Election slogans. Election slogans, mottos, slogans. Vote or lose

Most politicians and managers have a rather difficult fate, because they are forced to be torn between family and work. There is no exception in this regard and this statesman, as Sergei Vladilenovich Kiriyenko. Family and work were quite closely intertwined in his life. Let's take a closer look at the main points of Sergei Vladilenovich's biography and talk about his career and personal life.


Sergei Kiriyenko's hometown is Sukhumi. It was there that he was born on July 26, 1962. His father was Vladilen Yakovlevich Izraitel, who came from a Jewish family. He worked as a teacher at a university and was a scientist. He had a doctorate in philosophical sciences. Mother (Ukrainian by nationality), Larisa Vasilyevna Kiriyenko, had an economic education.

Later the family lived in Sochi, and then moved to Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod). But in the first half of the 70s, Serezha’s parents divorced, and he and his mother returned to the Black Sea resort town. Larisa Vasilievna switched to her previous surname and changed Sergei's surname. Vladilen Yakovlevich married again, and in his new marriage, a daughter, Anna, was born in 1974. In the future, she, like her brother, will reach heights public service.

In Sochi, Maria Aistova and Sergei Kiriyenko went to the same school. The children also attended a club at a local film studio together. After completing her studies at school, Masha entered medical school hometown, and Sergei Vladilenovich moved to Gorky, where he became a student at the Engineering Institute of Water Transport.


Already in 1982, after graduating from college, Maria Aistova followed Sergei and soon married him. She entered the local medical school. In 1983, Sergei Vladilenovich Kirienko’s wife, Maria Vladislavovna, gave birth to his first child. The boy was named Vladimir.

Meanwhile, the happy father successfully completed his studies at the university. That same year he was admitted to Communist Party. At that time, he was only 22 years old, which was considered an early start.

From 1984 to 1986, after graduating from the institute, he served in the ranks of the armed forces of the USSR. Then he was hired as a shipbuilding foreman at the Krasnoye Sormovo plant. There he became secretary of the Komsomol, and then was appointed first secretary of the regional committee of the Gorky region.

Entrepreneurial activity

Meanwhile, difficult times began in the country, the old system was collapsing, but the life of Sergei Kiriyenko’s family continued its measured course. In 1990, their second child was born - daughter Lyuba. But Sergei Vladilenovich’s career began to develop in a completely different direction. In 1991, in connection with the dissolution of the Komsomol, he was dismissed from the post of secretary of the regional committee and began business activities in a new state called the Russian Federation.

Immediately he was the director of JSC Concern AMK, which originated from the Komsomol youth organization, founded by him back in the late 80s. At the same time, he studied at the Government Academy with a specialization in Banking. After graduating in 1993, he became famous at that time commercial bank"Guarantee". A year later, Sergei Kiriyenko’s active work led to him being noticed in the government and invited to become an adviser to the President on industrial issues and entrepreneurship. Since 1996, with the support of Boris Nemtsov, the hero of our story became the head of the NORSI-Oil company, which was engaged in the sale of oil and petroleum products.

Government Jobs

However, he did not work at NORSI-Oil for very long. Already in 1997, Sergei Kiriyenko was appointed first deputy minister of fuel and energy. Growth up the career ladder in the civil service occurred quite quickly. Soon he himself became a minister, and in 1998 - chairman of the government, replacing the one who had held this post for five years. Thus, Sergei Kiriyenko became the youngest prime minister in modern Russian history, taking this position at the age of 35.

But he headed the Government far from being the best of times for Russia. Sergei Kiriyenko tried to carry out a series of liberal reforms, but due to a sharp decline in oil prices and a number of other negative factors, a default was declared on August 17, 1998, and 5 days later Sergei Vladilenovich was dismissed by the President.

Political career

However, despite such dismal results, Sergei Kiriyenko did not fold his arms and already in 1999 put forward his candidacy for the position of mayor of Moscow, losing only to Luzhkov in the voting results. In the same year, he was elected to the State Duma on the list of the SPS party. In parliament he was the leader of the faction of the same name, but already in 2000 he resigned as a deputy due to his appointment to the post of representative of the President in the Volga Federal District. IN next year he was appointed chairman of the commission on chemical disarmament.

Meanwhile, new joy awaited the family: in 2002, Sergei Kirilenko’s second daughter, Nadezhda, was born.


In 2005, Sergei Vladilenovich Kiriyenko was appointed to the post of head of the Atomic Energy Agency. Rosatom became his next place of work. This organization is a state corporation created in 2007 on the basis of the above agency. It includes about 360 different enterprises that are related to

The seriousness of this structure is evidenced by the fact that it has the world's second largest uranium reserves. Its director is considered one of the best top managers Russian Federation to date. According to the Kommersant newspaper, Sergei Vladilenovich Kiriyenko took fifth place among the most effective leaders in the country. At the end of 2013, Rosatom achieved a profit of 155,200 million rubles.

Sergei Kiriyenko holds the position of head of this structure to this day and copes with the assigned tasks quite successfully.

Personal finance

Naturally, the work of a top manager should be paid very well, and Sergei Kiriyenko does not suffer from a lack of funds. Thus, at the end of 2009, his personal income amounted to 16.36 million rubles, and at the end of 2010 - 17.76 million. In 2014, Sergei Kiriyenko declared income in the amount of 69.5 million rubles, of which for basic salary his place of work accounts for 56.5 million. He is actually a dollar millionaire.

In addition, it must be said that Vladimir, the son of Sergei Vladilenovich, owns a large business consisting of many companies.

The other children and the wife of the head of Rosatom are not currently involved in business, and therefore do not have significant income. Thus, according to official data, the wife’s annual salary for 2014 was about 367.9 thousand rubles, which on average is approximately 30.7 thousand rubles per month - the usual salary of a doctor in Russia.


Although throughout the entire story we have from time to time paid attention to the family of Sergei Kiriyenko, in conclusion we will talk about it in more detail.

Sergei Kiriyenko's wife, Maria Vladislavovna Kiriyenko (nee Aistova), was born in 1962 in Sochi. As mentioned above, she graduated from a medical school in her homeland, and then from an institute in Gorky. From then to this day he has been working as a doctor. In 1997 I received another higher education with a degree in phytotherapist.

Son, Vladimir Kiriyenko, born in 1983. Has a higher education financial education. He is a major businessman, chairman of the directors of Sarov Business Bank. In addition, he owns several enterprises, including an agricultural holding, a tourist camp, several elevators, utility companies, etc. He is married and has a son, Sergei, born in 2007.

Sergei Kiriyenko's eldest daughter, Lyubov Kiriyenko, was born in 1990. Graduated from a university with a degree in Management. Currently working as a junior manager at an agency.

The youngest daughter, Nadezhda Kiriyenko, was born in 2002. Currently studying at one of the Moscow schools.

Of course, family is the most valuable thing Sergey Vladilenovich Kiriyenko has in life. His children and wife, he said, have always been a reliable support for him, helping to brighten up his workdays.

Sergei Vladilenovich Kiriyenko is known as the youngest prime minister in Russian history. But this was not the best period of his life. He achieved significant success as director general of Rosatom. In recent years, the politician has been working in the presidential administration, he has a wife, three children and a large house.

  • FULL NAME: Sergei Vladilenovich Kirienko.
  • Date of Birth: July 26, 1962 (age 56)
  • Education: Volzhskaya state academy water transport.
  • Start date of business activity: 1991 (29 years old).
  • Job title: Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration.
  • Current state: total income for 2017 amounted to 33.2 million rubles


Sergey Kiriyenko ‒ famous politician, entrepreneur, ex-general director of Rosatom and deputy manager of the Administration of the President of Russia. The politician has a huge list of awards: from the Order of Honor to the Anatoly Koni Medal.


