The richest man in Adygea. A Kuban deputy and an Adyghe senator are among the three richest in the State Duma and the Federation Council. Novorossiysk sea trade port

If Forbes is going through your pockets, then you are worth it. This is what they think in the West, where the magazine has been counting other people’s money for decades. In our provinces, everything is a little more specific. The American dream, when everyone strives for his own goal, is being successfully replaced in our country by the communal doctrine - “so that your cow dies.” According to a VTsIOM survey, 39% of Russians were ashamed of their country when they learned that in terms of the number of billionaires it is second only to the leader of the list, the United States. It is clear that the survey results, first of all, indicate people’s disbelief in the legitimacy of fabulous fortunes. But don't these results also suggest that the rich in Russia are still disliked on a genetic level? In Russia, the Forbes list has become another meeting place for those who broke up in Courchevel. There are 100 names in the Russian Forbes rating. This friendly team is worth $141 billion today. And if you look closely, you can find a small list of “southerners” in the large Forbes list. These people were not necessarily born within the borders of today’s Southern Federal District, but they make their capital here (or rather, here too). “UR” decided to take a closer look at the representatives of the South... With a fortune of $5.8 billion. Oleg Deripaska occupies an honorable fourth place on the Forbes list. Among the “southerners” he is the undisputed leader. Why is Deripaska, whose empire is increasingly reaching the transnational level, counted among the “southerners”? Well, firstly, Deripaska was born in Kuban, and secondly, the entire 2004 passed for the tycoon under the slogan - “buy Kuban.” At the beginning of last year, Oleg Deripaska bought the Kuban football club, in the middle of the year Kuban Airlines, and at the end of 2004 it became known that he had acquired an oil refinery in the Krasnodar Territory. Purchases, by the way, were smeared in a thin layer all over financial year, so the Krasnodar region did not have the slightest opportunity to forget about the effective demand of Mr. Deripaska. Perhaps such a la political-economic effect was foreseen. President of Adygea Khazret Sovmen, with a fortune of $400 million, took seventy-second place in the Russian Forbes rating. However, the President of Adygea cannot fully enjoy his seventy-second place. IN Lately rumors about the unification of the Krasnodar Territory and Adygea were especially loud. Khazret Sovmen fights back the rumors. Still, a millionaire president is not at all the same thing as just a millionaire. There is something to fight for. At the senator from Kuban Farkhad Akhmedov Forbes counted $720 million. The president of Northgas promises intensive gasification of the region and participation in other investment projects of the Krasnodar authorities. The Kuban authorities, most likely, will not be able to observe such activity with indifference, and, apparently, how they can help Northgas in its protracted conflict with Gazprom. Sergey Galitsky born in the South. This is where I earned my initial capital. Mr. Galitsky's current success is fueled by a consumer boom - no one else has such a number of inexpensive stores. The network is called "Magnit". According to Forbes magazine, by the spring of 2005, Mr. Galitsky had accumulated $460 million. Recently, information appeared that the largest shareholder of Wimm-Bill-Dan, a native of Dagestan Gabriel Yushvaev, ready to connect to the operational management of the VBD. If, under the direct leadership of Yushvaev, the food holding begins to reach new heights, then Mr. Yushvaev will be able to become even richer. Now Forbes experts value Gavriil Yushvaev at $400 million. He is in 73rd place. Igor Babaev another representative of a large food business. Forbes believes that the president of the Cherkizovsky agro-industrial complex is worth $480 million. Describing Babaev’s meat empire, Forbes noted with particular touching that having acquired a meat processing plant in the Krasnodar Territory, Mr. Babaev named it by his own name - “Babaevsky”. Why not. Anyone in his place would allow himself such weakness. Capital thing Elena Baturina, oddly enough, can also be classified as “southerners”. The logic is simple - he is the one who brings investment to the region. Ms. Baturina's construction projects in Sochi have certainly made her one of her kind. Baturina has $1.4 billion. She is the only woman in the top-100. Contemporary English writer Tim Lott wrote in 2002: “Envying rich people is as pointless as envying birds. Just two different biological species that have nothing in common.” In principle, a fair point. But what to do with another, now Russian writer, who stirred up controversy back in the nineteenth century: “Why don’t people fly?” Apparently, you can still envy birds. But in white. For example, like this: I want to be an important bird, I want to earn a million. But envying someone else's takeoff with a slingshot in his bosom is ugly. We've already been through this.

Ruble test

“14 out of 500” are the billionaires of the Southern Federal District in the Russian market (according to the rating of the magazine “Finance”). Not as rich people as in Forbes, but their business is almost entirely concentrated in the district.
Sergey Kislov, President of the agro-industrial group “South of Rus'” (Rostov-on-Don). Net worth - 4.2 billion rubles. "Yug Rusi" claims 50% of the Russian bottled refined oil market and 5% of the domestic mayonnaise market. Alexander Denisov, head of AIC Karavay Plus (Taganrog) - 4.2 billion rubles. The company deals with grain, owns a bakery, and supplies products for beer production. Owns 40% of shares of the Taganrog commercial port Vladimir Vikulov, President of the Aston agro-industrial corporation (Rostov-on-Don) - 3.4 billion rubles. 11% of grain exports and more than 56% of crude sunflower oil exports. One of the largest players in the Russian alcohol market, the Istok company in North Ossetia owns Taimuraz Bokoev- 3.4 billion rubles. In addition, Istok operates an oil refining business in Canada. Mikhail Paramonov, Chairman of the Doninvest financial and industrial group - 2.8 billion rubles. Assembly of cars of Korean and French brands. Former general director of Dontabak Ivan Savvidi- 2 billion rubles. President of the Rostov football club and part-time State Duma deputy. Stanislav Derev from Karachay-Cherkessia, owner of the Mercury company, which produces vodka and mineral water - 1.4 billion rubles. In the early 80s he was convicted of “illegal business activities.” Vladimir Melnikov, President of the Rostov company "Gloria Jeans" (sewing children's knitwear and denim clothing) - 1.4 billion rubles. Representative offices in Russia and abroad, including in China and the USA. Mustafa Batdyev, President of the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia - 1.3 billion rubles. Kirill Podolsky, General Director of Yugtransitservice - 1 billion rubles. The company's structure includes 2 marine grain transshipment complexes, the Taganrog shipyard, 2 elevators, and trading companies. Konstantin Babkin, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the New Commonwealth holding - 1 billion rubles. The holding owns a controlling stake in the largest manufacturer of combine harvesters in Russia, the Rostselmash plant, and the manufacturer of paint and varnish products, the Empils plant. Sergey Bidash, former general director of the Taganrog Metallurgical Plant (under investigation for tax evasion and waste of plant funds) - 1 billion rubles. Vladimir Gorbachev, former general director of the Southern Telecommunications Company, currently a deputy State Duma- 1 billion rubles. President of Kalmykia Kirsan Ilyumzhinov- 1 billion rubles. The source of capital accumulation is unknown.

