Card fees you didn't know about. Basic commissions for credit cards Commission for transfers from card to card of a client of the same bank

Almost every Russian is familiar with such a product as a bank card - from schoolchildren who use the card to pay for school meals, travel (sometimes it is even used as a pass), to pensioners who receive pensions or other social benefits on the card.

What is the first thing cardholders pay attention to? As a rule, the cost of annual card maintenance, fees for cash withdrawals from ATMs and fees for SMS notifications about completed transactions.

For those who want to get a loan using a card, it is also important to know the annual interest rate. For many, the commission (or lack thereof) for interbank transfers also plays an important role.

But if all the indicated fees are quite logical, then there are columns in bank tariffs that may come as a surprise to the owner of the plastic card. We will consider some of them.

Let's start with the simplest thing - balance request at ATMs. A symbolic fee of 15-20 rubles, I think, will not ruin anyone if you use this service infrequently. But it’s better to know about such a small cost of the service in advance, so that you don’t have to look for money missing from your account later. And everything would be fine, but some credit institutions manage to charge up to 100 rubles for one request, and there are also those who charge a commission for carrying out this operation at their own ATMs. Certainly, large banks This is not a sin; more often they are small and/or regional.

In addition, it is worth distinguishing a balance request from a mini-statement. The latter can only be obtained at ATMs of the issuing bank and, as a rule, for an additional fee. The statement is a list of the last 5-10 transactions made using the card.

The commissions are also surprising for blocking and/or unblocking the card. The fee can reach 1.5 thousand rubles. We are talking about blocking a card due to theft or loss of plastic. Some banks block cards "by at will client" for free. Often, if a card is stolen or lost, you will be asked to leave a request for its reissue, which cannot be refused, even if the card is found in the very near future. Therefore, if there is a need to temporarily limit card transactions, it is better to first familiarize yourself with the tariffs for the service, and also think about what reason for blocking to provide.

It was also unexpected that in numerous tariffs there were fines for losing a card. To be fair, I will say that some credit institutions, on the contrary, pay rewards to individuals who find someone else’s card and hand it over to the bank.

In addition, banks may provide a fee for Removing a card stuck in an ATM, for sending this card from one bank to another, etc.

Partially helping to avoid losing all your money if your card goes missing can be done in advance. setting limits on expense transactions. Banks often offer clients the opportunity to independently and free of charge set daily and monthly limits for cash withdrawals and purchases through mobile or online banking as many times as they wish. But it happens that for these operations a fee is still charged in the range of 50-500 rubles, either for each change in the limit, or one-time simply for providing such an opportunity.

Funds transfer operations transfers to a card account from a third-party bank may also be subject to fees. Check with your bank to see how you can top up your card for free.

Fees may apply and for issuing certified certificates or extracts in the offices of credit institutions. In most cases, you can receive a statement by email for free.

I note that in Lately It is practiced to issue cards as part of banking service packages. This applies to a greater extent to debit cards. Packages are divided into categories and cost differently depending on the set of services. It is worth paying attention to whether the package price issuing and servicing the card or are they charged separately.

The portal wishes all its readers and clients to always consciously and responsibly approach the choice of financial products and services. Complete information about financial instruments is available in the financial supermarket.

Questions and answers about cards and banking service packages

What is a banking package?

A package of banking services is a set of banking products provided to the client under a single agreement. In most cases, it includes the release and maintenance of the main and additional bank cards, access to the Internet and mobile banking, SMS notification, interest accrual on the positive balance on the card account and a number of other services.

How do banking service packages differ?

The packages differ in the type of cards issued, the type and number of banking services and products provided within each of them, the requirements for clients, as well as the amount of commissions and other fees. The more expensive the package, the higher class the card is issued within its framework, the higher the interest on the balance on the card account, credit limits and limits on cash withdrawals and other card transactions, as well as large quantity additional services provided.

What documents are required to apply for a package of banking services?

To obtain the selected package of banking services, the client presents to the Bank an identification document (passport), an application filled out and signed by him and the holders (if issued) of additional cards in two copies, as well as copies of the passports (birth certificates) of the holders. To receive services, a foreign citizen client, in addition to the application, will need to present a notarized translation of a passport, a valid visa (if available) and a migration card.

At what age can I get an additional card?

Additional debit card Can be applied for from 14 years of age.

Is it possible to issue an additional card to one account for another person?