Sergei Vladilenovich Kirienko was born on July 26, 1962 in the city of Sukhumi (Abkhazia), and early childhood it was held in Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod). The future entrepreneur and politician grew up in an exemplary family. Dad, Vladilen Yakovlevich Izraitel, Volzhsky’s teacher state university, professor, has a doctorate in philosophy. Mom, Larisa Kiriyenko, an economist by profession, studied in Odessa.

Seryozha's parents were not married for long, and a few years later their paths diverged. Vladilen Yakovlevich remained in Gorky, and his mother, Larisa Vasilievna, took her son and moved to Sochi.


Living on the Black Sea coast, the boy entered an elite school and pleased his mother with top marks. He really liked Sochi, but his heart was drawn to his native land. After graduating from school, the young man decides to return to Gorky, where he submits documents to state institute water transport engineers. Kiriyenko is an excellent student and subsequently becomes a certified specialist. Having received a diploma as a shipbuilder, Seryozha sets off on a free voyage.

The university management was delighted with the diligent student who attended all classes and easily absorbed the information. The teachers insisted on Sergei further studying in graduate school, but the guy wanted to realize himself in life as soon as possible, for this he got a job at a factory. In 1984 he was called up to serve in the army. While in the army, Sergei Vladilenovich follows in the footsteps of his grandfather - he joins the ranks of the CPSU party.

After two years of service in the air force, Sergei returns to civilian life. In 1986, he began his journey as a shipyard worker and soon climbed the career ladder from a simple foreman to the secretary of the Gorky Regional Committee of the Komsomol. Kiriyenko, despite his young age, never stopped there and continued to move forward.

Family and hobbies

Sergei’s wife, Maria Vladislavovna (nee Aistova), is a physician by training and worked as a pediatrician. They got married during their student years, although they have known each other since school. The family has three children: Vladimir (1983), Lyubov (1992) and Nadezhda (2002). The father of the family enjoys scuba diving, fishing and hunting, and also practices martial arts. Sergei’s priorities are family and decency. The couple owns a house with an area of ​​almost 700 square meters. m.

Kiriyenko in politics and business

Sergei, like a true leader, is used to achieving his goals and at the age of 28 he becomes a deputy of the Gorky Regional Council. At the end of the 80s, perestroika began, and everything changed, the country was in a difficult situation. Immediately after the collapse of the USSR (1991), the regional council ceased its activities.

Next, Kiriyenko connected his life with business and finance and entered the Academy of National Economy. In 1993, he received a diploma and became a manager of the highest category. At a relatively young age, Sergei Vladilenovich tried on the position of chairman of the Garantiya bank, was the general director of JSC Concern AMK and headed the oil company Norsi-Oil.

Note. Sergei Kiriyenko and Boris Nemtsov were good friends. It was Boris Efimovich who advised Viktor Chernomyrdin to take a closer look at the young and ambitious entrepreneur.

Chernomyrdin resisted Nemtsov's onslaught, arguing that Kiriyenko had no government experience and was not suitable for a position in the Ministry of Energy and Fuel. However, later he agreed to take the guy into management. In 1998, a new stage in Kiriyenko’s career began. At this time, Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin gives him the rights of the acting head of the Government, calling the entrepreneur a very purposeful employee.

Sergei Vladilenovich, at the age of 35, becomes the youngest head of government in the entire history of Russia, and subsequently he received the nickname “Kinder Surprise”. At that time, the Russian economy was gradually collapsing, world oil prices fell, and the country was overtaken. In a matter of days, Yeltsin decides to dismiss Kiriyenko as having failed to cope with the situation.

The politician does not give up and already in 1999 decides to run for mayor of Moscow, but Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov wins this election. Kiriyenko later became a State Duma deputy in the Union of Right Forces party, but left his post a year later.

At the helm of Rosatom

In 2005, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin appointed him head of the Federal Atomic Energy Agency Rosatom, and later he became director general. This organization includes:

  • scientific centers and institutes;
  • all nuclear power plants in Russia;
  • organizations involved in the construction of nuclear power plants abroad, export of fuel and nuclear materials;
  • nuclear icebreakers.

The large-scale corporation Rosatom has undergone a lot: the economic crisis and the subsequent slowdown of plans to introduce new nuclear power, Negative influence on the nuclear energy accident at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant.

Rosatom took part in the construction of the first nuclear power plant in Iran, two reactors in India, and three in China. Three new power units were launched in Russia and two more were prepared for launch. Construction has begun.

However, according to forecasts, by 2025 the share of nuclear energy will decrease in the total amount of electricity produced in Russia.

During the years that Kiriyenko led the corporation, the safety of power units increased, the scientific base and nuclear engineering developed. Now Rosatom is considered one of the world's leading organizations in the nuclear industry, owning the largest uranium reserves and uranium enrichment enterprises. It should be noted that Rosatom is not a commercial organization whose responsibilities, among other things, include taking care of the nuclear safety of the state.

What have you achieved?

At the end of 2016, Sergei Kiriyenko ended his career at the Rosatom Federal Agency, but ended up on the supervisory board. In the same year, the politician was appointed to the post of First Deputy Administration of the Russian Federation. In his new post, he was tasked with organizing the presidential campaign and attracting experienced colleagues to cooperate.

According to Kommersant, Kiriyenko was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (2018). Recently, a well-known figure began to engage in charity work, actively paying attention to the problem of childhood cancer.

Seryozha Izraitel was born on June 26, 1962 in the city of Sukhumi in the family of a talented scientist Vladilen Izraitel and Larisa Kiriyenko. Later, having moved to Gorky, the future prime minister graduated with honors high school. But by the end of his studies, Seryozha turned from Izraitel into Kiriyenko. The secret of this transformation was revealed to us by Tatyana Kesler, who lived for many years in the same yard with the Izraiteli-Kiriyenko family: “I have known Sergei for a long time. We lived in neighboring entrances. Sergei’s father, Doctor of Sciences Vladilen Yakovlevich Izraitel, taught at the Water Academy, where Sergei later studied ". The future prime minister was already a clear favorite of everyone in childhood. However, in 1970, a very unpleasant incident occurred: Seryozha was only eight years old when his father Vladilen Izraitel left his family and went to his young employee. Larisa was very worried about her husband’s betrayal and even Serezha changed her last name to Kiriyenko."

In 1979, Sergei Vladilenovich Kiriyenko entered the Academy of Water Transport, where his fugitive father Vladilen Yakovlevich Izraitel was still in charge of the department, who, feeling guilty before his son, actively promoted Seryozha in all institute authorities.

We were able to talk with Olga Bessmertnaya, a former classmate of student Sergei Kiriyenko: “Sergei was a very prominent and handsome young man. He always sat on the first desk and looked the teacher in the mouth. He studied amazingly - there was not a single B. Many of us liked him girls, but he himself was even-tempered and calm. He had no strong hobbies." No less interesting was the information that the rector of the Academy Vasily Zakharov told us: “I was the rector at the time when the future prime minister was studying with us. Serezha was a Lenin scholar and a Komsomol leader. Unfortunately, he did not use his mental abilities, but all went into Komsomol work. His advancement at the university was facilitated by his father, who headed our department. A very smart man and Seryozha actively helped. Izrael Sr. was a Jew, but I don’t care about his nationality, the main thing is that the person was good. Of course, with Seryozha and I didn’t drink vodka with his dad, but we had a warm relationship.”