RBC South analyzed the income and property of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory

The most famous

Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of Kuban Vladimir Beketov in 2016 earned 3.36 million rubles. His property includes an apartment with an area of ​​173 sq.m., two plots of land for individual residential construction (288 and 1,716 sq.m.), an agricultural plot (41,800 sq.m.) and a garage, as well as a Toyota Land Cruiser.
The speaker's wife with an income of 33.17 million rubles. owns a residential building (172 sq.m.), a garage, plots for individual housing construction (1,000 sq.m.) and for personal farming (650 sq.m.), as well as agricultural land with an area of ​​more than 1,000 hectares (common property). It also uses a land plot with an area of ​​1,096 hectares.
Over the course of a year, Vladimir Beketov’s earnings increased by only 300 thousand rubles, and he also acquired new land plots. At the same time, his wife’s income increased 69 times, and her declared land bank also expanded significantly.

According to media reports, Valentina Beketova owns a peasant farm that receives support from the regional budget.
The Yasno website also reported that Vladimir Beketov owns a thoroughbred Bombay riding mare. The mare Beketa born from her took part in races at the Krasnodar hippodrome 11 times.

The income of the first deputy chairman of the committee on property and land relations of the ZSK has increased Romana Batalova - son-in-law of the head of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, ex-governor of Kuban Alexander Tkachev. For 2016 he declared 11.68 million rubles, which is 3.8 times more than a year earlier.
His properties are listed land for individual housing construction (19,237 sq.m.) and personal subsidiary plots (1,200 sq.m.), half shares in three apartments (118, 150 and 202 sq.m.), as well as two parking spaces. In joint use with his wife there is a residential building with an area of ​​903.4 sq.m. Compared to last year, two apartments (107 and 111.5 sq.m.) disappeared from the declaration.

His wife's income is eldest daughter of Alexander Tkachev Tatiana - in 2016 amounted to 19.96 million rubles. (in 2015 - 12.1 million rubles).
She owns two residential buildings (492 and 1029 sq.m.), a staff house (468 sq.m.), half shares in three apartments, a non-residential building (1,106 sq.m.), a parking space, two utility rooms and a boiler room, as well as six plots for individual residential construction (from 161 to 5,020 sq.m), two plots “for recreational purposes” (149 and 155 sq.m), plots for dacha farming (4,506 sq.m) and personal subsidiary plots ( 1,150 sq.m.), two plots “to ensure the protection of land from the effects of negative phenomena” (2,740 and 3,680 sq.m.) and a plot for placing a boiler room and organizing an entrance (440 sq.m.).
Compared to the previous year, a house with an area of ​​1,029 square meters was added to the property of Batalov’s wife. and several plots of land, an apartment (34 sq.m.) disappeared.

According to the official website of ZSK, Roman Batalov holds the position of first deputy general director of Sochi-Park OJSC. In the SPARK database he is also listed as the chairman of the board of directors of JSC Firm Agrokompleks im. Tkachev”, associated with the family of the Minister of Agriculture. In addition, Batalov is currently the owner of Turinvest LLC (real estate operations).
According to media reports, Roman Batalov’s structures are also the Krasnaya Polyana gambling zone and the only casino on its territory.

Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Fuel and Energy Complex, Transport and Communications Andrey Doluda - son of the vice-governor and ataman of the Kuban Cossack army Nikolai Doluda - indicated for 2016. income of 5.15 million rubles. This is 2.3 times less than the previous year’s figures (RUB 12.02 million). He owns an apartment (146 sq.m.), a plot of land (3,061 sq.m.) and a parking space. In the declaration for 2016. BMW R NineT motorcycle and Windboat 47 motorboat also appeared.
The income of the deputy’s wife, on the contrary, increased from 653 thousand rubles. in 2015 up to 2.92 million rubles. a year later. Her property includes an apartment (53 sq.m.), a residential building with an area of ​​314 sq.m., a land plot for individual housing construction (1,496 sq.m.) and an Audi A7 car.

Andrey Doluda is the general director and co-owner of Mirogroup Resources LLC, a major player in the Russian grain export market, supplying more than 20 countries around the world. Another half of Mirogroup Resources is owned by the Delo Group of Companies, a transport and logistics holding owned by Sergei Shishkarev.
According to SPARK, Doluda Jr. also owns 50% of Eurodom LLC (rental and management of real estate) and 42% of Miragro LLC (growing grain crops). In addition, since 2016 he is listed as the sole owner of the Kuban handball club.

Secretary of the Krasnodar regional branch of the party " United Russia", Vice-Speaker of the ZSK Nikolay Gritsenko in 2016 earned 1.88 million rubles (1.79 million rubles a year earlier). He owns five apartments (from 33 to 63 sq.m.), four summer houses (from 56 to 258 sq.m.), two plots of land (120 and 1,000 sq.m.), a cafe, a shop, a garage and an unfinished building ( 124 sq.m), a Toyota car and a boat with a motor. There are also 10 land plots in use ranging from 117 to 758 sq.m.
According to the previous declaration, in 2015. Gritsenko owned the same five apartments and two plots; a land plot with an area of ​​3,902 sq.m. was in use.

The wealthiest

The highest annual income was indicated in the declaration by a member of the Committee on Industry, Construction and Housing and Public Utilities Sergey Prokopenko . For 2016 he earned 226.78 million rubles, improving his by more than 74 million.
He owns a 1/2 share in a residential development site (15,800 sqm) and a residential building, an unnamed 24,784 sqm structure and five buildings (ranging from 38 to 2,776 sqm), as well as Bentley Flying Spur cars and Land Rover Range Rover.

Sergey Prokopenko is the general director and co-owner of Fitnessland LLC. In addition, he owns MLED LLC, as well as shares in Expograd LLC, Southern Exhibition Company and 15 other companies in the Krasnodar Territory and beyond.
The deputy's brother Alexey Prokopenko, a former assistant to a State Duma deputy, owns 30% of Expograd, 41% of the Southern Exhibition Company and 100% of Expodar LLC, as well as shares in more than 30 companies, including the large car dealer SBSV-Klyuchavto.

“Silver” from a member of the committee on health resort complex and tourism Fedora Yanishoglo , who earned 148.84 million rubles. Over the course of the year, he increased his official income by 33.3 million, which allowed him to rise to second place in the ranking.
Yanishoglo also holds a record for the number and variety of real estate registered to him: 52 apartments (from 21 to 116 sq.m.), a residential building (381 sq.m.), three garages, 12 dormitory buildings, administrative and non-residential buildings, a swimming pool and a chapel, as well as numerous agricultural plots. The deputy's fleet includes three cars Mercedes Benz(ML350, GL400 and E200), Ford Explorer, VAZ-2106, Zoomlion truck and concrete mixer truck.
His wife with an income of 390 thousand rubles. owns a store premises and two Audi A3 Cabriolets.

Fedor Yanishoglo owns several sanatoriums in Anapa under the Fairy brand, the Fairy Furniture company and the Rossiya agricultural enterprise in the Anapa region.