Yes, an additional card for another person can be issued at the Bank’s rates. Moreover, under certain conditions (if the Client selects a certain package of services), it can be provided by the Bank free of charge.

If my last name has been changed, do I need to reissue the card?

Yes, the card needs to be reissued. To do this, you need to contact the Bank office with the necessary documents.

What commission is charged when paying for purchases using your cards in stores?

No commission is charged for non-cash transactions at retail and service points (according to the Tariffs for the issuance and servicing of international payment cards of National Standard Bank JSC).

What are the fees for cash withdrawals?

You can always get cash without commission at the Bank's own ATMs and cash points. Sometimes, depending on the selected package of services and the terms of agreements with corporate clients, the Bank may provide preferential conditions for cash withdrawal to Individual Clients.

Are there any restrictions on the amount of cash withdrawals on cards?

When withdrawing cash from the Bank's cash desks/ATMs, the amount of one transaction is limited; the amount of the limitation is indicated in the card service tariffs and depends on the package of services chosen by the Client. There are no other restrictions on cash withdrawals.

Does the bank charge interest on your debit card balance? How?

Yes, for the remainder own funds, located on the card account, the Bank charges interest. The interest rate is indicated in the tariff plans of the corresponding service packages. Interest is accrued provided that during the calendar month (from 00:00 on the first day of the month to 24:00 on the last day of the month) the average monthly balance on the card account exceeded the minimum amount required for interest accrual. The limits on interest rates and amounts on the account are specified in the Bank's tariffs.

Why do you need SMS notification?

SMS notification allows the client to quickly monitor the status of the card account, receiving SMS when funds are received and debited from the account. It also allows you to detect and prevent fraudulent transactions with your card. If you received an SMS about the debit Money from your account for a transaction that you did not perform, you must immediately contact the contact center by phone at 8-800-250-33-00 to block the card. After this, as soon as possible, you must confirm in writing your decision to block the card by filing a corresponding statement (of disagreement with the transaction) at any branch of the Bank no later than the day following the day you receive notification of the transaction from the Bank.

How are commissions regulated within banking service packages? What commissions are charged on a regular basis?

The cost of servicing clients within the framework of banking service packages is determined by the Bank’s tariffs. The bank has the right to change the amount of commissions within the approved tariff plans. Once a year, a fee for the annual maintenance of the package is debited from the client’s account. The annual service fee must be paid within a month from the date of conclusion of the contract. Subsequent annual service fees are debited from the client’s card and/or other accounts after the end of the calendar year of using the package. If the fee is not paid, the use of services provided within the package free of charge is suspended until the fee is paid in in full. For the “Basic” and “Premium” packages, a commission for using the SMS alert service is also deducted monthly. She writes off at the beginning next term service. If there are no or insufficient funds in the account, the Bank has the right to temporarily (until the required amount of funds arrive) suspend the provision of SMS notifications to the owner of the package and holders of additional cards.

What happens to the card if you don't use it? Is it possible not to use a bank card?

If you open a debit card and don't use it, card fees will still apply. But after expiration, the card is not reissued for a new period if it is used within last year no operations were carried out.

What is “card activation”?

For security purposes, the card is issued in a non-activated state (transactions using the card are not possible). Before you start using the card, you need to activate the card by performing any operation using a PIN code, for example, requesting a balance on the card at an ATM.

What cards can you use to pay for purchases in online stores?

The Bank issues cards of international payment systems Visa and MasterCard and national payment system"Gold Crown". All Bank cards allow you to make purchases via the Internet. At the same time, in a number of cases, for customer safety purposes, the Bank sets restrictions on the use of cards and the total permitted amount of payment.

Can I use a ruble card abroad?

Of course, you can use your card wherever cards of this payment system are serviced.

What is a PIN code?

PIN code is a personal identification number, which is a four-digit number and is analogous to the cardholder’s handwritten signature. Transactions made using the card PIN code are recognized as completed by the card holder. No one should know the PIN code except the card owner. The PIN code must be stored separately from the card so that the card and code cannot fall into the hands of criminals at the same time.

Is it possible to recover a forgotten PIN code?

The PIN code cannot be restored. It is possible to restore access to the account only by re-issuing the card. The fee for re-issuing a card due to the loss of a PIN code is reflected in the Bank's tariffs. You can also receive funds through the Bank's cash desk by presenting your passport.

Can I use a card issued in the name of another person?

No, such a card can be confiscated at the card acceptance point. To allow several people to access one card account, we recommend issuing additional cards for the account.

How safe is it to use a bank card?