Having graduated with honors from the Volga Academy of Water Transport in 1984, Sergei Kiriyenko felt that great opportunities were opening up for him, a young Komsomol leader.


In 1986, Sergei Kiriyenko went to work as a shop foreman at the Nizhny Novgorod Krasnoe Sormovo plant, but quickly realized that a proletarian career did not appeal to him and soon turned into the released secretary of the Komsomol committee of the plant. But even here Seryozha instantly moved up the career ladder. Two years later, he was the second secretary of the Nizhny Novgorod regional committee of the Komsomol, and in 1990, Sergei Vladilenovich already supervised the elections to the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation through the Komsomol, actively promoting the victory of his friend Boris Nemtsov. Kiriyenko himself was elected as a deputy of the regional council of people's deputies.

As you know, the money of the CPSU disappeared in the fog of perestroika, and the Komsomol money was used to create thousands of all kinds of youth concerns and creativity centers, where former Komsomol leaders got rich and went into big business. Sergei Kiriyenko was no exception. In 1991, he became president of the Joint-Stock Youth Concern (abbreviated AMK), and three years later, young but undeniably talented, Serezha already headed the social and commercial bank Garantiya, becoming its chairman of the board. And this is where the completely “adult” affairs of the future prime minister begin Russian government.


At the Guarantee Bank, Kiriyenko received the nickname “Little Seryozha” for his “boyish” appearance, but he ruled very harshly and soon people even began to fear him. What did Governor Nemtsov's friend do during the mysterious period of 1994 - 1997? IN official biographies Kiriyenko modestly states “...headed commercial structures in Nizhny Novgorod. Chairman of the Board of the Bank "Garantiya". In 1996, he took the post of president of the oil company NORSI-Oil. And that’s all. But behind these condensed phrases there is a lot hidden, which Sergei Vladilenovich does not like to talk about too much. We will try to acquaint the reader more closely with some little-known episodes from the Nizhny Novgorod life of Seryozha Kiriyenko.

First episode: Kiriyenko invented such a unique thing as a “scam” - an electronic lottery for primitively throwing money at rogues and even managed to license the idea. For this purpose, a special structure was established called the “Enterprise “Lottery Directorate”. 97% of this office belonged to... of course, the Kiriyenkovsky bank “Garantiya”. Only God and ex-Prime Minister Seryozha know how much money passed through this “directorate”.

Second episode: One of the founders and shareholders of the Garantia bank was the Republican Social and Commercial Bank, where a certain V. Trifonov, who was also a close friend of Sergei Kiriyenko, worked as deputy chairman. So, this same Trifonov was closely connected with the Orekhovskaya criminal group. According to operational data, Orekhov's authority Sylvester was blown up near the LISS discotheque in a Mercedes belonging to Mr. Trifonov. These are the “serious” connections Serezha Kiriyenko had.

Third episode: In November 1996, Kiriyenko headed oil company"NORSI-oil". The main competitor of NORSI was the Volga-Petroleum company, headed by a certain Abdulkhamit Sadekov. Both companies fought for leadership in the oil market of the Nizhny Novgorod region, and they were also very interested in control of the Nizhny Novgorod TV channel "Network NN". On October 10, 1997, Sadekov was killed in the Moscow region. The murder has still not been solved. Power over the Nizhny Novgorod oil market completely passed to NORSI-Oil, and shares of the NN Network TV channel were received by Igor Eidman, the cousin of Boris Nemtsov, a loyal friend of Sergei Kiriyenko. Surely, all this happened “completely by accident” and young Seryozha, of course, had nothing to do with this murder.

Fourth episode: At the time when “Little Seryozha” moved to Moscow in 1997 and took the high post of First Deputy Minister of Fuel and Energy, his structures in Nizhny had “very small” debt. Thus, Garantia Bank owed the Pension Fund about 700 billion rubles, NORSI-Oil's debt to the budget amounted to 1.46 trillion rubles. By the time Kiriyenko was appointed Acting Prime Minister of the Russian Government, NORSI's debt to the budget and other organizations already amounted to THREE TRILLION rubles. Vivat, Sergey Vladilenovich!


Last years Sergei Vladilenovich’s career resembled a speeding locomotive. On May 13, 1997, Sergei Kiriyenko, following his friends Boris Nemtsov and Boris Brevnov, arrived in Moscow and took up the post of Deputy Minister of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation. On November 20 of the same year he was already a minister. And in March 1998, young Seryozha became I.O. Prime Minister, and soon the full-fledged head of the government of the Russian Federation. The apt nickname “Kinder Surprise” has firmly established itself for Sergei Kiriyenko. And in fact, he was a real surprise for the entire domestic higher nomenklatura - soft, easily influenced, lost in complex multi-step Kremlin games. A kind of whipping boy. At the highest government post, the Nizhny Novgorod boy Seryozha Izraitel clearly understood that playing big politics was not at all like running a provincial bank or heading a factory Komsomol.

Most analysts and independent experts believe that Sergei Kiriyenko, during his premiership, acted as a banal condom. It was used one-time in the most primitive way and the August crisis, the lack of Western loans, and the mediocrity of the Nizhny Novgorod team of young reformers were blamed on the frightened Seryozha. In general, just as before it was Chubais who was to blame for everything, so since August last year the torch of the one most guilty was handed to the batting-eyed Kiriyenko.

And Sergei Vladilenovich’s last appearance with the people was completely deplorable. Serezha, together with the curly-haired Nizhny Novgorod resident Borey Nemtsov, on the day of his own expulsion from the White House, grabbed a bottle of vodka and went out to the Gorbaty Bridge to the striking miners. Seryozha and Borya insistently suggested that the miners “take it easy,” but the stern strikers disgustedly refused and escorted the former rulers out of the tent city. One of the miners said after them: “It’s not like drinking vodka, I won’t even cope on the same hectare with them!”


After being expelled from the White House, Sergei Vladilenovich immediately joined a very dubious campaign. Several months have passed since the August crisis, and Kinder Surprise has already given birth to a single bloc of young reformers, to which, in addition to his beloved, he invited Chubais, Nemtsov, Gaidar and Boris Fedorov. The company turned out to be very homogeneous, with a dubious reputation and a complete absence of any moral principles. But this is a completely different and very sad song...

FRIENDS: Boris Yeltsin (until 08/17/98), Boris Nemtsov, Boris Brevnov, Boris Fedorov, as well as Anatoly Chubais, Yegor Gaidar.

ENEMIES: There are no serious enemies, with the exception of several million Russians who, before the August crisis, called themselves the “middle class.”


Andrei Klimentyev, an imprisoned millionaire: “I knew Seryozha back in Nizhny. He resold oil there and spent his pension money in Garantiya.” Nemtsov dragged him along because even then in his soul he recognized himself as a complete cretin in politics and he "We needed more or less smart guys. So he found Kiriyenko."

"Novye Izvestia" 04/02/98: "...the fees of the authors of Kiriyenko's analytical notes make the team of privatization writers turn pale with envy... Kiriyenko's services, worth seven typewritten pages, were valued by the generous "Guarantee" at 1.7 billion rubles."

"Moscow News" 03.29.98: "Work in the bank brought Kiriyenko a deputy mandate."


Unlike other politicians, Kiriyenko, with his rapid career and unexpected resignation, deserved the most a large number of in the shortest period of time.

Why does Kiriyenko always smile?
- He was given the wrong size denture.

The father, leaving the family, says to Seryozha Kiriyenko:
- Maybe you'll come with me? You'll love your new mom.
- Dad, I've already seen her. You have been deceived. It is far from new, and an eye has been knocked out.