In third place is a member of the Committee on Fiscal, Tax and Economic Policy Petr Galenko with an income of 135.99 million rubles. This is almost 6 million rubles less than a year earlier, when he borrowed.
He owns three houses (106, 156 and 452 sq.m.), a boat garage, a temple-chapel and a plot of land for its operation, plots for personal farming and individual housing construction, an impressive bank of agricultural land, as well as a Jeep Wrangler Rubicon car, 16 tractors and trailers for them, combine harvesters and excavators.
The wife of the deputy, who in 2016 earned 12.23 million rubles, owns 15 apartments (from 17 to 84 sq.m.), plots for the construction of shops, a pizzeria building with an attic, 1/2 share of a sauna building and other non-residential buildings. In 2016 her income was 4.7 million rubles, and her property included only 15 apartments and a garage box.

According to SPARK, Petr Galenko is the owner of the confectionery factory Galan LLC (Kurganinsk), as well as a co-owner of Kurganinsky Bread Factory LLC, Bread Stores and Management Company.

In fourth place is the Secretary of the Committee on Industry, Construction and Housing and Public Utilities Andrey Kuemzhiev with an income of 121.18 million rubles. (+55 million rubles to the declaration for 2015). He owns 4 apartments (from 44 to 256 sq.m.), a garage, a GAZ-3102 car and a Honda VTX 1800F motorcycle.
Wife of a parliamentarian in 2016 earned 268 thousand rubles (5.2 times less compared to 2015). She owns shares in a land plot for agriculture with an area of ​​more than 7.5 thousand hectares, an apartment (143 sq.m.) and a Mercedez-Bens ML 350 car.

Andrey Kuemzhiev is listed as the sole owner of Agrofirma Kuban LLC, Kuban Cereal Company, Delta (production of cereals and flour) and Reserve (retail trade in cereals), as well as the concern of agro-industrial enterprises Vozrozhdenie.

The most modest and suddenly modest

The lowest income was again indicated by a member of the Committee on Industry, Construction and Housing and Public Utilities Alexey Gusak , who stated that for 2016. earned only 115,791 rubles. Thus, the average monthly income of a parliamentarian is 9.6 thousand rubles. and coincides with the cost of living. His wife received 17,300 rubles last year. Deputy Husak indicated the use of a residential building with an area of ​​42 sq.m. and BMW car 3251, his wife owns half of the apartment (33 sq.m.).

Let us remind you that based on the results of the declaration campaign for 2014. Gusak turned out to be the poorest deputy of the ZSK with an income of 68,364 rubles. In 2015 he earned 210 thousand rubles, taking second place in the modesty rating.

In the SPARK database, Alexey Gusak is listed as the sole owner and general director of Fruitberry LLC (wholesale trade of fruits and vegetables).
In 2014 On the ZSK loan he was listed as deputy director of Leader-S LLC, a year later - as a project manager in the industrial sales department of Transasia Logistic LLC.

In second place is a member of the Communist Party faction, development director of Southern Energy Company LLC. Pavel Sokolenko . In 2016 he earned 120 thousand rubles, which completely coincides with the declaration for 2015. His wife’s income increased 5,195 times - from 578 to 3,003,026 rubles. The deputy owns two apartments (71 and 130 sq.m.), his wife owns a Mazda 3 car.

The third place is occupied by a deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, a member of the committee on the use of natural resources And environmental safety Sergey Kolnichenko with an income of 138,346 rubles. Compared to 2015 his earnings decreased by 26 times, and his Lexus RS-400 car disappeared from his property.
The wife’s income remained virtually unchanged (452 ​​thousand rubles in 2016), but a Lexus RX-400H appeared in her declaration. The deputy’s wife also owns three land plots (562 and 1003 sq.m., half share of 697 sq.m.), Kolnichenko himself does not own any real estate.

According to SPARK information, Sergei Kolnichenko owns 25% of Farmjod LLC, the general director of which is his son Alexander.

Fourth place goes to the Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Financial, Budgetary, Tax and Economic Policy Grigory Zezyulin . In 2016 his earnings decreased by 6.7 times - to 188,564 rubles. At the same time, his wife’s income increased almost 23 times - to 8.59 million rubles.
He owns a residential building, an apartment, a dacha, a garage, five land plots (from 60 to 1,164 sq.m.), agricultural land (148 thousand sq.m.), as well as a Hyundai Santa Fe car and an MTZ-82 tractor. The deputy's wife owns agricultural land (111,000 sq.m.), a house, three trucks, a Don-1500 combine and three tractors.

Grigory Zezyulin, according to SPARK, owns 70% of Gamma Plus LLC (growing other fruit and berry crops). In 2015 The company's net profit exceeded 16 million rubles.

Another “dramatic” drop in income was demonstrated by a member of the Committee on Fiscal, Tax and Economic Policy Boris Levitsky . Last year he had an income of 27.42 million rubles. closed the top five of the wealthiest deputies of the ZSK. According to the declaration for 2016 he earned 9.8 times less - only 2.79 million rubles. Levitsky's wife maintained her income at the level of 2.4 million rubles, she owns a BMW X6 car, and uses a cottage with an area of ​​518 sq.m.
Levitsky owns a residential building (516 sq.m.), an apartment (118 sq.m.), five bedroom buildings, a sports and cultural block and a reception block, as well as an Audi Q7 car, an apartment and two land plots (1,000 and 7,799 sq.m.).

Boris Levitsky previously held the position of Deputy General Director for Human Resources, social development and general issues of Gazprom Dobycha Krasnodar LLC.
In March 2017 he became co-chairman of the regional headquarters of the ONF in the Krasnodar region. He also heads the interregional public patriotic movement “Derzhava” and the regional public organization “ Immortal Regiment- Krasnodar region".

The most "foreign"

The only deputy of the ZSK who indicated foreign real estate in the declaration was a member of the committee on issues local government Alexander Fendrikov .
This happened after the volunteer anti-corruption project “Municipal Scanner” published materials about houses and apartments in Karlovy Vary owned by regional officials and deputies.

The issue of the parliamentarian’s undeclared foreign real estate was considered at a meeting of the commission to monitor the reliability of information about the income and property of the ZSK deputies. According to, the data discrepancy was caused by an error by the assistants who prepared the information for submission.

According to the declaration for 2016, Fendrikov owns an apartment in the Czech Republic with an area of ​​91 square meters, and in Russia - an apartment, a residential building and shares in two more houses, as well as land plots and two Lexus LS400 and LS460 cars. The deputy’s wife owns an apartment in the Russian Federation (120 sq.m.), two apartments in the Czech Republic (62 and 01 sq.m.), and a Nissan Micra 1.2 Lux car.

According to SPARK, Alexander Fendrikov is the owner and general director of Tikhoretsk Mashinostroitel LLC, and he also owns shares in OJSC Tikhoretsk Machine-Building Plant named after. Vorovsky" and LLC "TPM-2001".
According to the Czech Trade Register, the Fendrikovs own the company Fenotech - capital s.r.o. in this country.

