salikhov and Alexei Orlov. Of course, everyone had their own reasons for resigning, but a mass exodus within two weeks looked frightening. Kuyvashev was advised to dismiss the entire government and “reboot” the system, but he did not do this.

Perhaps now the departed ministers are biting their elbows: the governor did not fall, the ship did not sink, but patched up the holes and sailed on. Or maybe it was not an escape, but a dumping of ballast: both Gripas and Belyavsky could become the next arrested, who would be asked to testify against the governor. But they quit, moved to neighboring regions or abroad, and sat out difficult times. Now Valentin Gripas, as far as we know, has returned to Yekaterinburg, and Arkady Belyavsky lives in Israel. Law enforcement agencies did not have any complaints against them.

Alexander Vyatkin. The head of the Sverdlovsk FSB Directorate, Alexander Vyatkin, is considered the main organizer of the “Pyankov case.” Soon after the arrest of the minister, the establishment was full of rumors about a “conspiracy against the governor,” and the name of the head of the security chief was mentioned among the participants. However, it looked like a “conspiracy” from the governor’s side, but from the FSB it probably looked completely different - the fight against corruption, the defeat of the “Tyumen mafia”, something like that.

During the acute phase, while Alexey Pyankov was still in pre-trial detention and the outcome of the story was not clear, the relationship between Evgeny Kuyvashev and Alexander Vyatkin was experiencing, as diplomats would say, a serious crisis. But then, when things began to slow down, the general and the governor began to communicate again. Now there is a “thin peace” between them. In May, Alexander Vyatkin will turn 60 years old, rumors about his retirement arise regularly. Of course, we need to wait for the court’s decision, but so far the “Pyankov case” looks like a failure for the FSB (if we habitually believe that the desire of the security forces is not to establish the objective truth, but to punish someone for something).

Evgeny Kuyvashev. Main character Pyankov’s stories are not Pyankov, but Evgeny Kuyvashev. Apparently, this was an attempt to achieve the early resignation of the governor, but it failed. Soon after the arrest of his minister, Yevgeny Kuyvashev went to Moscow and began to solve the problem there - talking with his political patrons and high-ranking security officials. The governor was absent from Yekaterinburg for many days, and there, in the capital, he outplayed his opponents - his connections turned out to be stronger.

A year later, Evgeny Kuyvashev is the current governor, planning to run for a second term. He has a mandate of trust from Vladimir Putin in the form of a decree on the appointment of an acting deputy. Alexey Pyankov, who is under investigation, works as his adviser, Evgeny Kuyvashev openly communicates with the person under investigation and appears in his company at public events. And this is the best symbol that the governor considers himself a winner. Kuyvashev changed the system of power in the region, removed the ambitious and flamboyant Prime Minister Pasler from the region, and made political rival Tungusov the head of his administration. The “conspiracy against the governor” ended with his strengthening. However, there are no final victories in politics.

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