After the crisis, Kiriyenko sits with American businessmen, drinks and says:
- What an amazing people we have! I left half the population without a livelihood - and they smile. I arranged complete bankruptcy for all businessmen - they are smiling again. I turned my pension money into dust - they are smiling again.
“Tell me,” asks the American, “have you tried poisoning them with dust?”

From September 4, the editors of the Internet portal site, on the initiative of the Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, invited visitors to take part in a new vote as part of the campaign “Choose a slogan for the election campaign of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.”

2007-09-12 09:23

“Let’s take back our country!” 3. “Bourgeois, return what was stolen!” 5.

Regardless of the chosen slogan option, voting participants could enter their own version of the election slogan for election campaign Communist Party of the Russian Federation..

Among the proposals sent to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the following can be noted:

05/09/1945 is not the last Victory, 04/12/1961 is not the last Triumph, 11/07/1917 is not the last Revolution!

The country's wealth is at the service of the people!

It is dangerous to be a bourgeois - Russia will be Red!

Bourgeois, don't steal, let's work

Bourgeois, it's time to pay the bills!

Being with the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is fair!

Is white blood flowing in your heart? Blue? Red!!!

The deputies are working people!

Are you tired of collecting bottles yet?

Great, united and fair Russia- these are not just words, gentlemen.

Let's take back our country, comrades!

Let's return the country to the people

Power to the People's Councils!

Return power to the people - you bastards!

Together - forward! Russia is behind us!

A thief should sit in jail!

Forward to the USSR!

Forward to USSR-2!

Time to get organized

Everything - under the banner of the Great October Revolution

All good things come back!

All power to the Soviets!

Bring on the Revolution!

Let me live like a human being!

Lenin's cause will live, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation will win!

Down with the capitalist ministers!

Income for the people! The country's resources are for the people of Russia!

United Russia party of the bourgeoisie! The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is a party of the people! Party for the people!

United Russia, fair Russia – socialist Russia

EdRo, Socialist-Revolutionaries and even: SPS - they are all FORMER, from the CPSU! Vote for the REAL ones! For the Communist Party of the Russian Federation!!!

Eat pineapples and chew hazel grouse! Your last day is coming, bourgeois!

For power without Russophobes!

For the Communist Party of the Russian Federation - the strength of the USSR!

For the people, for the Power of the Soviets - the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and no one else!

For our Soviet Motherland

For the victory of the people, for the people's happiness!

For workers' democracy

For a socialist Russia, united and fair!

Lenin's legacy is on our banner and Stalin's heart is beating in our chests!

Factories - to the workers, Land - to the peasants, p... - to the bourgeoisie!

The task of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is to restore the country!

Capitalism is the enemy of Russia!

The Communist Party of Russia is a reliable defense of the people!

Communist Party of the Russian Federation - the power of the working people

Communist Party of the Russian Federation - the red path of the Russian Federation

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is my party and social guarantee!

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is our helmsman!

Communist Party of the Russian Federation - PARTY OF THE FUTURE

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is a party of the people and for the people!

Communist Party of the Russian Federation - truth and justice!

Communist Party of the Russian Federation - you have a choice!

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is Unity, Justice and Greatness of Russia AT THE SAME TIME!

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is Mother Russia

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is the mind, honor and conscience of our era!

Communist Party of the Russian Federation - it's honest!

Communist Party of the Russian Federation for Russian Power! Let the enemies see that the Russians have come to power in Russia!

Communist Party of the Russian Federation and Socialism - your confidence in the future

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is replacing elevators throughout the country, not sending money to US banks

Communist Party of the Russian Federation: There are many parties, there is only one choice.

Communist Party of the Russian Federation: there are many parties, but one with the people!

Red power will not let us fall!

The red sun will warm Russia!

He who is true to his convictions is true to his promises

Socialism is better than wild capitalism.

People of labor are people of Russia, they decide the fate of Russia.

PEOPLE OF LABOR! The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is YOUR PARTY!!!

We are leftists, but our cause is right!

That day is coming, that hour will come, and the party that rules now will instantly end up in a stinking garbage dump, and its members are in Magadan at a construction site

Our Motherland – USSR

Our goal is the development of the country!

You can’t strangle our song, you can’t kill it!

There will be no justice in the country without the Communist Party of the Russian Federation!

Don't trust the left-wing right, trust the truthful left!

It's a shame for the country? Together with the Communist Party we will revive its glory!

Science-based management for society!

Occupiers - get out of the Kremlin!

From a raw materials colony to an industrial superpower!

We defended the Banner - we will defend Russia

There are many parties, one people's party - the Communist Party of the Russian Federation

Our hearts demand change!

If the communists win, the people win!

My Russia is defeated. Defeated, but not a slave and she will never be as long as the Sickle, Hammer and Star burn on the Banner of Victory, which our grandfathers bequeathed!!!

Let's support the Communist Party - the defender of working people!

Right - to the West, Left - to Russia

The right-wing bourgeois - run without looking back, Gennady Zyuganov - is stepping on his heels

Let's transform the country from a raw materials colony into an industrial superpower! Communist Party of the Russian Federation

Wake up Russia – Time to act

For Life, For Freedom - Communist Party of the Russian Federation

Russia is not a colony! The communists will build a power!

Russia without Zyuganov is like a bride without dowry

Russia will soon rise from its knees - shake off all garbage and decay from your heads.

Russia is rapidly moving to the left! Communist Party of the Russian Federation

With the Communist Party of Russia - for the power of the working people!

Today the left is right!

Strong Russia – Communist Russia!

Socialism is our future!

Social justice is the basis of any civilization!

Let's save Russia from the liberal plague!

Put it on red!

Technological power - YES! Raw materials colony - NO!

Comrade, believe that troubles will go away, but you and I must take two right steps until victory, two right steps until spring.

Labor is a burden when the bourgeoisie is plowed

Whoever has the Truth is stronger!

If you want to live in Russia and speak Russian, vote for the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. If you want to forget Russian in the state of Uasia, vote against it.

People have always been and will always be stupid victims of deception and self-deception until they learn to look for the interests of certain classes behind any promises. V.I.Lenin

After the experts of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation select the most successful proposals, the site will conduct a new round of voting as part of the promotion “Choose a slogan for the election campaign of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation”

Slogans, mottos, slogans: Election

Trust in America.
Believe in America.
MITT ROMNEY, Republican presidential candidate. His election slogan, 2012

Let's keep America American.
Keep America American.
MITT ROMNEY, Republican presidential candidate. His election slogan, 2012
As it turned out, exactly the same slogan was used by the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s

Putin loves everyone!
Only Putin - only victory!
Nashi slogans in Moscow on May 7 and 8, 2012

Who has won? Shein won!
Let's save Oleg!
Slogans of the opposition during the confrontation between Shein and Stolyarov, Astrakhan, April 2012

Leaders of the Orange Leprosy. (With the names of Nemtsov, Kasparov, Navalny, Sobchak.)
Go to Moscow!
Slogans of supporters elected governor Stolyarov during the confrontation Shein vs Stolyarov, Astrakhan, April 2012

Zhirinovsky. Or it will be worse.
Zhirinovsky. And it will be better.
VLADIMIR ZHIRINOVSKY, candidate for President of Russia. Election slogans of Vladimir Zhirinovsky, 2012

New President - new Russia!
Demand more!
MIKHAIL PROKHOROV, candidate for President of Russia. Election slogans of Mikhail Prokhorov, 2012

A great country has a strong leader!
A great country has a worthy future!
VLADIMIR PUTIN, Russian presidential candidate. Vladimir Putin's election slogan, 2012