Larisa Kaftan

Yesterday, the Central Election Commission completed receiving information about candidates for State Duma deputies on party lists.

In recent political reading, the information submitted by parties to the Central Election Commission about their candidates is bestseller No. 1. And not only because the electorate is interested in the wallet of the elected representatives even more than their personal life (the political platform is not interesting at all). But because the documents contain surprises that voters never dreamed of in the last elections. True, the fundamental electoral principle has been confirmed: there are no cheap politicians.

The information is compiled on the basis of declarations submitted by the candidates themselves. And since Otto von Bismarck warned that people never lie as much as during a hunt, after the war and before elections, many data are questionable. However, the CEC claims that it verified them with the help of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and tax authorities.

At the current elections, the Central Election Commission was interested in the following information: total income for 2002, land plots, residential buildings, apartments, dachas, garages, cars, cash in banks, shares and securities.

Based on this information, we tried to compile a candidate rating.

The richest. You won't catch us!

1st place: Khazret Sovmen, more than 9 billion 354 million rubles (more than 300 million dollars), United Russia.

2nd place: Sergei Muravlenko, 341.5 million rubles (over 11 million dollars), YUKOS, Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

3rd place: Eduard Kozhevnikov, businessman from Chelyabinsk, 233 million rubles (about 8 million dollars), ATP.

4th place: Vladislav Reznik, 118 million rubles, “United Russia”.

5th place: Leonid Simakovsky, 113.9 million rubles, “United Russia”.

SSR member Anatoly Chubais, whose annual income is about 30 million rubles (million dollars), is far behind the leaders. Unexpectedly, SSP members Alfred Kokh (income 7.2 million rubles) and Yegor Gaidar (income 4.7 million rubles) turned out to be “poor”.

50 candidates for deputies from United Russia have incomes of over 1 million rubles. There are 26 “millionaires” in the Union of Right Forces, and 16 in the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

The poorest. How to live on a ruble a year?

The poorest party was the liberal New Deal - Automobile Russia party, including its leader Viktor Pokhmelkin, whose income is only 289 thousand rubles. The richest candidate of the “motorists” - Georgy Zadonsky - has an income of 7.7 million rubles. 17 candidates have no income at all, and one of the “motorists” - Boris Zamai, who works in a consultation bureau - earned 1 ruble in a year. This “motorist” doesn’t have a car either.

The largest latifundists

Tsyrendorzhi Damdinov, “Yabloko” - 62.2 hectares, Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug;

Evgeny Medvedev, “United Russia” - about 4 hectares, Moscow region;

Sergey Muravlenko, Communist Party of the Russian Federation - 3 hectares, Moscow region;

Alexander Khloponin, “United Russia” - about 2 hectares, Moscow region;

Boris Fedorov, “Automotive Russia” - 1.7 hectares, Moscow region.

Quote on topic

“Politics is the noble art of obtaining the votes of the poor and campaign money from the rich, in order to protect one from the other.”
Oscar Ameringer, American socialist.

Real estate rating of party members. From a wrecked house in Russia to an apartment in Switzerland

Yuri Shefler, SPS, two 150-meter apartments in Switzerland

Ivan Falkov, SPS, 22 real estate properties in the Voronezh region (including a water tower and a veterinary station)

Igor Negerev, Communist Party of the Russian Federation, 10 apartments in Astrakhan

Victor Saigin, SPS, 8 apartments in Murmansk, Belgorod, Krasnodar region

Sergey Shcherchkov, SPS, 7 apartments in the Perm region

None of the current applicants was able to overcome the record of Zhirinovsky’s son Igor Lebedev, who declared at the last elections that he had 28 apartments (at the time of signing the issue, the current declarations of candidates from the LDPR had not yet been made public).

Over the past four years, Yabloko leader Grigory Yavlinsky has improved his real estate situation: judging by his last declaration, he was generally homeless, and now he has two apartments: in Moscow and in Ukraine. Deputy Yavlinsky Sergei Ivanenko, also homeless in the previous Duma, now owns Moscow real estate of 186 meters. But the vice-speaker of the Duma, Yabloko member Vladimir Lukin, was not lucky: he has no apartment, no accounts, no shares, but only a dacha and a garage, in which he apparently stores pickles from this dacha, because cars Lukin doesn’t either. Lukin once remarked: “Brevity is the sister of my talent.” This probably applies to all aspects of this politician’s life.

It doesn’t matter with the property of SPS leader Boris Nemtsov: there are no cars, no dachas, no houses, no apartments, he even lost the land plots that he announced in the last elections.

Why do candidates need tractors?

SSP member Sergei Derkach, in addition to foreign cars, has about three dozen tractors and combines. Millionaire Igor Annensky from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is a rocker: he has several cool motorcycles.

Multi-machine operators

There are candidates who can safely be classified as “multi-machine operators” - they indicated the largest number of sources of income.

Pavel Krasheninnikov, ATP, 12 sources of income, 626 thousand rubles.

Egor Gaidar, ATP, 11 sources, 4.7 million rubles.

Alexey Arbatov, Yabloko, 7 sources, 676.5 thousand rubles.

The most cunning. By stage - to the LDPR

The head of the Central Election Commission, Alexander Veshnyakov, discovered the most cunning candidates on the LDPR lists: two applicants did not declare their criminal records, and one attributed to himself a higher education. The LDPR, fearing a scandal, immediately crossed out the cunning people from its lists.

Special project of the online magazine “Yasno”

Who owns Kuban? What assets do federal and local oligarchs have in the Krasnodar Territory? Which of them has the greatest influence both on processes and power in the region, and on public opinion? This is discussed in the third part of the special project of the online magazine “Yasno”, summing up the results of the year.

Among the public assets of the “collective Tkachev” is one of the largest agricultural holdings in the south of Russia - the company ZAO Agrokompleks (Vyselkovsky district). Before becoming governor, Alexander Nikolaevich officially led the organization. After leaving power, the reins of power in the agricultural holding passed for some time to his brother Alexei Tkachev. Alexander and Alexey’s father, front-line soldier Nikolai Ivanovich, was the chairman of the company’s board of directors until he died this year.

Over the years, Agrocomplex acquired possessions far beyond the borders of its native Vyselkovsky district. New assets are still being added to it. However, insiders say that in 2010, Agrocomplex lost part of its land (after the well-known tragic events in Kushchevka). Today, the Agrokompleks company includes more than 40 enterprises of various profiles: crop production, rice growing, meat and dairy cattle breeding, pig farming, poultry farming, processing industry and trading activities. The scale of the enterprise is 16 thousand employees and 200 thousand hectares of arable land.

In addition to Agrocomplex, the “collective Tkachev” has a large number of other enterprises on its balance sheet. There are companies of various profiles here: construction, real estate, financial sector, industrial production and entertainment industry. Up to control over one of Gazprom’s subsidiaries.