According to statistics, cash thefts from bags and wallets occur 40% more often than fraudulent activities using cards. If you discover the loss of your card, you must immediately notify the Bank about this by contacting the branch or calling the contact center at 8-800-250-33-00 to block the card. When contacting the contact center, as soon as possible, you must confirm in writing your decision to block the card by filling out a corresponding application at any branch of the Bank. You can see in more detail what to do in emergency cases on the page

An application for issuing an additional card can be submitted to Internet banking.

To order a main or additional card, you can fill out an application at any bank office.

Excerpt from Tariffs for servicing payment cards of Avangard Bank

Card account currency Russian rubles / US dollars / euros
Card validity period (except Visa Electron and Maestro with magnetic stripe) 3 years
Validity period for Visa Electron and Maestro cards with magnetic stripe 5 years
Commission for annual settlements on transactions with the main card
300 rubles / 15 US dollars / 15 euros
600 rubles / 25 US dollars / 25 euros
Mastercard Gold, Visa Gold 3000 rubles / 150 US dollars / 150 euros
5000 rubles / 200 US dollars / 200 euros
Commission for a cash withdrawal transaction as a percentage of the transaction amount (depends on the transaction amount, taking into account the total volume of cash received over the last 30 calendar days, including the day on which the transaction is made, from all current and card accounts of the main card holder in all currencies )

up to 300,000 rubles (inclusive):

At cash dispensers or bank ATMs
- At ATMs of another bank in the Russian Federation
- At ATMs of another bank outside the Russian Federation
- At cash points of another bank

- from 300,000.01 rubles to 1,000,000 rubles (inclusive) 2.5% of the transaction amount
- from 1,000,000.01 rubles to 3,000,000 (inclusive) 3% of the transaction amount
- from 3,000,000.01 rubles to 5,000,000 (inclusive) 5% of the transaction amount
- from 5,000,000.01 rubles to 8,000,000 (inclusive) 7% of the transaction amount
- from 8,000,000.01 rubles and above 10% of the transaction amount
Minimum commission amount for cash withdrawal operations at ATMs of another bank in the Russian Federation 15 rubles
Minimum commission amount for cash withdrawal operations at ATMs of another bank outside the Russian Federation 150 rubles
Minimum commission amount for cash withdrawal operations at cash issuance points of another bank 200 rubles
Commission for transfer and conversion of funds in Internet banking 0%
Commission for stopping Card Account transactions made using the Card if it is lost. If the client returns the lost card to the bank within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the statement of loss, the commission amount is reduced by 50%
Visa Electron, Maestro with magnetic stripe 0
Visa Electron, Maestro with chip 0
Mastercard Standard, Visa Classic 300 rubles / 10 US dollars / 10 euros
Mastercard Gold, Visa Gold 600 rubles / 20 US dollars / 20 euros
Mastercard Platinum, Visa Platinum 1800 rubles / 60 US dollars / 60 euros
Commission for carrying out a cross-border transaction (as a percentage of the transaction amount). Charged for transactions made outside the territory of the Russian Federation, if the transaction currency is different from the Card Account currency, for Card Account transactions in rubles outside the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as for payments on the territory of the Russian Federation to trade and service organizations that carry out settlements through banks registered in outside the Russian Federation 1 0,75%
Issuing an access card For free
Commission for accounting for cost overruns (as a percentage per annum of the overrun amount) 36%
Sending notifications from general information, by accounts and by cards:

— SMS notifications
— Push notifications in the Bank’s mobile application

49 rubles per month 2
For free

1 These operations include payment for goods and services (for example, some airlines) in cases where the bank servicing these trading enterprises for transactions with bank cards is located outside the Russian Federation

2 For all Client accounts and cards issued for them for each full and partial month in which at least one SMS notification was sent (except for SMS notifications with an access code and SMS notifications sent by decision of the Bank). The commission is debited from any account of the Client at the discretion of the Bank. If the commission is not paid for two consecutive calendar months, the Bank stops sending SMS notifications to the Client. When submitting an application to close the last active account with the Bank, no commission is charged for sending SMS notifications in the last incomplete month. No commission is charged to Cardholders issued as part of salary projects with the Bank.

* for regional offices the period may be extended. The period may also be increased if the bank needs to receive Additional information about the borrower or other information necessary to make a credit decision.

** up to 300,000 rubles of the total amount of cash received over the last 30 calendar days from all current and card accounts of the main card holder in all currencies.

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