Putin is our president.
Putin is our guarantor.
Putin is a sweetheart.
Slogans of a rally in support of Vladimir Putin in the Russian presidential elections, St. Petersburg, February 18, 2012

Our party is Vladivostok. Our president is Putin.
Slogans of a rally in support of Vladimir Putin in the Russian presidential elections, Vladivostok, February 18, 2012

Churov, where are our voices? State Department, where is our money?
I demand the dissolution of the Duma and new fair elections without Churov.
They stole our voices (the girl taped her mouth with this inscription)
We are not Banderlogs.
We don't have the law of the jungle! (on behalf of Mowgli)
Havel would have been with us.
We demand freedom for political prisoners, economic amnesty!
The best gift is not even honey, but a new adequate calculation!
Winnie the Poo fooled us all.
Enough! (Putin, Medvedev, Prokhorov are taken out of the Yeltsin doll)
We are for Navalny.
Wizard, how many fingers? (fak)
We will come again! There will be more of us!
We are 146%.
I am looking for a point for issuing small money from the State Department.
Prague is closer to us than Pyongyang. (to the portrait of Havel)
The white ribbon – V – is a symbol of your indifference to election fraud!
We weren't kidding! Falsifications will not work!
I'm here for free. I am a citizen of the Russian Federation, and I defend my constitutional rights.
Engineers are also for fair elections!
Russia will be free!
You don't even know us!
This election is a farce!
Russia is for russians! (a nationalist slogan that did not meet with majority support)
Slogans of a rally of thousands “For fair elections”, Moscow, Academician Sakharov Avenue, December 24, 2011

EdRos, fake deputy, return the assigned mandate!
Putin! See you in the spring!
Are you the one who attacked democracy? (on behalf of armed hamsters in black suits and sunglasses, St. Petersburg)
Stop feeding Moscow!
Slogans of the rally “For fair elections”, St. Petersburg, December 24, 2011

V is for Vladimir.
Slogan of pro-Putin youth, 2011

You don't even know us. (The slogan was formulated by the Autonomous Action association at a rally in St. Petersburg.)
Bring back fair elections!
Bring back snowy winter!
Observe the Constitution, damn it! Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 3: “The only source of power is the people.”
Crooks and thieves, bring back the elections!
Where is my voice, wizard?
Churov, take me on the carousel!
Guys, it's time to move!
Moscow doesn't believe in eds.
They lie, eat and grin.
Some food in a bucket!
Leave the tricks to the circus!
I didn't vote for these bastards, I voted for other bastards!
Wizard Churov to Azkaban!
We don’t believe Churov. We believe Gauss.
You can't fool Gauss!
Churov, thank you for being funny.
Swindlers and thieves stole votes.
The Silence of the Lambs is over!
Stop lying!
Bring back our voices!
All power to the people!
We demand respect!
The authorities are afraid of fair elections!
The party of thieves and swindlers stole the elections!
Down with PZhiV!
Arrest those who nag and release Alexei Navalny!
Congress of ballet lovers.
Take me, riot police!
Slogans of a rally against fraud in the State Duma elections, Bolotnaya Square, Moscow, December 10, 2011

Russia will be free!
Down with dishonest elections!
December 4 is Groundhog Day.
We've been fucked!
We will not forget, we will not forgive!
We want another president!
It's a shame to be a “nashi”!
I was deceived. And you? (Novosibirsk)
Slogans of protest rallies against fraud in the elections of deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Moscow, December 4-6, 2011

Votes big country.
For life, for people.
Participating in elections is your chance to influence the country's politics. Come and vote!
CENTRIC ELECTION COMMITTEE on the elections of deputies to the State Duma of the Russian Federation on December 4, 2011. Slogans of the Central Election Commission

I vote for Russia. I vote for myself.
Together we are stronger.
Let's win together!
The future is ours!
UNITED RUSSIA, all-Russian political party. Party slogans in the election campaign for elections of deputies State Duma, 2011

We are developing.
Let's create.
We are working.
We are building.
For life, for people.
UNITED RUSSIA, all-Russian political party. Headlines and slogan of the party in the election campaign for the elections to the State Duma, 2011

It's time to change power! Stop being patient! Take action!
Time to change power!
On December 4, we will start the story with a red line!
New people - new course - new life!
Protect the Russians! Revive the friendship of peoples!
Let's return the stolen homeland!
Communist Party of the Russian Federation, political party. Her slogans in the election campaign for the elections to the State Duma, 2011

LDPR for the Russians!
Russians, look harder!
Russians, align with the Liberal Democratic Party!
Do Russians have tomorrow?
Good for Russians - good for everyone! Bad for Russians - bad for everyone!
Everything for the Russians, nothing against the Russians!
Arise, Russia!
Russians, go ahead!
Be Russian - achieve the impossible!
The Liberal Democratic Party is marching across the country!
Russia is your country!
Let's protect Russians everywhere!
Ivan, smell your soul!
God bless you, Vanya. Its time to begin!
For Russia! For the Russians! For the Liberal Democratic Party!
Together with the Russian people!
The truth is with us! God is with us!
The LDPR will show the way.
The Tsar was tired, the communists were tired, the democrats couldn't. I can! I am Vladimir Zhirinovsky!
It's time to make a choice!
LDPR, political party. Her slogans in the election campaign for the elections to the State Duma, 2011

A happy person means a happy country.
PATRIOTS OF RUSSIA, political party.

Every rightist has a right!
RIGHT CAUSE, political party. Party slogan placed on private cars, July 2011

Design your future.
RIGHT CAUSE, political party. Party slogan in July 2011 on behalf of Mikhail Prokhorov, later removed from the leadership of the party

A fair alternative.
For a Russia without swindlers and thieves!
The appointed governor serves the authorities, the elected one serves the people!
More faith in the elected judge!
Corruption is high treason.
Corruption is a cancer in Russia.
Housing and communal robbers! Stop milking the people!
Let's protect people from the arbitrariness of housing and communal services officials.
Taxes - local registration!
Where we work is where we pay.
Huge profits - high taxes, minimal income - no taxes!
The natural wealth of the country is at the service of ordinary people!
Small business is protected by justice!
Cheap labor means a poor life.
Beggarly old age is a crime of power.
Cancel special pensions for officials!
Sick citizens - a sick country!
A poor student - a poor science, a poor science - a country without a future!
A JUST RUSSIA, political party. Party slogans in the election campaign for the elections to the State Duma, 2011

Russia demands change!
We will restore your hope!
There is only Apple!
YABLOKO, Russian United Democratic Party. Party slogans in the election campaign for the elections to the State Duma, 2011

Do not even think about it. They don't share. Be sure to come to the polls and vote for any party except “ United Russia».
Opposition slogan 2011
A plate with red caviar is depicted, in the caviar there is a bear’s paw print (the bear is a symbol of “United Russia”)

Put an end to the thieves' vertical line!
NAH-NAH, opposition political movement. His slogan on the eve of elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation, 2011

2012 think twice before you raise prices.
Slogan of the young opposition against the backdrop of rising gasoline prices and on the eve of the 2012 presidential elections, Russia, 2011

National interests come first!
GRIGORY KOSTUSYOV, candidate for President of Belarus from the Belarusian People's Front (BPF) party. His election slogan, 2010

Together we are Belarus!
State for the people.
Belarus is a country where you want to live!
ALEXANDER LUKASHENKO, presidential candidate of Belarus, current president. His election slogans, 2010

We can do this!
ALES MIKHALEVICH, presidential candidate of Belarus. His election slogan, 2010