Total GPA influence 6.25

Product combinator

Galitsky is the only person on the Forbes list of the richest businessmen who was not only born in Kuban, but also continues to live here. Sergei Nikolaevich was born in the Lazarevsky district of Sochi under the surname Harutyunyan. After marriage, he adopted his wife’s surname, by which he is now known.

The oligarch not only looks like the hero of one of the film adaptations of the immortal novel by Ilf and Petrov, but is also very similar to him in his qualities. Sergei Galitsky combines such qualities of Ostap Bender as ingenuity, cunning, cynicism, self-confidence, narcissism and stinginess, as well as traits that are more typical of football fans: impulsiveness, lack of restraint. As is known, he himself, in parallel with his commercial activities, holds the post of president of FC Krasnodar.

As a second-year student, Galitsky began working in one of the commercial banks in Krasnodar. In 1993, he graduated from the Faculty of Economics and National Economic Planning of Kuban State University with a degree in finance and credit. In 1994, he completed his career as a banker as deputy bank manager. In 1994, he and his partners created the Transasia company, which distributed cosmetics and perfumes from Avon, Johnson & Johnson, and Procter & Gamble.

In 1995, Sergei Galitsky left this business and founded the Thunder company. In 2000, having changed the format of stores to discounters, he renamed the chain to “Magnit Chain of Stores.” In 2001, Magnit, with 250 stores, became the largest retail chain in Russia. In 2006, he placed shares of Magnit on the RTS and MICEX (investors paid $368 million for 19% of the shares).

The oligarch enjoys the support of the governor’s team, perhaps also because he acts as a “wallet” for some government projects.


Cumulative average impact score 5.8

Visiting federal oligarch

Number 58 on the 2013 Forbes World Billionaires List is primarily associated with the Krasnodar region through participation in the construction of Olympic Sochi facilities. Thus, Potanin’s company Interros was engaged in the construction of the Rosa Khutor ski complex.

Potanin’s business interests in Sochi found support not only from the regional authorities, but also from the federal authorities in the person of President Vladimir Putin. He can also lobby his interests in Kuban through various public organizations, of which he is a member (RSPP, Russian Geographical Society, etc.), as well as the media assets of Interros (although this year they have lost some weight).

It is worth noting that Vladimir Potanin is also involved in charity work in the Krasnodar region, in particular, he pays scholarships to distinguished students, holds a “Winter School” in Sochi for scholarship holders of his own award, and finances the construction of the International Olympic University.


Cumulative average impact score 5

Businesswoman doing
rapid career in politics

Until 2013, the publicly unknown general director of Gubsky Brick Plant OJSC, Lyubov Popova, made a rapid career in politics. As insiders say, the reason may be in relations with the vice-governor of Kuban domestic policy Vladimir Svezhenets, whom she has known since the days of his work as the head of the Mostovsky district (in which her brick factory is located). In the summer of 2013, Popova became co-chair of the Kuban branch of the All-Russian Popular Front (ONF), although this structure publicly eschews dependence on regional authorities. In the fall, she became the secretary of the hastily and almost “secretly” created Public Chamber Krasnodar region.

According to a biography from open sources, Lyubov Viktorovna was born in Norilsk. In 1979, she graduated from the Norilsk Evening Industrial Institute and received the qualification of a mechanical engineer. She has worked at KNAUF since 1995, and since June 1996 - as General Director of KNAUF Marketing Krasnodar LLC. Her area of ​​activity included the development of markets in the south of Russia, the Volga region, Tatarstan, and the Urals. In 2000-2005, Lyubov Viktorovna was involved in organizing the promotion of KNAUF products in Central Asia. In 2012, she left the KNAUF company, after which she headed the family business - Gubsky Brick Plant OJSC.

In February 2010, by decree of the then Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Lyubov Popova was awarded the title “Honored Builder of the Russian Federation.”

5. Oleg Deripaska

Cumulative average impact score 4.6

"Owner of newspapers, ships and factories"

Number 131 on the Forbes world list of billionaires for 2013 has a developed business in Kuban. Born in the Gorky region, Oleg Vladimirovich spent his childhood in the Ust-Labinsky district of the Krasnodar Territory - the homeland of his mother Valentina Petrovna. In the family tree of the oligarch on the maternal side there were Kuban Cossacks Ezub from the village of Novoleushkovskaya. A relative of the entrepreneur, Alexey Ezubov, is a State Duma deputy from the Krasnodar Territory. He worked for several years in companies registered with his nephew. Pavel Alekseevich Ezubov, general director of the non-profit foundation Fidelitas (his father previously held this position), together with Deripaska, established AgroKuban Resource LLC (the relative has 1%, the oligarch has 99%).

A subsidiary of Deripaska's company Basic Element, Basic Aero, owns airports in Krasnodar, Sochi, Gelendzhik and Anapa. His other asset is the Kuban agricultural holding in the Ust-Labinsk region - one of the largest agricultural business structures in the South of Russia.


Cumulative average impact score 4.5

Putin's friend

The Russian billionaire, a friend of Russian President Vladimir Putin, with whom he practiced judo and sambo in the same Leningrad section, periodically not only vacations in the Krasnodar Territory, but also has assets here. He was one of the shareholders of the Novorossiysk commercial sea port (sold his share in 2011). Until recently, he was also a co-owner of TPS Real Estate OJSC, whose portfolio includes about 1 million square meters of real estate, including the operating shopping and entertainment centers “Gallery Krasnodar” in Krasnodar and “Moremall” in Sochi. However, this year it became known that Rottenberg was leaving the co-owners of TPS Real Estate.

Experts attribute the exit of Putin’s friend from this business in connection with sanctions against Russia. The company has large-scale plans, it needs to attract loans, and with such a co-owner it becomes difficult. In this regard, it is possible that Rottenberg will unofficially continue to control the company.

7. Ivan Demchenko

Cumulative average impact score 3.5

Deputy oligarch

A very non-public State Duma deputy Ivan Demchenko long years worked in Kuban. Previously, he was elected to the Legislative Assembly of the region. Insiders say that in addition to regional connections, Demchenko has good patrons in Moscow. He occupies the chair of the General Director of Abinsk Electrometallurgical Plant LLC. At one time, he founded Novorosmetall LLC, owned 60% of the shares of Novostal OJSC, and a quarter of the Adyghe Gaztransbank.

This year the Abinsk plant announced big plans for development. Thus, Demchenko announced his intention to introduce two more production stages (third and fourth).

Officially, for 2013, Ivan Ivanovich’s income amounted to 55 million rubles.

8. Ziyavudin Magomedov

Dagestan group

The cousin of politician and businessman Akhmed Bilalov significantly lost influence in Kuban, like the entire Dagestani group, after disgrace from President Vladimir Putin. It is known that Bilalov himself even left Russia after this. Meanwhile, Magomedov’s Summa Group continues to own a 25% stake in the Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port. Ziyavudin Magomedov now most likely has only indirect influence on the regional government through the Russian government, with whose deputy chairman Arkady Dvorkovich he studied at the university together.