I came for you to win.
Why did I decide that I would be a good president? Because it's not worth being bad.
You need to hide trash, not voices. Elections must be transparent.
Tell the truth!
Neklyaev will answer everything for everyone!
VLADIMIR NEKLYAEV, presidential candidate of Belarus, leader of the civil campaign “Tell the Truth!” Election slogans of him and the “Tell the Truth!” campaign he led, 2010

Let's build something new and keep the best!
“Do no harm!” is not enough. My position is “Help!”
“Thou shalt not steal” is not enough! My position is “Create!”
It’s not enough “Don’t destroy!” My position is “Create!”
YAROSLAV ROMANCHUK, candidate for President of Belarus from the United Civil Party. His election slogans, 2010

Belarus lives - lives with God!
Christian Belarus – a fair government!
Belarus – Christian politics!
There is an alternative!
VITALY RYMASHEVSKY, candidate for President of Belarus from the Belarusian Christian Democracy (BCD) party. His election slogans, 2010

History is made today! Together we will win!
Strong Belarus for free people.
It's time to return Belarus to the people!
ANDREY SANNIKOV, presidential candidate of Belarus, coordinator of the civil campaign “European Belarus”. His election slogans, 2010

Homeland. Honor. People.
NIKOLAI STATKEVICH, presidential candidate of Belarus. His election slogan, 2010

For new fair taxes!
For a strong national currency!
For the abolition of the contract system!
For a spiritual and moral society!
For rights and welfare!
Are you for Belarus?
VIKTOR TERESHCHENKO, presidential candidate of Belarus. His election slogans, 2010

A real Belarusian is diver Dima Uss!
DMITRY USS, presidential candidate of Belarus. His slogan during the collection of 100,000 signatures needed for the nomination, 2010

Let's make Belarus a real Europe!
ALEXANDER MILINKEVICH, leader of the For Freedom movement, who announced his intention to run for the presidency of Belarus, but then withdrew his candidacy. His slogan, 2010

It's time to change your bald tires!
Slogan of the Belarusian opposition, 2010

Is it true. Intelligence. Result.
Nobody except us.
I can't be indifferent.
Slogans of candidates for City Council deputies, Sergiev Posad, 2010

We are from Samara!
Our. With us. For us.
VIKTOR TARKHOV, candidate for mayor of Samara, rival of Muscovite Dmitry Azarov. His slogans, 2010

I'll fix everyone's headaches.
YURI KOGAN, candidate for mayor of Samara from the LDPR. His election slogan, 2010

Never change a successful team.
PAUL KAGAME, Rwandan presidential candidate, current president. His slogan for the 2010 elections

There are no longer Hutus or Tutsis - only Rwandans.
PAUL KAGAME, Rwandan presidential candidate. The slogan with which he won the 2003 elections after the genocide of the Tutsi people in the 1990s

There is still a lot to be done!
GIGI UGULAVA, candidate for mayor of Tbilisi, current mayor of the city. His election slogan, May 2010

Eros and freedom.
TINTO BRASS, director of soft-porn films, candidate for the post of president of the Lazio region. His election campaign slogan, Italy, 2010

I’ll come, I’ll see, I’ll plant.
LDPR, party. Slogan on behalf of Vladimir Zhirinovsky in Gorno-Altaisk on the eve of regional elections, March 2010

Ukraine for the people!
Ukraine for the people!
Let's unite Ukraine!
There is a leader! There is a power!
I am coming to overcome poverty.
I know. I will come.
VICTOR YANUKOVYCH, presidential candidate of Ukraine. His election slogans, 2010
Opponents said that the slogan “Ukraine for people” ignores the rights of animals and birds

With God - forward!
VICTOR YANUKOVYCH, presidential candidate of Ukraine. The motto with which he launched his election campaign in October 2009

Choose new way.
YULIA TYMOSHENKO, presidential candidate of Ukraine. Her slogan after the first round, January-February 2010

She works.
Vaughn is working.
She works. She is Ukraine.
Vaughn is working. Vaughn is Ukraine.
She will win.
We can do it.
They block [block] - it works.
If you block the stench, you will work.
They chat, she works.
The stench is chattering, the stench is practising.
They interfere, she works.
The stench is respected, the stench is respected.
They promise, it works.
Ukraine will win! Ukraine is you!
YULIA TIMOSHENKO. Her slogans in the presidential election campaign in Ukraine, 2010

Timoshonka is my boss. Ravshan i Jamshud.
Slogan on behalf of popular artists on the tour “With Ukraine in the Heart” in support of Yulia Tymoshenko, 2010

Happy New Year! Year of the White Tiger. Good luck to you! Tiger julia.
With New Rock! The fate of a white tiger. Happiness to you! Tiger julia.
YULIA TYMOSHENKO, presidential candidate of Ukraine. Her New Year's greetings on behalf of a white tiger cub, and on behalf of myself too, 2009

A strong president means a strong country.
A strong president means a strong country.
The country should be led by professionals.
Family, wealth, stability.
SERGEY TIGIPKO, ex-head of the National Bank, candidate for president of Ukraine. His election slogans, 2010

For the European choice!
For a prosperous Ukraine!
Ukraine – to be!
Ukraine - buti!
VICTOR YUSHCHENKO, current President of Ukraine, candidate for a second term. His election slogans, 2010

Different opportunities – equal rights!
The slaughter of feasibility is the slaughter of right!
FOR PEOPLE'S RIGHTS, political bloc. Slogan in the 2010 presidential campaign in Ukraine

We got freedom - let's get destiny!
If we get our freedom, we will get our share!

Litvin's time is the time of the people.
The country needs Litvin.
Soul and land are not sold.
VLADIMIR LITVIN, candidate for President of Ukraine. Candidate slogans, 2010

Power is insidious and cunning. All hope is for Peter!
PETER SIMONENKO, Ukrainian presidential candidate in the 2010 campaign, communist. His long-standing motto

First. Impassable.
The enemy of their state.
ANATOLY GRITSENKO, ex-Minister of Defense and head of the Defense Committee in the Rada, candidate for President of Ukraine. His slogans, 2010

Productive village.
Combat-ready army.
Enlightened people.
ARSENIY YATSENYUK, presidential candidate of Ukraine. His election slogans, 2010

Ukraine – for Ukrainians!
OLEG TYAGNIBOK, Ukrainian nationalist, presidential candidate. One of his slogans, 2010
The slogan “Ukraine is for Ukrainians!” first put forward by Nikolai Mikhnovsky, the founder of the National Socialist Party in 1902 long before the appearance of the first fascist formations in Austria and Germany

Power to the people! Politicians - crackers!
Politicians! It's time for you to live on one salary!
There are many of us - there are enough crackers for everyone!
PEOPLE'S SALVATION ARMY (NAS), a political movement in Ukraine. US slogans in the “Rusks for Politicians” campaign on the eve of the presidential elections, December 2009

Overcome absenteeism - get 50 grams of absinthe!
A comic slogan for overcoming youth political absenteeism (avoidance from participating in elections), Russia, 2009

We can offer more.
Wir haben mehr zu bieten.
VERA LENGSFELD, candidate for the Bundestag from the CDU. Slogan from her campaign poster showing her with Chancellor Angela Merkel - both in plunging necklines, 2009

How to protect pensioners is up to the Moscow City Duma to decide. Who should be in the Moscow City Duma is up to Muscovites to decide.
How to make healthcare of high quality is up to the Moscow City Duma to decide. Who will be in the Moscow City Duma is up to Muscovites to decide.
Slogans of the electoral commission for elections to the Moscow City Duma, autumn 2009