In addition, another representative of the Dagestan group, the founder of the development holding “Europe-invest”, is doing well Rizvana Isaeva. His company, in particular, is involved in the German Village cottage community and the Marriott hotel. Isaev himself will personally shake hands with Governor Alexander Tkachev and many other leaders, including in the capital.


Cumulative average impact score 3.3

photo: magazine "Expert"
"Car king" of the South of Russia

Klyuchavto is one of the largest car dealers in the south of Russia, represented in the cities of Krasnodar, Goryachy Klyuch, Sochi, Novorossiysk, Rostov-on-Don, Stavropol, Mineral water. The owner of the company is Viktor Sergeev, who, as Forbes noted a couple of months ago, has turned from the owner of a small construction company SBSV into one of the largest car sellers in the country.

Viktor Sergeev conducts his business exclusively in the south of Russia, unlike most of those in our rating. Klyuchavto is the official representative of Mercedes-Benz, Lexus, Toyota, Renault, Hyundai, Mitsubishi, Skoda.

In 2011, Viktor Sergeev, together with two more representatives of his company, became members of the public council at the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Krasnodar Territory. Another scandal has become associated with the police. After submitting to the council in November of the same year, an order from the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was placed on the government procurement website for the purchase of three SUVs for 8.81 million rubles. Almost the only major Toyota dealer in Krasnodar, Klyuchavto, could provide the desired Toyota Land Cruiser Prado model or equivalent.

Sergeev was not included in the next composition of the Public Council, but retains his influence in power in other ways.


Cumulative average influence score 3

Latent oligarch

Perhaps the most non-public oligarch from our rating. Last in the TOP 10, but not the poorest of them. Many Kuban residents know about its existence, even with active life position, they found out only after his arrest in the fall of this year.

The owner of the companies YuMK-"Kormilitsa", Kubantekhgaz and a number of others began his business in the dashing "nineties", as old-timers note, in the relevant laws of the genre of that time. Despite constantly walking on the edge of the law, the security forces took it into circulation only in 2014, but it is not yet a fact that this criminal prosecution will end in punishment. In 2012, the Russian magazine Expert hinted at Makarevich’s raider activities, but then this did not affect him at all.

Makarevich was famous in narrow circles for his omnipotence, non-publicity and untouchability. There is an opinion that Krasnodar journalist Denis Kulaga, who was beaten at one time, allegedly suffered on a tip from this particular oligarch. This opinion is not officially confirmed.

Only scanty information can be found on the activities of Makarevich’s main brainchild on his website: “Southern Diversified Corporation” has its own production under the “Nurse” brand. This brand produces a wide range of canned products. Today the number of product items is about 100 items and continues to constantly increase. Canned fruit and vegetable products TM “Kormilitsa” are produced in Russia, Thailand, India, China and Spain.

According to Yasno insiders, the oligarch controls fifty companies through ownership of a 50% stake. Can resolve issues at the level of a member of the governor’s team, Alexander Remezkov.

Has influence on public organizations, in particular, on the Krasnodar regional branch of the organization “Business Russia”. Although within the edge this structure not very viable.

How the rating was compiled

Questionnaire. The experts were offered a list of people in four categories, each of which initially had more than ten names. At the same time, the list could be supplemented independently. Based on the results of the responses received, the Yasno editors compiled the TOP 10 people for each category with the greatest cumulative influence.

Experts. Representatives from all four categories took part in the study. Among the experts were some of the nominees from the questionnaire (their opinion about themselves was naturally not taken into account) and other people from this field. Among them were both liberals and patriotic statesmen. The names of the experts remain confidential at the request of most of them.

Criteria. The questionnaire asked each person to be assessed according to three criteria: influence on government and processes in the region; influence on public opinion; publicity. Moreover, the last criterion was not taken into account when calculating the total value of a person’s influence.

After publishing the names from all 4 categories, the editors will present in a separate publication the final average score of the persons for each criterion as a separate material.

Scientific and authentic . This study does not claim to be strictly sociological. Nevertheless, it clearly outlines the trends and ranking of the influence of persons in the Krasnodar region.

Akhmed Tatlok worked in the city of Maykop as a cameraman on the republican television of Adygea until he married a teacher junior classes Said. Life pressed - married man must have his own house and car to transport his heirs. Akhmed gave up his TV camera and started a business that feeds half of Adygea. In his native village Teuchezhkhabl, Tatlok rented 5 hectares of land, grew 20 tons of tomatoes during the season and successfully sold them to Kirov region. There was just enough money to buy a white Volga and a two-room apartment in Maykop.

Ahmed Tatlok tells everyone about his economic successes: relatives, friends, even a journalist from Moscow. But not the native administration. The farmer did not register entity and didn't pay taxes. Officially, Tatlok is unemployed, like many in Adygea; no one, however, knows exactly how many people like him are there. The economy, political structure and even the history of the republic are arranged in the most bizarre way.

Adygea is a tiny piece of land in the northwestern part of the Caucasus; 7800 sq. km - six times less than the Moscow region. The picturesque slopes of the Caucasus Range are home to 444,000 people, of which only 23% are Adyghe, the titular nation. But locals like to remember that it wasn’t always this way. Since ancient times, the territory of the present Krasnodar Territory and adjacent territories was inhabited by related tribes known under the common name “Adygs” or “Circassians”: Shapsugs, Natukhais, Kabardians, Ubykhs, Zhans, Abadzekhs, Bzhedukhs, etc. Caucasian War The 19th century completely changed the appearance of the region. General Nikolai Evdokimov wrote in his memoirs: “A fact happened that had almost no example in history. The huge mountain population, which once possessed great wealth, was armed and capable of military craft, occupied a vast region from the upper reaches of the Kuban to Anapa and the southern slope of the Caucasus Range from Sudzhuk Bay to the Bzyba River, owning the most inaccessible areas in the region, suddenly disappears from this land ... "

In 1864, 493,000 highlanders were sent by sea to Turkey. The basis of the new people, the Adygeans, consisted of 60,000 people from relatively peaceful tribes who remained on the territory of the Kuban, but even now the residents of Adygea, at every opportunity, point out that about 3.5 million of their fellow tribesmen live abroad. At Soviet power The territories of compact residence of Adyghe people received the status of an autonomous region within the Krasnodar Territory. Residents of the region grew tomatoes, cucumbers and sunflowers, made some furniture and parquet, and some equipment for oil workers. They lived well, they even had their own regional brand - soft Adyghe cheese. In the 1980s, the Ministry of Dairy Industry of the USSR paid Adyghe people for “tours” to the dairy factories of the USSR; young people had to be taught how to make the “correct” delicacy.

Adyghe cheese, it must be said, is still popular. And the Giaginsky dairy plant, owned by Sergei Guseinov, is a local landmark. IN Soviet years the company made butter. After privatization, Huseynov decided to produce cheese here for the Moscow market and was right. The Giaginsky plant is now one of the largest enterprises in the republic: 3,500 tons of cheese worth $15 million per year, its own vehicle fleet, investment program (a whey processing workshop worth $2.2 million is being built on the territory of the enterprise). “I’ve been making Adyghe cheese for 32 years and I’m proud that we produce the only national product that is known from Sakhalin to the Baltic states,” says Guseinov in an interview with Forbes.

In 1991, the former first secretary of the Adyghe regional party committee, Aslan Dzharimov, “knocked out” the status of a republic for his territory and became the first president of the new subject of the federation. They don’t like to remember Dzharimov’s reign here. In the 1990s, most large enterprises closed (the Maikop brewery, the Druzhba furniture factory, poultry farms, food processing plants), the volume of production in the woodworking industry decreased by 85% compared to 1991, and in mechanical engineering by 70%.

The only one not sitting idle was Asya Eutykh, a master jeweler and specialist in Circassian weapons. Aslan Dzharimov pursued a consistent policy of “reviving Adyghe statehood.” Circassians from Saudi Arabia built a mosque in Maykop, the Adyghe people received a constitutionally guaranteed 50% of seats in the republic's government, and each high-ranking guest of the republic's authorities was given a richly decorated bladed weapon. “I made 60 checkers and 50 daggers, these checkers simply strangled me,” Eutykh says in an interview with Forbes. Patriarch Alexy II received a panagia made by Asya, Vyacheslav Ivankov (also known as Yaponchik) received an akinak sword, President Vladimir Putin received a rhyton vessel.

But expensive gifts did not help Dzharimov. Asya Eutykh now makes collectible jewelry that replicates precious finds from Adyghe burial mounds (sales in 2005 were $1.5 million). A ex-president retired: in 2002, the head of the republic became a man who claimed to be a national hero of Adygea - the creator of the largest gold mining company in Russia, Khazret Sovmen.

Khazret Sovmen is the youngest son in a large family of Shapsug collective farmers (Adyghe subethnic group) from the village of Afipsip. In 1961, after serving in the Black Sea Fleet, he went “to the north” to pan for gold. A mine worker in the Khabarovsk Territory, then deputy chairman of the Voskhod prospecting artel, at 32 years old - chairman of the Soyuz gold mining artel. According to the recollections of colleagues, Sovmen had a tough character: he did not stand on ceremony with miners, forced them to work hard and did not allow them to drink. But he also allowed me to earn decent money. “You should have seen how a person changed when he knew that this year he would be able to buy a house, and next year a car, a dacha, and so on,” recalls Vadim Tumanov, the founder of the Pechora, Vostok and other artels. Since 1980, Khazret Sovmen has been the head of the Polyus artel, which received the Olimpiada gold deposit in the Krasnoyarsk Territory for development (proven reserves of 383,000 tons of gold).

The career of the future head of the republic was not always successful. In the mid-1980s, for example, Sovmen fell under the campaign against the leaders of mining cooperatives that worked on the principle of self-financing. “The ideologists of the CPSU considered them traitors to communism,” recalls the former head of Soyuzzoloto, Valery Rudakov, in an interview with Forbes. “I don’t know what the wording was, but I know that Sovmen was given a term for nothing.” However, quite quickly the gold miner was amnestied and reinstated as chairman of Polyus. “Khazret never hid the fact that he made good money; he was known as one of the most honest people in the industry,” says Rudakov.

In modern times, Polyus became the country's largest gold mining enterprise, and Khazret Sovmen became the owner of the company and the richest Circassian in the world (in 2005, for example, he took 72nd place in the ranking of the richest businessmen in Russia by Forbes magazine). In October 2001, Sovmen sold his company to Norilsk Nickel for $225 million and went to presidential elections in Adygea. In February 2002, 68% of the republic's voters voted for his candidacy.

Why the entrepreneur went into politics, no one can say for sure, not even Sovmen himself. In one interview, he says that he wanted to “stop the massacre: in the post-perestroika years, shooting began in Adygea, people were dying” (according to other sources, the republic was and remains the calmest place in the Caucasus); in another he claims that he “wanted to help his native republic get out of the economic crisis.” Some political scientists hint that Sovmen was “set up by the Kremlin” in Adygea. “Of course, Sovmen was supported and persuaded in every possible way by the presidential administration,” says Sergei Markedonov, head of the problems department interethnic relations Institute of Political and Military Analysis. - The Kremlin sincerely thought that bureaucratic combinations could change the rules of the game in the Caucasian republic. They say that Sovmen is a European man and will serve them faithfully.”

And Khazret Sovmen, apparently, sincerely believed that the Caucasian republic could be managed as one’s own company. Is there a crisis in the economy? We will apply a number of standard procedures.

First, we will place our people in key positions. Sovmen replaced the previous administration, which consisted of Kabardians and Abadzes, with his fellow Shapsug tribesmen and Russians, who came after the president from the Polyus artel. The clans of fired managers, as usual in the Caucasus, became enemies of the new government.

Secondly, we will reduce current costs. Sovmen immediately reduced the republic's bureaucratic apparatus by 30%. He also announced his intention to cut the republic's bicameral parliament to one chamber and reduce its funding threefold: from 15 million to 5 million rubles (which took four years). Naturally, this did not add any more friends to the president in the republic.

Third, we will modernize production. Already in 2003, Khazret Sovmen spent 250 million rubles (partly his own, partly on credit) to purchase combines, tractors, fertilizers, and fuels and lubricants for the republic’s farmers. The farmers were deeply grateful to their president until it became clear that this was not a gift, but a loan. The peasants are still reluctantly paying off their debts, scolding the president’s initiative through clenched teeth.

Finally, the fourth standard move of an anti-crisis manager is to bring external investors into the economy. Sovmen did not achieve great success in this matter, although he does not feel guilty. “I invited investors, actually under my own name. Everything is agreed, everything is in order: the company is building, the bank is giving guarantees, loans. But at the very end of the process a breakdown occurs. I find out: it turns out that some of our respected neighbors managed to tell that warlike highlanders, Circassians, live in Adygea, Chechnya is nearby, they shoot, kidnap people, take hostages, etc. And this happened more than once. Well, is this like a neighbor, like a human being?” - the president complains in an interview with the Izvestia-Yug newspaper.

With “dear neighbors”, the Krasnodar Territory and especially the representative office of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern federal district, the relationship with the Adyghe leader did not work out. In public speeches, Sovmen calls the Kuban governor Alexander Tkachev “an overbearing boy,” and the head of the embassy in the Southern Federal District as “a Cossack with a saber.” However, it is difficult to say with whom Sovmen gets along in the region. The president has established strong hostile relations with the Republican parliament. “Before you grunt something, count how much I invested in Adygea!” - a familiar passage from Sovmen’s speech to the people’s representatives, whom he calls “our smart guys.”