Elections are the only race in which the majority wins. George Jean Nathan, writer.
Voting does not determine the course of events. Voting decides who will determine the course of events. George Will, political commentator.
If power is based on the will of all citizens, the freedom of everyone becomes a common cause. Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of the United States, author of the Declaration of Independence.
Quotes and slogans of the electoral commission for elections to the Moscow City Duma, autumn 2009

We keep our word, we do our deed.
Listen to people, work for people.
UNITED RUSSIA, party. Slogans at the Moscow City Duma elections, 2009

We protect Muscovites - we help everyone! (in the Arbat area, in the Yakimanka area, etc.)
APPLE, batch. A phrase on behalf of Yabloko leader Sergei Mitrokhin - the party’s slogan in the Moscow City Duma elections, 2009

Big change!
A JUST RUSSIA, party. Slogan at the Moscow City Duma elections, 2009

The north of Moscow is under the protection of Mitvol.
We will do everything possible within the law to help people.
OLEG MITVOL, candidate for deputy of the Moscow City Duma. His slogans, 2009

For a new Moscow!
PATRIOTS OF RUSSIA, party. Party slogan at the Moscow City Duma elections, 2009

The exact choice of the president.
Change for the better!
Slogans of the candidate for mayor of Sergiev Posad, Moscow region, 2009

Anyone but Ahmadinejad.
Who stole my voice?
This is not an election, but an appointment.
Not election but selection.
Mahmoud, take your bombs and get out!
Freedom for Iran!
Slogans of opponents of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who did not recognize the results of the presidential elections in Iran, June 2009

On April 26, we are choosing not a vagrant predator, but a public defender!
Slogan of the candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the mayoral elections of Sochi, 2009

We demand fair elections!
We will not let our votes be stolen!
Slogans of Sochi residents for fair mayoral elections, 2009

Already working!
The power of the native land.
Deeds towards people!
We have a future!
Order. Development. Care.
Love your homeland!
Slogans of candidates in the election of the head of the Sergiev Posad district of the Moscow region, April 2009

No one can prevent Netanyahu's victory except me.
Slogan of TSIPI LIVNI, Israeli Foreign Minister and leader of the Kadima Party, in the elections to the Israeli Parliament - Knesset, 2009

Let's paint the White House black!
Slogan of Barack Obama supporters during the inauguration days, January 2009

Changes. You can believe in them.
Change. You can believe in.
BARACK OBAMA, US presidential candidate from the Democratic Party. His election slogan when it became clear that he was ahead of his opponent, 2008

It's not my ability to make a real difference in Washington that I'm asking you to trust. I ask you to believe in yourself.
I"m asking you to believe not in my ability to bring about real change in Washington. I"m asking you to believe in yours.
BARACK OBAMA, US presidential candidate from the Democratic Party. His election slogan, 2008

The power of one voice. If one vote can change a HOME, it can change a CITY. If he can change a city, he can change a STATE. If he can change the state, he can change the COUNTRY. If he can change the country, he can change the WORLD.
The power of one voice. If one voice can change A ROOM than it can change A CITY. If it can change a city than it can change A STATE. If it can change a state than it can change A NATION. If it can change a nation than it can change THE WORLD.
BARACK OBAMA, US presidential candidate from the Democratic Party. His election slogan, 2008

Let's unite for change!
Unite for Change!
The common slogan of the Democrats BARACK OBAMA and HILLARY CLINTON. US presidential election campaign, summer 2008

Change can happen.
Change can happen.
BARACK OBAMA, US presidential candidate from the Democratic Party. His campaign slogan, 2008

We need change.
Change we need.
BARACK OBAMA, US presidential candidate from the Democratic Party. Slogans of his election campaign, 2008

Let's change America!
BARACK OBAMA, US presidential candidate from the Democratic Party. His campaign slogan, 2008

Country comes first.
Country first.

Reforms, prosperity, peace.
Reform, prosperity, peace.
JOHN McCAIN, Republican presidential candidate. His election slogan, 2008

Time to make history.
It's time to make history.
JOHN McCAIN, Republican presidential candidate. His campaign slogan calling voters to the polls on November 4, 2008

The main elections of the country.
CENTRIC ELECTION COMMITTEE, slogan for the Russian presidential election, 2008

Medvedev is our president, Kotlyarov is our deputy, and there is no need for more DEBATE!
A JUST RUSSIA, election campaign slogan in Rostov-on-Don, 2008

Putin's plan is a victory for Russia!
UNITED RUSSIA, Duma election campaign slogan, 2007

Do not make yourself an idol. Do It right choice December 2, 2007.
UNION OF RIGHT FORCES (SPS), party, Duma election campaign slogan, 2007

SPS - Let's Preserve Freedom for Descendants.
UNION OF RIGHT FORCES (SPS), party slogan for the May Day march in 2004

You are right.
UNION OF RIGHT FORCES (SPS), party, slogan at the State Duma elections, 1999

Kiriyenko to the Duma, Putin to the presidency!
UNION OF RIGHT FORCES (UNF). Duma campaign slogan, 1999

Yushchenko - yes!
VIKTOR YUSHCHENKO. Slogans of his supporters during the presidential campaign in Ukraine, 2004

There are many of us together.
Together we are rich.
Maidan slogan, Ukraine, 2004

Bandits - prisons.
Maidan slogan, 2004

Boris Gryzlov gnaws on goats.
BORIS GRYZLOV. His campaign slogan

Don't lie and don't be afraid!
LIBERAL DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF RUSSIA (LDPR). Elections of State Duma deputies, 2007

Close Moscow from people from the South!
We are outside the city with Russian faces.
LIBERAL DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF RUSSIA (LDPR). Party slogans at the Moscow City Duma elections, 2004

I will raise Russia from its knees!
VLADIMIR ZHIRINOVSKY, presidential elections, 1991

Intelligence. Will. Result.
GRIGORY YAVLINSKY, presidential elections, 2000

We are not fighting communism, we are fighting poverty.

There should be no war in Russia. We're coming to stop the violence!
YABLOKO, State Duma election campaign, 1995

We will drive away fear and restore hope.
YABLOKO, State Duma election campaign, 1995

We are coming to stop the decay.
YABLOKO, State Duma election campaign, 1995

Reforms - without shock, politics - without barricades.
YABLOKO, election campaign slogan, State Duma, 1993

Together we can do anything!
Slogan of the victorious presidential campaign of NICOLAS SARKOZY, France, 2007

You can't live like that!
STANISLAV GOVORUKHIN, elections to the State Duma, slogan - the name of the famous film by S. Govorukhin, 2005

A thief should sit in jail!
STANISLAV GOVORUKHIN, elections to the State Duma, slogan - a phrase from the popular film by S. Govorukhin “The meeting place cannot be changed”, 2005

Let's stop the criminal revolution!

Vote! Or others will do it for you.
Slogan of the election campaign for the election of the mayor of Novosibirsk, 2004
Plot of the video: A man meets his wife at the maternity hospital, kisses her, the wife shows her child to her husband, the child is a black man

Behind the word is action.
BORIS GROMOV, slogan of a candidate for the post of governor of the Moscow region, 2003

The weather will clear up!
BORIS GROMOV, slogan of a candidate for the post of governor of the Moscow region, 2003
B. Gromov was photographed in full height against the backdrop of a menacing sky and lightning

Let's stop the aggression against working people!
Slogan of a candidate for the presidency of Russia, 2000

Let's rescue the Fatherland!