The president's own government ministers clearly irritate him. “At one meeting of the cabinet of ministers, he didn’t like something, he got up and left,” a local businessman, who wished to remain anonymous, says about Khazret Sovmen. “The ministers sat for another hour, waiting for him, and he already went to Krasnodar airport and flew to Moscow on a personal plane.”

There is no one left from the first team of the President of Adygea. Sovmen fired his closest adviser, his cousin Shamsudin Tuguz, at the end of 2003 - they say he didn’t like how the adviser spent government money. In total, since 2002, Adygea has had seven prime ministers, six ministers of agriculture, and five ministers of press. The last one and O. Prime Minister Yevgeny Kovalev was fired quite recently. According to a source in the office of the presidential envoy in the Southern Federal District, with the wording “for communication with the Southern Federal District.” Allegedly, at the beginning of September, Kovalev, at one of the protocol events, spoke too warmly with Alexander Pochinok, deputy plenipotentiary representative of the president in the Southern Federal District.

“Sovmen led an enterprise where it was clear who obeyed whom and from whom to demand, but here he was faced with difficult political relations and lost enthusiasm,” says Almir Abregov, one of the leaders social movement"Circassian Congress". “It seems that Sovmen is no longer interested in the republic,” confirms a Maikop businessman who wished to remain anonymous. - I came to him a couple of times with some proposals, he listened and listened, and then said: “Do you know how we mined gold?” And let’s talk for half an hour.”

Voters now see their president less and less. The central square in front of the Government House of Adygea is overgrown with grass and resembles an abandoned football field. The leader of the Union of Slavs of Adygea, Nina Konovalova, calculated that over the past three years, Khazret Sovmen spent at most four months in the republic.

Only the president’s favorite brainchild, the Kh. M. Sovmen Charitable Foundation, is working successfully and at full capacity. Judging by the reports of the fund, thousands of people in the republic live at the expense of the personal funds of their leader. “Mashbash I. Sh. for the publication of the book - 60,000 rubles; Takhtamukai district for cleaning the river - 755,955 rubles; for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, cars, equipment, uniforms - 9,340,016 rubles; for the construction of schools and hospitals - 88,523,758 rubles” and so on. Over five years, the Sovmen Charitable Foundation spent 466.8 million rubles on the needs of the republic, which is a lot even for a wealthy gold miner. To this it is also worth adding over 200 million rubles, which Sovmen spent in 2001 on the construction of “Clinics of the 21st Century” in his native village: they are now making complex surgical operations patients from the republic and surrounding regions.

But direct infusions do not have a beneficial effect on economic system Adygea, which is remarkable so far only for the leapfrog numbers in the reports. The Republican Statistics Committee declares economic growth for 2005 at 6%, but according to the Federal Statistics Service - only 0.4%. According to official data, there are only 9,446 unemployed in Adygea, and the presidential representative office in the Southern Federal District says that in the Takhtamukaisky district alone there are one and a half times more unemployed, and 76% of the working-age population of the republic goes to work in the Krasnodar Territory. Here are relatively indisputable figures: in terms of “GRP per capita”, Adygea has been in 77th place among 89 regions of Russia for five years; 73% of the budget revenue is provided by subsidies from the federal center. A mess, in a word.

Some economic successes are explained either by the tricks of geography or the quirks of statistics. For example, on September 8, a solemn ceremony of laying the first stone of an IKEA store and shopping center"Mega". Investments in the project will amount to $200 million. A great success for the Adyghe economy? It depends on how you look. The Swedes found this place themselves. Geographically, the Takhtamukaysky district of Adygea is the outskirts of the city of Krasnodar, something like Khimki near Moscow.

Or here's an example. In 2005, the total revenue of Adyghe enterprises increased by 70% to $1.1 billion. Economic boom? Only on paper. The Small Business Support Program has just launched in the republic. Small businesses are provided with “subsidies” interest rate on loans received from banks,” but unofficially set conditions - the “white” part of salaries in companies should be increased to at least the subsistence level, and at least 50% of trade transactions should be carried out through accounting. Many traders agreed to the partial legalization of business, which provided a statistical surge. “Our wholesale and retail trade indicators vary greatly, because we must keep in mind: we are a small republic,” explains Marina Petina, head of the small business department of the RA Ministry of Economic Development. “For example, last year we sold 10 expensive cars, and this year we sold 30, and now trade turnover has increased by 20%.”

In the absence of a clear economic policy, the development of the region is proceeding according to the most extensive of possible ways, through the direct use of available natural resources. More than a third of the republic’s territory is occupied by specially protected areas, including a significant part of the Caucasus State Biosphere Reserve. 120,000 people a year come to admire the beauty of the Lagonaki mountain plateau, Rufabgo waterfalls and Azish caves.

Looking at this, entrepreneur Alexander Kolesnikov began buying abandoned tourist sites back in 1996. Now Kolesnikov has two mountain camp sites operated by all year round, summer shelters “Siberia” on the Lagonaki plateau and “Mezmay” in the Guam Gorge, base “By the Sea” in Tuapse. Up to 1,300 people vacation on Kolesnikov’s farm every year. Last year, this business brought in $500,000 in revenue, although it took every penny of that revenue. “I don’t make my profit here,” says the entrepreneur. The company Nerudstroykom, owned by Kolesnikov, supplies cement factories with rubble stone, crushed stone and gravel from Adygea, for a total of $3.2 million. The entrepreneur would like to increase the profitability of the tourism business through additional services. For example, colleagues from the village of Kamennomostsky organize rafting for tourists on the Belaya River; one multi-person raft brings in up to $300,000 per season. “But my visitors mostly prefer to have fun with barbecue and vodka,” Kolesnikov complains.

And nature has also endowed Adygea with forests of valuable hardwood species - beech, oak, hornbeam, and boxwood occupy 40% of the territory of the republic. “In every yard, there is always someone sitting and making parquet,” says Ruslan Brantov, the owner of the Maykop company “Marka,” with irritation. He is the largest parquet manufacturer here, 330,000 sq. m per year. Fourteen years ago, Brantov also started “in the yard”: “At first we dried the products in an army tent.” Now “Marka” has a plant in the center of Maykop, brand new equipment worth $17 million, and the company’s products under the Alpenholz and WoodPecker brands are sold in construction supermarkets throughout Russia. Recently, Brantov has been thinking about expanding his business - production could be moved to the outskirts, and residential buildings could be built on the vacant plot. But is it worth it? The price per square meter of housing in Maykop is a maximum of $400. In addition, Khazret Sovmen's presidency expires in February 2007. Will they leave this leader, will they install a new one, will everything go smoothly or will there be difficulties, and how will all this affect the business? Brantov is in thought.

But Ahmed Tatlok, a television worker turned farmer, is not worried about his doubts. Now he “taxis” in Maykop in his white Volga. This occupation brings in no more than 10,000 rubles a month, and son Adam will soon need to be assigned to good school. What to do? Of course, go to your native village for the farming season. Presidents come and go. Stability either exists or it doesn’t. And tomatoes are always in demand.

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