Let's protect ourselves.
Slogan of a candidate from the PENSIONERS PARTY, elections to the State Duma, 1999

Let's revive industry - we'll revive Russia.
Slogan of a candidate for governor, 1999

Live with wolves!
UNITY (BEAR), election bloc, slogan of the campaign for the elections of State Duma deputies, 1999

In order to drive a car, you need experience... In order to govern a country, you also need experience.
VYTAUTAS LANDSBERGIS, candidate for President of Lithuania, December 1997
The headquarters relied on the fact that Landsbergis had driven the car flawlessly for many years. And, it must happen that it was at this time that Ladsbergis “lost control” and had a major accident...

It’s better to bully yourself than to bully others.
Slogan of VADIM MANTULOV against Viktor Ishaev in the gubernatorial elections in the Khabarovsk Territory, 1996

No islands for the Chinese!
VIKTOR ISHAEV, governor of the Khabarovsk Territory from 1991 to 2009, who won elections more than once under this slogan

When you get confused in an endless series of parties, slogans and promises, CHOOSE WITH YOUR HEART!

I believe, I love, I hope.
BORIS YELTSIN, Russian presidential candidate, 1996

Together we will win!
BORIS YELTSIN, Russian presidential candidate, 1996

Let's hold hands, friends, so as not to fall apart alone.

It's fun to walk together without an escort.
Democratic slogan in the presidential campaign, 1996

Let noble rage flow into peaceful labor!
Democratic presidential campaign motto, 1996

My grandmother stood in line for 64,245 hours. I don't want!

My grandfather spent 73,855 hours in the camps. I don't want!
Democratic presidential campaign slogan, 1996

Save and preserve Russia. Don't let the red riots happen! Vote for Yeltsin!
Democratic slogan in the presidential campaign, 1996

Buy food one last time!
Democratic presidential campaign slogan, 1996
Zyuganov's frowning half-profile

Have you stocked up on food?
Democratic presidential campaign slogan, 1996

The Communist Party has not changed its name... It will not change its methods.
Democratic presidential campaign slogan, 1996

Comrades Fidel Castro, Kim Jong Il and Zyuganov know the right path. Everyone else was just lost.
Democratic presidential campaign slogan, 1996

What bad did Russia do to Marx?

If a spark ignites a flame, call 01!
Democratic presidential campaign slogan, 1996

Communism. It's just a pity to live in this wonderful time...
Democratic presidential campaign slogan, 1996

Russia will not be a “six” under the big “seven”.
From a leaflet of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, presidential elections, 1996

No no! You cannot pray for King Herod, the Mother of God does not command.
From an anonymous leaflet during the presidential election campaign, 1996

For the authorities to come to their senses, we need President Shakkum!

Let's give our children back the future!
MARTIN SHAKKUM, advertising campaign for Russian presidential candidate, 1996

They fight not until elections, but until victory.
ALEXANDER LEBED, presidential election campaign 1996

Wars are fought by the weak. Strong wars do not allow.
ALEXANDER LEBED, presidential election campaign, 1996

There is such a person, and you know him.
ALEXANDER LEBED, slogan for gubernatorial elections

We are not left, we are not right. We are normal. Just like you.

We are not communists, we are not radicals. We are just like you.
BORIS FYODOROV, Duma elections, 1995

Land for the peasants, prison for the bandits!
BORIS FYODOROV, Duma elections, 1995

Young, no matter where I am, not crooked, not crooked. I fell in love with Kostenka Borovoy forever.
KONSTANTIN BOROVOY, Duma campaign, 1995

Konstantin Borovoy is the choice of a free person.

So they will last ones first and the first shall be last: for many are called, but few are chosen.
CHRISTIAN DEMOCRATIC UNION, elections to the State Duma, slogan - quote from the Bible, 1995

The Duma is not a parade ground, you have to think there.
Movement FORWARD, RUSSIA!, elections to the State Duma, the slogan opposes a military rival, 1995

For us, Russia is the great Russian people, its Army and Navy!
Slogan of a candidate for State Duma deputy, 1995

France for everyone.
JACQUES CHIRAC, slogan of a French presidential candidate, 1995

France for you.
La France pour tous.
JACQUES CHIRAC, slogan of a French presidential candidate, 1995
Depicts a green apple tree with many ripe red fruits

France for the French.
JEAN-MARIE LE PIN, slogan of a French presidential candidate, 1995

Believe in France.
EDOUARD BALLADUR, slogan of a French presidential candidate, 1995

Yes - yes - no - yes.
The slogan of the All-Russian referendum on April 25, 1993 on trust in the president and government with the questions: 1) Do you trust the President of the Russian Federation B. N. Yeltsin? (58.7% in favor). 2) Do you approve of the socio-economic policy pursued by the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation since 1992? (53.0% in favor). 3) Do you consider it necessary to hold early elections of the President of the Russian Federation? (49.5% in favor). 4) Do you consider it necessary to hold early elections of people's deputies of the Russian Federation? (67.2% in favor)

Freedom, property, legality.
Slogan CHOICE OF RUSSIA in the election campaign to the State Duma, 1993

For the strong - work, for the weak - care!
Slogan of a number of socially oriented parties and candidates in elections at different levels, 1990s

Ivanov, fear God!
Political elections, the candidate's last name can be anything

A B C D E!
The slogan of one of the regional election campaigns. It was deciphered as follows: “Ataman Boris Vasilyevich Gulyaev - to the Duma!”

Zhuravlev in the Duma is no worse than a bird in his hands.
Slogan for the regional elections of a candidate named Zhuravlev

Five Ds: sovereignty, democracy, spirituality, prosperity, trust.
LEONID KRAVCHUK, slogan of presidential candidate of Ukraine

More rights for voters!
Give the people a choice!
Slogans of the first alternative elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, spring 1989

More future, less socialism!
FRANZ WRONITSKY, Chancellor, Austrian presidential election slogan

Quiet strength.
FRANCOIS MITERRAND, slogan for the presidential elections, 1981

I will make America strong again.
RONALD REAGAN, US presidential election, the slogan expressed the essence of the candidate's neoconservative policies, 1980

Nothing human is alien to him!
RONALD REAGAN, headlining presidential candidate, 1980
On the cover, Reagan hugs a young girl

Laborism doesn't work!
Conservative slogan MARGARET THATCHER in the election fight against Labor

Time for greatness.
A time for greatness.
JOHN KENNEDY. His slogan in the presidential campaign, USA, 1960

It has never been so good!
HAROLD MacMILLAN, Prime Minister of Great Britain from 1957 to 1963. His campaign slogan, 1959

The Reds are coming!
Vote, or he will become your master.
Slogans of Christian Democrats in parliamentary elections in Italy, 1948
The poster shows an ominous skeleton wearing a soldier’s earflaps with a star and holding a machine gun against the backdrop of a map of Europe.

All camels vote for Degrelle!
I'm an ass, that's why I vote for Degrelle!
Slogans of the Democratic Front of Belgium, which fought the fascist organization of "Rexists" led by Degrelle, 1936
The slogans were carried by circus animals in a comic procession through the streets of Brussels. This and similar actions led to the fact that fascism in Belgium – at least through parliamentary means – did not pass

For land and freedom!
The slogan of the Cadets in the campaign for elections to the Constituent Assembly, 1917 (the Social Revolutionaries accused the Cadets of plagiarism)

Everyone's off to the polls!
Soviet slogan

Let's make peace!
ULYSSES GRANT, general, US presidential candidate, the slogan proclaimed the inadmissibility of a new civil war between North and South, 1868

Vote for Vatius - everyone who beats their wives votes for him!
Vote for Vatius - all drunkards vote for him!
Anti-slogans discovered during excavations in Pompeii on the walls of city buildings that survived under the ashes

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